def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): response = TriggerResponse() try: f(*args, **kwargs) response.success = True except expected_exception_types as e: rospy.logerr(e.message) response.success = False response.message = e.message return response
def train_operator_callback(self, req): print 'traing operator' result = TriggerResponse() result.success = False with self._l: if self._rgb_img is None: return result if self.memorize_operator(self._rgb_img): result.success = True return result result.success = False return result
def left_interaction_get_ready_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() if self.left_arm_mann: rospy.logerr('Left arm in interactive mode') resp.success = False else: resp.success = self.move(self.group_left, target="up_left_arm") return resp
def right_interaction_arm_up_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() if self.right_arm_mann: rospy.logerr('Right arm in interactive mode') resp.success = False else: resp.success = self.move(self.group_right, target="up_right_arm") return resp
def zero_offset(self): resp = TriggerResponse() self._flag_zero_offset = True time.sleep(30) self._flag_zero_offset = False if len(self._offset_data) >= 2500: IMU_Fix.zero_offset = sum(self._offset_data) / len(self._offset_data) resp.success = True resp.message = '零偏初始化成功' else: resp.success = False resp.message = '零偏初始化失败'
def stop(self, req): res = TriggerResponse() try: self.trigger = False res.success = True except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException) as e: res.success = False print("Service call failed: %s" % e) return res
def emergency_land_service(request): global emergency_land_called, armed responce = TriggerResponse() if armed: responce.success = True responce.message = "Start emergency landing" emergency_land_called = True else: responce.success = False responce.message = "Copter is disarmed, no need for emergency landing!" emergency_land_called = False return responce
def listen_hdl(self, req): response = TriggerResponse() r, msg = self.recognize_sphinx() if r: response.success = r response.message = msg s = String() = msg self.result_pub.publish(s) else: response.success = r response.message = msg return response
def right_interaction_off_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() if not self.right_arm_mann: rospy.logerr('Right arm already in normal mode') resp.success = False else: rospy.loginfo('Right arm interactive mode OFF') resp.success = True self.right_arm_mann = False self.left_int_pub.publish(False) return resp
def program_resume_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() resp.success = True if not self.executing_program: resp.success = False resp.message = "Program si not running!" elif not self.program_paused: resp.success = False resp.message = "Program is not paused" else: self.program_paused = False rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), self.program_resume_timer_cb, oneshot=True) return resp
def handleStartService(self, request): print('[Service {}] Starting Detection'.format(self.name_)) response = TriggerResponse() self.mutex_.acquire() if self.is_running_: self.mutex_.release() response.success = False return response self.mutex_.release() self.is_running_ = True Thread(target=self.talker).start() response.success = True return response
def save_calibration(req): global sensor response = TriggerResponse() try: calibration = np.array(sensor.get_calibration()) os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'calibration'), calibration) response.success = True response.message = str(calibration) except Exception as e: response.success = False response.message = str(e) return response return response
def relative_position_move(request): global tony_info global target_pose1 if (tony_info == 0): #print('Cannot find target') trigger_result = TriggerResponse() trigger_result.success = False trigger_result.message = 'cannot receive any target message' else: print('zt') moveitDemo = MoveItIkDemo() moveitDemo.move_the_arm(target_pose1) trigger_result = TriggerResponse() trigger_result.success = True return trigger_result
def look_at_me_cb(self, req): self.look_at_me(False, 0.3) self.task1 = False resp = TriggerResponse() resp.success = True return resp
def go_home(request): #print('zt') moveitDemo = MoveItIkDemo() moveitDemo.move_to_home() trigger_result = TriggerResponse() trigger_result.success = True return trigger_result
def handle_reset(self, msg): self.sum = 0 self.n = 0 result = TriggerResponse() result.success = True return result
def my_callback(request): turt = moveTurtlebot() my_response = TriggerResponse() las = Laser_topic() count = 5 rospy.sleep(1) print(las.laser_info()) x, y, z = las.laser_info() while x > 1.4: turt.move_speed(1, 0.5) turt.move_turtle('forwards') x, y, z = las.laser_info() print(x, y, z) rospy.sleep(0.5) turt.move_speed(0, 0) turt.move_turtle('stop') x, y, z = las.laser_info() print(x, y, z) rospy.sleep(1) if y > 1.5: my_response.message = 'Its about to hit obstacle, Move right' else: my_response.message = 'Its about to hit obstacle, Move left' rospy.sleep(1) my_response.success = True return my_response
def del_one_model(self): if len(self.added_models) > 0: delReq = DeleteModelRequest() delReq.model_name = self.added_models.pop() tmp = self.modelsPoses.pop() tmpResp = self.delete_model_proxy(delReq) rospy.loginfo("delete model to gazebo success: " + str(tmpResp.success)) if tmpResp.success: info = "Deleted model: " + str(delReq.model_name) + " succeed!" rospy.loginfo(info) else: status_message = "Delete failed due to unknown reason" rospy.logwarn(status_message) tmpResp.status_message = status_message else: status_message = "No model to be deleted" rospy.logwarn(status_message) tmpResp = DeleteModelResponse() tmpResp.status_message = status_message resp = TriggerResponse() resp.success = tmpResp.success resp.message = tmpResp.status_message return resp
def detect_stop_service(request): global detected_objects, last_image_area responce = TriggerResponse() if detected_objects['stop']: x, y, w, h = get_frame(detected_objects['stop']) object_area = w * h if object_area > dyn_params.stop_area * last_image_area: responce.success = True responce.message = "Stop sign detected!" else: responce.success = False responce.message = "Stop sign is detected, but small!" else: responce.success = False responce.message = "Stop sign is not detected!" return responce
def __command(self, req): """ ROS service callback, handle command requests and route them to the Gazebo plugin. :param req The SimulationRecorder request, see definition for details. :return SimulationRecorderResponse with success of command and any status/error message. """ # call the appropriate service based on the request type if req.request_type == srv.SimulationRecorderRequest.STATE: resp = self.__recorder_state() elif req.request_type == srv.SimulationRecorderRequest.START: resp = self.__recorder_start() elif req.request_type == srv.SimulationRecorderRequest.STOP: resp = self.__recorder_stop() elif req.request_type == srv.SimulationRecorderRequest.CANCEL: resp = self.__recorder_cancel() # reset the recorder by discarding any saved files elif req.request_type == srv.SimulationRecorderRequest.RESET: resp = self.__recorder_cleanup() # invalid request type, notify caller of failure else: resp = TriggerResponse() resp.success = False resp.message = "Invalid Simulation Recorder command: %s" % str(req.request_type) # populate our internal response based on the actual call return srv.SimulationRecorderResponse(value=resp.success, message=resp.message)
def handle_move_arm_to_waypoint(self, request): # create a response object for the trigger service response = TriggerResponse() # check if the trajectory finished trajectory_finished = self.trajectory_index >= self.trajectory.shape[0] # if trajectory isn't finished if not trajectory_finished: # get the latest joint values from given trajectory joint_values = trajectory[self.trajectory_index, :] # create command, i.e., a dictionary of joint names and values command = dict(zip(self.joint_names, joint_values)) # move the limb to given joint angle try: self.limb.move_to_joint_positions(command) response.message = 'Successfully moved arm to the following waypoint %s' % command except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: response.message = 'Error while moving arm to the following waypoint %s' % command finally: # increment the counter self.trajectory_index += 1 else: response.message = 'Arm trajectory is finished already' # set the success parameter of the response object response.success = trajectory_finished # set the flag just before returning from the function so that it is # almost certain that the service request is returned successfully self.trajectory_finished = trajectory_finished return response
def service_callback(self, request): response = TriggerResponse() response.success = True response.message = "x: " + str(self.topicData.pose.pose.position.x) + \ " ,y: " + str(self.topicData.pose.pose.position.y) + \ " ,z: " + str(self.topicData.pose.pose.position.z) return response
def handle_add_two_ints(request): #global target_pose1 to_move_x = -1 * target_pose1.position.y to_move_y = -1 * target_pose1.position.x to_move_z = -1 * target_pose1.position.z + 0.09 print(to_move_x) print(to_move_y) print(to_move_z) moveitDemo = MoveItIkDemo() gripper_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/gripper_move', GripperMoveAction) gripper_move(gripper_client, 0.03, 10, 10, 10) moveitDemo.translate(1, to_move_y) moveitDemo.translate(0, to_move_x) #moveitDemo.translate(1,to_move_y) moveitDemo.translate(2, to_move_z) rospy.sleep(5) moveitDemo.translate(1, 0.038) moveitDemo.translate(0, 0.06) moveitDemo.translate(2, -0.04) # gripper_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/gripper_move', GripperMoveAction) gripper_move(gripper_client, 0.0115, 10, 10, 10) moveitDemo.arm.set_named_target('home') moveitDemo.arm.go() trigger_result = TriggerResponse() trigger_result.success = True return trigger_result
def cb_save(self, req): res = TriggerResponse() srv_name = self.save_srv.resolved_name rospy.logdebug('Called service: {}'.format(srv_name)) num_samples = self.get_num_samples() if num_samples > 0: # Save poses as rosbag path = self.path bag = rosbag.Bag(os.path.expanduser(path), 'w') try: stamp = for ee_pose, marker_pose in zip(self.ee_samples, self.marker_samples): bag.write('ee_poses', ee_pose, stamp) bag.write('marker_poses', marker_pose, stamp) stamp += rospy.Duration( 1.0) # Add one second between poses res.success = True msg = '{0} pose(s) have been written to: {1}'.format( num_samples, path) except: msg = 'Failed to write poses to: {0}'.format(path) finally: bag.close() else: msg = 'Please capture poses before saving' rospy.loginfo(msg) res.message = msg return res
def reset_initial(msg): global first response = TriggerResponse() first = True response.success = True rospy.loginfo("Initial value reseted") return response
def restart_controller(req): """Callback function to restart the gimbal controller. This function will terminate the ROS node if it encounters a SerialException. Arg: req: Request object for the ROS Service. Returns: Service Response, "True" for success, "False" for error. """ try: response = TriggerResponse() success = gimbal.restart_controller() response.success = success if success: response.message = "Gimbal restarted successfully!" # Shutdown the node on success restart sub.unregister() pub_timer.shutdown() camera_pub.unregister() controller_pub.unregister() rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), restart_shutdown_callback, True) else: response.message = "Gimbal restart failed!" return response except serial.serialutil.SerialException as e: rospy.logfatal(e) rospy.signal_shutdown("SerialError: {0:s}".format(e))
def add_one_model(self): req = self.__getReq() if req is not None: tmpResp = self.spawn_model_proxy(req) else: tmpResp = SpawnModelResponse() tmpResp.success = False tmpResp.status_message = "No model in Bin" if tmpResp.success: rospy.loginfo("add model to gazebo success: " + str(tmpResp.success)) info = "Add model: '" + str(self.req.model_name), "' at : " + str( self.req.initial_pose) + "(xyz,quaternion) succeed!" rospy.loginfo(info) # ipdb.set_trace() self.added_models.append(deepcopy(self.req.model_name)) self.modelsPoses.append(deepcopy(self.req.initial_pose)) self.noisyPoses.append(deepcopy(self.req.initial_pose)) else: status_message = "Add model failed" rospy.logwarn(status_message) tmpResp.status_message = status_message + ", " + tmpResp.status_message resp = TriggerResponse() resp.success = tmpResp.success resp.message = tmpResp.status_message return resp
def program_stop_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() resp.success = True if self.executing_program: rospy.logdebug('Stopping program') self.executing_program = False if self.program_paused: self.program_paused = False rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0, 100), self.program_resume_timer_cb, oneshot=True) else: resp.success = False resp.message = "Program is not running" return resp
def handleIsEnabledSrv(self, req): try: res = TriggerResponse() res.success = self.backgroundMovementProxy.isEnabled() return res except RuntimeError, e: rospy.logerr("Exception caught:\n%s", e) return None
def right_interaction_move_to_user_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() if self.right_arm_mann: rospy.logerr('Right arm in interactive mode') resp.success = False else: pose = PoseStamped() pose.pose.position.x = 0.7 pose.pose.position.y = -0.1 pose.pose.position.z = 1.15 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose.header.frame_id = "base_link" resp.success = self.move(self.group_right, pose=pose) return resp
def _get_resp(self, request): #rospy.loginfo("Server received request") self._detection_dict, side_dir_recommended = self._laser_scan_reader.get_detection() response = TriggerResponse() response.success = self._crash_detected() response.message = str(self._get_dir_message(side_dir_recommended)) return response
def handleStopService(self, request): response = TriggerResponse() print('[Service {}] Stopping Detection'.format(self.name_)) self.mutex_.acquire() self.is_running_ = False self.mutex_.release() response.success = True return response
def _save(self, req): rospy.logerr('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>') rospy.logerr('Save request is called to image buffer.') rospy.logerr('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<') self.stamp = self.pub_imgs = None res = TriggerResponse() res.success = True return res
def left_interaction_move_to_user_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() if self.left_arm_mann: rospy.logerr('Left arm in interactive mode') resp.success = False else: pose = PoseStamped() pose.pose.position.x = 0.7 pose.pose.position.y = 0.1 pose.pose.position.z = 1.2 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 pose.header.frame_id = "base_link" # pose_transformed = self.tf_listener.transformPose(pose, self.group_left.get_planning_frame()) resp.success = self.move(self.group_left, pose=pose) return resp
def handleGetLifeSrv(self, req): try: res = TriggerResponse() res.success = True res.message = self.lifeProxy.getState() rospy.loginfo("current life state is " + str(res.message)) return res except RuntimeError, e: rospy.logerr("Exception while getting life state:\n%s", e) return None
def look_at_default_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() pt = PointStamped() pt.header.frame_id = "base_link" pt.point.x = 0.4 pt.point.y = -0.15 pt.point.z = 0.8 self.look_at_cb(pt, send_and_wait=False) resp.success = True return resp
def look_at_right_feeder_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() point = PointStamped() point.header.frame_id = "marker" point.point.x = 1.825 point.point.y = 0.205 point.point.z = 0.0875 self.look_at_cb(point, send_and_wait=False) resp.success = True return resp
def left_interaction_off_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() if not self.left_arm_mann: rospy.logerr('Left arm already in normal mode') resp.success = True else: self.switch_req.stop_controllers = [self.mannequin_controllers[1]] self.switch_req.start_controllers = [self.standard_controllers[1]] res = self.switch_control(self.switch_req) if res.ok: self.left_arm_mann = False self.left_int_pub.publish(False) resp.success = True else: resp.success = False resp.message = "Left arm: failed to switch interaction to OFF" return resp
def right_interaction_on_cb(self, req): resp = TriggerResponse() if self.right_arm_mann: rospy.logerr('Right arm already in interactive mode') resp.success = True else: self.switch_req.stop_controllers = [self.standard_controllers[0]] self.switch_req.start_controllers = [self.mannequin_controllers[0]] res = self.switch_control(self.switch_req) if res.ok: self.right_arm_mann = True self.right_int_pub.publish(True) resp.success = True else: resp.success = False resp.message = "Left arm: failed to switch interaction to ON" return resp
def server_callback(req): rospy.loginfo('Server callback!') resp = TriggerResponse() resp.success = True resp.message = 'OK' return resp
def __is_status_paused(request): response = TriggerResponse() response.success = (CodeStatus.PAUSED == CodeStatus.get_current_status()) return response