def test_format_coord(self): """Test the formatting of a coordinate""" stradi = Straditizer( osp.join(test_dir, 'test_figures', 'basic_diagram.png')) stradi.data_xlim = stradi.data_ylim = np.array([10, 30]) stradi.init_reader() stradi.data_reader._get_column_starts() ax = x, y = 11.0, 11.0 ref = (stradi._orig_format_coord(x, y) + "DataReader: x=%s y=%sColumn 0 x=%s" % (ax.format_xdata(1.), ax.format_ydata(1.), ax.format_xdata(1.))) self.assertEqual(ax.format_coord(x, y), ref)
def from_clipboard(self): """Open a straditizer from an Image in the clipboard This method uses the :func:`PIL.ImageGrab.grabclipboard` function to open a new straditizer from the clipboard.""" from PIL import ImageGrab from straditize.straditizer import Straditizer image = ImageGrab.grabclipboard() if np.shape(image)[-1] == 3: image.putalpha(255) stradi = Straditizer(image) return self.finish_loading(stradi)
def reload_autosaved(self): """Reload the autosaved straditizer and close the old one""" from straditize.straditizer import Straditizer if not self.autosaved: return answer = QMessageBox.question( self, 'Reload autosave', 'Shall I reload the last autosaved stage? This will close the ' 'current figures.') if answer == QMessageBox.Yes: self.close_straditizer() stradi = Straditizer.from_dataset(self.autosaved.pop(0)) self.menu_actions.finish_loading(stradi)
def init_stradi(self, datalim=True, columns=True, names=True, digitize=True, samples=True, axes=False): path = self.filepath if not axes: path += '-no-axes' image = + '.png') stradi = Straditizer(image) if datalim: stradi.data_xlim = self.data_xlim stradi.data_ylim = self.data_ylim stradi.init_reader('area' if not self.use_bars else 'bars') else: return stradi stradi.yaxis_px = np.array([0, np.diff(self.data_ylim)[0]]) stradi.yaxis_data = np.array(self.sp[0][::-1] if columns: stradi.data_reader.column_starts = self.column_starts else: return stradi if names: stradi.colnames_reader.column_names = self.set_xtranslation(stradi) if digitize: stradi.data_reader.digitize() stradi.data_reader._full_df.loc[:] = np.where( stradi.data_reader.full_df.values, self.full_df.values, 0) else: return stradi if samples: stradi.data_reader.sample_locs = self.transformed_data return stradi
def start_app(fname=None, output=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, full=False, reader_type='area', **kwargs): """ Start the psyplot GUI with the straditizer setup Parameters ---------- fname: str Either the path to a picture to digitize or a previously saved straditizer project (ending with ``'.pkl'``) output: str The path to the csv file where to save the digitized diagram xlim: list of int of length 2 The x-limits of the data part of the diagram ylim: list of int of length 2 The y-limits of the data part of the diagram full: bool If True, the image is digitzed and x- and ylim are set to the entire share of the array reader_type: { 'area' | 'bars' | 'rounded bars' | 'stacked area' | 'line' } Specify the reader type %(psyplot_gui.start_app.parameters.no_fnames|output)s """ import numpy as np def set_x_and_ylim(stradi): if not xlim and stradi.data_xlim is None: stradi.data_xlim = [0, np.shape(stradi.image)[1]] if not ylim and stradi.data_ylim is None: stradi.data_ylim = [0, np.shape(stradi.image)[0]] if not output: from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import QApplication from psyplot_gui import start_app, send_files_to_psyplot exec_ = kwargs.pop('exec_', True) if exec_: app = QApplication(sys.argv) cwd = osp.abspath(kwargs.get('pwd') or os.getcwd()) mainwindow = start_app(exec_=False, callback='', **kwargs) if mainwindow is None: send_files_to_psyplot('straditize', [fname], None, xlim, ylim, full, reader_type) return stradi_widget = mainwindow.plugins[ 'straditize.widgets:StraditizerWidgets:straditizer'] stradi_widget.switch_to_straditizer_layout() if fname: stradi_widget.menu_actions.open_straditizer(osp.join(cwd, fname)) if not fname.endswith('.pkl') and (xlim or ylim): set_x_and_ylim(stradi_widget.straditizer) stradi = stradi_widget.straditizer else: if exec_: sys.excepthook = mainwindow.excepthook sys.exit(app.exec_()) return mainwindow else: if not fname: raise IOError( 'A file must be provided if the `output` parameter is used!') from straditize.straditizer import Straditizer if fname.endswith('.pkl'): stradi = Straditizer.load(fname, plot=False) else: from PIL import Image with as _image: image = Image.fromarray(np.array(_image.convert('RGBA')), 'RGBA') stradi = Straditizer(image) stradi.set_attr('image_file', fname) set_x_and_ylim(stradi) if xlim: stradi.data_xlim = xlim if ylim: stradi.data_ylim = ylim if xlim or ylim or full: set_x_and_ylim(stradi) if reader_type == 'stacked area': import straditize.widgets.stacked_area_reader stradi.init_reader(reader_type) if output: stradi.data_reader.digitize() stradi.data_reader.sample_locs, stradi.data_reader.rough_locs = \ stradi.data_reader.find_samples() stradi.final_df.to_csv(output) elif exec_: stradi_widget.refresh() sys.excepthook = mainwindow.excepthook sys.exit(app.exec_()) else: stradi_widget.refresh() return mainwindow
def open_straditizer(self, fname=None, *args, **kwargs): """Open a straditizer from an image or project file Parameters ---------- fname: :class:`str`, :class:`PIL.Image.Image` or ``None`` The path to the file to import. If None, a QFileDialog is opened and the user is asked for a file name. The action then depends on the ending of ``fname``: ``'.nc'`` or ``'.nc4'`` we expect a netCDF file and open it with :func:`xarray.open_dataset` and load the straditizer with the :meth:`straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.from_dataset` constructor ``'.pkl'`` We expect a pickle file and load the straditizer with :func:`pickle.load` any other ending We expect an image file and use the :func:`` function At the end, the loading is finished with the :meth:`finish_loading` method""" from straditize.straditizer import Straditizer if fname is None or (not isinstance(fname, six.string_types) and np.ndim(fname) < 2): fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self.straditizer_widgets, 'Straditizer project', self._dirname_to_use or self._start_directory, 'Projects and images ' '(*.nc *.nc4 *.pkl *.jpeg *.jpg *.pdf *.png *.raw *.rgba *.tif' ' *.tiff);;' 'NetCDF files (*.nc *.nc4);;' 'Pickle files (*.pkl);;' 'All images ' '(*.jpeg *.jpg *.pdf *.png *.raw *.rgba *.tif *.tiff);;' 'Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.jpeg *.jpg);;' 'Portable Document Format (*.pdf);;' 'Portable Network Graphics (*.png);;' 'Raw RGBA bitmap (*.raw *.rbga);;' 'Tagged Image File Format(*.tif *.tiff);;' 'All files (*)') if with_qt5: # the filter is passed as well fname = fname[0] if not np.ndim(fname) and not fname: return elif np.ndim(fname) >= 2: stradi = Straditizer(fname, *args, **kwargs) elif fname.endswith('.nc') or fname.endswith('.nc4'): import xarray as xr ds = xr.open_dataset(fname) stradi = Straditizer.from_dataset(ds.load(), *args, **kwargs) stradi.set_attr('project_file', fname) ds.close() stradi.set_attr('loaded', str( elif fname.endswith('.pkl'): stradi = Straditizer.load(fname, *args, **kwargs) stradi.set_attr('project_file', fname) stradi.set_attr('loaded', str( else: from PIL import Image with as _image: image = Image.fromarray(np.array(_image.convert('RGBA')), 'RGBA') w, h = image.size im_size = w * h if im_size > 20e6: recom_frac = 17403188.0 / im_size answer = ( QMessageBox.Yes if self.straditizer_widgets.always_yes else QMessageBox.question( self.straditizer_widgets, "Large straditizer image", "This is a rather large image with %1.0f pixels. " "Shall I reduce it to %1.0f%% of it's size for a " "better interactive experience?<br>" "If not, you can rescale it via<br><br>" "Transform source image → Rescale image" % (im_size, 100. * recom_frac))) if answer == QMessageBox.Yes: image = image.resize((int(round(w * recom_frac)), int(round(h * recom_frac)))) stradi = Straditizer(image, *args, **kwargs) stradi.set_attr('image_file', fname) self.finish_loading(stradi) self._dirname_to_use = None
def test_guess_data_lims(self): stradi = Straditizer( osp.join(test_dir, 'test_figures', 'basic_diagram.png')) xlim, ylim = stradi.guess_data_lims() self.assertEqual(list(xlim), [10, 27]) self.assertEqual(list(ylim), [10, 30])