class ScriptHost(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._script = ""
        self.is_running = False

        self.ui = ScriptUI()

        # Rising/falling edge dict
        self._rising_dict = {}
        self._falling_dict = {}

        self.runtime = None
        self.runtime_thread = None

        # Callbacks
        self.on_print = None
        self.on_error = None
        self.on_start = None
        self.on_stop = None

    def __del__(self):
        if self.is_running:

    def setup_runtime(self):
		Creates a new lua runtime and initializes all globals. Used by
		start_script(), should not be called directly.
        # Create new lua instance
        self.runtime = lupa.LuaRuntime(unpack_returned_tuples=True)

        # Reset keys and button states
        self.ui._keys = {}
        self.ui._buttons = {}

        # Reset rising/falling edge dict
        self._rising_dict = {}
        self._falling_dict = {}

        # Set up API
        g = self.runtime.globals()

        g["Sound"] = Sound
        g["Expression"] = Expression
        g["Hardware"] = LuaHardware(self.runtime)
        g["Animate"] = LuaAnimate
        g["AnimatePeriodic"] = LuaAnimatePeriodic

        g["UI"] = self.ui

        g["print"] = callback(self.on_print)
        g["sleep"] = self._sleep
        g["rising_edge"] = self._rising_edge
        g["falling_edge"] = self._falling_edge
        g["seconds"] = time.time

        # Basic Arduino functions
        g["delay"] = lambda t: self._sleep(t / 1000)
        g["min"] = min
        g["max"] = max
        g["abs"] = abs
        g["constrain"] = lambda x, a, b: max(a, min(x, b))
        g["map"] = lambda x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max: (x - in_min) * (
            out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
        g["millis"] = lambda: time.time() * 1000.0

    def start_script(self, script):
		Start a new script. This method will create a new runtime, pass the
		script to the runtime, and start a thread to continuously call the
		script's loop function. Can only be used if no other script is running.
        # Check if running
        if self.is_running:
            raise RuntimeError("A script is already running!")

        self._script = script

        self.is_running = True

        # Initialize a new runtime

        self.runtime_thread = StoppableThread(target=self._run)

    def stop_script(self):
		Attempts to stop the current script. Returns immediately if no script is
		running. If a script is running, this method will send a stop signal to
		to the script thread, and then block until the thread is stopped. Note
		that the thread's stopped condition is only checked during sleep() and
		at the end of loop() calls, this function will not stop infinite loops.
        if self.is_running and self.runtime_thread is not None:

    def generate_lua_error(self, message):
		If a script is running, this method will generate an error inside the
		script. Useful to signal script errors (e.g. bad parameter) to the user.
        if self.is_running and self.runtime is not None:
            g = self.runtime.globals()

    def _report_error(self, e):
		Helper function that prefixes the type of error to the exception, and
		then sends the error message to the application through the on_error
        if type(e) == lupa.LuaSyntaxError:
            callback(self.on_error)("Syntax error: %s" % str(e))
        elif type(e) == lupa.LuaError:
            callback(self.on_error)("Lua error: %s" % str(e))
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            tb_str = "".join(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback)).replace(
                "\n", "<br>")
            callback(self.on_error)("Python error: %s<br>%s" %
                                    (str(e), tb_str))

    def _sleep(self, time):
		Lua API
		Sleep function that pauses the thread for a number of seconds. This
		sleep function will return immediately if the thread's stop flag is set.
		This means that loop function should come to an end instantaneously,
		after which the thread is ended.
        if self.runtime_thread is not None:

    def _rising_edge(self, identifier, status):
		Lua API
		Helper function to detect a rising edge of a signal (e.g. button, key,
		capacitive touch pad, etc). Identifier is an arbitrary string that is
		used to distinguish between different signals. Internally, it's used as
		a key for the dictionary that keeps track of different signals.

		if rising_edge("mybutton", UI:is_key_pressed("up")) then
			-- Do something
        last_status = False
        if identifier in self._rising_dict:
            last_status = self._rising_dict[identifier]

        self._rising_dict[identifier] = status
        return status and not last_status

    def _falling_edge(self, identifier, status):
		Lua API
		Helper function to detect a falling edge of a signal (e.g. button, key,
		capacitive touch pad, etc). Identifier is an arbitrary string that is
		used to distinguish between different signals. Internally, it's used as
		a key for the dictionary that keeps track of different signals.

		if falling_edge("mybutton", UI:is_key_pressed("up")) then
			-- Do something
        last_status = False
        if identifier in self._falling_dict:
            last_status = self._falling_dict[identifier]

        self._falling_dict[identifier] = status
        return last_status and not status

    def _remove_lua_overlays(self):
        for dofname, dof in Expression.dofs.iteritems():
            for overlay in dof.overlays:
                if lupa.lua_type(overlay) is not None:
                    # It's a Lua value, remove it!

    def _run(self):
		Called by the worker thread when the script is run. First attempts to
		call the script's setup function, then continuously calls the loop
		function. When the thread's stop flag is set, the loop breaks and the
		thread attempts to run the quit function. At any time, if the runtime
		encounters an error, the script is stopped, and the on_error and on_stop
		callbacks are triggered.
        g = self.runtime.globals()

        # Evaluate code and run setup
            if g["setup"] is not None:
        except Exception as e:

        if g["loop"] is not None:
            # Continuously run loop, until thread is stopped
            while not self.runtime_thread.stopped():
                except Exception as e:
                # Delay not really necessary, but can be used to limit CPU time.
                # Without delay, this loop consumes about 70% CPU time on a RPi1.
                # else:
                # 	# 10ms breathing room between loops
                # 	time.sleep(0.01)

        # Run quit
        if g["quit"] is not None:
            except Exception as e:

        self.is_running = False