def main(gpu_id=None): if gpu_id is not None: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id # Reset Tensorflow graph tf.reset_default_graph() # Generate stimulus stim = Stimulus() # Load saved genetically trained model evo_model = EvoModel() saved_evo_model = pickle.load( open('./savedir/conv_task/run_21_model_stats.pkl', 'rb')) evo_model.update_variables(saved_evo_model['var_dict']) print('Loaded evo model') config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() device = '/cpu:0' if gpu_id is None else '/gpu:0' with tf.device(device): # Load trained convolutional autoencoder if par['task'] == 'conv_task': folder = './latent_all_img_batch16_filt16_loss80/' conv_model = tf.train.import_meta_graph( folder + 'conv_model_with_latent.meta', clear_devices=True) conv_model.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(folder)) print('Loaded conv model from', folder) # Generate batch and save output images for i in range(4): input_data, conv_target, evo_target = stim.generate_train_batch( ) # Run input through convolutional model feed_dict = {'x:0': input_data, 'y:0': conv_target} test_loss, conv_output, encoded = ['l:0', 'o:0', 'encoded:0'], feed_dict=feed_dict) # Run latent output through evolutionary model evo_model.load_batch(encoded, evo_target) evo_model.run_models() evo_model.judge_models() # Save output from both models plot_conv_evo_outputs(conv_target, conv_output, evo_target, evo_model.output, i, test=True) else: folder = './' conv_top = tf.train.import_meta_graph(folder + 'conv_model_top.meta', clear_devices=True) conv_top.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(folder)) for i in range(4): test_input, test_target, _ = stim.generate_test_batch() feed_dict = { 'input:0': test_input, 'target:0': test_target } test_loss, test_output =['l:0', 'output:0'], feed_dict=feed_dict) plot_conv_all(test_target, test_output, i)
def main(gpu_id = None): if gpu_id is not None: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id # Generate stimulus stim = Stimulus() # Initialize evolutionary model evo_model = EvoModel() # Model stats losses = [] testing_losses = [] save_iter = [] # Reset Tensorflow graph tf.reset_default_graph() config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() device = '/cpu:0' if gpu_id is None else '/gpu:0' with tf.device(device): # Load saved convolutional autoencoder folder = './latent_all_img_batch16_filt16_loss80/' conv_model = tf.train.import_meta_graph(folder + 'conv_model_with_latent.meta', clear_devices=True) conv_model.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(folder)) print('Loaded model from',folder) stuck = 0 test_loss = [1000000] threshold = [10000, 5000, 1000, 750, 500, 300, 150, -1] # Train the model start = time.time() for i in range(par['num_iterations']): # Generate train batch and run through the convolutional autoencoder input_data, conv_target, evo_target = stim.generate_train_batch() feed_dict = {'x:0': input_data, 'y:0': conv_target} conv_loss, conv_output, encoded =['l:0', 'o:0','encoded:0'], feed_dict=feed_dict) # One cycle of evolutionary model evo_model.load_batch(encoded, evo_target) evo_model.run_models() evo_model.judge_models() evo_model.breed_models_genetic() # If all models are performing poorly, introduce new randomly generated models evo_loss = evo_model.get_losses(True) if par['num_migrators']: evo_model.migration() if evo_loss[0] < 10000: par['num_migrators'] = 0 # Decrease mutation rate when loss value is below certain threshold if len(threshold) > 0 and evo_loss[0] < threshold[0]: evo_model.slowdown_mutation() threshold.pop(0) # If there is no improvement in performance for many iterations, change mutation rate if evo_loss[0] < test_loss[0]: stuck = 0 else: stuck += 1 if stuck > 20: # evo_model.speed_up_mutation() evo_model.slowdown_mutation() stuck = 0 # Check current status if i % par['print_iter'] == 0: # Print current status print_evo_stats(i, evo_model.con_dict['mutation_rate'], evo_model.con_dict['mutation_strength'], stuck, conv_loss, np.array([*evo_loss[0:3],evo_loss[par['num_survivors']-1]]), time.time()-start) losses.append(evo_loss[0]) save_iter.append(i) # Save model and output if i % par['save_iter'] == 0 and (evo_loss[0] < test_loss[0] or i%100 == 0): # Generate batch from testing set and run through both models input_data, conv_target, evo_target = stim.generate_test_batch() feed_dict = {'x:0': input_data, 'y:0': conv_target} test_loss, conv_output, encoded =['l:0', 'o:0','encoded:0'], feed_dict=feed_dict) evo_model.load_batch(encoded, evo_target) evo_model.run_models() evo_model.judge_models() test_loss = evo_model.get_losses(True) testing_losses.append(test_loss[0]) # Save output images plot_conv_evo_outputs(conv_target, conv_output, evo_target, evo_model.output, i) # Save model pickle.dump({'iter':save_iter,'var_dict':evo_model.var_dict, 'losses': losses, 'test_loss': testing_losses, 'last_iter': i}, \ open(par['save_dir']+'run_'+str(par['run_number'])+'_model_stats.pkl', 'wb')) # Plot loss curve if i > 0: plt.plot(losses[1:]) plt.savefig(par['save_dir']+'run_'+str(par['run_number'])+'_training_curve.png') plt.close()
def main(gpu_id=None): if gpu_id is not None: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id # Reset Tensorflow graph tf.reset_default_graph() # Placeholders for the tensorflow model x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[par['batch_train_size'], par['n_input']], name='x') y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[par['batch_train_size'], par['n_output']], name='y') # Generate stimulus stim = Stimulus() # Model stats losses = [] testing_losses = [] save_iter = [] config = tf.ConfigProto() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: device = '/cpu:0' if gpu_id is None else '/gpu:0' with tf.device(device): model = Model(x, y) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver() # Train the model prev_loss = 10000000 start = time.time() for i in range(par['num_iterations']): # Generate training batch and train model input_data, target_data, _ = stim.generate_train_batch() feed_dict = {x: input_data, y: target_data} _, train_loss, model_output = [model.train_op, model.loss, model.output], feed_dict=feed_dict) # Check current status if i % par['print_iter'] == 0: # Print current status print_conv_stats(i, train_loss, time.time() - start) losses.append(train_loss) save_iter.append(i) # Test and save model if i % par['save_iter'] == 0: # Generate test bach and get model performance test_input, test_target, _ = stim.generate_test_batch() feed_dict = {x: test_input, y: test_target} test_loss, test_output =[ model.loss, model.output, ], feed_dict=feed_dict) testing_losses.append(test_loss) # Plot model outputs if test_loss < prev_loss: prev_loss = test_loss plot_conv_outputs(target_data, model_output, test_target, test_output, i) # Save training stats and model weight = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES, 'filters/kernel')[0]) pickle.dump({'weight':weight,'iter':save_iter,'losses': losses, 'test_loss': testing_losses, 'last_iter': i}, \ open(par['save_dir']+'run_'+str(par['run_number'])+'_model_stats.pkl', 'wb')) saved_path = sess, './upsample2/conv_model_with_latent') print('model saved in {}'.format(saved_path)) # Plot loss curve if i > 0: plt.plot(losses[1:]) plt.savefig(par['save_dir'] + 'run_' + str(par['run_number']) + '_training_curve.png') plt.close()
def main(gpu_id = None): if gpu_id is not None: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id # Reset Tensorflow graph tf.reset_default_graph() # Generate stimulus stim = Stimulus() # Placeholders for the tensorflow model x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[par['batch_train_size'],par['n_input']]) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[par['batch_train_size'],par['n_output']]) # Model stats losses = [] testing_losses = [] save_iter = [] prev_loss = 10000 config = tf.ConfigProto() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: device = '/cpu:0' if gpu_id is None else '/gpu:0' with tf.device(device): model = Model(x,y) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Train the model start = time.time() for i in range(par['num_iterations']): # Generate training set input_data, target_data, _ = stim.generate_train_batch() feed_dict = {x: input_data, y: target_data} _, train_loss, model_output =[model.train_op, model.loss, model.output], feed_dict=feed_dict) # Check current status if i % par['print_iter'] == 0: # Print current status print('Model {:2} | Task: {:s} | Iter: {:6} | Loss: {:8.3f} | Run Time: {:5.3f}s'.format( \ par['run_number'], par['task'], i, train_loss, time.time()-start)) losses.append(train_loss) save_iter.append(i) # Save one training and output img from this iteration if i % par['save_iter'] == 0: # Generate batch from testing set and check the output test_input, test_target, _ = stim.generate_test_batch() feed_dict = {x: test_input, y: test_target} test_loss, test_output =[model.loss, model.output], feed_dict=feed_dict) testing_losses.append(test_loss) if test_loss < prev_loss: prev_loss = test_loss # Results from a training sample original1 = target_data[0].reshape(par['out_img_shape']) output1 = model_output[0].reshape(par['out_img_shape']) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(original1,'Training',(5,20), font, 0.5,(255,255,255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(output1,'Output',(5,20), font, 0.5,(255,255,255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) # Results from a testing sample original2 = test_target[1].reshape(par['out_img_shape']) output2 = test_output[1].reshape(par['out_img_shape']) original3 = test_target[2].reshape(par['out_img_shape']) output3 = test_output[2].reshape(par['out_img_shape']) cv2.putText(original2,'Testing',(5,20), font, 0.5,(255,255,255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(output2,'Output',(5,20), font, 0.5,(255,255,255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) vis1 = np.concatenate((original1, output1), axis=1) vis2 = np.concatenate((original2, output2), axis=1) vis3 = np.concatenate((original3, output3), axis=1) vis = np.concatenate((vis1, vis2), axis=0) vis = np.concatenate((vis, vis3), axis=0) cv2.imwrite(par['save_dir']+'run_'+str(par['run_number'])+'_test_'+str(i)+'.png', vis) pickle.dump({'iter':save_iter,'losses': losses, 'test_loss': testing_losses, 'last_iter': i}, \ open(par['save_dir']+'run_'+str(par['run_number'])+'_model_stats.pkl', 'wb')) # Plot loss curve if i > 0: plt.plot(losses[1:]) plt.savefig(par['save_dir']+'run_'+str(par['run_number'])+'_training_curve.png') plt.close() # Stop training if loss is small enough (just for sweep purposes) if train_loss < 30: break