def all_items_in_game(game):
    database = SteamDatabase(False)
    results = database.query_database(
        f"SELECT * FROM \"Item\" WHERE name='{game}'")

    return dumps(results)
def check_for_tasks():
    Checks if all items have their corresponding tasks, if not, create them
    # Creating database
    database = SteamDatabase()

    tasks = set(
        database.query_database("SELECT item, app_id, action FROM task"))
    items = database.query_database(
        'SELECT market_hash_name, app_id FROM public."Item"')
    games = database.query_database('SELECT app_id FROM public."Game"')

    # Checking games
    for game in games:
        # Operation Phoenix Weapon Case is a placeholder to pass foreign key - mostly because I don't want another table of items or to split it
        if ("Operation Phoenix Weapon Case", game, "New Items") not in tasks:
            # Add actions associated with game

    # Checking items
    for item in items:
        if (item[0], item[1], "Official Price") not in tasks:
            # Add actions associated with item
            database.add_task_item(item[0], item[1], live_price=False)
        if (item[0], item[1], "Live Price") not in tasks:
            # Add actions associated with item
            database.add_task_item(item[0], item[1], official_price=False)

    # Finalising database
def all_prices_for_item_in_game(app_id, item, type):
    database = SteamDatabase(False)
    results = database.query_database(
        f"SELECT market_hash_name, time, median_price, volume FROM \"{type}\" WHERE market_hash_name='{database.clean_market_hash_name(item)}'"

    return dumps(results, default=str)
    def __init__(self):
        # Connection to database
        self.database = SteamDatabase()
        self.database.ping_database("Started scraper")

        # Cookie for scraping
            self.last_cookie_check = datetime.utcnow()
            self.cookie = None
            print_issue("Could not get cookie")
def transaction_amount():
    Obtain's total volume price of the Steam Market
    database = SteamDatabase(False)
    results = database.query_database("""
        SELECT time::date as time, sum(median_price * volume) as transaction_volume
        FROM "PriceDaily"
        GROUP BY time

    return dumps(results, default=str)
def market_seasonality():
    Seasonality of the entire market calculated using the earliest date of a
    month and the latest date of a month:
    (end_price - start_price) / start_price
    database = SteamDatabase(False)
    results = database.query_database("""
        SELECT start_month_prices.month, AVG(((end_month_prices.median_price - start_month_prices.median_price) / start_month_prices.median_price) * 100) as seasonal_percentage_move
        FROM (SELECT daily_price_action.month, daily_price_action.year, daily_price_action.median_price, daily_price_action.market_hash_name
            FROM (SELECT max(day) as day, month, year, market_hash_name
                (SELECT date_part('day', time) as day, date_part('month', time) as month, date_part('year', time) as year, market_hash_name
                FROM "PriceDaily") as split_data
                GROUP BY month, year, market_hash_name) as end_month_data
                (SELECT date_part('day', time) as day, date_part('month', time) as month, date_part('year', time) as year, market_hash_name, median_price
                FROM "PriceDaily") as daily_price_action
                ON daily_price_action.market_hash_name = end_month_data.market_hash_name
                AND =
                AND daily_price_action.month = end_month_data.month
                AND daily_price_action.year = end_month_data.year
            GROUP BY daily_price_action.month, daily_price_action.year, daily_price_action.median_price, daily_price_action.market_hash_name) as end_month_prices
            (SELECT daily_price_action.month, daily_price_action.year, daily_price_action.median_price, daily_price_action.market_hash_name
            FROM (SELECT min(day) as day, month, year, market_hash_name
                (SELECT date_part('day', time) as day, date_part('month', time) as month, date_part('year', time) as year, market_hash_name
                FROM "PriceDaily") as split_data
                GROUP BY month, year, market_hash_name) as start_month_data
                (SELECT date_part('day', time) as day, date_part('month', time) as month, date_part('year', time) as year, market_hash_name, median_price
                FROM "PriceDaily") as daily_price_action
                ON daily_price_action.market_hash_name = start_month_data.market_hash_name
                AND =
                AND daily_price_action.month = start_month_data.month
                AND daily_price_action.year = start_month_data.year
            GROUP BY daily_price_action.month, daily_price_action.year, daily_price_action.median_price, daily_price_action.market_hash_name) as start_month_prices
            ON start_month_prices.month = end_month_prices.month
            AND start_month_prices.year = end_month_prices.year
            AND start_month_prices.market_hash_name = end_month_prices.market_hash_name
        GROUP BY start_month_prices.month

    return dumps(results, default=str)
def priority_of_items():
    Checks the database for mistakes in priority and adjusts them accordingly
    Finds items which have yet to have a price scan and marks them as urgent
    # Creating database
    database = SteamDatabase()

    # Obtaining all items which do not have a price point
    work = database.query_database("""
        SELECT distinct market_hash_name, app_id
        FROM "Item" where market_hash_name not in
            (SELECT distinct market_hash_name FROM "PriceDaily"
            INTERSECT select distinct market_hash_name from "PriceHourly")

    # Removing timeouts
    for item in work:
            f"UPDATE task SET due_date='{datetime.utcnow() - relativedelta.relativedelta(days=999)}'::timestamp WHERE item='{database.clean_market_hash_name(item[0])}' AND app_id={item[1]} AND action='Official Price'"

    # Closing session
def market_overview():
    Obtain's price and volume of the Steam Market
    database = SteamDatabase(False)
    results = database.query_database("""
        SELECT daily_price_action.time as time, daily_price_action.volume as volume, daily_hour_price_action.high as high, daily_hour_price_action.low as low, daily_price_action.median_price as close
        FROM (SELECT time::date as time, sum(volume) as volume, sum(median_price) as median_price
            FROM "PriceDaily"
            GROUP BY time::date
            ORDER BY time) as daily_price_action
            LEFT JOIN
            (SELECT time::date as time, max(median_price) as high, min(median_price) as low
            FROM (SELECT time as time, sum(median_price) as median_price
                FROM "PriceHourly"
                GROUP BY time
                ORDER BY time) as hourly_price_action
            GROUP BY time::date
            ORDER BY time::date) as daily_hour_price_action
        ON daily_price_action.time=daily_hour_price_action.time

    return dumps(results, default=str)
from steam_database import SteamDatabase

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Connecting to database
    database = SteamDatabase()

    # Checking if workers have recently pinged
    pings = database.query_database("""
        SELECT distinct name
        FROM workers
        WHERE last_ping >= (timezone('utc', now()) - INTERVAL '0.1 DAY')::timestamp

    # Printing information of workers
    for ping in pings:
def all_game():
    database = SteamDatabase(False)
    results = database.query_database('SELECT name, icon FROM "Game"')

    return dumps(results)