 def test_invalid_max_size(self):
     """Test if function raises a ``ValueError`` when an invalid max_size is requested"""
     dim = 5
     with pytest.raises(
             match="max_size must be less than number of nodes in graph"):
         subgraph.resize([0, 1], nx.complete_graph(dim), 2, dim)
 def test_target_big(self, graph):
     """Test if function raises a ``ValueError`` when a too large number is given for
     ``target`` """
     with pytest.raises(
             match="target must be greater than two and less than"):
         subgraph.resize(subgraphs=[[0, 1]], graph=graph, target=5)
    def test_tie(self, monkeypatch):
        """Test if function correctly settles ties with random selection. This test starts with
        the problem of a 6-dimensional complete graph and a 4-node subgraph, with the objective
        of shrinking down to 3 nodes. In this case, any of the 4 nodes in the subgraph is an
        equally good candidate for removal since all nodes have the same degree. The test
        monkeypatches the ``np.random.shuffle`` function to simply permute the list according to
        an offset, e.g. for an offset of 2 the list [0, 1, 2, 3] gets permuted to [2, 3, 0,
        1]. Using this we expect the node to be removed by ``resize`` in this case to have label
        equal to the offset."""
        dim = 6
        g = nx.complete_graph(dim)
        s = [0, 1, 2, 3]

        def permute(l, offset):
            d = len(l)
            ll = l.copy()
            for _i in range(d):
                l[_i] = ll[(_i + offset) % d]

        for i in range(4):
            permute_i = functools.partial(permute, offset=i)
            with monkeypatch.context() as m:
                m.setattr(np.random, "shuffle", permute_i)
                resized = subgraph.resize(s, g, min_size=3, max_size=3)
                resized_subgraph = resized[3]
                removed_node = list(set(s) - set(resized_subgraph))[0]
                assert removed_node == i
    def test_full_range(self, dim, min_size, max_size):
        """Test if function correctly resizes to full range of requested sizes"""
        g = nx.complete_graph(dim)
        resized = subgraph.resize([0, 1, 2], g, min_size, max_size)
        r = range(min_size, max_size + 1)

        assert set(resized.keys()) == set(r)

        subgraph_sizes = [len(resized[i]) for i in r]

        assert subgraph_sizes == list(r)
    def test_callable_input(self, graph):
        """Tests if function returns the correct output given a custom method set by the user"""
        objective_return = (0, [0])

        def custom_method(*args, **kwargs):
            """Mockup of custom-method function fed to ``search``"""
            return objective_return

        result = subgraph.resize(subgraphs=[[0, 1]],
                                 resize_options={"method": custom_method})

        assert result == objective_return
    def test_valid_input(self, graph, monkeypatch, methods):
        """Tests if function returns the correct output under normal conditions. The resizing
        method is here monkey patched to return a known result."""
        objective_return = (0, [0])

        def custom_method(*args, **kwargs):
            """Mockup of custom-method function fed to ``resize``"""
            return objective_return

        with monkeypatch.context() as m:
            m.setattr(subgraph, "RESIZE_DICT", {methods: custom_method})

            result = subgraph.resize(subgraphs=[[0, 1]],
                                     resize_options={"method": methods})

        assert result == objective_return
def test_resize_integration(graph, target, methods):
    """Test if function returns resized subgraphs of the correct form given an input list of
    variable sized subgraphs specified by ``subgraphs``. The output should be a list of ``len(
    10)``, each element containing itself a list corresponding to a subgraph that should be of
    ``len(target)``. Each element in the subraph list should correspond to a node of the input
    graph. Note that graph nodes are numbered in this test as [0, 1, 4, 9, ...] (i.e., squares of
    the usual list) as a simple mapping to explore that the resized subgraph returned is still a
    valid subgraph."""
    graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, lambda x: x**2)
    graph_nodes = set(graph.nodes)
    s_relabeled = [(np.array(s)**2).tolist() for s in subgraphs]
    resized = subgraph.resize(subgraphs=s_relabeled,
                              resize_options={"method": methods})
    resized = np.array(resized)
    dims = resized.shape
    assert len(dims) == 2
    assert dims[0] == len(s_relabeled)
    assert dims[1] == target
    assert all(set(sample).issubset(graph_nodes) for sample in resized)
    def test_correct_resize(self):
        """Test if function correctly resizes on a fixed example where the ideal resizing is
        known. The example is a lollipop graph of 6 fully connected nodes and 2 nodes on the
        lollipop stick. An edge between node zero and node ``dim - 1`` (the lollipop node
        connecting to the stick) is removed and a starting subgraph of nodes ``[2, 3, 4, 5,
        6]`` is selected. The objective is to add-on 1 and 2 nodes and remove 1 node."""
        dim = 6
        g = nx.lollipop_graph(dim, 2)
        g.remove_edge(0, dim - 1)

        s = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        min_size = 4
        max_size = 7

        ideal = {
            4: [2, 3, 4, 5],
            5: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
            6: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
            7: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
        resized = subgraph.resize(s, g, min_size, max_size)

        assert ideal == resized
 def test_target_wrong_type(self, graph):
     """Test if function raises a ``TypeError`` when incorrect type given for ``target`` """
     with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="target must be an integer"):
         subgraph.resize(subgraphs=[[0, 1]], graph=graph, target=[])
 def test_invalid_max_vs_min(self):
     """Test if function raises a ``ValueError`` when max_size is less than min_size"""
     dim = 5
     with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                        match="max_size must not be less than min_size"):
         subgraph.resize([0, 1], nx.complete_graph(dim), 4, 3)
 def test_invalid_min_size(self):
     """Test if function raises a ``ValueError`` when an invalid min_size is requested"""
     dim = 5
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="min_size must be at least 1"):
         subgraph.resize([0, 1], nx.complete_graph(dim), 0, 3)
 def test_input_not_subgraph(self):
     """Test if function raises a ``ValueError`` when input is not a subgraph"""
     dim = 5
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input is not a valid subgraph"):
         subgraph.resize([dim + 1], nx.complete_graph(dim), 2, 3)