def main():
    size = [800, 600]
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
    pygame.display.set_caption("Arcade City")

    start = startScreen()

    #variable used to make buttons functional only on the start screen
    start_screen = True
    #variable used to make buttons functional only on the instructions screen
    instructions_screen = True
    #variable used to make buttons functional only on the game screen
    var2 = True
    #variables used to make buttons functional on rock paper scissors and loop
    var3 = True
    #variable used to make the higher lower button functional on the game screen
    var4 = True
    #variable used to make higher and lower buttons loop
    var5 = True
    #variable used to make buttons functional only on higher and lower
    higher_lower = False
    #variable used to make buttons functional when rock paper scissors is running
    isRPS = False

    done = False

    while not done:

        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                done = True

            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

                #Creates a button on the start screen that calls the instructions screen when clicked
                if 500 > mouse[0] > 350 and 450 > mouse[
                        1] > 400 and start_screen:
                    start_screen = False

                #Creates a button on the instructions screen that calls the game screen when clicked
                elif 475 > mouse[0] > 325 and 550 > mouse[
                        1] > 500 and instructions_screen and not start_screen:
                    instructions_screen = False

                #Creates a clickable area underneath the image of a building that calls the rock paper scissors screen when clicked
                elif 210 > mouse[0] > 100 and 455 > mouse[
                        1] > 205 and not instructions_screen and var2 and not isRPS:
                    var2 = False
                    var3 = True
                    isRPS = True

                #Creates a button that returns you to the game screen when clicked
                elif 480 > mouse[0] > 330 and 575 > mouse[
                        1] > 525 and not var2 and isRPS and var3:
                    var2 = True
                    var3 = False
                    isRPS = False

                #Creates a button that takes you to the outcomes if the player chose rock
                elif 280 > mouse[0] > 130 and 500 > mouse[
                        1] > 450 and not var2 and isRPS and var3:
                    var3 = False

                #Creates a button that takes you to the rock paper scissors screen from the outcome screen of rock
                elif 493 > mouse[0] > 343 and 461 > mouse[
                        1] > 411 and not var2 and isRPS:
                    var3 = True

                #Creates a button that takes you to the outcomes if the player chose paper
                elif 480 > mouse[0] > 330 and 500 > mouse[
                        1] > 450 and not var2 and isRPS and var3:
                    var3 = False

                #Creates a button that takes you to the rock paper scissors screen from the outcome screen of paper
                elif 493 > mouse[0] > 343 and 461 > mouse[
                        1] > 411 and not var2 and isRPS:
                    var3 = True

                #Creates a button that takes you to the outcomes if the player chose scissors
                elif 680 > mouse[0] > 530 and 500 > mouse[
                        1] > 450 and not var2 and var3 and isRPS:
                    var3 = False

                #Creates a button that takes you to the rock paper scissors screen from the outcome screen of scissors
                elif 493 > mouse[0] > 343 and 461 > mouse[
                        1] > 411 and not var2 and isRPS:
                    var3 = True

                #Creates a clickable area underneath the image of a building that calls the higher or lower screen
                elif 360 > mouse[0] > 250 and 455 > mouse[
                        1] > 205 and not instructions_screen and var2 and var4 and not isRPS:
                    ticketFile = open("tickets.txt", "r")
                    tickets = ticketFile.read()
                    if int(tickets) >= 300:
                        var2 = False
                        var4 = False
                        var5 = True
                        higher_lower = True
                        currentNum = random.randrange(30)

                #Creates a button on the higher or lower screen that takes you back to the gamescreen when clicked
                elif 480 > mouse[0] > 330 and 575 > mouse[
                        1] > 525 and not instructions_screen and not var2 and not var4 and var5 and not isRPS and higher_lower:
                    var2 = True
                    var4 = True
                    var5 = False
                    higher_lower = False

                #Creates a button on the higher or lower screen that takes you to the outcome screen of higher when clicked
                elif 300 > mouse[0] > 150 and 500 > mouse[
                        1] > 450 and not instructions_screen and not var2 and not var4 and var5 and not isRPS and higher_lower:
                    var5 = False

                #Creates a button on the higher outcome screen that takes you back to the higher or lower screen when clicked
                elif 480 > mouse[0] > 330 and 525 > mouse[
                        1] > 475 and not instructions_screen and not var2 and not var4 and not var5 and not isRPS and higher_lower:
                    var5 = True
                    currentNum = random.randrange(30)

                #Creates a button on the higher or lower screen that takes you to the outcome screen of lower when clicked
                elif 665 > mouse[0] > 515 and 500 > mouse[
                        1] > 450 and not instructions_screen and not var2 and not var4 and var5 and not isRPS and higher_lower:
                    var5 = False

                #Creates a button on the lower outcome screen that takes you back to the higher or lower screen when clicked
                elif 480 > mouse[0] > 330 and 525 > mouse[
                        1] > 475 and not instructions_screen and not var2 and not var4 and not var5 and not isRPS and higher_lower:
                    var5 = True
                    currentNum = random.randrange(30)
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy as sc
import scipy.optimize as sco
import argparse
from startscreen import startScreen
from pulsarsObjects import Pulsar, load_pulsar_data
from loadData import loader
from folding import timeFolding
from plotTools import waterfall
from flagging import flagData
from dispersionMeasure import dedispersion
from barcen import barcen_times
from observation import Observation


parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pulsar folding!')
    help='The location of the *.fits file.')
    'The number of phase bins to fold with. Higher means higher time resolution, but noisier waterfalls.'
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))

clock = pygame.time.Clock()

running = True

selectStage = Stage()

while running:

    if _MAIN_SCREEN:
        startConse = startscreen.startScreen()
        if startConse == "Quit":  # 시작화면에서 Quit 누른 경우 프로그램 종료
            running = False
        elif startConse == "Game Start":  # 시작화면에서 Game Start 누른 경우 시작화면 끄고 스테이지 선택 화면
            _MAIN_SCREEN = False
            selectStages._UNLOCKED_STAGE_SELECT = False
            _STAGE_SELECT = True
    elif _STAGE_SELECT:
        stageConse = selectStage.selectStage()
        if stageConse == "Quit":  # 스테이지 선택화면에서 Quit 누른 경우 프로그램 종료
            running = False
        elif stageConse == "Back to Start":  # 스테이지 선택화면에서 Back 누른 경우 스테이지 선택화면 끄고 시작 화면
            _MAIN_SCREEN = True
            _STAGE_SELECT = False
        elif stageConse == "StartGame":
            _STAGE_SELECT = False