def get_matching_activities(user_token, params): params = validate_filter_parameters(params) client = Client(user_token) matches = list() i = 0 print "Getting friend activities" # limited to last 200 total activities as per friend_activities_iterator = client.get_friend_activities() while len(matches) < params['max_results']: i = i + 1 try: activity = # print "Considering activity %s" % if matches_criteria(activity, params): matches.append(activity) print "Added %s (%i)" % (, i) else: print "Disregarding %s (%i)" % (, i) except StopIteration, e: break
class Strava_scraper(object): ''' A strava scraper class. ''' def __init__(self, client_secret, access_token, strava_email, strava_password): self.client_secret = client_secret self.access_token = access_token self.strava_email = strava_email self.strava_password = strava_password self.client = None self.athlete = None self.friends = None # list of my friends, dtype = stravalib object self.activity_ids = [] # list of activity ids scraped from strava self.friend_ids = [] self.activities = [] # list of activities self.clubs = [] # list of athlete clubs self.other_athletes = [ ] # list of other athlete objects unfollowed by client def get_client(self): """ The get_client method create a client object for making requests to the strava API. The Client class accepts an access_token and a rate_limiter object. The method also populates a friends list Inputs: None Outputs: None """ self.client = Client(access_token=self.access_token, rate_limiter=DefaultRateLimiter()) self.athlete = self.client.get_athlete() # Get Gordon's full athlete print "Client setup complete!" print self.friends = list( self.client.get_athlete_friends()) # Get athlete Gordon's friends print "Authenticated user's friends list complete!" print for friend in self.friends: self.friend_ids.append( def log_in_strava(self): """ The log_in_strava method uses a selenium webdriver to open and maintain a secure connect with Strava. It returns the driver object. Input: None Output: webdriver object """ chromeOptions = webdriver.ChromeOptions() prefs = {"profile.managed_default_content_settings.images": 2} chromeOptions.add_experimental_option("prefs", prefs) print "logging in..." print driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chromeOptions) url = "" driver.get(url) user = driver.find_element_by_name('email') user.send_keys(self.strava_email) pwrd = driver.find_element_by_name('password') pwrd.send_keys(self.strava_password) driver.find_element_by_id('login-button').click() sleep(10) print "complete!" return driver def _get_activity_by_id(self, act_id): try: activity = self.client.get_activity( act_id) # get id with id = act_id from strava client return activity except HTTPError: return None def get_soup(self, driver, url): ''' Helper function to get soup from a live url, as opposed to a local copy INPUT: -url: str OUTPUT: soup object ''' driver.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'html.parser') return soup def _make_interval_list(self): """ This helper function makes an interval list that returns a list of numbers cooresponding with a year and week number for the given year. It only returns a static list as of now but in the future could search farther back. It only goes back to week 1, 2014. """ now = # current date week_num =[1] # current week number yr_wk = { 2014: 52, 2015: 53, 2016: 52, 2017: week_num } # num of weeks each year only going back to 2014 week_ints = [ range(k * 100 + 1, k * 100 + v + 1) for k, v in yr_wk.iteritems() ] # week ints in ugly nested lists new_week_ints = [] for row in week_ints: new_week_ints.extend( row) # creates new_week_ints which is week ints flattened return new_week_ints def _get_activities_from_page(self, soup): temp_act_id_list = [] regex = re.compile('/activities/([0-9]*)') # compile regex function for link in soup.find_all('a'): text = link.get('href') try: act_id = regex.findall( text ) # look for digits after '/activities/'. Stop upon any character not a number. only looking for 1st item found. should be unicode string. try: # only looking for integers 9 digits long temp_act_id_list.append(int( act_id[0])) # append number to small list # print act_id[0] except (IndexError, ValueError): continue except TypeError: continue return temp_act_id_list def web_scrape_activities(self, start_n=0, sleep=False, sleep_time=2): """ This function when called will scrape strava data for athlete activity id's. It will only get those of people I follow. It will store them in a list Example url: where 2304253 is athlete id 201631 is the year and week num This is whats needed to find and parse html from athlete pages and grab activity id's. Example tag: <a href="/activities/666921221">And the winning number is 400</a> ==$0 """ driver = self.log_in_strava() week_ints = self._make_interval_list() print "scraping athletes" for ath_id in self.friend_ids[ start_n:]: #starting on index 191, athlete 66299 athlete_act_id_list = [] for yearweek_int in week_ints: url = "{}#interval?interval={}&interval_type=week&chart_type=miles&year_offset=0".format( str(ath_id), str(yearweek_int)) soup = self.get_soup(driver, url) # self.activity_ids.extend(self._get_activities_from_page(soup)) # print "added {}'s {} intervals to list".format(ath_id, yearweek_int) if sleep: sleep( np.random.exponential(1.0) * sleep_time ) # pause for amount of sleep time before completing each loop athlete_act_id_list.extend( self._get_activities_from_page(soup)) filename = "{}_act_ids.csv".format(ath_id) filepath = os.path.join('activity_files', filename) write_list_to_csv(athlete_act_id_list, filepath) self.activity_ids = set(self.activity_ids) print "All done!" def get_other_athletes(self, list_ath_ids): """ This utility function is provided to populate a list of other athletes. It requires a list of predifined athlete id's. Input: list_ath_ids as list Output: None """ print "Getting other athletes..." print for ath_id in list_ath_ids: if ath_id in self.friend_ids: continue else: athlete = self.client.get_athlete(ath_id) self.other_athletes.append(athlete) print "All done!" def load_activity_ids(self, act_id_csv_filename): """ This utility function should only be called to populate the class attribute 'activity_ids' from a csv when a new scraper has been instantiated """ with open(act_id_csv_filename) as f: reader = csv.reader(f) self.activity_ids = np.array(next(reader), dtype='int') def get_activities_main(self): """ This function when called after get client function will populate list attributes for class. This may be done when client wants all(last 200 for feeds) things associated with their athlete, friends, and clubs Input: None Output: None """ print "Getting client activities..." print self.activities.extend(list(self.client.get_activities())) # gets all print "Getting friend activities..." print self.activities.extend(list(self.client.get_friend_activities( ))) # only gets last 200 activities from users feed print "Getting athlete clubs..." print self.clubs.extend(self.client.get_athlete_clubs()) # gets all club_ids = [ for club in self.clubs] print "Getting club activities..." print for club in club_ids: self.activities.extend(list(self.client.get_club_activities( club))) # gets last 200 activities per club print "All done!" def get_activities_from_ids(self): requested_activity = None while len(self.activity_ids) > 0: requested_activity = self._get_activity_by_id(self.activity_ids[0]) if requested_activity: self.activities.append(requested_activity) self.activity_ids = self.activity_ids[1:] def __repr__(self): return "This is {} {}'s strava scraper class".format( self.athlete.firstname, self.athlete.lastname)
#curr_segmentldr = client.get_segment_leaderboard(11493495) #print(type(curr_segmentldr)) #print(dir(curr_segmentldr)) #will need to iterate through the curr_segmentldr object (its a collection), based on .entry_count #print(curr_segmentldr.entry_count) #segmentldr_json = {"segmentldr": []} #for i in range(0, 10): # segmentldr_json["segmentldr"].append(json.dumps({"athlete_name": curr_segmentldr[i].athlete_name, # "athlete_id": curr_segmentldr[i].athlete_id, # "activity_id": curr_segmentldr[i].activity_id, # "rank": curr_segmentldr[i].rank})) #print(segmentldr_json) # get my friends activities activity_feed = client.get_friend_activities() #print(type(activity_feed)) #print(dir(activity_feed)) #print(activity_feed) #once you get the feed, you have to call list() on it to get a dict object activity_feed_list = list(activity_feed) print(len(activity_feed_list)) #print(activity_feed_list[0]) #print(activity_feed_list[0].athlete) afl_json = {"afl": []} afl_list = [] for i in range(0, len(activity_feed_list)): if str(activity_feed_list[i] in app_friends: afl_json["afl"].append(json.dumps({"id": activity_feed_list[i].id})) afl_list.append(activity_feed_list[i].id)