def test_ini_class_phones_ini_write(): settings.mbplugin_root_path = 'tests\\data' ini = store.ini('phones.ini') phones = ini.phones() print(f'inipath={ini.inipath}') print(f'mbplugin_root_path={settings.mbplugin_root_path}') expected_result1 = [('region', 'p_test1'), ('monitor', 'TRUE'), ('alias', 'Иваныч'), ('number', '9161112233'), ('balancenotchangedmorethen', '40'), ('balancechangedlessthen', '1'), ('balancelessthen', '100'), ('turnofflessthen', '1')] expected_result2 = { 'NN': 1, 'Alias': 'Иваныч', 'Region': 'p_test1', 'Number': '9161112233', 'PhoneDescription': '', 'Monitor': 'TRUE', 'BalanceLessThen': 100.0, 'TurnOffLessThen': 1, 'BalanceNotChangedMoreThen': 40, 'BalanceChangedLessThen': 1, 'Password2': '123password' } assert list(ini.ini['1'].items()) == expected_result1 assert phones[('9161112233', 'p_test1')] == expected_result2
def report(self): ''' Генерирует отчет по последнему состоянию телефонов''' reportsql = f'''select * from phones where QueryDateTime in (SELECT max(QueryDateTime) FROM Phones GROUP BY PhoneNumber,Operator order by Operator,PhoneNumber)''' cur = self.cur.execute(reportsql) dbheaders = list(zip(*cur.description))[0] dbdata = cur.fetchall() phones = store.ini('phones.ini').phones() dbdata.sort( key=lambda line: (phones.get(line[0:2], {}).get('NN', 999))) # округляем float до 2х знаков dbdata = [ tuple([(round(i, 2) if type(i) == float else i) for i in line]) for line in dbdata ] table = [] # результат - каждая строчка словарь элементов for line in dbdata: row = dict(zip(dbheaders, line)) pair = (row['PhoneNumber'], row['Operator'] ) # Пара PhoneNumber,Operator row['Alias'] = phones.get(pair, {}).get('Alias', 'Unknown') row['NN'] = phones.get(pair, {}).get('NN', 999) row['PhoneNumberFormat1'] = row['PhoneNumberFormat2'] = row[ 'PhoneNumber'] if type(row['PhoneNumber']) == str and row['PhoneNumber'].isdigit( ): # форматирование телефонных номеров row['PhoneNumberFormat1'] = re.sub( r'\A(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})\Z', '(\\1) \\2-\\3', row['PhoneNumber']) row['PhoneNumberFormat2'] = row['PhoneNumberFormat1'].replace( ' ', '') table.append(row) return table
def __init__(self, dbname): self.dbname = dbname DRV = '{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}' self.conn = pyodbc.connect(f'DRIVER={DRV};DBQ={dbname}') self.cur = self.conn.cursor() rows = self.cur.execute('SELECT top 1 * FROM phones') self.phoneheader = list(zip(*rows.description))[0] phones_ini = store.ini('phones.ini').read() # phones - словарь key=MBphonenumber values=[phonenumber,region] self.phones = {v['Number']: (re.sub(r' #\d+', '', v['Number']), v['Region']) for k, v in phones_ini.items() if k.isnumeric() and 'Monitor' in v}
def test_ini_class_mbplugin_ini_write(): ini_path = os.path.abspath('tests\\data\\mbplugin.ini') shutil.copyfile(ini_path + '.ori', ini_path) ini = store.ini() ini.fn = 'mbplugin.ini' ini.inipath = ini_path print(f'inipath={ini.inipath}') ini.ini['Options']['show_chrome'] = '0' ini.write() assert not filecmp.cmp(ini_path + '.ori', ini_path) # Проверяем что файл изменился ini.ini['Options']['show_chrome'] = '1' ini.write() assert filecmp.cmp( ini_path + '.ori', ini_path ) # Проверяем идентичность первоначального и сохраненного файла
def write_result(self, plugin, login, result, commit=True): 'Записывает результат в базу' # Делаем копию, чтобы не трогать оригинал result2 = {k: v for k, v in result.items()} # Исправляем поля которые в response называются не так как в базе if type(result2['Balance']) == str: result2['Balance'] = float(result2['Balance']) if 'Currency' in result2: # Currency -> Currenc result2['Currenc'] = result2['Currency'] if 'Min' in result2: # Min -> Minutes result2['Minutes'] = result2['Min'] if 'BalExpired' in result2: # BalExpired -> BeeExpired result2['BeeExpired'] = result2['BalExpired'] # Фильтруем только те поля, которые есть в таблице phone line = {k: v for k, v in result2.items() if k in self.phoneheader} # Добавляем расчетные поля и т.п. line['Operator'] = plugin line['PhoneNumber'] = login # PhoneNumber=PhoneNum line['QueryDateTime'] = # no microsecond self.cur.execute(f"select cast(julianday('now')-julianday(max(QueryDateTime)) as integer) from phones where phonenumber='{login}' and operator='{plugin}' and abs(balance-{result['Balance']})>0.02") line['NoChangeDays'] = self.cur.fetchall()[0][0] # Дней без изм. options_ini = store.ini('Options.ini').read() if 'Additional' in options_ini and 'AverageDays' in options_ini['Additional']: average_days = int(options_ini['Additional']['AverageDays']) else: average_days = settings.ini['Options']['average_days'] self.cur.execute(f"select {line['Balance']}-balance from phones where phonenumber='{login}' and operator='{plugin}' and QueryDateTime>date('now','-{average_days} day') and strftime('%Y%m%d', QueryDateTime)<>strftime('%Y%m%d', date('now')) order by QueryDateTime desc limit 1") qres = self.cur.fetchall() if qres != []: line['BalDelta'] = round(qres[0][0], 2) # Delta (день) self.cur.execute(f"select {line['Balance']}-balance from phones where phonenumber='{login}' and operator='{plugin}' order by QueryDateTime desc limit 1") qres = self.cur.fetchall() if qres != []: line['BalDeltaQuery'] = round(qres[0][0], 2) # Delta (запрос) self.cur.execute(f"select avg(b) from (select min(BalDelta) b from phones where phonenumber='{login}' and operator='{plugin}' and QueryDateTime>date('now','-{average_days} day') group by strftime('%Y%m%d', QueryDateTime))") qres = self.cur.fetchall() if qres != [] and qres[0][0] is not None: line['RealAverage'] = round(qres[0][0], 2) # $/День(Р) if line.get('RealAverage', 0.0) < 0: line['CalcTurnOff'] = round(-line['Balance'] / line['RealAverage'], 2) self.cur.execute(f'insert into phones ({",".join(line.keys())}) VALUES ({",".join(list("?"*len(line)))})', list(line.values())) if commit: self.conn.commit()
def test_zeroinstall(): tmp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() settings.mbplugin_root_path = ini = store.ini() print(f'Zeroinstall ini={os.path.abspath(ini.inipath)}') print( f'Zeroinstall ini exists={os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(ini.inipath))}' ) assert os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(ini.inipath)) == False print(f'Check {}') assert os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(ini.inipath)) == True # assert, response1.text) is not None ini.save_bak() ini.ini_to_json() ini.write() ini.create() assert ini.find_files_up(ini.fn) == os.path.abspath(ini.inipath) print(f'{list(ini.ini.keys())}') #breakpoint() #print(f'Check {ini.ini_to_json()}') tmp.cleanup()
def getreport(param=[]): style = '''<style type="text/css"> table{font-family: Verdana; font-size:85%} th {background-color: #D1D1D1} td{white-space: nowrap;text-align: right;} .hdr {text-align:left;color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; background-color:#0E3292; padding-left:5} .n {background-color: #FFFFE1} .e {background-color: #FFEBEB} .n_us {background-color: #FFFFE1; color: #808080} .e_us {background-color: #FFEBEB; color: #808080} .mark{color:#FF0000} .mark_us{color:#FA6E6E} .summ{background-color: lightgreen; color:black} .p_n{color:#634276} .p_r{color:#006400} .p_b{color:#800000} #Balance, #SpendBalance {text-align: right; font-weight:bold} #Indication, #Alias, #KreditLimit, #PhoneDescr, #UserName, #PhoneNum, #PhoneNumber, #BalExpired, #LicSchet, #TarifPlan, #BlockStatus, #AnyString, #LastQueryTime{text-align: left} </style>''' template = ''' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251" ?> <html> <head><title>MobileBalance</title></head>{style} <body style="font-family: Verdana; cursor:default"> <table id="BackgroundTable"> <tr><td class="hdr">Информация о балансе телефонов - MobileBalance Mbplugin</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#808080"> <table id="InfoTable" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"> <tr id="header">{html_header}</tr> {html_table} </table> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html>''' db = dbengine.dbengine(store.options('dbfilename')) # номера провайдеры и логины из phones.ini options_ini = store.ini('options.ini').read() edBalanceLessThen = float( options_ini['Mark'] ['edBalanceLessThen']) # помечать балансы меньше чем edTurnOffLessThen = float( options_ini['Mark']['edTurnOffLessThen'] ) # помечать когда отключение CalcTurnOff меньше чем num_format = '' if len(param) == 0 or not param[0].isnumeric() else str( int(param[0])) table_format = store.options('table_format' + num_format, default=store.options('table_format', section='HttpServer'), section='HttpServer') table = if 'Alias' not in table_format: table_format = 'NN,Alias,' + table_format # Если старый ini то этих столбцов нет - добавляем table = [i for i in table if i['Alias'] != 'Unknown'] # filter Unknown table.sort( key=lambda i: [i['NN'], i['Alias']]) # sort by NN, after by Alias header = table_format.strip().split(',') # классы для формата заголовка header_class = { 'Balance': 'p_b', 'RealAverage': 'p_r', 'BalDelta': 'p_r', 'BalDeltaQuery': 'p_r', 'NoChangeDays': 'p_r', 'CalcTurnOff': 'p_r', 'MinAverage': 'p_r', } html_header = ''.join([ f'<th id="h{h}" class="{header_class.get(h,"p_n")}">{dbengine.PhonesHText.get(h,h)}</th>' for h in header ]) html_table = [] for line in table: html_line = [] for he in header: if he not in line: continue el = line[he] mark = '' # class="mark" if he == 'Balance' and el is not None and el < edBalanceLessThen: mark = ' class="mark" ' # Красим когда мало денег if he == 'CalcTurnOff' and el is not None and el < edTurnOffLessThen: mark = ' class="mark" ' # Красим когда надолго не хватит if el is None: el = '' if he != 'Balance' and (el == 0.0 or el == 0): el = '' html_line.append( f'<{"th" if he=="NN" else "td"} id="{he}"{mark}>{el}</td>') html_table.append(f'<tr id="row" class="n">{"".join(html_line)}</tr>') res = template.format(style=style, html_header=html_header, html_table='\n'.join(html_table)) return 'text/html', [res]