def white_test(data: pd.DataFrame, window: int = 21): data['std1'] = data['price'].rolling(21).std() data.dropna(inplace= True) X =['price']) results = smi.regression.linear_model.OLS(data['std1'], X).fit() resid = results.resid exog = results.model.exog print("White-Test p-Value: {0}".format(sm.het_white(resid, exog)[1])) if sm.het_white(resid, exog)[1] > 0.05: print("White test outcome at 5% signficance: homoscedastic") else: print("White test outcome at 5% signficance: heteroscedastic")
def test_heteroscedacity(y, y_pred, pred_value_only=1): ss = """ Test Heteroscedacity : Residual**2 = Linear(X, Pred, Pred**2) F pvalues < 0.01 : Null is Rejected ---> Not Homoscedastic het_breuschpagan """ from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_breuschpagan, het_white error = y_pred - y ypred_df = pd.DataFrame({ "pcst": [1.0] * len(y), "pred": y_pred, "pred2": y_pred * y_pred }) labels = [ "LM Statistic", "LM-Test p-value", "F-Statistic", "F-Test p-value" ] test1 = het_breuschpagan(error * error, ypred_df.values) test2 = het_white(error * error, ypred_df.values) ddict = { "het-breuschpagan": dict(zip(labels, test1)), "het-white": dict(zip(labels, test2)), } return ddict
def test_het_white(self): res = self.res # TODO: regressiontest, compare with Greene or Gretl or Stata hw = smsdia.het_white(res.resid, res.model.exog) hw_values = (33.503722896538441, 2.9887960597830259e-06, 7.7945101228430946, 1.0354575277704231e-06) assert_almost_equal(hw, hw_values)
def f_heter_w(datos): """ Prueba White de heterocedasticidad Parameters ---------- datos : pd.DataFrame : con información contenida en archivo leido Returns ------- dict : Valores de heterocedasticidad y p-value """ datos = datos.set_index('datetime') datos_dif = datos - datos.shift() datos_dif.dropna(inplace=True) datos_dif = datos_dif.reset_index() serie = datos_dif['actual'] indxx = datos_dif.index het_model_w = sm.OLS(serie, sm.add_constant(indxx)).fit() resids = het_model_w.resid white_het = smd.het_white(resids, het_model_w.model.exog) lm_stat_w = white_het[0] pvalue_lm_w = white_het[1] f_stat_w = white_het[2] pvalue_f_w = white_het[3] heteroscedastico_w = 'Si' if pvalue_f_w < et.alpha else 'No' return { 'Lagrange Multiplier Value': lm_stat_w, 'LM P-value': pvalue_lm_w, 'Statistic Value': f_stat_w, 'F-Statistic P-Value': pvalue_f_w, '¿Heteroscedástico?': heteroscedastico_w }
def test_het_white(self): res = self.res #TODO: regressiontest, compare with Greene or Gretl or Stata hw = smsdia.het_white(res.resid, res.model.exog) hw_values = (33.503722896538441, 2.9887960597830259e-06, 7.7945101228430946, 1.0354575277704231e-06) assert_almost_equal(hw, hw_values)
def check_heteroskedasticity(self): white_test = het_white(self.result.resid, [self.dataformodel['Temperature']]) #bp_test = het_breuschpagan(self.result.resid, self.result.model.exog) labels = ['LM Statistic', 'LM-Test p-value', 'F-Statistic’', 'F-Test p-value'], bp_test))), white_test)))
def _test_gp_residuals(self, conf_mat): #Test normal k2, p_norm = stats.normaltest(['GP_residuals']) if p_norm < 0.05: warnings.warn("The residuals are not Gaussian!") # Test heteroskedasticity exog = add_constant(conf_mat) _, p_het, _, _ = het_white((['GP_residuals'])**2, exog) if p_het < 0.05: warnings.warn("The residuals are heteroskedastic!")
def coef_p_rsqr_white_values(self, results): ''' 对参数字典进行数据填充 ''' white = het_white(results.resid, exog=results.model.exog)[1] self.para_dict["f_p"] = results.f_pvalue self.para_dict["const_coef"] = results.params[0] self.para_dict["x1_coef"] = results.params[1] self.para_dict["const_p"] = results.pvalues[0] self.para_dict["x1_p"] = results.pvalues[1] self.para_dict["r_squared"] = results.rsquared_adj self.para_dict["white_p"] = white
def assess_heteroskedasticity(df, col): """ Assess heteroskedasticity between selected column and Transit Score using the White test """ f = '{}~TRANSIT_SCORE'.format(col) # R-like formula for statsmodels model = ols(formula=f, data=df).fit() white_test = het_white(model.resid, model.model.exog) labels = [ 'LM Statistic', 'LM - Test p - value', 'F - Statistic', 'F - Test p - value' ] print(dict(zip(labels, white_test))) print("\n")
def het_white(y_true: pd.Series, resid: pd.Series): """ White's Lagrange Multiplier Test for Heteroscedasticity. Null hypothesis: No heteroscedasticity for y_pred with respect to y_true. Note: This does not imply no serial correlation. Alternative hypothesis: heteroscedasticity exist for y_pred with respect to y_true. References: * * Definition: Heteroscedasticity := Heteroscedasticity means that the variance of a time series is not constant over time. Therefore the variance over sliding window t,... t+i will differ from sliding window t+i+1,..t+j, where t is the initial time index, i, j are integers. Parameters ---------- y_true : pd.Series observed values resid : pd.Series y_pred - y_true values nlags : int, default None Highest lag to use. ddof : int, default 0 If the residuals are from a regression, or ARMA estimation, then there are recommendations to correct the degrees of freedom by the number of parameters that have been estimated, for example ddof=p+q for an ARMA(p,q). Returns ------- lm : float Lagrange multiplier test statistic lmpval : float p-value for Lagrange multiplier test """ result = diagnostic.het_white(resid, y_true) HetWhiteResult = namedtuple('HetWhiteResult', 'statistic pvalue') return HetWhiteResult(result[0], result[1])
def white_test(regression_dict, results_dict): data = dataset[regression_dict["Model 8"]] data = data.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) data = data.dropna() Xes = [ 'Block_3', 'Block_5', 'Block_10', 'Block_20', 'Block_30', 'GROUP_A', 'GROUP_F', 'GROUP_S', 'Leverage_T-1', 'SalesGrowth', 'MarketToBookValue_T-1', 'ReturnOnAssets_T-1', 'LOG(MarketCap_T-1)', 'LOG(NetSales_T-1)', 'LOG(TurnoverByVolume)' ] for exog in Xes: white = smd.het_white(results_dict["Model 8"].resid,[exog])) if white[1] > 0.05: print("Factor: {}\t--> Homoscedasticity\t :)".format(exog)) else: print("Factor: {}\t--> HETEROSCEDASTICITY :(".format(exog))
def White_het(r, e): '''White test for heteroskedasticity Keyword arguments: r -- the array part (Result model of ols) e -- the array part (Resids of this model) ''' hw = het_white(e, r.model.exog) #White test tblv = stats.chi2.ppf(0.95, (len(e) - 2)) #Critical value of chi squared if (hw[1] > 0.05): print('White Test[+]: Model has heteroskedacity\nPvalue Wtest = ' + str(hw[1]) + ' > 0.05\n') return '+' else: print('White Test[-]: Model has no heteroskedacity\nWtest = ' + str(hw[1]) + ' < 0.05\n') return '-'
def heteroskedasticity_test(X, form): # Realiza un test de White y un test de Breusch-Pagan para determinar la heterocedasticidad del modelo. # Parámetros: # X (DataFrame): Dataframe con las variables exógenas. # form (str): String con la fórmula a utilizar para la regresión. # Devuelve: # Nada. expenditure_model = ols(formula=form, data=X).fit() labels = [ 'LM Statistic', 'LM-Test p-value', 'F-Statistic', 'F-Test p-value' ] white_test = het_white(expenditure_model.resid, expenditure_model.model.exog) bp_test = het_breuschpagan(expenditure_model.resid, expenditure_model.model.exog) print("---Test de White---") print(dict(zip(labels, white_test))) print("---Test de BP---") print(dict(zip(labels, bp_test)))
def error_analisis(result, plot=False): ''' Inputs: result: Results from Stats after plot: True if we want a plot Returns: Print of an statistics analysis of regression errors which includes: Autocorrelation, \ Heterokedasticity, Stationarity and Normality ''' #Autocorrleation print('----------Durbin Watson-------------') out = durbin_watson(result.resid) print('Durbin Watson is: ' + str(out)) if plot: qqplot(result.resid, line='s') print('--------Breusch Autocorr-----------') try: bre = acorr_breusch_godfrey(result, nlags=12) print('lm: ' + str(bre[0])) print('lmpval: ' + str(bre[1])) print('fval: ' + str(bre[2])) print('fpval: ' + str(bre[3])) if bre[1] < 0.05: print('Evidence for autocorrelation') else: print('Not Evidence for autocorrelation') except: print('Cant calculate statistic') print('-----White Heteroskedasticity------') white_test = het_white(result.resid, result.model.exog) labels = [ 'LM Statistic', 'LM-Test p-value', 'F-Statistic', 'F-Test p-value' ] print(dict(zip(labels, white_test))) if white_test[1] < 0.05: print('Evidence for heteroskedasticity') else: print('Not Evidence for heteroskedasticity') print('----------ADF Test-----------------') try: DFtest(result.resid) except: print("Can't calculate ADF test") print('----------Shapiro Normality--------') stat, p = shapiro(result.resid) print('Statistics=%.3f, p=%.3f' % (stat, p)) # interpret alpha = 0.05 if p > alpha: print('Sample looks Gaussian (fail to reject H0)') else: print('Sample does not look Gaussian (reject H0)') if plot: residuals = pd.DataFrame(result.resid) residuals.plot(kind='kde')
# Check stat2, p2 = ttest_ind(sep_ret["mktret"], no_sep_ret["mktret"]) print("p-value={}".format(p2 / 2)) #%% #• an OLS regression of monthly S&P500 returns as dependent variable and two dummy independent variables mkt["djan"] = np.where(mkt["Date"].dt.month == 1, 1, 0) mkt["dsep"] = np.where(mkt["Date"].dt.month == 9, 1, 0) # 5. OLS regression of Citigroup returns against S&P500 returns mktreg = smf.ols(formula='mktret ~ djan + dsep', data=mkt).fit() print(mktreg.summary(), '\n' * 5) #White test for heteroskedasticity het_test = sd.het_white(mktreg.resid, mktreg.model.exog) labels = ['LM-Statistic', 'LM p-value', 'F-Statistic', 'F-Test p-value'] print('White test for heteroskedasticity:\n', pd.DataFrame([labels, het_test]), '\n' * 5) #OLS regression with heteroskedasticity-consistent std errors (HC3) mktreg_het = smf.ols(formula='mktret ~ djan + dsep', data=mkt).fit(cov_type='HC3') print( 'OLS regression of mktret against dummy variables under heteroskedasticity-consistent std errors:\n', mktreg_het.summary(), '\n' * 5) # Define a function to run OLS regression with autocorrelation-consistent std errors # with various lags (HAC) def mktreg_autocor(nlags):
version = sys.argv[5] output_file = sys.argv[6] np.random.seed(seed) Y, G, betas, mafs, G_raw = generate_null_eqtl_factorization_data_with_no_sample_repeat_and_first_test_has_heteroskedasticity( num_samples, num_tests, af, version) Y_resid, beta_estimated, corrz = get_residuals(Y, G) Y_pred = Y - Y_resid heteroskedastic_pvalz = [] for test_iter in range(Y_pred.shape[1]): exog = np.hstack((np.ones((len(Y_pred[:, test_iter]), 1)), np.transpose(np.asmatrix(Y_pred[:, test_iter])))) _, pval, __, f_pval = diagnostic.het_white(Y_resid[:, test_iter], exog) heteroskedastic_pvalz.append(f_pval) heteroskedastic_pvalz = np.asarray(heteroskedastic_pvalz) # Dummy variable Z = np.ones(num_samples) cov = np.ones((num_samples, 1)) eqtl_vi = eqtl_factorization_ard_no_alpha.EQTL_FACTORIZATION_VI(K=3, alpha=1e-3, beta=1e-3, a=1, b=1, max_iter=20, gamma_v=1), Y=Y, z=Z, cov=cov)
name_jb[1], ' ', test_jb[1], ' ', name_jb[2], ' ', test_jb[2], ' ', name_jb[3], ' ', test_jb[3], ) print(' ') # Lets try some more test_result --- TEST FOR HETEROSCEDASTICITY "WHITE's test" print('WHITE TEST') white_t = ssd.het_white(model.resid, model.model.exog, retres=False) print(white_t[1]) stat_1 = white_t[1] print('Whites test for hetero using lm test: ', stat_1, 'Whites test for hetero using F-Stat :', white_t[3]) print(' ') #Next test :ARCH For heteroscedasticity print('ARCH TEST') arch = ssd.het_arch(model.resid, maxlag=2, autolag=None, store=False, regresults=False, ddof=0) print('LM test stat:', arch[0], 'LM P value:', arch[1], 'F test stat:',
print("e. Regress log-wages on education, age, age2, and the gender and racial indicators, using the “robust” option in STATA to calculate the Eicker-White consistent standard errors. Explain briefly how these estimates of the standard errors are corrected for heteroskedasticity. How do they compare to the “uncorrected” (conventional) least squares estimates of the standard errors. Is there any evidence of heteroskedasticity?\n\n\n") lm_lw = smf.ols(formula='lwage ~ educ + age + age2 + female + white', data = df).fit() print(lm_lw.summary()) print("\n\n\n normal standard errors") print(lm_lw.bse) print("\n\n\n white standard errors") print(lm_lw.HC0_se) import statsmodels.stats.diagnostic as ssd df['intercept']=1 X = df[['educ','intercept','age','age2','female','white']] white = ssd.het_white(lm_lw.resid, X, retres=False)[3] print("\n\n\n p-value of the f-statistic of the hypothesis that the error variance does not depend on x: ") print(white) print("\n\n\n Answer: White standard errors are slightly larger for intercept, educ, age, and age2. They are slightly smaller for female and white. Estimates of the standard errors are corrected for heteroskedasticity by allowing them to vary with x values. The White test shows evidence of heteroskedasticity. The p-value of the f-statistic of the hypothesis that the error variance does not depend on x is .0004.\n\n\n") print("f. Using the “predict” STATA command [predict (var. name), residual], save the residuals from both the wage and log-wage regressions. Now regress the squared values of the residuals from the two sets of regressions on education, age, age2, female, and white. From the R-squareds of these regressions, test for heteroskedasticity in the two sets of residuals. Does one set of residuals appear to be more heteroskedastic than the other?\n\n\n") df['res_lwage2'] = lm_lw.resid**2 df['res_lwage'] = lm_lw.resid # Scatterplot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(df.educ, df.res_lwage2)
total_loading = total_regression.Get_total_loading(ret, tech_data, rm, macro_data, finance_loading[2015], dummy) total_loading = pd.DataFrame(total_loading) X = total_loading.iloc[:, 0] X = sm.add_constant(X) count = 0 number_of_het = 0 het_pvalue = np.zeros([132, 1]) for i in range(132): temp_Y = Y.iloc[:, i] temp_X = X.iloc[:, (0, 1)] model = sm.OLS(temp_Y, temp_X).fit() temp_resid = model.resid test_temp = ss.het_white(temp_resid, temp_X) het_pvalue[count, :] = test_temp[1] if test_temp[1] > 0.1: number_of_het += 1 count += 1 print("Number of heteroskedasticity is: ", number_of_het) del het_pvalue, temp_X, temp_Y, model, temp_resid, count del finance_temp, finance_loading_temp, interval, macro_data, mkt, mkt_temp #发现异方差问题较为严重,故下面所有回归采用加权最小二乘进行 # 记录当前所在的是第多少个月 count = 0 WLS_Weight = dict() for i in range(time.shape[0]): #从2004到2014中第i年的数据 X = pd.DataFrame(loading[2004 + i]) Xtemp = sm.add_constant(X.iloc[:, 0]) print('Regression on Year', 2000 + i)
plt.ylabel('Residual counts',fontsize = 13) plt.plot(RESID[k]) plt.ylabel('Residual amplitude',fontsize = 13) plt.xlabel('Week',fontsize = 13) import statsmodels.api as sm[k],lags=25) np.array(abs(RESID[k])).sum()/(len(RESID[k])) from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_breuschpagan from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_white df_resid = pd.DataFrame(RESID[k],columns = ['resid']) X= np.concatenate((np.ones(30).reshape(-1,1),x[-30:,:]),axis = 1) white = het_white(list(df_resid.resid), X ) breuschpagan = het_breuschpagan(list(df_resid.resid), X ) from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_breuschpagan from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_white import pandas as pd import statsmodels.api as sm from statsmodels.formula.api import ols statecrime_df = sm.datasets.statecrime.load_pandas().data f ='violent~hs_grad+poverty+single+urban' statecrime_model = ols(formula=f, data=statecrime_df).fit() white_test = het_white(np.array(statecrime_model.resid)[-30:], x[-30:,:] ) np.array(statecrime_model.model.exog)[-30:,:]
ante la presencia de heterocedasticidad, de los contrario, tenemos homocedasticidad. Las hipotesis por lo tanto son H0: B1=B2=0 H1: B1!=B2!=0''' data["e_cuadrado"] = modelo.resid**2 data["x_cuadrado"] = data["x"]**2 formula2 = "e_cuadrado~x+x_cuadrado" modelo2 = ols(formula=formula2, data=data).fit() modelo2.summary() '''Vemos el test de significatividad y nos arroja que el p valor de del estadistico es de 0.308, por lo tanto no rechazariamos la hipotesis de homocedasticidad ''' #Pero esto mismo lo podemos hacer con het_white de statsmodels from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_white het_white(modelo.resid, modelo.model.exog)[ 3] #Esta linea nos arroja directamente el p valor del estadistico f #Podemos ver que es el mismo obtenido por el modelo auxiliar, por lo tanto llevamos a la misma conclusion ''' El otro supuesto del modelo de MCO es de que los errores no estan autocorrelacionados. Para eso vamos a usar el test de durbin watson, vamos a obtener el estadistico manualmente y luego lo calculamos con statsmodels ''' list2 = [] for elemento1, elemento2 in zip( list(modelo.resid)[1:], list(modelo.resid)[0:-1]): list2.append((elemento1 - elemento2)**2) EstadisticoDW = sum(list2) / sum(data["e_cuadrado"]) print(str(EstadisticoDW)) #Es el estadistico Durbin-Watson from statsmodels.stats.stattools import durbin_watson
def heteroskedacity_test(data, rejection_alpha=0.05): res = get_residuals(data) het_test_results = het_white(resid=res, exog=data.drop('y', axis=1)) # comparing p-value to alpha return het_test_results[-1] < rejection_alpha
formula = "Y~X" model = ols(formula = formula, data = dataset).fit() plp.scatter(dataset["X"], dataset["Y"], color = "red", marker="o") plp.plot(dataset["X"], list(modelo.params)[0] + list(modelo.params)[1]*dataset["X"], color="violet", label="lineregression") plp.title("model") #We will to draw the residuals, for to know if the model presents heterocedasticity plp.scatter(dataset["X"], model.resid) #The residuals follows a patron, and we can to suspicious about heterocedasticity usquares = model.resid**2 formula = "y ~ x1" dataset1 = pd.DataFrame(data = {"y": np.log(usquares), "x1": np.log(dataset["X"])}) model1 = ols(formula = formula, data = dataset1).fit() model1.summary() #Seems be that the model not presents heterocedasticity, but, we can to do another proofs, for example, the breush-pagan-godfrey proof umean = np.mean(modelo.resid**2) dataset["pi"] = modelo.resid**2/umean formula = "pi~X" model2 = ols(formula = formula, data = dataset).fit() model2.summary() #The x coef is not significative, therefore, the model no presents heterocedasticity #We have the same conclution if we do the proof white from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_white het_white(model1.resid, model1.model.exog)[3] input()
def test_all(self): d = macrodata.load().data #import datasetswsm.greene as g #d = g.load('5-1') #growth rates gs_l_realinv = 400 * np.diff(np.log(d['realinv'])) gs_l_realgdp = 400 * np.diff(np.log(d['realgdp'])) #simple diff, not growthrate, I want heteroscedasticity later for testing endogd = np.diff(d['realinv']) exogd = add_constant(np.c_[np.diff(d['realgdp']), d['realint'][:-1]], prepend=True) endogg = gs_l_realinv exogg = add_constant(np.c_[gs_l_realgdp, d['realint'][:-1]],prepend=True) res_ols = OLS(endogg, exogg).fit() #print res_ols.params mod_g1 = GLSAR(endogg, exogg, rho=-0.108136) res_g1 = #print res_g1.params mod_g2 = GLSAR(endogg, exogg, rho=-0.108136) #-0.1335859) from R res_g2 = mod_g2.iterative_fit(maxiter=5) #print res_g2.params rho = -0.108136 # coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value 95% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL partable = np.array([ [-9.50990, 0.990456, -9.602, 3.65e-018, -11.4631, -7.55670], # *** [ 4.37040, 0.208146, 21.00, 2.93e-052, 3.95993, 4.78086], # *** [-0.579253, 0.268009, -2.161, 0.0319, -1.10777, -0.0507346]]) # ** #Statistics based on the rho-differenced data: result_gretl_g1 = dict( endog_mean = ("Mean dependent var", 3.113973), endog_std = ("S.D. dependent var", 18.67447), ssr = ("Sum squared resid", 22530.90), mse_resid_sqrt = ("S.E. of regression", 10.66735), rsquared = ("R-squared", 0.676973), rsquared_adj = ("Adjusted R-squared", 0.673710), fvalue = ("F(2, 198)", 221.0475), f_pvalue = ("P-value(F)", 3.56e-51), resid_acf1 = ("rho", -0.003481), dw = ("Durbin-Watson", 1.993858)) #fstatistic, p-value, df1, df2 reset_2_3 = [5.219019, 0.00619, 2, 197, "f"] reset_2 = [7.268492, 0.00762, 1, 198, "f"] reset_3 = [5.248951, 0.023, 1, 198, "f"] #LM-statistic, p-value, df arch_4 = [7.30776, 0.120491, 4, "chi2"] #multicollinearity vif = [1.002, 1.002] cond_1norm = 6862.0664 determinant = 1.0296049e+009 reciprocal_condition_number = 0.013819244 #Chi-square(2): test-statistic, pvalue, df normality = [20.2792, 3.94837e-005, 2] #tests res = res_g1 #with rho from Gretl #basic assert_almost_equal(res.params, partable[:,0], 4) assert_almost_equal(res.bse, partable[:,1], 6) assert_almost_equal(res.tvalues, partable[:,2], 2) assert_almost_equal(res.ssr, result_gretl_g1['ssr'][1], decimal=2) #assert_almost_equal(res.llf, result_gretl_g1['llf'][1], decimal=7) #not in gretl #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared, result_gretl_g1['rsquared'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared_adj, result_gretl_g1['rsquared_adj'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL assert_almost_equal(np.sqrt(res.mse_resid), result_gretl_g1['mse_resid_sqrt'][1], decimal=5) assert_almost_equal(res.fvalue, result_gretl_g1['fvalue'][1], decimal=4) assert_approx_equal(res.f_pvalue, result_gretl_g1['f_pvalue'][1], significant=2) #assert_almost_equal(res.durbin_watson, result_gretl_g1['dw'][1], decimal=7) #TODO #arch #sm_arch = smsdia.acorr_lm(res.wresid**2, maxlag=4, autolag=None) sm_arch = smsdia.het_arch(res.wresid, maxlag=4) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[0], arch_4[0], decimal=4) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[1], arch_4[1], decimal=6) #tests res = res_g2 #with estimated rho #estimated lag coefficient assert_almost_equal(res.model.rho, rho, decimal=3) #basic assert_almost_equal(res.params, partable[:,0], 4) assert_almost_equal(res.bse, partable[:,1], 3) assert_almost_equal(res.tvalues, partable[:,2], 2) assert_almost_equal(res.ssr, result_gretl_g1['ssr'][1], decimal=2) #assert_almost_equal(res.llf, result_gretl_g1['llf'][1], decimal=7) #not in gretl #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared, result_gretl_g1['rsquared'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared_adj, result_gretl_g1['rsquared_adj'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL assert_almost_equal(np.sqrt(res.mse_resid), result_gretl_g1['mse_resid_sqrt'][1], decimal=5) assert_almost_equal(res.fvalue, result_gretl_g1['fvalue'][1], decimal=0) assert_almost_equal(res.f_pvalue, result_gretl_g1['f_pvalue'][1], decimal=6) #assert_almost_equal(res.durbin_watson, result_gretl_g1['dw'][1], decimal=7) #TODO c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=2) compare_ftest(c, reset_2, decimal=(2,4)) c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=3) compare_ftest(c, reset_2_3, decimal=(2,4)) #arch #sm_arch = smsdia.acorr_lm(res.wresid**2, maxlag=4, autolag=None) sm_arch = smsdia.het_arch(res.wresid, maxlag=4) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[0], arch_4[0], decimal=1) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[1], arch_4[1], decimal=2) ''' Performing iterative calculation of rho... ITER RHO ESS 1 -0.10734 22530.9 2 -0.10814 22530.9 Model 4: Cochrane-Orcutt, using observations 1959:3-2009:3 (T = 201) Dependent variable: ds_l_realinv rho = -0.108136 coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value ------------------------------------------------------------- const -9.50990 0.990456 -9.602 3.65e-018 *** ds_l_realgdp 4.37040 0.208146 21.00 2.93e-052 *** realint_1 -0.579253 0.268009 -2.161 0.0319 ** Statistics based on the rho-differenced data: Mean dependent var 3.113973 S.D. dependent var 18.67447 Sum squared resid 22530.90 S.E. of regression 10.66735 R-squared 0.676973 Adjusted R-squared 0.673710 F(2, 198) 221.0475 P-value(F) 3.56e-51 rho -0.003481 Durbin-Watson 1.993858 ''' ''' RESET test for specification (squares and cubes) Test statistic: F = 5.219019, with p-value = P(F(2,197) > 5.21902) = 0.00619 RESET test for specification (squares only) Test statistic: F = 7.268492, with p-value = P(F(1,198) > 7.26849) = 0.00762 RESET test for specification (cubes only) Test statistic: F = 5.248951, with p-value = P(F(1,198) > 5.24895) = 0.023: ''' ''' Test for ARCH of order 4 coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value -------------------------------------------------------- alpha(0) 97.0386 20.3234 4.775 3.56e-06 *** alpha(1) 0.176114 0.0714698 2.464 0.0146 ** alpha(2) -0.0488339 0.0724981 -0.6736 0.5014 alpha(3) -0.0705413 0.0737058 -0.9571 0.3397 alpha(4) 0.0384531 0.0725763 0.5298 0.5968 Null hypothesis: no ARCH effect is present Test statistic: LM = 7.30776 with p-value = P(Chi-square(4) > 7.30776) = 0.120491: ''' ''' Variance Inflation Factors Minimum possible value = 1.0 Values > 10.0 may indicate a collinearity problem ds_l_realgdp 1.002 realint_1 1.002 VIF(j) = 1/(1 - R(j)^2), where R(j) is the multiple correlation coefficient between variable j and the other independent variables Properties of matrix X'X: 1-norm = 6862.0664 Determinant = 1.0296049e+009 Reciprocal condition number = 0.013819244 ''' ''' Test for ARCH of order 4 - Null hypothesis: no ARCH effect is present Test statistic: LM = 7.30776 with p-value = P(Chi-square(4) > 7.30776) = 0.120491 Test of common factor restriction - Null hypothesis: restriction is acceptable Test statistic: F(2, 195) = 0.426391 with p-value = P(F(2, 195) > 0.426391) = 0.653468 Test for normality of residual - Null hypothesis: error is normally distributed Test statistic: Chi-square(2) = 20.2792 with p-value = 3.94837e-005: ''' #no idea what this is ''' Augmented regression for common factor test OLS, using observations 1959:3-2009:3 (T = 201) Dependent variable: ds_l_realinv coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value --------------------------------------------------------------- const -10.9481 1.35807 -8.062 7.44e-014 *** ds_l_realgdp 4.28893 0.229459 18.69 2.40e-045 *** realint_1 -0.662644 0.334872 -1.979 0.0492 ** ds_l_realinv_1 -0.108892 0.0715042 -1.523 0.1294 ds_l_realgdp_1 0.660443 0.390372 1.692 0.0923 * realint_2 0.0769695 0.341527 0.2254 0.8219 Sum of squared residuals = 22432.8 Test of common factor restriction Test statistic: F(2, 195) = 0.426391, with p-value = 0.653468 ''' ################ with OLS, HAC errors #Model 5: OLS, using observations 1959:2-2009:3 (T = 202) #Dependent variable: ds_l_realinv #HAC standard errors, bandwidth 4 (Bartlett kernel) #coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value 95% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL #for confidence interval t(199, 0.025) = 1.972 partable = np.array([ [-9.48167, 1.17709, -8.055, 7.17e-014, -11.8029, -7.16049], # *** [4.37422, 0.328787, 13.30, 2.62e-029, 3.72587, 5.02258], #*** [-0.613997, 0.293619, -2.091, 0.0378, -1.19300, -0.0349939]]) # ** result_gretl_g1 = dict( endog_mean = ("Mean dependent var", 3.257395), endog_std = ("S.D. dependent var", 18.73915), ssr = ("Sum squared resid", 22799.68), mse_resid_sqrt = ("S.E. of regression", 10.70380), rsquared = ("R-squared", 0.676978), rsquared_adj = ("Adjusted R-squared", 0.673731), fvalue = ("F(2, 199)", 90.79971), f_pvalue = ("P-value(F)", 9.53e-29), llf = ("Log-likelihood", -763.9752), aic = ("Akaike criterion", 1533.950), bic = ("Schwarz criterion", 1543.875), hqic = ("Hannan-Quinn", 1537.966), resid_acf1 = ("rho", -0.107341), dw = ("Durbin-Watson", 2.213805)) linear_logs = [1.68351, 0.430953, 2, "chi2"] #for logs: dropping 70 nan or incomplete observations, T=133 #(res_ols.model.exog <=0).any(1).sum() = 69 ?not 70 linear_squares = [7.52477, 0.0232283, 2, "chi2"] #Autocorrelation, Breusch-Godfrey test for autocorrelation up to order 4 lm_acorr4 = [1.17928, 0.321197, 4, 195, "F"] lm2_acorr4 = [4.771043, 0.312, 4, "chi2"] acorr_ljungbox4 = [5.23587, 0.264, 4, "chi2"] #break cusum_Harvey_Collier = [0.494432, 0.621549, 198, "t"] #stats.t.sf(0.494432, 198)*2 #see cusum results in files break_qlr = [3.01985, 0.1, 3, 196, "maxF"] #TODO check this, max at 2001:4 break_chow = [13.1897, 0.00424384, 3, "chi2"] # break at 1984:1 arch_4 = [3.43473, 0.487871, 4, "chi2"] normality = [23.962, 0.00001, 2, "chi2"] het_white = [33.503723, 0.000003, 5, "chi2"] het_breush_pagan = [1.302014, 0.521520, 2, "chi2"] #TODO: not available het_breush_pagan_konker = [0.709924, 0.701200, 2, "chi2"] reset_2_3 = [5.219019, 0.00619, 2, 197, "f"] reset_2 = [7.268492, 0.00762, 1, 198, "f"] reset_3 = [5.248951, 0.023, 1, 198, "f"] #not available cond_1norm = 5984.0525 determinant = 7.1087467e+008 reciprocal_condition_number = 0.013826504 vif = [1.001, 1.001] names = 'date residual leverage influence DFFITS'.split() cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) fpath = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'results/leverage_influence_ols_nostars.txt') lev = np.genfromtxt(fpath, skip_header=3, skip_footer=1, converters={0:lambda s: s}) #either numpy 1.6 or python 3.2 changed behavior if np.isnan(lev[-1]['f1']): lev = np.genfromtxt(fpath, skip_header=3, skip_footer=2, converters={0:lambda s: s}) lev.dtype.names = names res = res_ols #for easier copying cov_hac = sw.cov_hac_simple(res, nlags=4, use_correction=False) bse_hac = sw.se_cov(cov_hac) assert_almost_equal(res.params, partable[:,0], 5) assert_almost_equal(bse_hac, partable[:,1], 5) #TODO assert_almost_equal(res.ssr, result_gretl_g1['ssr'][1], decimal=2) #assert_almost_equal(res.llf, result_gretl_g1['llf'][1], decimal=7) #not in gretl assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared, result_gretl_g1['rsquared'][1], decimal=6) #FAIL assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared_adj, result_gretl_g1['rsquared_adj'][1], decimal=6) #FAIL assert_almost_equal(np.sqrt(res.mse_resid), result_gretl_g1['mse_resid_sqrt'][1], decimal=5) #f-value is based on cov_hac I guess #assert_almost_equal(res.fvalue, result_gretl_g1['fvalue'][1], decimal=0) #FAIL #assert_approx_equal(res.f_pvalue, result_gretl_g1['f_pvalue'][1], significant=1) #FAIL #assert_almost_equal(res.durbin_watson, result_gretl_g1['dw'][1], decimal=7) #TODO c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=2) compare_ftest(c, reset_2, decimal=(6,5)) c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=3) compare_ftest(c, reset_2_3, decimal=(6,5)) linear_sq = smsdia.linear_lm(res.resid, res.model.exog) assert_almost_equal(linear_sq[0], linear_squares[0], decimal=6) assert_almost_equal(linear_sq[1], linear_squares[1], decimal=7) hbpk = smsdia.het_breushpagan(res.resid, res.model.exog) assert_almost_equal(hbpk[0], het_breush_pagan_konker[0], decimal=6) assert_almost_equal(hbpk[1], het_breush_pagan_konker[1], decimal=6) hw = smsdia.het_white(res.resid, res.model.exog) assert_almost_equal(hw[:2], het_white[:2], 6) #arch #sm_arch = smsdia.acorr_lm(res.resid**2, maxlag=4, autolag=None) sm_arch = smsdia.het_arch(res.resid, maxlag=4) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[0], arch_4[0], decimal=5) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[1], arch_4[1], decimal=6) vif2 = [oi.variance_inflation_factor(res.model.exog, k) for k in [1,2]] infl = oi.OLSInfluence(res_ols) #print np.max(np.abs(lev['DFFITS'] - infl.dffits[0])) #print np.max(np.abs(lev['leverage'] - infl.hat_matrix_diag)) #print np.max(np.abs(lev['influence'] - infl.influence)) #just added this based on Gretl #just rough test, low decimal in Gretl output, assert_almost_equal(lev['residual'], res.resid, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(lev['DFFITS'], infl.dffits[0], decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(lev['leverage'], infl.hat_matrix_diag, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(lev['influence'], infl.influence, decimal=4)
diag.het_goldfeldquandt(modelMR2.resid, modelMR2.model.exog) diag.het_breuschpagan(modelMR4.resid, modelMR4.model.exog) diag.het_white(modelMR2.resid, modelMR2.model.exog, retres = False) diag.(modelMR2.resid, modelMR2.model.exog) diag.acorr_ljungbox(modelMR2.resid)
def leastSquared(_Y, _X, preprocessing=True, figid='OLS', path='./TAQImpactOutput/'): """ Perform the least squared error fitting using scipy optimization tools :param _Y: Y variable :param _X: X variable :param preprocessing: whether to preprocess or not :param figid: figure - id :param path: the output path :return: a OptRes object to store the results """ from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_white # preprocessing if preprocessing: _Y, _X = TAQImpactAnalysis.negateObservations( *TAQImpactAnalysis.eliminateOutliers(_Y, _X)) func = lambda params: sum((_Y - params[0] * (_X**params[1]))**2) # Output the data in scatterplots plt.figure() plt.scatter(_X, _Y, alpha=0.5) plt.title(r'Scatter plots of $\frac{h}{\sigma}$-$\frac{X}{VT}$') plt.savefig(path + figid + '_scatter_xy' + '.png') plt.close() #do optimization res = minimize(func, np.array([0.1, 0.6])) eta, beta = res.x resids = (_Y - eta * (_X**beta)) # Output the residuals distribution plt.figure() plt.hist(resids) plt.title('Distribution of residuals') plt.savefig(path + figid + '_resid_dist' + '.png') plt.close() # Check heteroscedasticity print('No het with p value {0}'. format(het_white(resids, sm.add_constant(_X))[3] ) if het_white(resids, sm.add_constant(_X))[3] < .01 else 'Het with p value {0}'. format(het_white(resids, sm.add_constant(_X))[3])) _x_high = max(_X) # Plot fitted curve plt.figure() plt.scatter(_X, _Y, alpha=.3) plt.plot(np.arange(0, _x_high, 0.0001), eta * (np.arange(0, _x_high, 0.0001))**beta, c='orange') plt.xlabel(r'$\frac{X}{VT}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{h}{\sigma}$') plt.legend(['Fitted curve']) plt.title('Fitted Curve of non-linear regression') plt.savefig(path + figid + '_curve_fit' + '.png') plt.close() # calculate T-values tvalues = TAQImpactAnalysis.calTStats(_Y, _X, resids) return TAQImpactAnalysis.OptRes( (eta, beta), [i / j for i, j in zip((eta, beta), tvalues)])
#Money Supply meanMS = np.mean(DataUse.MS) sdMS = np.std(DataUse.MS) varMS = np.var(DataUse.MS) #Create Model Model = sma.wls('work.inflation ~ foreign + MS', work).fit() print(Model.summary()) #Weighted Least Squares used to fix Heteroscedastisity #Test The Model Heteroscedastisity = ds.het_white(Model.resid, exog = work) print('F-statistic %r' % Heteroscedastisity[2]) print('Prob,F %f' % Heteroscedastisity[3]) print('Chi-Square %s' % Heteroscedastisity[0]) print('Prob,Chi-Square %g' % Heteroscedastisity[1]) Autocorrelation = ds.acorr_breusch_godfrey(Model, nlags=(2)) print('F-statistic %r' % Autocorrelation[2]) print('Prob,F %f' % Autocorrelation[3]) print('Chi-Square %s' % Autocorrelation[0]) print('Prob,Chi-Square %g' % Autocorrelation[1])
row = 60+i*12+j Y.iloc[:,count] = ret.iloc[row,:-3] count+=1 total_loading = total_regression.Get_total_loading(ret,tech_data,rm,macro_data,finance_loading[2015],dummy) total_loading = pd.DataFrame(total_loading) X = total_loading.iloc[:,0] X = sm.add_constant(X) count = 0 number_of_het = 0 het_pvalue = np.zeros([132,1]) for i in range(132): temp_Y = Y.iloc[:,i] temp_X = X.iloc[:,(0,1)] model = sm.OLS(temp_Y,temp_X).fit() temp_resid = model.resid test_temp = ss.het_white(temp_resid,temp_X) het_pvalue[count,:] = test_temp[1] if test_temp[1]>0.1: number_of_het+=1 count+=1 print ("Number of heteroskedasticity is: ",number_of_het) del het_pvalue,temp_X,temp_Y,model,temp_resid,count del finance_temp,finance_loading_temp,interval,macro_data,mkt,mkt_temp #发现异方差问题较为严重,故下面所有回归采用加权最小二乘进行 # 记录当前所在的是第多少个月 count = 0 WLS_Weight = dict() for i in range(time.shape[0]):#从2004到2014中第i年的数据 X = pd.DataFrame(loading[2004+i]) Xtemp = sm.add_constant(X.iloc[:,0]) print ('Regression on Year',2000+i)
hist=False, kde_kws={ "shade": True, "lw": 1 }, fit=st.norm) ax.set_xlabel("Residuals") labels = ["Statistic", "p-value"] norm_res = st.shapiro(mdf.resid) for key, val in dict(zip(labels, norm_res)).items(): print(key, val) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) ax = sns.scatterplot(y=mdf.resid, x=mdf.fittedvalues) ax.set_xlabel("Fitted Values") ax.set_ylabel("Residuals") het_white_res = het_white(mdf.resid, mdf.model.exog) labels = ["LM Statistic", "LM-Test p-value", "F-Statistic", "F-Test p-value"] for key, val in dict(zip(labels, het_white_res)).items(): print(key, val) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) ax = sns.boxplot(x=mdf.model.groups, y=mdf.resid) ax.set_ylabel("Residuals") ax.set_xlabel("Subjects")
print(" The coeff for {} is {}".format(c[0], c[1])) # Get predictions y_predict = reg.predict(X_test) #define input X2 = sm.add_constant(X) # create OLS model model = sm.OLS(Y, X2) # fit data est = # test for heteroscedasticity (want p values over 0.05) _, pval, _, f_pval = diag.het_white(est.resid, est.model.exog, retres=False) print(pval, f_pval) print('_' * 100) _, pval, _, f_pval = diag.het_breuschpagan(est.resid, est.model.exog) print(pval, f_pval) print('_' * 100) # values greater than 0.05 there is no heterodasticity # test for autocorrelation want p values over 0.05) lag = min(10, (len(X) // 5)) print("number of lags is {}".format(lag)) ibvalue, pval = diag.acorr_ljungbox(est.resid, lags=lag) print(min(pval)) print('_' * 100)
def test_all(self): d = macrodata.load().data #import datasetswsm.greene as g #d = g.load('5-1') #growth rates gs_l_realinv = 400 * np.diff(np.log(d['realinv'])) gs_l_realgdp = 400 * np.diff(np.log(d['realgdp'])) #simple diff, not growthrate, I want heteroscedasticity later for testing endogd = np.diff(d['realinv']) exogd = add_constant(np.c_[np.diff(d['realgdp']), d['realint'][:-1]]) endogg = gs_l_realinv exogg = add_constant(np.c_[gs_l_realgdp, d['realint'][:-1]]) res_ols = OLS(endogg, exogg).fit() #print res_ols.params mod_g1 = GLSAR(endogg, exogg, rho=-0.108136) res_g1 = #print res_g1.params mod_g2 = GLSAR(endogg, exogg, rho=-0.108136) #-0.1335859) from R res_g2 = mod_g2.iterative_fit(maxiter=5) #print res_g2.params rho = -0.108136 # coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value 95% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL partable = np.array([ [-9.50990, 0.990456, -9.602, 3.65e-018, -11.4631, -7.55670], # *** [ 4.37040, 0.208146, 21.00, 2.93e-052, 3.95993, 4.78086], # *** [-0.579253, 0.268009, -2.161, 0.0319, -1.10777, -0.0507346]]) # ** #Statistics based on the rho-differenced data: result_gretl_g1 = dict( endog_mean = ("Mean dependent var", 3.113973), endog_std = ("S.D. dependent var", 18.67447), ssr = ("Sum squared resid", 22530.90), mse_resid_sqrt = ("S.E. of regression", 10.66735), rsquared = ("R-squared", 0.676973), rsquared_adj = ("Adjusted R-squared", 0.673710), fvalue = ("F(2, 198)", 221.0475), f_pvalue = ("P-value(F)", 3.56e-51), resid_acf1 = ("rho", -0.003481), dw = ("Durbin-Watson", 1.993858)) #fstatistic, p-value, df1, df2 reset_2_3 = [5.219019, 0.00619, 2, 197, "f"] reset_2 = [7.268492, 0.00762, 1, 198, "f"] reset_3 = [5.248951, 0.023, 1, 198, "f"] #LM-statistic, p-value, df arch_4 = [7.30776, 0.120491, 4, "chi2"] #multicollinearity vif = [1.002, 1.002] cond_1norm = 6862.0664 determinant = 1.0296049e+009 reciprocal_condition_number = 0.013819244 #Chi-square(2): test-statistic, pvalue, df normality = [20.2792, 3.94837e-005, 2] #tests res = res_g1 #with rho from Gretl #basic assert_almost_equal(res.params, partable[:,0], 4) assert_almost_equal(res.bse, partable[:,1], 6) assert_almost_equal(res.tvalues, partable[:,2], 2) assert_almost_equal(res.ssr, result_gretl_g1['ssr'][1], decimal=2) #assert_almost_equal(res.llf, result_gretl_g1['llf'][1], decimal=7) #not in gretl #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared, result_gretl_g1['rsquared'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared_adj, result_gretl_g1['rsquared_adj'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL assert_almost_equal(np.sqrt(res.mse_resid), result_gretl_g1['mse_resid_sqrt'][1], decimal=5) assert_almost_equal(res.fvalue, result_gretl_g1['fvalue'][1], decimal=4) assert_approx_equal(res.f_pvalue, result_gretl_g1['f_pvalue'][1], significant=2) #assert_almost_equal(res.durbin_watson, result_gretl_g1['dw'][1], decimal=7) #TODO #arch #sm_arch = smsdia.acorr_lm(res.wresid**2, maxlag=4, autolag=None) sm_arch = smsdia.het_arch(res.wresid, maxlag=4) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[0], arch_4[0], decimal=4) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[1], arch_4[1], decimal=6) #tests res = res_g2 #with estimated rho #estimated lag coefficient assert_almost_equal(res.model.rho, rho, decimal=3) #basic assert_almost_equal(res.params, partable[:,0], 4) assert_almost_equal(res.bse, partable[:,1], 3) assert_almost_equal(res.tvalues, partable[:,2], 2) assert_almost_equal(res.ssr, result_gretl_g1['ssr'][1], decimal=2) #assert_almost_equal(res.llf, result_gretl_g1['llf'][1], decimal=7) #not in gretl #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared, result_gretl_g1['rsquared'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL #assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared_adj, result_gretl_g1['rsquared_adj'][1], decimal=7) #FAIL assert_almost_equal(np.sqrt(res.mse_resid), result_gretl_g1['mse_resid_sqrt'][1], decimal=5) assert_almost_equal(res.fvalue, result_gretl_g1['fvalue'][1], decimal=0) assert_almost_equal(res.f_pvalue, result_gretl_g1['f_pvalue'][1], decimal=6) #assert_almost_equal(res.durbin_watson, result_gretl_g1['dw'][1], decimal=7) #TODO c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=2) compare_ftest(c, reset_2, decimal=(2,4)) c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=3) compare_ftest(c, reset_2_3, decimal=(2,4)) #arch #sm_arch = smsdia.acorr_lm(res.wresid**2, maxlag=4, autolag=None) sm_arch = smsdia.het_arch(res.wresid, maxlag=4) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[0], arch_4[0], decimal=1) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[1], arch_4[1], decimal=2) ''' Performing iterative calculation of rho... ITER RHO ESS 1 -0.10734 22530.9 2 -0.10814 22530.9 Model 4: Cochrane-Orcutt, using observations 1959:3-2009:3 (T = 201) Dependent variable: ds_l_realinv rho = -0.108136 coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value ------------------------------------------------------------- const -9.50990 0.990456 -9.602 3.65e-018 *** ds_l_realgdp 4.37040 0.208146 21.00 2.93e-052 *** realint_1 -0.579253 0.268009 -2.161 0.0319 ** Statistics based on the rho-differenced data: Mean dependent var 3.113973 S.D. dependent var 18.67447 Sum squared resid 22530.90 S.E. of regression 10.66735 R-squared 0.676973 Adjusted R-squared 0.673710 F(2, 198) 221.0475 P-value(F) 3.56e-51 rho -0.003481 Durbin-Watson 1.993858 ''' ''' RESET test for specification (squares and cubes) Test statistic: F = 5.219019, with p-value = P(F(2,197) > 5.21902) = 0.00619 RESET test for specification (squares only) Test statistic: F = 7.268492, with p-value = P(F(1,198) > 7.26849) = 0.00762 RESET test for specification (cubes only) Test statistic: F = 5.248951, with p-value = P(F(1,198) > 5.24895) = 0.023: ''' ''' Test for ARCH of order 4 coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value -------------------------------------------------------- alpha(0) 97.0386 20.3234 4.775 3.56e-06 *** alpha(1) 0.176114 0.0714698 2.464 0.0146 ** alpha(2) -0.0488339 0.0724981 -0.6736 0.5014 alpha(3) -0.0705413 0.0737058 -0.9571 0.3397 alpha(4) 0.0384531 0.0725763 0.5298 0.5968 Null hypothesis: no ARCH effect is present Test statistic: LM = 7.30776 with p-value = P(Chi-square(4) > 7.30776) = 0.120491: ''' ''' Variance Inflation Factors Minimum possible value = 1.0 Values > 10.0 may indicate a collinearity problem ds_l_realgdp 1.002 realint_1 1.002 VIF(j) = 1/(1 - R(j)^2), where R(j) is the multiple correlation coefficient between variable j and the other independent variables Properties of matrix X'X: 1-norm = 6862.0664 Determinant = 1.0296049e+009 Reciprocal condition number = 0.013819244 ''' ''' Test for ARCH of order 4 - Null hypothesis: no ARCH effect is present Test statistic: LM = 7.30776 with p-value = P(Chi-square(4) > 7.30776) = 0.120491 Test of common factor restriction - Null hypothesis: restriction is acceptable Test statistic: F(2, 195) = 0.426391 with p-value = P(F(2, 195) > 0.426391) = 0.653468 Test for normality of residual - Null hypothesis: error is normally distributed Test statistic: Chi-square(2) = 20.2792 with p-value = 3.94837e-005: ''' #no idea what this is ''' Augmented regression for common factor test OLS, using observations 1959:3-2009:3 (T = 201) Dependent variable: ds_l_realinv coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value --------------------------------------------------------------- const -10.9481 1.35807 -8.062 7.44e-014 *** ds_l_realgdp 4.28893 0.229459 18.69 2.40e-045 *** realint_1 -0.662644 0.334872 -1.979 0.0492 ** ds_l_realinv_1 -0.108892 0.0715042 -1.523 0.1294 ds_l_realgdp_1 0.660443 0.390372 1.692 0.0923 * realint_2 0.0769695 0.341527 0.2254 0.8219 Sum of squared residuals = 22432.8 Test of common factor restriction Test statistic: F(2, 195) = 0.426391, with p-value = 0.653468 ''' ################ with OLS, HAC errors #Model 5: OLS, using observations 1959:2-2009:3 (T = 202) #Dependent variable: ds_l_realinv #HAC standard errors, bandwidth 4 (Bartlett kernel) #coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value 95% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL #for confidence interval t(199, 0.025) = 1.972 partable = np.array([ [-9.48167, 1.17709, -8.055, 7.17e-014, -11.8029, -7.16049], # *** [4.37422, 0.328787, 13.30, 2.62e-029, 3.72587, 5.02258], #*** [-0.613997, 0.293619, -2.091, 0.0378, -1.19300, -0.0349939]]) # ** result_gretl_g1 = dict( endog_mean = ("Mean dependent var", 3.257395), endog_std = ("S.D. dependent var", 18.73915), ssr = ("Sum squared resid", 22799.68), mse_resid_sqrt = ("S.E. of regression", 10.70380), rsquared = ("R-squared", 0.676978), rsquared_adj = ("Adjusted R-squared", 0.673731), fvalue = ("F(2, 199)", 90.79971), f_pvalue = ("P-value(F)", 9.53e-29), llf = ("Log-likelihood", -763.9752), aic = ("Akaike criterion", 1533.950), bic = ("Schwarz criterion", 1543.875), hqic = ("Hannan-Quinn", 1537.966), resid_acf1 = ("rho", -0.107341), dw = ("Durbin-Watson", 2.213805)) linear_logs = [1.68351, 0.430953, 2, "chi2"] #for logs: dropping 70 nan or incomplete observations, T=133 #(res_ols.model.exog <=0).any(1).sum() = 69 ?not 70 linear_squares = [7.52477, 0.0232283, 2, "chi2"] #Autocorrelation, Breusch-Godfrey test for autocorrelation up to order 4 lm_acorr4 = [1.17928, 0.321197, 4, 195, "F"] lm2_acorr4 = [4.771043, 0.312, 4, "chi2"] acorr_ljungbox4 = [5.23587, 0.264, 4, "chi2"] #break cusum_Harvey_Collier = [0.494432, 0.621549, 198, "t"] #stats.t.sf(0.494432, 198)*2 #see cusum results in files break_qlr = [3.01985, 0.1, 3, 196, "maxF"] #TODO check this, max at 2001:4 break_chow = [13.1897, 0.00424384, 3, "chi2"] # break at 1984:1 arch_4 = [3.43473, 0.487871, 4, "chi2"] normality = [23.962, 0.00001, 2, "chi2"] het_white = [33.503723, 0.000003, 5, "chi2"] het_breusch_pagan = [1.302014, 0.521520, 2, "chi2"] #TODO: not available het_breusch_pagan_konker = [0.709924, 0.701200, 2, "chi2"] reset_2_3 = [5.219019, 0.00619, 2, 197, "f"] reset_2 = [7.268492, 0.00762, 1, 198, "f"] reset_3 = [5.248951, 0.023, 1, 198, "f"] #not available cond_1norm = 5984.0525 determinant = 7.1087467e+008 reciprocal_condition_number = 0.013826504 vif = [1.001, 1.001] names = 'date residual leverage influence DFFITS'.split() cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) fpath = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'results/leverage_influence_ols_nostars.txt') lev = np.genfromtxt(fpath, skip_header=3, skip_footer=1, converters={0:lambda s: s}) #either numpy 1.6 or python 3.2 changed behavior if np.isnan(lev[-1]['f1']): lev = np.genfromtxt(fpath, skip_header=3, skip_footer=2, converters={0:lambda s: s}) lev.dtype.names = names res = res_ols #for easier copying cov_hac = sw.cov_hac_simple(res, nlags=4, use_correction=False) bse_hac = sw.se_cov(cov_hac) assert_almost_equal(res.params, partable[:,0], 5) assert_almost_equal(bse_hac, partable[:,1], 5) #TODO assert_almost_equal(res.ssr, result_gretl_g1['ssr'][1], decimal=2) assert_almost_equal(res.llf, result_gretl_g1['llf'][1], decimal=4) #not in gretl assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared, result_gretl_g1['rsquared'][1], decimal=6) #FAIL assert_almost_equal(res.rsquared_adj, result_gretl_g1['rsquared_adj'][1], decimal=6) #FAIL assert_almost_equal(np.sqrt(res.mse_resid), result_gretl_g1['mse_resid_sqrt'][1], decimal=5) #f-value is based on cov_hac I guess #res2 = res.get_robustcov_results(cov_type='HC1') # TODO: fvalue differs from Gretl, trying any of the HCx #assert_almost_equal(res2.fvalue, result_gretl_g1['fvalue'][1], decimal=0) #FAIL #assert_approx_equal(res.f_pvalue, result_gretl_g1['f_pvalue'][1], significant=1) #FAIL #assert_almost_equal(res.durbin_watson, result_gretl_g1['dw'][1], decimal=7) #TODO c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=2) compare_ftest(c, reset_2, decimal=(6,5)) c = oi.reset_ramsey(res, degree=3) compare_ftest(c, reset_2_3, decimal=(6,5)) linear_sq = smsdia.linear_lm(res.resid, res.model.exog) assert_almost_equal(linear_sq[0], linear_squares[0], decimal=6) assert_almost_equal(linear_sq[1], linear_squares[1], decimal=7) hbpk = smsdia.het_breuschpagan(res.resid, res.model.exog) assert_almost_equal(hbpk[0], het_breusch_pagan_konker[0], decimal=6) assert_almost_equal(hbpk[1], het_breusch_pagan_konker[1], decimal=6) hw = smsdia.het_white(res.resid, res.model.exog) assert_almost_equal(hw[:2], het_white[:2], 6) #arch #sm_arch = smsdia.acorr_lm(res.resid**2, maxlag=4, autolag=None) sm_arch = smsdia.het_arch(res.resid, maxlag=4) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[0], arch_4[0], decimal=5) assert_almost_equal(sm_arch[1], arch_4[1], decimal=6) vif2 = [oi.variance_inflation_factor(res.model.exog, k) for k in [1,2]] infl = oi.OLSInfluence(res_ols) #print np.max(np.abs(lev['DFFITS'] - infl.dffits[0])) #print np.max(np.abs(lev['leverage'] - infl.hat_matrix_diag)) #print np.max(np.abs(lev['influence'] - infl.influence)) #just added this based on Gretl #just rough test, low decimal in Gretl output, assert_almost_equal(lev['residual'], res.resid, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(lev['DFFITS'], infl.dffits[0], decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(lev['leverage'], infl.hat_matrix_diag, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(lev['influence'], infl.influence, decimal=4) ################ autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation from import plot_acf, plot_pacf plot_acf(tt) plot_pacf(tt) ######## seasonal decomposing from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose result = seasonal_decompose(tt, model='multiplicative') result.plot() from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_white white_test = het_white(result.resid) ######## LSTM model model = Sequential() model.add( LSTM(48, activation="relu", recurrent_activation="relu", batch_input_shape=(None, timestep, n_features), return_sequences=True)) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Dense(7)) model.add(LSTM(96, activation="relu", return_sequences=True)) model.add(Dropout(0.3)) model.add(Dense(10))