 def __init__(self, inStream):
     self._name = inStream.readLine()      # Customer name
     self._cash = inStream.readFloat()     # Cash balance
     self._stockCount = inStream.readInt() # Number of stocks
     # Stock symbols
     self._stocks = stdarray.create1D(self._stockCount, 0)
     # Share counts
     self._shares = stdarray.create1D(self._stockCount, 0)
     for i in range(self._stockCount):
         self._shares[i] = inStream.readInt()
         self._stocks[i] = inStream.readString()
 def __init__(self, fileName):
     inStream = InStream(fileName)
     self._name = inStream.readLine()      # Customer name
     self._cash = inStream.readFloat()     # Cash balance
     self._stockCount = inStream.readInt() # Number of stocks
     # Stock symbols
     self._stocks = stdarray.create1D(self._stockCount, 0)
     # Share counts
     self._shares = stdarray.create1D(self._stockCount, 0)
     for i in range(self._stockCount):
         self._shares[i] = inStream.readInt()
         self._stocks[i] = inStream.readString()
def tone(hz, t):
    SPS = 44100
    n = int(SPS * t)
    a = stdarray.create1D(n + 1, 0.0)
    for i in range(n + 1):
        a[i] = math.sin(2.0 * math.pi * i * hz / SPS)
    return a
def draw(pole):

    POLE_WIDTH = 0.01
    POLE_COLOR = stddraw.RED
    DISC_COLOR = stddraw.BLUE

    n = len(pole) - 1

    # Draw 3 poles.
    for i in range(3):
        stddraw.line(i, 0, i, n)

    # Draw n discs.
    discs = stdarray.create1D(3, 0)   # discs[p] = # discs on pole p
    for i in range(n, 0, -1):
        stddraw.setPenRadius(0.035)   # magic constant
        size = 0.5 * i / n
        p = pole[i]
        stddraw.line(p-size/2, discs[p], p + size/2, discs[p])
        discs[p] += 1

def tone(hz, t):
    SPS = 44100
    n = int(SPS * t)
    a = stdarray.create1D(n+1, 0.0)
    for i in range(n+1):
        a[i] = math.sin(2.0 * math.pi * i * hz / SPS)
    return a
def timeTrial(n):
    a = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)
    for i in range(n):
        a[i] = stdrandom.uniformInt(-1000000, 1000000)
    watch = Stopwatch()
    count = threesum.countTriples(a)
    return watch.elapsedTime()
def create(capacity):
    Create and return a ring buffer, with the given maximum capacity and
    with all elements initialized to None. A ring buffer is represented as
    a list of four elements: the buffer (buff) itself as a list; number of
    elements (size) currently in buff; the index (first) of the least
    recently inserted item; and the index (last) one beyond the most recently
    inserted item.

    # creating a four element as a list rb that is insialiazed.
    rb = stdarray.create1D(4, 0)
    # the first element create from capacity and return rb(ring buffer)
    rb[0] = stdarray.create1D(capacity)

    return rb
def timeTrial(n):
    a = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)
    for i in range(n):
        a[i] = stdrandom.uniformInt(-1000000, 1000000)
    watch = Stopwatch()
    count = threesum.countTriples(a)
    return watch.elapsedTime()
 def __init__(self, text, k, d):
     freq = stdarray.create1D(d, 0)
     for i in range(len(text) - k + 1):
         kgram = text[i:i + k]
         h = hash(kgram)
         freq[h % d] += 1
     vector = Vector(freq)
     self._sketch = vector.direction()  # Unit vector
def trans(b=[]):
    c = stdarray.create1D(len(b))
    for i in range(len(b)):
        if b[i] == '1':
            c[i] = True
            c[i] = False
    return c
def timeTrials(f, n, trials):
    total = 0.0
    a = stdarray.create1D(n, 0.0)
    for t in range(trials):
        for i in range(n):
            a[i] = stdrandom.uniformFloat(0.0, 1.0)
        watch = Stopwatch()
        total += watch.elapsedTime()
    return total
def create(frequency):
    Create and return a guitar string of the given frequency, using a sampling
    rate given by SPS. A guitar string is represented as a ring buffer of
    of capacity N (SPS divided by frequency, rounded up to the nearest
    integer), with all values initialized to 0.0.

    n = math.ceiling(SPS / frequency)
    init = stdarray.create1D(n, 0.0)
    return create_from_samples(init)
def collect(n):
    found = stdarray.create1D(n, False)
    couponCount = 0
    distinctCouponCount = 0
    while distinctCouponCount < n:
        coupon = getCoupon(n)
        couponCount += 1
        if not found[coupon]:
            distinctCouponCount += 1
            found[coupon] = True
    return couponCount
def collect(n):
    found = stdarray.create1D(n + 1, False)
    couponCount = 0
    distinctCouponCount = 0
    while distinctCouponCount < n:
        coupon = getCouponbyBino(n)
        couponCount += 1
        if not found[coupon] and coupon != 0:
            distinctCouponCount += 1
            found[coupon] = True
    return couponCount
def create(capacity):
    Create and return a ring buffer, with the given maximum capacity and
    with all elements initialized to None. A ring buffer is represented as
    a list of four elements: the buffer (buff) itself as a list; number of
    elements (size) currently in buff; the index (first) of the least
    recently inserted item; and the index (last) one beyond the most recently
    inserted item.

    buffer = stdarray.create1D(capacity, None)
    rb = [buffer, 0, 0, 0]
    return rb
def multiplyMV(m, v):
    mRowCount = len(m)
    mColCount = len(m[0])
    vLength = len(v)

    if mColCount != vLength:
        raise Exception('m col count must equal v length')

    prod = stdarray.create1D(mRowCount, 0.0)
    for i in range(mRowCount):
        for j in range(mColCount):
            prod[i] += m[i][j] * v[j]
    return prod
    def __init__(self, filename):
        instream = InStream(filename)
        n = instream.readInt()

        radius = instream.readFloat()
        stddraw.setXscale(-radius, +radius)
        stddraw.setYscale(-radius, +radius)
        self._bodies = stdarray.create1D(n)
        self._xtracks = stdarray.create1D(n)
        self._ytracks = stdarray.create1D(n)

        for i in range(n):
            rx = instream.readFloat()
            ry = instream.readFloat()
            vx = instream.readFloat()
            vy = instream.readFloat()
            mass = instream.readFloat()
            r = Vector([rx, ry])
            v = Vector([vx, vy])
            self._bodies[i] = Body(r, v, mass)
            self._xtracks[i] = []
            self._ytracks[i] = []
def multiplyVM(v, m):
    vLength = len(v)
    mRowCount = len(m)
    mColCount = len(m[0])

    if vLength != mRowCount:
        raise Exception('v length must equal m row count')

    prod = stdarray.create1D(mColCount, 0.0)
    for j in range(mColCount):
        for i in range(mRowCount):
            prod[j] += m[i][j] * v[i]
    return prod
 def __init__(self, filename):
     instream = InStream(filename)
     n = instream.readInt()
     radius = instream.readFloat()
     stddraw.setXscale(-radius, +radius)
     stddraw.setYscale(-radius, +radius)
     self._bodies = stdarray.create1D(n)
     for i in range(n):
         rx   = instream.readFloat()
         ry   = instream.readFloat()
         vx   = instream.readFloat()
         vy   = instream.readFloat()
         mass = instream.readFloat()
         r = Vector([rx, ry])
         v = Vector([vx, vy])
         self._bodies[i] = Body(r, v, mass)
    def increaseTime(self, dt):
        # Initialize the forces to zero.
        n = len(self._bodies)
        f = stdarray.create1D(n, Vector([0, 0]))
        # Compute the forces.
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                if i != j:
                    bodyi = self._bodies[i]
                    bodyj = self._bodies[j]
                    f[i] = f[i] + bodyi.forceFrom(bodyj)

        # Move the bodies.
        for i in range(n):
            self._bodies[i].move(f[i], dt)    
    def increaseTime(self, dt):

        # Initialize the forces to zero.
        n = len(self._bodies)
        f = stdarray.create1D(n, Vector([0, 0]))

        # Compute the forces.
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                if i != j:
                    bodyi = self._bodies[i]
                    bodyj = self._bodies[j]
                    f[i] = f[i] + bodyi.forceFrom(bodyj)

        # Move the bodies.
        for i in range(n):
            self._bodies[i].move(f[i], dt)
def main():
    n = int(sys.argv[1])
    p = float(sys.argv[2])
    trials = int(sys.argv[3])
    t = int(sys.argv[4])
    q = evaluate(n, p, trials)

    norm = exTimes(n, p, trials, t)
    phi = stdarray.create1D(n + 1, 0.0)
    stddev = math.sqrt(n) / 2.0
    for i in range(n + 1):
        phi[i] = gaussian.pdf(i, n / 2.0, stddev)

    stddraw.setCanvasSize(1000, 400)
    stddraw.setYscale(0, 1.1 * max(max(norm), max(phi)))
def draw(pole):

    n = len(pole) - 1

    # Draw 3 poles.
    for i in range(3):
        stddraw.line(i, 0, i, n)

    # Draw n discs.
    discs = stdarray.create1D(3, 0)   # discs[p] = # discs on pole p
    for i in range(n, 0, -1):
        stddraw.setPenRadius(0.035)   # magic constant
        size = 0.5 * i / n
        p = pole[i]
        stddraw.line(p-size/2, discs[p], p + size/2, discs[p])
        discs[p] += 1

    def increaseTime(self, dt):

        # Initialize the forces to zero.
        n = len(self._bodies)
        f = stdarray.create1D(n, Vector([0, 0]))

        # Compute the forces.
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                if i != j:
                    bodyi = self._bodies[i]
                    bodyj = self._bodies[j]
                    f[i] = f[i] + bodyi.forceFrom(bodyj)

        # Move the bodies.
        for i in range(n):
            current_body = self._bodies[i]
            current_body.move(f[i], dt)
            # print(n)
            if n == 10:
                np.save("xtracks.npy", self._xtracks)
                np.save("ytracks.npy", self._ytracks)
import sys
import random

t = int(sys.argv[1])   # number of moves
n = stdio.readInt()    # number of pages
stdio.readInt()        # ignore integer required by input format

# Read transition matrix.
# p[i][j] = prob. that surfer moves from page i to page j
p = stdarray.create2D(n, n, 0.0)
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        p[i][j] = stdio.readFloat()

# freq[i] = # times surfer hits page i
freq = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)

# Start at page 0.
page = 0
stddraw.setXscale(-1, n)
stddraw.setYscale(0, t)
for i in range(t):

    # Make one random move.
    r = random.random()
    sum = 0.0;
    for j in range(n):
        # Find interval containing r.
 def __init__(self, n):
     self._freq = stdarray.create1D(n, 0.0)  # Frequency counts.
     self._max = 0.0                         # Maximum frequency.
import stdio
import stdarray
from charge import Charge
from color import Color
from picture import Picture

# Read values from standard input to create an array of charged
# particles. Set each pixel color in an image to a grayscale value
# proportional to the total of the potentials due to the particles at
# corresponding points. Draw the resulting image to standard draw.


# Read charges from standard input into an array.
n = stdio.readInt()
charges = stdarray.create1D(n)
for i in range(n):
    x0 = stdio.readFloat()
    y0 = stdio.readFloat()
    q0 = stdio.readFloat()
    charges[i] = Charge(x0, y0, q0)

# Create a Picture depicting potential values.
pic = Picture()
for col in range(pic.width()):
    for row in range(pic.height()):
        # Compute pixel color.
        x = 1.0 * col / pic.width()
        y = 1.0 * row / pic.height()
        v = 0.0
# transition.py

import stdio
import stdarray

# Read links from standard input and write the corresponding
# transition matrix to standard output. First, process the input
# to count the outlinks from each page. Then apply the 90-10 rule to
# compute the transition matrix. Assume that there are no pages that
# have no outlinks in the input.

n = stdio.readInt()

counts = stdarray.create2D(n, n, 0)
outDegree = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)

while not stdio.isEmpty():
    # Accumulate link counts.
    i = stdio.readInt()
    j = stdio.readInt()
    outDegree[i] += 1
    counts[i][j] += 1

stdio.writeln(str(n) + ' ' + str(n))

for i in range(n):
    # Print probability distribution for row i.
    for j in range(n):
        # Print probability for column j.
        p = .90 * float(counts[i][j])/float(outDegree[i]) + .10/float(n)
import sys
import stdrandom
import stddraw
import stdarray
from turtle import Turtle

# Accept as command-line arguments an integer turtleCount, an integer
# stepCount, and a float stepSize. Create turtleCount Turtle objects,
# and have them make stepCount random steps of size stepSize.

turtleCount = int(sys.argv[1])
stepCount = int(sys.argv[2])
stepSize = float(sys.argv[3])
turtles = stdarray.create1D(turtleCount)
for i in range(turtleCount):
    x = stdrandom.uniformFloat(0.0, 1.0)
    y = stdrandom.uniformFloat(0.0, 1.0)
    turtles[i] = Turtle(x, y, 0.0)
for j in range(stepCount):
    for i in range(turtleCount):
        turtles[i].turnLeft(stdrandom.uniformFloat(0.0, 360.0))

# python drunks.py 20 500 .005

import stdio
import sys
import stdarray
import random

# Accept integers m and n as command-line arguments. Write to standard
# output a random sample of m integers in the range 0...n-1 (no
# duplicates).

m = int(sys.argv[1]) # choose this many elements
n = int(sys.argv[2]) # from 0, 1, ..., n-1

# Initialize perm.
perm = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)
for i in range(n):
    perm[i] = i

# Create random sample in perm[0], perm[1], ..., perm[m-1]
for i in range(m):

    # Choose a random integer r between i and n-1.
    r = random.randrange(i, n)

    # Swap perm[i] and perm[r].
    temp = perm[r]
    perm[r] = perm[i]
    perm[i] = temp

# Write the results.
from charge import Charge
import stddraw
import stdarray
from picture import Picture
from color import Color

a = stdarray.create1D(3)
a[0] = Charge(.4, .6, 50)
a[1] = Charge(.5, .5, -5)
a[2] = Charge(.6, .6, 50)

p = Picture()
for t in range(100):
    # Compute the picture p.
    for col in range(p.width()):
        for row in range(p.height()):
            # Compute pixel color.
            x = 1.0 * col / p.width()
            y = 1.0 * row / p.height()
            v = 0.0

            for i in range(3):
                v += a[i].potentialAt(x, y)    
            v = (MAX_GRAY_SCALE / 2.0)  + (v / 2.0e10)
            if v < 0:
                grayScale = 0
            elif v > MAX_GRAY_SCALE:
                grayScale = MAX_GRAY_SCALE

# Accept string fileName and integer fieldCount as command-line
# arguments. Split the file whose name is fileName.csv, by field,
# into fieldCount+1 files named fileName1.txt, fileName2.txt, etc.

DELIM = ','

fileName = sys.argv[1]
fieldCount = int(sys.argv[2])

# Create the input stream.
inStream = InStream(fileName + '.csv')

# Create output streams.
outStreams = stdarray.create1D(fieldCount)
for i in range(fieldCount):
    file = OutStream(fileName + str(i) + '.txt')
    outStreams[i] = file

# Read lines from the input stream and write them to the
# output stream.
while inStream.hasNextLine():
    line = inStream.readLine()
    fields = line.split(DELIM)
    for i in range(fieldCount):


# more djia.csv
def hanoi(n):
    # pole[i] = pole (0-2) that disc i is on.
    pole = stdarray.create1D(n+1, 0)
    hanoiHelp(n, 0, 1, 2, pole)
moves = int(sys.argv[1])

n = stdio.readInt()
stdio.readInt()  # Discard the second int of standard input.

# Read the transition matrix from standard input.
# probs[i][j] is the probability that the surfer moves from
# page i to page j.
probs = stdarray.create2D(n, n, 0.0)
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        probs[i][j] = stdio.readFloat()

# Use the power method to compute page ranks.
ranks = stdarray.create1D(n, 0.0)
ranks[0] = 1.0
for i in range(moves):
    # Compute effect of next move on page ranks.
    newRanks = stdarray.create1D(n, 0.0)
    for j in range(n):
        # New rank of page j is dot product
        # of old ranks and column j of probs.
        for k in range(n):
            newRanks[j] += ranks[k] * probs[k][j]
    ranks = newRanks

# Write the page ranks.
for rank in ranks:
    stdio.writef("%8.5f", rank)
def sort(a):
    n = len(a)
    aux = stdarray.create1D(n)
    _sort(a, 0, n, aux)
 def __init__(self, n):
     # Frequency counts.
     self._freqCounts = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)
import stdaudio

# Read sound samples from standard input, and play the sound to
# standard audio.

SPS = 44100
CONCERT_A = 440.0

while not stdio.isEmpty():

    pitch = stdio.readInt()
    duration = stdio.readFloat()
    hz = CONCERT_A * (2.0 ** (pitch / NOTES_ON_SCALE))
    n = int(SPS * duration)
    note = stdarray.create1D(n+1, 0.0)
    for i in range(n+1):
        note[i] = math.sin(2.0 * math.pi * i * hz / SPS)



# python playthattune.py < elise.txt

# python playthattune.py < ascale.txt

# python playthattune.py < entertainer.txt

# python playthattune.py < firstcut.txt
    return result


# Accept integer command-line argument n, compute n terms
# of the Taylor series e^x = 1 + x + x^2/2! + .... Then read
# values x from standard input, and write to standard output the
# polynomial evaluated at x. Also write to standard output the
# value computed by math.exp(x).

n = int(sys.argv[1])

# Compute coeffients for Taylor series
# e^x = 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! + ...
a = stdarray.create1D(n, 0.0)
a[0] = 1.0
for i in range(1, n):
    a[i] = a[i - 1] / float(i)

# Evaluate the polynomial at values x read from standard input.
while not stdio.isEmpty():
    x = stdio.readFloat()
    stdio.writeln(evaluate(x, a))


# python horner.py 30
# 0
import sys
from charge import Charge
from color import Color
from picture import Picture

# Read values from standard input to create an array of charged
# particles. Set each pixel color in an image to a grayscale value
# proportional to the total of the potentials due to the particles at
# corresponding points. Draw the resulting image to standard draw.


# Read charges from standard input into an array.
#n = stdio.readInt()
n = eval(sys.argv[1])
charges = stdarray.create1D(n)
for i in range(n):
    x0 = round(stdrandom.uniformFloat(0, 1), 2)
    y0 = round(stdrandom.uniformFloat(0, 1), 2)
    q0 = stdrandom.gaussian(50, 150)
    charges[i] = Charge(x0, y0, q0)

# Create a Picture depicting potential values.
pic = Picture()
for col in range(pic.width()):
    for row in range(pic.height()):
        # Compute pixel color.
        x = 1.0 * col / pic.width()
        y = 1.0 * row / pic.height()
        v = 0.0
import stdarray
import stddraw
import sys
import math

# Accept integer command-line argument n. Plot the function
#     y = sin(4x) + sin(20x)
# between x = 0 and x = pi by drawing n line segments.

# Accept the number of line segments to plot.
n = int(sys.argv[1])

# The function y = sin(4x) + sin(20x), sampled at n points
# between x = 0 and x = pi.
x = stdarray.create1D(n+1, 0.0)
y = stdarray.create1D(n+1, 0.0)
for i in range(n+1):
    x[i] = math.pi * i / n
    y[i] = math.sin(4.0*x[i]) + math.sin(20.0*x[i])

# Rescale the coordinate system.
stddraw.setXscale(0, math.pi)
stddraw.setYscale(-2.0, +2.0)

# Plot the approximation to the function.
for i in range(n):
    stddraw.line(x[i], y[i], x[i+1], y[i+1])
import sys
import stdrandom
import stddraw
import stdarray
from turtle import Turtle

# Accept as command-line arguments an integer turtleCount, an integer
# stepCount, and a float stepSize. Create turtleCount Turtle objects,
# and have them make stepCount random steps of size stepSize.

turtleCount = int(sys.argv[1])
stepCount = int(sys.argv[2])
stepSize = float(sys.argv[3])
turtles = stdarray.create1D(turtleCount)
for i in range(turtleCount):
    x = stdrandom.uniformFloat(0.0, 1.0)
    y = stdrandom.uniformFloat(0.0, 1.0)
    turtles[i] = Turtle(x, y, 0.0)
for j in range(stepCount):
    for i in range(turtleCount):
        turtles[i].turnLeft(stdrandom.uniformFloat(0.0, 360.0))


# python drunks.py 20 500 .005
import sys
import stdarray
from matrix import multiplyVM

moves = int(sys.argv[1])
p = stdarray.readFloat2D()
ranks = stdarray.create1D(len(p), 0.0)
ranks[0] = 1.0
for i in range(moves):
    ranks = multiplyVM(ranks, p)
def sort(a):
    n = len(a)
    aux = stdarray.create1D(n)
    _sort(a, 0, n, aux)
import stdstats
import gaussian


# Accept integers n and trials as command-line arguments.
# Perform trials experiments, each of which counts the number
# of heads found when a fair coin is flipped n times. Then
# draw the results to standard draw. Also draw the predicted Gaussian
# distribution function, thereby allowing easy comparison of the
# experimental results to the theoretically predicted results.

n = int(sys.argv[1])
trials = int(sys.argv[2])

freq = stdarray.create1D(n+1, 0)
for t in range(trials):
    heads = stdrandom.binomial(n, 0.5)
    freq[heads] += 1
norm = stdarray.create1D(n+1, 0.0)
for i in range(n+1):
    norm[i] = 1.0 * freq[i] / trials
phi = stdarray.create1D(n+1, 0.0)
stddev = math.sqrt(n)/2.0
for i in range(n+1):
    phi[i] = gaussian.pdf(i, n/2.0, stddev)
stddraw.setCanvasSize(1000, 400)
stddraw.setYscale(0, 1.1 * max(max(norm), max(phi)))
import stdaudio, sys, random, math, stdstats, stddraw, stdarray

brown_v = stdarray.create1D(882000, 0.0)

white = [random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25) for i in range(882000)]

variance = 0.05
i = 0
i1 = 882000
f = 0.25

def fill_brownian(brown_v, i, i1, variance, scale):
    #base condtion; when the differences between indexes = 1
    # i.e. theyre next to each other
    if i1 - i == 1:
        #find middle index
        mid_index = (i + i1) // 2
        #calculate midpoint value
        avg = (brown_v[i] + brown_v[i1]) / 2
        #add random number from normal distribution to midpoint value
        delta = random.gauss(0, math.sqrt(variance))
        mp = avg + delta
        #set new variance
        new_var = variance / scale
        #add to array
        brown_v[mid_index] = mp
        #call brownian before midpoint(inclusive)
        fill_brownian(brown_v, i, mid_index, new_var, scale)
 def __init__(self, n):
     self._freq = stdarray.create1D(n, 0.0)  # Frequency counts.
     self._max = 0.0  # Maximum frequency.
from instream import InStream
from sketch import Sketch


# Accept integers k and d as command-line arguments. Read a document
# list from standard input, compute profiles based on k-gram
# frequencies for all the documents, and write a matrix of similarity
# measures between all pairs of documents. d is the dimension of the
# profiles.

k = int(sys.argv[1])
d = int(sys.argv[2])

filenames = stdio.readAllStrings()
sketches = stdarray.create1D(len(filenames))

for i in range(len(filenames)):
    text = InStream(filenames[i]).readAll()
    sketches[i] = Sketch(text, k, d)
stdio.write('    ')
for i in range(len(filenames)):
    stdio.writef('%8.4s', filenames[i])

for i in range(len(filenames)):
    stdio.writef('%.4s', filenames[i])
    for j in range(len(filenames)):
        stdio.writef('%8.2f', sketches[i].similarTo(sketches[j]))
def superpose(a, b, aWeight, bWeight):
    c = stdarray.create1D(len(a), 0.0)
    for i in range(len(a)):
        c[i] = a[i]*aWeight + b[i]*bWeight
    return c

import stdio
import sys
import stdarray
import random

# Accept integer n as a command-line argument. Write to standard
# output the number of coupons you collect before obtaining one of
# each of n types.

n = int(sys.argv[1])

count = 0
collectedCount = 0
isCollected = stdarray.create1D(n, False)

while collectedCount < n:
    # Generate another coupon.
    value = random.randrange(0, n)
    count += 1
    if not isCollected[value]:
        collectedCount += 1
        isCollected[value] = True



# python couponcollector.py 1000
# 8507
# transition.py

import stdio
import stdarray

# Read links from standard input and write the corresponding
# transition matrix to standard output. First, process the input
# to count the outlinks from each page. Then apply the 90-10 rule to
# compute the transition matrix. Assume that there are no pages that
# have no outlinks in the input.

n = stdio.readInt()

linkCounts = stdarray.create2D(n, n, 0)
outDegrees = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)

while not stdio.isEmpty():
    # Accumulate link counts.
    i = stdio.readInt()
    j = stdio.readInt()
    if not linkCounts[i][j]:
        outDegrees[i] += 1
        linkCounts[i][j] += 1

stdio.writeln(str(n) + ' ' + str(n))

for i in range(n):
    # Print probability distribution for row i.
    for j in range(n):
 def __sub__(self, other):
     result = stdarray.create1D(self._n, 0)
     for i in range(self._n):
         result[i] = self._coords[i] - other._coords[i]
     return Vector(result)
moves = int(sys.argv[1])

n = stdio.readInt()
stdio.readInt() # Discard the second int of standard input.

# Read the transition matrix from standard input.
# p[i][j] is the probability that the surfer moves from
# page i to page j.
p = stdarray.create2D(n, n, 0.0)
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        p[i][j] = stdio.readFloat()

# Perform the simulation, thus computing the hits array.
# hits[i] is the number of times the surfer hits page i.
hits = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)
page = 0  # Start at page 0.
for i in range(moves):
    # Make one random move.
    r = random.random()
    sum = 0.0
    for j in range(0, n):
        # Find interval containing r.
        sum += p[page][j]
        if r < sum:
            page = j
    hits[page] += 1

# Write the page ranks.
for v in hits:
 def scale(self, alpha):
     result = stdarray.create1D(self._n, 0)
     for i in range(self._n):
         result[i] = alpha * self._coords[i]
     return Vector(result)
文件: sample.py 项目: TomasBahnik/ml
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

import stdio
import sys
import stdarray
import random

# Accept integers m and n as command-line arguments. Write to standard
# output a random sample of m integers in the range 0...n-1 (no
# duplicates).

m = int(sys.argv[1])  # choose this many elements
n = int(sys.argv[2])  # from 0, 1, ..., n-1

# Initialize perm.
perm = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)
for i in range(n):
    perm[i] = i

# Create random sample in perm[0], perm[1], ..., perm[m-1]
for i in range(m):
    # Choose a random integer r between i and n-1.
    r = random.randrange(i, n)

    # Swap perm[i] and perm[r].
    temp = perm[r]
    perm[r] = perm[i]
    perm[i] = temp

# Write the results.
for i in range(m):
moves = int(sys.argv[1])

n = stdio.readInt()
stdio.readInt()  # Discard the second int of standard input.

# Read the transition matrix from standard input.
# p[i][j] is the probability that the surfer moves from
# page i to page j.
p = stdarray.create2D(n, n, 0.0)
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        p[i][j] = stdio.readFloat()

# Perform the simulation, thus computing the hits array.
# hits[i] is the number of times the surfer hits page i.
hits = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)
step = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)
now = stdarray.create1D(n, 0)
page = 0  # Start at page 0.
for i in range(moves):
    # Make one random move.
    r = random.random()
    total = 0.0
    for j in range(0, n):
        # Find interval containing r.
        total += p[page][j]
        if r < total:
            page = j
    hits[page] += 1
    step[page] += (i - now[page])
import stdio
import stdarray
import sys
import random

# Accept integer n as a command-line argument. Simulate how long it
# takes n random walkers starting at the center of an n-by-n grid to
# visit every cell in the grid. Write the number of steps to standard
# output.

n = int(sys.argv[1])

# Create arrays indicating the x and y positions of the walkers.
# All walkers begin at the middle of the grid.
x = stdarray.create1D(n, n // 2)  # x positions
y = stdarray.create1D(n, n // 2)  # y positions

cellsToVisit = n * n

# Create visited, an array that keeps track of which cells have
# been visited so far.
visited = stdarray.create2D(n, n, False)  # has (i,j) been visited?
visited[n // 2][n // 2] = True
cellsToVisit -= 1

# Run the simulation.
steps = 0
while cellsToVisit > 0:
    steps += 1
    for i in range(n):
# primesieve.py

import stdio
import stdarray
import sys

# Accept integer n as a command-line argument. Write to standard
# output the number of primes <= n.

n = int(sys.argv[1])

# Initially assume all integers are prime.
isPrime = stdarray.create1D(n+1, True)

# Mark non-primes <= n using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
for i in range(2, n):
    if (isPrime[i]):
        # Mark multiples of i as nonprime.
        for j in range(2, n//i + 1):
            isPrime[i * j] = False;

#i = 2
#while i <= n//i:
#    if isPrime[i]:
#        # Mark multiples of i as nonprime.
#        j = i
#        while j <= n//i:
#            isPrime[i * j] = False
#            j += 1