def getAgentForBranch(branch, logger=None): if not logger: logger = logging.getLogger('root') user = branch.api_user password = branch.api_pass authkey = branch.api_auth if authkey is None: authkey = '' path = branch.api_store types = branch.api_assets.split(',') svcurl = 'https://' + branch.api_env + '' + CSBase.CS_SF_API_VERSION #branch.api_ver # print("user='******' path='%s' types=[%s] url='%s'", user, path, ' '.join(types), svcurl) partner_wsdl = 'file://' + os.path.join(CSBase.CSCONF_DIR, 'partner.wsdl') meta_wsdl = 'file://' + os.path.join(CSBase.CSCONF_DIR, 'metadata.wsdl') proxy_host = ConfigCache.get_config_value('') proxy_port = ConfigCache.get_config_value('proxy.port') if len(proxy_host) > 0 and len(proxy_port) > 0: agent = SalesforceAgent(partner_wsdl, meta_wsdl, clientLogger=logger, proxy_host=proxy_host, proxy_port=proxy_port) else: agent = SalesforceAgent(partner_wsdl, meta_wsdl, clientLogger=logger) agent.login(user, password + authkey, server_url=svcurl) return agent
def rally_projects(request): if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('chkProject'): pickedProjs = request.GET.getlist('chkProject') isFirst = True projectConfValue = '' for p in pickedProjs: if not isFirst: projectConfValue = projectConfValue + ';' isFirst = False projectConfValue = projectConfValue + p ConfigCache.store_config_value('rally.pickedprojects', projectConfValue) return redirect('/configs/') projects = [] if ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.enabled') == '1': projlist = rallyintegration.get_projects(True) for project in projlist: projects.append( project ) if ConfigCache.get_config_value('agilezen.enabled') == '1': projlist = agilezenintegration.get_projects(True) for project in projlist: projects.append( project ) data = {'projects': projects} return render_to_response('rally_projects.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def getAgentForBranch(branch, logger = None): if not logger: logger = logging.getLogger('root') user = branch.api_user password = branch.api_pass authkey = branch.api_auth if authkey is None: authkey = '' path = branch.api_store types = branch.api_assets.split(',') svcurl = 'https://' + branch.api_env + '' + CSBase.CS_SF_API_VERSION #branch.api_ver # print("user='******' path='%s' types=[%s] url='%s'", user, path, ' '.join(types), svcurl) partner_wsdl = 'file://' + os.path.join(CSBase.CSCONF_DIR, 'partner.wsdl') meta_wsdl = 'file://' + os.path.join(CSBase.CSCONF_DIR, 'metadata.wsdl') proxy_host = ConfigCache.get_config_value('') proxy_port = ConfigCache.get_config_value('proxy.port') if len(proxy_host) > 0 and len(proxy_port) > 0: agent = SalesforceAgent(partner_wsdl, meta_wsdl, clientLogger=logger, proxy_host=proxy_host, proxy_port=proxy_port) else: agent = SalesforceAgent(partner_wsdl, meta_wsdl, clientLogger=logger) agent.login(user, password+authkey,server_url=svcurl) return agent
def email_results(batch, failures, runs): long_runners = UnitTestRunResult.objects.filter(test_run__in=runs).order_by('-runtime')[:5] long_runners.select_related() long_runner_classes = UnitTestRun.objects.filter(batch=batch).order_by('-runtime')[:5] long_runner_classes.select_related() try: schedule = UnitTestSchedule.objects.get(branch=batch.branch) except ObjectDoesNotExist: logger.error('No Schedule exists for this branch (' + + '), so no way to figure out who to email') return email_host = ConfigCache.get_config_value('') conn = mail.get_connection(host=email_host) from_address = ConfigCache.get_config_value('email.from') if schedule.email_only_failures and len(failures) == 0: return template = get_template('unit_test_results_email.html') c = Context({'batch': batch, 'failures': failures, 'long_runners': long_runners, 'long_runner_classes': long_runner_classes}) subject = 'Unit test results for ' + + ' started at ' + str(batch.batch_time) from_email, to = from_address, schedule.results_email_address text_content = 'Please join the 21st century and get an HTML compatible email client to see the content of this email.' html_content = template.render(c) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.connection = conn msg.send(fail_silently=False)
def rally_projects(request): if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('chkProject'): pickedProjs = request.GET.getlist('chkProject') isFirst = True projectConfValue = '' for p in pickedProjs: if not isFirst: projectConfValue = projectConfValue + ';' isFirst = False projectConfValue = projectConfValue + p ConfigCache.store_config_value('rally.pickedprojects', projectConfValue) return redirect('/configs/') projects = [] if ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.enabled') == '1': projlist = rallyintegration.get_projects(True) for project in projlist: projects.append(project) if ConfigCache.get_config_value('agilezen.enabled') == '1': projlist = agilezenintegration.get_projects(True) for project in projlist: projects.append(project) data = {'projects': projects} return render_to_response('rally_projects.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def connect(): rally_user = ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.login') rally_pass = ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.password') credentials = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(rally_user, rally_pass) proxy_host = ConfigCache.get_config_value('') proxy_port = ConfigCache.get_config_value('proxy.port') if len(proxy_host) > 0 and len(proxy_port) > 0: proxydict = { "http": "%s:%s" % (proxy_host, proxy_port), "https": "%s:%s" % (proxy_host, proxy_port), } else: proxydict = {} session = requests.session(headers=RALLY_REST_HEADERS, auth=credentials, timeout=45.0, proxies=proxydict, config={}) logger.debug('Logging in with username ' + rally_user) return session
def connect(): rally_user = ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.login') rally_pass = ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.password') logger.debug('Logging in with username ' + rally_user) password_manager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() password_manager.add_password( None, 'https://' + settings.RALLY_SERVER + '/', rally_user, rally_pass ) auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) return urllib2
def connect(): rally_user = ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.login') rally_pass = ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.password') logger.debug('Logging in with username ' + rally_user) password_manager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() password_manager.add_password(None, 'https://' + settings.RALLY_SERVER + '/', rally_user, rally_pass) auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) return urllib2
def refresh(): projectList = ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.pickedprojects') #print 'project list: '+projectList if len(projectList) > 0: rallyStories = get_stories(projectList.split(';')) dbstories = Story.objects.filter(rally_id__in=rallyStories.keys()) dbStoryMap = {} for dbstory in dbstories: #print 'storing story %d' % int(dbstory.rally_id) dbStoryMap[int(dbstory.rally_id)] = dbstory for story in rallyStories.values(): dbstory = story if story.rally_id in dbStoryMap: #print 'match found %d' % story.rally_id logger.debug('Updating [%d]' % story.rally_id) # Override with database version if it exists dbstory = dbStoryMap[story.rally_id] dbstory.url = story.url = dbstory.sprint = story.sprint else: #print 'no match found %d' % story.rally_id logger.debug('Creating [%d]' % story.rally_id) dbstory.sprint = story.sprint
def refresh(): projectList = ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.pickedprojects') #print 'project list: '+projectList if len(projectList) > 0: rallyStories = get_stories(projectList.split(';')) dbstories = Story.objects.all() dbStoryMap = {} for dbstory in dbstories: # generage a key here based on the project id (rally_id) and (sprint) # previously generating a key based only in rally_id lead to stories # across projects getting confused (eg: proj1-story1 == proj2-story1) # creating a more complex key resolves that logical error key = '%s-%s' % (dbstory.rally_id, dbstory.sprint) dbStoryMap[key] = dbstory for story in rallyStories.values(): dbstory = story storykey = '%s-%s' % (story.rally_id, story.sprint) if (storykey in dbStoryMap): # This logic is used to update a story when it already exists # and has been downloaded again logger.debug('Updating [%d]-sprint[%s]' % (story.rally_id, story.sprint)) # Override with database version if it exists dbstory = dbStoryMap[storykey] dbstory.url = story.url = dbstory.sprint = story.sprint else: #print 'no match found %d' % story.rally_id logger.debug('Creating [%d]' % story.rally_id) dbstory.sprint = story.sprint
def home(request): data = {'branches': Branch.objects.filter(enabled__exact = True)} data['calendar_host'] = ConfigCache.get_config_value('') if data['calendar_host'] == 'localhost': data['calendar_host'] = request.get_host().split(':')[0] return render_to_response('home.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def configs(request): allsettings = ConfigSetting.objects.all() if request.method == u'POST': logger.debug('Got a post!') params = dict(request.POST.items()) for param in params: if param.startswith('key_'): key = smart_str(param, 'utf-8', False)[4:] value = request.POST[param] for setting in allsettings: if key == setting.key: logger.debug('Working on ' + setting.key + '!') if setting.value != value: if setting.masked: repValue = request.POST[param + '_2'] logger.debug('Checking if the values match!') if repValue == value: logger.debug('Values Match!') setting.value = value else: setting.value = value # Handle checkboxes for setting in allsettings: if setting.type == 'check': if not request.POST.__contains__('key_' + setting.key): setting.value = '0' ConfigCache.refresh() allsettings = ConfigSetting.objects.all() data = {'settings': allsettings} for setting in allsettings: if setting.type == 'check': data[setting.key.replace('.', '_')] = setting.value == '1' else: data[setting.key.replace('.', '_')] = setting.value return render_to_response('configs.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def configs(request): allsettings = ConfigSetting.objects.all(); if request.method == u'POST': logger.debug('Got a post!') params = dict(request.POST.items()) for param in params: if param.startswith('key_'): key = smart_str(param,'utf-8',False)[4:] value = request.POST[param] for setting in allsettings: if key == setting.key: logger.debug('Working on ' + setting.key + '!') if setting.value != value: if setting.masked: # only proceed with update if masked value is not empty if value != '': repValue = request.POST[param + '_2'] logger.debug('Checking if the values match!') if repValue == value: logger.debug('Values Match!') setting.value = value else: setting.value = value # Handle checkboxes for setting in allsettings: if setting.type == 'check': if not request.POST.__contains__('key_' + setting.key): setting.value = '0' ConfigCache.refresh() allsettings = ConfigSetting.objects.all(); data = {'settings': allsettings.order_by('key')} for setting in allsettings: if setting.type == 'check': data[setting.key.replace('.','_')] = setting.value == '1' else: data[setting.key.replace('.','_')] = setting.value return render_to_response('configs.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def removeCalendarReleaseEvent(release_id): params = urllib.urlencode({'ReleaseId': release_id, 'guid': ConfigCache.get_uuid()}) submitCalendarREST('removerelease', params) # try: # event = CalendarEvent.objects.get(release_id=release_id) # event.delete() # except ObjectDoesNotExist: # pass pass
def submitCalendarREST(method, params): cal_host = ConfigCache.get_config_value('') if cal_host is None or len(cal_host) == 0: return headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/javascript"} conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(cal_host) conn.request("POST", "/wdcalendar/php/datafeed.php?method=%s" % method, params, headers) response = conn.getresponse() print "%s=%s %s" % (method, response.status, response.reason) conn.close()
def home(request): data = {'branches': Branch.objects.filter(enabled__exact=True)} data['calendar_host'] = ConfigCache.get_config_value('') if data['calendar_host'] == 'localhost': data['calendar_host'] = request.get_host().split(':')[0] return render_to_response('home.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def email_results(batch, failures, runs): long_runners = UnitTestRunResult.objects.filter( test_run__in=runs).order_by('-runtime')[:5] long_runners.select_related() long_runner_classes = UnitTestRun.objects.filter( batch=batch).order_by('-runtime')[:5] long_runner_classes.select_related() try: schedule = UnitTestSchedule.objects.get(branch=batch.branch) except ObjectDoesNotExist: logger.error('No Schedule exists for this branch (' + + '), so no way to figure out who to email') return email_host = ConfigCache.get_config_value('') conn = mail.get_connection(host=email_host) from_address = ConfigCache.get_config_value('email.from') if schedule.email_only_failures and len(failures) == 0: return template = get_template('unit_test_results_email.html') c = Context({ 'batch': batch, 'failures': failures, 'long_runners': long_runners, 'long_runner_classes': long_runner_classes }) subject = 'Unit test results for ' + ) + ' started at ' + str(batch.batch_time) from_email, to = from_address, schedule.results_email_address text_content = 'Please join the 21st century and get an HTML compatible email client to see the content of this email.' html_content = template.render(c) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.connection = conn msg.send(fail_silently=False)
def stories(request): if request.method == u'POST' and request.POST.__contains__('releaseid'): release = Release.objects.get(id=request.POST['releaseid']) release.stories.clear() if request.POST.__contains__('storyId'): ids = request.POST.getlist('storyId') stories = Story.objects.filter(id__in=ids) for s in stories.all(): if s not in release.stories.all(): release.stories.add(s) return redirect('/release/' + str( if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('delete'): story = Story.objects.get(id=request.GET['delete']) objects = DeployableObject.objects.filter(pending_stories=story) for object in objects: object.pending_stories.remove(story) story.delete() if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('refresh'): rallyintegration.refresh() releaseid = '' in_release = {} if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('releaseid'): releaseid = request.GET['releaseid'] if len(releaseid) > 0: release = Release.objects.get(id=request.GET['releaseid']) for story in release.stories.all(): in_release[] = True sprint = '' if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('sprint'): sprint = request.GET['sprint'] sprintList = [] sprints = Story.objects.values('sprint').filter(sprint__isnull=False).order_by('sprint').distinct() for sprintName in sprints: if len(sprintName['sprint']) > 0 and not sprintList.__contains__(sprintName['sprint']): sprintList.append(sprintName['sprint']) stories = Story.objects.all() if len(sprint) > 0: stories = stories.filter(sprint=sprint) stories = stories.order_by('sprint', 'rally_id', 'name') stories.select_related() data = {'stories': stories, 'rally_refresh' : ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.enabled') == '1', 'releaseid': releaseid, 'in_release': in_release, 'sprintList': sprintList, 'sprint': sprint} return render_to_response('stories.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def refresh(): projectList = ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.pickedprojects') if len(projectList) > 0: rallyStories = get_stories(projectList.split(';')) dbstories = Story.objects.filter(rally_id__in=rallyStories.keys()) dbStoryMap = {} for dbstory in dbstories: dbStoryMap[dbstory.rally_id] = dbstory for story in rallyStories.values(): dbstory = story if story.rally_id in dbStoryMap: #logger.debug('Updating [' + story.rally_id + ']') # Override with database version if it exists dbstory = dbStoryMap[story.rally_id] = #else: #logger.debug('Creating [' + story.rally_id + ']') dbstory.sprint = story.sprint
def updateCalendarReleaseEvent(relid, release_name, relDate): datestr = relDate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') params = urllib.urlencode({'StartTime': datestr, 'EndTime': datestr, 'Subject': release_name, 'ReleaseId': relid, 'guid': ConfigCache.get_uuid()}) submitCalendarREST('updaterelease', params)
def stories(request): if request.method == u'POST' and request.POST.__contains__('releaseid'): release = Release.objects.get(id=request.POST['releaseid']) if request.POST.__contains__('storyId'): ids = request.POST.getlist('storyId') sprint_name = request.POST['cboSprints'] print 'sprint_name ' + sprint_name if sprint_name != '': for story in release.stories.all(): if story.sprint == sprint_name: print 'removing ' + release.stories.remove(story) else: release.stories.clear() stories = Story.objects.filter(id__in=ids) for s in stories.all(): if s not in release.stories.all(): #this print was causing a unicode issue adding a story, so commented out #print 'adding ' + release.stories.add(s) return redirect('/release/' + str( if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('delete'): story = Story.objects.get(id=request.GET['delete']) objects = DeployableObject.objects.filter(pending_stories=story) for object in objects: object.pending_stories.remove(story) story.delete() if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('refresh'): if ConfigCache.get_config_value('agilezen.enabled') == '1': agilezenintegration.refresh() if ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.enabled') == '1': rallyintegration.refresh() releaseid = '' in_release = {} if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('releaseid'): releaseid = request.GET['releaseid'] if len(releaseid) > 0: release = Release.objects.get(id=request.GET['releaseid']) for story in release.stories.all(): in_release[] = True sprint = '' if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('sprint'): sprint = request.GET['sprint'] sprintList = [] sprints = Story.objects.values('sprint').filter(sprint__isnull=False).order_by('sprint').distinct() for sprintName in sprints: if len(sprintName['sprint']) > 0 and not sprintList.__contains__(sprintName['sprint']): sprintList.append(sprintName['sprint']) stories = Story.objects.all() if len(sprint) > 0: stories = stories.filter(sprint=sprint) stories = stories.order_by('sprint', 'rally_id', 'name') # Need to cast the rally_id to prevent duplicate stories from coming over # different SQL needed for mySQL and SQLite ## MySQL compatible call stories = stories.extra(select={'rally_id': 'CAST(rally_id AS SIGNED)'}).extra(order_by = ['rally_id']) ## SQLite compatible call # stories = stories.extra(select={'rally_id': 'CAST(rally_id AS INTEGER)'}).extra(order_by = ['rally_id']) stories.select_related() stories_refresh_enabled = (ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.enabled') == '1') or (ConfigCache.get_config_value('agilezen.enabled') == '1') data = {'stories': stories, 'rally_refresh' : stories_refresh_enabled, 'releaseid': releaseid, 'in_release': in_release, 'sprintList': sprintList, 'sprint': sprint} return render_to_response('stories.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with StratoSource. If not, see <>. # #import json #import urllib import requests import re from import ConfigCache from stratosource.admin.models import Story from stratosource import settings #from operator import attrgetter import logging from django.db import transaction agilezen_apikey = ConfigCache.get_config_value('agilezen.apikey') rest_header = { "X-Zen-ApiKey": agilezen_apikey, "Accept": "application/json;charset=utf-8" } logger = logging.getLogger('console') agileurl = '' apiurl = 'api/v1/' def print_proj_tree(pList): for p in pList: logger.debug('%d - %s - %s' % (p[u'id'], p[u'name'], p[u'owner'])) def get_page_query_params(page, page_size):
# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with StratoSource. If not, see <>. # #import json #import urllib import requests import re from import ConfigCache from stratosource.admin.models import Story from stratosource import settings #from operator import attrgetter import logging from django.db import transaction agilezen_apikey = ConfigCache.get_config_value('agilezen.apikey') rest_header = {"X-Zen-ApiKey": agilezen_apikey, "Accept" : "application/json;charset=utf-8"} logger = logging.getLogger('console') agileurl = '' apiurl = 'api/v1/' def print_proj_tree(pList): for p in pList: logger.debug('%d - %s - %s' % (p[u'id'] , p[u'name'] , p[u'owner'])) def get_page_query_params(page, page_size): return "page=%d&pageSize=%d" % (page, page_size) def get_projects(leaves): logger.debug('Start getting projects') projurl = agileurl+apiurl+'projects' #?' #+ get_page_query_params(1, 200)
def stories(request): if request.method == u'POST' and request.POST.__contains__('releaseid'): release = Release.objects.get(id=request.POST['releaseid']) release.stories.clear() if request.POST.__contains__('storyId'): ids = request.POST.getlist('storyId') stories = Story.objects.filter(id__in=ids) for s in stories.all(): if s not in release.stories.all(): release.stories.add(s) return redirect('/release/' + str( if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('delete'): story = Story.objects.get(id=request.GET['delete']) objects = DeployableObject.objects.filter(pending_stories=story) for object in objects: object.pending_stories.remove(story) story.delete() if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('refresh'): rallyintegration.refresh() releaseid = '' in_release = {} if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('releaseid'): releaseid = request.GET['releaseid'] if len(releaseid) > 0: release = Release.objects.get(id=request.GET['releaseid']) for story in release.stories.all(): in_release[] = True sprint = '' if request.method == u'GET' and request.GET.__contains__('sprint'): sprint = request.GET['sprint'] sprintList = [] sprints = Story.objects.values('sprint').filter( sprint__isnull=False).order_by('sprint').distinct() for sprintName in sprints: if len(sprintName['sprint']) > 0 and not sprintList.__contains__( sprintName['sprint']): sprintList.append(sprintName['sprint']) stories = Story.objects.all() if len(sprint) > 0: stories = stories.filter(sprint=sprint) stories = stories.order_by('sprint', 'rally_id', 'name') stories.select_related() data = { 'stories': stories, 'rally_refresh': ConfigCache.get_config_value('rally.enabled') == '1', 'releaseid': releaseid, 'in_release': in_release, 'sprintList': sprintList, 'sprint': sprint } return render_to_response('stories.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))