def WOT_speed(altitude, weight = 2100, rpm = 2700, temp = 'std', \
    temp_units = 'C', rv = 'F1', wing_area = 102, speed_units = 'kt', \
    prop_eff = 0.78, MP_loss = 1.322, ram = 0.5, rated_power=275):
    Returns the predicted speed at full throttle.
    The MP_loss is the MP lost in the induction tract at full throttle at 2700
    rpm at MSL.  The default value is from the Lycoming power charts.
    The ram is the percentage of available ram recovery pressure that is
    achieved in the MP.
    press = SA.alt2press(altitude, press_units='in HG')
    MP_loss = MP_loss * (rpm / 2700.)**2
    cas_guess = 300
    error = 1
    while error > 0.0001:
        dp = A.cas2dp(cas_guess, press_units='in HG')
        #       print 'dp =', dp
        ram_press = ram * dp
        #       print 'Ram rise =', ram_press
        MP = press - MP_loss + ram_press
        pwr = O.pwr(rpm, MP, altitude, temp=temp,
                    temp_units=temp_units) * rated_power / 180
        print('MP =', MP, 'Power =', pwr)
        tas = speed(altitude, weight, pwr, rpm, temp = temp, \
            temp_units = temp_units, rv = rv, wing_area = wing_area, \
            speed_units = speed_units, prop_eff = prop_eff)
        cas = A.tas2cas(tas, altitude, temp=temp, temp_units=temp_units)
        error = M.fabs((cas - cas_guess) / cas)
        cas_guess = cas

#       print 'CAS =', cas, 'TAS =', tas
    return tas
def WOT_speed(altitude, weight = 2100, rpm = 2700, temp = 'std', \
    temp_units = 'C', rv = 'F1', wing_area = 102, speed_units = 'kt', \
    prop_eff = 0.78, MP_loss = 1.322, ram = 0.5, rated_power=275):
    Returns the predicted speed at full throttle.
    The MP_loss is the MP lost in the induction tract at full throttle at 2700
    rpm at MSL.  The default value is from the Lycoming power charts.
    The ram is the percentage of available ram recovery pressure that is
    achieved in the MP.
    press = SA.alt2press(altitude, press_units = 'in HG')
    MP_loss = MP_loss * (rpm / 2700.) ** 2
    cas_guess = 300
    error = 1
    while error > 0.0001:
        dp = A.cas2dp(cas_guess, press_units = 'in HG')
#       print 'dp =', dp
        ram_press = ram * dp
#       print 'Ram rise =', ram_press
        MP = press - MP_loss + ram_press
        pwr = O.pwr(rpm, MP, altitude, temp = temp, temp_units = temp_units) * rated_power/180
        print 'MP =', MP, 'Power =', pwr
        tas = speed(altitude, weight, pwr, rpm, temp = temp, \
            temp_units = temp_units, rv = rv, wing_area = wing_area, \
            speed_units = speed_units, prop_eff = prop_eff)
        cas = A.tas2cas(tas, altitude, temp = temp, temp_units = temp_units)
        error = M.fabs((cas - cas_guess) / cas)
        cas_guess = cas
#       print 'CAS =', cas, 'TAS =', tas
    return tas
def roca(altitude,
    Returns speed for best rate of climb and the rate of climb at that speed.
    MP = SA.alt2press(altitude) - press_drop
    pwr = O.pwr(rpm, MP, altitude, temp=temp,
                temp_units=temp_units) * rated_power / 180
    roc_max = -100000
    eass = range(60, 150, 1)
    rocs = []
    for eas in eass:
                         load_factor=load_factor), eas))
    mroc, meas = max(rocs)
    return meas, mroc
def aoca(prop, altitude, weight = 1800, press_drop = 1.2, temp = 'std', \
    climb = True):
    Returns speed for best climb or descent gradient and the gradient at 
    that speed.
    MP = SA.alt2press(altitude) - press_drop
    pwr = IO.pwr(2700, MP, altitude, temp=temp)

    if climb == True:
        eass = list(range(550, 800, 1))
        eass = list(range(700, 1200, 1))
    aocs = []
    if climb == True:
        for eas in eass:
                             eas / 10.,
                             temp=temp), eas))
        for eas in eass:
                             eas / 10.,
                             temp=temp), eas))
    maoc, meas = max(aocs)
    return meas / 10., maoc
    def test_01(self):

        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2press(5000)
        Truth = 24.8959
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
    def test_01(self):

        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2press(5000)
        Truth = 24.8959
        self.assertTrue(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
    def test_03(self):

        # test pa and m
        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2press(25000, alt_units='m', press_units='pa')
        Truth = 2511.01
        self.assertTrue(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
    def test_06(self):

        # truth value calculated from program at:
        # http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/space/atmosphere/

        Value = SA.alt2press(65322, press_units='pa', alt_units='m')
        Truth = 9.4609
        self.assertTrue(RE(Value, Truth) <= 5e-5)
    def test_02(self):

        # test psf
        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2press(49000, press_units='psf')
        Truth = 254.139
        self.assertTrue(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
    def test_03(self):

        # test pa and m
        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2press(25000, alt_units='m', press_units='pa')
        Truth = 2511.01
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
    def test_06(self):

        # truth value calculated from program at:
        # http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/space/atmosphere/

        Value = SA.alt2press(65322, press_units='pa', alt_units='m')
        Truth = 9.4609
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 5e-5)
    def test_02(self):

        # test psf
        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2press(49000, press_units='psf')
        Truth = 254.139
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
    def test_05(self):

        # truth value calculated from program at:
        # http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/space/atmosphere/

        Value = SA.alt2press(49610, press_units='pa', alt_units='m')
        Truth = 79.779
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 3e-5)
    def test_05(self):

        # truth value calculated from program at:
        # http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/space/atmosphere/

        Value = SA.alt2press(49610, press_units="pa", alt_units="m")
        Truth = 79.779
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 3e-5)
    def test_07(self):

        # test units in other order
        # truth value calculated from program at:
        # http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/space/atmosphere/

        Value = SA.alt2press(80956, press_units='pa', alt_units='m')
        Truth = 0.75009
        self.assertTrue(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-4)
    def test_07(self):

        # test units in other order
        # truth value calculated from program at:
        # http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/space/atmosphere/

        Value = SA.alt2press(80956, press_units='pa', alt_units='m')
        Truth = 0.75009
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-4)
    def test_04(self):

        # test units in other order
        # truth value calculated from program at:
        # http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/space/atmosphere/

        Value = SA.alt2press(39750, press_units='pa', alt_units='m')
        Truth = 287.14
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
    def test_04(self):

        # test units in other order
        # truth value calculated from program at:
        # http://www.sworld.com.au/steven/space/atmosphere/

        Value = SA.alt2press(39750, press_units="pa", alt_units="m")
        Truth = 287.14
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
def MP_pred(tas, alt, rpm, rpm_base = 2700., MP_loss = 1.322, ram = 0.5, temp='std'):
    press = SA.alt2press(alt, press_units = 'in HG')
    if temp == 'std':
        temp = SA.alt2temp(alt)
    dp = A.tas2dp(tas, alt, temp, speed_units='kt', alt_units='ft', temp_units='C', press_units='in HG')
    ram_press = ram * dp
    MP_loss = MP_loss * (rpm / rpm_base) ** 1.85 # exponent from various online pressure drop calculators
#    MP_loss = MP_loss * (rpm / rpm_base)
    MP = press - MP_loss + ram_press

#    print "MP = %.3f" % MP
    return MP
def alt2pwr(alt, rpm = 2700, MP_max = 30, temp  = 'std', alt_units = 'ft', \
    temp_units = 'C'):
    Returns power at a given altitude.  Default rpm is 2700.
    The maximum MP may be specified, if for example, one 
    wanted to use 25 inches MP until full throttle was reached.
    # MP loss at full throttle at 2700 rpm at sea level.  
    # From Lycoming power chart
    MP_loss_base = 29.9213 - 28.6
    press = SA.alt2press(alt, alt_units = alt_units)
    # assume pressure drop is proportional to square of velocity
    MP_loss = MP_loss_base * (rpm / 2700.) ** 2
    MP = min(press - MP_loss, MP_max)
    # from climb testing, get MP of 0.5 above ambient
    # get 2650 rpm during climb
    MP = SA.alt2press(alt) + 0.5 * (2650./rpm) ** 2
    pwr = IO.pwr(rpm, MP, alt, temp = temp, alt_units = alt_units, \
        temp_units = temp_units)
    # decrement power as a function of altitude to make predicted climb perf match flight test resutls
    # this decrement is optimized for the MT prop
    pwr = pwr * (0.8525  - 4.35E-10 * alt**2)
    return pwr
def alt2pwr(alt, rpm = 2700, MP_max = 30, temp  = 'std', alt_units = 'ft', \
    temp_units = 'C'):
    Returns power at a given altitude.  Default rpm is 2700.
    The maximum MP may be specified, if for example, one 
    wanted to use 25 inches MP until full throttle was reached.
    # MP loss at full throttle at 2700 rpm at sea level.
    # From Lycoming power chart
    MP_loss_base = 29.9213 - 28.6
    press = SA.alt2press(alt, alt_units=alt_units)
    # assume pressure drop is proportional to square of velocity
    MP_loss = MP_loss_base * (rpm / 2700.)**2
    MP = min(press - MP_loss, MP_max)
    # from climb testing, get MP of 0.5 above ambient
    # get 2650 rpm during climb
    MP = SA.alt2press(alt) + 0.5 * (2650. / rpm)**2
    pwr = IO.pwr(rpm, MP, alt, temp = temp, alt_units = alt_units, \
        temp_units = temp_units)
    # decrement power as a function of altitude to make predicted climb perf match flight test resutls
    # this decrement is optimized for the MT prop
    pwr = pwr * (0.8525 - 4.35E-10 * alt**2)
    return pwr
def roca(prop, altitude, weight = 1800, press_drop = 1.2, temp = 'std', \
    load_factor =1, prop_factor=1):
    Returns speed for best rate of climb and the rate of climb at that speed.
    MP = SA.alt2press(altitude) - press_drop
    pwr = IO.pwr(2700, MP, altitude, temp=temp)
    roc_max = -100000
    eass = list(range(600, 1500, 1))
    rocs = []
    for eas in eass:
        rocs.append((roc(prop, altitude, eas/10., weight, pwr, 2700, temp = temp, \
            load_factor = load_factor, prop_factor=prop_factor),eas/10.))
    mroc, meas = max(rocs)
    return meas, mroc
def roca(prop, altitude, weight = 1800, press_drop = 1.2, temp = 'std', \
    load_factor =1, prop_factor=1):
    Returns speed for best rate of climb and the rate of climb at that speed.
    MP = SA.alt2press(altitude) - press_drop
    pwr = IO.pwr(2700, MP, altitude, temp = temp)
    roc_max = -100000
    eass = range(600, 1500, 1)
    rocs = []
    for eas in eass:
        rocs.append((roc(prop, altitude, eas/10., weight, pwr, 2700, temp = temp, \
            load_factor = load_factor, prop_factor=prop_factor),eas/10.))
    mroc, meas = max(rocs)
    return meas, mroc
def roca(altitude, weight = 2100, press_drop = 1.2, temp = 'std', \
    temp_units='C', prop_eff = 0.7, load_factor =1, rated_power=275, \
    Returns speed for best rate of climb and the rate of climb at that speed.
    MP = SA.alt2press(altitude) - press_drop
    pwr = O.pwr(rpm, MP, altitude, temp = temp, temp_units = temp_units) * rated_power/180
    roc_max = -100000
    eass = range(60, 150, 1)
    rocs = []
    for eas in eass:
        rocs.append((roc(altitude, eas, weight, pwr, 2700, temp = temp, \
            prop_eff = prop_eff, load_factor = load_factor),eas))
    mroc, meas = max(rocs)
    return meas, mroc
def WOT_speed_orig(prop, altitude, weight = 1800, rpm = 2700, temp = 'std', \
    temp_units = 'C', rv = '8', wing_area = 110, speed_units = 'kt' , \
    MP_loss = 1.322, ram = 0.5, pwr_factor=1, mixture='pwr', \
    Returns the predicted speed at full throttle.
    The MP_loss is the MP lost in the induction tract at full throttle at 2700
    rpm at MSL.  The default value is from the Lycoming power charts.
    The ram is the percentage of available ram recovery pressure that is
    achieved in the MP.
    press = SA.alt2press(altitude, press_units='in HG')
    MP_loss = MP_loss * (rpm / 2700.)**2
    cas_guess = 300
    error = 1
    if mixture == 'econ':
        pwr_factor *= .86  # average power ratio to max power when at 50 deg LOP mixture
    elif mixture == 'pwr':
        raise ValueError('mixture must be one of "pwr" or "econ"')
    while error > 0.0001:
        dp = A.cas2dp(cas_guess, press_units='in HG')
        #       print 'dp =', dp
        ram_press = ram * dp
        #       print 'Ram rise =', ram_press
        MP = press - MP_loss + ram_press
        pwr = IO.pwr(rpm, MP, altitude, temp=temp,
                     temp_units=temp_units) * pwr_factor
        # print 'MP =', MP, 'Power =', pwr
        tas = speed(prop, altitude, weight, pwr, rpm, temp = temp, \
            temp_units = temp_units, rv = rv, wing_area = wing_area, \
            speed_units = speed_units, wheel_pants = wheel_pants)
        cas = A.tas2cas(tas, altitude, temp=temp, temp_units=temp_units)
        error = M.fabs((cas - cas_guess) / cas)
        cas_guess = cas

#       print 'CAS =', cas, 'TAS =', tas
#    print "MP = %.3f" % MP
#    print "Pwr = %.2f" % pwr
    return tas
def MP_pred(tas, alt, rpm, rpm_base=2700., MP_loss=1.322, ram=0.5, temp='std'):
    press = SA.alt2press(alt, press_units='in HG')
    if temp == 'std':
        temp = SA.alt2temp(alt)
    dp = A.tas2dp(tas,
                  press_units='in HG')
    ram_press = ram * dp
    MP_loss = MP_loss * (
        rpm / rpm_base
    )**1.85  # exponent from various online pressure drop calculators
    #    MP_loss = MP_loss * (rpm / rpm_base)
    MP = press - MP_loss + ram_press

    #    print "MP = %.3f" % MP
    return MP
def WOT_speed_orig(prop, altitude, weight = 1800, rpm = 2700, temp = 'std', \
    temp_units = 'C', rv = '8', wing_area = 110, speed_units = 'kt' , \
    MP_loss = 1.322, ram = 0.5, pwr_factor=1, mixture='pwr', \
    Returns the predicted speed at full throttle.
    The MP_loss is the MP lost in the induction tract at full throttle at 2700
    rpm at MSL.  The default value is from the Lycoming power charts.
    The ram is the percentage of available ram recovery pressure that is
    achieved in the MP.
    press = SA.alt2press(altitude, press_units = 'in HG')
    MP_loss = MP_loss * (rpm / 2700.) ** 2
    cas_guess = 300
    error = 1
    if mixture == 'econ':
        pwr_factor *= .86 # average power ratio to max power when at 50 deg LOP mixture
    elif mixture == 'pwr':
        raise ValueError, 'mixture must be one of "pwr" or "econ"'
    while error > 0.0001:
        dp = A.cas2dp(cas_guess, press_units = 'in HG')
#       print 'dp =', dp
        ram_press = ram * dp
#       print 'Ram rise =', ram_press
        MP = press - MP_loss + ram_press
        pwr = IO.pwr(rpm, MP, altitude, temp = temp, temp_units = temp_units) * pwr_factor
        # print 'MP =', MP, 'Power =', pwr
        tas = speed(prop, altitude, weight, pwr, rpm, temp = temp, \
            temp_units = temp_units, rv = rv, wing_area = wing_area, \
            speed_units = speed_units, wheel_pants = wheel_pants)
        cas = A.tas2cas(tas, altitude, temp = temp, temp_units = temp_units)
        error = M.fabs((cas - cas_guess) / cas)
        cas_guess = cas
#       print 'CAS =', cas, 'TAS =', tas
#    print "MP = %.3f" % MP
#    print "Pwr = %.2f" % pwr
    return tas
def mach2cl(
    Returns the coefficient of lift, given equivalent mach, altitude, weight,
    and wing area.
    Load factor is an optional input.  The load factor, if not provided, 
    defaults to 1.
    if the wing area is 110 square feet,
    altitude is 10,000 ft,
    the weight is 1800 lb,
    and the Mach number is 0.3 kt,
    in straight and level flight (so the load factor = 1),
    >>> Hp = 10000
    >>> S = 110
    >>> W = 1800
    >>> Mach = 0.3
    >>> mach2cl(Mach, Hp, W, S, weight_units='lb', area_units='ft**2')

    P = SA.alt2press(altitude, alt_units=alt_units, press_units="pa")
    wing_area = U.area_conv(wing_area, from_units=area_units, to_units="m**2")
    weight = U.wt_conv(weight, from_units=weight_units, to_units="kg")

    Cl = (weight * g * load_factor) / (0.7 * P * wing_area * mach**2)

    return Cl
def aoca(prop, altitude, weight = 1800, press_drop = 1.2, temp = 'std', \
    climb = True):
    Returns speed for best climb or descent gradient and the gradient at 
    that speed.
    MP = SA.alt2press(altitude) - press_drop
    pwr = IO.pwr(2700, MP, altitude, temp = temp)

    if climb == True:
        eass = range(550, 800, 1)
        eass = range(700, 1200, 1)
    aocs = []
    if climb == True:
        for eas in eass:
            aocs.append((aoc(prop, altitude, eas/10., weight, pwr, 2700, temp = temp),eas))
        for eas in eass:
            aocs.append((aoc(prop, altitude, eas/10., weight, 0, 2700, temp = temp),eas))
    maoc, meas = max(aocs)
    return meas/10., maoc
def roc_vs_temp(prop, alt_max = 20000, alt_interval=2000, weight=1800, temps=[-20,0,20,40], pwr='max', \
    pwr_factor=1.0, climb_speed='max', output='raw'):
    Returns the rates of climb at various temperatures
    if pwr == 'max':
        rpm = 2650
        MP_max = 30
    elif pwr == 'cc':
        rpm = 2500
        MP_max = 25
    elif pwr == 2500:
        rpm = 2500
        MP_max = 30
        raise ValueError, "pwr must be on of 'max', 'cc', or 2500"

    alt = 0
    while alt<alt_max:
        press = SA.alt2press(alt)
        MP = press - (29.9213 - 28.6)

        cas = alt2roc_speed(alt, climb_speed = climb_speed)
        eas = A.cas2eas(cas, alt)

#        for temp  in temps:
#            print temp, '\t\t\t',
#        print '\n',
        print '%.0f\t%.0f\t%.0f\t' % (weight, alt, cas),
        for temp in temps:
            # power = IO.pwr(rpm, MP, alt, temp) * pwr_factor
            power = alt2pwr(alt, rpm = rpm, MP_max = MP_max, temp = temp)
            ROC = roc(prop, alt, eas, weight, power, rpm, temp) /10
            ROC = int('%.0f' % (ROC)) * 10
            print '%.0f\t' % (ROC), 
        print '\n'
        alt += alt_interval
def roc_vs_temp(prop, alt_max = 20000, alt_interval=2000, weight=1800, temps=[-20,0,20,40], pwr='max', \
    pwr_factor=1.0, climb_speed='max', output='raw'):
    Returns the rates of climb at various temperatures
    if pwr == 'max':
        rpm = 2650
        MP_max = 30
    elif pwr == 'cc':
        rpm = 2500
        MP_max = 25
    elif pwr == 2500:
        rpm = 2500
        MP_max = 30
        raise ValueError("pwr must be on of 'max', 'cc', or 2500")

    alt = 0
    while alt < alt_max:
        press = SA.alt2press(alt)
        MP = press - (29.9213 - 28.6)

        cas = alt2roc_speed(alt, climb_speed=climb_speed)
        eas = A.cas2eas(cas, alt)

        #        for temp  in temps:
        #            print temp, '\t\t\t',
        #        print '\n',
        print('%.0f\t%.0f\t%.0f\t' % (weight, alt, cas), end=' ')
        for temp in temps:
            # power = IO.pwr(rpm, MP, alt, temp) * pwr_factor
            power = alt2pwr(alt, rpm=rpm, MP_max=MP_max, temp=temp)
            ROC = roc(prop, alt, eas, weight, power, rpm, temp) / 10
            ROC = int('%.0f' % (ROC)) * 10
            print('%.0f\t' % (ROC), end=' ')
        alt += alt_interval
def pwr_vs_alt_temp(temps):
    Returns a series of powers at full throttle and 2700 rpm at various temps
0 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
213.4   205.4   198.3   191.9   200.0 

2000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
197.3   189.9   183.3   177.4   186.2 

4000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
182.4   175.6   169.5   164.0   173.4 

6000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
167.8   161.5   155.9   150.9   160.6 

8000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
154.1   148.3   143.2   138.6   148.6 

10000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
141.3   136.1   131.3   127.1   137.3 

12000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
129.3   124.5   120.2   116.3   126.6 

14000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
118.2   113.8   109.8   106.2   116.5 

16000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
107.4   103.4   99.8    96.6    106.7 

18000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
97.3    93.7    90.4    87.5    97.4 

20000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
87.7    84.4    81.5    78.9    88.5 

    alts = list(range(0, 22000, 2000))
    for alt in alts:
        print(alt, 'ft')
        for temp in temps:
            print(temp, '\t', end=' ')
        for temp in temps:
            power = alt2pwr(alt, temp=temp)
            print('%.1f' % (power), '\t', end=' ')
        press = SA.alt2press(alt)
        MP = press - (29.9213 - 28.6)
        isa_pwr = IO.pwr(2700, MP, alt)
        print('%.1f' % (isa_pwr), '\n')
def pwr_vs_alt_temp(temps):
    Returns a series of powers at full throttle and 2700 rpm at various temps
0 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
213.4   205.4   198.3   191.9   200.0 

2000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
197.3   189.9   183.3   177.4   186.2 

4000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
182.4   175.6   169.5   164.0   173.4 

6000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
167.8   161.5   155.9   150.9   160.6 

8000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
154.1   148.3   143.2   138.6   148.6 

10000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
141.3   136.1   131.3   127.1   137.3 

12000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
129.3   124.5   120.2   116.3   126.6 

14000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
118.2   113.8   109.8   106.2   116.5 

16000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
107.4   103.4   99.8    96.6    106.7 

18000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
97.3    93.7    90.4    87.5    97.4 

20000 ft
-20     0       20      40      ISA
87.7    84.4    81.5    78.9    88.5 

    alts = range(0,22000, 2000)
    for alt in alts:
        print alt, 'ft'
        for temp in temps:
            print temp, '\t',
        print 'ISA'
        for temp in temps:
            power = alt2pwr(alt, temp = temp)
            print '%.1f' % (power), '\t',
        press = SA.alt2press(alt)
        MP = press - (29.9213 - 28.6)
        isa_pwr = IO.pwr(2700, MP, alt)
        print '%.1f' % (isa_pwr), '\n'
full_line = '|'.join(piece)
print('|' + full_line + '|')

for alt in range(0, 16000, 1000):
    piece = []
    temp = SA.alt2temp(alt, temp_units='F')
    temp = int(temp)
    press = SA.alt2press(alt)

    pwr = .55 * max_pwr
    for rpm in range(2100, 2500, 100):
        mp = float(O.pwr2mp(pwr, rpm, alt))
        if press - mp < diff:
            piece.append(str(round(mp, 1)).center(col2))

    pwr = .65 * max_pwr
    for rpm in range(2100, 2500, 100):
        mp = float(O.pwr2mp(pwr, rpm, alt))
        if press - mp < diff:
def tas2ssec2(tas,
    Return static source position error as speed error, pressure error and 
    altitude error at sea level using speed course method.
    Returns delta_Vpc, delta_Ps and delta_Hpc
    tas = true airspeed determined by speed course method, or GPS
    ind_alt = pressure altitude, corrected for instrument error
    oat = outside air temperature, corrected for instrument error and ram temperature rise
    ias = indicated airspeed, corrected for instrument error
    std_alt = altitude to provide delta_Hpc for
    delta_Vpc = error in airspeed = calibrated airspeed - indicated airspeed 
    corrected for instrument error
    delta_Ps = error in the pressure sensed by the static system = pressure 
    sensed in the static system - ambient pressure
    delta_Hpc = altitude error at std_alt = actual altitude - altitude 
    sensed by the static system
    Uses analysis method from USAF Test Pilot School.  Unlike some other 
    methods (e.g.. that in FAA AC 23-8B, or NTPS GPS_PEC.xls), this method 
    provides an exact conversion from TAS to CAS (some other methods assume 
    CAS = EAS), and it accounts for the effect of position error of altitude 
    on the conversion from TAS to CAS (some  other methods assume pressure 
    altitude =  indicated pressure altitude).
    tas = U.speed_conv(tas, speed_units, 'kt')
    ind_alt = U.length_conv(ind_alt, alt_units, 'ft')
    oat = U.temp_conv(oat, temp_units, 'C')
    M = A.tas2mach(tas, oat, temp_units='C', speed_units='kt')
    if M > 1:
        raise ValueError('This method only works for Mach < 1')
    delta_ic = SA.alt2press_ratio(ind_alt, alt_units='ft')
    qcic_over_Psl = A.cas2dp(ias, speed_units='kt',
                             press_units=press_units) / U.press_conv(
                                 constants.P0, 'pa', to_units=press_units)
    qcic_over_Ps = qcic_over_Psl / delta_ic
    Mic = A.dp_over_p2mach(qcic_over_Ps)
    delta_mach_pc = M - Mic
    if Mic > 1:
        raise ValueError('This method only works for Mach < 1')
    deltaPp_over_Ps = (1.4 * delta_mach_pc * (Mic + delta_mach_pc / 2)) / (
        1 + 0.2 * (Mic + delta_mach_pc / 2)**2)
    deltaPp_over_qcic = deltaPp_over_Ps / qcic_over_Ps
    delta_Hpc = SA.alt2temp_ratio(
        std_alt, alt_units='ft') * deltaPp_over_Ps / 3.61382e-5

    # experimental - alternate way to calculate delta_Hpc that gives same answer
    Ps = SA.alt2press(ind_alt, alt_units='ft', press_units=press_units)
    delta_Ps = deltaPp_over_Ps * Ps
    P_std = SA.alt2press(std_alt, alt_units='ft', press_units=press_units)
    deltaPs_std = deltaPp_over_Ps * P_std
    delta_Hpc2 = SA.press2alt(P_std - deltaPs_std,
                              press_units=press_units) - std_alt

    delta_std_alt = SA.alt2press_ratio(std_alt, alt_units='ft')
    asl = U.speed_conv(constants.A0, 'm/s', 'kt')
    delta_Vpc_std_alt = deltaPp_over_Ps * delta_std_alt * asl**2 / (
        1.4 * ias * (1 + 0.2 * (ias / asl)**2)**2.5)

    actual_alt = SA.press2alt(Ps + delta_Ps,
    cas = A.tas2cas(tas,
    return delta_Vpc, delta_Ps, delta_Hpc, cas
def tas2ssec2(tas, ind_alt, oat, ias, std_alt = 0, speed_units=default_speed_units, alt_units=default_alt_units, temp_units=default_temp_units, press_units = default_press_units):
    Return static source position error as speed error, pressure error and 
    altitude error at sea level using speed course method.
    Returns delta_Vpc, delta_Ps and delta_Hpc
    tas = true airspeed determined by speed course method, or GPS
    ind_alt = pressure altitude, corrected for instrument error
    oat = outside air temperature, corrected for instrument error and ram temperature rise
    ias = indicated airspeed, corrected for instrument error
    std_alt = altitude to provide delta_Hpc for
    delta_Vpc = error in airspeed = calibrated airspeed - indicated airspeed 
    corrected for instrument error
    delta_Ps = error in the pressure sensed by the static system = pressure 
    sensed in the static system - ambient pressure
    delta_Hpc = altitude error at std_alt = actual altitude - altitude 
    sensed by the static system
    Uses analysis method from USAF Test Pilot School.  Unlike some other 
    methods (e.g.. that in FAA AC 23-8B, or NTPS GPS_PEC.xls), this method 
    provides an exact conversion from TAS to CAS (some other methods assume 
    CAS = EAS), and it accounts for the effect of position error of altitude 
    on the conversion from TAS to CAS (some  other methods assume pressure 
    altitude =  indicated pressure altitude).
    tas = U.speed_conv(tas, speed_units, 'kt')
    ind_alt = U.length_conv(ind_alt, alt_units, 'ft')
    oat = U.temp_conv(oat, temp_units, 'C')
    M = A.tas2mach(tas, oat, temp_units='C', speed_units='kt')
    if M > 1:
        raise ValueError, 'This method only works for Mach < 1'
    delta_ic = SA.alt2press_ratio(ind_alt, alt_units='ft')
    qcic_over_Psl = A.cas2dp(ias, speed_units='kt', press_units=press_units) / U.press_conv(constants.P0, 'pa', to_units=press_units)
    qcic_over_Ps = qcic_over_Psl / delta_ic
    Mic = A.dp_over_p2mach(qcic_over_Ps)
    delta_mach_pc = M - Mic
    if Mic > 1:
        raise ValueError, 'This method only works for Mach < 1'
    deltaPp_over_Ps = (1.4 * delta_mach_pc * (Mic + delta_mach_pc / 2)) / (1 + 0.2 * (Mic + delta_mach_pc / 2 )**2)
    deltaPp_over_qcic = deltaPp_over_Ps / qcic_over_Ps
    delta_Hpc = SA.alt2temp_ratio(std_alt, alt_units='ft') * deltaPp_over_Ps / 3.61382e-5
    # experimental - alternate way to calculate delta_Hpc that gives same answer
    Ps = SA.alt2press(ind_alt, alt_units='ft', press_units=press_units)
    delta_Ps = deltaPp_over_Ps * Ps
    P_std = SA.alt2press(std_alt, alt_units='ft', press_units=press_units)
    deltaPs_std = deltaPp_over_Ps * P_std
    delta_Hpc2 = SA.press2alt(P_std  - deltaPs_std, press_units  = press_units) - std_alt

    delta_std_alt = SA.alt2press_ratio(std_alt, alt_units='ft')
    asl = U.speed_conv(constants.A0, 'm/s', 'kt')
    delta_Vpc_std_alt = deltaPp_over_Ps * delta_std_alt * asl**2 / (1.4 * ias * (1 + 0.2 * (ias / asl)**2)**2.5)

    actual_alt = SA.press2alt(Ps + delta_Ps, press_units = press_units, alt_units = 'ft')
    cas = A.tas2cas(tas, actual_alt, oat, speed_units='kt', alt_units='ft', temp_units='C')
    return delta_Vpc, delta_Ps, delta_Hpc, cas
full_line = '|'.join(piece)
print '|' + full_line + '|'

for alt in range(0, 16000, 1000):
	piece = []
	temp = SA.alt2temp(alt, temp_units = 'F')
	temp = int(temp)
	press = SA.alt2press(alt)

	pwr = .55 * max_pwr
	for rpm in range(2100, 2500, 100):
		mp = float(O.pwr2mp(pwr, rpm, alt))
		if press - mp < diff:
	pwr = .65 * max_pwr
	for rpm in range(2100, 2500, 100):
		mp = float(O.pwr2mp(pwr, rpm, alt))
		if press - mp < diff: