        def dayrun(start, cluster):
            Simulation of a single day according to start state 'start'
            and the stochastics associated with 'cluster'.

            # script ##########################################################
            # we set the default daycheck at False for the first run and loop
            # creating days while False, meaning while the simulated day does
            # not correspond to the agreed-on rules in check().
            # ----->>> The check is currently not effectively implemented.
            daycheck = False
            end = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
            # define the corresponding MCSA object from stats.py depicting a
            # Monte Carlo Survival Analysis object.
            SA = stats.MCSA(cluster)
            # and then keep simulating a day until True
            while daycheck == False:
                # set start state conditions
                tbin = 0
                occs = np.zeros(144, dtype=int)
                occs[0] = start
                # occupancy data from survey are given per 30 min, so we need to know in which of 48 bins to look for data:
                t48 = np.array(sorted(list(range(1, 49)) * 3))
                dt = SA.duration(
                    start, t48[0]
                )  # get duration of current state at start time (4am)
                # and loop sequentially transition and duration functions
                while tbin < 143:
                    tbin += 1
                    if dt == 0:  # previous state duration has ended
                        occs[tbin] = SA.transition(
                            occs[tbin - 1],
                            t48[tbin])  # find most probable next state
                        dt = SA.duration(
                            occs[tbin], t48[tbin]
                        ) - 1  # restart duration counter for new state
                        # -1 is necessary, as the occupancy state already started
                        occs[tbin] = occs[tbin - 1]  # maintain current state
                        dt += -1  # count down duration of current state
                # whereafer we control if this day is ok
                daycheck = check(
                )  # ----->>> The check is currently not effectively implemented, always TRUE!
                # and we include a break if the while-loop takes to long until
                # check()-conditions are fulfilled.
                if datetime.datetime.utcnow() > end:

            # ouput ###########################################################
            # return occupants array if daycheck is ok
            return occs
        def dayrun(start, cluster):
            Simulation of a single day according to start state 'start'
            and the stochastics stored in cluster 'BxDict'and daytype 'Bx'.

            # script ##########################################################
            # we set the default daycheck at False for the first run and loop
            # creating days while False, meaning while the simulated day does
            # not correspond to the agreed-on rules in check().
            daycheck = False
            end = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
            # defin the corresponding MCSA object from stats.py depicting a
            # Monte Carlo Survival Analysis object.
            SA = stats.MCSA(cluster)
            # and then keep simulating a day until True
            while daycheck == False:
                # set start state conditions
                tbin = 0
                occs = np.zeros(144, dtype=int)
                occs[0] = start
                t48 = np.array(sorted(list(range(1, 49)) * 3))
                dt = SA.duration(start, t48[0])
                # and loop sequentially transition and duration functions
                while tbin < 143:
                    tbin += 1
                    if dt == 0:
                        occs[tbin] = SA.transition(occs[tbin - 1], t48[tbin])
                        dt = SA.duration(occs[tbin], t48[tbin]) - 1
                        # -1 is necessary, as the occupancy state already started
                        occs[tbin] = occs[tbin - 1]
                        dt += -1
                # whereafer we control if this day is ok
                daycheck = check(occs)
                # and we include a break if the while-loop takes to long until
                # check()-conditions are fulfilled.
                if datetime.datetime.utcnow() > end:

            # ouput ###########################################################
            # return occupants array if daycheck is ok according to Bx
            return occs
    def __occupancy__(self, min_form=True, min_time=False):
        Simulation of occupancy profiles for each occupant based on their clusters.
        - A weekday, saturday and sunday are simulated, after which a typical week is created and repeated for the entire simulation period.
        - The starting day of the year is taken into account. 
        - The occupancy profiles start at 4:00 AM, in accordance with the used survey data. (later shifted, see roundUp())
        def check(occday,
                  min_time=False):  # -->> this check is not effective !!!
            We set a check which becomes True if the simulated day behaves
            according to the cluster, as a safety measure for impossible
            ---->>> This check is not effectively implemented for the moment !!!

            # script 1 ########################################################
            # First we check if the simulated occ-chain has the same shape
            shape = True  #  --->>> Check not effective, shape=True always !!!!!!!!!!!
            if min_form:
                location = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
                reduction = occday[0] * np.ones(1, dtype=int)
                for i in range(len(occday) - 1):
                    if occday[i + 1] != occday[i]:
                        location = np.append(location, i + 1)
                        reduction = np.append(reduction, occday[i + 1])

#                shape = np.array_equal(reduction, RED) --->>> RED not available any more!!

# script 2 ########################################################
# And second we see if the chain has no sub-30 min differences
            length = True  #  --->>> Check not effective, length=True always !!!!!!!!!!!
            if min_time:  # ------>>> min_time=False by default !!
                minlength = 99
                for i in location:
                    j = 0
                    while occday[i +
                                 j] == occday[i] and i + j < len(occday) - 1:
                        j = j + 1
                    if j < minlength:
                        minlength = j
                # and we neglect the very short presences of 20 min or less
                length = not minlength < 3

            # output ##########################################################
            # both have to be true to allow continuation, and we return boolean
            return shape and length  # --->>> Check not effective, always True  !!!!!!!!!!!

        def dayrun(start, cluster):
            Simulation of a single day according to start state 'start'
            and the stochastics associated with 'cluster'.

            # script ##########################################################
            # we set the default daycheck at False for the first run and loop
            # creating days while False, meaning while the simulated day does
            # not correspond to the agreed-on rules in check().
            # ----->>> The check is currently not effectively implemented.
            daycheck = False
            end = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
            # define the corresponding MCSA object from stats.py depicting a
            # Monte Carlo Survival Analysis object.
            SA = stats.MCSA(cluster)
            # and then keep simulating a day until True
            while daycheck == False:
                # set start state conditions
                tbin = 0
                occs = np.zeros(144, dtype=int)
                occs[0] = start
                # occupancy data from survey are given per 30 min, so we need to know in which of 48 bins to look for data:
                t48 = np.array(sorted(list(range(1, 49)) * 3))
                dt = SA.duration(
                    start, t48[0]
                )  # get duration of current state at start time (4am)
                # and loop sequentially transition and duration functions
                while tbin < 143:
                    tbin += 1
                    if dt == 0:  # previous state duration has ended
                        occs[tbin] = SA.transition(
                            occs[tbin - 1],
                            t48[tbin])  # find most probable next state
                        dt = SA.duration(
                            occs[tbin], t48[tbin]
                        ) - 1  # restart duration counter for new state
                        # -1 is necessary, as the occupancy state already started
                        occs[tbin] = occs[tbin - 1]  # maintain current state
                        dt += -1  # count down duration of current state
                # whereafer we control if this day is ok
                daycheck = check(
                )  # ----->>> The check is currently not effectively implemented, always TRUE!
                # and we include a break if the while-loop takes to long until
                # check()-conditions are fulfilled.
                if datetime.datetime.utcnow() > end:

            # ouput ###########################################################
            # return occupants array if daycheck is ok
            return occs

        def merge(occ):
            Merge the occupancy profiles of all household members to a single
            profile denoting the most active state of all members.
            # scirpt ##########################################################
            # We start defining an array of correct length filled with the
            # least active state and loop to see if more-active people are
            # present at the depicted moment.
            occs = int(3) * np.ones(len(occ[0]))
            for member in occ:
                for to in range(len(member)):
                    if member[to] < occs[to]:
                        occs[to] = member[to]

            # ouput ###########################################################
            # return the merge occupancy states
            return occs

        # script ##############################################################
        # We change the directory to to location where the data is stored,
        # and create a typical week.
        cdir = os.getcwd()
        occ_week = []  #typical week
        for member in self.clustersList:
            week = []  # initiate empty week
            SA = stats.MCSA(member['wkdy'])
            startstate = SA.startstate(
            )  # random starting state of week, depending on cluster
            for i in range(5):
                week = np.append(week, dayrun(startstate, member['wkdy']))
                startstate = week[-1]
            week = np.append(week, dayrun(week[-1], member['sat']))
            week = np.append(week, dayrun(week[-1], member['son']))
        # A merge occupancy is created depicted the most active state of all
        # household members, later-on used for set-point temperatures and hot water tappings.
        occ_merg = merge(occ_week)
        # and combine the weekly occupancy states for the entire year by
        # repeating them every week and correcting for the first day of year and stop time,
        # including for the merged occupancy.
        bins = 144  # number of datapoints in one day
        tstart = bins * (self.dow[0])  # need to sart on correct day of week
        tstop = tstart + bins * (
        ) + 1  # need nday in total, plus one step (for IDEAS simulations)
        occ_year = []
        for line in range(len(occ_week)):  # per separate member
            #repeat week more than enough times (54), take days needed to have correct nday and start day
            occ_year.append(np.tile(occ_week, 54)[line][tstart:tstop])
        occ_merged = []
        occ_merged.append(np.tile(occ_merg, 54)[tstart:tstop])

        # output ##############################################################
        # chdir back to original and return the occupancy states to the class
        # object.
        self.occ = occ_year
        self.occ_m = occ_merged
        # and print statements
        presence = [to for to in self.occ_m[0] if to < 2]
        hours = len(presence) / 6.
        print(' - Total presence time is {0:.1f} out of {1} hours'.format(
            hours, self.nday * 24))
        print('\tbeing {:.1f} percent)'.format(hours * 100 / (self.nday * 24)))
        return None