class Visualization(): """ Maintains information of a single dataset and provides methods for its visualization. """ def __init__(self, raw_data: pd.DataFrame, n_clusters: int) -> None: """Initialize the object. Arguments: raw_data -- pandas DataFrame with timestamp as index. n_clusters -- number of clusters to be used in clustering. """ self.graph = StateGraph(n_clusters) data = self.graph.fit_transform(raw_data) self.norm_data = pd.DataFrame( data=self.graph.normalisation.transform(raw_data), index=raw_data.index, columns=raw_data.columns) self.labels = np.array([data["label"].to_numpy()]).T def get_parallel_plot(self) -> go.Figure: """Returns a Figure containing the parallel plot of clusters' centroids. """ fig = px.parallel_coordinates(self.graph.centroids, color=self.graph.centroids.index, dimensions=self.graph.centroids.columns) return fig def get_PCA(self) -> go.Figure: """Returns a Figure containing a PCA plot of clustered data.""" pca = PCA(n_components=2) pca_result = pca.fit_transform(self.norm_data) plot_data = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate((pca_result, self.labels), axis=1), columns=["pca_x", "pca_y", "cluster"]) return px.scatter(plot_data, x="pca_x", y="pca_y", color="cluster") def get_TSNE(self, perplexity: int = 100, n_iter: int = 3000) -> go.Figure: """Returns a Figure containing a TSNE plot of clustered data. Function arguments correspond to standard TSNE arguments. """ tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=1, perplexity=perplexity, n_iter=n_iter) tsne_result = tsne.fit_transform(self.norm_data) plot_data = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate((tsne_result, self.labels), axis=1), columns=["tsne_x", "tsne_y", "cluster"]) return px.scatter(plot_data, x="tsne_x", y="tsne_y", color="cluster")
class Visualization(): """ Maintains information of a single dataset and provides methods for its visualization. """ def __init__(self, raw_data : pd.DataFrame, n_clusters : int) -> None: """Initialize the object. Arguments: raw_data -- pandas DataFrame with timestamp as index. n_clusters -- number of clusters to be used in clustering. """ self.graph = StateGraph(n_clusters) = self.graph.fit_transform(raw_data) self.norm_data = pd.DataFrame( data=self.graph.normalisation.transform(raw_data), index=raw_data.index, columns=raw_data.columns) self.labels = np.array([["label"].to_numpy()]).T def get_parallel_plot(self) -> go.Figure: """Returns a Figure containing the parallel plot of clusters' centroids. """ fig = px.parallel_coordinates( self.graph.centroids, color=self.graph.centroids.index, dimensions=self.graph.centroids.columns ) return fig def get_PCA(self) -> go.Figure: """Returns a Figure containing a PCA plot of clustered data.""" pca = PCA(n_components=2) pca_result = pca.fit_transform(self.norm_data) plot_data = pd.DataFrame( np.concatenate((pca_result,self.labels),axis=1), columns=["pca_x","pca_y","cluster"]) return px.scatter(plot_data,x="pca_x",y="pca_y",color="cluster") def get_TSNE(self, perplexity : int = 100, n_iter : int = 3000) -> go.Figure: """Returns a Figure containing a TSNE plot of clustered data. Function arguments correspond to standard TSNE arguments. """ tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=1, perplexity=perplexity, n_iter=n_iter) tsne_result = tsne.fit_transform(self.norm_data) plot_data = pd.DataFrame( np.concatenate((tsne_result,self.labels),axis=1), columns=["tsne_x","tsne_y","cluster"]) return px.scatter(plot_data,x="tsne_x",y="tsne_y",color="cluster") def get_histograms(self,cluster : int) -> go.Figure: """Returns a figure containing a histogram for each sensor for the data in a given cluster (cluster index starts at 0). """ if cluster not in self.labels.flatten(): raise ValueError(f"cluster must be between 0 and {np.amax(self.labels)}") filtered =[["label"] == cluster] cols = filtered.columns.values[:-1] fig = make_subplots(rows=len(cols)//2,cols=2,subplot_titles=cols) for index, sensor in enumerate(cols): x = filtered[sensor].values fig.append_trace( go.Histogram(x=x, name=sensor), row=index//2+1, col=index%2+1 ) fig.update_xaxes(title_text=sensor, row=index//2+1, col=index%2+1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Count", row=index//2+1, col=index%2+1) fig.update_layout(autosize=False,width=1500,height=200*len(cols), showlegend=False) return fig