def log_get(recipe_id=[], timezone='America/Los_Angeles', days=1):
    """Returns last actionable job run for a specific recipe or all recipes.

  Pulls status entries from StackDriver in reverse order.  A single recipe may
  be run multiple times for multiple tasks at different hours, do not
  assume a JOB_END means a recipe is complete.  Only way to ensure a recipe is
  is to compare all tasks run against all tasks in recipe ( not done by log

  Args: - recipe_id ( string or list ) - Optional, if provided returns a single
  record for a single job. - timezone ( string ) - The local timezone to cast
  all record times into.

    - ( iterator ) - Each log entry.


    body = {
        'resourceNames': [
            'projects/%s' % UI_PROJECT,
       logName="projects/%s/logs/StarThinker" \
       AND labels.version="%s" \
       AND labels.layer="JOB" \
        'timestamp desc',

    if recipe_id:
        if isinstance(recipe_id, str):
            recipe_id = [recipe_id]
        body['filter'] += ' AND ( %s )' % ' OR '.join('operation.id="%s"' % r
                                                      for r in recipe_id)

    for entry in API_StackDriver(
            Configuration(service=UI_SERVICE, project=UI_PROJECT),
        yield entry
def log_put(event, severity, job=None, text=None):
    """Generic log writer used by helper functions. Writes to StackDriver.

  Creates a record that can be read using log_get function. Entire recipe is
  logged, worker data and stdout and stderr are added to the JOSN under worker key. 
  Only JOB_EXCEPTION and MANAGER_EXCEPTION logs to text in case JSON is corrupt, 
  everythng else is JSON.

  Do not call this directly, use helper functions instead:
    - log_manager_start
    - log_manager_error
    - log_manager_end
    - log_job_dispatch
    - log_job_receive
    - log_job_start
    - log_job_end
    - log_job_error
    - log_job_timeout

  WARNING: Do not corrupt recipe in log code, it is actively being used by workers while being logged.

    - event ( string ): One of the JOB_* enums.
    - job ( json ): Recipe workflow to execute.
    - severity ( enum ): Stackdriver severity level.
    - text ( string ): Mesaging output form the task. Usual stdout and stderr.

    if VERBOSE: print "LOGGING:", event, severity, text or ''

    body = {
        "entries": [{
            "logName": "projects/%s/logs/StarThinker" % UI_PROJECT,
            "severity": severity,
            "resource": {
                "type": "project",
                "labels": {
                    "key": UI_PROJECT
            "labels": {
                "version": LOG_VERSION,
                "layer": event.split('_')[0],
                "event": event,
                "instance": get_instance_name(),
            #"operation": {
            #  "id": string
            #  "producer": string
            #  "first": False,
            #  "last": False,
            # already in recipe worker logging task and instance, does this have additional value?
            #"sourceLocation": {
            #  "file": string,
            #  "line": string,
            #  "function": string

    if text is not None:
        body['entries'][0]["textPayload"] = text
        # Removing tasks from job REMOVES ALL POTENTIAL CREDENTIALS IN CODE
        job_buffer = json.loads(
            json.dumps(job, indent=2, sort_keys=True, default=str))
        if 'tasks' in job_buffer['recipe']: del job_buffer['recipe']['tasks']
        if 'auth' in job_buffer['recipe']['setup']:
            del job_buffer['recipe']['setup']['auth']
        body['entries'][0]["jsonPayload"] = job_buffer

    project.initialize(_service=UI_SERVICE, _project=UI_PROJECT)
def log_put(event, severity, job=None, text=None, payload=None):
    """Generic log writer used by helper functions.

  Writes to StackDriver.

  Creates a record that can be read using log_get function. Entire recipe is
  logged, worker data and stdout and stderr are added to the JOSN under worker
  Only JOB_EXCEPTION and MANAGER_EXCEPTION logs to text in case JSON is corrupt,
  everythng else is JSON.

  Do not call this directly, use helper functions instead:
    - log_manager_start
    - log_manager_timeout
    - log_manager_error
    - log_manager_end
    - log_job_dispatch
    - log_job_receive
    - log_job_start
    - log_job_end
    - log_job_error
    - log_job_timeout

  WARNING: Do not corrupt recipe in log code, it is actively being used by
  workers while being logged.

    - event ( string ): One of the JOB_* enums.
    - severity ( enum ): Stackdriver severity level.
    - job ( json ): Recipe workflow to execute.
    - text ( string ): Messaging output form the task. Usual stdout and stderr.
    - payload ( json ): Output from the scaler or any generic json payload.

    if VERBOSE:
        print('LOGGING:', event, severity, text or '')

    body = {
        'entries': [{
            'logName': 'projects/%s/logs/StarThinker' % UI_PROJECT,
            'severity': severity,
            'resource': {
                'type': 'project',
                'labels': {
                    'key': UI_PROJECT
            'labels': {
                'version': LOG_VERSION,
                'layer': event.split('_')[0],
                'event': event,
                'instance': get_instance_name(),
            #"operation": {
            #  "id": string
            #  "producer": string
            #  "first": False,
            #  "last": False,
            # already in recipe worker logging task and instance, does this have additional value?
            #"sourceLocation": {
            #  "file": string,
            #  "line": string,
            #  "function": string

    if text is not None:
        body['entries'][0]['textPayload'] = text
    elif payload is not None:
        body['entries'][0]['jsonPayload'] = payload
        # Removing tasks from job REMOVES ALL POTENTIAL CREDENTIALS IN CODE
        job_buffer = json.loads(
            json.dumps(job, indent=2, sort_keys=True, default=str))
        if 'tasks' in job_buffer['recipe']:
            del job_buffer['recipe']['tasks']
        if 'auth' in job_buffer['recipe']['setup']:
            del job_buffer['recipe']['setup']['auth']
        body['entries'][0]['jsonPayload'] = job_buffer

        API_StackDriver(Configuration(service=UI_SERVICE, project=UI_PROJECT),
        print('LOG EVENT ERROR')