def __init__(self): moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) self.robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() # Init moveit group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander('robot') self.arm_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander('arm') self.base_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander('base') self.scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() self.sce = moveit_python.PlanningSceneInterface('odom') self.pub_co = rospy.Publisher('collision_object', CollisionObject, queue_size=100) self.msg_print = SetBoolRequest() self.request_fk = rospy.ServiceProxy('/compute_fk', GetPositionFK) self.pub_co = rospy.Publisher('collision_object', CollisionObject, queue_size=100) sub_waypoint_status = rospy.Subscriber('execute_trajectory/status', GoalStatusArray, self.waypoint_execution_cb) sub_movegroup_status = rospy.Subscriber('execute_trajectory/status', GoalStatusArray, self.move_group_execution_cb) # sub_movegroup_status = rospy.Subscriber('move_group/status', GoalStatusArray, self.move_group_execution_cb) rospy.Subscriber("joint_states", JointState, self.further_ob_printing) msg_print = SetBoolRequest() = True self.re_position_x = [] self.re_position_y = [] self.waypoint_execution_status = 0 self.move_group_execution_status = 0 self.further_printing_number = 0 self.pre_further_printing_number = 0 # initial printing number self._printing_number = 0 self._further_printing_number = 0 self.future_printing_status = False self.current_printing_pose = None self.previous_printing_pose = None self.target_list = None # Initialize time record self.travel_time = 0 self.planning_time = 0 self.printing_time = 0 # Initialize extruder extruder_publisher = rospy.Publisher('set_extruder_rate', Float32, queue_size=20) msg_extrude = Float32() msg_extrude = 5.0 extruder_publisher.publish(msg_extrude) ######################################################### self.experiment = rospy.Publisher('experiment_name', String, queue_size=20) ###################################################### self.pub_rviz_marker = rospy.Publisher('/visualization_marker', Marker, queue_size=100) self.remove_all_rviz_marker() self.printing_number_rviz = 0
def create_float(self, val): fl = Float() = val return fl
def main(self): logging.debug("Inside pathfindDvl.main()") #########################INITALIZE DVL SERIAL################################ #dvl = serial.Serial("COM13", 115200) #Windows Serial # dvl = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 115200) #Ubuntu Serial # dvl = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB1", 115200) #Ubuntu Serial dvl = serial.Serial( "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller-if00-port0", 115200) #Ubuntu Serial rospy.init_node('dvl_node', anonymous=True) ################PATHFINDER DVL COMMANDS TO STREAM DATA##################### dvl.write("===") #DVL Break (PathFinder Guide p. 24 and p.99) rospy.sleep(5) #sleep for 2 seconds # ROS publisher setup pub = rospy.Publisher('dvl_status', DVL, queue_size=1) pubHeading = rospy.Publisher('dvl_heading', Float32, queue_size=1) pubSS = rospy.Publisher('dvl_ss', Float32, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('current_rotation', Rotation, self.rCallBack, queue_size=1) msg = DVL() msgHeading = Float32() msgSS = Float32() #PD6 settings -------------------------------------------------------------- dvl.write("CR1\r") #set factory defaults.(Pathfinder guide p.67) dvl.write("CP1\r") # required command #PD6 settings -------------------------------------------------------------- dvl.write( "PD6\r") #pd6 data format (Pathfinder Guide p.207) <---important # dvl.write("BK0\r") #PD13 settings ------------------------------------------------------------- # dvl.write("PD13\r") dvl.write( "EX11110\r") #coordinate transformation (Pathfinder guide p.124) dvl.write("EA+4500\r") #heading alignment (Pathfinder guide 118) # dvl.write("EZ11110010\r") #internal speed of sound, depth, heading, pitch, roll, temperature dvl.write("EZ11000010\r") #internal speed of sound, depth, temperature # dvl.write("EZ10000010\r") #default sensor source (Pathfinder guide 125) # dvl.write("EZ11011010\r") #internal speed of sound, depth, pitch, roll, temperature # dvl.write("EZ10000010\r") #internal speed of sound, temperature dvl.write("CK\r") #stores present parameters (Pathfinder guide 114) dvl.write("CS\r") #start pinning (Pathfinder guide 115) #NOTE: the \r character is required for continuous stream i.e (PD6\r") ################################PROGRAM BEGINS############################## print "dvl start" heading = 0 dvl_heading = 0 east_trans = 0 north_trans = 0 up_trans = 0 east_vel = 0 north_vel = 0 up_vel = 0 status = 0 pitch = 0 roll = 0 heading = 0 loop_time = time.time() pubTimePrev = loop_time # pubTimeInterval = 0.01 heading_time_prev = loop_time heading_time_interval = 0.014 mod_val = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): loop_time = time.time() if loop_time - heading_time_prev > heading_time_interval: heading_time_prev = loop_time #and mod_val % 2 == 0 if self.yaw and mod_val % 2 == 0: mod_val = 1 heading = self.yaw #put heading info ** heree from IMU heading *= 100 #heading needs to go from 0 to 35999 (see Heading Alignment Pathfinder p.118) heading_int = int(heading) if (heading - heading_int) >= 0.5: heading_int += 1 dvl.write("EH " + str(heading_int) + ", 1\r") #Update Heading if self.pitch and self.roll and mod_val % 2 == 1: mod_val = 0 pitch = self.pitch pitch *= 100 pitch_int = int(pitch) if (pitch - pitch_int) >= 0.5: pitch_int += 1 roll = self.roll roll *= 100 roll_int = int(roll) if (roll - roll_int) >= 0.5: roll_int += 1 dvl.write("EP " + str(pitch_int) + ", " + str(roll_int) + ", 1\r") #Update Heading # print("in loop") if dvl.in_waiting > 0: #If there is a message from the DVL try: line = dvl.readline() except: print("read fail") # # print(line) if line[:3] == ":BD": #If the message is a positional update line = line.split(",") # north_trans = float(line[1]) # east_trans = float(line[2]) east_trans = float(line[1]) north_trans = float(line[2]) up_trans = float(line[3]) rangeToBottom = float(line[4]) timeDifference = float(line[5]) #setup msg to be published to ROS msg.xpos = east_trans msg.ypos = north_trans msg.zpos = up_trans pub.publish(msg) elif line[:3] == ":BS": #If the message is a velocity update line = line.split(",") port_vel = float(line[1]) aft_vel = float(line[2]) up_vel = float(line[3]) status = line[4] msg.xvel = port_vel #need to change msg var names msg.yvel = aft_vel msg.zvel = up_vel pub.publish(msg) elif line[:3] == ":SA": #If the message is orientation line = line.split(",") # pitch = float(line[1]) # roll = float(line[2]) print(line[0]) print(line[1]) print(line[2]) print(line[3]) dvl_heading = float(line[3]) = dvl_heading pubHeading.publish(msgHeading) elif line[:3] == ":TS": #If the message is a timestamp line = line.split(",") = float(line[5]) pubSS.publish(msgSS)
sign_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cur_dir + "/scripts/cascade.xml") rospack = rospkg.RosPack() cur_dir = rospack.get_path('team503') # from tensorflow.keras import load_model # from DepthProcessing import get_sign pub_steer = rospy.Publisher('team503/set_angle', Float32, queue_size=10) pub_speed = rospy.Publisher('team503/set_speed', Float32, queue_size=10) # pub_steer = rospy.Publisher('team503_steerAngle', Float32, queue_size=10) # pub_speed = rospy.Publisher('team503_speed', Float32, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('control', anonymous=True) msg_speed = Float32() = 50 msg_steer = Float32() = 0 depth_np = 0 depth_hist = 0 from tf_bisenet.BiSeNet_Loader import BiseNet_Loader from SegProcessing import get_steer, get_steer2, get_road_mask from SegProcessing import get_bird_view, get_confident_vectors, dynamic_speed, get_car_mask print("Den day roi ne") model = BiseNet_Loader() print("Den day roi ne 2")
import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Int16, Float32, Bool, Float32MultiArray, Int16MultiArray import rospkg import csv import collections from rnn_python import RNN_module import scripts import math import numpy as np import sys # Read from topics values lasers = list() speed_left = Float32() speed_right = Float32() # Rate for ROS in Hz rate = 1000 l_range = 100 #------------------------------------------- class ExpertMixture: def __init__(self, nb_inputs, epsilon_g, nu_g, scaling, high,
def publish_speed(pub, speed): speedmsg = Float32() = speed pub.publish(speedmsg)
def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' while not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for velocity measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting height control." self.t_old = #self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() # 5 ms sleep ######################################################## ######################################################## # Implement cascade PID control here. t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() #t = #dt = (t - self.t_old).total_seconds() #if dt > 0.105 or dt < 0.095: # print dt self.t_old = t self.mot_speed_hover = 923.7384 #300.755#432#527 # roughly #height control vz_ref = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_sp, self.z_mv, dt) self.mot_speed = self.mot_speed_hover + \ self.pid_vz.compute(vz_ref, self.vz_mv, dt) # vx control #vx_ref = self.pid_x.compute(self.x_sp, self.x_mv, dt) self.dx_speed = self.pid_vx.compute(self.vx_sp, self.vx_mv, dt) self.dy_speed = self.pid_vy.compute(self.vy_sp, self.vy_mv, dt) yaw_r_ref = self.pid_yaw.compute(self.euler_sp.z, self.euler_mv.z, dt) self.dwz = self.pid_yaw_rate.compute(yaw_r_ref, self.euler_rate_mv.z, dt) ######################################################## ######################################################## if self.gm_attitude_ctl == 0: # Publish motor velocities mot_speed_msg = MotorSpeed() #dx_speed = self.x_sp * self.mot_speed #dy_speed = self.y_sp * self.mot_speed mot_speed1 = self.mot_speed - self.dx_speed + self.dwz mot_speed3 = self.mot_speed + self.dx_speed + self.dwz mot_speed2 = self.mot_speed - self.dy_speed - self.dwz mot_speed4 = self.mot_speed + self.dy_speed - self.dwz mot_speed_msg.motor_speed = [ mot_speed1, mot_speed2, mot_speed3, mot_speed4 ] self.pub_mot.publish(mot_speed_msg) else: # publish referent motor velocity to attitude controller mot_speed_msg = Float32(self.mot_speed) self.mot_ref_pub.publish(mot_speed_msg) self.ros_rate.sleep() # 5 ms sleep # Publish PID data - could be useful for tuning self.pub_pid_z.publish(self.pid_z.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vz.publish(self.pid_vz.create_msg()) #self.pub_pid_x.publish(self.pid_x.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vx.publish(self.pid_vx.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vy.publish(self.pid_vy.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw.publish(self.pid_yaw.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_wz.publish(self.pid_yaw_rate.create_msg())
model = load_model( '/home/oussama/Desktop/CNN-potholes-detection/pothole-detection-system-using-convolution-neural-networks/Real-time Files/latest_full_model.h5' ) model._make_predict_function() graph = tf.get_default_graph() target_size = (224, 224) rospy.init_node('classify', anonymous=True) #These should be combined into a single message pub = rospy.Publisher('detection', String, queue_size=1) pub1 = rospy.Publisher('detected_probability', Float32, queue_size=1) bridge = CvBridge() msg_string = String() msg_float = Float32() def callback(image_msg): # convert the image to OpenCV image cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image_msg, desired_encoding="passthrough") cv_image = cv2.resize(cv_image, target_size) # resize image np_image = np.asarray(cv_image) # read as np array np_image = np.expand_dims(np_image, axis=0) # Add another dimension for tensorflow np_image = np_image.astype( float) # preprocess needs float64 and img is uint8 np_image = preprocess_input(np_image) # Regularize the data global graph # This is a workaround for asynchronous execution with graph.as_default():
ssv = celerity(Sm, Tm, P) print("T={0:.2f}C S={1:.3f}psu SSV={2:.2f}m/s".format( Tm, Sm, ssv)) str_ssv = " {0:.2f}\r\n".format(ssv) print("SSV [m/s] : " + str_ssv) log(time, T, S, ssv, file) # ============================================================================= # DIFFUSION DE LA CELERITE DE SURFACE PAR UDP # ============================================================================= # # On diffuse par protocole ethernet UDP la celerite de surface server.sendto(str_ssv.encode('utf-8'), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT)) ssv_pub.publish(Float32(float(str_ssv[0:-1]))) arr.status.append( DiagnosticStatus(level=0, name=DIAG_BASENAME + " Value", message=str_ssv[0:-1])) arr.header.stamp = diag.publish(arr) else: erreur = "Erreur dans le decodage de la trame : " + str( temp_frame) print("Erreur dans le decodage de la trame : ", temp_frame) arr.status.append( DiagnosticStatus(level=2, name=DIAG_BASENAME + " Error", message=erreur)) arr.header.stamp =
def setBackLED(self, val): light = Float32() = float(val) self.backLedPub.publish(light)
def callback(data): global etime global t0 global a2line10 global testthen global testfthen global complete global pub # Locaiton of buoys g1 = [36.59661518, -121.88827949] r1 = [36.59670531, -121.88827819] g2 = [36.59661309, -121.88805593] r2 = [36.59670322, -121.88805463] mperdeg = (mdeglat(g1[0])+mdeglon(g1[0]))/2.0 x = data.pose.pose.position.x y = data.pose.pose.position.y #print("Current Position: %.8f, %.8f"%(x,y)) m1, xint1, yint1, d2line1, a2line1, online1 = find_slope_int(x,y, g1[1],g1[0], r1[1],r1[0]) #print m1, xint1, yint1, d2line1*mperdeg, a2line1, online1 m2, xint2, yint2, d2line2, a2line2, online2 = find_slope_int(x,y, g2[1],g2[0], r2[1],r2[0]) #print m2, xint2, yint2, d2line2*mperdeg, a2line2, online2 # did we cross start line? testnow = ((a2line1 > pi/2.0) or (a2line1 < -pi/2.0)) testfnow = ((a2line2 > pi/2.0) or (a2line2 < -pi/2.0)) #testnow = ((a2line1 < pi/2.0 ) and (a2line1 > -pi/2.0)) if testthen == None: testthen = testnow if testfthen == None: testfthen = testfnow #print (not testnow), online1, testthen '''if ( ((a2line10 > pi/2.0) or (a2line10 < -pi/2.0)) and online1 and ((a2line1 < pi/2.0 ) and (a2line1 > -pi/2.0) ) ): ''' if ((not testnow) and testthen and online1): print "Crossed start line - starting timer..." t0 = rospy.get_time() complete = False #a2line10 = a2line1 if t0: #print (not testfnow), testfthen, online2 if ((not testfnow) and testfthen and online2): print ("Course complete!") etime = rospy.get_time()-t0 print "Elapsed time = %.2f seconds"%etime # publish msg = Float32() = etime pub.publish(msg) complete = True if not complete: etime = rospy.get_time()-t0 print "Elapsed time = %.2f seconds"%etime else: print "Waiting for crossing start line to start timer..." testthen = testnow testfthen = testfnow
def execute(self, userdata): self.pubPitchPID(Float32(userdata.GRdist[1])) self.pubRollPID(Float32(userdata.GRdist[0])) if userdata.GRangle < minGoalAngle or userdata.GRangle > maxGoalAngle: userdata.enableStartInteractLoop = True return 'CheckDownCam'
def main(): print "INITIALIZING HEAD NODE IN SIMULATION MODE BY MARCOSOFT..." ###Connection with ROS rospy.init_node("head") br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() jointStates = JointState() = ["pan_connect", "tilt_connect"] jointStates.position = [0, 0] #Stablishing suscribers & plublishers subPosition = rospy.Subscriber( "head/goal_pose", Float32MultiArray, callbackPosHead ) #Se corre esta linea para ajustar el angulo del kinect pubHeadPose = rospy.Publisher("head/current_pose", Float32MultiArray, queue_size=1) pubJointStates = rospy.Publisher("/joint_states", JointState, queue_size=1) pubHeadBattery = rospy.Publisher("/hardware/robot_state/head_battery", Float32, queue_size=1) #Rate at which ROS will loop (in Hz) loop = rospy.Rate(30) global goalPan global goalTilt goalPan = 0 goalTilt = 0 pan = 0 tilt = 0 speedPan = 0.1 #These values should represent the Dynamixel's moving_speed speedTilt = 0.1 msgCurrentPose = Float32MultiArray() = [0, 0] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): deltaPan = goalPan - pan deltaTilt = goalTilt - tilt if deltaPan > speedPan: deltaPan = speedPan if deltaPan < -speedPan: deltaPan = -speedPan if deltaTilt > speedTilt: deltaTilt = speedTilt if deltaTilt < -speedTilt: deltaTilt = -speedTilt pan += deltaPan tilt += deltaTilt jointStates.header.stamp = jointStates.position[0] = pan jointStates.position[ 1] = -tilt #A tilt > 0 goes upwards, but to keep a dextereous system, positive tilt should go downwards pubJointStates.publish(jointStates) #print "Poses: " + str(panPose) + " " + str(tiltPose) = [pan, tilt] pubHeadPose.publish(msgCurrentPose) msgBattery = Float32() = 12.0 pubHeadBattery.publish(msgBattery) loop.sleep()
# Run analysis # Aggregate input data clearMotInput = ClearMotInput(trackedPersonsArray, groundTruthArray, matchingThreshold) rospy.loginfo("Ignoring the following groundtruth track IDs in metrics calculations: " + str(rospy.get_param("~groundtruth_track_ids_to_ignore", []))) pyMotResults = [] if pyMot: rospy.loginfo("Running PyMot analysis...") pyMotResults = calculatePyMot(clearMotInput) pyMotResults["cycles_synched_with_gt"] = len(groundTruthArray) pyMotResults["tracker_cycles"] = numTrackerCycles pyMotResults["duration"] = totalDuration msg = ResultMsg() if pyMotResults["cycles_synched_with_gt"] > numExpectedGTCycles: = pyMotResults["mota"] else: = -1 rospy.logerr("Received less cycles_synched_with_gt than expected. Got %d, expected %d! Check that playback did not end prematurely and that proper synchronization is ensured! Maybe CPU load is too high?" % (pyMotResults["cycles_synched_with_gt"], numExpectedGTCycles) ) motaPublisher.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo("Published pymot result %f" % = pyMotResults["mismatches"] missmatchesPublisher.publish(msg) time.sleep(1) writeResults(pyMotResults, evaluation_folder+"pymot_metrics_%s.txt" % dateStamp) if ospaFlag: rospy.loginfo("Running OSPA analysis ...")
def __shutdown_calibration_timer(self): self.__calibration_control = False self.__back_led_pub.publish(Float32(0)) self.__calibration_timer.shutdown()
rospy.Subscriber("simu_send_theta", Vector3, sub_theta) #rospy.Subscriber("simu_send_xy", Point, sub_xy) rospy.Subscriber("simu_send_wind_direction", Float32, sub_wind_direction) rospy.Subscriber("simu_send_wind_force", Float32, sub_wind_force) rospy.Subscriber("launch_send_gps_origin", Vector3, sub_gps_origin) rospy.Subscriber("simu_send_gps", GPSFix, sub_gps) rospy.Subscriber("control_send_lines_to_follow", Quaternion, sub_lines_to_follow) pub_send_u_rudder = rospy.Publisher('control_send_u_rudder', Float32, queue_size=10) pub_send_u_sail = rospy.Publisher('control_send_u_sail', Float32, queue_size=10) u_rudder_msg = Float32() u_sail_msg = Float32() while lat_lon_origin == [[], []] and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.5) rospy.loginfo("[{}] Waiting GPS origin".format(node_name)) rospy.loginfo("[{}] Got GPS origin {}".format(node_name, lat_lon_origin)) rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): x = array([[pos_x, pos_y, theta]]).T fut_x = x + 4 * array([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), 0]]).T thetabar = cl.get_thetabar_line_following(x, q, a, b, psi) u = cl.control_line_following(fut_x, thetabar, psi)
def __reset_odom(self): ''' reset the odometry ''' self.reset_loc_pub.publish(Float32(1))
def listener_callback(self, msg): if msg.transforms[0].child_frame_id == 'robot1' : self.x1 = msg.transforms[0].transform.translation.x self.y1 = msg.transforms[0].transform.translation.y self.xr1 = msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.x self.yr1 = msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.y self.zr1 = msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.z self.wr1 = msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.w self.Theta1 = euler_from_quaternion(self.xr1,self.yr1,self.zr1,self.wr1) if msg.transforms[0].child_frame_id == 'robot2' : self.x2 = msg.transforms[0].transform.translation.x self.y2 = msg.transforms[0].transform.translation.y self.xr2 = msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.x self.yr2 = msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.y self.zr2 = msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.z self.wr2 = msg.transforms[0].transform.rotation.w self.Theta2 = euler_from_quaternion(self.xr2,self.yr2,self.zr2,self.wr2) distance = abs(self.x2 - self.x1) + abs(self.y2 - self.y1) print(distance) # Run Consensus Algorithm as long as they don't meet if distance > 1: " Calculate Control inputs u1 and u2 " u1 = np.array([[ self.k*(self.x2-self.x1)],[self.k*(self.y2-self.y1)]]) # 2x1 u2 = np.array([[ self.k*(self.x1-self.x2)],[self.k*(self.y1-self.y2)]]) # 2x1 " Calculate V1/W1 and V2/W2 " S1 = np.array([[self.v1], [self.w1]]) #2x1 G1 = np.array([[1,0], [0,1/L]]) #2x2 R1 = np.array([[math.cos(self.Theta1),math.sin(self.Theta1)],[-math.sin(self.Theta1),math.cos(self.Theta1)]]) #2x2 S1 =, R1), u1) #2x1 print(S1) S2 = np.array([[self.v2], [self.w2]]) #2x1 G2 = np.array([[1,0], [0,1/L]]) #2x2 R2 = np.array([[math.cos(self.Theta2),math.sin(self.Theta2)],[-math.sin(self.Theta2),math.cos(self.Theta2)]]) #2x2 S2 =, R2), u2) # 2x1 " Calculate VL1/VR1 and VL2/VR2 " D = np.array([[1/2,1/2],[-1/(2*d),1/(2*d)]]) #2x2 Di = np.linalg.inv(D) #2x2 Speed_L1 = np.array([[self.vL1], [self.vR1]]) # Vector 2x1 for Speed of Robot 1 Speed_L2 = np.array([[self.vL2], [self.vR2]]) # Vector 2x1 for Speed of Robot 2 M1 = np.array([[S1[0]],[S1[1]]]).reshape(2,1) #2x1 M2 = np.array([[S2[0]], [S2[1]]]).reshape(2,1) #2x1 Speed_L1 =, M1) # 2x1 (VL1, VR1) Speed_L2 =, M2) # 2x1 (VL2, VR2) VL1 = float(Speed_L1[0]) VR1 = float(Speed_L1[1]) VL2 = float(Speed_L2[0]) VR2 = float(Speed_L2[1]) " Calculate the Pose of Robot 2 w.r.t Robot 1 and Control input U1 " self.X1 = self.x2 - self.x1 # Relative Pose of Robot 2 wrt Robot 1 in Global frame for X coordinate of dimension 1x1 self.Y1 = self.y2 -self.y1 # Relative Pose of Robot 2 wrt Robot 1 in Global frame for Y coordinate of dimension 1x1 self.U1 = u1 # Control input U1 in Global frame for robot 1 of dimension 2x1 " Calculate the Pose of Robot 1 w.r.t Robot 2 and Control input U2 " self.X2 = self.x1 - self.x2 # Relative Pose of Robot 1 wrt Robot 2 in Global frame for X coordinate of dimension 1x1 self.Y2 = self.y1 -self.y2 # Relative Pose of Robot 1 wrt Robot 2 in Global frame for Y coordinate of dimension 1x1 self.U2 = u2 # Control input U2 in Global frame for robot 2 of dimension 2x1 " Transform Control Input U1 from Global to Local Reference Frame " U1L =, self.U1) # Control input of Robot 1 in Local Frame of dimension 2x1 U2L =, self.U2) # Control input of Robot 2 in Local Frame of dimension 2x1 " Transform Relative Pose from Global to Local Reference Frame " PoseG1 = np.array([[self.X1],[self.Y1]]) # Relative Pose of Robot 2 wrt Robot 1 in Global Frame of dimension 2x1 PoseL1 =, PoseG1) # Relative Pose of Robot 2 wrt Robot 2 in Local Frame of dimension 2x1 PoseG2 = np.array([[self.X2],[self.Y2]]) # Relative Pose of Robot 1 wrt Robot 1 in Global Frame of dimension 2x1 PoseL2 =, PoseG2) # Relative Pose of Robot 1 wrt Robot 2 in Local Frame of dimension 2x1 " Publish Speed Commands to Robot 1" msgl1 = Float32() msgr1 = Float32() = VL1 = VR1 self.publisher_l1.publish(msgl1) self.publisher_r1.publish(msgr1) #self.get_logger().info('Publishing R1: "%s"' % " Publish Speed Commands to Robot 2" msgl2 = Float32() msgr2 = Float32() = VL2 = VR2 self.publisher_l2.publish(msgl2) self.publisher_r2.publish(msgr2) " Write Values to CSV1 and CSV2 " if self.count % 2 == 0: with open('robot1.csv', 'a', newline='') as f: fieldnames = ['Data_X', 'Data_Y', 'Angle', 'Label_X', 'Label_Y'] thewriter = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames) if self.i1 == 0: # write header value once thewriter.writeheader() self.i1 = 1 if self.j1 != 0: thewriter.writerow({'Data_X' : PoseL1[0][0], 'Data_Y' : PoseL1[1][0], 'Angle' : self.Theta1, 'Label_X' : U1L[0][0], 'Label_Y' : U1L[1][0]}) if self.j1 == 0: # skip first value because it's noisy self.j1 = 1 with open('robot2.csv', 'a', newline='') as f: fieldnames = ['Data_X', 'Data_Y', 'Angle', 'Label_X', 'Label_Y'] thewriter = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames) if self.i2 == 0: # write header value once thewriter.writeheader() self.i2 = 1 if self.j2 != 0: thewriter.writerow({'Data_X' : PoseL2[0][0], 'Data_Y' : PoseL2[1][0], 'Angle' : self.Theta2, 'Label_X' : U2L[0][0], 'Label_Y' : U2L[1][0]}) if self.j2 == 0: # skip first value because it's noisy self.j2 = 1 self.count += 1 # Counter to skip values while saving to csv file else: print(" Simulation ", self.scene) # Stop Simulation sim.simxStopSimulation(clientID, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # Retrieve some handles: ErrLocM1,LocM1 =sim.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, 'robot1', sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) if (not ErrLocM1==sim.simx_return_ok): pass ErrLocM2,LocM2 =sim.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, 'robot2#0', sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) if (not ErrLocM2==sim.simx_return_ok): pass ErrLoc1,Loc1 =sim.simxGetObjectPosition(clientID, LocM1, -1, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) if (not ErrLoc1==sim.simx_return_ok): pass ErrLoc2,Loc2 =sim.simxGetObjectPosition(clientID, LocM2, -1, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) if (not ErrLoc2==sim.simx_return_ok): pass ErrLocO1,OriRobo1 =sim.simxGetObjectOrientation(clientID,LocM1, -1, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) if (not ErrLocO1==sim.simx_return_ok): pass ErrLocO2,OriRobo2 =sim.simxGetObjectOrientation(clientID,LocM2, -1, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) if (not ErrLocO2==sim.simx_return_ok): pass OriRobo1[2] = scenes[self.scene][2] OriRobo2[2] = scenes[self.scene][5] # Set Robot Orientation sim.simxSetObjectOrientation(clientID, LocM1, -1, OriRobo1, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) sim.simxSetObjectOrientation(clientID, LocM2, -1, OriRobo2, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) Loc1[0] = scenes[self.scene][0] Loc2[0] = scenes[self.scene][3] Loc1[1] = scenes[self.scene][1] Loc2[1] = scenes[self.scene][4] # Set Robot Position sim.simxSetObjectPosition(clientID, LocM1, -1, Loc1, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot) sim.simxSetObjectPosition(clientID, LocM2, -1, Loc2, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot) # Print Positions and Orientation #print("Robot1 Position:", Loc1) #print("Robot2 Position:", Loc2) #print("Robot1 Orientation:", OriRobo1) #print("Robot2 Orientation:", OriRobo2) # Nb of Scene Counter self.scene += 1 # Start Simulation sim.simxStartSimulation(clientID, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) time.sleep(3) if self.scene == scenes.shape[0]-1: # Stop Simulation sim.simxStopSimulation(clientID, sim.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) # End Connection to V-Rep sim.simxFinish(clientID)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node( 'position_controller2' ) # initializing ros node with name position_controller # This will contain the current location of Edrone. [latitude, longitude, altitude ] # this value is updating each time in gps callback function self.drone_location = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] #To store the intermediate setpoints. [latitude , longitude, altitude ] self.setpoint_location = [19.0, 72.0, 3.0] #To store the final setpoint. [latitude , longitude, altitude ] self.setpoint_final = [19.0, 72.0, 3.0] #To store the initial position. [latitude , longitude, altitude ] self.setpoint_initial = [19.0, 72.0, 3.0] # This is the location of destination of box retrive from qr code. [latitude , longitude, altitude ] self.box_position = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # This will contain the current orientation of eDrone in quaternion format. [x,y,z,w] # This value is updating each time in imu callback function self.drone_orientation_quaternion = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # This will contain the current orientation of eDrone converted in euler angles form. [r,p,y] self.drone_orientation_euler = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] #To store values of LIDAR self.laser_negative_latitude = 0 self.laser_positive_longitude = 0 self.laser_negative_longitude = 0 self.laser_positive_latitude = 0 # Declaring rpyt_cmd of message type edrone_cmd and initializing values # { rpyt_cmd --> roll, pitch, yaw, throttle command} self.rpyt_cmd = edrone_cmd() self.rpyt_cmd.rcRoll = 1500.0 self.rpyt_cmd.rcPitch = 1500.0 self.rpyt_cmd.rcYaw = 1500.0 self.rpyt_cmd.rcThrottle = 1500.0 # Declaring error values and tolerences to publish for visualization in plotjuggler self.latitude_Error = Float32() = 0.0 self.latitude_Up = Float32() = 0.000004517 self.latitude_Low = Float32() = -0.000004517 self.longitude_Error = Float32() = 0.0 self.longitude_Up = Float32() = 0.0000047487 self.longitude_Low = Float32() = -0.0000047487 self.altitude_Error = Float32() = 0.0 self.altitude_Up = Float32() = 0.2 self.altitude_Low = Float32() = -0.2 # initializing Kp, Kd and ki for [latitude, longitude, altitude] after tunning self.Kp = [1080000, 1140000, 48] self.Ki = [0, 0, 0] self.Kd = [57600000, 57900000, 3000] # Declaring variable to store different error values, to be used in PID equations. self.change_in_error_value = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.error_value = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.prev_error_value = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.sum_error_value = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Declaring maximum and minimum values for roll, pitch, yaw, throttle output. self.max_values = [2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0] self.min_values = [1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0] # initializing Publisher for /drone_command, /latitude_error, /longitude_error, /altitude_error and tolerences self.rpyt_pub = rospy.Publisher('/drone_command', edrone_cmd, queue_size=1) self.latitude_error = rospy.Publisher('/latitude_error', Float32, queue_size=1) self.longitude_error = rospy.Publisher('/longitude_error', Float32, queue_size=1) self.altitude_error = rospy.Publisher('/altitude_error', Float32, queue_size=1) self.latitude_up = rospy.Publisher('/latitude_up', Float32, queue_size=1) self.longitude_up = rospy.Publisher('/longitude_up', Float32, queue_size=1) self.altitude_up = rospy.Publisher('/altitude_up', Float32, queue_size=1) self.latitude_low = rospy.Publisher('/latitude_low', Float32, queue_size=1) self.longitude_low = rospy.Publisher('/longitude_low', Float32, queue_size=1) self.altitude_low = rospy.Publisher('/altitude_low', Float32, queue_size=1) # Subscribing to /edrone/gps, /pid_tuning_roll, /pid_tuning_pitch, /pid_tuning_yaw {used these GUIs only to tune ;-) } rospy.Subscriber('/edrone/gps', NavSatFix, self.gps_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/edrone/imu/data', Imu, self.imu_callback) # rospy.Subscriber('/pid_tuning_roll', PidTune, self.roll_set_pid) # for latitude # rospy.Subscriber('/pid_tuning_pitch', PidTune, self.pitch_set_pid) # for longitude # rospy.Subscriber('/pid_tuning_yaw', PidTune, self.yaw_set_pid) # for altitude rospy.Subscriber('/qrValue', String, self.qr_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/edrone/range_finder_top', LaserScan, self.range_finder_callback)
from turtlesim.msg import Pose as TurtlePose from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler if __name__ == '__main__': # initializes node rospy.init_node("flocking_leader", anonymous=True) print("leader is on!") # starts subscribers and publishers # print('subscribers on!') pub = rospy.Publisher("/leader/pose", Odometry, queue_size=10) pub_yaw = rospy.Publisher("/leader/yaw", Float32, queue_size=10) print('publishers on!') msg = Odometry() yaw = Float32() delta_t = 0.01 rate = rospy.Rate(1 / delta_t) # state vector = [x, y, theta] leader_state = [0, 0, 0] leading_v = 0.2 leading_theta_speed = 0.25 * delta_t # A = leading_theta = np.sin( np.concatenate( (np.arange(0, -np.pi / 2, -leading_theta_speed), np.arange(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, leading_theta_speed), np.arange(np.pi / 2, 0, -leading_theta_speed)))) * np.pi / 4 # leading_theta = np.concatenate( (leading_theta, -leading_theta) )
# find average b parameter to delete offset error b_x = np.mean(deq_adc_x) b_y = np.mean(deq_adc_y) b_z = np.mean(deq_adc_z) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # read joint position of the tool position = p.get_current_joint_position()[2] # following numbers found from calibration a_x = -5924 * position + 1981 a_y = -12373 * position + 3520 a_z = 618 # measure force from force-feedback device adc_x = x_adc.get_value() adc_y = y_adc.get_value() adc_z = z_adc.get_value() # convert data from ADC-values to force [mN] force_x = convert_adc_to_force(adc_x, a_x, b_x) force_y = convert_adc_to_force(adc_y, a_y, b_y) force_z = convert_adc_to_force(adc_z, a_z, b_z) # publish data pub_fx.publish(Float32(force_x)) pub_fy.publish(Float32(force_y)) pub_fz.publish(Float32(force_z)) rate.sleep()
#!/usr/bin/python import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Float32 # TODO: use ship GPS data and publish upon callback if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('base_gps_processor', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(2.0) psi0 = rospy.get_param('~initial_ship_yaw') pub = rospy.Publisher('ship_yaw', Float32, queue_size=1) output = Float32() = psi0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(output) rate.sleep()
def set_gripper_span(self, span): grip_span = Float32() = span self.gripper_publisher.publish(grip_span)
def timer_callback(self): " Calculate Mx1, My1, ...... Mx6, My6 " # Initialize Phi's if self.t == 0: self.Phix1 = 0 # 1x1 self.Phiy1 = 0 # 1x1 self.Phix2 = 0 # 1x1 self.Phiy2 = 0 # 1x1 self.Phix3 = 0 # 1x1 self.Phiy3 = 0 # 1x1 self.t += 1 Mx1 = self.x2 - self.x1 My1 = self.y2 - self.y1 Mx2 = ((self.x1 - self.x2) + (self.x3 - self.x2)) / 2 My2 = ((self.y1 - self.y2) + (self.y3 - self.y2)) / 2 Mx3 = self.x2 - self.x3 My3 = self.y2 - self.y3 " Use MLP to Predict control inputs " relative_pose_1 = [Mx1, My1, self.Phix1, self.Phiy1] # tensor data for MLP model relative_pose_2 = [Mx2, My2, self.Phix2, self.Phiy2] # tensor data for MLP model relative_pose_3 = [Mx3, My3, self.Phix3, self.Phiy3] # tensor data for MLP model u1_predicted = MLP_Model.predict( relative_pose_1, loaded_model) # predict control input u1, tensor u2_predicted = MLP_Model.predict( relative_pose_2, loaded_model) # predict control input u2, tensor u3_predicted = MLP_Model.predict( relative_pose_3, loaded_model) # predict control input u1, tensor self.Phix1 = u2_predicted[0][0] # 1x1 self.Phiy1 = u2_predicted[0][1] # 1x1 self.Phix2 = (u1_predicted[0][0] + u3_predicted[0][0]) / 2 # 1x1 self.Phiy2 = (u1_predicted[0][1] + u3_predicted[0][1]) / 2 # 1x1 self.Phix3 = u2_predicted[0][0] # 1x1 self.Phiy3 = u2_predicted[0][1] # 1x1 u1_predicted_np = np.array([[u1_predicted[0][0]], [ u1_predicted[0][1] ]]) # from tensor to numpy array for calculation u2_predicted_np = np.array([[u2_predicted[0][0]], [ u2_predicted[0][1] ]]) # from tensor to numpy array for calculation u3_predicted_np = np.array([[u3_predicted[0][0]], [ u3_predicted[0][1] ]]) # from tensor to numpy array for calculation " Calculate V1/W1, V2/W2, V3/W3, V4/W4, V5/W5, V6/W6 " S1 = np.array([[self.v1], [self.w1]]) #2x1 G1 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1 / L]]) #2x2 R1 = np.array([[math.cos(self.Theta1), math.sin(self.Theta1)], [-math.sin(self.Theta1), math.cos(self.Theta1)]]) #2x2 S1 =, R1), u1_predicted_np) #2x1 S2 = np.array([[self.v2], [self.w2]]) #2x1 G2 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1 / L]]) #2x2 R2 = np.array([[math.cos(self.Theta2), math.sin(self.Theta2)], [-math.sin(self.Theta2), math.cos(self.Theta2)]]) #2x2 S2 =, R2), u2_predicted_np) # 2x1 S3 = np.array([[self.v3], [self.w3]]) #2x1 G3 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1 / L]]) #2x2 R3 = np.array([[math.cos(self.Theta3), math.sin(self.Theta3)], [-math.sin(self.Theta3), math.cos(self.Theta3)]]) #2x2 S3 =, R3), u3_predicted_np) # 2x1 " Calculate VL1/VR1, VL2/VR2, VL3/VR3, VL4/VR4, VL5/VR5, VL6/VR6 " D = np.array([[1 / 2, 1 / 2], [-1 / (2 * d), 1 / (2 * d)]]) #2x2 Di = np.linalg.inv(D) #2x2 Speed_L1 = np.array([[self.vL1], [self.vR1]]) # Vector 2x1 for Speed of Robot 1 Speed_L2 = np.array([[self.vL2], [self.vR2]]) # Vector 2x1 for Speed of Robot 2 Speed_L3 = np.array([[self.vL3], [self.vR3]]) # Vector 2x1 for Speed of Robot 3 M1 = np.array([[S1[0]], [S1[1]]]).reshape(2, 1) #2x1 M2 = np.array([[S2[0]], [S2[1]]]).reshape(2, 1) #2x1 M3 = np.array([[S3[0]], [S3[1]]]).reshape(2, 1) #2x1 Speed_L1 =, M1) # 2x1 (VL1, VR1) Speed_L2 =, M2) # 2x1 (VL2, VR2) Speed_L3 =, M3) # 2x1 (VL1, VR1) VL1 = float(Speed_L1[0]) VR1 = float(Speed_L1[1]) VL2 = float(Speed_L2[0]) VR2 = float(Speed_L2[1]) VL3 = float(Speed_L3[0]) VR3 = float(Speed_L3[1]) " Publish Speed Commands to Robot 1 " msgl1 = Float32() msgr1 = Float32() = VL1 = VR1 self.publisher_l1.publish(msgl1) self.publisher_r1.publish(msgr1) " Publish Speed Commands to Robot 2 " msgl2 = Float32() msgr2 = Float32() = VL2 = VR2 self.publisher_l2.publish(msgl2) self.publisher_r2.publish(msgr2) " Publish Speed Commands to Robot 2 " msgl3 = Float32() msgr3 = Float32() = VL3 = VR3 self.publisher_l3.publish(msgl3) self.publisher_r3.publish(msgr3) self.i += 1
def user_callback_2(self, msg): new_msg = Float32() = self.acc_publisher.publish(new_msg)
def batteryCB(msg): battery_pubs[].publish(Float32(msg.averageCharge))
def run(self): r=rospy.Rate(50) begin = #pocetak vremena cross_track_err=Float32() time_plot=Float32MultiArray() cond=True counter=0 index_old=0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): robot_X, robot_Y=self.state.pose.pose.position.x, self.state.pose.pose.position.y robot_Head=self.yaw some_pose=PoseStamped() e=10000 predznak=1.0 heading_path=0 #samo za linearnu!!!!! #u for petlji racunamo najmanju udaljenost od putanje (crosstrack error) i=0 for some_pose in self.path.poses: x=some_pose.pose.position.x y=some_pose.pose.position.y test_distance_x=(x-robot_X)**2 test_distance_y=(y-robot_Y)**2 test_distance=math.sqrt(test_distance_y+test_distance_x) if abs(e) > abs(test_distance): tocka_mapa=PointStamped() final_pose=PoseStamped() a, b = x, y #uzimamo poziciju u globalnim, pretvaramo u robotske i provjeravamo predznak, kako bi znali #je li robot lijevo ili desno od patha final_pose=some_pose tocka_mapa.point.x=x tocka_mapa.point.y=y tocka_mapa.point.z=0.0 tocka_mapa.header.frame_id=self.parentframe tocka_robot=self.t.transformPoint(self.childframe, tocka_mapa) if tocka_robot.point.y < 0: predznak=-1 else: predznak=1 e=test_distance*predznak #print "cross", e cross_track_err=float(e) #Odabrali smo najblizu tocku (final_pose), treba nam heading iz quaternion u euler quaternion = ( final_pose.pose.orientation.x, final_pose.pose.orientation.y, final_pose.pose.orientation.z, final_pose.pose.orientation.w) euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion) roll = euler[0] pitch = euler[1] heading_puta = euler[2] heading_err=-1*(robot_Head-heading_puta) arg=(self.k*e)/self.v arctg=math.atan(arg) omega=self.k2*(heading_err+arctg) #omega=self.k2*arctg+heading_err #print "omega", omega #print "arg",arctg if omega > 0.8: omega=0.8 elif omega < -0.8: omega=-0.8 self.cmd_vel.angular.z=omega self.speedPub.publish(self.cmd_vel) self.plotPub.publish(cross_track_err) r.sleep()
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # reference from tutorial # import rospy import math from std_msgs.msg import Float32, Int32 from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan #from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist pub = None msg = Float32() state = Int32() regions_ = { 'right': 0, 'fright': 0, 'front': 0, 'fleft': 0, 'left': 0, } state = 0 state_dict_ = { 0: 'follow_lane', 1: 'obstacle_avoid', #2: 'follow the wall', } #def change_state(state): # global state_, state_dict_ # if state is not state_: # print 'Wall follower - [%s] - %s' % (state, state_dict_[state])
import rospy, math import aries.srv from std_msgs.msg import Float32 if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("TESTER") print("Waiting for get_lidar_pivot_position...") rospy.wait_for_service("get_lidar_pivot_position") print("Done waiting for service...") get_lidar_pivot_position = rospy.ServiceProxy("get_lidar_pivot_position", aries.srv.LidarPivotAngle) resp = get_lidar_pivot_position("Garbage") print("Angle: " + str(resp.angle)) pub = rospy.Publisher("lidar_pivot_target_angles", Float32) while True: resp = get_lidar_pivot_position("Garbage") print("Current Angle: " + str(math.degrees(resp.angle))) target = raw_input("Enter Angle: ") try: target = float(target) except: exit() pub.publish(Float32(math.radians(target))) rospy.sleep(1)
# Run analysis clearResults = [] if clearMetrics: rospy.loginfo("Running ClearMetrics analysis...") clearResults = calculateClearMetrics(clearMotInput) clearResults["cycles_synched_with_gt"] = len(groundTruthArray) clearResults["tracker_cycles"] = numTrackerCycles writeResults(clearResults, evaluation_folder+"clear_metrics_%s.txt" % dateStamp) pyMotResults = [] if pyMot: rospy.loginfo("Running PyMot analysis...") pyMotResults = calculatePyMot(clearMotInput) pyMotResults["cycles_synched_with_gt"] = len(groundTruthArray) pyMotResults["tracker_cycles"] = numTrackerCycles msg = ResultMsg() = pyMotResults["mota"] clearmotPublisher.publish(msg) writeResults(pyMotResults, evaluation_folder+"pymot_metrics_%s.txt" % dateStamp) if ospaFlag: ospaAnalysis.writeResultsToFile(evaluation_folder+"ospa_%s.txt" % dateStamp) rospy.loginfo("ClearMetrics results:\n" + str(clearResults)) rospy.loginfo("PyMot results:\n" + str(pyMotResults))
def timer_callback(self): " Calculate Mx1, My1, ...... Mx6, My6 " Mx1 = self.x3 - self.x1 My1 = self.y3 - self.y1 Mx3 = self.x1 - self.x3 My3 = self.y1 - self.y3 " Use MLP to Predict control inputs " relative_pose_1 = [Mx1, My1] # tensor data for MLP model relative_pose_3 = [Mx3, My3] # tensor data for MLP model u1_predicted = MLP_Model.predict( relative_pose_1, loaded_model) # predict control input u1, tensor u3_predicted = MLP_Model.predict( relative_pose_3, loaded_model) # predict control input u2, tensor u1_predicted_np = np.array([[u1_predicted[0][0]], [ u1_predicted[0][1] ]]) # from tensor to numpy array for calculation u3_predicted_np = np.array([[u3_predicted[0][0]], [ u3_predicted[0][1] ]]) # from tensor to numpy array for calculation " Calculate V1/W1, V2/W2, V3/W3, V4/W4, V5/W5, V6/W6 " S1 = np.array([[self.v1], [self.w1]]) #2x1 G1 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1 / L]]) #2x2 R1 = np.array([[math.cos(self.Theta1), math.sin(self.Theta1)], [-math.sin(self.Theta1), math.cos(self.Theta1)]]) #2x2 S1 =, R1), u1_predicted_np) #2x1 S3 = np.array([[self.v3], [self.w3]]) #2x1 G3 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1 / L]]) #2x2 R3 = np.array([[math.cos(self.Theta3), math.sin(self.Theta3)], [-math.sin(self.Theta3), math.cos(self.Theta3)]]) #2x2 S3 =, R3), u3_predicted_np) # 2x1 " Calculate VL1/VR1, VL2/VR2, VL3/VR3, VL4/VR4, VL5/VR5, VL6/VR6 " D = np.array([[1 / 2, 1 / 2], [-1 / (2 * d), 1 / (2 * d)]]) #2x2 Di = np.linalg.inv(D) #2x2 Speed_L1 = np.array([[self.vL1], [self.vR1]]) # Vector 2x1 for Speed of Robot 1 Speed_L3 = np.array([[self.vL3], [self.vR3]]) # Vector 2x1 for Speed of Robot 3 M1 = np.array([[S1[0]], [S1[1]]]).reshape(2, 1) #2x1 M3 = np.array([[S3[0]], [S3[1]]]).reshape(2, 1) #2x1 Speed_L1 =, M1) # 2x1 (VL1, VR1) Speed_L3 =, M3) # 2x1 (VL1, VR1) VL1 = float(Speed_L1[0]) VR1 = float(Speed_L1[1]) VL3 = float(Speed_L3[0]) VR3 = float(Speed_L3[1]) " Publish Speed Commands to Robot 1 " msgl1 = Float32() msgr1 = Float32() = VL1 = VR1 self.publisher_l1.publish(msgl1) self.publisher_r1.publish(msgr1) " Publish Speed Commands to Robot 3 " msgl3 = Float32() msgr3 = Float32() = VL3 = VR3 self.publisher_l3.publish(msgl3) self.publisher_r3.publish(msgr3) self.i += 1
# Localize # bridge = CvBridge() # image_localization = rospy.Publisher("/localizaton",Image,queue_size=1) ################## bamlan = 0 count = 0 lidar_bool = False stop_avoid_bool = False sign_time_bool = False no_left_right = False sign_datvu = False angle = Float32() count_frames = 0 sign_bool = 0 steer_bool = 94 count_noleft = 0 count_noright = 0 count_sign = 0 break_sign = 0 count_noleft_noright = 0 count_for_sign = 0 count_raw = 0 # count_cnn = 0