    def construct_hypothesis(self):
        # Keep track of the initial state
        initial_state = self.S[()]

        # Keep track of the amount of states, so we can sift again if
        # the sifting process created a new state
        n = len(list(self.S.items()))
        items_added = True

        # Todo: figure out a neater way to handle missing states during sifting than to just redo the whole thing
        while items_added:
            # Add transitions
            for access_seq, cur_state in list(self.S.items()):
                for a in self.A:
                    next_state = self.sift(access_seq + a)
                    output = self.query(access_seq + a)
                    cur_state.add_edge(a[0], next_state, override=True)

            # Check if no new state was added
            n2 = len((self.S.items()))

            items_added = n != n2
            # print("items added", items_added)

            n = n2

        # Find accepting states
        accepting_states = [
            state for access_seq, state in self.S.items()
            if self.query(access_seq)

        return DFA(initial_state, accepting_states)
文件: dfa.py 项目: TCatshoek/STMLearn
 def setUp(self):
     s1 = DFAState('s1')
     s2 = DFAState('s2')
     s3 = DFAState('s3')
     s1.add_edge('a', s2)
     s1.add_edge('b', s1)
     s2.add_edge('a', s2)
     s2.add_edge('b', s3)
     s3.add_edge('a', s3)
     s3.add_edge('b', s3)
     self.dfa = DFA(s1, [s3])
    def setUp(self):
        # Set up an example mealy machine
        s1 = DFAState('1')
        s2 = DFAState('2')
        s3 = DFAState('3')

        s1.add_edge('a', s2)
        s1.add_edge('b', s1)
        s2.add_edge('a', s3)
        s2.add_edge('b', s1)
        s3.add_edge('a', s3)
        s3.add_edge('b', s1)

        self.dfa = DFA(s1, [s3])
def get_dset_outputs(fsm, dset):
    states = fsm.get_states()
    outputs = {}
    for state in states:
        if isinstance(fsm, MealyMachine):
            mm = MealyMachine(state)
        elif isinstance(fsm, DFA):
            mm = DFA(state, fsm.accepting_states)

        out = []
        for dseq in dset:
        outputs[state] = tuple(out.copy())
    return outputs
    def build_dfa(self):
        # Gather states from S
        S = self.S

        # The rows can function as index to the 'state' objects
        state_rows = set([tuple(self._get_row(s)) for s in S])
        initial_state_row = tuple(self._get_row(tuple()))
        accepting_states_rows = set(
            [tuple(self._get_row(s)) for s in S if self.query(s)])

        # Generate state names for convenience
        state_names = {
            state_row: f's{n + 1}'
            for (n, state_row) in enumerate(state_rows)

        # Build the state objects and get the initial and accepting states
        states = {
            state_row: DFAState(state_names[state_row])
            for state_row in state_rows
        initial_state = states[initial_state_row]
        accepting_states = [states[a_s] for a_s in accepting_states_rows]

        # Add the connections between states
        A = [a for (a, ) in self.A]
        # Keep track of states already visited
        visited_rows = []
        for s in S:
            s_row = tuple(self._get_row(s))
            if s_row not in visited_rows:
                for a in A:
                    sa_row = tuple(self._get_row(s + (a, )))
                    if sa_row in states.keys():
                            states[s_row].add_edge(a, states[sa_row])
                            # Can't add the same edge twice

        return DFA(initial_state, accepting_states)
from stmlearn.equivalencecheckers import BFEquivalenceChecker
from stmlearn.learners import TTTDFALearner
from stmlearn.suls import DFA, DFAState
from stmlearn.teachers import Teacher

# Set up a simple state machine (S1) =a> (S2) =b> ((S3))

s1 = DFAState('s1')
s2 = DFAState('s2')
s3 = DFAState('s3')

s1.add_edge('a', s2)
s2.add_edge('b', s3)

sm = DFA(s1, [s3])

# Since we are learning a DFA, we need edges for the whole alphabet in every state
s1.add_edge('b', s1)
s2.add_edge('a', s2)
s3.add_edge('a', s3)
s3.add_edge('b', s3)

# We are using the brute force equivalence checker
eqc = BFEquivalenceChecker(sm)

# Set up the teacher, with the system under learning and the equivalence checker
teacher = Teacher(sm, eqc)

# Set up the learner who only talks to the teacher
learner = TTTDFALearner(teacher)
 def setUp(self):
     # Set up an example mealy machine
     s1 = DFAState('1')
     s1.add_edge('a', s1)
     s1.add_edge('b', s1)
     self.dfa = DFA(s1, [])