    def __init__(self, levelname, restart=False):
        """Init game"""

        print("Init game")
        self.gm = GM()
        gameinfo = self.gm.start(levelname)
        self.instanceid = gameinfo['instanceId']

        # Restart game
        if restart:
            print("Restart game")
            gameinfo = self.gm.restart(self.instanceid)
            self.instanceid = gameinfo['instanceId']
            state = self.gm.check(self.instanceid)
            # Check if the game is initialized
            while 'details' not in state:
                state = self.gm.check(self.instanceid)

        # Set games variables
        self.account = gameinfo['account']
        self.venue = gameinfo['venues'][0]
        self.stock = gameinfo['tickers'][0]
        self.pause = 1

        print("Init stockfighter")
        self.sf = Stockfighter(venue=self.venue, account=self.account)
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Copyright (C) dirlt

from stockfighter import Stockfighter

st = Stockfighter.start_level('first_steps')
ACCOUNT = st['account']
VENUE = st['venues'][0]
STOCK = st['tickers'][0]

ft = Stockfighter(VENUE, ACCOUNT)
st = ft.order(STOCK, 100, 100, 'buy', 'market')
from stockfighter import Stockfighter
fighter = Stockfighter('TESTEX', 'EXB123456')stock = 'FOOBAR'
if fighter.heartbeat(): print 'API is up!'
try: print 'Testing venue...',    fighter.check_venue() print '%s venue is up!' % fighter.venueexcept Stockfighter.Exception as e: print e.status_code, e.error
try: print 'Testing stock listing...',    symbols = fighter.list_stocks() print 'Stocks available at %s:' % fighter.venue,symbolsexcept Stockfighter.Exception as e: print e.status_code, e.error
try: print 'Testing orderbook...',    orderbook = fighter.orderbook(stock) print '\n\t Orderbook bids:',orderbook['bids'],'\n\t Orderbook asks:',orderbook['asks']except Stockfighter.Exception as e: print e.status_code, e.error
try: print 'Testing websocket tickers'
 def quote_ticker(quote): if quote is None:            fighter.quote_stock_ticker(quote_ticker, stock) # This will auto-restart the ticker if it dies return
 print '\t --- Quote from ticker: %s... ---\n' % str(quote)[:40],
 def execution_ticker(execution): if execution is None:            fighter.execution_stock_ticker(execution_ticker, stock) # This will auto-restart the ticker if it dies return
 print '\t --- Execution from ticker: %s... ---\n' % str(execution)[:40],
    fighter.quote_stock_ticker(quote_ticker, stock)    fighter.execution_stock_ticker(execution_ticker, stock)
except Stockfighter.Exception as e: print e.status_code, e.error
try: print 'Placing ask order...\n',    order = fighter.order(stock, 5100, 100, 'sell', 'limit') print '\t %s...\n' % str(order)[:40], print 'Placing bid order...\n',    order = fighter.order(stock, 5100, 150, 'buy', 'limit') print '\t %s...\n' % str(order)[:40],    _id = order['id']except Stockfighter.Exception as e: print e.status_code, e.error
try: print 'Testing quote...\n',    quote = fighter.quote(stock) print '\t %s...\n' % str(quote)[:40],except Stockfighter.Exception as e: print e.status_code, e.error
try: print 'Testing order status...\n',    status = fighter.order_status(stock, _id) print '\t %s...\n' % str(status)[:40]except Stockfighter.Exception as e: print e.status_code, e.error
try: print 'Testing order cancel...\n',    order = fighter.cancel(stock, _id) print '\t %s...\n' % str(order)[:40],except Stockfighter.Exception as e: print e.status_code, e.error
try: print 'Testing list all orders...\n',    orders = fighter.my_orders() print '\t %s...\n' % str(orders)[:40]except Stockfighter.Exception as e: print e.status_code, e.error
try: import time print 'Waiting for keyboard interrupt' while True:        time.sleep(1)except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
from stockfighter import Stockfighter

fighter = Stockfighter('TESTEX', 'EXB123456')
stock = 'FOOBAR'

if fighter.heartbeat(): print 'API is up!'

    print 'Testing venue...',
    print '%s venue is up!' % fighter.venue
except Stockfighter.Exception as e:
    print e.status_code, e.error

    print 'Testing stock listing...',
    symbols = fighter.list_stocks()
    print 'Stocks available at %s:' % fighter.venue, symbols
except Stockfighter.Exception as e:
    print e.status_code, e.error

    print 'Testing orderbook...',
    orderbook = fighter.orderbook(stock)
    print '\n\t Orderbook bids:', orderbook[
        'bids'], '\n\t Orderbook asks:', orderbook['asks']
except Stockfighter.Exception as e:
    print e.status_code, e.error

    print 'Testing websocket tickers'