    def _slider(
        label: str,
        key: Optional[Key] = None,
        help: Optional[str] = None,
        on_change: Optional[WidgetCallback] = None,
        args: Optional[WidgetArgs] = None,
        kwargs: Optional[WidgetKwargs] = None,
        *,  # keyword-only arguments:
        disabled: bool = False,
        ctx: Optional[ScriptRunContext] = None,
        key = to_key(key)
        check_callback_rules(self.dg, on_change)
        check_session_state_rules(default_value=value, key=key)

        # Set value default.
        if value is None:
            value = min_value if min_value is not None else 0

            int: SliderProto.INT,
            float: SliderProto.FLOAT,
            datetime: SliderProto.DATETIME,
            date: SliderProto.DATE,
            time: SliderProto.TIME,
        TIMELIKE_TYPES = (SliderProto.DATETIME, SliderProto.TIME,

        # Ensure that the value is either a single value or a range of values.
        single_value = isinstance(value, tuple(SUPPORTED_TYPES.keys()))
        range_value = isinstance(value,
                                 (list, tuple)) and len(value) in (0, 1, 2)
        if not single_value and not range_value:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider value should either be an int/float/datetime or a list/tuple of "
                "0 to 2 ints/floats/datetimes")

        # Simplify future logic by always making value a list
        if single_value:
            value = [value]

        def all_same_type(items):
            return len(set(map(type, items))) < 2

        if not all_same_type(value):
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider tuple/list components must be of the same type.\n"
                f"But were: {list(map(type, value))}")

        if len(value) == 0:
            data_type = SliderProto.INT
            data_type = SUPPORTED_TYPES[type(value[0])]

        datetime_min = time.min
        datetime_max = time.max
        if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:
            datetime_min = time.min.replace(tzinfo=value[0].tzinfo)
            datetime_max = time.max.replace(tzinfo=value[0].tzinfo)
        if data_type in (SliderProto.DATETIME, SliderProto.DATE):
            datetime_min = value[0] - timedelta(days=14)
            datetime_max = value[0] + timedelta(days=14)

        DEFAULTS = {
            SliderProto.INT: {
                "min_value": 0,
                "max_value": 100,
                "step": 1,
                "format": "%d",
            SliderProto.FLOAT: {
                "min_value": 0.0,
                "max_value": 1.0,
                "step": 0.01,
                "format": "%0.2f",
            SliderProto.DATETIME: {
                "min_value": datetime_min,
                "max_value": datetime_max,
                "step": timedelta(days=1),
                "format": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            SliderProto.DATE: {
                "min_value": datetime_min,
                "max_value": datetime_max,
                "step": timedelta(days=1),
                "format": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            SliderProto.TIME: {
                "min_value": datetime_min,
                "max_value": datetime_max,
                "step": timedelta(minutes=15),
                "format": "HH:mm",

        if min_value is None:
            min_value = DEFAULTS[data_type]["min_value"]
        if max_value is None:
            max_value = DEFAULTS[data_type]["max_value"]
        if step is None:
            step = DEFAULTS[data_type]["step"]
            if (data_type in (
            ) and max_value - min_value < timedelta(days=1)):
                step = timedelta(minutes=15)
        if format is None:
            format = DEFAULTS[data_type]["format"]

        if step == 0:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider components cannot be passed a `step` of 0.")

        # Ensure that all arguments are of the same type.
        slider_args = [min_value, max_value, step]
        int_args = all(map(lambda a: isinstance(a, int), slider_args))
        float_args = all(map(lambda a: isinstance(a, float), slider_args))
        # When min and max_value are the same timelike, step should be a timedelta
        timelike_args = (data_type in TIMELIKE_TYPES
                         and isinstance(step, timedelta)
                         and type(min_value) == type(max_value))

        if not int_args and not float_args and not timelike_args:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider value arguments must be of matching types."
                "\n`min_value` has %(min_type)s type."
                "\n`max_value` has %(max_type)s type."
                "\n`step` has %(step)s type." % {
                    "min_type": type(min_value).__name__,
                    "max_type": type(max_value).__name__,
                    "step": type(step).__name__,

        # Ensure that the value matches arguments' types.
        all_ints = data_type == SliderProto.INT and int_args
        all_floats = data_type == SliderProto.FLOAT and float_args
        all_timelikes = data_type in TIMELIKE_TYPES and timelike_args

        if not all_ints and not all_floats and not all_timelikes:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Both value and arguments must be of the same type."
                "\n`value` has %(value_type)s type."
                "\n`min_value` has %(min_type)s type."
                "\n`max_value` has %(max_type)s type." % {
                    "value_type": type(value).__name__,
                    "min_type": type(min_value).__name__,
                    "max_type": type(max_value).__name__,

        # Ensure that min <= value(s) <= max, adjusting the bounds as necessary.
        min_value = min(min_value, max_value)
        max_value = max(min_value, max_value)
        if len(value) == 1:
            min_value = min(value[0], min_value)
            max_value = max(value[0], max_value)
        elif len(value) == 2:
            start, end = value
            if start > end:
                # Swap start and end, since they seem reversed
                start, end = end, start
                value = start, end
            min_value = min(start, min_value)
            max_value = max(end, max_value)
            # Empty list, so let's just use the outer bounds
            value = [min_value, max_value]

        # Bounds checks. JSNumber produces human-readable exceptions that
        # we simply re-package as StreamlitAPIExceptions.
        # (We check `min_value` and `max_value` here; `value` and `step` are
        # already known to be in the [min_value, max_value] range.)
            if all_ints:
                JSNumber.validate_int_bounds(min_value, "`min_value`")
                JSNumber.validate_int_bounds(max_value, "`max_value`")
            elif all_floats:
                JSNumber.validate_float_bounds(min_value, "`min_value`")
                JSNumber.validate_float_bounds(max_value, "`max_value`")
            elif all_timelikes:
                # No validation yet. TODO: check between 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31
        except JSNumberBoundsException as e:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(str(e))

        # Convert dates or times into datetimes
        if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:

            def _time_to_datetime(time):
                # Note, here we pick an arbitrary date well after Unix epoch.
                # This prevents pre-epoch timezone issues (https://bugs.python.org/issue36759)
                # We're dropping the date from datetime laters, anyways.
                return datetime.combine(date(2000, 1, 1), time)

            value = list(map(_time_to_datetime, value))
            min_value = _time_to_datetime(min_value)
            max_value = _time_to_datetime(max_value)

        if data_type == SliderProto.DATE:

            def _date_to_datetime(date):
                return datetime.combine(date, time())

            value = list(map(_date_to_datetime, value))
            min_value = _date_to_datetime(min_value)
            max_value = _date_to_datetime(max_value)

        # Now, convert to microseconds (so we can serialize datetime to a long)
        if data_type in TIMELIKE_TYPES:
            SECONDS_TO_MICROS = 1000 * 1000
            DAYS_TO_MICROS = 24 * 60 * 60 * SECONDS_TO_MICROS

            def _delta_to_micros(delta):
                return (delta.microseconds +
                        delta.seconds * SECONDS_TO_MICROS +
                        delta.days * DAYS_TO_MICROS)

            UTC_EPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)

            def _datetime_to_micros(dt):
                # The frontend is not aware of timezones and only expects a UTC-based timestamp (in microseconds).
                # Since we want to show the date/time exactly as it is in the given datetime object,
                # we just set the tzinfo to UTC and do not do any timezone conversions.
                # Only the backend knows about original timezone and will replace the UTC timestamp in the deserialization.
                utc_dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                return _delta_to_micros(utc_dt - UTC_EPOCH)

            # Restore times/datetimes to original timezone (dates are always naive)
            orig_tz = (value[0].tzinfo if data_type
                       in (SliderProto.TIME, SliderProto.DATETIME) else None)

            def _micros_to_datetime(micros):
                utc_dt = UTC_EPOCH + timedelta(microseconds=micros)
                # Add the original timezone. No conversion is required here,
                # since in the serialization, we also just replace the timestamp with UTC.
                return utc_dt.replace(tzinfo=orig_tz)

            value = list(map(_datetime_to_micros, value))
            min_value = _datetime_to_micros(min_value)
            max_value = _datetime_to_micros(max_value)
            step = _delta_to_micros(step)

        # It would be great if we could guess the number of decimal places from
        # the `step` argument, but this would only be meaningful if step were a
        # decimal. As a possible improvement we could make this function accept
        # decimals and/or use some heuristics for floats.

        slider_proto = SliderProto()
        slider_proto.label = label
        slider_proto.format = format
        slider_proto.default[:] = value
        slider_proto.min = min_value
        slider_proto.max = max_value
        slider_proto.step = step
        slider_proto.data_type = data_type
        slider_proto.options[:] = []
        slider_proto.form_id = current_form_id(self.dg)
        if help is not None:
            slider_proto.help = dedent(help)

        def deserialize_slider(ui_value: Optional[List[float]], widget_id=""):
            if ui_value is not None:
                val = ui_value
                # Widget has not been used; fallback to the original value,
                val = cast(List[float], value)

            # The widget always returns a float array, so fix the return type if necessary
            if data_type == SliderProto.INT:
                val = [int(v) for v in val]
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATETIME:
                val = [_micros_to_datetime(int(v)) for v in val]
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATE:
                val = [_micros_to_datetime(int(v)).date() for v in val]
            if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:
                val = [
                    for v in val
            return val[0] if single_value else tuple(val)

        def serialize_slider(v: Any) -> List[Any]:
            range_value = isinstance(v, (list, tuple))
            value = list(v) if range_value else [v]
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATE:
                value = [
                    _datetime_to_micros(_date_to_datetime(v)) for v in value
            if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:
                value = [
                    _datetime_to_micros(_time_to_datetime(v)) for v in value
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATETIME:
                value = [_datetime_to_micros(v) for v in value]
            return value

        current_value, set_frontend_value = register_widget(

        # This needs to be done after register_widget because we don't want
        # the following proto fields to affect a widget's ID.
        slider_proto.disabled = disabled
        if set_frontend_value:
            slider_proto.value[:] = serialize_slider(current_value)
            slider_proto.set_value = True

        self.dg._enqueue("slider", slider_proto)
        return current_value
    def _select_slider(
        label: str,
        options: OptionSequence = [],
        value: Any = None,
        format_func: Callable[[Any], Any] = str,
        key: Optional[Key] = None,
        help: Optional[str] = None,
        on_change: Optional[WidgetCallback] = None,
        args: Optional[WidgetArgs] = None,
        kwargs: Optional[WidgetKwargs] = None,
        disabled: bool = False,
        ctx: Optional[ScriptRunContext] = None,
    ) -> Any:
        key = to_key(key)
        check_callback_rules(self.dg, on_change)
        check_session_state_rules(default_value=value, key=key)

        opt = ensure_indexable(options)

        if len(opt) == 0:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "The `options` argument needs to be non-empty")

        is_range_value = isinstance(value, (list, tuple))

        def as_index_list(v):
            is_range_value = isinstance(v, (list, tuple))
            if is_range_value:
                slider_value = [index_(opt, val) for val in v]
                start, end = slider_value
                if start > end:
                    slider_value = [end, start]
                return slider_value
                # Simplify future logic by always making value a list
                    return [index_(opt, v)]
                except ValueError:
                    if value is not None:

                    return [0]

        # Convert element to index of the elements
        slider_value = as_index_list(value)

        slider_proto = SliderProto()
        slider_proto.label = label
        slider_proto.format = "%s"
        slider_proto.default[:] = slider_value
        slider_proto.min = 0
        slider_proto.max = len(opt) - 1
        slider_proto.step = 1  # default for index changes
        slider_proto.data_type = SliderProto.INT
        slider_proto.options[:] = [str(format_func(option)) for option in opt]
        slider_proto.form_id = current_form_id(self.dg)
        slider_proto.disabled = disabled
        if help is not None:
            slider_proto.help = dedent(help)

        def deserialize_select_slider(ui_value, widget_id=""):
            if not ui_value:
                # Widget has not been used; fallback to the original value,
                ui_value = slider_value

            # The widget always returns floats, so convert to ints before indexing
            return_value = list(map(lambda x: opt[int(x)],
                                    ui_value))  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

            # If the original value was a list/tuple, so will be the output (and vice versa)
            return tuple(return_value) if is_range_value else return_value[0]

        def serialize_select_slider(v):
            return as_index_list(v)

        current_value, set_frontend_value = register_widget(

        if set_frontend_value:
            slider_proto.value[:] = serialize_select_slider(current_value)
            slider_proto.set_value = True

        self.dg._enqueue("slider", slider_proto)
        return current_value