def auto_schedule_tasks(request):
    """schedules all the tasks of active projects
    logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(request)

    # get the studio
    studio = Studio.query.first()

    if not studio:
        return Response("There is no Studio instance\n"
                        "Please create a studio first", 500)

    project_id = request.params.get('project', -1)
    project = Project.query.filter(Project.id == project_id).first()
    logger.debug('project_id: %s' % project_id)

    tj_scheduler = TaskJugglerScheduler()
    studio.scheduler = tj_scheduler
    if project:
        studio.scheduler.projects = [project]

        stderr = studio.schedule(scheduled_by=logged_in_user)

        # update schedule timings to UTC
        studio.scheduling_started_at = \
        studio.last_scheduled_at = local_to_utc(studio.last_scheduled_at)

        # invalidate cache regions
        from stalker_pyramid.views.task import cached_query_tasks,\
            get_cached_user_tasks, get_cached_tasks_count

        c = StdErrToHTMLConverter(stderr)
        return Response(c.html(replace_links=True))
    except RuntimeError as e:
        c = StdErrToHTMLConverter(e)
        return Response(c.html(replace_links=True), 500)
def delete_budgetentry_action(budgetentry):

    logger.debug('delete_budgetentry_action %s' % budgetentry.name)
    budgetentry_name = budgetentry.name
    except Exception as e:
        c = StdErrToHTMLConverter(e)
    def test_list_input(self):
        """testing if the class is working with lists as the error message
        test_data = [
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1909: \x1b[35mWarning: The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1359.Task_1356.Task_1357 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1949: \x1b[35mWarning: The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1367.Task_1370.Task_1371 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1989: \x1b[35mWarning: The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1368.Task_1369.Task_1375 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:2029: \x1b[35mWarning: The total effort (2.0d or 18.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1381.Task_1391.Task_1394 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:2070: \x1b[35mWarning: The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1382.Task_1392.Task_1393 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1320: \x1b[35mWarning: Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following tasks stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_130.Task_605 despite having a lower priority:\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1735: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_581.Task_583\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1762: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_585.Task_587\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1797: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_589.Task_591\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1442: \x1b[35mWarning: Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following task stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_135.Task_552 despite having a lower priority:\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1398: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_133.Task_545\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1450: \x1b[35mWarning: Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following tasks stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_135.Task_553 despite having a lower priority:\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1743: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_581.Task_584\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1485: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_136.Task_558\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1770: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_585.Task_588\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1805: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_589.Task_598\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1485: \x1b[35mWarning: Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following task stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_136.Task_558 despite having a lower priority:\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1743: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_581.Task_584\x1b[0m\n'
        expected_result = \
            '<p>/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1909: <span class="alert alert-warning" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1359.Task_1356.Task_1357 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1949: <span class="alert alert-warning" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1367.Task_1370.Task_1371 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1989: <span class="alert alert-warning" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1368.Task_1369.Task_1375 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:2029: <span class="alert alert-warning" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> The total effort (2.0d or 18.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1381.Task_1391.Task_1394 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:2070: <span class="alert alert-warning" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1382.Task_1392.Task_1393 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1320: <span class="alert alert-warning" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following tasks stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_130.Task_605 despite having a lower priority:</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1735: <span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_581.Task_583</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1762: <span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_585.Task_587</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1797: <span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_589.Task_591</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1442: <span class="alert alert-warning" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following task stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_135.Task_552 despite having a lower priority:</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1398: <span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_133.Task_545</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1450: <span class="alert alert-warning" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following tasks stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_135.Task_553 despite having a lower priority:</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1743: <span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_581.Task_584</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1485: <span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_136.Task_558</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1770: <span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_585.Task_588</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1805: <span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_589.Task_598</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1485: <span class="alert alert-warning" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following task stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_136.Task_558 despite having a lower priority:</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1743: <span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_581.Task_584</span></p>'

        c = StdErrToHTMLConverter(test_data)
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, c.html())
def delete_good(request):
    """deletes the good with data from request

    logger.debug('***delete good method starts ***')

    good_id = request.params.get('id')
    good = Good.query.filter_by(id=good_id).first()

    if not good:
        return Response('There is no good with id: %s' % good_id, 500)

    good_name = good.name
    except Exception as e:
        c = StdErrToHTMLConverter(e)
        return Response(c.html(), 500)

    return Response('Successfully deleted good with name %s' % good_name)
    def test_replace_links(self):
        """testing if the class is working with lists as the error message

        test_data = [
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1909: \x1b[35mWarning: The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1359.Task_1356.Task_1357 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1949: \x1b[35mWarning: The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1367.Task_1370.Task_1371 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1989: \x1b[35mWarning: The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1368.Task_1369.Task_1375 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:2029: \x1b[35mWarning: The total effort (2.0d or 18.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1381.Task_1391.Task_1394 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:2070: \x1b[35mWarning: The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for task Task_108.Task_1350.Task_1351.Task_1353.Asset_1382.Task_1392.Task_1393 exceeds the specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1320: \x1b[35mWarning: Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following tasks stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_130.Task_605 despite having a lower priority:\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1735: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_581.Task_583\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1762: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_585.Task_587\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1797: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_589.Task_591\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1442: \x1b[35mWarning: Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following task stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_135.Task_552 despite having a lower priority:\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1398: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_133.Task_545\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1450: \x1b[35mWarning: Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following tasks stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_135.Task_553 despite having a lower priority:\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1743: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_581.Task_584\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1485: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_136.Task_558\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1770: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_585.Task_588\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1805: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_589.Task_598\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1485: \x1b[35mWarning: Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a lower priority tasks the following task stole resources from Task_108.Task_109.Asset_136.Task_558 despite having a lower priority:\x1b[0m\n',
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1743: \x1b[34mInfo: Task Task_108.Task_109.Asset_581.Task_584\x1b[0m\n'
        expected_result = \
            '<p>/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1909: <span class="alert alert-warning" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> ' \
            'The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for ' \
            'task <a href="/tasks/1357/view">Task_1357</a> exceeds the ' \
            'specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1949: <span class="alert alert-warning" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> ' \
            'The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for ' \
            'task <a href="/tasks/1371/view">Task_1371</a> exceeds the ' \
            'specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1989: <span class="alert alert-warning" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> ' \
            'The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for ' \
            'task <a href="/tasks/1375/view">Task_1375</a> exceeds the ' \
            'specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:2029: <span class="alert alert-warning" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> ' \
            'The total effort (2.0d or 18.0h) of the provided bookings for ' \
            'task <a href="/tasks/1394/view">Task_1394</a> exceeds the ' \
            'specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:2070: <span class="alert alert-warning" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> ' \
            'The total effort (1.0d or 9.0h) of the provided bookings for ' \
            'task <a href="/tasks/1393/view">Task_1393</a> exceeds the ' \
            'specified effort of 0.1111111111111111d or 1.0h.</span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1320: <span class="alert alert-warning" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> ' \
            'Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency ' \
            'on a lower priority tasks the following tasks stole resources ' \
            'from <a href="/tasks/605/view">Task_605</a> despite having a ' \
            'lower priority:</span><br>/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1735: ' \
            '<span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: ' \
            'break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task ' \
            '<a href="/tasks/583/view">Task_583</a></span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1762: <span class="alert alert-info" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task ' \
            '<a href="/tasks/587/view">Task_587</a></span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1797: <span class="alert alert-info" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task ' \
            '<a href="/tasks/591/view">Task_591</a></span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1442: <span class="alert alert-warning" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> Due ' \
            'to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency on a ' \
            'lower priority tasks the following task stole resources from ' \
            '<a href="/tasks/552/view">Task_552</a> despite having a lower ' \
            'priority:</span><br>/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1398: ' \
            '<span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: ' \
            'break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task ' \
            '<a href="/tasks/545/view">Task_545</a></span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1450: <span class="alert alert-warning" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> ' \
            'Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency ' \
            'on a lower priority tasks the following tasks stole resources ' \
            'from <a href="/tasks/553/view">Task_553</a> despite having a ' \
            'lower priority:</span><br>/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1743: ' \
            '<span class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: ' \
            'break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task ' \
            '<a href="/tasks/584/view">Task_584</a></span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1485: <span class="alert alert-info" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task ' \
            '<a href="/tasks/558/view">Task_558</a></span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1770: <span class="alert alert-info" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task ' \
            '<a href="/tasks/588/view">Task_588</a></span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1805: <span class="alert alert-info" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Info:</strong> Task ' \
            '<a href="/tasks/598/view">Task_598</a></span><br>' \
            '/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1485: <span class="alert alert-warning" ' \
            'style="overflow-wrap: break-word"><strong>Warning:</strong> ' \
            'Due to a mix of ALAP and ASAP scheduled tasks or a dependency ' \
            'on a lower priority tasks the following task stole resources ' \
            'from <a href="/tasks/558/view">Task_558</a> despite having a ' \
            'lower priority:</span><br>/tmp/Stalker_3coLKi.tjp:1743: <span ' \
            'class="alert alert-info" style="overflow-wrap: break-word">' \
            '<strong>Info:</strong> Task ' \
            '<a href="/tasks/584/view">Task_584</a>' \
        c = StdErrToHTMLConverter(test_data)

        self.maxDiff = None
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, c.html(replace_links=True))