#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. If no value is supplied on
#  the command line, the  user is prompted for a value when the parameter
#  value is first accessed within this script. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input time series NDFs",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("OUT", "The output map", default=None,
                                  exists=False, minsize=0, maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.Par0I("NITER", "No. of iterations to perform",
                                0, noprompt=True))

   params.append(starutil.Par0F("PIXSIZE", "Pixel size (arcsec)", None,
                                 maxval=1000, minval=0.01))

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("CONFIG", "Map-maker tuning parameters",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ITERMAP", "Output cube holding itermaps",
   tiledir = os.getenv( 'JSA_TILE_DIR' )
   if tiledir:
      msg_out( "Tiles will be read from {0}".format(tiledir) )
      msg_out( "Environment variable JSA_TILE_DIR is not set!" )
      msg_out( "Tiles will be read from the current directory ({0})".format(os.getcwd()) )

#  Create an empty list to hold the NDFs for the tiles holding the
#  required data.
   tilendf = []
   itilelist = []

#  Identify the tiles that overlap the specified region, and loop round
#  them.
   invoke("$SMURF_DIR/tilelist region={0} instrument={1}".format(region,instrument) )
   for itile in starutil.get_task_par( "tiles", "tilelist" ):

#  Get information about the tile, including the 2D spatial pixel index
#  bounds of its overlap with the required Region.
      invoke("$SMURF_DIR/tileinfo itile={0} instrument={1} "
             "target={2}".format(itile,instrument,region) )

#  Skip this tile if it does not exist (i.e. is empty).
      if starutil.get_task_par( "exists", "tileinfo" ):

#  Get the 2D spatial pixel index bounds of the part of the master tile that
#  overlaps the required region.
         tlbnd = starutil.get_task_par( "tlbnd", "tileinfo" )
         tubnd = starutil.get_task_par( "tubnd", "tileinfo" )

#  Get the path to the tile's master NDF.
#  Process each NDF holding cleaned data created by sc2concat.
   for path in glob.glob("s*_con_res_cln.sdf"):
      base = path[:-16]

#  Get a copy of the cleaned data but with PAD samples trimmed from start
#  and end.
      tmp1 = NDG(1)
      tmp2 = NDG(1)
      invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/nomagic {0} {1} 0".format(path,tmp1) )
      invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/qualtobad {0} {1} PAD".format(tmp1,tmp2))
      invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy {0} {1} trimbad=yes".format(tmp2,tmp1))

#  Note the bounds of the used (i.e. non-PAD) time slices.
      invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(tmp1))
      tlo = starutil.get_task_par( "lbound(3)", "ndftrace" )
      thi = starutil.get_task_par( "ubound(3)", "ndftrace" )
      ntslice = thi - tlo + 1

#  Note the mumber of bolometer (should always be 1280).
      nx = starutil.get_task_par( "dims(1)", "ndftrace" )
      ny = starutil.get_task_par( "dims(2)", "ndftrace" )
      nbolo = nx*ny

#  Reshape the cleaned data from 3D to 2D.
      val = NDG(1)
      invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/reshape {0} out={1} shape=\[{2},{3}\]".format(tmp1,val,nbolo,ntslice))

#  Extract the quality array into a separate NDF.
      fla = NDG(1)
      invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy {0} comp=qual out={1}".format(val,fla))
def remove_corr(ins, masks):

   Masks the supplied set of Q or U images and then looks for and removes
   correlated components in the background regions.

      result = remove_corr( ins, masks )

      ins = NDG
         An NDG object specifying a group of Q or U images from which
         correlated background components are to be removed.
      masks = NDG
         An NDG object specifying a corresponding group of Q or U images
         in which source pixels are bad. These are only used to mask the
         images specified by "in". It should have the same size as "in".

   Returned Value:
      A new NDG object containing the group of corrected Q or U images.


    #  How many NDFs are we processing?
    nndf = len(ins)

    #  Blank out sources by copy the bad pixels from "mask" into "in". We refer
    #  to "q" below, but the same applies whether processing Q or U.
    msg_out("   masking...")
    qm = NDG(ins)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(ins, masks, qm))

    #  Find the most correlated pair of imagtes. We use the basic correlation
    #  coefficient calculated by kappa:scatter for this.
    msg_out("   Finding most correlated pair of images...")
    cmax = 0
    for i in range(0, nndf - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, nndf):
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/scatter in1={0} in2={1} device=!".format(
                qm[i], qm[j]))
            c = starutil.get_task_par("corr", "scatter")
            if abs(c) > abs(cmax):
                cmax = c
                cati = i
                catj = j

    if abs(cmax) < 0.3:
        msg_out("   No correlated images found!")
        return ins

    msg_out("   Correlation for best pair of images = {0}".format(cmax))

    #  Find images that are reasonably correlated to the pair found above,
    #  and coadd them to form a model for the correlated background
    #  component. Note, the holes left by the masking are filled in by the
    #  coaddition using background data from other images.
    msg_out("   Forming model...")

    #  Form the average of the two most correlated images, first normalising
    #  them to a common scale so that they both have equal weight.
    norm = "{0}/norm".format(NDG.tempdir)
    if not normer(qm[cati], qm[catj], 0.3, norm):
        norm = qm[cati]

    mslist = NDG([qm[catj], norm])
    ave = "{0}/ave".format(NDG.tempdir)
        "$CCDPACK_DIR/makemos in={0} method=mean genvar=no usevar=no out={1}".
        format(mslist, ave))

    #  Loop round each image finding the correlation factor of the image and
    #  the above average image.
    temp = "{0}/temp".format(NDG.tempdir)
    nlist = []
    ii = 0
    for i in range(0, nndf):
        c = blanker(qm[i], ave, temp)

        #  If the correlation is high enough, normalize the image to the average
        #  image and then include the normalised image in the list of images to be
        #  coadded to form the final model.
        if abs(c) > 0.3:
            tndf = "{0}/t{1}".format(NDG.tempdir, ii)
            ii += 1
                "$KAPPA_DIR/normalize in1={1} in2={2} out={0} device=!".format(
                    tndf, temp, ave))

    if ii == 0:
        msg_out("   No secondary correlated images found!")
        return ins

        "   Including {0} secondary correlated images in the model.".format(

    #  Coadded the images created above to form the model of the correlated
    #  background component. Fill any remaining bad pixels with artificial data.
    model = "{0}/model".format(NDG.tempdir)
    included = NDG(nlist)
        "$CCDPACK_DIR/makemos in={0} method=mean usevar=no genvar=no out={1}".
        format(included, temp))
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/fillbad in={1} variance=no out={0} size=10 niter=10".
           format(model, temp))

    #  Now estimate how much of the model is present in each image and remove it.
    msg_out("   Removing model...")
    temp2 = "{0}/temp2".format(NDG.tempdir)
    qnew = NDG(ins)
    nbetter = 0
    for i in range(0, nndf):

        #  Try to normalise the model to the current image. This fails if the
        #  correlation between them is too low.
        if normer(model, qm[i], 0.3, temp):

            #  Remove the scaled model form the image.
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/sub in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".format(
                ins[i], temp, temp2))

            #  We now check that removing the correlated background component has in
            #  fact made the image flatter (poor fits etc can mean that images that
            #  are poorly correlated to the model have a large amount of model
            #  removed and so make the image less flat). FInd the standard deviation
            #  of the data in the original image and in the corrected image.
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} quiet".format(ins[i]))
            oldsig = get_task_par("sigma", "stats")

            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} quiet".format(temp2))
            newsig = get_task_par("sigma", "stats")

            #  If the correction has made the image flatter, copy it to the returned NDG.
            if newsig < oldsig:
                nbetter += 1
                invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={1} out={0}".format(
                    qnew[i], temp2))
                invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={0} out={1}".format(
                    ins[i], qnew[i]))

#  If the input image is poorly correlated to the model, return the input
#  image unchanged.
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={0} out={1}".format(ins[i], qnew[i]))

    msg_out("   {0} out of {1} images have been improved.".format(
        nbetter, nndf))

    #  Return the corrected images.
    return qnew
      elif cval == "DAS":
         instrument = "DAS"

#  If so, set the default for the INSTRUMENT parameter and prevent the
#  user being prompted for a value.
   if instrument != None:
      parsys["INSTRUMENT"].default = instrument
      parsys["INSTRUMENT"].noprompt = True

#  Get the chosen instrument.
   instrument = parsys["INSTRUMENT"].value
   instrument = starutil.shell_quote( instrument )

#  Get a list of the tiles that overlap the supplied NDF.
   invoke( "$SMURF_DIR/jsatilelist in={0} instrument={1} quiet".format(inndf,instrument) )
   tiles = starutil.get_task_par( "TILES", "jsatilelist" )

#  JSADICER requires the input array to be gridded on the JSA all-sky
#  pixel grid. This is normally an HPX projection, but if the supplied
#  NDF straddles a discontinuity in the HPX projection then we need to
#  use a different flavour of HPX (either an HPX projection centred on
#  RA=12h or am XPH (polar HEALPix) projection centred on the north or
#  south pole). The above call to jsatileinfo will have determined the
#  appropriate projection to use, so get it.
   proj = starutil.get_task_par( "PROJ", "jsatilelist" )

#  Create a file holding the FITS-WCS header for the first tile, using
#  the type of projection determined above.
   head = "{0}/header".format(NDG.tempdir)
   invoke( "$SMURF_DIR/jsatileinfo itile={0} instrument={1} header={2} "
           "proj={3} quiet".format(tiles[0],instrument,head,proj) )
#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
#  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
#  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
#  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "Template POL2 time series NDFs",
   params.append(starutil.Par0S("OUT", "Output simulated POL2 data"))
   params.append(starutil.Par0L("NEWART", "Create new artificial I, Q and U maps?" ))
   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ARTI", "Artificial I map", maxsize=1 ))
   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ARTQ", "Artificial Q map", maxsize=1 ))
   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ARTU", "Artificial U map", maxsize=1 ))
   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("INCOM", "Non-POL2 data files to define COM",
                                 None, noprompt=True ))
   params.append(starutil.Par0F("COMVAL", "Constant common mode value (pW)",
                                 0.0, noprompt=True ))
   params.append(starutil.Par0S("RESTART", "Restart using old files?", None,
   params.append(starutil.Par0L("RETAIN", "Retain temporary files?", False,
   params.append(starutil.Par0F("IPEAK", "Peak total instensity in "
                                "artificial I map (pW)", 0.08, True ))
def pca( indata, ncomp ):

   Identifies and returns the strongest PCA components in a 3D NDF.

      result = pca( indata, ncomp )

      indata = NDG
         An NDG object specifying a single 3D NDF. Each plane in the cube
         is a separate image, and the images are compared using PCA.
      ncomp = int
         The number of PCA components to include in the returned NDF.

   Returned Value:
      A new NDG object containing a single 3D NDF containing just the
      strongest "ncomp" PCA components found in the input NDF.


   msg_out( "   finding strongest {0} components using Principal Component Analysis...".format(ncomp) )

#  Get the shape of the input NDF.
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(indata) )
   nx = get_task_par( "dims(1)", "ndftrace" )
   ny = get_task_par( "dims(2)", "ndftrace" )
   nz = get_task_par( "dims(3)", "ndftrace" )

#  Fill any bad pixels.
   tmp = NDG(1)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/fillbad in={0} out={1} variance=no niter=10 size=10".format(indata,tmp) )

#  Read the planes from the supplied NDF. Note, numpy axis ordering is the
#  reverse of starlink axis ordering. We want a numpy array consisting of
#  "nz" elements, each being a vectorised form of a plane from the 3D NDF.
   ndfdata = numpy.reshape( Ndf( tmp[0] ).data, (nz,nx*ny) )

#  Normalize each plane to a mean of zero and standard deviation of 1.0
   means = []
   sigmas = []
   newdata = []
   for iplane in range(0,nz):
      plane = ndfdata[ iplane ]
      mn = plane.mean()
      sg = math.sqrt( plane.var() )
      means.append( mn )
      sigmas.append( sg )

      if sg > 0.0:
         newdata.append( (plane-mn)/sg )

   newdata= numpy.array( newdata )

#  Transpose as required by MDP.
   pcadata = numpy.transpose( newdata )

#  Find the required number of PCA components (these are the strongest
#  components).
   pca = mdp.nodes.PCANode( output_dim=ncomp )
   comp = pca.execute( pcadata )

#  Re-project the components back into the space of the input 3D NDF.
   ip = numpy.dot( comp, pca.get_recmatrix() )

#  Transpose the array so that each row is an image.
   ipt = numpy.transpose(ip)

#  Normalise them back to the original scales.
   jplane = 0
   newdata = []
   for iplane in range(0,nz):
      if sigmas[ iplane ] > 0.0:
         newplane = sigmas[ iplane ] * ipt[ jplane ] + means[ iplane ]
         jplane += 1
         newplane = ndfdata[ iplane ]
      newdata.append( newplane )
   newdata= numpy.array( newdata )

#  Dump the re-projected images out to a 3D NDF.
   result = NDG(1)
   indf = ndf.open( result[0], 'WRITE', 'NEW' )
   indf.new('_DOUBLE', 3, numpy.array([1,1,1]),numpy.array([nx,ny,nz]))
   ndfmap = indf.map( 'DATA', '_DOUBLE', 'WRITE' )
   ndfmap.numpytondf( newdata )

#  Uncomment to dump the components.
#   msg_out( "Dumping PCA comps to {0}-comps".format(result[0]) )
#   compt = numpy.transpose(comp)
#   indf = ndf.open( "{0}-comps".format(result[0]), 'WRITE', 'NEW' )
#   indf.new('_DOUBLE', 3, numpy.array([1,1,1]),numpy.array([nx,ny,ncomp]))
#   ndfmap = indf.map( 'DATA', '_DOUBLE', 'WRITE' )
#   ndfmap.numpytondf( compt )
#   indf.annul()

   return result
#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
#  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
#  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
#  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input POL2 time series NDFs",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("Q", "The output Q intensity map",
                                 default=None, exists=False, minsize=1,
                                 maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("U", "The output Q intensity map",
                                 default=None, exists=False, minsize=1,
                                 maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IREF", "The reference I map", default=None,
                                 noprompt=True, minsize=0, maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("CONFIG", "Map-maker tuning parameters",
                                "def", noprompt=True))
#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
#  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
#  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
#  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input POL2 data",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("OUT", "The output total intensity map",
                                 default=None, exists=False, minsize=1,
                                 maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("CONFIG", "Map-maker tuning parameters",
                                "def", noprompt=True))

   params.append(starutil.Par0F("PIXSIZE", "Pixel size (arcsec)", None,
                                 maxval=1000, minval=0.01, noprompt=True))

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("QUDIR", "Directory in which to save new "
                                "Q, U and I time series", None, noprompt=True))

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("MAPDIR", "Directory in which to save new "
def match( ref, imasked, fwhm1=4, fwhm2=100 ):

#  To avoid creating hundreds of temp NDFs, re-use the same ones for each
#  FWHM.
   lof = NDG(1)
   hif = NDG(1)
   iscaled = NDG(1)
   residuals = NDG(1)

#  Create a logarithmically spaced list of 5 FWHM values, in pixels,
#  between the supplied upper and lower FWHM limits. Try each smoothing FWHM
#  in turn, finding the one that gives the best match (i.e. lowest RMS
#  residuals) between high-pass filtered ref image and new I map. On each pass,
#  low frequencies are removed from the ref image using the current FWHM,
#  and the filtered ref image is compared to the new I map (allowing for
#  a degradation in FCF).
   minrms = 1.0E30
   result = (0.0,0.0)
   previous_fwhm = -1
   fwhm1_next = -1
   fwhm2_next = 0
   for fwhm in np.logspace( math.log10(fwhm1), math.log10(fwhm2), 5 ):

#  If required, record the current FWHM value as the upper limit for this
#  function on the next level of recursion.
      if fwhm2_next == -1:
         fwhm2_next = fwhm

#  If an error occurs estimating the RMS for a specific FWHM, ignore the
#  FWHM and pass on to the next.

#  High-pass filter the ref image by smoothing it with a Gaussian of the
#  current FWHM and then subtracting off the smoothed version.
         invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/gausmooth in={0} out={1} fwhm={2}".
                format( ref, lof, fwhm ))
         invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/sub in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".
                format( ref, lof, hif ))

#  We will now use kappa:normalize to do a least squares fit between the
#  pixel values in the filtered ref image and the corresponding pixel values
#  in the new I map. This gives us the FCF degradation factor for the I
#  map (the gradient of the fit), and scales the I map so that it has the same
#  normalisation as the ref map. The scaling information is in the high
#  data values (the source regions), and the fitting process will be
#  confused if we include lots of background noise regions, so we use the
#  masked I map instead of the full I map. We also tell kappa:normalise
#  to use inly pixels that have a ref value above 2 times the noise value
#  in ref map (to exclude any noise pixels that have been included in the
#  masked I map). So first find the maximum value in the filtered ref map
#  (the upper data limit for kappa:normalize).
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/stats ndf={0}".format(hif) )
         highlimit = float( get_task_par( "MAXIMUM", "stats" ) )

#  Get the noise level in the filtered ref map. This gives us the lower
#  data limit for kappa:normalize. The filtered noise ref has no low
#  frequencies ad so will be basically flat. So we can just the standard
#  deviation of the pixel values as the noise. But we do 3 iterations of
#  sigma clipping to exclude the bright source regions.
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/stats ndf={0} clip=\[3,3,3\]".format(hif) )
         noise = float( get_task_par( "SIGMA", "stats" ) )

#  Now use kappa:normalise to do the fit, using only ref values between
#  lowlimit and highlimit. The slope gives the FCF degradation factor,
#  and the offset indicates the difference in bowling between the filtered
#  ref map and the I map (we do not use the offset).
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/normalize in1={0} in2={1} out={2} device=! "
         degfac = float( get_task_par( "SLOPE", "normalize" ) )

#  Now we have a version of the I map that is scaled so that it looks
#  like the filtered ref map. Get the residuals between the filtered ref
#  map and the scaled I map. Turn these residuals into SNR values by dividing
#  them by the noise level in the filtered ref map, and then get the RMS
#  of the residuals. We convert the residuals to SNR values because, if the
#  ref map and I map were identical, heavier filtering would reduce the
#  noise, and thus the RMS of the residuals. We want to minimise the RMS
#  of the residuals, and so without conversion to SNR, the minimum would
#  always be found at the heaviest possible filtering.
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/maths exp=\"'(ia-ib)/pa'\" ia={0} ib={1} pa={2} out={3}".

#  Get the RMS of the residuals.
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/stats ndf={0}".format(residuals) )
         mean = float( get_task_par( "MEAN", "stats" ) )
         sigma = float( get_task_par( "SIGMA", "stats" ) )
         rms = math.sqrt( mean*mean + sigma*sigma )

#  If this is the lowest RMS found so far, remember it - together with
#  the FWHM and degradation factor.
         if rms < minrms:
            minrms = rms
            result = (degfac,fwhm)
            fwhm1_next = previous_fwhm
            fwhm2_next = -1

#  If an error occurs estimating the RMS for a specific FWHM, ignore the
#  FWHM and pass on to the next.
      except starutil.AtaskError as err:

#  Record the current FWHM value for use on the next pass.
      previous_fwhm = fwhm

#  Progress report....
      msg_out("   Smoothing with FWHM = {0} pixels gives RMS = {1}".format(fwhm,rms))

#  If the range of FWHM values used by this invocation is greater than 1,
#  invoke this function recursively to find the best FWHM within a smaller
#  range centred on the best FWHM.
   if minrms < 1.0E30 and (fwhm2 - fwhm1) > 1:
      if fwhm1_next <= 0:
         fwhm1_next = fwhm1
      if fwhm2_next <= 0:
         fwhm2_next = fwhm2
      result = match( ref, imasked, fwhm1_next, fwhm2_next )

   return result
    print "where band is: 450 or 850"
    print "and observation-date has the form: YYYYMMDD"

# print "band={0}".format(band)

# Get WNFACT value and nFrames from data file
wnfact = float(starutil.get_fits_header(indata, "WNFACT"))
# print "wnfact={0}".format(wnfact)
nFrames = int(starutil.get_fits_header(indata, "MIRSTOP")) + 1
# print "nFrames={0}".format(nFrames)

# Gather statistics on the central region of the input spectrum
# We are interested in the z position of the maximum pixel value (peak)
instats = invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/stats ndf={0} quiet".format(indata))
maxpos = starutil.get_task_par("MAXPOS", "stats")
maxposz = maxpos[2]
# print "maxposz={0}".format(maxposz)

# Calculate the band pass frames centered on the peak
if band == "SCUBA2_850":
    wnlbound = 11.2
    wnubound = 12.2
    if band == "SCUBA2_450":
        wnlbound = 22.1
        wnubound = 23.3
# print "wnlbound={0}".format(wnlbound)
# print "wnubound={0}".format(wnubound)
bandwidth = wnubound - wnlbound
# print "bandwidth={0}".format(bandwidth)
    #  Get the name of any report file to create.
    report = parsys["REPORT"].value

    #  Create an empty list to hold the lines of the report.
    report_lines = []

    #  Use kappa:ndfcompare to compare the main NDFs holding the map data
    #  array. Include a check that the root ancestors of the two maps are the
    #  same. Always create a report file so we can echo it to the screen.
    report0 = os.path.join(NDG.tempdir, "report0")
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcompare in1={0} in2={1} report={2} skiptests=! "
           "accdat=0.3v accvar=1E-3 quiet".format(in1, in2, report0))

    #  See if any differences were found. If so, append the lines of the
    #  report to the report_lines list.
    similar = starutil.get_task_par("similar", "ndfcompare")
    if not similar:
        with open(report0) as f:

#  Now compare the WEIGHTS extension NDF (no need for the roots ancestor
#  check since its already been done).
    report1 = os.path.join(NDG.tempdir, "report1")
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcompare in1={0}.more.smurf.weights accdat=1E-3 "
           "in2={1}.more.smurf.weights report={2} quiet".format(
               in1, in2, report1))

    #  See if any differences were found. If so, append the report to any
    #  existing report.
    if not starutil.get_task_par("similar", "ndfcompare"):
        similar = False
#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. If no value is supplied on
#  the command line, the  user is prompted for a value when the parameter
#  value is first accessed within this script. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input time series NDFs",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("OUT", "The output map", default=None,
                                  exists=False, minsize=0, maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.Par0I("NITER", "No. of iterations to perform",
                                0, noprompt=True))

   params.append(starutil.Par0F("PIXSIZE", "Pixel size (arcsec)", None,
                                 maxval=1000, minval=0.01))

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("CONFIG", "Map-maker tuning parameters",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ITERMAP", "Output cube holding itermaps",
    #  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
    #  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
    #  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
    #  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
    #  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
    #  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
    #  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
    #  constructor.
    params = []

            "IN", "The input NDFs",

                           ["SCUBA-2(450)", "SCUBA-2(850)", "ACSIS", "DAS"],
                           "The JCMT instrument", "SCUBA-2(850)"))

        starutil.Par0L("JSA", "Are the input NDFs on the JSA "
                       "all-sky pixel grid?",

#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
#  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
#  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
#  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input POL2 time series NDFs",

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("CAT", "The output FITS vector catalogue",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IREF", "The reference total flux map", default=None,
                                 help="Enter a null (!) to use an artifical total flux map",
                                 minsize=0, maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("PI", "The output polarised intensity map",
                                 default=None, exists=False, minsize=0, maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.ParChoice("PLOT", ["P","PI"], "Quantity to define "
                                 "lengths of plotted vectors", None,


#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
#  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
#  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
#  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input POL2 time series NDFs",

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("CAT", "The output FITS vector catalogue",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IREF", "The reference total flux map", default=None,
                                 help="Enter a null (!) to use an artifical total flux map",
                                 minsize=0, maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("PI", "The output polarised intensity map",
                                 default=None, exists=False, minsize=0, maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.ParChoice("PLOT", ["P","PI"], "Quantity to define "
                                 "lengths of plotted vectors", None,
#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
#  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
#  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
#  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input POL2 time series NDFs",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("Q", "The output Q intensity map",
                                 default=None, exists=False, minsize=1,
                                 maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("U", "The output Q intensity map",
                                 default=None, exists=False, minsize=1,
                                 maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("CAT", "The output FITS vector catalogue",
                                 default=None, noprompt=True))

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IPREF", "Reference map defining IP correction",
                                 default=None, noprompt=True, minsize=0, maxsize=1 ))
#  unless the script's RETAIN parameter indicates that they are to be
#  retained. Also delete the script's temporary ADAM directory.
def cleanup():
   global retain
   if retain:
      msg_out( "Retaining temporary files in {0}".format(NDG.tempdir))

#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.
for zz in range(1):
    params = []
    params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input POL2 time series NDFs (with the dome open and calibrator out)",
    params.append(starutil.Par0S("OUT", "The output .sdf file containing the IPT parameters",
    params.append(starutil.ParNDG("DomeClosedCalIn", "The input POL2 time series NDFs (with the dome closed and calibrator in)",
    params.append(starutil.ParNDG("DomeClosedCalOut", "The input POL2 time series NDFs (with the dome closed and calibrator out)",
    params.append(starutil.ParNDG("DomeOpenCalIn", "The input POL2 time series NDFs (with the dome open and the calibrator in)",
    params.append(starutil.Par0F("NSIGMA", "No. of standard deviations at "
                                 "which to clip spikes", 3.0, noprompt=True))
    params.append(starutil.Par0S("CONFIG", "The cleaning config",
#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
#  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
#  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
#  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input NDFs",

                                    ["SCUBA-2(450)", "SCUBA-2(850)", "ACSIS",
                                    "The JCMT instrument", "SCUBA-2(850)"))

   params.append(starutil.Par0L("JSA", "Are the input NDFs on the JSA "
                                "all-sky pixel grid?", True, noprompt=True ) )

   params.append(starutil.Par0L("RETAIN", "Retain temporary files?", False,

#  Initialise the parameters to hold any values supplied on the command
#  line.
   parsys = ParSys( params )
#  Make maps from the Q and U time streams. These Q and U values are with
#  respect to the focal plane Y axis, and use (az,el) as the WCS axes. Set
#  CROTA to zero to ensure that the Y axis corresponds to elevation.
         mapfile = "{0}/qmap.sdf".format(obsdir)
         if not os.path.exists( mapfile ) or newpixsize:
            qts = NDG( "{0}/*_QT".format( obsdir ) )
            qmap = NDG( mapfile, False )
            invoke("$SMURF_DIR/makemap in={0} config=^{1} out={2} {3} "
                   "system=azel crota=0".format(qts,conf,qmap,pixsizepar))
            qmap = NDG( mapfile, True )
            msg_out("Re-using pre-calculated Q map for {0}.".format(obs))

         invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace ndf={0} quiet".format(qmap) )
         actpixsize = float( get_task_par( "fpixscale(1)", "ndftrace" ) )
         if actpixsize0 == None:
            actpixsize0 = actpixsize
         elif actpixsize != actpixsize0:
            raise UsageError( "{0} had pixel size {1} - was expecting {2}".

         mapfile = "{0}/umap.sdf".format(obsdir)
         if not os.path.exists( mapfile ) or newpixsize:
            uts = NDG( "{0}/*_UT".format( obsdir ) )
            umap = NDG( mapfile, False )
            invoke("$SMURF_DIR/makemap in={0} config=^{1} out={2} {3} "
                   "system=azel crota=0".format(uts,conf,umap,pixsizepar))
            umap = NDG( mapfile, True )
#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
#  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
#  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
#  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input POL2 time series NDFs",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("Q", "The output Q intensity map",
                                 default=None, exists=False, minsize=1,
                                 maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("U", "The output Q intensity map",
                                 default=None, exists=False, minsize=1,
                                 maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("CAT", "The output FITS vector catalogue",
                                 default=None, noprompt=True))

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IPREF", "Reference map defining IP correction",
                                 default=None, noprompt=True, minsize=0, maxsize=1 ))
        msg_out("Tiles will be read from {0}".format(tiledir))
        msg_out("Environment variable JSA_TILE_DIR is not set!")
        msg_out("Tiles will be read from the current directory ({0})".format(

#  Create an empty list to hold the NDFs for the tiles holding the
#  required data.
    tilendf = []
    itilelist = []

    #  Identify the tiles that overlap the specified region, and loop round
    #  them.
    invoke("$SMURF_DIR/tilelist region={0} instrument={1}".format(
        region, instrument))
    for itile in starutil.get_task_par("tiles", "tilelist"):

        #  Get information about the tile, including the 2D spatial pixel index
        #  bounds of its overlap with the required Region.
        invoke("$SMURF_DIR/tileinfo itile={0} instrument={1} "
               "target={2}".format(itile, instrument, region))

        #  Skip this tile if it does not exist (i.e. is empty).
        if starutil.get_task_par("exists", "tileinfo"):

            #  Get the 2D spatial pixel index bounds of the part of the master tile that
            #  overlaps the required region.
            tlbnd = starutil.get_task_par("tlbnd", "tileinfo")
            tubnd = starutil.get_task_par("tubnd", "tileinfo")

            #  Get the path to the tile's master NDF.
                instrument = "DAS"

#  If so, set the default for the INSTRUMENT parameter and prevent the
#  user being prompted for a value.
        if instrument is not None:
            parsys["INSTRUMENT"].default = instrument
            parsys["INSTRUMENT"].noprompt = True

#  Get the chosen instrument.
        instrument = parsys["INSTRUMENT"].value
        instrument = starutil.shell_quote(instrument)

        #  Get a list of the tiles that overlap the Region.
        invoke("$SMURF_DIR/jsatilelist in={0} instrument={1} quiet".format(
            region, instrument))
        tiles = starutil.get_task_par("TILES", "jsatilelist")

        #  List them.
        for tile in tiles:
            msg_out("Tile {0} touches {1}".format(tile, indata))

#  Remove temporary files.

#  If an StarUtilError of any kind occurred, display the message but hide the
#  python traceback. To see the trace back, uncomment "raise" instead.
except starutil.StarUtilError as err:
    #  raise
#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. If no value is supplied on
#  the command line, the  user is prompted for a value when the parameter
#  value is first accessed within this script. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "The input time series NDFs",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("OUT", "The output map", default=None,
                                  exists=False, minsize=0, maxsize=1 ))

   params.append(starutil.Par0I("NITER", "No. of iterations to perform",
                                0, noprompt=True))

   params.append(starutil.Par0F("PIXSIZE", "Pixel size (arcsec)", None,
                                 maxval=1000, minval=0.01))

   params.append(starutil.Par0S("CONFIG", "Map-maker tuning parameters",

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ITERMAP", "Output cube holding itermaps",
            instrument = "DAS"

#  If so, set the default for the INSTRUMENT parameter and prevent the
#  user being prompted for a value.
    if instrument is not None:
        parsys["INSTRUMENT"].default = instrument
        parsys["INSTRUMENT"].noprompt = True

#  Get the chosen instrument.
    instrument = parsys["INSTRUMENT"].value
    instrument = starutil.shell_quote(instrument)

    #  Get a list of the tiles that overlap the supplied NDF.
    invoke("$SMURF_DIR/jsatilelist in={0} instrument={1} quiet".format(
        inndf, instrument))
    tiles = starutil.get_task_par("TILES", "jsatilelist")

    #  JSADICER requires the input array to be gridded on the JSA all-sky
    #  pixel grid. This is normally an HPX projection, but if the supplied
    #  NDF straddles a discontinuity in the HPX projection then we need to
    #  use a different flavour of HPX (either an HPX projection centred on
    #  RA=12h or am XPH (polar HEALPix) projection centred on the north or
    #  south pole). The above call to jsatileinfo will have determined the
    #  appropriate projection to use, so get it.
    proj = starutil.get_task_par("PROJ", "jsatilelist")

    #  Create a file holding the FITS-WCS header for the first tile, using
    #  the type of projection determined above.
    head = "{0}/header".format(NDG.tempdir)
    invoke("$SMURF_DIR/jsatileinfo itile={0} instrument={1} header={2} "
           "proj={3} quiet".format(tiles[0], instrument, head, proj))
def blanker(test, model, newtest):

   Blank out pixels in "test" that are not well correlated with "model",
   returning result in newtest.

      result =  blanker( test, model, newtest )

      test = string
         The name of an existing NDF.
      model = string
         The name of an existing NDF.
      newtest = string
         The name of an NDF to be created.

   Returned Value:
      A value between +1 and -1 indicating the degree of correlation
      between the model and test.


    #  We want statistics of pixels that are present in both test and model,
    #  so first form a mask by adding them together, and then copy bad pixels
    #  form this mask into test and model
    mask = "{0}/mask".format(NDG.tempdir)
    tmask = "{0}/tmask".format(NDG.tempdir)
    mmask = "{0}/mmask".format(NDG.tempdir)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/add in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".format(test, model, mask))
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(
        test, mask, tmask))
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(
        model, mask, mmask))

    #  Get the mean and standard deviation of the remaining pixels in the
    #  test NDF.
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} clip=\[3,3,3\] quiet".format(tmask))
    tmean = get_task_par("mean", "stats")
    tsigma = get_task_par("sigma", "stats")

    #  Also get the number of good pixels in the mask.
    numgood1 = float(get_task_par("numgood", "stats"))

    #  Get the mean and standard deviation of the remaining pixels in the
    #  model NDF.
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} clip=\[3,3,3\] quiet".format(mmask))
    mmean = get_task_par("mean", "stats")
    msigma = get_task_par("sigma", "stats")

    #  Normalize them both to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of
    #  unity.
    tnorm = "{0}/tnorm".format(NDG.tempdir)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/maths exp=\"'(ia-pa)/pb'\" ia={2} pa={0} pb={1} "
           "out={3}".format(tmean, tsigma, tmask, tnorm))

    mnorm = "{0}/mnorm".format(NDG.tempdir)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/maths exp=\"'(ia-pa)/pb'\" ia={2} pa={0} pb={1} "
           "out={3}".format(mmean, msigma, mmask, mnorm))

    #  Find the difference between them.
    diff = "{0}/diff".format(NDG.tempdir)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/sub in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".format(mnorm, tnorm, diff))

    #  Remove pixels that differ by more than 0.5 standard deviations.
    mtmask = "{0}/mtmask".format(NDG.tempdir)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/thresh in={0} thrlo=-0.5 newlo=bad thrhi=0.5 "
           "newhi=bad out={1}".format(diff, mtmask))

    #  See how many pixels remain (i.e. pixels that are very similar in the
    #  test and model NDFs).
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} quiet".format(mtmask))
    numgood2 = float(get_task_par("numgood", "stats"))

    #  It may be that the two NDFs are anti-correlated. To test for this we
    #  negate the model and do the above test again.
    mnormn = "{0}/mnormn".format(NDG.tempdir)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/cmult in={0} scalar=-1 out={1}".format(mnorm, mnormn))

    diffn = "{0}/diffn".format(NDG.tempdir)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/sub in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".format(
        mnormn, tnorm, diffn))

    mtmaskn = "{0}/mtmaskn".format(NDG.tempdir)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/thresh in={0} thrlo=-0.5 newlo=bad thrhi=0.5 "
           "newhi=bad out={1}".format(diffn, mtmaskn))

    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} quiet".format(mtmaskn))
    numgood2n = float(get_task_par("numgood", "stats"))

    #  If we get more similar pixels by negating the model, the NDFs are
    #  anti-correlated.
    if numgood2n > numgood2:

        #  Take a copy of the supplied test NDF, masking out pixels that are not
        #  anti-similar to the corresponding model pixels.
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={2} out={1}".format(
            test, newtest, mtmaskn))

        #  The returned correlation factor is the ratio of the number of
        #  anti-similar pixels to the total number of pixels which the two NDFs
        #  have in common. But if there is not much difference between the number
        #  of similar and anti-similar pixels, we assume there is no correlation.
        if numgood2n > 1.4 * numgood2:
            res = -(numgood2n / numgood1)
            res = 0.0

#  If we get more similar pixels without negating the model, the NDFs are
#  correlated. Do the equivalent to the above.
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={2} out={1}".format(
            test, newtest, mtmask))
        if numgood2 > 1.4 * numgood2n:
            res = numgood2 / numgood1
            res = 0.0

#  If there are very few good pixels in common return zero correlation.
    if numgood1 < 150:
        res = 0.0

#  Return the correlation factor.
    return res
                "CENTRE1"].prompt = "Galactic longitude at centre of required circle"
                "CENTRE2"].prompt = "Galactic latitude at centre of required circle"

        centre1 = parsys["CENTRE1"].value
        if centre1 is not None:
            centre2 = parsys["CENTRE2"].value
            radius = parsys["RADIUS"].value

            frame = NDG.tempfile()
            invoke("$ATOOLS_DIR/astskyframe \"'system={0}'\" {1}".format(
                system, frame))

            invoke("$ATOOLS_DIR/astunformat {0} 1 {1}".format(frame, centre1))
            cen1 = starutil.get_task_par("DVAL", "astunformat")
            invoke("$ATOOLS_DIR/astunformat {0} 2 {1}".format(frame, centre2))
            cen2 = starutil.get_task_par("DVAL", "astunformat")

            region = NDG.tempfile()
                "$ATOOLS_DIR/astcircle {0} 1 \[{1},{2}\] {3} ! ! {4}".format(
                    frame, cen1, cen2, math.radians(radius / 60.0), region))

#  If a Region was supplied ,not we do not yet have the coordinates of
#  the centre of the required region, and note if the Region is defined by
#  an NDF.
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(region))
            region_is_ndf = True
         elif cval == "DAS":
            instrument = "DAS"

#  If so, set the default for the INSTRUMENT parameter and prevent the
#  user being prompted for a value.
      if instrument != None:
         parsys["INSTRUMENT"].default = instrument
         parsys["INSTRUMENT"].noprompt = True

#  Get the chosen instrument.
      instrument = parsys["INSTRUMENT"].value
      instrument = starutil.shell_quote( instrument )

#  Get a list of the tiles that overlap the Region.
      invoke( "$SMURF_DIR/jsatilelist in={0} instrument={1} quiet".format(region,instrument) )
      tiles = starutil.get_task_par( "TILES", "jsatilelist" )

#  List them.
      for tile in tiles:
         msg_out( "Tile {0} touches {1}".format(tile, indata))

#  Remove temporary files.

#  If an StarUtilError of any kind occurred, display the message but hide the
#  python traceback. To see the trace back, uncomment "raise" instead.
except starutil.StarUtilError as err:
#  raise
   print( err )
def remove_corr( ins, masks ):

   Masks the supplied set of Q or U images and then looks for and removes
   correlated components in the background regions.

      result = remove_corr( ins, masks )

      ins = NDG
         An NDG object specifying a group of Q or U images from which
         correlated background components are to be removed.
      masks = NDG
         An NDG object specifying a corresponding group of Q or U images
         in which source pixels are bad. These are only used to mask the
         images specified by "in". It should have the same size as "in".

   Returned Value:
      A new NDG object containing the group of corrected Q or U images.


#  How many NDFs are we processing?
   nndf = len( ins )

#  Blank out sources by copy the bad pixels from "mask" into "in". We refer
#  to "q" below, but the same applies whether processing Q or U.
   msg_out( "   masking...")
   qm = NDG( ins )
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(ins,masks,qm) )

#  Find the most correlated pair of imagtes. We use the basic correlation
#  coefficient calculated by kappa:scatter for this.
   msg_out( "   Finding most correlated pair of images...")
   cmax = 0
   for i in range(0,nndf-1):
      for j in range(i + 1,nndf):
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/scatter in1={0} in2={1} device=!".format(qm[i],qm[j]) )
         c = starutil.get_task_par( "corr", "scatter" )
         if abs(c) > abs(cmax):
            cmax = c
            cati = i
            catj = j

   if abs(cmax) < 0.3:
      msg_out("   No correlated images found!")
      return ins

   msg_out( "   Correlation for best pair of images = {0}".format( cmax ) )

#  Find images that are reasonably correlated to the pair found above,
#  and coadd them to form a model for the correlated background
#  component. Note, the holes left by the masking are filled in by the
#  coaddition using background data from other images.
   msg_out( "   Forming model...")

#  Form the average of the two most correlated images, first normalising
#  them to a common scale so that they both have equal weight.
   norm = "{0}/norm".format(NDG.tempdir)
   if not normer( qm[cati], qm[catj], 0.3, norm ):
      norm = qm[cati]

   mslist = NDG( [ qm[catj], norm ] )
   ave = "{0}/ave".format(NDG.tempdir)
   invoke( "$CCDPACK_DIR/makemos in={0} method=mean genvar=no usevar=no out={1}".format(mslist,ave) )

#  Loop round each image finding the correlation factor of the image and
#  the above average image.
   temp = "{0}/temp".format(NDG.tempdir)
   nlist = []
   ii = 0
   for i in range(0,nndf):
      c = blanker( qm[i], ave, temp )

#  If the correlation is high enough, normalize the image to the average
#  image and then include the normalised image in the list of images to be
#  coadded to form the final model.
      if abs(c) > 0.3:
         tndf = "{0}/t{1}".format(NDG.tempdir,ii)
         ii += 1
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/normalize in1={1} in2={2} out={0} device=!".format(tndf,temp,ave))
         nlist.append( tndf )

   if ii == 0:
      msg_out("   No secondary correlated images found!")
      return ins

   msg_out("   Including {0} secondary correlated images in the model.".format(ii) )

#  Coadded the images created above to form the model of the correlated
#  background component. Fill any remaining bad pixels with artificial data.
   model = "{0}/model".format(NDG.tempdir)
   included = NDG( nlist )
   invoke( "$CCDPACK_DIR/makemos in={0} method=mean usevar=no genvar=no out={1}".format( included, temp ) )
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/fillbad in={1} variance=no out={0} size=10 niter=10".format(model,temp) )

#  Now estimate how much of the model is present in each image and remove it.
   msg_out("   Removing model...")
   temp2 = "{0}/temp2".format(NDG.tempdir)
   qnew = NDG(ins)
   nbetter = 0
   for i in range(0,nndf):

#  Try to normalise the model to the current image. This fails if the
#  correlation between them is too low.
      if normer( model, qm[i], 0.3, temp ):

#  Remove the scaled model form the image.
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/sub in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".format(ins[i],temp,temp2) )

#  We now check that removing the correlated background component has in
#  fact made the image flatter (poor fits etc can mean that images that
#  are poorly correlated to the model have a large amount of model
#  removed and so make the image less flat). FInd the standard deviation
#  of the data in the original image and in the corrected image.
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} quiet".format(ins[i]) )
         oldsig = get_task_par( "sigma", "stats" )

         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} quiet".format(temp2) )
         newsig = get_task_par( "sigma", "stats" )

#  If the correction has made the image flatter, copy it to the returned NDG.
         if newsig < oldsig:
            nbetter += 1
            invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={1} out={0}".format(qnew[i],temp2) )
            invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={0} out={1}".format(ins[i],qnew[i]) )

#  If the input image is poorly correlated to the model, return the input
#  image unchanged.
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy in={0} out={1}".format(ins[i],qnew[i]) )

   msg_out( "   {0} out of {1} images have been improved.".format(nbetter,nndf) )

#  Return the corrected images.
   return qnew
#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.

#  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
#  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
#  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
#  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
#  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
#  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
#  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
#  constructor.
   params = []

   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("IN", "Template POL2 time series NDFs",
   params.append(starutil.Par0S("OUT", "Output simulated POL2 data"))
   params.append(starutil.Par0L("NEWART", "Create new artificial I, Q and U maps?" ))
   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ARTI", "Artificial I map", maxsize=1 ))
   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ARTQ", "Artificial Q map", maxsize=1 ))
   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ARTU", "Artificial U map", maxsize=1 ))
   params.append(starutil.ParNDG("INCOM", "Non-POL2 data files to define COM",
                                 None ))
   params.append(starutil.Par0S("RESTART", "Restart using old files?", None,
   params.append(starutil.Par0L("RETAIN", "Retain temporary files?", False,
   params.append(starutil.Par0F("IPEAK", "Peak total instensity in "
                                "artificial I map (pW)", 0.08, True ))
   params.append(starutil.Par0F("IFWHM", "Width of source in artificial I "
                                "map (pixels)", 8, True ))
def blanker( test, model, newtest ):

   Blank out pixels in "test" that are not well correlated with "model",
   returning result in newtest.

      result =  blanker( test, model, newtest )

      test = string
         The name of an existing NDF.
      model = string
         The name of an existing NDF.
      newtest = string
         The name of an NDF to be created.

   Returned Value:
      A value between +1 and -1 indicating the degree of correlation
      between the model and test.


#  We want statistics of pixels that are present in both test and model,
#  so first form a mask by adding them together, and then copy bad pixels
#  form this mask into test and model
   mask = "{0}/mask".format(NDG.tempdir)
   tmask = "{0}/tmask".format(NDG.tempdir)
   mmask = "{0}/mmask".format(NDG.tempdir)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/add in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".format(test,model,mask) )
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(test,mask,tmask) )
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(model,mask,mmask) )

#  Get the mean and standard deviation of the remaining pixels in the
#  test NDF.
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} clip=\[3,3,3\] quiet".format(tmask) )
   tmean = get_task_par( "mean", "stats" )
   tsigma = get_task_par( "sigma", "stats" )

#  Also get the number of good pixels in the mask.
   numgood1 = float( get_task_par( "numgood", "stats" ) )

#  Get the mean and standard deviation of the remaining pixels in the
#  model NDF.
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} clip=\[3,3,3\] quiet".format(mmask) )
   mmean = get_task_par( "mean", "stats" )
   msigma = get_task_par( "sigma", "stats" )

#  Normalize them both to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of
#  unity.
   tnorm = "{0}/tnorm".format(NDG.tempdir)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/maths exp='(ia-pa)/pb' ia={2} pa={0} pb={1} "

   mnorm = "{0}/mnorm".format(NDG.tempdir)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/maths exp='(ia-pa)/pb' ia={2} pa={0} pb={1} "

#  Find the difference between them.
   diff = "{0}/diff".format(NDG.tempdir)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/sub in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".format(mnorm,tnorm,diff) )

#  Remove pixels that differ by more than 0.5 standard deviations.
   mtmask = "{0}/mtmask".format(NDG.tempdir)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/thresh in={0} thrlo=-0.5 newlo=bad thrhi=0.5 "
           "newhi=bad out={1}".format(diff,mtmask) )

#  See how many pixels remain (i.e. pixels that are very similar in the
#  test and model NDFs).
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} quiet".format(mtmask) )
   numgood2 = float( get_task_par( "numgood", "stats" ) )

#  It may be that the two NDFs are anti-correlated. To test for this we
#  negate the model and do the above test again.
   mnormn = "{0}/mnormn".format(NDG.tempdir)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/cmult in={0} scalar=-1 out={1}".format(mnorm,mnormn) )

   diffn = "{0}/diffn".format(NDG.tempdir)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/sub in1={0} in2={1} out={2}".format(mnormn,tnorm,diffn ))

   mtmaskn = "{0}/mtmaskn".format(NDG.tempdir)
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/thresh in={0} thrlo=-0.5 newlo=bad thrhi=0.5 "
           "newhi=bad out={1}".format(diffn,mtmaskn) )

   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/stats {0} quiet".format(mtmaskn) )
   numgood2n = float( get_task_par( "numgood", "stats" ) )

#  If we get more similar pixels by negating the model, the NDFs are
#  anti-correlated.
   if numgood2n > numgood2:

#  Take a copy of the supplied test NDF, masking out pixels that are not
#  anti-similar to the corresponding model pixels.
      invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={2} out={1}".format(test,newtest,mtmaskn) )

#  The returned correlation factor is the ratio of the number of
#  anti-similar pixels to the total number of pixels which the two NDFs
#  have in common. But if there is not much difference between the number
#  of similar and anti-similar pixels, we assume there is no correlation.
      if numgood2n > 1.4*numgood2:
         res = -(numgood2n/numgood1)
         res = 0.0

#  If we get more similar pixels without negating the model, the NDFs are
#  correlated. Do the equivalent to the above.
      invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={2} out={1}".format(test,newtest,mtmask) )
      if numgood2 > 1.4*numgood2n:
         res = numgood2/numgood1
         res = 0.0

#  If there are very few good pixels in common return zero correlation.
   if numgood1 < 150:
      res = 0.0

#  Return the correlation factor.
   return res
      qin = inqui.filter("'\.Q$'" )
      uin = inqui.filter("'\.U$'" )
      iin = inqui.filter("'\.I$'" )

#  If not supplied, try again using INQ, INU and INI (i.e. scan & spin
#  data).
      qin = parsys["INQ"].value
      uin = parsys["INU"].value
      iin = parsys["INI"].value

#  Check they are all in units of pW.
      for quilist in (qin,uin,iin):
         for sdf in quilist:
            invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace ndf={0} quiet".format(sdf) )
            units = starutil.get_task_par( "UNITS", "ndftrace" ).replace(" ", "")
            if units != "pW":
               raise starutil.InvalidParameterError("All supplied I, Q and U "
                    "maps must be in units of 'pW', but '{0}' has units '{1}'.".

#  Now get the PI value to use.
   pimap = parsys["PI"].value

#  Now get the QUI value to use.
   qui = parsys["QUI"].value

#  Get the output catalogue now to avoid a long wait before the user gets
#  prompted for it.
   outcat = parsys["CAT"].value
      invoke( "$CUPID_DIR/makeclumps angle=\[0,0\] beamfwhm=0 deconv=no "
              "fwhm1=\[{0},0\] fwhm2=\[{0},0\] lbnd=\[1,1\] ubnd=\[{1},{1}\] "
              "model={2} nclump={3} out={4} outcat={5} pardist=normal "
              "peak = \[{6},0\] rms={7} trunc=0.1".
                      peak_value,noise) )

#  Run fellwalker on the data.
      mask = NDG(1)
      outcat_fw = NDG.tempfile(".fit")
      invoke( "$CUPID_DIR/findclumps config=def deconv=no in={0} "
              "method=fellwalker out={1} outcat={2} rms={3}".
               format(out,mask,outcat_fw,noise) )

# Get the number of clumps found by FellWalker.
      nfw = starutil.get_task_par( "nclumps", "findclumps" )
      if nfw > 0:

#  See how many of the clump peaks found by FellWalker match real clumps to
#  within 0.2 pixels.
         text = invoke( "stilts tmatch2 matcher=2d params={2} "
                        "in1={0} ifmt1=fits values1='Peak1 Peak2' "
                        "in2={1} ifmt2=fits values2='Peak1 Peak2' "
                        "scorecol=sep ocmd='keepcols sep' "
                        "omode=stats".format( outcat, outcat_fw,
                                              0.5*clump_fwhm ),aslist=True )

         ok = False
         for line in text:
            match = re.match( r'columns:\s*(\d+)\s*rows:\s*(\d+)', line )
            if match:
#  Get the name of any report file to create.
   report = parsys["REPORT"].value

#  Create an empty list to hold the lines of the report.
   report_lines = []

#  Use kappa:ndfcompare to compare the main NDFs holding the map data
#  array. Include a check that the root ancestors of the two maps are the
#  same. Always create a report file so we can echo it to the screen.
   report0 = os.path.join(NDG.tempdir,"report0")
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcompare in1={0} in2={1} report={2} skiptests=! "
           "accdat=0.1v accvar=1E-4 quiet".format(in1,in2,report0) )

#  See if any differences were found. If so, append the lines of the
#  report to the report_lines list.
   similar = starutil.get_task_par( "similar", "ndfcompare" )
   if not similar:
      with open(report0) as f:
         report_lines.extend( f.readlines() )

#  Now compare the WEIGHTS extension NDF (no need for the roots ancestor
#  check since its already been done).
   report1 = os.path.join(NDG.tempdir,"report1")
   invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcompare in1={0}.more.smurf.weights accdat=1E-4 "
           "in2={1}.more.smurf.weights report={2} quiet".format(in1,in2,report1) )

#  See if any differences were found. If so, append the report to any
#  existing report.
   if not starutil.get_task_par( "similar", "ndfcompare" ):
      similar = False
      report_lines.append("\n\n{0}\n   Comparing WEIGHTS arrays....\n".format("-"*80))
    if retain:
        msg_out("Retaining temporary files in {0}".format(NDG.tempdir))

#  Catch any exception so that we can always clean up, even if control-C
#  is pressed.
for zz in range(1):
    params = []
            "The input POL2 time series NDFs (with the dome open and calibrator out)",
                       "The output .sdf file containing the IPT parameters",
            "The input POL2 time series NDFs (with the dome closed and calibrator in)",
    #  Declare the script parameters. Their positions in this list define
    #  their expected position on the script command line. They can also be
    #  specified by keyword on the command line. No validation of default
    #  values or values supplied on the command line is performed until the
    #  parameter value is first accessed within the script, at which time the
    #  user is prompted for a value if necessary. The parameters "MSG_FILTER",
    #  "ILEVEL", "GLEVEL" and "LOGFILE" are added automatically by the ParSys
    #  constructor.
    params = []

            "IN", "Template POL2 time series NDFs",
    params.append(starutil.Par0S("OUT", "Output simulated POL2 data"))
        starutil.Par0L("NEWART", "Create new artificial I, Q and U maps?"))
        starutil.ParChoice("ARTFORM", ("0", "1"),
                           "Form of artificial I, Q and U to create",
    params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ARTI", "Artificial I map", maxsize=1))
    params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ARTQ", "Artificial Q map", maxsize=1))
    params.append(starutil.ParNDG("ARTU", "Artificial U map", maxsize=1))
                        "Non-POL2 data files to define COM",
def get_filtered_skydip_data(qarray, uarray, clip, a):

    This function takes q and u array data (output from calcqu), applies ffclean to remove spikes
    and puts in numpy array variable
    It borrows (copies) heavily from pol2cat.py (2015A)

        ( qdata_total,qvar_total,udata_total,uvar_total,elevation,opacity_term,bad_pixel_ref ) = ...

        qarray = An NDF of Q array data (output from calcqu).
        uarray = An NDF of U array data (output form calcqu).
        clip = The sigma cut for ffclean.
           a = A string indicating the array (eg. 'S8A').

    Returned Value:
        qdata_total = A numpy array with the cleaned qarray data.
        qvar_total = A numpy array with the qarray variance data.
        udata_total = A numpy array with the cleaned uarray data.
        uvar_total = A numpy array with the uarray variance data.
        elevation = A numpy array with the elevation data
        opacity_term = A numpy array with the opacity brightness term (1-exp(-tau*air_mass))
            Here tau is calculated using the WVM data as input.


    #  Remove spikes from the Q images for the current subarray. The cleaned NDFs
    #  are written to temporary NDFs specified by the new NDG object "qff", which
    #  inherit its size from the existing group "qarray"".
    msg_out("Removing spikes from {0} bolometer Q values...".format(a))
    qff = NDG(qarray)
    qff.comment = "qff"
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ffclean in={0} out={1} genvar=yes box=3 clip=\[{2}\]".
           format(qarray, qff, clip))

    #  Remove spikes from the U images for the current subarray. The cleaned NDFs
    #  are written to temporary NDFs specified by the new NDG object "uff", which
    #  inherit its size from the existing group "uarray"".
    msg_out("Removing spikes from {0} bolometer U values...".format(a))
    uff = NDG(uarray)
    uff.comment = "uff"
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ffclean in={0} out={1} genvar=yes box=3 clip=\[{2}\]".
           format(uarray, uff, clip))

    elevation = []
    opacity_term = []
    for stare in range(len(qff[:])):
        # Stack Q data in numpy array
        # Get elevation information
                        "$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod ndf={0} edit=print keyword=ELSTART"
        # Get Tau (Opacity) information
        tau_temp = numpy.array(
                    "$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod ndf={0} edit=print keyword=WVMTAUST".
        # Convert to obs band.
        if '4' in a:
            tau_temp = 19.04 * (tau_temp - 0.018)  # Eq from Dempsey et al
        elif '8' in a:
            tau_temp = 5.36 * (tau_temp - 0.006)  # Eq from Dempsey et al.
        opacity_term.append(1 -
                            numpy.exp(-1 * tau_temp /
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(qff[stare]))
        nx = get_task_par("dims(1)", "ndftrace")
        ny = get_task_par("dims(2)", "ndftrace")
        qdata_temp = numpy.reshape(Ndf(qff[stare]).data, (ny, nx))
        qdata_temp[numpy.abs(qdata_temp) > 1e300] = numpy.nan
        if stare == 0:
            qdata_total = qdata_temp
            qdata_total = numpy.dstack((qdata_total, qdata_temp))
        qvar_temp = numpy.reshape(Ndf(qff[stare]).var, (ny, nx))
        qdata_temp[numpy.abs(qvar_temp) > 1e300] = numpy.nan
        if stare == 0:
            qvar_total = qvar_temp
            qvar_total = numpy.dstack((qvar_total, qvar_temp))
        # Stack U data in numpy array
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(uff[stare]))
        nx = get_task_par("dims(1)", "ndftrace")
        ny = get_task_par("dims(2)", "ndftrace")
        udata_temp = numpy.reshape(Ndf(uff[stare]).data, (ny, nx))
        udata_temp[numpy.abs(udata_temp) > 1e300] = numpy.nan
        if stare == 0:
            udata_total = udata_temp
            udata_total = numpy.dstack((udata_total, udata_temp))
        uvar_temp = numpy.reshape(Ndf(uff[stare]).var, (ny, nx))
        udata_temp[numpy.abs(uvar_temp) > 1e300] = numpy.nan
        if stare == 0:
            uvar_total = uvar_temp
            uvar_total = numpy.dstack((uvar_total, uvar_temp))

    # Create bad pixel reference.
    bad_pixel_ref = NDG(1)
    invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(
        qff, uff, bad_pixel_ref))
    return (qdata_total, qvar_total, udata_total, uvar_total, elevation,
            opacity_term, bad_pixel_ref)
def get_filtered_skydip_data(qarray,uarray,clip,a):

    This function takes q and u array data (output from calcqu), applies ffclean to remove spikes
    and puts in numpy array variable
    It borrows (copies) heavily from pol2cat.py (2015A)

        ( qdata_total,qvar_total,udata_total,uvar_total,elevation,opacity_term,bad_pixel_ref ) = ...

        qarray = An NDF of Q array data (output from calcqu).
        uarray = An NDF of U array data (output form calcqu).
        clip = The sigma cut for ffclean.
           a = A string indicating the array (eg. 'S8A').

    Returned Value:
        qdata_total = A numpy array with the cleaned qarray data.
        qvar_total = A numpy array with the qarray variance data.
        udata_total = A numpy array with the cleaned uarray data.
        uvar_total = A numpy array with the uarray variance data.
        elevation = A numpy array with the elevation data
        opacity_term = A numpy array with the opacity brightness term (1-exp(-tau*air_mass))
            Here tau is calculated using the WVM data as input.


    #  Remove spikes from the Q images for the current subarray. The cleaned NDFs
    #  are written to temporary NDFs specified by the new NDG object "qff", which
    #  inherit its size from the existing group "qarray"".
    msg_out( "Removing spikes from {0} bolometer Q values...".format(a))
    qff = NDG(qarray)
    qff.comment = "qff"
    invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ffclean in={0} out={1} genvar=yes box=3 clip=\[{2}\]".format(qarray,qff,clip) )

    #  Remove spikes from the U images for the current subarray. The cleaned NDFs
    #  are written to temporary NDFs specified by the new NDG object "uff", which
    #  inherit its size from the existing group "uarray"".
    msg_out( "Removing spikes from {0} bolometer U values...".format(a))
    uff = NDG(uarray)
    uff.comment = "uff"
    invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ffclean in={0} out={1} genvar=yes box=3 clip=\[{2}\]"
            .format(uarray,uff,clip) )

    elevation = []
    opacity_term = []
    for stare in range(len(qff[:])):
    # Stack Q data in numpy array
        # Get elevation information
        elevation.append(numpy.array( float( invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod ndf={0} edit=print keyword=ELSTART".format( qff[ stare ] ) ) ) ) )
        # Get Tau (Opacity) information
        tau_temp = numpy.array( float( invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/fitsmod ndf={0} edit=print keyword=WVMTAUST".format( qff[ stare ] ) ) ) )
        # Convert to obs band.
        if '4' in a:
             tau_temp = 19.04*(tau_temp-0.018) # Eq from Dempsey et al
        elif '8' in a:
             tau_temp = 5.36*(tau_temp-0.006) # Eq from Dempsey et al.
        invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(qff[ stare ]))
        nx = get_task_par( "dims(1)", "ndftrace" )
        ny = get_task_par( "dims(2)", "ndftrace" )
        qdata_temp = numpy.reshape( Ndf( qff[ stare ] ).data, (ny,nx))
        qdata_temp[numpy.abs(qdata_temp)>1e300] = numpy.nan;
        if stare == 0:
            qdata_total = qdata_temp
            qdata_total = numpy.dstack((qdata_total,qdata_temp))
        qvar_temp = numpy.reshape( Ndf( qff[ stare ] ).var, (ny,nx))
        qdata_temp[numpy.abs(qvar_temp)>1e300] = numpy.nan;
        if stare == 0:
            qvar_total = qvar_temp
            qvar_total = numpy.dstack((qvar_total,qvar_temp))
        # Stack U data in numpy array
        invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(uff[ stare ]))
        nx = get_task_par( "dims(1)", "ndftrace" )
        ny = get_task_par( "dims(2)", "ndftrace" )
        udata_temp = numpy.reshape( Ndf( uff[ stare ] ).data, (ny,nx))
        udata_temp[numpy.abs(udata_temp)>1e300] = numpy.nan;
        if stare == 0:
            udata_total = udata_temp
            udata_total = numpy.dstack((udata_total,udata_temp))
        uvar_temp = numpy.reshape( Ndf( uff[ stare ] ).var, (ny,nx))
        udata_temp[numpy.abs(uvar_temp)>1e300] = numpy.nan;
        if stare == 0:
            uvar_total = uvar_temp
            uvar_total = numpy.dstack((uvar_total,uvar_temp))

    # Create bad pixel reference.
    bad_pixel_ref = NDG(1)
    invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/copybad in={0} ref={1} out={2}".format(qff,uff,bad_pixel_ref))
    return( qdata_total,qvar_total,udata_total,uvar_total,elevation,opacity_term,bad_pixel_ref )
    print "and observation-date has the form: YYYYMMDD"

# print "band={0}".format(band)

# Get WNFACT value and nFrames from data file
wnfact = float(starutil.get_fits_header(indata, "WNFACT"))
# print "wnfact={0}".format(wnfact)
nFrames = int(starutil.get_fits_header(indata, "MIRSTOP")) + 1
# print "nFrames={0}".format(nFrames)

# Gather statistics on the central region of the input spectrum
# We are interested in the z position of the maximum pixel value (peak)
instats = invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/stats ndf={0} quiet".format(indata))
maxpos = starutil.get_task_par("MAXPOS", "stats")
maxposz = maxpos[2]
# print "maxposz={0}".format(maxposz)

# Calculate the band pass frames centered on the peak
if band == "SCUBA2_850":
    wnlbound = 11.2
    wnubound = 12.2
    if band == "SCUBA2_450":
        wnlbound = 22.1
        wnubound = 23.3
# print "wnlbound={0}".format(wnlbound)
# print "wnubound={0}".format(wnubound)
bandwidth = wnubound - wnlbound
# print "bandwidth={0}".format(bandwidth)
         parsys["CENTRE1"].prompt = "RA at centre of required circle"
         parsys["CENTRE2"].prompt = "Dec at centre of required circle"
         parsys["CENTRE1"].prompt = "Galactic longitude at centre of required circle"
         parsys["CENTRE2"].prompt = "Galactic latitude at centre of required circle"

      centre1 = parsys["CENTRE1"].value
      if centre1 != None:
         centre2 = parsys["CENTRE2"].value
         radius = parsys["RADIUS"].value

         frame = NDG.tempfile()
         invoke( "$ATOOLS_DIR/astskyframe \"'system={0}'\" {1}".format(system,frame) )

         invoke( "$ATOOLS_DIR/astunformat {0} 1 {1}".format(frame,centre1) )
         cen1 = starutil.get_task_par( "DVAL", "astunformat" )
         invoke( "$ATOOLS_DIR/astunformat {0} 2 {1}".format(frame,centre2) )
         cen2 = starutil.get_task_par( "DVAL", "astunformat" )

         region = NDG.tempfile()
         invoke( "$ATOOLS_DIR/astcircle {0} 1 \[{1},{2}\] {3} ! ! {4}".
                 format(frame,cen1,cen2,math.radians(radius/60.0),region) )

#  If a Region was supplied ,not we do not yet have the coordinates of
#  the centre of the required region, and note if the Region is defined by
#  an NDF.
         invoke( "$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(region) )
         region_is_ndf = True
         ndim = int( starutil.get_task_par( "NDIM", "ndftrace" ) )
        jout += 1
        outdata = "{0}_{1}.fit".format(outbase, iout)
        msg_out("Creating output FITS file {0}/{1}: {2}".format(
            jout, nout, outdata))

        #  Get a copy of the cleaned data but with PAD samples trimmed from start
        #  and end.
        tmp1 = NDG(1)
        tmp2 = NDG(1)
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/nomagic {0} {1} 0".format(path, tmp1))
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/qualtobad {0} {1} PAD".format(tmp1, tmp2))
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndfcopy {0} {1} trimbad=yes".format(tmp2, tmp1))

        #  Note the bounds of the used (i.e. non-PAD) time slices.
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/ndftrace {0} quiet".format(tmp1))
        tlo = starutil.get_task_par("lbound(3)", "ndftrace")
        thi = starutil.get_task_par("ubound(3)", "ndftrace")
        ntslice = thi - tlo + 1

        #  Note the mumber of bolometer (should always be 1280).
        nx = starutil.get_task_par("dims(1)", "ndftrace")
        ny = starutil.get_task_par("dims(2)", "ndftrace")
        nbolo = nx * ny

        #  Reshape the cleaned data from 3D to 2D.
        val = NDG(1)
        invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/reshape {0} out={1} shape=\[{2},{3}\]".format(
            tmp1, val, nbolo, ntslice))

        #  Extract the quality array into a separate NDF.
        fla = NDG(1)