def _list_active_tasks(params): result = [] for tsk in backup_control.ListPendingTasks(): result.append({ 'name': os.path.basename(tsk.localPath), 'path': os.path.dirname(tsk.localPath), 'id': tsk.pathID, 'version': '', 'customer': '', 'mode': 'up', 'progress': '0%', }) for backupID in backup_control.ListRunningBackups(): backup_obj = backup_control.GetRunningBackupObject(backupID) customerGlobalID, remotePath, versionName = packetid.SplitBackupID( backupID) result.append({ 'name': os.path.basename(backup_obj.sourcePath), 'path': os.path.dirname(backup_obj.sourcePath), 'id': remotePath, 'version': versionName, 'customer': customerGlobalID, 'mode': 'up', 'progress': misc.percent2string(backup_obj.progress()), }) # for backupID in restore_monitor.GetWorkingIDs(): # result.append(backupID) return { 'result': result, }
def do_backup_key(key_id, keys_folder=None, wait_result=False): """ Send given key to my suppliers to store it remotely. This will make a regular backup copy of that key file - encrypted with my master key. """ if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'key_ring.do_backup_key key_id=%r' % key_id) if key_id == my_id.getGlobalID(key_alias='master') or key_id == 'master': lg.err('master key must never leave local host') if wait_result: return fail(Exception('master key must never leave local host')) return False if not my_keys.is_key_registered(key_id): lg.err('unknown key: "%s"' % key_id) if wait_result: return fail(Exception('unknown key: "%s"' % key_id)) return False if not keys_folder: keys_folder = settings.KeyStoreDir() if my_keys.is_key_private(key_id): local_key_filepath = os.path.join(keys_folder, '%s.private' % key_id) remote_path_for_key = '.keys/%s.private' % key_id else: local_key_filepath = os.path.join(keys_folder, '%s.public' % key_id) remote_path_for_key = '.keys/%s.public' % key_id global_key_path = global_id.MakeGlobalID( key_alias='master', customer=my_id.getGlobalID(), path=remote_path_for_key) res = api.file_exists(global_key_path) if res['status'] == 'OK' and res['result'] and res['result'].get('exist'): lg.warn('key %s already exists in catalog' % global_key_path) global_key_path_id = res['result'].get('path_id') if global_key_path_id and backup_control.IsPathInProcess(global_key_path_id): lg.warn('skip, another backup for key already started: %s' % global_key_path_id) if not wait_result: return True backup_id_list = backup_control.FindRunningBackup(global_key_path_id) if backup_id_list: backup_id = backup_id_list[0] backup_job = backup_control.GetRunningBackupObject(backup_id) if backup_job: backup_result = Deferred() backup_job.resultDefer.addCallback( lambda resp: backup_result.callback(True) if resp == 'done' else backup_result.errback( Exception('failed to upload key "%s", task was not started: %r' % (global_key_path, resp)))) if _Debug: backup_job.resultDefer.addErrback(lg.errback, debug=_Debug, debug_level=_DebugLevel, method='key_ring.do_backup_key') backup_job.resultDefer.addErrback(backup_result.errback) if _Debug: lg.args(_DebugLevel, backup_id=backup_id, global_key_path_id=global_key_path_id) return backup_result else: lg.warn('did not found running backup job: %r' % backup_id) else: lg.warn('did not found running backup id for path: %r' % global_key_path_id) else: res = api.file_create(global_key_path) if res['status'] != 'OK': lg.err('failed to create path "%s" in the catalog: %r' % (global_key_path, res)) if wait_result: return fail(Exception('failed to create path "%s" in the catalog: %r' % (global_key_path, res))) return False res = api.file_upload_start( local_path=local_key_filepath, remote_path=global_key_path, wait_result=wait_result, open_share=False, ) if not wait_result: if res['status'] != 'OK': lg.err('failed to upload key "%s": %r' % (global_key_path, res)) return False if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'key_ring.do_backup_key key_id=%s : %r' % (key_id, res)) return True backup_result = Deferred() # TODO: put that code bellow into api.file_upload_start() method with additional parameter def _job_done(result): if _Debug: lg.args(_DebugLevel, key_id=key_id, result=result) if result == 'done': backup_result.callback(True) else: backup_result.errback(Exception('failed to upload key "%s", backup is %r' % (key_id, result))) return None def _task_started(resp): if _Debug: lg.args(_DebugLevel, key_id=key_id, response=resp) if resp['status'] != 'OK': backup_result.errback(Exception('failed to upload key "%s", task was not started: %r' % (global_key_path, resp))) return None backupObj =['version']) if not backupObj: backup_result.errback(Exception('failed to upload key "%s", task %r failed to start' % (global_key_path, resp['version']))) return None backupObj.resultDefer.addCallback(_job_done) backupObj.resultDefer.addErrback(backup_result.errback) return None if not isinstance(res, Deferred): res_defer = Deferred() res_defer.callback(res) res = res_defer res.addCallback(_task_started) res.addErrback(backup_result.errback) return backup_result