def kill_all(self): self.logger = Syslogger("FWBUILDER-AHTAPOT", '%(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', "/dev/log", self.current_user) self.filelogger = Filelogger( "FWBUILDER-AHTAPOT", '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', "/var/log/ahtapot/gdys-gui.log", "a", self.current_user) start_fw.kill_fw() try: start_fw.kill_gui_user(self.current_user) except Exception as e: self.filelogger.send_log( "error", "Error While Killing Previous GUI {}".format(str(e))) abs_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) path_list = abs_path.split("/") del path_list[-1] path_name = "/".join(path_list) full_path = path_name + "/" with open(full_path + "current_user.dmr", "w") as current_user: current_user.write(self.current_user) self.filelogger.send_log( "warning", " previous gui was killed by " + self.current_user + " : gui ") self.btn_kill_fw.setEnabled(False) sleep(2) self.load_new_rules() sleep(3) self.auto_refresh() self.lbl_error_start.setText(u"<b>SONLANDIRILDI</b>")
def pull_repo(self): fw_path = CP.get_configs()["fw_path"] fwb_file_name = CP.get_configs()["fwb_file_name"] cmd_git_pull = "cd " + fw_path + "&& git pull" cmd_git_checkout = "cd " + fw_path + "&& git checkout " + fwb_file_name[cmd_git_checkout], shell=True)[cmd_git_pull], shell=True) start_fw.kill_fw() fw_path = CP.get_configs()["fw_path"] start_fw.start_fwbuilder()
def pull_repo(self): fw_path = CP.get_configs()["fw_path"] master_branch = CP.get_configs()["gitlab_master_branch"] confirm_branch = CP.get_configs()["gitlab_confirm_branch"] fwb_file_name = CP.get_configs()["fwb_file_name"] cmd_git_undo = "cd " + fw_path + "&& git checkout -- ." cmd_git_branch = "cd " + fw_path + "&& git checkout " + master_branch cmd_git_pull = "cd " + fw_path + "&& git pull --rebase origin " + master_branch[cmd_git_undo], shell=True)[cmd_git_branch], shell=True)[cmd_git_pull], shell=True) start_fw.kill_fw() fw_path = CP.get_configs()["fw_path"] cmd_git_branch = "cd " + fw_path + "&& git checkout " + confirm_branch cmd_git_check_file = "cd " + fw_path + " && git checkout " + master_branch + " -- " + fwb_file_name[cmd_git_branch], shell=True)[cmd_git_check_file], shell=True) start_fw.start_fwbuilder(self.git)
def main(): """ Tests Firewall Builder Scripts on Test Machine. If there is no error, commits scripts to Gitlab and creates merge request. """ #config for copying files fw_path = CP.get_configs()['fw_path'] fw_copy_path = CP.get_configs()['fw_copy_path'] copy_fws = fw_copy_path + "*.fw" rm_fws = fw_copy_path + "cp_*" poc_ip = CP.get_configs()['poc_ip'] poc_user = CP.get_configs()['poc_user'] poc_copy_location = CP.get_configs()['poc_copy_location'] fwb_file = CP.get_configs()['fwb_file_name'] std_out_err = CP.get_configs()['std_out_err'] gitlab_user = CP.get_configs()['gitlab_user'] gitlab_pass = CP.get_configs()['gitlab_pass'] gitlab_url = CP.get_configs()['gitlab_url'] gitlab_confirm_branch = CP.get_configs()['gitlab_confirm_branch'] gitlab_master_branch = CP.get_configs()['gitlab_master_branch'] gitlab_project_id = int(CP.get_configs()['gitlab_project_id']) scp_cmd = check_port( "scp " + rm_fws + " " + poc_user + "@" + poc_ip + ":" + poc_copy_location, "scp") rm_cmd = "rm -f " + rm_fws #ssh_rm_cmd = "ssh " + poc_user + "@" + poc_ip + " " + "\"rm -f "+poc_copy_location + "*.fw\"" files = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, file_names) in walk(fw_path): files.extend(file_names) #get filenames break file_list = [] #black and white list files for x in files: f_name, f_extension = os.path.splitext(x) if f_extension == ".fw": add_kerneltz(fw_path, x) path_write = fw_copy_path + "cp_" + x f_write = open(path_write, "w") with open(fw_path + x, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() i = 1 check_file = False #edit script for preventing "IP"(firewall IPs) errors and restore iptables on test machine for line in lines: if i == 2: f_write.write("sudo iptables-save > " + poc_copy_location + "iptables.dmr\n") if"configure_interfaces", line) and not"{", line): continue if"verify_interfaces", line) and not"{", line): continue if"prolog_commands", line) and not"{", line): continue if"epilog_commands", line) and not"{", line): continue if"esac", line): f_write.write(line) f_write.write("\nsudo iptables-restore < " + poc_copy_location + "iptables.dmr\n") f_write.write("rm -f " + poc_copy_location + "iptables.dmr") continue #check for necessary files on script if if"check_file", line) and"{", line): check_file = True if check_file == True and"exit", line): f_write.write("\techo \"Can not find file $2\" 1>&2;\n") f_write.write(line) check_file = False continue if"check_file", line) and not"{", line): file_path = line.split(" \"")[2].split("\"")[0] file_list.append(file_path) # add to file list f_write.write(line) i += 1 f_write.close() if len(file_list) != 0: for f in file_list: # loop for every black/white list files dir_name = os.path.dirname(f) try: #preparing commands to be runned on test machine by checking if directory exists, if not create it. scp_cmd_file = check_port( "scp " + f + " " + poc_user + "@" + poc_ip + ":" + dir_name, "scp") ssh_cmd_file = check_port( "ssh " + poc_user + "@" + poc_ip + " \"sudo /bin/bash -c 'if [ -d " + dir_name + " ]; then echo 'hey'; fi'\"", "ssh") out = subprocess.check_output([ssh_cmd_file], shell=True) if out:[scp_cmd_file], shell=True) else: ssh_cmd = check_port( "ssh " + poc_user + "@" + poc_ip + " \"sudo /bin/bash -c 'mkdir -p " + dir_name + "'\"", "ssh")[ssh_cmd], shell=True)[scp_cmd_file], shell=True) # copy black/white list files except Exception as exc_err: print "Gerekli Objeler Kopyalanirken hata olustu." filelogger.send_log( "error", " address tables or objects couldn't be sent to test machine\n" + str(exc_err)) print sys.exc_info() sleep(5) exit() #start_fw.kill_fw() try: #copy edited scripts to test machine to be runned[scp_cmd], shell=True) #remove copied scripts[rm_cmd], shell=True) #1 filelogger.send_log( "info", " changed firewall scripts were sent to test machine") except Exception as exc_err: print ".fw scriptleri kopyalanirken hata olustu." filelogger.send_log( "error", " changed firewall scripts couldn't be sent to test machine\n" + str(exc_err)) sleep(5) exit() #start_fw.kill_fw() files = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, file_names) in walk(fw_path): files.extend(file_names) #get filenames break #command for deleting copied scripts on test machine for any conflict ssh_rm_script_cmd = check_port( "ssh " + poc_user + "@" + poc_ip + " \"rm -f " + poc_copy_location + "*\"", "ssh") #command for taking permission to run scripts ssh_chmod_cmd = check_port( "ssh " + poc_user + "@" + poc_ip + " \"chmod +x " + poc_copy_location + "*\"", "ssh") any_error = False error_out = "" error_script = "" #run every script on test machine and take errors and outputs for x in files: f_name, f_extension = os.path.splitext(x) if f_extension == ".fw": ssh_run_script_cmd = check_port( "ssh " + poc_user + "@" + poc_ip + " \"sudo /bin/bash -c " + poc_copy_location + "cp_" + x + "\"", "ssh")[ssh_chmod_cmd], shell=True) with open(std_out_err + "stdout", "w") as fo: #<<< with open(std_out_err + "stderr", "w") as fe: #<<< p = subprocess.Popen(ssh_run_script_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=fo, stderr=fe, shell=True) sleep(3) with open(std_out_err + "stderr", 'r') as f: #<<< error = f.readlines() if error: any_error = True error_script = x break break if any_error: print error print "Hata bulundu : ", error_script[ssh_rm_script_cmd], shell=True) #2 filelogger.send_log( "error", " error found on " + str(error_script) + " : " + str(error)) sleep(5) exit() #start_fw.kill_fw() else: filelogger.send_log("info", " scripts runned without error on test machine") git = GC.gitlab_connect(gitlab_url, gitlab_user, gitlab_pass) if GC.check_mergerequest(git, gitlab_project_id) == False: print u"Onay bekleyen bir yapilandirma mevcut\nLutfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz..." filelogger.send_log("error", " found a merge request while installing") sleep(5) exit() #start_fw.kill_fw() else: #check if git runs correctly if ahtapot_utils.check_git_status(fw_path) == False: print "Git ile ilgili bir hata mevcut, 'git status' komutuyla kontrol ediniz." filelogger.send_log( "error", " there is an error about git path please check with git status" ) sleep(5) exit() #start_fw.kill_fw() if ahtapot_utils.check_git_status(fw_path) != True: #create commits for every modified file and push date = datetime.strftime(, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S') ahtapot_utils.commit_files( fw_path, ahtapot_utils.get_changed_files(fw_path), date, gitlab_confirm_branch) filelogger.send_log("info", " committed and pushed changes to repo") #Merge Request Comment and Createation merge_name = str(date) + " <-> " + unicode(user) GC.create_mergerequest(git, gitlab_project_id, gitlab_confirm_branch, gitlab_master_branch, str(merge_name)) #rm scripts on test machine[ssh_rm_script_cmd], shell=True) #2 filelogger.send_log("info", " created merge request") #create file for noticeing about merge request state merge_file = open(full_path + "onay.dmr", "a") merge_file.write("1\n") merge_file.close() print u"Hatasiz Tamamlandi." print u"Firewall Builder 15 saniye sonra kapanacaktir..." sleep(15) filelogger.send_log("info", " killed Firewall Builder after install") start_fw.kill_fw() else: print u"Herhangi Bir Degisiklik Mevcut Degil." print u"Firewall Builder 15 saniye sonra kapanacaktir..." sleep(15) filelogger.send_log("warning", " No Change and killed Firewall Builder") start_fw.kill_fw()
if f_extension == ".fw": add_kerneltz(fw_path, x) #check if git runs correctly if ahtapot_utils.check_git_status(fw_path)==False: print "Git ile ilgili bir hata mevcut, 'git status' komutuyla kontrol ediniz." filelogger.send_log("error"," there is an error about git path please check with git status") sleep(5) exit() #start_fw.kill_fw() if ahtapot_utils.check_git_status(fw_path) != True: #create commits for every modified file and push date = datetime.strftime(,'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S') ahtapot_utils.commit_files(fw_path,ahtapot_utils.get_changed_files(fw_path),date,git_master_branch) filelogger.send_log("info"," committed and pushed changes to repo") print u"Hatasiz Tamamlandi." print u"Firewall Builder 15 saniye sonra kapanacaktir..." sleep(15) filelogger.send_log("info"," killed Firewall Builder after install") start_fw.kill_fw() else: print u"Herhangi Bir Degisiklik Mevcut Degil." print u"Firewall Builder 15 saniye sonra kapanacaktir..." sleep(15) filelogger.send_log("warning"," No Change and killed Firewall Builder") start_fw.kill_fw() if __name__=="__main__": main()