def write_SMG_regresjon(variable, region, ps):
    """This function writes pandas series (pandas series) to smg series (ts) chosen according to the chosen region."""
    global ts
    smg = TimeSeriesRepositorySmg(SMG_PROD)

    # define ts to write to
    if variable == 'tilsig':
        ts = 'RegEstimatTilsig' + region + '-U9100S0BT0105'
    if variable == 'magasin':
        ts = 'RegEstimatMag' + region + '...-U9104S0BT0132'
    print('\nSkriver estimerte verdier til: ', ts)

    # get metainfo from ts
    minfo = smg.get_meta_info_by_name([ts])

    # we need to attach meta information to the Pandas series since it is needed to create the TimeSeries object
    ps.meta_info = minfo[0]

    # convert the Pandas series to a time series
    time_series_to_write = ts_from_pandas_series(ps, filter_out_nans=True)

    # writing
    result = smg.write([time_series_to_write])
 def read_forecast(self, fc_names, period):
     if not period.valid():
        raise SmgDataError("Period should be valid() of type api.UtcPeriod")
     fc_series = {}
     fcIdentities = self._namelist_to_ListOf_TsIdentities(fc_names)
     ssa_period = self._make_ssa_Period_from_shyft_period(period)
     tsIdentities = []
     with TimeSeriesRepositorySmg(self.env) as tsr:
         tsIdentities = tsr.repo.GetIdentities(tsr.repo.FindMetaInfo(fcIdentities))
     fcr = ForecastRepositorySmg(self.fc_env)  # TODO: implement __exit__ to use 'with as'
     fc_reads = fcr.repo.ReadForecast(tsIdentities, ssa_period)
     if tsIdentities.Count != len(fc_reads):
         print("WARNING: Could only find {} out of {} requested timeseries".format(fc_reads.Count, tsIdentities.Count))
     for fcTs in fc_reads:
         fc_series[fcTs.Name] = self._make_shyft_ts_from_xts(fcTs)
     return fc_series
 def read(self, ts_names, period):
     """Open a connection to the SMG database and fetch all the time series given in ts_names.
     ts_id is currently the full unique name of the smg-ts. We could/should also support using
     unique number/keys instead. -more efficient, and more robust to name changes.
     Return the result as a dictionary of shyft_ts."""
     if not period.valid():
        raise SmgDataError("Period should be valid() of type api.UtcPeriod")
     shyft_series = {}
     tsIdentities = self._namelist_to_ListOf_TsIdentities(ts_names)
     ssa_period = self._make_ssa_Period_from_shyft_period(period)
     tsReads = []
     with TimeSeriesRepositorySmg(self.env) as tsr:
         tsReads = tsr.repo.ReadRawPoints(tsIdentities, ssa_period)
     if len(ts_names) != tsReads.Count:
         print("WARNING: Could only find {} out of {} requested timeseries".format(tsReads.Count, len(ts_names)))
     for ts in tsReads:
         # TODO: check ts.Name is valid else use ts.Info.Id
         shyft_series[ts.Name] = self._make_shyft_ts_from_xts(ts)
     return shyft_series
 def store(self, ts_dict, is_forecast=False):
     """ Input the list of Shyft result ts_dict,
         where the keys are the wanted SmG ts-path names
         and the values are Shyft result api.shyft_timeseries_double, time-series.
         If the named time-series does not exist, create it.
         Then store time-series data to the named entities.
     # Create list of TS identities used by repository
     tsIds = self._namelist_to_ListOf_TsIdentities(ts_dict.keys())
     res = False
     with TimeSeriesRepositorySmg(self.env) as tsr:
         self._create_missing_ts(tsr, tsIds, is_forecast)
         tsIds = tsr.repo.GetIdentities(tsr.repo.FindMetaInfo(tsIds))
         ts_names = {x.Name: x for x in tsIds}
         # Create list of TS used by repository
         tsList = List[TimeSeriesPointSegments]([])
         for name, shyft_ts in iter(ts_dict.items()):
             ts_1h = self._resample_1h(shyft_ts)
             xts = self._make_ssa_tsps_from_shyft_ts(ts_names[name], ts_1h)
         errors = tsr.repo.Write(tsList, False)
         res = errors is None
     return res
def write_V_SMG_Regresjon(results,
    start_time = time.time()
    now = pd.to_datetime(time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M"),
                         format="%Y.%m.%d %H:%M",
    expression = str(
        '! Sist oppdatert {}\n!R2 (modell vs fasit) for periode tilbake til 08.06.2015: {:0.6f}\n!R2 (modell vs fasit) for periode tilbake {} uker: {:0.6f}\n'
        .format(now, r2_modelled_long, short_period_beste, r2_modelled))
    vekt_serie = "F{tall}={serie}*{vekt}\n"
    region = str(fasit_key[6:9])

    if str(fasit_key[-3:]) == '132':
        sum_av_vekter = '## = ({alle_vekter})/100'
        for tall, serie, vekt in sorted(
                zip(range(len(chosen_p)), chosen_p, results.params)):
            MagKap = MagKap_mag[serie]
            if ('-U' not in serie) and (MagKap != 0):
                serie = "(100*@TRANSFORM(%'{}','WEEK','FIRST')/{})".format(
                    serie, MagKap)
            elif ('-U' in serie) and (MagKap != 0):
                serie = "(100*%'{}'/{})".format(serie, MagKap)
            elif ('-U' not in serie) and (MagKap == 0):
                serie = "@TRANSFORM(%'{}','WEEK','FIRST')".format(serie)
            elif ('-U' in serie) and (MagKap == 0):
                serie = "%'{}'".format(serie)
            expression += (str((vekt_serie.format(tall=tall + 1,
        expression += str(
                alle_vekter='F' +
                '+F'.join([str(tall + 1) for tall in range(len(chosen_p))])))
        expression += '\n@SET_TS_VALUNIT(##,132)'
        ts = 'RegresjonMag' + region + '.......-U9104S0BT0132'

    if str(fasit_key[-3:]) == '105':
        sum_av_vekter = '## = {alle_vekter}'
        for tall, serie, vekt in sorted(
                zip(range(len(chosen_p)), chosen_p, results.params)):
            serie = "@TRANSFORM(%'{}','WEEK','SUM')".format(serie)
            expression += (str((vekt_serie.format(tall=tall + 1,
        expression += str(
                alle_vekter='F' +
                '+F'.join([str(tall + 1) for tall in range(len(chosen_p))])))
        expression += '\n@SET_TS_VALUNIT(##,105)'
        if 'No' in region:
            ts = 'RegresjonTilsigNO' + region[-1] + '.-U9100S0BT0105'
        elif 'Se' in region:
            ts = 'RegresjonTilsigSE' + region[-1] + '.-U9100S0BT0105'

    smg = TimeSeriesRepositorySmg(SMG_PROD)
    print('Skriver formel for siste regresjon til: ', ts)
    info = smg.get_meta_info_by_name([ts])
    # print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------')
    # print(expression)
    # print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------')
    smg.update_virtual({info[0]: expression})
    end_time = time.time()
    print('Time to run write_V_SMG_Regresjon: ', end_time - start_time)