文件: views.py 项目: al-layth/denigma
    def __init__(self, a_signature, another_signature):
        self.a = a_signature
        self.another = another_signature
        self.name = "%s <-> %s" % (a_signature.link, another_signature.link)
        self.up = a_signature.up & another_signature.up
        self.down = a_signature.down & another_signature.down
        self.diff = (a_signature.up | a_signature.down) \
                    & (another_signature.up | another_signature.down)

        self.diff_pvalue = hyperg(len(a_signature.diff),
        self.down_pvalue = hyperg(len(a_signature.down),
        self.up_pvalue = hyperg(len(a_signature.up), len(another_signature.up),
                                a_signature.transcripts.count(), len(self.up))

        self.anti_a = a_signature.up & another_signature.down
        self.anti_b = a_signature.down & another_signature.up

        self.anti_a_pvalue = hyperg(len(a_signature.up),
        self.anti_b_pvalue = hyperg(len(a_signature.down),
    def __init__(self, a_signature, another_signature):
        self.a = a_signature
        self.another = another_signature
        self.name = "%s <-> %s" % (a_signature.link, another_signature.link)
        self.up = a_signature.up & another_signature.up
        self.down = a_signature.down & another_signature.down
        self.diff = (a_signature.up | a_signature.down) & (another_signature.up | another_signature.down)

        self.diff_pvalue = hyperg(
            len(a_signature.diff), len(another_signature.diff), a_signature.transcripts.count(), len(self.diff)
        self.down_pvalue = hyperg(
            len(a_signature.down), len(another_signature.down), a_signature.transcripts.count(), len(self.down)
        self.up_pvalue = hyperg(
            len(a_signature.up), len(another_signature.up), a_signature.transcripts.count(), len(self.up)

        self.anti_a = a_signature.up & another_signature.down
        self.anti_b = a_signature.down & another_signature.up

        self.anti_a_pvalue = hyperg(
            len(a_signature.up), len(another_signature.down), a_signature.transcripts.count(), len(self.anti_a)
        self.anti_b_pvalue = hyperg(
            len(a_signature.down), len(another_signature.up), a_signature.transcripts.count(), len(self.anti_b)
    def compara(self, S1, S2):
        """Compares two signatures for significant overlap."""
        if isinstance(S1, str):
            S1 = self[S1]  # if only the name is given
        if isinstance(S2, str):
            S2 = self[S2]  # the signature will be identfied

        if len(S1) > len(S2):
            total = len(S1)
            total = len(S2)
        S1_ranked_list = []
        S2_ranked_list = []
        for gene in S1:
            S1_ranked_list.append((S1[gene].ratio, S1[gene]))
        # S1_ranked_list.reverse()
        for gene in S2:
            S2_ranked_list.append((S2[gene].ratio, S2[gene]))
        # S2_ranked_list.reverse()
        print len(S1_ranked_list), len(S2_ranked_list)
        for threshold in xrange(100, 5000, 100):
            S1.up = {}
            S2.up = {}
            for ratio, s1 in S1_ranked_list[:threshold]:
                S1.up[s1.id] = s1
            for ratio, s2 in S2_ranked_list[:threshold]:
                S2.up[s2.id] = s2
            Intersection = set(S1.up) & set(S2.up)
            pvalue = hyperg(len(S1.up), len(S2.up), total, len(Intersection))
            print threshold, "\t", len(S1.up), "\t", len(S2.up), "\t", len(
            ), "\t", pvalue  # len(IntersectionUp), pvalueUp, len(S1.down), len(S2.down), len(IntersectionDown), pvalueDown, len(IntersectionComb), pvalueComb
    def compara(self, S1, S2):
        """Compares two signatures for significant overlap."""
        if isinstance(S1, str): S1 = self[S1]  # if only the name is given
        if isinstance(S2, str):
            S2 = self[S2]  # the signature will be identfied

        if len(S1) > len(S2): total = len(S1)
        else: total = len(S2)
        S1_ranked_list = []
        S2_ranked_list = []
        for gene in S1:
            S1_ranked_list.append((S1[gene].ratio, S1[gene]))
        for gene in S2:
            S2_ranked_list.append((S2[gene].ratio, S2[gene]))
        print len(S1_ranked_list), len(S2_ranked_list)
        for threshold in xrange(100, 5000, 100):
            S1.up = {}
            S2.up = {}
            for ratio, s1 in S1_ranked_list[:threshold]:
                S1.up[s1.id] = s1
            for ratio, s2 in S2_ranked_list[:threshold]:
                S2.up[s2.id] = s2
            Intersection = set(S1.up) & set(S2.up)
            pvalue = hyperg(len(S1.up), len(S2.up), total, len(Intersection))
            print threshold, '\t', len(S1.up), '\t', len(S2.up), '\t', len(
            ), '\t', pvalue  # len(IntersectionUp), pvalueUp, len(S1.down), len(S2.down), len(IntersectionDown), pvalueDown, len(IntersectionComb), pvalueComb
    def enriched(self, S1, S2, ratio=1.0, upper=None, step=0.1, pvalue=None):
        """Compares two signatures for significant overlap."""
        if isinstance(S1, str): S1 = self[S1]  # if only the name is given
        if isinstance(S2, str):
            S2 = self[S2]  # the signature will be identfied
        if len(S1) > len(S2): total = len(S1)
        else: total = len(S2)

        if not upper: upper = 99
        Range = arange(ratio, upper, step).tolist()
        for upper in Range:
            lower = 1 / upper
            S1.delta, S1.up, S1.down = {}, {}, {}
            S2.delta, S2.up, S2.down = {}, {}, {}
            for gene in S1:
                if S1[gene].ratio > upper:  #or not S1[gene].ratio:
                    if pvalue:
                        if S1[gene].pvalue < pvalue: S1.up[gene] = S1[gene]
                    else: S1.up[gene] = S1[gene]
            for gene in S2:
                if S2[gene].ratio > upper or not S2[gene].ratio:
                    if pvalue:
                        if S2[gene].pvalue < pvalue: S2.up[gene] = S2[gene]
                    else: S2.up[gene] = S2[gene]
            Intersection = set(S1.up) & set(S2.up)
            if not S1.up or not S2.up or not Intersection: break
            pvalue = hyperg(len(S1.up), len(S2.up), total, len(Intersection))
            print upper, len(S1.up), len(
                S2.up), len(Intersection), pvalue, ', '.join(Intersection)
    def enriched(self, S1, S2, ratio=1.0, upper=None, step=0.1, pvalue=None):
        """Compares two signatures for significant overlap."""
        if isinstance(S1, str):
            S1 = self[S1]  # if only the name is given
        if isinstance(S2, str):
            S2 = self[S2]  # the signature will be identfied
        if len(S1) > len(S2):
            total = len(S1)
            total = len(S2)

        if not upper:
            upper = 99
        Range = arange(ratio, upper, step).tolist()
        for upper in Range:
            lower = 1 / upper
            S1.delta, S1.up, S1.down = {}, {}, {}
            S2.delta, S2.up, S2.down = {}, {}, {}
            for gene in S1:
                if S1[gene].ratio > upper:  # or not S1[gene].ratio:
                    if pvalue:
                        if S1[gene].pvalue < pvalue:
                            S1.up[gene] = S1[gene]
                        S1.up[gene] = S1[gene]
            for gene in S2:
                if S2[gene].ratio > upper or not S2[gene].ratio:
                    if pvalue:
                        if S2[gene].pvalue < pvalue:
                            S2.up[gene] = S2[gene]
                        S2.up[gene] = S2[gene]
            Intersection = set(S1.up) & set(S2.up)
            if not S1.up or not S2.up or not Intersection:
            pvalue = hyperg(len(S1.up), len(S2.up), total, len(Intersection))
            print upper, len(S1.up), len(S2.up), len(Intersection), pvalue, ", ".join(Intersection)
    def compare(self, S1, S2, lower=1, upper=99, step=0.1):
        """Compares two signatures for significant overlap."""
        if isinstance(S1, str):
            S1 = self[S1]  # if only the name is given
        if isinstance(S2, str):
            S2 = self[S2]  # the signature will be identfied
        ##    O = Organisms[S.taxid].number_genes
        # if S1.type != 'profile' and S2.type != profile:
        if len(S1) > len(S2):
            total = len(S1)
            total = len(S2)
        # total = 6600
        Range = arange(lower, upper, step).tolist()
        for upper in Range:
            lower = 1 / upper

            ##        if S1.type == 'profile':
            S1.delta = {}
            S1.up = {}
            S1.down = {}
            for s1 in S1:
                if S1[s1].ratio > upper or not S1[s1].ratio:  # or S1[s1].ratio < lower:
                    S1.delta[s1] = S1[s1]
            ##                if S1.genes[s1].fold_change > upper:
            ##                    S1.up[s1] = S1.genes[s1]
            ##                else:
            ##                    S1.down[s1] = S1.genes[s1]

            ##        else:S1.delta = S1.genes

            ##        if S2.type == 'profile':
            S2.delta = {}
            S2.up = {}
            S2.down = {}
            for s2 in S2:
                # print s2, type(s2), S2[s2].fold_change, hasattr(S2[s2], 'fold_change')
                if S2[s2].ratio > upper or not S2[s2].ratio:  # S2[s2].ratio < lower:
                    S2.delta[s2] = S2[s2]
            ##                if S2.genes[s2].fold_change > upper:
            ##                    S2.up[s2] = S2.genes[s2]
            ##                else:
            ##                    S2.down[s2] = S2.genes[s2]

            ##        else: S2.delta = S2.genes
            # print len(S1.delta), len(S2.delta)
            Intersection = set(S1.delta) & set(S2.delta)

            ##        IntersectionUp = set(S1.up) & set(S2.up)
            ##        IntersectionDown = set(S1.down) & set(S2.down)
            ##        IntersectionComb = set(IntersectionUp) | set(IntersectionDown)
            if not len(S1.delta) or not len(S2.delta) or not Intersection:
                return None
            pvalue = hyperg(len(S1.delta), len(S2.delta), total, len(Intersection))

            ##        pvalueComb = hyperg(len(S1.delta), len(S2.delta), total, len(IntersectionComb))
            ##        pvalueUp = hyperg(len(S1.up), len(S2.up), total, len(IntersectionUp))
            ##        pvalueDown = hyperg(len(S1.down), len(S2.down), total, len(IntersectionDown))

            print upper, "\t", len(S1.delta), "\t", len(S2.delta), "\t", len(
            ), "\t", pvalue  # len(IntersectionUp), pvalueUp, len(S1.down), len(S2.down), len(IntersectionDown), pvalueDown, len(IntersectionComb), pvalueComb
        ##        if pvalue < 0.05 and pvalue != 0:
        ##        if len(Intersection) == 4:
        ##            for i in Intersection: print S1.genes[i].symbol, S1.genes[i].fold_change
        ##            stop
        ##        print S1.genes[Result[0]].symbol, S2.genes[Result[0]].fold_change
        return len(S1.delta.keys()), len(S2.delta.keys()), len(Intersection)
    def compare(self, S1, S2, lower=1, upper=99, step=0.1):
        """Compares two signatures for significant overlap."""
        if isinstance(S1, str): S1 = self[S1]  # if only the name is given
        if isinstance(S2, str):
            S2 = self[S2]  # the signature will be identfied
        ##    O = Organisms[S.taxid].number_genes
        #if S1.type != 'profile' and S2.type != profile:
        if len(S1) > len(S2): total = len(S1)
        else: total = len(S2)
        #total = 6600
        Range = arange(lower, upper, step).tolist()
        for upper in Range:
            lower = 1 / upper

            ##        if S1.type == 'profile':
            S1.delta = {}
            S1.up = {}
            S1.down = {}
            for s1 in S1:
                if S1[s1].ratio > upper or not S1[
                        s1].ratio:  #or S1[s1].ratio < lower:
                    S1.delta[s1] = S1[s1]
    ##                if S1.genes[s1].fold_change > upper:
    ##                    S1.up[s1] = S1.genes[s1]
    ##                else:
    ##                    S1.down[s1] = S1.genes[s1]

    ##        else:S1.delta = S1.genes

    ##        if S2.type == 'profile':
            S2.delta = {}
            S2.up = {}
            S2.down = {}
            for s2 in S2:
                #print s2, type(s2), S2[s2].fold_change, hasattr(S2[s2], 'fold_change')
                if S2[s2].ratio > upper or not S2[
                        s2].ratio:  #S2[s2].ratio < lower:
                    S2.delta[s2] = S2[s2]
    ##                if S2.genes[s2].fold_change > upper:
    ##                    S2.up[s2] = S2.genes[s2]
    ##                else:
    ##                    S2.down[s2] = S2.genes[s2]

    ##        else: S2.delta = S2.genes
    #print len(S1.delta), len(S2.delta)
            Intersection = set(S1.delta) & set(S2.delta)

            ##        IntersectionUp = set(S1.up) & set(S2.up)
            ##        IntersectionDown = set(S1.down) & set(S2.down)
            ##        IntersectionComb = set(IntersectionUp) | set(IntersectionDown)
            if not len(S1.delta) or not len(S2.delta) or not Intersection:
                return None
            pvalue = hyperg(len(S1.delta), len(S2.delta), total,

            ##        pvalueComb = hyperg(len(S1.delta), len(S2.delta), total, len(IntersectionComb))
            ##        pvalueUp = hyperg(len(S1.up), len(S2.up), total, len(IntersectionUp))
            ##        pvalueDown = hyperg(len(S1.down), len(S2.down), total, len(IntersectionDown))

            print upper, '\t', len(S1.delta), '\t', len(S2.delta), '\t', len(
            ), '\t', pvalue  # len(IntersectionUp), pvalueUp, len(S1.down), len(S2.down), len(IntersectionDown), pvalueDown, len(IntersectionComb), pvalueComb

    ##        if pvalue < 0.05 and pvalue != 0:
    ##        if len(Intersection) == 4:
    ##            for i in Intersection: print S1.genes[i].symbol, S1.genes[i].fold_change
    ##            stop
    ##        print S1.genes[Result[0]].symbol, S2.genes[Result[0]].fold_change
        return len(S1.delta.keys()), len(S2.delta.keys()), len(Intersection)