class Payment(Domain):
    """Payment, a transfer of money between a |branch| and |client| or a

    Payments between:

    * a client and a branch are :obj:`.TYPE_IN`, has a |sale| associated.
    * branch and a supplier are :obj:`.TYPE_OUT`, has a |purchase| associated.

    Payments are sometimes referred to as *installments*.

    Sales and purchase orders can be accessed via the
    :obj:`payment group <.group>`

    | **Status**              | **Can be set to**       |
    | :obj:`STATUS_PREVIEW`   | :obj:`STATUS_PENDING`   |
    | :obj:`STATUS_PENDING`   | :obj:`STATUS_PAID`,     |
    |                         | :obj:`STATUS_CANCELLED` |
    | :obj:`STATUS_PAID`      | :obj:`STATUS_PENDING`,  |
    |                         | :obj:`STATUS_CANCELLED` |
    | :obj:`STATUS_CANCELLED` | None                    |

    .. graphviz::

       digraph status {

    Simple sale workflow:

    * Creating a sale, status is set to :obj:`STATUS_PREVIEW`
    * Confirming the sale, status is set to :obj:`STATUS_PENDING`
    * Paying the installment, status is set to :obj:`STATUS_PAID`
    * Cancelling the payment, status is set to :obj:`STATUS_CANCELLED`

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/payment.html>`__

    __storm_table__ = 'payment'

    #: incoming to the company, accounts receivable, payment from
    #: a |client| to a |branch|
    TYPE_IN = u'in'

    #: outgoing from the company, accounts payable, a payment from
    #: |branch| to a |supplier|
    TYPE_OUT = u'out'

    #: payment group this payment belongs to hasn't been confirmed,
    # should normally be filtered when showing a payment list
    STATUS_PREVIEW = u'preview'

    #: payment group has been confirmed and the payment has not been received
    STATUS_PENDING = u'pending'

    #: the payment has been received
    STATUS_PAID = u'paid'

    # FIXME: Remove these two
    #: Unused.
    STATUS_REVIEWING = u'reviewing'

    #: Unused.
    STATUS_CONFIRMED = u'confirmed'

    #: payment was cancelled, for instance the payments of the group was changed, or
    #: the group was cancelled.
    STATUS_CANCELLED = u'cancelled'

    statuses = {STATUS_PREVIEW: _(u'Preview'),
                STATUS_PENDING: _(u'To Pay'),
                STATUS_PAID: _(u'Paid'),
                STATUS_REVIEWING: _(u'Reviewing'),
                STATUS_CONFIRMED: _(u'Confirmed'),
                STATUS_CANCELLED: _(u'Cancelled')}

    #: type of payment :obj:`.TYPE_IN` or :obj:`.TYPE_OUT`
    payment_type = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=TYPE_IN)

    #: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead of
    #: :obj:`Domain.id` when displaying a numerical representation of this object to
    #: the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such.
    identifier = IdentifierCol()

    #: status, see |payment| for more information.
    status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_PREVIEW)

    #: description payment, usually something like "1/3 Money for Sale 1234"
    description = UnicodeCol(default=None)

    # FIXME: use TransactionTimestamp() instead to avoid server/client date
    #        inconsistencies

    #: when this payment was opened
    open_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    #: when this payment is due
    due_date = DateTimeCol()

    #: when this payment was paid
    paid_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    #: when this payment was cancelled
    cancel_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    # FIXME: Figure out when and why this differs from value
    #: base value
    base_value = PriceCol(default=None)

    #: value of the payment
    value = PriceCol()

    #: the actual amount that was paid, including penalties, interest, discount etc.
    paid_value = PriceCol(default=None)

    #: interest of this payment
    interest = PriceCol(default=0)

    #: discount, an absolute value with the difference between the
    #: sales price and :obj:`.value`
    discount = PriceCol(default=0)

    #: penalty of the payment
    penalty = PriceCol(default=0)

    # FIXME: Figure out what this is used for
    #: number of the payment
    payment_number = UnicodeCol(default=None)

    branch_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)

    #: |branch| associated with this payment.
    #: For a :obj:`.TYPE_IN` payment, this is the branch that will receive
    #: the money. For a :obj:`.TYPE_IN` payment, this is the branch that
    #: will make the payment
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    method_id = IdCol()

    #: |paymentmethod| for this payment
    #: payment
    method = Reference(method_id, 'PaymentMethod.id')

    group_id = IdCol()

    #: |paymentgroup| for this payment
    group = Reference(group_id, 'PaymentGroup.id')

    category_id = IdCol()

    #: |paymentcategory| this payment belongs to, can be None
    category = Reference(category_id, 'PaymentCategory.id')

    #: list of :class:`comments <stoqlib.domain.payment.comments.PaymentComment>` for
    #: this payment
    comments = ReferenceSet('id', 'PaymentComment.payment_id')

    #: :class:`check data <stoqlib.domain.payment.method.CheckData>` for
    #: this payment
    check_data = Reference('id', 'CheckData.payment_id', on_remote=True)

    #: |accounttransaction| for this payment
    transaction = Reference('id', 'AccountTransaction.payment_id', on_remote=True)

    #: indicates if a bill has been received. They are usually delivered by
    #: mail before the due date. This is not indicating whether the payment has
    #: been paid, just that the receiver has notified the payer somehow.
    bill_received = BoolCol(default=False)

    attachment_id = IdCol()

    #: |attachment| for this payment
    attachment = Reference(attachment_id, 'Attachment.id')

    def __init__(self, store=None, **kw):
        if not 'value' in kw:
            raise TypeError('You must provide a value argument')
        if not 'base_value' in kw or not kw['base_value']:
            kw['base_value'] = kw['value']
        Domain.__init__(self, store=store, **kw)

    def _check_status(self, status, operation_name):
        fmt = 'Invalid status for %s operation: %s'
        assert self.status == status, (
            fmt % (operation_name,

    # ORMObject hooks

    def delete(self):
        # First call hooks, do this first so the hook
        # have access to everything it needs
        # FIXME: BUG 5581 check if it is really safe to remove the payment
        # when using with synced databases

    def create_repeated(cls, store, payment, repeat_type, start_date, end_date):
        """Create a set of repeated payments.
        Given a type of interval (*repeat_type*), a start date and an end_date,
        this creates a list of payments for that interval.

        Note, this will also update the description of the payment that's passed
        :param store: a store
        :param payment: the payment to repeat
        :param repeat_type: the kind of repetition (weekly, monthly etc)
        :param start_date: the date to start this repetition
        :param end_date: the date to end this repetition
        :returns: a list of repeated payments
        dates = create_date_interval(interval_type=repeat_type,
        n_dates = dates.count()
        if n_dates == 1:
            raise AssertionError
        description = payment.description
        payment.description = u'1/%d %s' % (n_dates, description)
        payment.due_date = dates[0]

        payments = []
        for i, date in enumerate(dates[1:]):
            p = Payment(open_date=payment.open_date,
                        description=u'%d/%d %s' % (i + 2, n_dates,
        return payments

    # Properties

    def comments_number(self):
        """The number of |paymentcomments| for this payment"""
        return self.comments.count()

    def bank_account_number(self):
        """For check payments, the :class:`bank account <BankAccount>` number"""
        # This is used by test_payment_method, and is a convenience
        # property, ideally we should move it to payment operation
        # somehow
        if self.method.method_name == u'check':
            data = self.method.operation.get_check_data_by_payment(self)
            bank_account = data.bank_account
            if bank_account:
                return bank_account.bank_number

    def installment_number(self):
        payments = self.group.get_valid_payments().order_by(
        for i, payment in enumerate(payments):
            if self == payment:
                return i + 1

    def status_str(self):
        """The :obj:`Payment.status` as a translated string"""
        if not self.status in self.statuses:
            raise DatabaseInconsistency('Invalid status for Payment '
                                        'instance, got %d' % self.status)
        return self.statuses[self.status]

    def get_days_late(self):
        """For due payments, the number of days late this payment is

        :returns: the number of days late
        if self.status == Payment.STATUS_PAID:
            return 0

        days_late = localtoday().date() - self.due_date.date()
        if days_late.days < 0:
            return 0

        return days_late.days

    def set_pending(self):
        """Set a :obj:`.STATUS_PREVIEW` payment as :obj:`.STATUS_PENDING`.
        This also means that this is valid payment and its owner
        actually can charge it
        self._check_status(self.STATUS_PREVIEW, u'set_pending')
        self.status = self.STATUS_PENDING

    def set_not_paid(self, change_entry):
        """Set a :obj:`.STATUS_PAID` payment as :obj:`.STATUS_PENDING`.
        This requires clearing paid_date and paid_value

        :param change_entry: a :class:`PaymentChangeHistory` object,
          that will hold the changes information
        self._check_status(self.STATUS_PAID, u'set_not_paid')

        if self.transaction:

        change_entry.last_status = self.STATUS_PAID
        change_entry.new_status = self.STATUS_PENDING

        sale = self.group and self.group.sale

        if sale and sale.can_set_not_paid():
        self.status = self.STATUS_PENDING
        self.paid_date = None
        self.paid_value = None

    def pay(self, paid_date=None, paid_value=None,
            source_account=None, destination_account=None,
        """Pay the current payment set its status as :obj:`.STATUS_PAID`

        If this payment belongs to a sale, and all other payments from the sale
        are paid then the sale will be set as paid.
        if self.status != Payment.STATUS_PENDING:
            raise ValueError(_(u"This payment is already paid."))
        self._check_status(self.STATUS_PENDING, u'pay')

        paid_value = paid_value or (self.value - self.discount +
        self.paid_value = paid_value
        self.paid_date = paid_date or TransactionTimestamp()
        self.status = self.STATUS_PAID

        if (self.is_separate_payment() or

        sale = self.group and self.group.sale
        if sale:

            # When paying payments of a sale, check if the other payments are
            # paid. If they are, this means you can change the sale status to
            # paid as well.
            if sale.can_set_paid():

        if self.value == self.paid_value:
            msg = _(u"{method} payment with value {value:.2f} was paid").format(
            msg = _(u"{method} payment with value original value "
                    u"{original_value:.2f} was paid with value "
        Event.log(self.store, Event.TYPE_PAYMENT, msg.capitalize())

    def cancel(self, change_entry=None):
        """Cancel the payment, set it's status to :obj:`.STATUS_CANCELLED`
        # TODO Check for till entries here and call cancel_till_entry if
        # it's possible. Bug 2598
        if not self.can_cancel():
            raise StoqlibError(_(u"Invalid status for cancel operation, "
                                 u"got %s") % self.status_str)

        if self.transaction:

        old_status = self.status
        self.status = self.STATUS_CANCELLED
        self.cancel_date = TransactionTimestamp()

        if change_entry is not None:
            change_entry.last_status = old_status
            change_entry.new_status = self.status

        msg = _(u"{method} payment with value {value:.2f} was cancelled").format(
        Event.log(self.store, Event.TYPE_PAYMENT, msg.capitalize())

    def change_due_date(self, new_due_date):
        """Changes the payment due date.
        :param new_due_date: The new due date for the payment.
        :rtype: datetime.date
        if self.status in [Payment.STATUS_PAID, Payment.STATUS_CANCELLED]:
            raise StoqlibError(_(u"Invalid status for change_due_date operation, "
                                 u"got %s") % self.status_str)
        self.due_date = new_due_date

    def update_value(self, new_value):
        """Update the payment value.

        self.value = new_value

    def can_cancel(self):
        return self.status in (Payment.STATUS_PREVIEW, Payment.STATUS_PENDING,

    def get_payable_value(self):
        """Returns the calculated payment value with the daily interest.

        Note that the payment group daily_interest must be between 0 and 100.

        :returns: the payable value
        if self.status in [self.STATUS_PREVIEW, self.STATUS_CANCELLED]:
            return self.value
        if self.status in [self.STATUS_PAID, self.STATUS_REVIEWING,
            return self.paid_value

        return self.value + self.get_interest()

    def get_penalty(self, date=None):
        """Calculate the penalty in an absolute value

        :param date: date of payment
        :returns: penalty
        :rtype: :class:`kiwi.currency.currency`
        if date is None:
            date = localtoday().date()
        elif date < self.open_date.date():
            raise ValueError(_(u"Date can not be less then open date"))
        elif date > localtoday().date():
            raise ValueError(_(u"Date can not be greather then future date"))
        if not self.method.penalty:
            return currency(0)

        # Don't add penalty if we pay in time!
        if self.due_date.date() >= date:
            return currency(0)

        return currency(self.method.penalty / 100 * self.value)

    def get_interest(self, date=None, pay_penalty=True):
        """Calculate the interest in an absolute value

        :param date: date of payment
        :returns: interest
        :rtype: :class:`kiwi.currency.currency`
        if date is None:
            date = localtoday().date()
        elif date < self.open_date.date():
            raise ValueError(_(u"Date can not be less then open date"))
        elif date > localtoday().date():
            raise ValueError(_(u"Date can not be greather then future date"))

        if not self.method.daily_interest:
            return currency(0)

        days = (date - self.due_date.date()).days
        if days <= 0:
            return currency(0)

        base_value = self.value + (pay_penalty and self.get_penalty(date=date))

        return currency(days * self.method.daily_interest / 100 * base_value)

    def has_commission(self):
        """Check if this |payment| already has a |commission|"""
        from stoqlib.domain.commission import Commission
        return self.store.find(Commission,

    def is_paid(self):
        """Check if the payment is paid.

        :returns: ``True`` if the payment is paid
        return self.status == Payment.STATUS_PAID

    def is_pending(self):
        """Check if the payment is pending.

        :returns: ``True`` if the payment is pending
        return self.status == Payment.STATUS_PENDING

    def is_preview(self):
        """Check if the payment is in preview state

        :returns: ``True`` if the payment is paid
        return self.status == Payment.STATUS_PREVIEW

    def is_cancelled(self):
        """Check if the payment was cancelled.

        :returns: ``True`` if the payment was cancelled
        return self.status == Payment.STATUS_CANCELLED

    def get_paid_date_string(self):
        """Get a paid date string

        :returns: the paid date string or PAID DATE if the payment isn't paid
        if self.paid_date:
            return self.paid_date.date().strftime('%x')
        return _(u'NOT PAID')

    def get_open_date_string(self):
        """Get a open date string

        :returns: the open date string or empty string
        if self.open_date:
            return self.open_date.date().strftime('%x')
        return u""

    def is_inpayment(self):
        """Find out if a payment is :obj:`incoming <.TYPE_IN>`

        :returns: ``True`` if it's incoming
        return self.payment_type == self.TYPE_IN

    def is_outpayment(self):
        """Find out if a payment is :obj:`outgoing <.TYPE_OUT>`

        :returns: ``True`` if it's outgoing
        return self.payment_type == self.TYPE_OUT

    def is_separate_payment(self):
        """Find out if this payment is created separately from a
        sale, purchase or renegotiation
        :returns: ``True`` if it's separate.

        # FIXME: This is a hack, we should rather store a flag
        #        in the database that tells us how the payment was
        #        created.
        group = self.group
        if not group:
            # Should never happen
            return False

        if group.sale:
            return False
        elif group.purchase:
            return False
        elif group._renegotiation:
            return False

        return True

    def is_of_method(self, method_name):
        """Find out if the payment was made with a certain method

        :returns: ``True`` if it's a payment of that method
        return self.method.method_name == method_name
class OpticalPatientMeasures(Domain):

    __storm_table__ = 'optical_patient_measures'

    EYE_LEFT = u'left'
    EYE_RIGHT = u'right'

    eye_options = {
        EYE_LEFT: _('Left Eye'),
        EYE_RIGHT: _('Right Eye'),

    create_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=StatementTimestamp)

    client_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: The related client
    client = Reference(client_id, 'Client.id')

    responsible_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: The user that registred this information
    responsible = Reference(responsible_id, 'LoginUser.id')

    dominant_eye = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=EYE_LEFT)

    le_keratometer_horizontal = UnicodeCol()
    le_keratometer_vertical = UnicodeCol()
    le_keratometer_axis = UnicodeCol()

    re_keratometer_horizontal = UnicodeCol()
    re_keratometer_vertical = UnicodeCol()
    re_keratometer_axis = UnicodeCol()

    le_eyebrown = UnicodeCol()
    le_eyelash = UnicodeCol()
    le_conjunctiva = UnicodeCol()
    le_sclerotic = UnicodeCol()
    le_iris_diameter = UnicodeCol()
    le_eyelid = UnicodeCol()
    le_eyelid_opening = UnicodeCol()
    le_cornea = UnicodeCol()
    #: Tear breakup time. How much time the eye takes to produce a tear
    le_tbut = UnicodeCol()

    #: test that checks how much tear the eye produces
    le_schirmer = UnicodeCol()

    re_eyebrown = UnicodeCol()
    re_eyelash = UnicodeCol()
    re_conjunctiva = UnicodeCol()
    re_sclerotic = UnicodeCol()
    re_iris_diameter = UnicodeCol()
    re_eyelid = UnicodeCol()
    re_eyelid_opening = UnicodeCol()
    re_cornea = UnicodeCol()

    #: Tear breakup time. How much time the eye takes to produce a tear
    re_tbut = UnicodeCol()

    #: test that checks how much tear the eye produces
    re_schirmer = UnicodeCol()

    notes = UnicodeCol()

    def responsible_name(self):
        return self.responsible.get_description()
class OpticalPatientTest(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'optical_patient_test'

    create_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=StatementTimestamp)

    client_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: The related client
    client = Reference(client_id, 'Client.id')

    responsible_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: The user that registred this information
    responsible = Reference(responsible_id, 'LoginUser.id')

    #: The contact lens that is being tested. This could be a reference to a
    #: |product in the future
    le_item = UnicodeCol()

    #: The brand of the tested contact lenses
    le_brand = UnicodeCol()

    #: Curva Base - CB
    le_base_curve = UnicodeCol()

    le_spherical_degree = UnicodeCol()
    le_cylindrical = UnicodeCol()
    le_axis = UnicodeCol()
    le_diameter = UnicodeCol()
    le_movement = UnicodeCol()
    le_centralization = UnicodeCol()
    le_spin = UnicodeCol()
    le_fluorescein = UnicodeCol()

    #: Sobre refração - SRF
    le_over_refraction = UnicodeCol()
    le_bichrome = UnicodeCol()

    #: If the client is satisfied with this product
    le_client_approved = BoolCol()

    #: If the client has purchased this product after the test.
    le_client_purchased = BoolCol()

    #: If the product being tested was delivered to the client
    le_delivered = BoolCol()

    re_item = UnicodeCol()
    re_brand = UnicodeCol()
    re_base_curve = UnicodeCol()
    re_spherical_degree = UnicodeCol()
    re_cylindrical = UnicodeCol()
    re_axis = UnicodeCol()
    re_diameter = UnicodeCol()
    re_movement = UnicodeCol()
    re_centralization = UnicodeCol()
    re_spin = UnicodeCol()
    re_fluorescein = UnicodeCol()
    re_over_refraction = UnicodeCol()
    re_bichrome = UnicodeCol()
    re_client_approved = BoolCol()
    re_client_purchased = BoolCol()
    re_delivered = BoolCol()

    #: Free notes
    notes = UnicodeCol()

    def responsible_name(self):
        return self.responsible.get_description()
class OpticalWorkOrder(Domain):
    """This holds the necessary information to execute an work order for optical

    This includes all the details present in the prescription.

    For reference:

    See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eyeglass_prescription#Abbreviations_and_terms
    for reference no the names used here.

    In some places, RE is used as a short for right eye, and LE for left eye
    __storm_table__ = 'optical_work_order'

    #: Lens used in glasses
    LENS_TYPE_OPHTALMIC = u'ophtalmic'

    #: Contact lenses
    LENS_TYPE_CONTACT = u'contact'

    #: The frame for the lens is a closed ring
    FRAME_TYPE_CLOSED_RING = u'closed-ring'

    #: The frame uses a nylon string to hold the lenses.
    FRAME_TYPE_NYLON = u'nylon'

    #: The frame is made 3 pieces
    FRAME_TYPE_3_PIECES = u'3-pieces'

    lens_types = {
        LENS_TYPE_OPHTALMIC: _('Ophtalmic'),
        LENS_TYPE_CONTACT: _('Contact'),

    frame_types = {
        # Translators: Aro fechado
        FRAME_TYPE_3_PIECES: _('Closed ring'),

        # Translators: Fio de nylon
        FRAME_TYPE_NYLON: _('Nylon String'),

        # Translators: 3 preças
        FRAME_TYPE_CLOSED_RING: _('3 pieces'),

    work_order_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    work_order = Reference(work_order_id, 'WorkOrder.id')

    medic_id = IdCol()
    medic = Reference(medic_id, 'OpticalMedic.id')

    prescription_date = DateTimeCol()

    #: The name of the patient. Note that we already have the client of the work
    #: order, but the patient may be someone else (like the son, father,
    #: etc...). Just the name is enough
    patient = UnicodeCol()

    #: The type of the lens, Contact or Ophtalmic
    lens_type = EnumCol(default=LENS_TYPE_OPHTALMIC)

    #   Frame

    #: The type of the frame. One of OpticalWorkOrder.FRAME_TYPE_*
    frame_type = EnumCol(default=FRAME_TYPE_CLOSED_RING)

    #: The vertical frame measure
    frame_mva = DecimalCol(default=decimal.Decimal(0))

    #: The horizontal frame measure
    frame_mha = DecimalCol(default=decimal.Decimal(0))

    #: The diagonal frame measure
    frame_mda = DecimalCol(default=decimal.Decimal(0))

    #: The brige is the part of the frame between the two lenses, above the nose.
    frame_bridge = DecimalCol()

    # Left eye distance vision

    le_distance_spherical = DecimalCol(default=0)
    le_distance_cylindrical = DecimalCol(default=0)
    le_distance_axis = DecimalCol(default=0)
    le_distance_prism = DecimalCol(default=0)
    le_distance_base = DecimalCol(default=0)
    le_distance_height = DecimalCol(default=0)

    #: Pupil distance (DNP in pt_BR)
    le_distance_pd = DecimalCol(default=0)
    le_addition = DecimalCol(default=0)

    # Left eye distance vision
    le_near_spherical = DecimalCol(default=0)
    le_near_cylindrical = DecimalCol(default=0)
    le_near_axis = DecimalCol(default=0)

    #: Pupil distance (DNP in pt_BR)
    le_near_pd = DecimalCol(default=0)

    # Right eye distance vision

    re_distance_spherical = DecimalCol(default=0)
    re_distance_cylindrical = DecimalCol(default=0)
    re_distance_axis = DecimalCol(default=0)
    re_distance_prism = DecimalCol(default=0)
    re_distance_base = DecimalCol(default=0)
    re_distance_height = DecimalCol(default=0)

    #: Pupil distance (DNP in pt_BR)
    re_distance_pd = DecimalCol(default=0)
    re_addition = DecimalCol(default=0)

    # Right eye near vision
    re_near_spherical = DecimalCol(default=0)
    re_near_cylindrical = DecimalCol(default=0)
    re_near_axis = DecimalCol(default=0)

    #: Pupil distance (DNP in pt_BR)
    re_near_pd = DecimalCol(default=0)

    # Class methods

    def find_by_work_order(cls, store, work_order):
        return store.find(cls, work_order_id=work_order.id).one()

    # Properties

    def frame_type_str(self):
        return self.frame_types.get(self.frame_type, '')

    def lens_type_str(self):
        return self.lens_types.get(self.lens_type, '')

    # Public API

    def can_create_purchase(self):
        work_order = self.work_order
        if work_order.status != WorkOrder.STATUS_WORK_IN_PROGRESS:
            return False

        if not work_order.sale:
            return False

        purchases = [i.purchase_item for i in work_order.get_items()]
        # If there are any item in this work order that was not purchased yet, then we
        # can still create a purchase
        return None in purchases

    def create_purchase(self, supplier, work_order_item, is_freebie,
                        branch: Branch, station: BranchStation,
                        user: LoginUser):
        """Create a purchase

        :param supplier: the |supplier| of that purchase
        :param work_order_item: The work order item that a purchase is being created
        :param is_freebie: indicates if the item is a freebie
        sellable = work_order_item.sellable
        store = self.work_order.store
        purchase = PurchaseOrder(store=store,
        if is_freebie:
            purchase.notes = _(
                'The product %s is a freebie') % sellable.description
            # FIXME We may want the cost 0, but as it is we wont be able to
            # receive this purchase without changing the receiving. We must
            # evaluate the consequences of changing the receiving a little bit
            # further in order to change that behavior.
            cost = decimal.Decimal('0.01')
            psi = ProductSupplierInfo.find_by_product_supplier(
                store, sellable.product, supplier, branch)
            cost = psi.base_cost if psi else sellable.cost

        # Add the sellable to the purchase
        purchase_item = purchase.add_item(sellable,
        work_order_item.purchase_item = purchase_item

        return purchase

    def can_receive_purchase(self, purchase):
        work_order = self.work_order
        if not work_order.status == WorkOrder.STATUS_WORK_FINISHED:
            return False

        # XXX Lets assume that there is only on purchase
        return purchase and purchase.status == PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED

    def receive_purchase(self,
                         purchase_order: PurchaseOrder,
                         station: BranchStation,
                         user: LoginUser,
        receiving = purchase_order.create_receiving_order(station)
        if reserve:
            self.reserve_products(purchase_order, user)

    def reserve_products(self, purchase_order, user: LoginUser):
        for item in self.work_order.get_items():
            if not item.purchase_item:
            sale_item = item.sale_item
            to_reserve = sale_item.quantity - sale_item.quantity_decreased
            if to_reserve > 0:
                sale_item.reserve(user, quantize(to_reserve))

    def copy(self, target):
        """Make a copy of self into a target |work_order|

        :param target: a |work_order|
        props = [
            'lens_type', 'le_distance_spherical', 'le_distance_cylindrical',
            'le_distance_axis', 'le_distance_prism', 'le_distance_base',
            'le_distance_height', 'le_distance_pd', 'le_addition',
            'le_near_spherical', 'le_near_cylindrical', 'le_near_axis',
            'le_near_pd', 're_distance_spherical', 're_distance_cylindrical',
            're_distance_axis', 're_distance_prism', 're_distance_base',
            're_distance_height', 're_distance_pd', 're_addition',
            're_near_spherical', 're_near_cylindrical', 're_near_axis',

        for prop in props:
            value = getattr(self, prop)
            setattr(target, prop, value)
class OpticalPatientHistory(Domain):

    __storm_table__ = 'optical_patient_history'

    #: Never used lenses before
    TYPE_FIRST_USER = u'first-user'

    #: Is currently a user
    TYPE_SECOND_USER = u'second-user'

    #: Has used lenses before, but stopped
    TYPE_EX_USER = u'ex-user'

    user_types = collections.OrderedDict([
        (TYPE_FIRST_USER, _('First User')),
        (TYPE_SECOND_USER, _('Second User')),
        (TYPE_EX_USER, _('Ex-User')),

    create_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=StatementTimestamp)

    client_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: The related client
    client = Reference(client_id, 'Client.id')

    responsible_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: The user that registred this information
    responsible = Reference(responsible_id, 'LoginUser.id')

    #   Section 1: General questions

    #: If the patient is a first time user for contact lenses or not.
    user_type = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=TYPE_FIRST_USER)

    #: What is the occupation of the patient
    occupation = UnicodeCol()

    #: Details about the work environment (if it as air conditioning, dust,
    #: chemical products)
    work_environment = UnicodeCol()

    #   First time user

    #: If the patient has ever tested any contact lenses
    has_tested = UnicodeCol()

    #: What brands the patient has tested
    tested_brand = UnicodeCol()

    #: If previous tests irritated the eye
    eye_irritation = UnicodeCol()

    #: What is the main purpose for using contact lenses?
    purpose_of_use = UnicodeCol()

    #: How many hours per day the patient intends to use the contact lenses
    intended_hour_usage = UnicodeCol()

    #   Second time / ex user

    #: Previous brand of the client.
    previous_brand = UnicodeCol()

    #: What the previous brand felt like
    previous_feeling = UnicodeCol()

    #: Have ever had any cornea issues
    cornea_issues = UnicodeCol()

    #: How many hours per day the client used the lenses
    hours_per_day_usage = UnicodeCol()

    #   Second time user

    #: For how long is a user
    user_since = UnicodeCol()

    #: Bring the previous lenses?
    has_previous_lenses = UnicodeCol()

    #: Previous lenses observations
    previous_lenses_notes = UnicodeCol()

    #   Ex User

    #: How long since the last use.
    last_use = UnicodeCol()

    #: why stopped using
    stop_reason = UnicodeCol()

    #: Did frequent removal of proteins?
    protein_removal = UnicodeCol()

    #: What cleaning product used?
    cleaning_product = UnicodeCol()

    #: Free notes.
    history_notes = UnicodeCol()

    #   Section 2: Adaptation test

    #: If the patient ever had eye injuries
    eye_injury = UnicodeCol()

    #: Any kind of recent pathology, like pink-eye
    recent_pathology = UnicodeCol()

    #: Is currently using eye drops
    using_eye_drops = UnicodeCol()

    #: Does the patient have health problems
    health_problems = UnicodeCol()

    #: Is the patient is using any kind of medicament
    using_medicament = UnicodeCol()

    #: Does the patient family has any health problems
    family_health_problems = UnicodeCol()

    #: How the eyes feel at the end of the day (burn, itch, etc...)
    end_of_day_feeling = UnicodeCol()

    #: Free notes.
    adaptation_notes = UnicodeCol()

    def responsible_name(self):
        return self.responsible.get_description()
class StockDecreaseItem(Domain):
    """An item in a stock decrease object.

    Note that objects of this type should not be created manually, only by
    calling :meth:`StockDecrease.add_sellable`

    __storm_table__ = 'stock_decrease_item'

    stock_decrease_id = IdCol(default=None)

    #: The stock decrease this item belongs to
    stock_decrease = Reference(stock_decrease_id, 'StockDecrease.id')

    sellable_id = IdCol()

    #: the |sellable| for this decrease
    sellable = Reference(sellable_id, 'Sellable.id')

    batch_id = IdCol()

    #: If the sellable is a storable, the |batch| that it was removed from
    batch = Reference(batch_id, 'StorableBatch.id')

    #: the cost of the |sellable| on the moment this decrease was created
    cost = PriceCol(default=0)

    #: the quantity decreased for this item
    quantity = QuantityCol()

    #: Id of ICMS tax in product tax template
    icms_info_id = IdCol()

    #:the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemIcms` tax for *self*
    icms_info = Reference(icms_info_id, 'InvoiceItemIcms.id')

    #: Id of IPI tax in product tax template
    ipi_info_id = IdCol()

    #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemIpi` tax for *self*
    ipi_info = Reference(ipi_info_id, 'InvoiceItemIpi.id')

    #: Id of PIS tax in product tax template
    pis_info_id = IdCol()

    #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemPis` tax for *self*
    pis_info = Reference(pis_info_id, 'InvoiceItemPis.id')

    #: Id of COFINS tax in product tax template
    cofins_info_id = IdCol()

    #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemCofins` tax for *self*
    cofins_info = Reference(cofins_info_id, 'InvoiceItemCofins.id')

    item_discount = Decimal('0')

    def __init__(self, store=None, sellable=None, **kwargs):
        if sellable is None:
            raise TypeError('You must provide a sellable argument')
        check_tax_info_presence(kwargs, store)

        super(StockDecreaseItem, self).__init__(store=store,

        product = self.sellable.product
        if product:

    # Properties

    def total_cost(self):
        return currency(self.cost * self.quantity)

    # IInvoiceItem implementation

    def parent(self):
        return self.stock_decrease

    def base_price(self):
        return self.cost

    def price(self):
        return self.cost

    def nfe_cfop_code(self):
        cfop = self.stock_decrease.cfop.code
        return cfop.replace('.', '')

    # Public API

    def decrease(self, branch):
        # FIXME: We should not be receiving a branch here. We should be using
        # self.stock_decrease.branch for that.
        assert branch

        storable = self.sellable.product_storable
        if storable:

    # Accessors

    def get_total(self):
        return currency(self.cost * self.quantity)

    def get_quantity_unit_string(self):
        unit = self.sellable.unit_description
        if unit:
            return u"%s %s" % (self.quantity, unit)
        return unicode(self.quantity)

    def get_description(self):
        return self.sellable.get_description()
class OpticalProduct(Domain):
    """Stores information about products sold by optical stores.

    There are 3 main types of products sold by optical stores:

    - Glass frames (without lenses)
    - Glass lenses
    - Contact lenses
    __storm_table__ = 'optical_product'

    #: The frame of the glases (without lenses)
    TYPE_GLASS_FRAME = u'glass-frame'

    #: The glasses to be used with a frame
    TYPE_GLASS_LENSES = u'glass-lenses'

    #: Contact lenses
    TYPE_CONTACT_LENSES = u'contact-lenses'

    product_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')

    # The type indicates what of the following fields should be edited.
    optical_type = EnumCol()

    #: If this product should be reserved automatically when added to the sale
    #: with work order
    auto_reserve = BoolCol(default=True)

    # Glass frame details

    #: The type of the frame (prescription or sunglasses)
    gf_glass_type = UnicodeCol()

    #: Size of the frame, accordingly to the manufacturer (may also be a string,
    #: for instance Large, one size fits all, etc..)
    gf_size = UnicodeCol()

    # The type of the lenses used in this frame. (for isntance: demo lens,
    # solar, polarized, mirrored)
    gf_lens_type = UnicodeCol()

    # Color of the frame, accordingly to the manufacturer specification
    gf_color = UnicodeCol()

    # Glass lenses details

    # Fotossensivel
    #: Type of the lenses photosensitivity (for instance: tints, sunsensors,
    #: transitions, etc...)
    gl_photosensitive = UnicodeCol()

    # Anti reflexo
    #: A description of the anti glare treatment the lenses have.
    gl_anti_glare = UnicodeCol()

    # Índice refração
    #: Decimal value describing the refraction index
    gl_refraction_index = DecimalCol()

    # Classificação
    #: lenses may be monofocal, bifocal or multifocal
    gl_classification = UnicodeCol()

    # Adição
    #: Free text describing the range of the possible additions.
    gl_addition = UnicodeCol()

    # Diametro
    # Free text describing the range of the possible diameters for the lens
    gl_diameter = UnicodeCol()

    # Altura
    #: Free text describing the height of the lens
    gl_height = UnicodeCol()

    # Disponibilidade
    #: Free text describint the avaiability of the lens (in what possible
    #: parameters they are avaiable. For instance: "-10,00 a -2,25 Cil -2,00"
    gl_availability = UnicodeCol()

    # Contact lenses details

    # Grau
    #: Degree of the lenses, a decimal from -30 to +30, in steps of +- 0.25
    cl_degree = DecimalCol()

    # Classificação
    #: Free text describing the classification of the lenses (solid, gel, etc..)
    cl_classification = UnicodeCol()

    # tipo lente
    #: The type of the lenses (monofocal, toric, etc..)
    cl_lens_type = UnicodeCol()

    # Descarte
    #: How often the lens should be discarded (anually, daily, etc..)
    cl_discard = UnicodeCol()

    # Adição
    #: Free text describing the addition of the lenses.
    cl_addition = UnicodeCol()

    # Cilindrico
    # XXX: I still need to verify if a decimal column is ok, or if there are
    # possible text values.
    #: Cylindrical value of the lenses.
    cl_cylindrical = DecimalCol()

    # Eixo
    # XXX: I still need to verify if a decimal column is ok, or if there are
    # possible text values.
    #: Axix  of the lenses.
    cl_axis = DecimalCol()

    #: Free text color description of the lens (for cosmetic use)
    cl_color = UnicodeCol()

    # Curvatura
    #: Free text description of the curvature. normaly a decimal, but may have
    #: textual descriptions
    cl_curvature = UnicodeCol()

    # Class methods

    def get_from_product(cls, product):
        return product.store.find(cls, product=product).one()
文件: loan.py 项目: victornovy/stoq
class Loan(Domain):
    A loan is a collection of |sellable| that is being loaned
    to a |client|, the items are expected to be either be
    returned to stock or sold via a |sale|.

    A loan that can hold a set of :class:`loan items <LoanItem>`

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/loan.html>`__
    `manual <http://doc.stoq.com.br/manual/loan.html>`__

    __storm_table__ = 'loan'

    #: The request for a loan has been added to the system,
    #: we know which of the items the client wishes to loan,
    #: it's not defined if the client has actually picked up
    #: the items.
    STATUS_OPEN = u'open'

    #: All the products or other sellable items have been
    #: returned and are available in stock.
    STATUS_CLOSED = u'closed'

    #: The loan is cancelled and all the products or other sellable items have
    #: been returned and are available in stock.
    STATUS_CANCELLED = u'cancelled'

    # FIXME: This is missing a few states,
    #        STATUS_LOANED: stock is completely synchronized
    statuses = collections.OrderedDict([
        (STATUS_OPEN, _(u'Opened')),
        (STATUS_CLOSED, _(u'Closed')),
        (STATUS_CANCELLED, _(u'Cancelled')),

    #: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead of
    #: :obj:`Domain.id` when displaying a numerical representation of this object to
    #: the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such.
    identifier = IdentifierCol()

    #: status of the loan
    status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_OPEN)

    #: notes related to this loan.
    notes = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    #: date loan was opened
    open_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    #: date loan was closed
    close_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    #: loan expires on this date, we expect the items to
    #: to be returned by this date
    expire_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    #: the date the loan was cancelled
    cancel_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    removed_by = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    #: the reason the loan was cancelled
    cancel_reason = UnicodeCol()

    #: branch where the loan was done
    branch_id = IdCol()
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    #: :class:`user <stoqlib.domain.person.LoginUser>` of the system
    #: that made the loan
    # FIXME: Should probably be a SalesPerson, we can find the
    #        LoginUser via te.user_id
    responsible_id = IdCol()
    responsible = Reference(responsible_id, 'LoginUser.id')

    #: client that loaned the items
    client_id = IdCol(default=None)
    client = Reference(client_id, 'Client.id')

    client_category_id = IdCol(default=None)

    #: the |clientcategory| used for price determination.
    client_category = Reference(client_category_id, 'ClientCategory.id')

    #: a list of all items loaned in this loan
    loaned_items = ReferenceSet('id', 'LoanItem.loan_id')

    #: |payments| generated by this loan
    payments = None

    #: |transporter| used in loan
    transporter = None

    invoice_id = IdCol()

    #: The |invoice| generated by the loan
    invoice = Reference(invoice_id, 'Invoice.id')

    #: The responsible for cancelling the loan. At the moment, the
    #: |loginuser| that cancelled the loan
    cancel_responsible_id = IdCol()
    cancel_responsible = Reference(cancel_responsible_id, 'LoginUser.id')

    def __init__(self, store=None, **kwargs):
        kwargs['invoice'] = Invoice(store=store, invoice_type=Invoice.TYPE_OUT)
        super(Loan, self).__init__(store=store, **kwargs)

    # Classmethods

    def get_status_name(cls, status):
        if not status in cls.statuses:
            raise DatabaseInconsistency(_("Invalid status %d") % status)
        return cls.statuses[status]

    # IContainer implementation

    def add_item(self, loan_item):
        assert not loan_item.loan
        loan_item.loan = self

    def get_items(self):
        return self.store.find(LoanItem, loan=self)

    def remove_item(self, loan_item):
        loan_item.loan = None

    # IInvoice implementation

    def comments(self):
        return [Settable(comment=self.notes)]

    def discount_value(self):
        discount = currency(0)
        for item in self.get_items():
            if item.price > item.sellable.base_price:
            discount += item.sellable.base_price - item.price
        return discount

    def invoice_subtotal(self):
        return self.get_sale_base_subtotal()

    def invoice_total(self):
        return self.get_total_amount()

    def recipient(self):
        return self.client.person

    def operation_nature(self):
        # TODO: Save the operation nature in new loan table field.
        return _(u"Loan")

    # Public API

    def add_sellable(self, sellable, quantity=1, price=None, batch=None):
        """Adds a new sellable item to a loan

        :param sellable: the |sellable|
        :param quantity: quantity to add, defaults to 1
        :param price: optional, the price, it not set the price
          from the sellable will be used
        :param batch: the |batch| this sellable comes from if the sellable is a
          storable. Should be ``None`` if it is not a storable or if the storable
          does not have batches.
        self.validate_batch(batch, sellable=sellable)
        price = price or sellable.price
        base_price = sellable.price
        return LoanItem(store=self.store,

    def get_available_discount_for_items(self, user=None, exclude_item=None):
        """Get available discount for items in this loan

        The available items discount is the total discount not used
        by items in this sale. For instance, if we have 2 products
        with a price of 100 and they can have 10% of discount, we have
        20 of discount available. If one of those products price
        is set to 98, that is, using 2 of it's discount, the available
        discount is now 18.

        :param user: passed to
            together with :obj:`.client_category` to check for the max
            discount for sellables on this sale
        :param exclude_item: a |saleitem| to exclude from the calculations.
            Useful if you are trying to get some extra discount for that
            item and you don't want it's discount to be considered here
        :returns: the available discount
        available_discount = currency(0)
        used_discount = currency(0)

        for item in self.get_items():
            if item == exclude_item:
            # Don't put surcharges on the discount, or it can end up negative
            if item.price > item.sellable.base_price:

            used_discount += item.sellable.base_price - item.price
            max_discount = item.sellable.get_maximum_discount(
                category=self.client_category, user=user) / 100
            available_discount += item.base_price * max_discount

        return available_discount - used_discount

    def set_items_discount(self, discount):
        """Apply discount on this sale's items

        :param decimal.Decimal discount: the discount to be applied
            as a percentage, e.g. 10.0, 22.5
        new_total = currency(0)

        item = None
        candidate = None
        for item in self.get_items():
            new_total += quantize(item.price * item.quantity)
            if item.quantity == 1:
                candidate = item

        # Since we apply the discount percentage above, items can generate a
        # 3rd decimal place, that will be rounded to the 2nd, making the value
        # differ. Find that difference and apply it to a sale item, preferable
        # to one with a quantity of 1 since, for instance, applying +0,1 to an
        # item with a quantity of 4 would make it's total +0,4 (+0,3 extra than
        # we are trying to adjust here).
        discount_value = (self.get_sale_base_subtotal() * discount) / 100
        diff = new_total - self.get_sale_base_subtotal() + discount_value
        if diff:
            item = candidate or item
            item.price -= diff

    # Accessors

    def get_total_amount(self):
        Fetches the total value of the loan, that is to be paid by
        the client.

        It can be calculated as::

            Sale total = Sum(product and service prices) + surcharge +
                             interest - discount

        :returns: the total value
        return currency(self.get_items().sum(
            Round(LoanItem.price * LoanItem.quantity, DECIMAL_PRECISION)) or 0)

    def get_client_name(self):
        if self.client:
            return self.client.person.name
        return u''

    def get_branch_name(self):
        if self.branch:
            return self.branch.get_description()
        return u''

    def get_responsible_name(self):
        return self.responsible.person.name

    # Public API

    def sync_stock(self):
        """Synchronizes the stock of *self*'s :class:`loan items <LoanItem>`

        Just a shortcut to call :meth:`LoanItem.sync_stock` of all of
        *self*'s :class:`loan items <LoanItem>` instead of having
        to do that one by one.
        for loan_item in self.get_items():
            # No need to sync stock for products that dont need.
            if not loan_item.sellable.product.manage_stock:

    def can_close(self):
        """Checks if the loan can be closed. A loan can be closed if it is
        opened and all the items have been returned or sold.
        :returns: True if the loan can be closed, False otherwise.
        if self.status != Loan.STATUS_OPEN:
            return False
        for item in self.get_items():
            if item.sale_quantity + item.return_quantity != item.quantity:
                return False
        return True

    def get_sale_base_subtotal(self):
        """Get the base subtotal of items

        Just a helper that, unlike :meth:`.get_sale_subtotal`, will
        return the total based on item's base price.

        :returns: the base subtotal
        subtotal = self.get_items().sum(
            Round(LoanItem.quantity * LoanItem.base_price, DECIMAL_PRECISION))
        return currency(subtotal)

    def close(self):
        """Closes the loan. At this point, all the loan items have been
        returned to stock or sold."""
        assert self.can_close()
        self.close_date = localnow()
        self.status = Loan.STATUS_CLOSED

    def confirm(self):
        # Save the operation nature and branch in Invoice table.
        self.invoice.operation_nature = self.operation_nature
        self.invoice.branch = self.branch
        # Since there is no status change here and the event requires
        # the parameter, we use None
        old_status = None
        StockOperationConfirmedEvent.emit(self, old_status)
文件: loan.py 项目: victornovy/stoq
class LoanItem(Domain):
    """An item in a :class:`loan <Loan>`

    Note that when changing :obj:`~.quantity`, :obj:`~.return_quantity`
    or :obj:`~.sale_quantity` you will need to call :meth:`.sync_stock`
    to synchronize the stock (increase or decrease it).

    Also note that objects of this type should never be created manually, only
    by calling :meth:`Loan.add_sellable`

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/loan_item.html>`__
    __storm_table__ = 'loan_item'

    #: The total quantity that was loaned. The product stock for this
    #: will be decreased when the loan stock is synchonized
    quantity = QuantityCol()

    #: The loadned quantity that was sold. Will increase stock so
    #: it's decreased correctly when the
    #: :class:`sale <stoqlib.domain.sale.Sale>` is confirmed
    sale_quantity = QuantityCol(default=Decimal(0))

    #: The loaned quantity that was returned. Will increase stock
    return_quantity = QuantityCol(default=Decimal(0))

    #: price to use for this :obj:`~.sellable` when creating
    #: a :class:`sale <stoqlib.domain.sale.Sale>`
    price = PriceCol()

    #: original price of a sellable
    base_price = PriceCol()

    sellable_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)

    #: :class:`sellable <stoqlib.domain.sellable.Sellable>` that is loaned
    #: cannot be *None*
    sellable = Reference(sellable_id, 'Sellable.id')

    batch_id = IdCol()

    #: If the sellable is a storable, the |batch| that it was returned in
    batch = Reference(batch_id, 'StorableBatch.id')

    loan_id = IdCol()

    #: :class:`loan <Loan>` this item belongs to
    loan = Reference(loan_id, 'Loan.id')

    icms_info_id = IdCol()

    #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemIcms` tax for *self*
    icms_info = Reference(icms_info_id, 'InvoiceItemIcms.id')

    ipi_info_id = IdCol()

    #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemIpi` tax for *self*
    ipi_info = Reference(ipi_info_id, 'InvoiceItemIpi.id')

    pis_info_id = IdCol()

    #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemPis` tax for *self*
    pis_info = Reference(pis_info_id, 'InvoiceItemPis.id')

    cofins_info_id = IdCol()

    #: the :class:`stoqlib.domain.taxes.InvoiceItemCofins` tax for *self*
    cofins_info = Reference(cofins_info_id, 'InvoiceItemCofins.id')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # stores the total quantity that was loaned before synching stock
        self._original_quantity = 0
        # stores the loaned quantity that was returned before synching stock
        self._original_return_quantity = self.return_quantity
        check_tax_info_presence(kwargs, kwargs.get('store'))

        super(LoanItem, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        product = self.sellable.product
        if product:

    def __storm_loaded__(self):
        super(LoanItem, self).__storm_loaded__()
        self._original_quantity = self.quantity
        self._original_return_quantity = self.return_quantity

    def branch(self):
        return self.loan.branch

    def storable(self):
        return self.sellable.product_storable

    # IInvoiceItem implementation

    def parent(self):
        return self.loan

    def item_discount(self):
        if self.price < self.base_price:
            return self.base_price - self.price
        return Decimal('0')

    def cfop_code(self):
        return u'5917'

    def sync_stock(self):
        """Synchronizes the stock, increasing/decreasing it accordingly.
        Using the stored values when this object is created/loaded, compute how
        much we should increase or decrease the stock quantity.

        When setting :obj:`~.quantity`, :obj:`~.return_quantity`
        or :obj:`~.sale_quantity` be sure to call this to properly
        synchronize the stock (increase or decrease it). That counts
        for object creation too.
        loaned = self._original_quantity - self.quantity
        returned = self.return_quantity - self._original_return_quantity
        diff_quantity = loaned + returned

        if diff_quantity > 0:
        elif diff_quantity < 0:
            diff_quantity = -diff_quantity

        # Reset the values used to calculate the stock quantity, just like
        # when the object as loaded from the database again.
        self._original_quantity = self.quantity
        self._original_return_quantity = self.return_quantity

    def get_remaining_quantity(self):
        """The remaining quantity that wasn't returned/sold yet

        This is the same as
        :obj:`.quantity` - :obj:`.sale_quantity` - :obj:`.return_quantity`
        return self.quantity - self.sale_quantity - self.return_quantity

    def get_quantity_unit_string(self):
        return u"%s %s" % (self.quantity, self.sellable.unit_description)

    def get_total(self):
        return currency(self.price * self.quantity)

    def set_discount(self, discount):
        """Apply *discount* on this item

        Note that the discount will be applied based on :obj:`.base_price`
        and then substitute :obj:`.price`, making any previous
        discount/surcharge being lost

        :param decimal.Decimal discount: the discount to be applied
            as a percentage, e.g. 10.0, 22.5
        self.price = quantize(self.base_price * (1 - Decimal(discount) / 100))
class SellableCategory(Domain):
    """ A Sellable category.

    A way to group several |sellables| together, like "Shoes", "Consumer goods",

    A category can define markup, tax and commission, the values of the category
    will only be used when the sellable itself lacks a value.

    Sellable categories can be grouped recursively.

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/sellable_category.html>`__
    __storm_table__ = 'sellable_category'

    #: The category description
    description = UnicodeCol()

    #: Define the suggested markup when calculating the sellable's price.
    suggested_markup = PercentCol(default=0)

    #: A percentage comission suggested for all the sales which products
    #: belongs to this category.
    salesperson_commission = PercentCol(default=0)

    category_id = IdCol(default=None)

    #: base category of this category, ``None`` for base categories themselves
    category = Reference(category_id, 'SellableCategory.id')

    tax_constant_id = IdCol(default=None)

    #: the |sellabletaxconstant| for this sellable category
    tax_constant = Reference(tax_constant_id, 'SellableTaxConstant.id')

    #: the children of this category
    children = ReferenceSet('id', 'SellableCategory.category_id')

    #  Properties

    def full_description(self):
        """The full description of the category, including its parents,
        for instance: u"Clothes:Shoes:Black Shoe 14 SL"

        descriptions = [self.description]

        parent = self.category
        while parent:
            parent = parent.category

        return u':'.join(reversed(descriptions))

    #  Public API

    def get_children_recursively(self):
        """Return all the children from this category, recursively
        This will return all children recursively, e.g.::

                     / \
                    B   C
                   / \
                  D   E

        In this example, calling this from A will return ``set([B, C, D, E])``
        children = set(self.children)

        if not len(children):
            # Base case for the leafs
            return set()

        for child in list(children):
            children |= child.get_children_recursively()

        return children

    def get_commission(self):
        """Returns the commission for this category.
        If it's unset, return the value of the base category, if any

        :returns: the commission
        if self.category:
            return (self.salesperson_commission or
        return self.salesperson_commission

    def get_markup(self):
        """Returns the markup for this category.
        If it's unset, return the value of the base category, if any

        :returns: the markup
        if self.category:
            # Compare to None as markup can be '0'
            if self.suggested_markup is not None:
                return self.suggested_markup
            return self.category.get_markup()
        return self.suggested_markup

    def get_tax_constant(self):
        """Returns the tax constant for this category.
        If it's unset, return the value of the base category, if any

        :returns: the tax constant
        if self.category:
            return self.tax_constant or self.category.get_tax_constant()
        return self.tax_constant

    #  IDescribable

    def get_description(self):
        return self.description

    # Classmethods

    def get_base_categories(cls, store):
        """Returns all available base categories
        :param store: a store
        :returns: categories
        return store.find(cls, category_id=None)

    # Domain hooks

    def on_create(self):

    def on_update(self):
class Sellable(Domain):
    """ Sellable information of a certain item such a |product|
    or a |service|.

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/sellable.html>`__
    __storm_table__ = 'sellable'

    #: the sellable is available and can be used on a |purchase|/|sale|
    STATUS_AVAILABLE = u'available'

    #: the sellable is closed, that is, it still exists for references,
    #: but it should not be possible to create a |purchase|/|sale| with it
    STATUS_CLOSED = u'closed'

    statuses = collections.OrderedDict([
        (STATUS_AVAILABLE, _(u'Available')),
        (STATUS_CLOSED, _(u'Closed')),

    #: a code used internally by the shop to reference this sellable.
    #: It is usually not printed and displayed to |clients|, barcode is for that.
    #: It may be used as an shorter alternative to the barcode.
    code = UnicodeCol(default=u'', validator=_validate_code)

    #: barcode, mostly for products, usually printed and attached to the
    #: package.
    barcode = UnicodeCol(default=u'', validator=_validate_barcode)

    #: status the sellable is in
    status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_AVAILABLE)

    #: cost of the sellable, this is not tied to a specific |supplier|,
    #: which may have a different cost. This can also be the production cost of
    #: manufactured item by the company.
    cost = PriceCol(default=0)

    #: price of sellable, how much the |client| paid.
    base_price = PriceCol(default=0)

    #: the last time the cost was updated
    cost_last_updated = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    #: the last time the price was updated
    price_last_updated = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    #: full description of sellable
    description = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    #: maximum discount allowed
    max_discount = PercentCol(default=0)

    #: commission to pay after selling this sellable
    commission = PercentCol(default=0)

    #: notes for the sellable
    notes = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    unit_id = IdCol(default=None)

    #: the |sellableunit|, quantities of this sellable are in this unit.
    unit = Reference(unit_id, 'SellableUnit.id')

    category_id = IdCol(default=None)

    #: a reference to category table
    category = Reference(category_id, 'SellableCategory.id')

    tax_constant_id = IdCol(default=None)

    #: the |sellabletaxconstant|, this controls how this sellable is taxed
    tax_constant = Reference(tax_constant_id, 'SellableTaxConstant.id')

    #: the |product| for this sellable or ``None``
    product = Reference('id', 'Product.id', on_remote=True)

    #: the |service| for this sellable or ``None``
    service = Reference('id', 'Service.id', on_remote=True)

    #: the |storable| for this |product|'s sellable
    product_storable = Reference('id', 'Storable.id', on_remote=True)

    default_sale_cfop_id = IdCol(default=None)

    #: the default |cfop| that will be used when selling this sellable
    default_sale_cfop = Reference(default_sale_cfop_id, 'CfopData.id')

    #: A special price used when we have a "on sale" state, this
    #: can be used for promotions
    on_sale_price = PriceCol(default=0)

    #: When the promotional/special price starts to apply
    on_sale_start_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    #: When the promotional/special price ends
    on_sale_end_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    #: This sellable's images
    images = ReferenceSet('id', 'Image.sellable_id')

    def __init__(self, store=None,
        """Creates a new sellable
        :param store: a store
        :param category: category of this sellable
        :param cost: the cost, defaults to 0
        :param commission: commission for this sellable
        :param description: readable description of the sellable
        :param price: the price, defaults to 0

        Domain.__init__(self, store=store)

        if category:
            if commission is None:
                commission = category.get_commission()
            if price is None and cost is not None:
                markup = category.get_markup()
                price = self._get_price_by_markup(markup, cost=cost)

        self.category = category
        self.commission = commission or currency(0)
        self.cost = cost or currency(0)
        self.description = description
        self.price = price or currency(0)

    # Helper methods

    def _get_price_by_markup(self, markup, cost=None):
        if cost is None:
            cost = self.cost
        return currency(quantize(cost + (cost * (markup / currency(100)))))

    # Properties

    def status_str(self):
        """The sellable status as a string"""
        return self.statuses[self.status]

    def unit_description(self):
        """Returns the description of the |sellableunit| of this sellable

        :returns: the unit description or an empty string if no
          |sellableunit| was set.
        :rtype: unicode
        return self.unit and self.unit.description or u""

    def image(self):
        """This sellable's main image."""
        # FIXME: Should we use .first() here? What will happen if there are
        # more than one image with "is_main" flag set to True? There's no way
        # to prevent that in the database
        return self.images.find(is_main=True).one()

    def markup(self):
        """Markup, the opposite of discount, a value added
        on top of the sale. It's calculated as::
        if self.cost == 0:
            return Decimal(0)
        return ((self.price / self.cost) - 1) * 100

    def markup(self, markup):
        self.price = self._get_price_by_markup(markup)

    def price(self):
        if self.is_on_sale():
            return self.on_sale_price
            return self.base_price

    def price(self, price):
        if price < 0:
            # Just a precaution for gui validation fails.
            price = 0

        if self.is_on_sale():
            self.on_sale_price = price
            self.base_price = price

    #  Accessors

    def is_available(self):
        """Whether the sellable is available and can be sold.

        :returns: ``True`` if the item can be sold, ``False`` otherwise.
        # FIXME: Perhaps this should be done elsewhere. Johan 2008-09-26
        if sysparam.compare_object('DELIVERY_SERVICE', self.service):
            return True
        return self.status == self.STATUS_AVAILABLE

    def set_available(self):
        """Mark the sellable as available

        Being available means that it can be ordered or sold.

        :raises: :exc:`ValueError`: if the sellable is already available
        if self.is_available():
            raise ValueError('This sellable is already available')
        self.status = self.STATUS_AVAILABLE

    def is_closed(self):
        """Whether the sellable is closed or not.

        :returns: ``True`` if closed, ``False`` otherwise.
        return self.status == Sellable.STATUS_CLOSED

    def close(self):
        """Mark the sellable as closed.

        After the sellable is closed, this will call the close method of the
        service or product related to this sellable.

        :raises: :exc:`ValueError`: if the sellable is already closed
        if self.is_closed():
            raise ValueError('This sellable is already closed')

        assert self.can_close()
        self.status = Sellable.STATUS_CLOSED

        obj = self.service or self.product

    def can_remove(self):
        """Whether we can delete this sellable from the database.

        ``False`` if the product/service was used in some cases below::

          - Sold or received
          - The |product| is in a |purchase|
        if self.product and not self.product.can_remove():
            return False

        if self.service and not self.service.can_remove():
            return False

        return super(Sellable, self).can_remove(
            skip=[('product', 'id'),
                  ('service', 'id'),
                  ('image', 'sellable_id'),
                  ('client_category_price', 'sellable_id')])

    def can_close(self):
        """Whether we can close this sellable.

        :returns: ``True`` if the product has no stock left or the service
            is not required by the system (i.e. Delivery service is
            required). ``False`` otherwise.
        obj = self.service or self.product
        return obj.can_close()

    def get_commission(self):
        return self.commission

    def get_suggested_markup(self):
        """Returns the suggested markup for the sellable

        :returns: suggested markup
        :rtype: decimal
        return self.category and self.category.get_markup()

    def get_category_description(self):
        """Returns the description of this sellables category
        If it's unset, return the constant from the category, if any

        :returns: sellable category description or an empty string if no
          |sellablecategory| was set.
        :rtype: unicode
        category = self.category
        return category and category.description or u""

    def get_tax_constant(self):
        """Returns the |sellabletaxconstant| for this sellable.
        If it's unset, return the constant from the category, if any

        :returns: the |sellabletaxconstant| or ``None`` if unset
        if self.tax_constant:
            return self.tax_constant

        if self.category:
            return self.category.get_tax_constant()

    def get_category_prices(self):
        """Returns all client category prices associated with this sellable.

        :returns: the client category prices
        return self.store.find(ClientCategoryPrice, sellable=self)

    def get_category_price_info(self, category):
        """Returns the :class:`ClientCategoryPrice` information for the given
        :class:`ClientCategory` and this |sellable|.

        :returns: the :class:`ClientCategoryPrice` or ``None``
        info = self.store.find(ClientCategoryPrice, sellable=self,
        return info

    def get_price_for_category(self, category):
        """Given the |clientcategory|, returns the price for that category
        or the default sellable price.

        :param category: a |clientcategory|
        :returns: The value that should be used as a price for this sellable.
        info = self.get_category_price_info(category)
        if info:
            return info.price
        return self.price

    def get_maximum_discount(self, category=None, user=None):
        user_discount = user.profile.max_discount if user else 0
        if category is not None:
            info = self.get_category_price_info(category) or self
            info = self

        return Decimal(max(user_discount, info.max_discount))

    def check_code_exists(self, code):
        """Check if there is another sellable with the same code.

        :returns: ``True`` if we already have a sellable with the given code
          ``False`` otherwise.
        return self.check_unique_value_exists(Sellable.code, code)

    def check_barcode_exists(self, barcode):
        """Check if there is another sellable with the same barcode.

        :returns: ``True`` if we already have a sellable with the given barcode
          ``False`` otherwise.
        return self.check_unique_value_exists(Sellable.barcode, barcode)

    def check_taxes_validity(self):
        """Check if icms taxes are valid.

        This check is done because some icms taxes (such as CSOSN 101) have
        a 'valid until' field on it. If these taxes has expired, we cannot sell
        the sellable.
        Check this method using assert inside a try clause.

        :raises: :exc:`TaxError` if there are any issues with the sellable taxes.
        icms_template = self.product and self.product.icms_template
        if not icms_template:
        elif not icms_template.p_cred_sn:
        elif not icms_template.is_p_cred_sn_valid():
            # Translators: ICMS tax rate credit = Alíquota de crédito do ICMS
            raise TaxError(_("You cannot sell this item before updating "
                             "the 'ICMS tax rate credit' field on '%s' "
                             "Tax Class.\n"
                             "If you don't know what this means, contact "
                             "the system administrator.")
                           % icms_template.product_tax_template.name)

    def is_on_sale(self):
        """Check if the price is currently on sale.

        :return: ``True`` if it is on sale, ``False`` otherwise
        if not self.on_sale_price:
            return False

        return is_date_in_interval(
            localnow(), self.on_sale_start_date, self.on_sale_end_date)

    def is_valid_quantity(self, new_quantity):
        """Whether the new quantity is valid for this sellable or not.

        If the new quantity is fractioned, check on this sellable unit if it
        allows fractioned quantities. If not, this new quantity cannot be used.

        Note that, if the sellable lacks a unit, we will not allow
        fractions either.

        :returns: ``True`` if new quantity is Ok, ``False`` otherwise.
        if self.unit and not self.unit.allow_fraction:
            return not bool(new_quantity % 1)

        return True

    def is_valid_price(self, newprice, category=None, user=None,
        """Checks if *newprice* is valid for this sellable

        Returns a dict indicating whether the new price is a valid price as
        allowed by the discount by the user, by the category or by the sellable
        maximum discount

        :param newprice: The new price that we are trying to sell this
            sellable for
        :param category: Optionally define a |clientcategory| that we will get
            the price info from
        :param user: The user role may allow a different discount percentage.
        :param extra_discount: some extra discount for the sellable
            to be considered for the min_price
        :returns: A dict with the following keys:
            * is_valid: ``True`` if the price is valid, else ``False``
            * min_price: The minimum price for this sellable.
            * max_discount: The maximum discount for this sellable.
        if category is not None:
            info = self.get_category_price_info(category) or self
            info = self

        max_discount = self.get_maximum_discount(category=category, user=user)
        min_price = info.price * (1 - max_discount / 100)

        if extra_discount is not None:
            # The extra discount can be greater than the min_price, and
            # a negative min_price doesn't make sense
            min_price = max(currency(0), min_price - extra_discount)

        return {
            'is_valid': newprice >= min_price,
            'min_price': min_price,
            'max_discount': max_discount,

    def copy_sellable(self, target=None):
        """This method copies self to another sellable

        If the |sellable| target is None, a new sellable is created.

        :param target: The |sellable| target for the copy
        returns: a |sellable| identical to self
        if target is None:
            target = Sellable(store=self.store)

        props = ['base_price', 'category_id', 'cost', 'max_discount',
                 'commission', 'notes', 'unit_id', 'tax_constant_id',
                 'default_sale_cfop_id', 'on_sale_price', 'on_sale_start_date',

        for prop in props:
            value = getattr(self, prop)
            setattr(target, prop, value)

        return target

    # IDescribable implementation

    def get_description(self, full_description=False):
        desc = self.description
        if full_description and self.get_category_description():
            desc = u"[%s] %s" % (self.get_category_description(), desc)

        return desc

    # Domain hooks

    def on_update(self):
        obj = self.product or self.service

    def on_object_changed(self, attr, old_value, value):
        if attr == 'cost':
            self.cost_last_updated = localnow()
            if self.product:
        elif attr == 'base_price':
            self.price_last_updated = localnow()

    # Classmethods

    def remove(self):
        Remove this sellable. This will also remove the |product| or
        |sellable| and |categoryprice|
        assert self.can_remove()

        # Remove category price before delete the sellable.
        category_prices = self.get_category_prices()
        for category_price in category_prices:

        for image in self.images:

        if self.product:
        elif self.service:


    def get_available_sellables_query(cls, store):
        """Get the sellables that are available and can be sold.

        For instance, this will filter out the internal sellable used
        by a |delivery|.

        This is similar to `.get_available_sellables`, but it returns
        a query instead of the actual results.

        :param store: a store
        :returns: a query expression

        delivery = sysparam.get_object(store, 'DELIVERY_SERVICE')
        return And(cls.id != delivery.sellable.id,
                   cls.status == cls.STATUS_AVAILABLE)

    def get_available_sellables(cls, store):
        """Get the sellables that are available and can be sold.

        For instance, this will filter out the internal sellable used
        by a |delivery|.

        :param store: a store
        :returns: a resultset with the available sellables
        query = cls.get_available_sellables_query(store)
        return store.find(cls, query)

    def get_unblocked_sellables_query(cls, store, storable=False, supplier=None,
        """Helper method for get_unblocked_sellables

        When supplier is not ```None``, you should use this query only with
        Viewables that join with supplier, like ProductFullStockSupplierView.

        :param store: a store
        :param storable: if ``True``, we should filter only the sellables that
          are also a |storable|.
        :param supplier: |supplier| to filter on or ``None``
        :param consigned: if the sellables are consigned

        :returns: a query expression
        from stoqlib.domain.product import Product, ProductSupplierInfo
        query = And(cls.get_available_sellables_query(store),
                    cls.id == Product.id,
                    Product.consignment == consigned)
        if storable:
            from stoqlib.domain.product import Storable
            query = And(query,
                        Sellable.id == Product.id,
                        Storable.id == Product.id)

        if supplier:
            query = And(query,
                        Sellable.id == Product.id,
                        Product.id == ProductSupplierInfo.product_id,
                        ProductSupplierInfo.supplier_id == supplier.id)

        return query

    def get_unblocked_sellables(cls, store, storable=False, supplier=None,
        Returns unblocked sellable objects, which means the
        available sellables plus the sold ones.

        :param store: a store
        :param storable: if `True`, only return sellables that also are
        :param supplier: a |supplier| or ``None``, if set limit the returned
          object to this |supplier|

        :rtype: queryset of sellables
        query = cls.get_unblocked_sellables_query(store, storable, supplier,
        return store.find(cls, query)

    def get_unblocked_by_categories_query(cls, store, categories,
        """Returns the available sellables by a list of categories.

        :param store: a store
        :param categories: a list of SellableCategory instances
        :param include_uncategorized: whether or not include the sellables
            without a category

        :rtype: generator of sellables
        queries = []
        if len(categories):
            queries.append(In(Sellable.category_id, [c.id for c in categories]))
        if include_uncategorized:
            queries.append(Eq(Sellable.category_id, None))

        query = cls.get_unblocked_sellables_query(store)
        return And(query, Or(*queries))
class FiscalBookEntry(Domain):

    __storm_table__ = 'fiscal_book_entry'


    date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)
    is_reversal = BoolCol(default=False)
    invoice_number = IntCol()
    cfop_id = IdCol()
    cfop = Reference(cfop_id, 'CfopData.id')
    branch_id = IdCol()
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')
    drawee_id = IdCol(default=None)
    drawee = Reference(drawee_id, 'Person.id')
    payment_group_id = IdCol(default=None)
    payment_group = Reference(payment_group_id, 'PaymentGroup.id')
    iss_value = PriceCol(default=None)
    icms_value = PriceCol(default=None)
    ipi_value = PriceCol(default=None)
    entry_type = IntCol(default=None)

    def has_entry_by_payment_group(cls, store, payment_group, entry_type):
        return bool(
            cls.get_entry_by_payment_group(store, payment_group, entry_type))

    def get_entry_by_payment_group(cls, store, payment_group, entry_type):
        return store.find(cls,

    def _create_fiscal_entry(cls,
        return FiscalBookEntry(entry_type=entry_type,

    def create_product_entry(cls,
        """Creates a new product entry in the fiscal book

        :param store: a store
        :param group: payment group
        :type  group: :class:`PaymentGroup`
        :param cfop: cfop for the entry
        :type  cfop: :class:`CfopData`
        :param invoice_number: payment invoice number
        :param value: value of the payment
        :param ipi_value: ipi value of the payment
        :returns: a fiscal book entry
        :rtype: :class:`FiscalBookEntry`
        return cls._create_fiscal_entry(

    def create_service_entry(cls, store, group, cfop, invoice_number, value):
        """Creates a new service entry in the fiscal book

        :param store: a store
        :param group: payment group
        :type  group: :class:`PaymentGroup`
        :param cfop: cfop for the entry
        :type  cfop: :class:`CfopData`
        :param invoice_number: payment invoice number
        :param value: value of the payment
        :returns: a fiscal book entry
        :rtype: :class:`FiscalBookEntry`
        return cls._create_fiscal_entry(

    def reverse_entry(self,
        store = self.store
        icms_value = icms_value if icms_value is not None else self.icms_value
        iss_value = iss_value if iss_value is not None else self.iss_value
        ipi_value = ipi_value if ipi_value is not None else self.ipi_value

        return FiscalBookEntry(
class Invoice(Domain):
    """Stores information about invoices"""

    __storm_table__ = 'invoice'

    TYPE_IN = u'in'
    TYPE_OUT = u'out'

    LEGACY_MODE = u'legacy'
    NFE_MODE = u'nfe'
    NFCE_MODE = u'nfce'

    MODES = {55: NFE_MODE, 65: NFCE_MODE}

    MODE_NAMES = {NFE_MODE: _('NF-e'), NFCE_MODE: _('NFC-e')}

    #: the invoice number
    invoice_number = IntCol()

    #: the operation nature
    operation_nature = UnicodeCol()

    #: the invoice type, representing an IN/OUT operation
    invoice_type = EnumCol(allow_none=False)

    #: the invoice series
    series = IntCol(default=None)

    #: the invoice mode
    mode = EnumCol(default=None)

    #: the key generated by NF-e plugin
    key = UnicodeCol()

    #: numeric code randomly generated for each NF-e
    cnf = UnicodeCol()

    branch_id = IdCol()

    #: the |branch| where this invoice was generated
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        if not 'branch' in kw:
            kw['branch'] = get_current_branch(kw.get('store'))
        super(Invoice, self).__init__(**kw)

    def get_next_invoice_number(cls, store, mode=None, series=None):
        return Invoice.get_last_invoice_number(store, series, mode) + 1

    def get_last_invoice_number(cls, store, series=None, mode=None):
        """Returns the last invoice number. If there is not an invoice
        number used, the returned value will be zero.

        :param store: a store
        :returns: an integer representing the last sale invoice number
        current_branch = get_current_branch(store)
        last = store.find(cls, branch=current_branch, series=series,
        return last or 0

    def save_nfe_info(self, cnf, key):
        """ Save the CNF and KEY generated in NF-e.
        self.cnf = cnf
        self.key = key

    def check_unique_invoice_number_by_branch(self,
        """Check if the invoice_number is used in determined branch

        :param invoice_number: the invoice number we want to check
        :param branch: the |branch| of the invoice
        :param mode: one of the Invoice.mode
        :param series: the series of the invoice
        queries = {
            Invoice.invoice_number: invoice_number,
            Invoice.branch_id: branch.id,
            Invoice.mode: mode,
            Invoice.series: series
        return self.check_unique_tuple_exists(queries)

    def check_invoice_info_consistency(self):
        """If the invoice number is set, series and mode should also be.

        We should have a database constraint for this, but since these three data
        isn't saved at once, the constraint would brake every time.
        # FIXME: The nfce plugin is responsible for generating those
        # information now, but that broke our nfe plugin since it
        # needs an invoice number, but not the mode an the series.
        # We should find a better way of handling this since we don't
        # want to polute the nfe/nfce invoice number namespace.
        pg = get_plugin_manager()
        if pg.is_active('nfe'):  # pragma nocoverage

        # FIXME: We should not use assert in this kind of code since
        # there's an optimization flag on python that removes all the asserts
        assert ((self.invoice_number and self.series and self.mode)
                or (not self.invoice_number and not self.series
                    and not self.mode))

    def on_create(self):

    def on_update(self):
class DeviceSettings(Domain):

    __storm_table__ = 'device_settings'

    type = IntCol()
    brand = UnicodeCol()
    model = UnicodeCol()
    device_name = UnicodeCol()
    station_id = IdCol()
    station = Reference(station_id, 'BranchStation.id')
    is_active = BoolCol(default=True)


    device_types = {
        SCALE_DEVICE: _(u'Scale'),
        CHEQUE_PRINTER_DEVICE: _(u'Cheque Printer')

    # Domain

    def get_printer_description(self):
        return u"%s %s" % (self.brand.capitalize(), self.model)

    def get_device_type_name(self, type=None):
        return DeviceSettings.device_types[type or self.type]

    # XXX: Maybe stoqdrivers can implement a generic way to do this?
    def get_interface(self):
        """ Based on the column values instantiate the stoqdrivers interface
        for the device itself.
        port = SerialPort(device=self.device_name)

        if self.type == DeviceSettings.CHEQUE_PRINTER_DEVICE:
            return ChequePrinter(brand=self.brand, model=self.model, port=port)
        elif self.type == DeviceSettings.SCALE_DEVICE:
            return Scale(brand=self.brand,
        raise DatabaseInconsistency("The device type referred by this "
                                    "record (%r) is invalid, given %r." %
                                    (self, self.type))

    def is_a_printer(self):
        return self.type == DeviceSettings.CHEQUE_PRINTER_DEVICE

    def is_valid(self):
        return (all((self.model, self.device_name, self.brand, self.station))
                and self.type in DeviceSettings.device_types)

    def get_by_station_and_type(cls, store, station, type):
        """Fetch all settings for a specific station and type.

        :param store: a store
        :param station: a BranchStation instance
        :param type: device type
        return store.find(cls, station=station, type=type)

    def get_scale_settings(cls, store):
        Get the scale device settings for the current station
        :param store: a store
        :returns: a :class:`DeviceSettings` object or None if there is none
        station = get_current_station(store)
        return store.find(cls, station=station, type=cls.SCALE_DEVICE).one()

    # IActive implementation

    def inactivate(self):
        self.is_active = False

    def activate(self):
        self.is_active = True

    def get_status_string(self):
        if self.is_active:
            return _(u'Active')
        return _(u'Inactive')

    # IDescribable implementation

    def get_description(self):
        return self.get_printer_description()
文件: purchase.py 项目: sarkis89/stoq
class PurchaseOrder(Domain):
    """Purchase and order definition."""

    __storm_table__ = 'purchase_order'

    ORDER_QUOTING = u'quoting'
    ORDER_PENDING = u'pending'
    ORDER_CONFIRMED = u'confirmed'
    ORDER_CONSIGNED = u'consigned'
    ORDER_CANCELLED = u'cancelled'
    ORDER_CLOSED = u'closed'

    statuses = collections.OrderedDict([
        (ORDER_QUOTING, _(u'Quoting')),
        (ORDER_PENDING, _(u'Pending')),
        (ORDER_CONFIRMED, _(u'Confirmed')),
        (ORDER_CONSIGNED, _(u'Consigned')),
        (ORDER_CANCELLED, _(u'Cancelled')),
        (ORDER_CLOSED, _(u'Closed')),

    FREIGHT_FOB = u'fob'
    FREIGHT_CIF = u'cif'

    freight_types = {FREIGHT_FOB: _(u'FOB'), FREIGHT_CIF: _(u'CIF')}

    #: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead of
    #: :obj:`Domain.id` when displaying a numerical representation of this object to
    #: the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such.
    identifier = IdentifierCol()

    status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=ORDER_QUOTING)
    open_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow, allow_none=False)
    quote_deadline = DateTimeCol(default=None)
    expected_receival_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)
    expected_pay_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)
    receival_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
    confirm_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
    notes = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    salesperson_name = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    freight_type = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=FREIGHT_FOB)
    expected_freight = PriceCol(default=0)

    surcharge_value = PriceCol(default=0)
    discount_value = PriceCol(default=0)

    consigned = BoolCol(default=False)
    supplier_id = IdCol()
    supplier = Reference(supplier_id, 'Supplier.id')
    branch_id = IdCol()
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')
    transporter_id = IdCol(default=None)
    transporter = Reference(transporter_id, 'Transporter.id')
    responsible_id = IdCol()
    responsible = Reference(responsible_id, 'LoginUser.id')
    group_id = IdCol()
    group = Reference(group_id, 'PaymentGroup.id')

    # IContainer Implementation

    def get_items(self, with_children=True):
        """Get the items of the purchase order

        :param with_children: indicate if we should fetch children_items or not
        query = PurchaseItem.order == self
        if not with_children:
            query = And(query, Eq(PurchaseItem.parent_item_id, None))
        return self.store.find(PurchaseItem, query)

    def remove_item(self, item):
        if item.order is not self:
            raise ValueError(
                _(u'Argument item must have an order attribute '
                  'associated with the current purchase instance'))
        item.order = None

    def add_item(self, sellable, quantity=Decimal(1), parent=None):
        store = self.store
        return PurchaseItem(store=store,

    # Properties

    def discount_percentage(self):
        """Discount by percentage.
        Note that percentage must be added as an absolute value not as a
        factor like 1.05 = 5 % of surcharge
        The correct form is 'percentage = 3' for a discount of 3 %"""
        discount_value = self.discount_value
        if not discount_value:
            return currency(0)
        subtotal = self.purchase_subtotal
        assert subtotal > 0, (u'the subtotal should not be zero '
                              u'at this point')
        total = subtotal - discount_value
        percentage = (1 - total / subtotal) * 100
        return quantize(percentage)

    def discount_percentage(self, value):
        self.discount_value = self._get_percentage_value(value)

    def surcharge_percentage(self):
        """Surcharge by percentage.
        Note that surcharge must be added as an absolute value not as a
        factor like 0.97 = 3 % of discount.
        The correct form is 'percentage = 3' for a surcharge of 3 %"""
        surcharge_value = self.surcharge_value
        if not surcharge_value:
            return currency(0)
        subtotal = self.purchase_subtotal
        assert subtotal > 0, (u'the subtotal should not be zero '
                              u'at this point')
        total = subtotal + surcharge_value
        percentage = ((total / subtotal) - 1) * 100
        return quantize(percentage)

    def surcharge_percentage(self, value):
        self.surcharge_value = self._get_percentage_value(value)

    def payments(self):
        """Returns all valid payments for this purchase

        This will return a list of valid payments for this purchase, that
        is, all payments on the payment group that were not cancelled.
        If you need to get the cancelled too, use self.group.payments.

        :returns: a list of |payment|
        return self.group.get_valid_payments()

    # Private

    def _get_percentage_value(self, percentage):
        if not percentage:
            return currency(0)
        subtotal = self.purchase_subtotal
        percentage = Decimal(percentage)
        return subtotal * (percentage / 100)

    def _payback_paid_payments(self):
        paid_value = self.group.get_total_paid()

        # If we didn't pay anything yet, there is no need to create a payback.
        if not paid_value:

        money = PaymentMethod.get_by_name(self.store, u'money')
        payment = money.create_payment(
            description=_(u'%s Money Returned for Purchase %s') %
            (u'1/1', self.identifier))

    # Public API

    def is_paid(self):
        for payment in self.payments:
            if not payment.is_paid():
                return False
        return True

    def can_cancel(self):
        """Find out if it's possible to cancel the order

        :returns: True if it's possible to cancel the order, otherwise False
        # FIXME: Canceling partial orders disabled until we fix bug 3282
        for item in self.get_items():
            if item.has_partial_received():
                return False
        return self.status in [

    def can_close(self):
        """Find out if it's possible to close the order

        :returns: True if it's possible to close the order, otherwise False

        # Consigned orders can be closed only after being confirmed
        if self.status == self.ORDER_CONSIGNED:
            return False

        for item in self.get_items():
            if not item.has_been_received():
                return False
        return True

    def confirm(self, confirm_date=None):
        """Confirms the purchase order

        :param confirm_data: optional, datetime
        if confirm_date is None:
            confirm_date = TransactionTimestamp()

        if self.status not in [
                PurchaseOrder.ORDER_PENDING, PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONSIGNED
            fmt = _(u'Invalid order status, it should be '
                    u'ORDER_PENDING or ORDER_CONSIGNED, got %s')
            raise ValueError(fmt % (self.status_str, ))

        # In consigned purchases there is no payments at this point.
        if self.status != PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONSIGNED:
            for payment in self.payments:

        if self.supplier:
            self.group.recipient = self.supplier.person

        self.responsible = get_current_user(self.store)
        self.status = PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED
        self.confirm_date = confirm_date

            self.store, Event.TYPE_ORDER,
            _(u"Order %s, total value %2.2f, supplier '%s' "
              u"is now confirmed") %
            (self.identifier, self.purchase_total, self.supplier.person.name))

    def set_consigned(self):
        if self.status != PurchaseOrder.ORDER_PENDING:
            raise ValueError(
                _(u'Invalid order status, it should be '
                  u'ORDER_PENDING, got %s') % (self.status_str, ))

        self.responsible = get_current_user(self.store)
        self.status = PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONSIGNED

    def close(self):
        """Closes the purchase order
        if self.status != PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED:
            raise ValueError(
                _(u'Invalid status, it should be confirmed '
                  u'got %s instead') % self.status_str)
        self.status = self.ORDER_CLOSED

            self.store, Event.TYPE_ORDER,
            _(u"Order %s, total value %2.2f, supplier '%s' "
              u"is now closed") %
            (self.identifier, self.purchase_total, self.supplier.person.name))

    def cancel(self):
        """Cancels the purchase order
        assert self.can_cancel()

        # we have to cancel the payments too

        self.status = self.ORDER_CANCELLED

    def receive_item(self, item, quantity_to_receive):
        if not item in self.get_pending_items():
            raise StoqlibError(
                _(u'This item is not pending, hence '
                  u'cannot be received'))
        quantity = item.quantity - item.quantity_received
        if quantity < quantity_to_receive:
            raise StoqlibError(
                _(u'The quantity that you want to receive '
                  u'is greater than the total quantity of '
                  u'this item %r') % item)
        self.increase_quantity_received(item, quantity_to_receive)

    def increase_quantity_received(self, purchase_item, quantity_received):
        sellable = purchase_item.sellable
        items = [
            item for item in self.get_items()
            if item.sellable.id == sellable.id
        qty = len(items)
        if not qty:
            raise ValueError(
                _(u'There is no purchase item for '
                  u'sellable %r') % sellable)

        purchase_item.quantity_received += quantity_received

    def update_products_cost(self):
        """Update purchase's items cost

        Update the costs of all products on this purchase
        to the costs specified in the order.
        for item in self.get_items():
            item.sellable.cost = item.cost
            product = item.sellable.product
            product_supplier = product.get_product_supplier_info(self.supplier)
            product_supplier.base_cost = item.cost

    def status_str(self):
        return PurchaseOrder.translate_status(self.status)

    def freight_type_name(self):
        if not self.freight_type in self.freight_types.keys():
            raise DatabaseInconsistency(
                _(u'Invalid freight_type, got %d') % self.freight_type)
        return self.freight_types[self.freight_type]

    def branch_name(self):
        return self.branch.get_description()

    def supplier_name(self):
        return self.supplier.get_description()

    def transporter_name(self):
        if not self.transporter:
            return u""
        return self.transporter.get_description()

    def responsible_name(self):
        return self.responsible.get_description()

    def purchase_subtotal(self):
        """Get the subtotal of the purchase.
        The sum of all the items cost * items quantity
        return currency(
            self.get_items().sum(PurchaseItem.cost * PurchaseItem.quantity)
            or 0)

    def purchase_total(self):
        subtotal = self.purchase_subtotal
        total = subtotal - self.discount_value + self.surcharge_value
        if total < 0:
            raise ValueError(_(u'Purchase total can not be lesser than zero'))
        # XXX: Since the purchase_total value must have two digits
        # (at the moment) we need to format the value to a 2-digit number and
        # then convert it to currency data type, because the subtotal value
        # may return a 3-or-more-digit value, depending on COST_PRECISION_DIGITS
        # parameters.
        return currency(get_formatted_price(total))

    def received_total(self):
        """Like {purchase_subtotal} but only takes into account the
        received items
        return currency(self.get_items().sum(
            PurchaseItem.cost * PurchaseItem.quantity_received) or 0)

    def get_remaining_total(self):
        """The total value to be paid for the items not received yet
        return self.purchase_total - self.received_total

    def get_pending_items(self, with_children=True):
        Returns a sequence of all items which we haven't received yet.
        return self.get_items(with_children=with_children).find(
            PurchaseItem.quantity_received < PurchaseItem.quantity)

    def get_partially_received_items(self):
        Returns a sequence of all items which are partially received.
        return self.get_items().find(PurchaseItem.quantity_received > 0)

    def get_open_date_as_string(self):
        return self.open_date and self.open_date.strftime("%x") or u""

    def get_quote_deadline_as_string(self):
        return self.quote_deadline and self.quote_deadline.strftime(
            "%x") or u""

    def get_receiving_orders(self):
        """Returns all ReceivingOrder related to this purchase order
        from stoqlib.domain.receiving import PurchaseReceivingMap, ReceivingOrder
        tables = [PurchaseReceivingMap, ReceivingOrder]
        query = And(PurchaseReceivingMap.purchase_id == self.id,
                    PurchaseReceivingMap.receiving_id == ReceivingOrder.id)
        return self.store.using(*tables).find(ReceivingOrder, query)

    def get_data_for_labels(self):
        """ This function returns some necessary data to print the purchase's
        items labels
        for purchase_item in self.get_items():
            sellable = purchase_item.sellable
            label_data = Settable(barcode=sellable.barcode,
            yield label_data

    def has_batch_item(self):
        """Fetch the storables from this purchase order and returns ``True`` if
        any of them is a batch storable.

        :returns: ``True`` if this purchase order has batch items, ``False`` if
        it doesn't.
        return not self.store.find(
            And(self.id == PurchaseOrder.id, PurchaseOrder.id
                == PurchaseItem.order_id, PurchaseItem.sellable_id
                == Sellable.id, Sellable.id == Storable.id,
                Eq(Storable.is_batch, True))).is_empty()

    # Classmethods

    def translate_status(cls, status):
        if not status in cls.statuses:
            raise DatabaseInconsistency(
                _(u'Got an unexpected status value: '
                  u'%s') % status)
        return cls.statuses[status]
class Domain(ORMObject):
    """The base domain for Stoq.

    This builds on top of :class:`stoqlib.database.properties.ORMObject` and adds:

    * created and modified |transactionentry|, a log which is mainly used
      by database synchonization, it allows us to find out what has been
      modified and created within a specific time frame.
    * create/update/modify hooks, which some domain objects implement to
      fire of events that can be used to find out when a specific
      domain event is triggered, eg a |sale| is created, a |product| is
      modified. etc.
    * cloning of domains, when you want to create a new similar domain
    * function to check if an value of a column is unique within a domain.

    Not all domain objects need to subclass Domain, some, such as
    :class:`stoqlib.domain.system.SystemTable` inherit from ORMObject.

    # FIXME: this is only used by pylint
    __storm_table__ = 'invalid'

    #: A list of fields from this object that should de added on the
    #: representation of this object (when calling repr())
    repr_fields = []

    #: id of this domain class, it's usually the primary key.
    #: it will automatically update when a new insert is created.
    #: Note that there might be holes in the sequence numbers, which happens
    #: due to aborted transactions
    id = IdCol(primary=True, default=AutoReload)

    te_id = IntCol(default=AutoReload)

    #: a |transactionentry| for when the domain object was created and last
    #: modified
    te = Reference(te_id, TransactionEntry.id)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ORMObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        parts = ['%r' % self.id]
        for field in self.repr_fields:
            parts.append('%s=%r' % (field, getattr(self, field)))

        desc = ' '.join(parts)
        return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, desc)

    def __storm_loaded__(self):

    def __storm_pre_flush__(self):
        obj_info = get_obj_info(self)
        pending = obj_info.get("pending")
        stoq_pending = obj_info.get('stoq-status')
        store = obj_info.get("store")

        if pending is PENDING_ADD:
            obj_info['stoq-status'] = _OBJ_CREATED
        elif pending is PENDING_REMOVE:
            obj_info['stoq-status'] = _OBJ_DELETED
            # This is storm's approach to check if the obj has pending changes,
            # but only makes sense if the obj is not being created/deleted.
            if (store._get_changes_map(obj_info, True)
                    and stoq_pending not in [_OBJ_CREATED, _OBJ_DELETED]):
                obj_info['stoq-status'] = _OBJ_UPDATED

    #   Private

    def _listen_to_events(self):
        event = get_obj_info(self).event
        event.hook('changed', self._on_object_changed)
        event.hook('before-removed', self._on_object_before_removed)
        event.hook('before-commited', self._on_object_before_commited)

    def _on_object_changed(self, obj_info, variable, old_value, value,
        # Only call the hook if the value is coming from python, and is a valid
        # value (not auto reload) and the value actually changed.
        if from_db or value is AutoReload or old_value == value:

        self.on_object_changed(variable.column.name, old_value, value)

    def _on_object_before_removed(self, obj_info):
        # If the obj was created and them removed, nothing needs to be done.
        # It never really got into the database.
        if obj_info.get('stoq-status') == _OBJ_CREATED:
            obj_info['stoq-status'] = None

        # This is emited right before the object is removed from the store.
        # We must also remove the transaction entry, but the entry should be
        # deleted *after* the object is deleted, thats why we need to specify
        # the flush order.
        store = obj_info.get("store")
        store.add_flush_order(self, self.te)

    def _on_object_before_commited(self, obj_info):
        # on_create/on_update hooks can modify the object and make it be
        # flushed again, so lets reset pending before calling them
        stoq_pending = obj_info.get('stoq-status')
        obj_info['stoq-status'] = None

        if stoq_pending == _OBJ_CREATED:
        elif stoq_pending == _OBJ_UPDATED:

    # Public API

    def serialize(self):
        """Returns the object as a dictionary"""
        dictionary = {}
        for cls in self.__class__.__mro__:
            for key, value in cls.__dict__.items():
                if isinstance(value, Property):
                    attribute = getattr(self, key)
                    # Handle Identifier Columns as string instead of int
                    if type(attribute) == Identifier:
                        attribute = str(attribute)
                    dictionary[key] = attribute
        return dictionary

    def on_create(self):
        """Called when *self* is about to be created on the database

        This hook can be overridden on child classes for improved functionality.

        A trick you may want to use: Use :meth:`ORMObject.get_store` to get the
        :class:`store <stoqlib.database.runtime.StoqlibStore>` in which
        *self* lives and do your modifications in it.

    def on_update(self):
        """Called when *self* is about to be updated on the database

        This hook can be overridden on child classes for improved

        A trick you may want to use: Use :meth:`ORMObject.get_store` to get the
        :class:`store <stoqlib.database.runtime.StoqlibStore>` in which
        *self* lives and do your modifications in it.

    def on_delete(self):
        """Called when *self* is about to be removed from the database

        This hook can be overridden on child classes for improved

        A trick you may want to use: Use :meth:`ORMObject.get_store` to get the
        :class:`store <stoqlib.database.runtime.StoqlibStore>` in which
        *self* lives and use it to do a cleanup in other objects for instance,
        so if the store is rolled back, your cleanup will be rolled back too.

        Note that modifying *self* doesn't make sense since it will soon be
        removed from the database.

    def on_object_changed(self, attr, old_value, value):
        """Hook for when an attribute of this object changes.

        This is called when any property of the object has the value changed.
        This will only be called when the value is known (ie, not AutoReload)
        and the value comes from python, not from the database, and the value
        has actually changed from the previous value.

    def clone(self):
        """Get a persistent copy of an existent object. Remember that we can
        not use copy because this approach will not activate ORMObject
        methods which allow creating persitent objects. We also always
        need a new id for each copied object.

        :returns: the copy of ourselves
        warnings.warn("don't use this", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        kwargs = {}
        for column in get_cls_info(self.__class__).columns:
            # FIXME: Make sure this is cloning correctly
            name = column.name
            if name in ['id', 'identifier', 'te_id']:
            if name.endswith('_id'):
                name = name[:-3]
            kwargs[name] = getattr(self, name)

        klass = type(self)
        return klass(store=self.store, **kwargs)

    def check_unique_value_exists(self, attribute, value, case_sensitive=True):
        """Check database for attribute/value precense

        Check if we already the given attribute/value pair in the database,
        but ignoring this object's ones.

        :param attribute: the attribute that should be unique
        :param value: value that we will check if exists in the database
        :param case_sensitive: If the checking should be case sensitive or
        :returns: the existing object or ``None``
        return self.check_unique_tuple_exists({attribute: value},

    def check_unique_tuple_exists(self, values, case_sensitive=True):
        """Check database for values presence

        Check if we already the given attributes and values in the database,
        but ignoring this object's ones.

        :param values: dictionary of attributes:values that we will check if
          exists in the database.
        :param case_sensitive: If the checking should be case sensitive or
        :returns: the existing object or ``None``
        if all([value in ['', None] for value in values.values()]):
            return None

        clauses = []
        for attr, value, in values.items():

            if not isinstance(value, unicode) or case_sensitive:
                clauses.append(attr == value)
                clauses.append(Like(attr, value, case_sensitive=False))

        cls = type(self)
        # Remove myself from the results.
        if hasattr(self, 'id'):
            clauses.append(cls.id != self.id)
        query = And(*clauses)

            return self.store.find(cls, query).one()
        except NotOneError:
            # FIXME: Instead of breaking stoq if more than one tuple exists,
            # simply return the first object, but log a warning about the
            # database issue. We should have UNIQUE constraints in more places
            # to be sure that this would never happen
            values_str = ["%s => %s" % (k.name, v) for k, v in values.items()]
                "more than one result found when trying to "
                "check_unique_tuple_exists on table '%s' for values: %r" %
                (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(sorted(values_str))))
            return self.store.find(cls, query).any()

    def merge_with(self, other, skip=None, copy_empty_values=True):
        """Does automatic references updating when merging two objects.

        This will update all tables that reference the `other` object and make
        them reference `self` instead.

        After this it should be safe to remove the `other` object. Since there
        is no one referencing it anymore.

        :param skip: A set of (table, column) that should be skiped by the
          automatic update. This are normally tables that require a special
          treatment, like when there are constraints.
        :param copy_empty_values: If True, attributes that are either null or an
          empty string in self will be updated with the value from the other
          object (given that the other attribute is not empty as well)
        skip = skip or set()
        event_skip = DomainMergeEvent.emit(self, other)
        if event_skip:
            skip = skip.union(event_skip)

        if copy_empty_values:

        refs = self.store.list_references(type(self).id)
        for (table, column, other_table, other_column, u, d) in refs:
            if (table, column) in skip:

            clause = Field(table, column) == other.id
            self.store.execute(Update({column: self.id}, clause, table))

    def copy_empty_values(self, other):
        """Copies the values from other object if missing in self

        This will copy all values from the other object that are missing from
        this one.
        empty_values = [None, u'']
        for attr_property, column in self._storm_columns.items():
            self_value = getattr(self, column.name)
            other_value = getattr(other, column.name)
            if self_value in empty_values and other_value not in empty_values:
                setattr(self, column.name, other_value)

    def can_remove(self, skip=None):
        """Check if this object can be removed from the database

        This will check if there's any object referencing self

        :param skip: an itarable containing the (table, column) to skip
            the check. Use this to avoid false positives when you will
            delete those skipped by hand before self.
        skip = skip or set()
        selects = []
        refs = self.store.list_references(self.__class__.id)

        for t_name, c_name, ot_name, oc_name, u, d in refs:
            if (t_name, c_name) in skip:

            column = Field(t_name, c_name)
                       where=column == self.id,

        # If everything was skipped, there's no query to execute
        if not len(selects):
            return True

        # We can only pass limit=1 to UnionAll if there's more than one select.
        # If not, storm will put the limit anyway and it will join with the
        # select's limit producing an error: multiple LIMIT clauses not allowed
        if len(selects) > 1:
            extra = {'limit': 1}
            extra = {}

        return not any(self.store.execute(UnionAll(*selects, **extra)))

    #  Classmethods

    def get_temporary_identifier(cls, store):
        """Returns a temporary negative identifier

        This should be used when working with syncronized databases and a
        purchase order is being created in a branch different than the
        destination branch.

        The sincronizer will be responsible for setting the definitive
        identifier once the order arives at the destination
        lower_value = store.find(cls).min(cls.identifier)
        return min(lower_value or 0, 0) - 1

    def find_distinct_values(cls, store, attr, exclude_empty=True):
        """Find distinct values for a given attr

        :param store: a store
        :param attr: the attr we are going to get distinct values for
        :param exclude_empty: if ``True``, empty results (``None`` or
            empty strings) will be removed from the results
        :returns: an iterator of the results

        results = store.find(cls)
        for value in results.values(attr):
            if exclude_empty and not value:
            yield value

    def get_max_value(cls, store, attr, validate_attr=True, query=Undef):
        """Get the maximum value for a given attr

        On text columns, trying to find the max value for them using MAX()
        on postgres would result in some problems, like '9' being considered
        greater than '10' (because the comparison is done from left to right).

        This will 0-"pad" the values for the comparison, making it compare
        the way we want. Note that because of that, in the example above,
        it would return '09' instead of '9'

        :para store: a store
        :param attr: the attribute to find the max value for
        :returns: the maximum value for the attr
        if validate_attr:
            cls.validate_attr(attr, expected_type=UnicodeCol)

        max_length = Alias(
            Select(columns=[Alias(Max(CharLength(attr)), 'max_length')],
                   where=query), '_max_length')
        # Using LPad with max_length will workaround most of the cases where
        # the string comparison fails. For example, the common case would
        # consider '9' to be greater than '10'. We could test just strings
        # with length equal to max_length, but than '010' would be greater
        # than '001' would be greater than '10' (that would be excluded from
        # the comparison). By doing lpad, '09' is lesser than '10' and '001'
        # is lesser than '010', working around those cases
        if query is not Undef and query is not None:
            data = store.using(cls, max_length).find(cls, query)
            data = store.using(cls, max_length).find(cls)
        max_batch = data.max(
            LPad(attr, Field('_max_length', 'max_length'), u'0'))

        # Make the api consistent and return an ampty string instead of None
        # if there's no batch registered on the database
        return max_batch or u''

    def get_or_create(cls, store, **kwargs):
        """Get the object from the database that matches the given criteria, and if
        it doesn't exist, create a new object, with the properties given already

        The properties given ideally should be the primary key, or a candidate
        key (unique values).

        :returns: an object matching the query or a newly created one if a
          matching one couldn't be found.
        obj = store.find(cls, **kwargs).one()
        if obj is not None:
            return obj

        obj = cls(store=store)
        # Use setattr instead of passing it to the constructor, since not all
        # constructors accept all properties. There is no check if the
        # properties are valid since it will fail in the store.find() call above.
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(obj, key, value)

        return obj

    def validate_attr(cls, attr, expected_type=None):
        """Make sure attr belongs to cls and has the expected type

        :param attr: the attr we will check if it is on cls
        :param expected_type: the expected type for the attr to be
            an instance of. If ``None`` will default to Property
        :raises: :exc:`TypeError` if the attr is not an instance
            of expected_type
        :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the attr does not belong to
            this class
        expected_type = expected_type or Property
        if not issubclass(expected_type, Property):
            raise TypeError("expected_type %s needs to be a %s subclass" %
                            (expected_type, Property))

        # We need to iterate over cls._storm_columns to find the
        # attr's property because there's no reference to that property
        # (the descriptor) on the attr
        for attr_property, column in cls._storm_columns.items():
            if column is attr:
            attr_property = None  # pylint
            raise ValueError("Domain %s does not have a column %s" %
                             (cls.__name__, attr.name))

        if not isinstance(attr_property, expected_type):
            raise TypeError("attr %s needs to be a %s instance" %
                            (attr.name, expected_type))

    def validate_batch(cls, batch, sellable, storable=None):
        """Verifies if the given |batch| is valid for the given |sellable|.

        :param batch: A |storablebatch| that is being validated
        :param sellable: A |sellable| that we should use to validate against the batch
        :param storable: If provided, the corresponding |storable| for the given
            batch, to avoid unecessary queries.
        if not storable:
            product = sellable.product
            storable = product and product.storable or None

        if not batch:
            # When batch is not given, the only accepted scenarios are that storable is
            # None or the storable does not require batches
            if not storable or not storable.is_batch:
            raise ValueError('Batch should not be None for %r' % sellable)

        # From now on, batch is not None
        if not storable:
            raise ValueError('Batches should only be used with storables, '
                             'but %r is not one' % sellable)
        if not storable.is_batch:
            raise ValueError('This storable %r does not require a batch' %
        if batch.storable != storable:
            raise ValueError('Given batch %r and storable %r are not related' %
                             (batch, storable))
文件: purchase.py 项目: sarkis89/stoq
class PurchaseItem(Domain):
    """This class stores information of the purchased items.

    __storm_table__ = 'purchase_item'

    quantity = QuantityCol(default=1)
    quantity_received = QuantityCol(default=0)
    quantity_sold = QuantityCol(default=0)
    quantity_returned = QuantityCol(default=0)

    #: the cost which helps the purchaser to define the
    #: main cost of a certain product.
    base_cost = PriceCol()

    cost = PriceCol()
    expected_receival_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    sellable_id = IdCol()

    #: the |sellable|
    sellable = Reference(sellable_id, 'Sellable.id')

    order_id = IdCol()

    #: the |purchase|
    order = Reference(order_id, 'PurchaseOrder.id')

    parent_item_id = IdCol()
    parent_item = Reference(parent_item_id, 'PurchaseItem.id')

    children_items = ReferenceSet('id', 'PurchaseItem.parent_item_id')

    def __init__(self, store=None, **kw):
        if not 'sellable' in kw:
            raise TypeError('You must provide a sellable argument')
        if not 'order' in kw:
            raise TypeError('You must provide a order argument')

        # FIXME: Avoding shadowing sellable.cost
        kw['base_cost'] = kw['sellable'].cost

        if not 'cost' in kw:
            kw['cost'] = kw['sellable'].cost

        Domain.__init__(self, store=store, **kw)

    # Accessors

    def get_total(self):
        return currency(self.quantity * self.cost)

    def get_total_sold(self):
        return currency(self.quantity_sold * self.cost)

    def get_received_total(self):
        return currency(self.quantity_received * self.cost)

    def has_been_received(self):
        return self.quantity_received >= self.quantity

    def has_partial_received(self):
        return self.quantity_received > 0

    def get_pending_quantity(self):
        return self.quantity - self.quantity_received

    def get_quantity_as_string(self):
        unit = self.sellable.unit
        return u"%s %s" % (format_quantity(
            self.quantity), unit and unit.description or u"")

    def get_quantity_received_as_string(self):
        unit = self.sellable.unit
        return u"%s %s" % (format_quantity(
            self.quantity_received), unit and unit.description or u"")

    def get_ordered_quantity(cls, store, sellable):
        """Returns the quantity already ordered of a given sellable.

        :param store: a store
        :param sellable: the sellable we want to know the quantity ordered.
        :returns: the quantity already ordered of a given sellable or zero if
          no quantity have been ordered.
        query = And(PurchaseItem.sellable_id == sellable.id,
                    PurchaseOrder.id == PurchaseItem.order_id,
                    PurchaseOrder.status == PurchaseOrder.ORDER_CONFIRMED)
        ordered_items = store.find(PurchaseItem, query)
        return ordered_items.sum(PurchaseItem.quantity) or Decimal(0)

    def return_consignment(self, quantity):
        Return this as a consignment item

        :param quantity: the quantity to return
        storable = self.sellable.product_storable
        assert storable

    def get_component_quantity(self, parent):
        """Get the quantity of a component.

        :param parent: the |purchase_item| parent_item of self
        :returns: the quantity of the component
        for component in parent.sellable.product.get_components():
            if self.sellable.product == component.component:
                return component.quantity
class StockDecrease(Domain):
    """Stock Decrease object implementation.

    Stock Decrease is when the user need to manually decrease the stock
    quantity, for some reason that is not a sale, transfer or other cases
    already covered in stoqlib.

    __storm_table__ = 'stock_decrease'

    #: Stock Decrease is still being edited
    STATUS_INITIAL = u'initial'

    #: Stock Decrease is confirmed and stock items have been decreased.
    STATUS_CONFIRMED = u'confirmed'

    statuses = {
        STATUS_INITIAL: _(u'Opened'),
        STATUS_CONFIRMED: _(u'Confirmed')

    #: A numeric identifier for this object. This value should be used instead of
    #: :obj:`Domain.id` when displaying a numerical representation of this object to
    #: the user, in dialogs, lists, reports and such.
    identifier = IdentifierCol()

    #: status of the sale
    status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=STATUS_INITIAL)

    reason = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    #: Some optional additional information related to this sale.
    notes = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    #: the date sale was created
    confirm_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    responsible_id = IdCol()

    #: who should be blamed for this
    responsible = Reference(responsible_id, 'LoginUser.id')

    removed_by_id = IdCol()

    removed_by = Reference(removed_by_id, 'Employee.id')

    branch_id = IdCol()

    #: branch where the sale was done
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    #: person who is receiving
    person_id = IdCol()

    person = Reference(person_id, 'Person.id')

    #: the choosen CFOP
    cfop_id = IdCol()

    cfop = Reference(cfop_id, 'CfopData.id')

    # FIXME: Duplicated from Invoice. Remove it
    #: The invoice number of the stock decrease
    invoice_number = IntCol()

    #: the payment group related to this stock decrease
    group_id = IdCol()

    group = Reference(group_id, 'PaymentGroup.id')

    cost_center_id = IdCol()

    #: the |costcenter| that the cost of the products decreased in this stock
    #: decrease should be accounted for. When confirming a stock decrease with
    #: a |costcenter| set, a |costcenterentry| will be created for each product
    #: decreased.
    cost_center = Reference(cost_center_id, 'CostCenter.id')

    #: |transporter| used in stock decrease
    transporter = None

    invoice_id = IdCol()

    #: The |invoice| generated by the stock decrease
    invoice = Reference(invoice_id, 'Invoice.id')

    def __init__(self, store=None, **kwargs):
        kwargs['invoice'] = Invoice(store=store, invoice_type=Invoice.TYPE_OUT)
        super(StockDecrease, self).__init__(store=store, **kwargs)

    # IInvoice implementation

    def comments(self):
        return self.reason

    def discount_value(self):
        return currency(0)

    def invoice_subtotal(self):
        return currency(self.get_total_cost())

    def invoice_total(self):
        return currency(self.get_total_cost())

    def payments(self):
        if self.group:
            return self.group.get_valid_payments().order_by(Payment.open_date)
        return None

    def recipient(self):
        return self.person

    def operation_nature(self):
        # TODO: Save the operation nature in new loan table field.
        return _(u"Stock decrease")

    # Classmethods

    def get_status_name(cls, status):
        if not status in cls.statuses:
            raise DatabaseInconsistency(_(u"Invalid status %d") % status)
        return cls.statuses[status]

    def add_item(self, item):
        assert not item.stock_decrease
        item.stock_decrease = self

    def get_items(self):
        return self.store.find(StockDecreaseItem, stock_decrease=self)

    def remove_item(self, item):
        item.stock_decrease = None

    # Status

    def can_confirm(self):
        """Only stock decreases with status equal to INITIAL can be confirmed

        :returns: ``True`` if the stock decrease can be confirmed, otherwise ``False``
        return self.status == StockDecrease.STATUS_INITIAL

    def confirm(self):
        """Confirms the stock decrease

        assert self.can_confirm()
        assert self.branch

        store = self.store
        branch = self.branch
        for item in self.get_items():
            if item.sellable.product:
                ProductHistory.add_decreased_item(store, branch, item)

        self.status = StockDecrease.STATUS_CONFIRMED

        # Save the invoice number, operation_nature and branch in Invoice Table
        self.invoice.invoice_number = self.invoice_number
        self.invoice.operation_nature = self.operation_nature
        self.invoice.branch = branch

        if self.group:

    # Accessors

    def get_branch_name(self):
        return self.branch.get_description()

    def get_responsible_name(self):
        return self.responsible.get_description()

    def get_removed_by_name(self):
        if not self.removed_by:
            return u''

        return self.removed_by.get_description()

    def get_total_items_removed(self):
        return sum([item.quantity for item in self.get_items()], 0)

    def get_cfop_description(self):
        return self.cfop.get_description()

    def get_total_cost(self):
        return self.get_items().sum(StockDecreaseItem.cost *

    # Other methods

    def add_sellable(self, sellable, cost=None, quantity=1, batch=None):
        """Adds a new sellable item to a stock decrease

        :param sellable: the |sellable|
        :param cost: the cost for the decrease. If ``None``, sellable.cost
            will be used instead
        :param quantity: quantity to add, defaults to ``1``
        :param batch: the |batch| this sellable comes from, if the sellable is a
          storable. Should be ``None`` if it is not a storable or if the storable
          does not have batches.
        self.validate_batch(batch, sellable=sellable)
        if cost is None:
            cost = sellable.cost

        return StockDecreaseItem(store=self.store,