    def __init__(self, gameworld, **kargs):
        self.world = gameworld
        self.steering = SteeringBehaviour(self)
        #self.heading_smoother = Vec2D()
        self.smoothed_heading = Vec2D()
        self.smoothing_on = False
        self.time_elapsed = float(0.0)
        self.vehicle_verts = []

        # Create the vehicle's shape

        MovingObject.__init__(self, **kargs)
class Vehicle(MovingObject):

    def __init__(self, gameworld, **kargs):
        self.world = gameworld
        self.steering = SteeringBehaviour(self)
        #self.heading_smoother = Vec2D()
        self.smoothed_heading = Vec2D()
        self.smoothing_on = False
        self.time_elapsed = float(0.0)
        self.vehicle_verts = []

        # Create the vehicle's shape

        MovingObject.__init__(self, **kargs)

    def update(self, dt):
        self.time_elapsed = dt
        # Keep a record of its old position so we can update its cell later
        # in this method
        oldPos = self.pos

        # Calculate the combined force from each steering behavior in the 
        # vehicle's list
        steeringForce = self.steering.calculate()

        # acceleration = force / mass
        acceleration = steeringForce / self.mass

        # Update velocity
        self.vel += acceleration * dt 

        # Make sure the vehicle doesn't exceed the max velocity

        # Update the position
        self.pos += self.vel * dt

        # Update the heading if the vehicle has a non zero velocity
        if self.vel.length_sqrd() > 0.00000001:
            self.heading = self.vel.normalized_vec()
            self.side = self.heading.perp()

        # Treat the screen as a toroid
        wrap_around(self.pos, self.world.width, self.world.height)

        # update the vehicle's current cell if space partitioning is turned on
        '''if (Steering()->isSpacePartitioningOn())
        World()->CellSpace()->UpdateEntity(this, OldPos);

        if self.smoothing_on:
            self.smoothed_heading = m_pHeadingSmoother->Update(Heading());

    def draw(self):
        # Holds the transformed vertices
        transVerts = []

        if self.smoothing_on:
            transVerts = world_transform(self.vehicle_verts, self.pos, self.smoothed_heading, self.smoothed_heading.perp(), self.scale)
            transVerts = world_transform(self.vehicle_verts, self.pos, self.heading, self.side, self.scale)

        points = [v.tup() for v in transVerts]
        pygame.draw.polygon(self.world.screen, self.color, points, 2)

    def initialize_buffer(self):
        Fills the vehicle's shape buffer with its vertices
        verts = [Vec2D(-1.0, 0.7),
                 Vec2D(1.0, 0.0),
                 Vec2D(-1.0, -0.7)]

        # Setup the vertex buffer 
        for v in verts: 