    def _load_file_caches(self):
        """Load and unroll locally cached files

        We want to avoid making any calls for column data here
        and just load what has been stored locally for now
        self._fs_data = SteelScriptDir('NetProfiler', 'data')

        columns_filename = 'columns-' + self.version + '.pcl'
        self._columns_file = self._fs_data.get_data(columns_filename)
        if (self._columns_file.data is None
                or self._columns_file.version < _constants.CACHE_VERSION):
            # if CACHE_VERSION older than our config,
            # we must have an *old* version, and need to recreate cache
            self._columns_file.data = dict()

        areas_filename = 'areas-' + self.version + '.json'
        self._areas_file = self._fs_data.get_config(areas_filename)
        if self._areas_file.data is None:
            self._areas_file.data = self.api.report.areas()

        self._areas_dict = dict(self._genareas(self._areas_file.data))
    def _load_file_caches(self):
        """Load and unroll locally cached files

        We want to avoid making any calls for column data here
        and just load what has been stored locally for now
        self._fs_data = SteelScriptDir('NetProfiler', 'data')

        columns_filename = 'columns-' + self.version + '.pcl'
        self._columns_file = self._fs_data.get_data(columns_filename)
        if self._columns_file.data is None:
            self._columns_file.data = dict()

        areas_filename = 'areas-' + self.version + '.json'
        self._areas_file = self._fs_data.get_config(areas_filename)
        if self._areas_file.data is None:
            self._areas_file.data = self.api.report.areas()

        self._areas_dict = dict(self._genareas(self._areas_file.data))
    def _load_file_caches(self):
        """Load and unroll locally cached files

        We want to avoid making any calls for column data here
        and just load what has been stored locally for now
        self._fs_data = SteelScriptDir('NetProfiler', 'data')

        columns_filename = 'columns-' + self.version + '.pcl'
        self._columns_file = self._fs_data.get_data(columns_filename)
        if (self._columns_file.data is None or
                self._columns_file.version < _constants.CACHE_VERSION):
            # if CACHE_VERSION older than our config,
            # we must have an *old* version, and need to recreate cache
            self._columns_file.data = dict()

        areas_filename = 'areas-' + self.version + '.json'
        self._areas_file = self._fs_data.get_config(areas_filename)
        if self._areas_file.data is None:
            self._areas_file.data = self.api.report.areas()

        self._areas_dict = dict(self._genareas(self._areas_file.data))
class NetProfiler(steelscript.common.service.Service):
    """The NetProfiler class is the main interface to interact with a
    NetProfiler appliance.  Primarily this provides an interface to reporting.

    def __init__(self, host, port=None, auth=None):
        """Establishes a connection to a NetProfiler appliance.

        :param str host: name or IP address of the NetProfiler to
            connect to

        :param int port: TCP port on which the NetProfiler appliance
            listens.  If this parameter is not specified, the function will try
            to automatically determine the port.

        :param auth: defines the authentication method and credentials
            to use to access the NetProfiler.  It should be an instance of
            :py:class:`UserAuth<steelscript.common.service.UserAuth>` or

        :param str force_version: API version to use when communicating.
            if unspecified, this will use the latest version supported by both
            this implementation and the NetProfiler appliance.

        See the base :py:class:`Service<steelscript.common.service.Service>` class
        for more information about additional functionality supported.
        super(NetProfiler, self).__init__("profiler", host, port,

        self.api = _api1.Handler(self)

        self.groupbys = DictObject.create_from_dict(_constants.groupbys)
        self.realms = _constants.realms
        self.centricities = _constants.centricities

        self._info = None

        self.columns = ColumnContainer(self._unique_columns())
        self.areas = AreaContainer(self._areas_dict.iteritems())

    def _load_file_caches(self):
        """Load and unroll locally cached files

        We want to avoid making any calls for column data here
        and just load what has been stored locally for now
        self._fs_data = SteelScriptDir('NetProfiler', 'data')

        columns_filename = 'columns-' + self.version + '.pcl'
        self._columns_file = self._fs_data.get_data(columns_filename)
        if self._columns_file.data is None:
            self._columns_file.data = dict()

        areas_filename = 'areas-' + self.version + '.json'
        self._areas_file = self._fs_data.get_config(areas_filename)
        if self._areas_file.data is None:
            self._areas_file.data = self.api.report.areas()

        self._areas_dict = dict(self._genareas(self._areas_file.data))

    def _verify_cache(self, refetch=False):
        """Retrieve all the possible combinations of
        groupby, centricity and realm using the rule shown under
        the search_columns method.

        By default, all these permutations will be checked against
        the current local cache file, and any missing keys will be
        retrieved from the server.

        :param bool refetch: will force an api refresh call from the
            machine even if the data can be found in local cache.
        columns = list()
        write = False
        for realm in self.realms:
            if realm == 'traffic_flow_list' or realm == 'identity_list':
                centricities = ['hos']
                centricities = self.centricities

            for centricity in centricities:
                if realm == 'traffic_summary':
                    groupbys = [x for x in self.groupbys.values() if x != 'thu']
                elif realm == 'traffic_overall_time_series':
                    groupbys = ['tim']
                elif realm == 'identity_list':
                    groupbys = ['thu']
                    groupbys = ['hos']

                for groupby in groupbys:
                    _hash = make_hash(realm, centricity, groupby)
                    if refetch or _hash not in self._columns_file.data:
                        logger.debug('Requesting columns for triplet: '
                                     '%s, %s, %s' % (realm, centricity, groupby))
                        api_call = self.api.report.columns(realm,
                                                           centricity, groupby)
                        # generate Column objects from json
                        api_columns = self._gencolumns(api_call)
                        # compare against objects we've already retrieved
                        existing = [c for c in columns if c in api_columns]
                        new_columns = [c for c in api_columns if c not in existing]

                        # add them to data, preserving existing objects
                        self._columns_file.data[_hash] = existing + new_columns
                        write = True
        if write:

    def _unique_columns(self):
        """Pull unique columns from _columns_file (a dict of lists). """
        def unique(seq):
            seen = set()
            for lst in seq:
                for c in lst:
                    if c in seen:
                    yield c
        return list(unique(self._columns_file.data.values()))

    def _parse_area(self, area):
        if isinstance(area, types.StringTypes):
            if area not in self._areas_dict:
                raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid area type for this'
            return self._areas_dict[area]

    def _gencolumns(self, columns):
        """Return a list of Column objects from a list of json columns. """
        res = []
        for c in columns:
            key = c['strid'].lower()[3:]
            res.append(Column(c['id'], key, c['name'], json=c))
        return res

    def _genareas(self, areas):
        res = list()
        for area in areas:
            res.append((area['name'].replace(' ', '_'), area['id']))
        return res

    def _fetch_info(self):
        if self._info is None:
            self._info = self.api.common.info()

    def version(self):
        """Returns the software version of the NetProfiler"""
        return self._info['sw_version']

    def get_columns(self, columns, groupby=None):
        """Return valid Column objects for list of columns

        :param list columns: list of strings and/or Column objects

        :param str groupby: will optionally ensure that the selected columns
            are valid for the given groupby
        res = list()
        if groupby:
            groupby_cols = self.search_columns(groupbys=[groupby])
            groupby_cols = None

        colnames = set(c.key for c in self.columns)

        for column in columns:
            if isinstance(column, types.StringTypes):
                cname = column
                    # usually a Column class
                    cname = column.key
                except AttributeError:
                    # likely json-dict
                    cname = column['strid'].lower()[3:]

            if cname not in colnames:
                raise RvbdException('{0} is not a valid column '
                                    'for this netprofiler'.format(column))
            if groupby_cols and cname not in groupby_cols:
                raise RvbdException('{0} is not a valid column '
                                    'for groupby {1}'.format(column, groupby))

        return res

    def get_columns_by_ids(self, ids):
        """Return Column objects that have ids in list of strings `ids`.

        :param list ids: list of integer ids
        res = [self.columns[i] for i in ids]
        return res

    def search_columns(self, realms=None, centricities=None, groupbys=None):
        """Identify columns given one or more values for the triplet.

        :param list realms: list of strings
        :param list centricities: list of strings
        :param list groupbys: list of strings

        Results will be based on the following relationship table:

        ============================= ============ ==================
        realm                         centricity   groupby
        ============================= ============ ==================
        traffic_summary               hos,int      all (except thu)
        traffic_overall_time_series   hos,int      tim
        traffic_flow_list             hos          hos
        identity_list                 hos          thu
        ============================= ============ ==================

        result = set()

        if realms is None:
            realms = self.realms
        if centricities is None:
            centricities = self.centricities
        if groupbys is None:
            groupbys = self.groupbys.values()

        datakeys = self._columns_file.data.keys()
        search_keys = [make_hash(*p) for p in itertools.product(realms,

        keys = [k for k in datakeys if k in search_keys]
        for key in keys:
            result.update(x for x in self._columns_file.data[key])
        return list(result)

    def logout(self):
        """ Issue logout command to netprofiler machine. """
        if self.conn:
            except AttributeError:
            super(NetProfiler, self).logout()
class NetProfiler(steelscript.common.service.Service):
    """The NetProfiler class is the main interface to interact with a
    NetProfiler appliance.  Primarily this provides an interface to reporting.
    def __init__(self, host, port=None, auth=None):
        """Establishes a connection to a NetProfiler appliance.

        :param str host: name or IP address of the NetProfiler to
            connect to

        :param int port: TCP port on which the NetProfiler appliance
            listens.  If this parameter is not specified, the function will try
            to automatically determine the port.

        :param auth: defines the authentication method and credentials
            to use to access the NetProfiler.  It should be an instance of
            :py:class:`UserAuth<steelscript.common.service.UserAuth>` or

        :param str force_version: API version to use when communicating.
            if unspecified, this will use the latest version supported by both
            this implementation and the NetProfiler appliance.

        See the base :py:class:`Service<steelscript.common.service.Service>` class
        for more information about additional functionality supported.
        super(NetProfiler, self).__init__("profiler",

        self.api = _api1.Handler(self)

        self.groupbys = DictObject.create_from_dict(_constants.groupbys)
        self.realms = _constants.realms
        self.centricities = _constants.centricities

        self._info = None

        # checking if the profiler supports 1.2
        # if yes, then use column dsc
        # otherwise, use column qos
        if (self.supported_versions is None
                or APIVersion("1.2") in self.supported_versions):
            _key, _value = ('dsc', 'dsc')
            _key, _value = ('qos', 'qos')
        self.groupbys[_key] = _value

        self.columns = ColumnContainer(self._unique_columns())
        self.colnames = set(c.key for c in self.columns)

        self.areas = AreaContainer(self._areas_dict.iteritems())

    def _load_file_caches(self):
        """Load and unroll locally cached files

        We want to avoid making any calls for column data here
        and just load what has been stored locally for now
        self._fs_data = SteelScriptDir('NetProfiler', 'data')

        columns_filename = 'columns-' + self.version + '.pcl'
        self._columns_file = self._fs_data.get_data(columns_filename)
        if (self._columns_file.data is None
                or self._columns_file.version < _constants.CACHE_VERSION):
            # if CACHE_VERSION older than our config,
            # we must have an *old* version, and need to recreate cache
            self._columns_file.data = dict()

        areas_filename = 'areas-' + self.version + '.json'
        self._areas_file = self._fs_data.get_config(areas_filename)
        if self._areas_file.data is None:
            self._areas_file.data = self.api.report.areas()

        self._areas_dict = dict(self._genareas(self._areas_file.data))

    def _verify_cache(self, refetch=False):
        """Retrieve all the possible combinations of
        groupby, centricity and realm using the rule shown under
        the search_columns method.

        By default, all these permutations will be checked against
        the current local cache file, and any missing keys will be
        retrieved from the server.

        :param bool refetch: will force an api refresh call from the
            machine even if the data can be found in local cache.
        columns = list()
        write = False
        have_exception = False
        for realm in self.realms:
            if realm == 'traffic_flow_list' or realm == 'identity_list':
                centricities = ['hos']
            elif realm == 'msq':
                centricities = ['hos']
                centricities = self.centricities

            for centricity in centricities:
                if realm == 'traffic_summary':
                    groupbys = [
                        x for x in self.groupbys.values()
                        if x not in ['thu', 'slm']
                elif 'time_series' in realm:
                    groupbys = ['tim']
                elif realm == 'identity_list':
                    groupbys = ['thu']
                elif realm == 'msq':
                    groupbys = ['slm']
                    groupbys = ['hos']

                for groupby in groupbys:
                    _hash = make_hash(realm, centricity, groupby)
                    if refetch or _hash not in self._columns_file.data:
                        logger.debug('Requesting columns for triplet: '
                                     '%s, %s, %s' %
                                     (realm, centricity, groupby))
                            api_call = self.api.report.columns(
                                realm, centricity, groupby)
                        except RvbdHTTPException as e:
                            logger.warning('Exception raised fetching columns'
                                           'for triplet: {0}, {1}, {2} with '
                                           'message {3}'.format(
                                               realm, centricity, groupby,
                            have_exception = True

                        # generate Column objects from json
                        api_columns = self._gencolumns(api_call)
                        # compare against objects we've already retrieved
                        existing = [c for c in columns if c in api_columns]
                        new_columns = [
                            c for c in api_columns if c not in existing

                        # add them to data, preserving existing objects
                        self._columns_file.data[_hash] = (existing +
                        write = True

        if write:
            self._columns_file.version = _constants.CACHE_VERSION
        elif have_exception:
            logger.warning('_verify_cache: Some realm, centricity, '
                           'and groupby triplets failed.')

        if not self._columns_file.data:
            raise RvbdException("_verify_cache failed to collect both"
                                "cached and live data. Please check"
                                "NetProfiler health")

    def _unique_columns(self):
        """Pull unique columns from _columns_file (a dict of lists). """
        def unique(seq):
            seen = set()
            for lst in seq:
                for c in lst:
                    if c in seen:
                    yield c

        return list(unique(self._columns_file.data.values()))

    def _parse_area(self, area):
        if isinstance(area, types.StringTypes):
            if area not in self._areas_dict:
                raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid area type for this'
            return self._areas_dict[area]

    def _gencolumns(self, columns):
        """Return a list of Column objects from a list of json columns.

        :param columns: list of column defintions as JSON

        This function parses the JSON as received from NetProfiler
        and generates new Column classes that represent them.

        In the event that a given column definition is ephemeral,
        column.baseid will be determined based on the strid.
        res = []
        for c in columns:
            col = Column.from_json(c)
            if col.ephemeral and hasattr(self, 'columns'):
                    baseid = self.columns[col.key].id
                    col.baseid = baseid
                except KeyError:

        return res

    def _genareas(self, areas):
        res = list()
        for area in areas:
            res.append((area['name'].replace(' ', '_'), area['id']))
        return res

    def _fetch_info(self):
        if self._info is None:
            self._info = self.api.common.info()

    def version(self):
        """Returns the software version of the NetProfiler"""
        return self._info['sw_version']

    def supports_version(self, version):
        if isinstance(version, types.StringTypes):
            version = APIVersion(version)
        return version in self.supported_versions

    def get_columns(self, columns, groupby=None, strict=True):
        """Return valid Column objects for list of columns

        :param list columns: list of strings, Column objects, or
            JSON dicts defining a column

        :param str groupby: will optionally ensure that the selected columns
            are valid for the given groupby

        :param bool strict: If True (default), will validate input against
            known Columns or create ephemeral columns for dynamic reports.
            If False, will avoid validation and process input as given.
            Used in some template or MultiQuery scenarios where the columns
            aren't specific to a known realm/groupby pairing.

        Note that this function may be incomplete for any given groupby.

        res = list()
        if groupby:
            groupby_cols = self.search_columns(groupbys=[groupby])
            groupby_cols = None

        colnames = self.colnames

        for column in columns:
            if isinstance(column, types.StringTypes):
                cname = column
            elif isinstance(column, Column):
                # usually a Column class
                cname = column.key
                # otherwise, likely a json-dict column definition
                # as returned by a query for a report legend
                # if we are not in strict mode, process the json as a given
                # column object
                if column['id'] >= _constants.EPHEMERAL_COLID or not strict:
                    # Ephemeral column, create a new column and don't
                    # do any validation

                strid = column['strid']
                cname = strid.lower()[3:]

            if cname not in colnames:
                raise RvbdException('{0} is not a valid column '
                                    'for this netprofiler'.format(column))
            if groupby_cols and cname not in groupby_cols:
                raise RvbdException('{0} is not a valid column '
                                    'for groupby {1}'.format(column, groupby))

        return res

    def get_columns_by_ids(self, ids):
        """Return Column objects that have ids in list of strings `ids`.

        :param list ids: list of integer ids
        res = [self.columns[i] for i in ids]
        return res

    def search_columns(self, realms=None, centricities=None, groupbys=None):
        """Identify columns given one or more values for the triplet.

        :param list realms: list of strings
        :param list centricities: list of strings
        :param list groupbys: list of strings

        Results will be based on the following relationship table:

        ============================= ============ ==================
        realm                         centricity   groupby
        ============================= ============ ==================
        traffic_summary               hos,int      all (except thu)
        traffic_overall_time_series   hos,int      tim
        traffic_flow_list             hos          hos
        identity_list                 hos          thu
        ============================= ============ ==================

        result = set()

        if realms is None:
            realms = self.realms
        if centricities is None:
            centricities = self.centricities
        if groupbys is None:
            groupbys = self.groupbys.values()

        datakeys = self._columns_file.data.keys()
        search_keys = [
            for p in itertools.product(realms, centricities, groupbys)

        keys = [k for k in datakeys if k in search_keys]
        for key in keys:
            result.update(x for x in self._columns_file.data[key])
        return list(result)

    def logout(self):
        """ Issue logout command to netprofiler machine. """
        if self.conn:
            except AttributeError:
            super(NetProfiler, self).logout()
    def _load_sources(self):
        """Get the names and granularites of sources. The hierarchy of the
        data looks like below:

            { "source1" : { "name": string,
                            "filters_on_metrics": boolean,
                            "columns": [source_column],
                            "granularities": [string],

        ss_dir = SteelScriptDir('AppResponse', 'files')

            svc_version = self.appresponse.versions[svc]
            sw_version = (self.appresponse.get_info()['sw_version'].replace(
                ' ', ''))
            sources_filename = ('{}-sources-{}-{}.pcl'.format(
                svc, svc_version, sw_version))
            sources_file = ss_dir.get_data(sources_filename)


            if not sources_file.data:
                svcdef = self.appresponse.find_service(svc)

                # sources is a list of dictionaries
                sources = svcdef.bind('sources').execute('get').data['items']

                # the whole set of sources for current service
                all_sources = {}

                for source in sources:
                    cols = source['columns']
                    source['columns'] = \
                        OrderedDict(sorted(zip(map(lambda x: x['id'], cols),
                    source['filters_on_metrics'] = \
                    if 'granularities' not in source:
                        source['granularities'] = None

                    all_sources[source['name']] = source

                    if source['name'] in report_source_to_groups:
                        self._sources[source['name']] = source

                # source_file writes the whole set of sources to disk
                sources_file.data = all_sources
                    "Wrote sources data into {}".format(sources_filename))
                    "Loading sources data from {}".format(sources_filename))
                # Only load valid sources based on settings
                for k, v in sources_file.data.iteritems():
                    if k in report_source_to_groups:
                        self._sources[k] = v

class AppResponseServiceDefLoader(ServiceDefLoadHook):
    """This class serves as the custom hook for service definition manager
    for AppResponse devices.

    SERVICE_ID = '/api/{name}/{version}'

    def __init__(self, connection):
        """Initialize AppResponse object.

        :param connection: Connection object to the AppResponse appliance.
            should be an instance of
        self.connection = connection
        self.ss_dir = SteelScriptDir('AppResponse', 'files')

    def get_fnames(self, name, version):
        """Return both the base filename and absolute file name of the
        Service Def file.

        :param str name: name of the service
        :param str version: version string

        :return: base file name and absolute file name
        rel_fname = name + '-' + version + '.yml'
        abs_fname = os.path.join(self.ss_dir.basedir, rel_fname)

        return rel_fname, abs_fname

    def find_by_id(self, id_):
        """Return ServiceDef object of the given service.

        :param str id_: uri of the service definition
        _, name, version = id_.rsplit('/', 2)

        rel_fname, abs_fname = self.get_fnames(name, version)

        if self.ss_dir.isfile(rel_fname):
            return ServiceDef.create_from_file(abs_fname)

        resp = self.connection.request(method='GET', path=id_)

        # Write the yaml file
        with open(abs_fname, 'w+') as f:
            yaml.safe_dump(resp.json(), f)

        return ServiceDef.create_from_file(abs_fname)

    def find_by_name(self, name, version, provider):
        """Return ServiceDef object of the given service and version."""

        assert (provider == 'riverbed')

        rel_fname, abs_fname = self.get_fnames(name, version)

        if self.ss_dir.isfile(rel_fname):
            # Found cache file
            return ServiceDef.create_from_file(abs_fname)

        service_id = self.SERVICE_ID.format(name=name, version=version)
        return self.find_by_id(service_id)
class NetProfiler(steelscript.common.service.Service):
    """The NetProfiler class is the main interface to interact with a
    NetProfiler appliance.  Primarily this provides an interface to reporting.

    def __init__(self, host, port=None, auth=None):
        """Establishes a connection to a NetProfiler appliance.

        :param str host: name or IP address of the NetProfiler to
            connect to

        :param int port: TCP port on which the NetProfiler appliance
            listens.  If this parameter is not specified, the function will try
            to automatically determine the port.

        :param auth: defines the authentication method and credentials
            to use to access the NetProfiler.  It should be an instance of
            :py:class:`UserAuth<steelscript.common.service.UserAuth>` or

        :param str force_version: API version to use when communicating.
            if unspecified, this will use the latest version supported by both
            this implementation and the NetProfiler appliance.

        See the base :py:class:`Service<steelscript.common.service.Service>` class
        for more information about additional functionality supported.
        super(NetProfiler, self).__init__("profiler", host, port,

        self.api = _api1.Handler(self)

        self.groupbys = DictObject.create_from_dict(_constants.groupbys)
        self.realms = _constants.realms
        self.centricities = _constants.centricities

        self._info = None

        # checking if the profiler supports 1.2
        # if yes, then use column dsc
        # otherwise, use column qos
        if (self.supported_versions is None or
           APIVersion("1.2") in self.supported_versions):
            _key, _value = ('dsc', 'dsc')
            _key, _value = ('qos', 'qos')
        self.groupbys[_key] = _value

        self.columns = ColumnContainer(self._unique_columns())
        self.colnames = set(c.key for c in self.columns)

        self.areas = AreaContainer(self._areas_dict.iteritems())

    def _load_file_caches(self):
        """Load and unroll locally cached files

        We want to avoid making any calls for column data here
        and just load what has been stored locally for now
        self._fs_data = SteelScriptDir('NetProfiler', 'data')

        columns_filename = 'columns-' + self.version + '.pcl'
        self._columns_file = self._fs_data.get_data(columns_filename)
        if (self._columns_file.data is None or
                self._columns_file.version < _constants.CACHE_VERSION):
            # if CACHE_VERSION older than our config,
            # we must have an *old* version, and need to recreate cache
            self._columns_file.data = dict()

        areas_filename = 'areas-' + self.version + '.json'
        self._areas_file = self._fs_data.get_config(areas_filename)
        if self._areas_file.data is None:
            self._areas_file.data = self.api.report.areas()

        self._areas_dict = dict(self._genareas(self._areas_file.data))

    def _verify_cache(self, refetch=False):
        """Retrieve all the possible combinations of
        groupby, centricity and realm using the rule shown under
        the search_columns method.

        By default, all these permutations will be checked against
        the current local cache file, and any missing keys will be
        retrieved from the server.

        :param bool refetch: will force an api refresh call from the
            machine even if the data can be found in local cache.
        columns = list()
        write = False
        have_exception = False
        for realm in self.realms:
            if realm == 'traffic_flow_list' or realm == 'identity_list':
                centricities = ['hos']
            elif realm == 'msq':
                centricities = ['hos']
                centricities = self.centricities

            for centricity in centricities:
                if realm == 'traffic_summary':
                    groupbys = [x for x in self.groupbys.values() if
                                x not in ['thu', 'slm']]
                elif 'time_series' in realm:
                    groupbys = ['tim']
                elif realm == 'identity_list':
                    groupbys = ['thu']
                elif realm == 'msq':
                    groupbys = ['slm']
                    groupbys = ['hos']

                for groupby in groupbys:
                    _hash = make_hash(realm, centricity, groupby)
                    if refetch or _hash not in self._columns_file.data:
                        logger.debug('Requesting columns for triplet: '
                                     '%s, %s, %s' % (realm,
                            api_call = self.api.report.columns(realm,
                        except RvbdHTTPException as e:
                            logger.warning('Exception raised fetching columns'
                                           'for triplet: {0}, {1}, {2} with '
                                           'message {3}'.format(realm,
                            have_exception = True

                        # generate Column objects from json
                        api_columns = self._gencolumns(api_call)
                        # compare against objects we've already retrieved
                        existing = [c for c in columns if c in api_columns]
                        new_columns = [c for c in api_columns
                                       if c not in existing]

                        # add them to data, preserving existing objects
                        self._columns_file.data[_hash] = (existing +
                        write = True

        if write:
            self._columns_file.version = _constants.CACHE_VERSION
        elif have_exception:
            logger.warning('_verify_cache: Some realm, centricity, '
                           'and groupby triplets failed.')

        if not self._columns_file.data:
            raise RvbdException("_verify_cache failed to collect both"
                                "cached and live data. Please check"
                                "NetProfiler health")

    def _unique_columns(self):
        """Pull unique columns from _columns_file (a dict of lists). """
        def unique(seq):
            seen = set()
            for lst in seq:
                for c in lst:
                    if c in seen:
                    yield c
        return list(unique(self._columns_file.data.values()))

    def _parse_area(self, area):
        if isinstance(area, types.StringTypes):
            if area not in self._areas_dict:
                raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid area type for this'
            return self._areas_dict[area]

    def _gencolumns(self, columns):
        """Return a list of Column objects from a list of json columns.

        :param columns: list of column defintions as JSON

        This function parses the JSON as received from NetProfiler
        and generates new Column classes that represent them.

        In the event that a given column definition is ephemeral,
        column.baseid will be determined based on the strid.
        res = []
        for c in columns:
            col = Column.from_json(c)
            if col.ephemeral and hasattr(self, 'columns'):
                    baseid = self.columns[col.key].id
                    col.baseid = baseid
                except KeyError:

        return res

    def _genareas(self, areas):
        res = list()
        for area in areas:
            res.append((area['name'].replace(' ', '_'), area['id']))
        return res

    def _fetch_info(self):
        if self._info is None:
            self._info = self.api.common.info()

    def version(self):
        """Returns the software version of the NetProfiler"""
        return self._info['sw_version']

    def supports_version(self, version):
        if isinstance(version, types.StringTypes):
            version = APIVersion(version)
        return version in self.supported_versions

    def get_columns(self, columns, groupby=None, strict=True):
        """Return valid Column objects for list of columns

        :param list columns: list of strings, Column objects, or
            JSON dicts defining a column

        :param str groupby: will optionally ensure that the selected columns
            are valid for the given groupby

        :param bool strict: If True (default), will validate input against
            known Columns or create ephemeral columns for dynamic reports.
            If False, will avoid validation and process input as given.
            Used in some template or MultiQuery scenarios where the columns
            aren't specific to a known realm/groupby pairing.

        Note that this function may be incomplete for any given groupby.

        res = list()
        if groupby:
            groupby_cols = self.search_columns(groupbys=[groupby])
            groupby_cols = None

        colnames = self.colnames

        for column in columns:
            if isinstance(column, types.StringTypes):
                cname = column
            elif isinstance(column, Column):
                # usually a Column class
                cname = column.key
                # otherwise, likely a json-dict column definition
                # as returned by a query for a report legend
                # if we are not in strict mode, process the json as a given
                # column object
                if column['id'] >= _constants.EPHEMERAL_COLID or not strict:
                    # Ephemeral column, create a new column and don't
                    # do any validation

                strid = column['strid']
                cname = strid.lower()[3:]

            if cname not in colnames:
                raise RvbdException('{0} is not a valid column '
                                    'for this netprofiler'.format(column))
            if groupby_cols and cname not in groupby_cols:
                raise RvbdException('{0} is not a valid column '
                                    'for groupby {1}'.format(column, groupby))

        return res

    def get_columns_by_ids(self, ids):
        """Return Column objects that have ids in list of strings `ids`.

        :param list ids: list of integer ids
        res = [self.columns[i] for i in ids]
        return res

    def search_columns(self, realms=None, centricities=None, groupbys=None):
        """Identify columns given one or more values for the triplet.

        :param list realms: list of strings
        :param list centricities: list of strings
        :param list groupbys: list of strings

        Results will be based on the following relationship table:

        ============================= ============ ==================
        realm                         centricity   groupby
        ============================= ============ ==================
        traffic_summary               hos,int      all (except thu)
        traffic_overall_time_series   hos,int      tim
        traffic_flow_list             hos          hos
        identity_list                 hos          thu
        ============================= ============ ==================

        result = set()

        if realms is None:
            realms = self.realms
        if centricities is None:
            centricities = self.centricities
        if groupbys is None:
            groupbys = self.groupbys.values()

        datakeys = self._columns_file.data.keys()
        search_keys = [make_hash(*p) for p in itertools.product(realms,

        keys = [k for k in datakeys if k in search_keys]
        for key in keys:
            result.update(x for x in self._columns_file.data[key])
        return list(result)

    def logout(self):
        """ Issue logout command to netprofiler machine. """
        if self.conn:
            except AttributeError:
            super(NetProfiler, self).logout()