def test_byte_msg(): msg = Byte() = b'\x10' parsed_msg = json_to_msg(msg_to_json(msg), Byte()) assert ==
def callback_enc_dx(channel): global dir_dx global tick_dx_pub global v_input_dx global v_input_sx if ((v_input_dx != 0) or (v_input_sx != 0)): enc_msg = Byte() = dir_dx tick_dx_pub.publish(enc_msg)
def pause_cb(self, msg): if == 1 and not self.pause_status: self.ena_pub.publish(Byte(0)) self.pause_time = rospy.get_time() self.pause_status = True elif == 0 and self.pause_status: self.ena_pub.publish(Byte(1)) self.pause_duration = self.pause_duration + rospy.get_time( ) - self.pause_time self.pause_status = False
def run(self): r = rospy.Rate(4) for i in range(3): r.sleep() for i in range(3): r.sleep() return 'Completed_Successfully'
def main(): buttondown_pub = rospy.Publisher('/rfreceiver/buttondown', Byte, queue_size=1) rospy.init_node(NODE_NAME) device_path = rospy.get_param('~device_path') baud_rate = rospy.get_param('~baud_rate', 9600) retry_grace_time = rospy.get_param('~retry_grace_time', 30) ready = False i = 0 while not ready: try: receiver = serial.Serial(port=device_path, baudrate=baud_rate) ready = True except SerialException: rospy.logerr("Could not open device_path: %s" % (device_path)) rospy.logerr("I'm going to sleep %s seconds between attempts" % (i)) time.sleep(i) if i < retry_grace_time: i += 3 buf = '' while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: button = int(receiver.readline(10).strip()) except serial.SerialException as e: print e break buttondown_pub.publish(Byte(button))
def test_dictionary_with_byte(self): from std_msgs.msg import Byte expected_message = Byte(data = 3) dictionary = { 'data': } message = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message('std_msgs/Byte', dictionary) expected_message = serialize_deserialize(expected_message) self.assertEqual(message, expected_message)
def test_ros_message_with_byte(self): from std_msgs.msg import Byte expected_dictionary = { 'data': 5 } message = Byte(data=expected_dictionary['data']) message = serialize_deserialize(message) dictionary = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(message) self.assertEqual(dictionary, expected_dictionary)
def start(self): self.launch.start() time.sleep(10) rospy.init_node('admin') rospy.Subscriber('/amcl_pose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.amcl_cb) self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, queue_size=3) while not self.pose_pub.get_num_connections(): pass #init_pose = [ 0.0453101396561, 0.00364243984222, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.032842760778, 0.999460531019] init_pose = self.traj[self.waypt_idx] print(init_pose) # initialize position in the map. ipose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() ipose.header.frame_id = "map" ipose.pose.pose.position.x = init_pose[0] ipose.pose.pose.position.y = init_pose[1] ipose.pose.pose.orientation.z = init_pose[5] ipose.pose.pose.orientation.w = init_pose[6] self.pose_pub.publish(ipose) while not payload.isReady(): pass self.pose_pub.publish(ipose) time.sleep(1) self.run_thread = multiprocessing.Process(, args=()) self.run_thread.daemon = True self.run_thread.start() #def payload_mon(self): print('In main process') #print(payload.isReady()) pause_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pauseAction', Byte, queue_size=1) while payload.isReady(): #print(payload.isPaused()) if payload.isPaused(): pause_pub.publish(Byte(1)) else: pause_pub.publish(Byte(0)) time.sleep(0.1)
def saveData(self): try: rospy.wait_for_service('to_csv') to_csv = rospy.ServiceProxy('to_csv', ToCsv) number_msg = Byte(int(self.lineEdit.text())) resp = to_csv(number_msg) except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException) as e: print("Service call failed: %s" % e)
def __init__(self): self.v_lim = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] rospy.init_node('teleop_twist_keyboard') rospy.Subscriber('joy', Joy, self.joy_cb) self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.ena_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mobile_base_controller/control_mode', Byte, queue_size=1) while not self.ena_pub.get_num_connections(): pass self.ena_pub.publish( Byte(1)) # enable the robot and enters velocity mode
def main(): buttondown_pub = rospy.Publisher('/rfreceiver/buttondown', Byte, queue_size=1) rospy.init_node('rfreceiver') device_path = rospy.get_param('~device_path') baud_rate = rospy.get_param('~baud_rate', 9600) retry_grace_time = rospy.get_param('~retry_grace_time', 5) device_timeout = rospy.get_param('~serial_timeout', 10) retry_attempts = rospy.get_param('~retry_attempts', 20) ready = False # Try `retry_attempts` times with `retry_grace_time` grace period between attempts to open the device while not ready and retry_attempts >= 0: try: receiver = serial.Serial(port=device_path, baudrate=baud_rate, timeout=device_timeout) ready = True except SerialException: rospy.logerr("Could not open device_path: %s in %s seconds" % (device_path, device_timeout)) rospy.logerr( "I'm going to try %s times more and will sleep %s seconds between attempts" % (retry_attempts, retry_grace_time)) time.sleep(retry_grace_time) retry_attempts -= 1 buf = '' if not ready: rospy.logerr("Giving up - couldn't connect to the device %s" % device_path) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pass else: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: button = int(receiver.readline(10).strip()) except serial.SerialException as e: print e break buttondown_pub.publish(Byte(button))
def get_twist( x, y, theta, xy_g): # arguments are the robot's pose in the global reference frame global i #print("i",i) #print(len(xy_g)) if i == 0: i = len(xy_g) print("i", i) #print (len(xy_g)) #print (xy_g) if i > 0: flage = 0 if (i % 2 == 0): i -= 1 print("i", i) #x_g = xy_g[i-1] #for map 1 x_g = ((xy_g[i]) - 1) * 17.5 #for map 2 #x_g = ((xy_g[i])-1)*25 print(x) print('x', x_g) #y_g = xy_g[i] #for map 1 y_g = ((xy_g[i - 1]) - 1) * 17.5 #for map 2 #y_g = ((xy_g[i-1])-1)*25 print(y) print('y', y_g) #print("in while1") if (flage == 0): # get the error in the global reference frame error_x = x_g - x #print("ex",error_x) error_y = y_g - y #print("ey",error_y) if ((error_x >= -3) and (error_x <= 3)): error_x = 0 if ((error_y >= -3) and (error_y <= 3)): error_y = 0 #print("error_x",error_x) #print("error_y",error_y) # get the error in the robot's reference frame # @Xreference//Ycam gr_y = error_x * math.cos(theta) + error_y * math.sin( theta) #takes rad gr_x = -error_x * math.sin(theta) + error_y * math.cos(theta) # @ Xreference//Xcam == - eqn elmo3eed #gr_x = -(error_x*math.cos(theta) + error_y*math.sin(theta)) #takes rad #gr_y = -error_x*math.sin(theta) + error_y*math.cos(theta) #print("gr_y",gr_y) #print("gr_x",gr_x) # calculate rho and alfa rho = math.sqrt(gr_x**2 + gr_y**2) #in cm alfa = math.atan2(gr_y, gr_x) #in rad # define controller gains K_RHO = 1.4 # 0.6 doesn't work fine with me #(robot becomes unstable a bit after arriving to the desired pose) K_ALPHA = 0.5 #K_THETA = 0.5 #calculate control commands v = K_RHO * rho # in cm/sec # v = linear velocity command omega = K_ALPHA * alfa # in rad/sec # omega = angular velocity command # return th control commands twist = Twist() gtg_flag = Byte() gtg_flag = 0 if ((omega <= 0.2) and (omega >= -0.2)): omega = 0 if (omega != 0): twist.linear.x = 0 twist.linear.y = 0 twist.linear.z = 0 twist.angular.x = 0 twist.angular.y = 0 twist.angular.z = omega elif (omega == 0): twist.linear.x = v twist.linear.y = 0 twist.linear.z = 0 twist.angular.x = 0 twist.angular.y = 0 twist.angular.z = 0 #print("going to publish") #print("publishing1") cmd_vel_publisher1.publish(twist) #cmd_vel_publisher2.publish(gtg_flag) if (gr_x == 0 and gr_y == 0): print("flage") flage = 1 if (flage == 1): #print("increment i") i -= 2 if i < 0: twist = Twist() gtg_flag = Byte() gtg_flag = 1 twist.linear.x = 0 twist.linear.y = 0 twist.linear.z = 0 twist.angular.x = 0 twist.angular.y = 0 twist.angular.z = 0 print("i", i) cmd_vel_publisher1.publish(twist) cmd_vel_publisher2.publish(gtg_flag)
def map_follow(self): # initializations rospy.init_node('map_follow', anonymous=True) pub = rospy.Publisher('waypts', Marker, queue_size=100) cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher("/mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) mode_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mobile_base_controller/control_mode', Byte, queue_size=1) # Set control mode 1- vel cont while not mode_pub.get_num_connections( ): # hold there until the subsecribers are ready pass mode_pub.publish(Byte(data=1)) #rospy.Subscriber("scan",LaserScan,self.scanCallback) rospy.Subscriber("amcl_pose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.amcl_callback) #rospy.Subscriber("map",OccupancyGrid,self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/ov3/button", Empty, self.button_cb) rospy.Subscriber("control_params", ctrlParams, self.ctrlprm_update) rt = rospy.Rate(self.pd_rate) # Run controller param run_flag = rospy.get_param('runPD_q') print('Run Flag is', run_flag) self.parse_waypts() self.waypt_buf = self.trajs self.waypt_i = 0 self.running = True # for showing waypts on rviz wpt_marker = Marker() wpt_marker.header.frame_id = "/map" wpt_marker.type = wpt_marker.ARROW wpt_marker.action = wpt_marker.ADD wpt_marker.pose.orientation.x = 0 wpt_marker.pose.orientation.y = 0 wpt_marker.pose.orientation.z = 0 wpt_marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 wpt_marker.pose.position.x = 0 wpt_marker.pose.position.y = 0 wpt_marker.pose.position.z = 0 wpt_marker.scale.x = 1 wpt_marker.scale.y = 0.1 wpt_marker.scale.z = 0.1 wpt_marker.color.a = 0.8 wpt_marker.color.r = 0.2 wpt_marker.color.g = 1.0 wpt_marker.color.b = 0.2 rospy.loginfo('************** Initialization complete ************') while not rospy.is_shutdown() and (run_flag == 1): # compute distance between present pos estimate and latest waypt update self.dis_err = np.sqrt( math.pow((self.car_ax - self.waypt_xd), 2) + math.pow((self.car_ay - self.waypt_yd), 2)) #rospy.loginfo(self.dis_err) # waypoint updates if(rospy.get_time()-self.waypt_ptime > 0.1 and\ self.dis_err < self.waypt_lim): self.waypt_ptime = rospy.get_time() self.waypt_xd = self.waypt_buf[self.waypt_i][0] self.waypt_yd = self.waypt_buf[self.waypt_i][1] #rospy.loginfo([self.waypt_xd,self.waypt_yd, 'wpt']) print(self.waypt_i, len(self.waypt_buf)) if (self.waypt_i < (len(self.waypt_buf) - 1)): self.waypt_i += 1 else: print('End') self.running = False cmd_pub.publish(Twist()) # waypt publishing wpt_marker.pose.position.x = self.waypt_xd wpt_marker.pose.position.y = self.waypt_yd #rospy.loginfo(wpt_marker) pub.publish(wpt_marker) prev_time = self.current_time #compute the time for the loop ########################### # The pd control ###### Steer pd alpha = math.atan2(self.waypt_yd - self.car_ay, self.waypt_xd - self.car_ax) self.steer_err = alpha - self.car_ayaw if (self.steer_err > math.pi): self.steer_err = -2 * math.pi + self.steer_err elif (self.steer_err < -math.pi): self.steer_err = 2 * math.pi + self.steer_err # controller self.steer = self.kp_steer*self.steer_err \ + self.kd_steer*(self.steer_err-self.psteer_err) ######## gas pd self.gas_err = self.dis_err # Controller self.gasvel = self.kp_gas*self.gas_err \ + self.kd_gas*(self.gas_err-self.pgas_err) # Update previous errors self.pgas_err = self.gas_err self.psteer_err = self.steer_err # Scale the values and write # for steer we limit the scale to: # steer_limit = +/- max_dist_frm_wall*kp_steer = 0.5*5 = 2.5 + 0.5(for kd term) # This angle max is assumed to 30deg equivalent to 3(steer_limit) # self.steer = self.map_vel(self.steer, -math.pi/3, math.pi/3, self.steer_max, self.steer_min) # steer_wrt = int(self.steer) # Steer to be written # self.gasvel = self.map_vel(self.gasvel, 0, 2048, 0, 2048) # change when controlling gas # gasvel_wrt = int(self.gasvel)*self.vlim # gas velocity to be written # scale gasvel inversely to steer # gasvel_wrt = 0.08*(2048/(abs(steer_wrt)+10))*gasvel_wrt + 190 # for low velocities needed set 0 every 6 cycles # if(abs(steer_wrt) > 1800): # self.gas_cnt = self.gas_cnt+1 # if(self.gas_cnt == 6): # self.gas_cnt = 0 # gasvel_wrt = 0 # else: # gasvel_wrt = 400 * self.vlim # if(gasvel_wrt > 440): # gasvel_wrt = 440 * self.vlim # Setup write string and write to serial port if self.car_state == 0: self.ser_write = Twist() else: self.ser_write.linear.x = self.gasvel self.ser_write.angular.z = self.steer #print(self.vlim) #print(self.ser_write) if self.running: #print('Running') cmd_pub.publish(self.ser_write) #print(self.ser_write) else: cmd_pub.publish(Twist()) rt.sleep() run_flag = rospy.get_param('runPD_q') if rospy.is_shutdown() or (run_flag == 0): print('Sutting down') try: print('Setting velocities to zero') cmd_pub.publish(Twist()) mode_pub.publish(Byte(data=0)) except: print('Error closing serial port, do it manually') if (run_flag == 0): rospy.set_param('runPD_q', 1)
def main(self): # Publish initial pose #ret = input('Is robot in position? (1-Yes, 0-NO)') #if ret==0: # rospy.signal_shutdown('Exit') #ipose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() #ipose.pose.pose.position.x = self.init_pose[0] #ipose.pose.pose.position.y = self.init_pose[1] #ipose.pose.pose.orientation.z = self.init_pose[5] #ipose.pose.pose.orientation.w = self.init_pose[6] #self.pose_pub.publish(ipose) #time.sleep(1) # Start publishing goals from trajectory #msg = PoseStamped() #self.gpub.publish(msg) #self.gpub.publish(msg) while not self.gpub.get_num_connections(): pass for i in range(self.traj.shape[0]): msg = PoseStamped() # Create header h = Header() h.stamp = h.frame_id = "map" msg.header = h # Add position msg.pose.position.x = self.traj[i, 0] msg.pose.position.y = self.traj[i, 1] # Add orientation msg.pose.orientation.x = self.traj[i, 3] msg.pose.orientation.y = self.traj[i, 4] msg.pose.orientation.z = self.traj[i, 5] msg.pose.orientation.w = self.traj[i, 6] self.status = 0 self.gpub.publish(msg) time.sleep(0.5) if i == 0: self.gpub.publish(msg) time.sleep(0.5) print(msg) cond = True itim = rospy.get_time() while cond and not rospy.is_shutdown(): dt = rospy.get_time() - itim cond = self.status != 3 and dt < 30 continue if (self.status == 3 and self.traj[i, 7] > 0): # do disinfection stuff here. loc = self.last_loc #payload.turnOnUVC() if (self.traj[i, 7] > 10): self.ena_pub.publish(Byte(0)) time.sleep(4) time.sleep(self.traj[i, 7] - 8) self.ena_pub.publish(Byte(1)) time.sleep(4) #payload.turnOffUVC() else: time.sleep(self.traj[i, 7]) #loc.pose.covariance = [0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.05] self.pose_pub.publish(loc) time.sleep(1) if self.status != 3: rospy.logerr('Did not succeed, status code: ' + str(self.status)) sys.exit(self.status - 3) #if res.status.status != 3: # break if rospy.is_shutdown(): #payload.turnOffUVC() break return 0
def base_enable(self): self.ena_pub.publish(Byte(1))
def base_disable(self): self.ena_pub.publish(Byte(0))
value = 0 try: print(msg) while (1): key = getKey() if key in pinBindings.keys(): value = pinBindings[key] else: value = 0 if (key == '\x03'): break packet = Byte() = value pub.publish(packet) = 0 pub.publish(packet) print(Pots.pot1) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: packet = Byte() value = 0 = value pub.publish(packet)
def map_follow(self): # initializations rospy.init_node('map_follow', anonymous=True) pubUI = rospy.Publisher('waypts', Marker, queue_size=100) # cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher("/mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size = 1) # Set control mode 1- vel cont while not self.mode_pub.get_num_connections( ): # hold there until the subsecribers are ready pass self.mode_pub.publish(Byte(data=1)) rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.scanCallback) #rospy.Subscriber("amcl_pose",PoseWithCovarianceStamped,self.amcl_callback) #rospy.Subscriber("map",OccupancyGrid,self.map_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/ov3/button", Empty, self.button_cb) #rospy.Subscriber("control_params", ctrlParams, self.ctrlprm_update) rate = rospy.Rate(self.cmd_rate) # Run controller param run_flag = 1 #run_flag = rospy.get_param('runPD_q') #print('Run Flag is', run_flag) self.parse_waypts() # for showing waypts on rviz wpt_marker = Marker() wpt_marker.header.frame_id = "/map" wpt_marker.type = wpt_marker.ARROW wpt_marker.action = wpt_marker.ADD wpt_marker.pose.orientation.x = 0 wpt_marker.pose.orientation.y = 0 wpt_marker.pose.orientation.z = 0 wpt_marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 wpt_marker.pose.position.x = 0 wpt_marker.pose.position.y = 0 wpt_marker.pose.position.z = 0 wpt_marker.scale.x = 1 wpt_marker.scale.y = 0.1 wpt_marker.scale.z = 0.1 wpt_marker.color.a = 0.8 wpt_marker.color.r = 0.2 wpt_marker.color.g = 1.0 wpt_marker.color.b = 0.2 rospy.loginfo('************** Initialization complete ************') while not rospy.is_shutdown() and (run_flag == 1): # compute distance between present pos estimate and latest waypt update #self.dis_err = np.sqrt(math.pow((self.car_ax-self.waypt_xd),2)+math.pow((self.car_ay-self.waypt_yd),2)) #rospy.loginfo(self.dis_err) # waypoint updates if (rospy.get_time() - self.waypt_ptime > 0.1): self.waypt_ptime = rospy.get_time() self.waypt_xd = self.waypt_buf[self.waypt_i, 0] self.waypt_yd = self.waypt_buf[self.waypt_i, 1] #rospy.loginfo([self.waypt_xd,self.waypt_yd, 'wpt']) if (self.waypt_i < (len(self.waypt_buf) - 1)): self.waypt_i += 1 else: self.running = False cmd_pub.publish(Twist()) # waypt publishing wpt_marker.pose.position.x = self.waypt_xd wpt_marker.pose.position.y = self.waypt_yd #rospy.loginfo(wpt_marker) pubUI.publish(wpt_marker) # TODO: make LED on button go off instead... #if self.running: # print('Running') # cmd_pub.publish(self.ser_write) #else: # cmd_pub.publish(Twist()) rt.sleep() run_flag = rospy.get_param('runPD_q') if rospy.is_shutdown() or (run_flag == 0): print('Sutting down') try: print('Setting velocities to zero') cmd_pub.publish(Twist()) self.mode_pub.publish(Byte(data=0)) except: print('Error closing serial port, do it manually') if (run_flag == 0): rospy.set_param('runPD_q', 1)
if __name__ == "__main__": settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) pub = rospy.Publisher('/mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) rospy.init_node('teleop_twist_keyboard') pub2 = rospy.Publisher('/mobile_base_controller/control_mode', Byte, queue_size=1) #mode = Byte(1) # hold there until the subsecribers are ready while not pub2.get_num_connections(): pass pub2.publish(Byte(data=1)) #os.system('rostopic pub --once /mobile_base_controller/control_mode std_msgs/Byte 1') speed = rospy.get_param("~speed", 0.5) turn = rospy.get_param("~turn", 1.0) x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 th = 0 status = 0 try: print(msg) print(vels(speed, turn)) while (1): key = getKey()
def createParticipant(self): try: rospy.wait_for_service('create_participant', timeout=2.0) create_participant = rospy.ServiceProxy('create_participant', CreateParticipant) number = int(self.lineEdit.text()) number_msg = Byte(number) if self.radioButton.isChecked(): gender = 1 else: gender = 0 gender_msg = Bool(gender) age = int(self.lineEdit_3.text()) age_msg = Byte(age) field_of_study = self.lineEdit_4.text() field_of_study_msg = String(field_of_study) if self.radioButton_3.isChecked(): teleop_experience = 0 elif self.radioButton_4.isChecked(): teleop_experience = 1 elif self.radioButton_5.isChecked(): teleop_experience = 2 elif self.radioButton_6.isChecked(): teleop_experience = 3 elif self.radioButton_7.isChecked(): teleop_experience = 4 elif self.radioButton_8.isChecked(): teleop_experience = 5 teleop_experience_msg = Byte(teleop_experience) if self.radioButton_15.isChecked(): keyboard_experience = 0 elif self.radioButton_16.isChecked(): keyboard_experience = 1 elif self.radioButton_17.isChecked(): keyboard_experience = 2 elif self.radioButton_18.isChecked(): keyboard_experience = 3 elif self.radioButton_19.isChecked(): keyboard_experience = 4 elif self.radioButton_20.isChecked(): keyboard_experience = 5 keyboard_experience_msg = Byte(keyboard_experience) if self.radioButton_13.isChecked(): left_right_handed = 0 elif self.radioButton_14.isChecked(): left_right_handed = 1 left_right_handed_msg = Bool(left_right_handed) resp = create_participant(number_msg, gender_msg, age_msg, field_of_study_msg, teleop_experience_msg, keyboard_experience_msg, left_right_handed_msg) except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException) as e: print("Service call failed: %s" % e)
motor_cmd_scale = int((motor_volts * controller_cmd_mag) / 8.4) motor_rate_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/mip_rover/motors/rates', MotorRate, motor_rate_handler) motor_cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mip_rover/motors/cmd', MotorCmd, queue_size=10) green_led_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mip_rover/leds/green', Byte, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(4) motor_cmd = MotorCmd() motor_cmd.left_motor = 0 motor_cmd.right_motor = 0 green_led_cmd = Byte() = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): print('{:d} {:d} {:f} {:f}'.format(motor_cmd.left_motor, motor_cmd.right_motor, current_left_motor_rate, current_right_motor_rate)) green_led_pub.publish(green_led_cmd) motor_cmd.header.stamp = motor_cmd_pub.publish(motor_cmd) motor_cmd.left_motor += 10 motor_cmd.right_motor += 10 = == 0 if motor_cmd.left_motor > motor_cmd_scale or motor_cmd.right_motor > motor_cmd_scale: break rate.sleep()
leds = LEDs(pi) selecter = Selecter(pi) tirette = Tirette(pi) bumpers = Bumpers(pi) ######################################################## def LEDsCallback(data): leds.set(data.r, data.g, data.b) selecterPub = rospy.Publisher('/hat/selecter', Bool, queue_size=2) tirettePub = rospy.Publisher('/hat/tirette', Bool, queue_size=2) bumpersPub = rospy.Publisher('/hat/bumpers', Byte, queue_size=2) rospy.init_node('hat_driver', anonymous=False) rospy.Subscriber('/hat/rgb', ColorRGBA, LEDsCallback) threading.Thread(target=rospy.spin).start() rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): selecterPub.publish(Bool(selecter.get())) tirettePub.publish(Bool(tirette.get())) bumpersPub.publish(Byte(bumpers.get())) rate.sleep() pi.stop()
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Byte import pigpio pub = rospy.Publisher('/ball_count', Byte, queue_size=10) msg1 = Byte(98) rate = rospy.Rate(30) pi = pigpio.pi() """ Sensors are inversed """ lift_bas = 7 lift_haut = 8 lanceur = 9 c1_state = 1 c2_state = 1 count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if == 0: c1_state = 0 elif c1_state == 0 and == 1: count += 1 c1_state = 1
def main(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.spin() self.ena_pub.publish(Byte(0))
def test_byte_msg_from_json(): msg_json = '{ "data": "\u0010" }' parsed_msg = json_to_msg(msg_json, Byte()) assert == b'\x10'
def send_byte(self, data): msg = Byte() = data self.publisher_.publish(msg) self.get_logger().info('Publishing: "%s"' %
def sendTrigger(self): b = Byte(1) self.pub_trigger.publish(b)
def onStartTrainingClick(self): participant_number_msg = Byte(int(self.lineEdit.text())) self._operator_gui_interaction_pub.publish(participant_number_msg)