    def rstable_sym(self, alpha, location, scale, \
                                 xmin=float('-inf'), xmax=float('inf'), \
                                 pmin=0.0, pmax=1.0):
        The SYMMETRICAL stable distribution where alpha is the tail exponent. 
        For numerical reasons alpha is restricted to [0.25, 0.9] and 
        [1.125, 1.9] - but alpha = 1.0 (the Cauchy) and alpha = 2.0 (scaled 
        normal) are also allowed!

        Numerics are somewhat crude but the fractional error is mostly < 0.001 -
        sometimes much less - and the absolute error is almost always < 0.001 - 
        sometimes much less... 

        NB This generator is slow - particularly for small alpha  !!!!!

        self._checkminmax(xmin, xmax, pmin, pmax, 'rstable_sym')

        pmn = pmin
        pmx = pmax
        if xmin > float('-inf'):\
                  pmn = max(pmin, cstable_sym(alpha, location, scale, xmin))
        if xmax < float('inf'): \
                  pmx = min(pmax, cstable_sym(alpha, location, scale, xmax))

        p  =  pmn + (pmx-pmn)*self.runif01()
        x  =  istable_sym(p, alpha, location, scale)

        return x
 def _fifi2fid(x):
     cdf  = cstable_sym(alpha, location, scale, x)
     pdf  = dstable_sym(alpha, location, scale, x)
     fi   = cdf - prob
     if pdf <= 0.0:
         if fi == 0.0: fi2fid = 1.0
         else:         fi2fid = MAXFLOAT
         fi2fid = fi/pdf
     return fi, fi2fid