    def expander(self, label: str, expanded: bool = False):
        """Insert a multi-element container that can be expanded/collapsed.

        Inserts a container into your app that can be used to hold multiple elements
        and can be expanded or collapsed by the user. When collapsed, all that is
        visible is the provided label.

        To add elements to the returned container, you can use "with" notation
        (preferred) or just call methods directly on the returned object. See
        examples below.

        .. warning::
            Currently, you may not put expanders inside another expander.

        label : str
            A string to use as the header for the expander.
        expanded : bool
            If True, initializes the expander in "expanded" state. Defaults to
            False (collapsed).

        >>> st.line_chart({"data": [1, 5, 2, 6, 2, 1]})
        >>> with st.expander("See explanation"):
        ...     st.write(\"\"\"
        ...         The chart above shows some numbers I picked for you.
        ...         I rolled actual dice for these, so they're *guaranteed* to
        ...         be random.
        ...     \"\"\")
        ...     st.image("https://static.streamlit.io/examples/dice.jpg")

        .. output ::
            height: 750px

        if label is None:
            raise StreamlitAPIException("A label is required for an expander")

        expandable_proto = BlockProto.Expandable()
        expandable_proto.expanded = expanded
        expandable_proto.label = label

        block_proto = BlockProto()
        block_proto.allow_empty = True

        return self.dg._block(block_proto=block_proto)
    def columns(self, spec: SpecType):
        """Insert containers laid out as side-by-side columns.

        Inserts a number of multi-element containers laid out side-by-side and
        returns a list of container objects.

        To add elements to the returned containers, you can use "with" notation
        (preferred) or just call methods directly on the returned object. See
        examples below.

        .. warning::
            Currently, you may not put columns inside another column.

        spec : int or list of numbers
            If an int
                Specifies the number of columns to insert, and all columns
                have equal width.

            If a list of numbers
                Creates a column for each number, and each
                column's width is proportional to the number provided. Numbers can
                be ints or floats, but they must be positive.

                For example, `st.columns([3, 1, 2])` creates 3 columns where
                the first column is 3 times the width of the second, and the last
                column is 2 times that width.

        list of containers
            A list of container objects.


        You can use `with` notation to insert any element into a column:

        >>> col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
        >>> with col1:
        ...    st.header("A cat")
        ...    st.image("https://static.streamlit.io/examples/cat.jpg")
        >>> with col2:
        ...    st.header("A dog")
        ...    st.image("https://static.streamlit.io/examples/dog.jpg")
        >>> with col3:
        ...    st.header("An owl")
        ...    st.image("https://static.streamlit.io/examples/owl.jpg")

        .. output ::
            height: 550px

        Or you can just call methods directly in the returned objects:

        >>> col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 1])
        >>> data = np.random.randn(10, 1)
        >>> col1.subheader("A wide column with a chart")
        >>> col1.line_chart(data)
        >>> col2.subheader("A narrow column with the data")
        >>> col2.write(data)

        .. output ::
            height: 400px

        weights = spec
        weights_exception = StreamlitAPIException(
            "The input argument to st.columns must be either a " +
            "positive integer or a list of positive numeric weights. " +
            "See [documentation](https://docs.streamlit.io/en/stable/api.html#streamlit.columns) "
            + "for more information.")

        if isinstance(weights, int):
            # If the user provided a single number, expand into equal weights.
            # E.g. (1,) * 3 => (1, 1, 1)
            # NOTE: A negative/zero spec will expand into an empty tuple.
            weights = (1, ) * weights

        if len(weights) == 0 or any(weight <= 0 for weight in weights):
            raise weights_exception

        def column_proto(weight):
            col_proto = BlockProto()
            col_proto.column.weight = weight
            col_proto.allow_empty = True
            return col_proto

        horiz_proto = BlockProto()
        horiz_proto.horizontal.total_weight = sum(weights)
        row = self.dg._block(horiz_proto)
        return [row._block(column_proto(w)) for w in weights]
 def column_proto(weight):
     col_proto = BlockProto()
     col_proto.column.weight = weight
     col_proto.allow_empty = True
     return col_proto
 def column_proto(normalized_weight):
     col_proto = BlockProto()
     col_proto.column.weight = normalized_weight
     col_proto.allow_empty = True
     return col_proto