def transmit(self, frame): """ Convert a frame object to a frame string and transmit to the server. :param Frame frame: the Frame object to transmit """ with self.__listeners_change_condition: listeners = sorted(self.listeners.items()) for (_, listener) in listeners: if not listener: continue try: listener.on_send(frame) except AttributeError: continue if frame.cmd == CMD_DISCONNECT and HDR_RECEIPT in frame.headers: self.__disconnect_receipt = frame.headers[HDR_RECEIPT] lines = convert_frame(frame) packed_frame = pack(lines) if logging.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logging.debug("Sending frame: %s", clean_lines(lines)) else:"Sending frame: %r", frame.cmd or "heartbeat") self.send(packed_frame)
def on_error(self, headers, body): """ Increment the error count. See :py:meth:`ConnectionListener.on_error` :param dict headers: headers in the message :param body: the message content """ if logging.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logging.debug("received an error %s [%s]", body, headers) else:"received an error %s", body) self.errors += 1
def process_frame(self, f, frame_str): """ :param Frame f: Frame object :param bytes frame_str: raw frame content """ frame_type = f.cmd.lower() if frame_type in ["connected", "message", "receipt", "error", "heartbeat"]: if frame_type == "message": self.notify("before_message", f) if logging.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logging.debug("Received frame: %r, headers=%r, body=%r", f.cmd, f.headers, f.body) else:"Received frame: %r, len(body)=%r", f.cmd, length(f.body)) self.notify(frame_type, f) else: logging.warning("Unknown response frame type: '%s' (frame length was %d)", frame_type, length(frame_str))