def wikiFeed(inetToolkit, buildType, port): # Sumbit request Build Server and Submit. schemaTicker = 'tuple<rstring dataId, rstring bot, rstring domain, int32 lenOld,int32 lenNew, rstring SSEdata, rstring SSEevent>' # # Define the application # topo = Topology("WikiFeed") tk.add_toolkit(topo, inetToolkit) source = topo.source(wikiStream) # Only one type of event, verity that I got it right. event = source.filter(lambda t: t["SSEevent"] == "message", name="eventFilter") event.print(name="eth") eventTuple = t: t, schema=schemaTicker) eventWin = eventTuple.last(100).trigger(1) rawRequest = op.Sink("", stream=eventWin, params={ 'port': 8081, 'context': 'gdaxEth', 'contextResourceBase': '/base' }, name="TupleView") # # Compile & Submit the Topology to Streams instance # streams_conf = common.build_streams_config("StreamingTurbine", credential.serviceCredentials) context.submit(context.ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE, topo, config=streams_conf)
def _build_only(self, name, topo): result = context.submit("TOOLKIT", topo.graph) # creates tk* directory print(name + ' (TOOLKIT):' + str(result)) assert (result.return_code == 0) result = context.submit("BUNDLE", topo.graph) # creates sab file print(name + ' (BUNDLE):' + str(result)) assert (result.return_code == 0)
def test_DifferentPassword(self): sc = rest.StreamsConnection('user1', 'pass1') self.test_config[ConfigParams.STREAMS_CONNECTION] = sc with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): submit(self.test_ctxtype, self.topo, self.test_config, username='******', password='******')
def smokePending(inetToolkit, buildType, port): # Specify the Schema going in and out of the Streams operator. schemaRequest = 'tuple<int64 key, rstring request, rstring method, rstring pathInfo >' schemaResponse = 'tuple<int64 key, rstring request, rstring method, rstring pathInfo, rstring response >' topo = Topology("SmokePending") # Add extrenal spl functions, this is what is being testing my HTTPRequestProcess() tk.add_toolkit(topo, inetToolkit) # 'pending_source' is the loopback point. pending_source = PendingStream(topo) # Convert to Streams' tuple rsp = t: t, schema=schemaResponse) rspFormatted = t: json.dumps(t)).as_string() rspFormatted.sink(webLog("Output response")) ## log what we have received. rawRequest = op.Map("", stream=rsp, schema = schemaRequest, params={'port': 8080, 'webTimeout': 5.0, #'responseJsonAttributeName': 'string', 'context':'myStreams', 'contextResourceBase': '/base'}, name="TupleRequest") # write out data'Input request')) ## log what we have received. # determine what to work on # Filter does not change the type upperDo = t: t["pathInfo"] == "/upper", name="upperFilter") lowerDo = t: t["pathInfo"] == "/lower", name="lowerFilter") # do some processing upperDone =, schema = schemaResponse, name="upperProcess") lowerDone =, schema = schemaResponse, name="lowerProcess") ## processingDone = upperDone.union({lowerDone}) hack = t: t, schema=schemaResponse) pending_source.complete(hack) # close the loop # hack make it so I do not get this error. """ pending_source.complete(processingDone) # close the loop SEVERE: Streaming Analytics service (StreamingTurbine): The submitted archive failed to scripts with status failed. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error submitting archive for compilation: "tk5385353137138356122/SmokePending/SmokePending.spl:5:1: CDISP0011E ERROR: A syntax error exists at the '}' token in 'graph'." """ # # Compile & Submit the Topology to Streams instance # streams_conf = common.build_streams_config("StreamingTurbine", credential.serviceCredentials) context.submit(context.ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE, topo, config=streams_conf)
def build_ingest_app(config, streams_config): gerrit_stream = gerrit.GerritEvents(**config['gerrit']) ingest_topo = topology.Topology(INGEST_JOB_NAME) event_stream = ingest_topo.source(gerrit_stream) event_stream.publish('openstack_review_stream') # ship it off to service to build and run context.submit('ANALYTICS_SERVICE', ingest_topo, config=streams_config)
def commonSubmit(_cfg, streams_cloud_service, _topo, credential=None, DEBUG_BUILD=False): """submit to either the cloud or CP4D Args: _cfg: when submitting from CP4D. streams_cloud_service (str) : when submitting to cloud, the name of the service must appropriate mapping _topo (topology): topology to submit DEBUG_BUILD : build and do push archive, print out location of archive. Returns: What does it return Raises: NameYourError: The ``Raises`` is a list of all the exceptions Hints : - Credentials are from module credentia - fetching the """ if _cfg is not None: # Disable SSL certificate verification if necessary _cfg[context.ConfigParams.SSL_VERIFY] = False submission_result = context.submit("DISTRIBUTED", _topo, config=_cfg) if _cfg is None: cloud = { context.ConfigParams.VCAP_SERVICES: credential.vcap_conf, context.ConfigParams.SERVICE_NAME: streams_cloud_service, context.ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE: "STREAMING_ANALYTIC", context.ConfigParams.FORCE_REMOTE_BUILD: True, } if not DEBUG_BUILD: submission_result = context.submit("STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE", _topo, config=cloud) else: submission_result = context.submit("BUILD_ARCHIVE", _topo, config=cloud) print("archive can be found:", submission_result) # The submission_result object contains information about the running application, or job if submission_result.job: report = "JobId:{} Name:{} ".format(submission_result['id'], submission_result['name']) else: report = "Somthing did work:{}".format(submission_result)
def build_filter_app(config, streams_config): def comments_only(data): jdata = json.loads(data) print(jdata, file=sys.stderr) return jdata["type"] == "comment-added" # define our streams app filter_topo = topology.Topology(FILTER_JOB_NAME) event_stream2 = filter_topo.subscribe('openstack_review_stream') comments_stream = event_stream2.filter(comments_only) comments_stream.publish('comments') c_view = comments_stream.view(name=COMMENT_VIEW_NAME) # ship it off to service to build and run context.submit('ANALYTICS_SERVICE', filter_topo, config=streams_config)
def _launch_sample_job(self): # this job is monitored by application # PE crash is forced by this application in order to trigger a notification topo = Topology("SampleCrashApp") self._add_toolkits(topo) # Call the crash composite test_op = op.Source(topo, "", 'tuple<boolean dummy>') # prepare config and submit the job to Streaming Analytics service config = {} sc = sr.StreamingAnalyticsConnection() config[context.ConfigParams.STREAMS_CONNECTION] = sc context.submit(context.ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE, topo, config=config)
def gdaxFeed(inetToolkit, buildType, port): # Sumbit request Build Server and Submit. schemaTicker = 'tuple<rstring ttype, float32 price, float32 low_24h, float32 best_ask, rstring side, float32 best_bid, float32 open_24h, rstring product_id, int32 sequence, int32 trade_id, rstring time, float32 last_size, float32 volume_24h, float32 volume_30d, float32 high_24h>' # # Define the application # topo = Topology("GdaxFeed") tk.add_toolkit(topo, inetToolkit) source = topo.source(gdaxData) # Split out the securities : ETH-USD, LTC-USD, BTC-USD eth = source.filter(lambda t: t["product_id"] == "ETH-USD", name="ethFilter") ltc = source.filter(lambda t: t["product_id"] == "LTC-USD", name="ltcFilter") btc = source.filter(lambda t: t["product_id"] == "LTC-USD", name="btcFilter") eth.print(name="eth") ltc.print(name="ltc") btc.print(name="btc") ethTuple = t: t, schema=schemaTicker) #ethWin = ethTuple.last(datetime.timedelta(minutes=2)) ethWin = ethTuple.last(100).trigger(1) rawRequest = op.Sink("", stream=ethWin, params={ 'port': 8080, 'context': 'gdaxEth', 'contextResourceBase': '/base' }, name="TupleView") # # Compile & Submit the Topology to Streams instance # streams_conf = common.build_streams_config("StreamingTurbine", credential.serviceCredentials) context.submit(context.ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE, topo, config=streams_conf) def test(): print("enter") tmp = gdaxData() while True: print(tmp.__next__())
def _launch(self, topo): rc = context.submit('STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE', topo, self.test_config) print(str(rc)) if rc is not None: if (rc.return_code == 0): rc.job.cancel()
def test_image_name_image_tag(self): topo = Topology("test_image_name_image_tag") heartbeat = topo.source(lambda: itertools.count()) heartbeat.print() image_name = 'py-tst' image_tag = 'v1.0' cfg = {ConfigParams.SSL_VERIFY: False} jc = JobConfig() jc.raw_overlay = { 'edgeConfig': { 'imageName': image_name, 'imageTag': image_tag, 'pipPackages': ['pandas', 'numpy'], 'rpms': ['atlas-devel'] } } jc.add(cfg) try: submission_result = submit(ContextTypes.EDGE, topo.graph, cfg) print(str(submission_result)) self.assertTrue(submission_result is not None) self.assertTrue(self._is_not_blank(submission_result.image)) self.assertTrue(self._is_not_blank(submission_result.imageDigest)) self.assertTrue(image_name in submission_result.image) self.assertTrue(image_tag in submission_result.image) except RuntimeError as e: print(str(e)) self.skipTest("Skip test, CPD does not support EDGE.")
def submitToStreams(topology, streams_cfg, streams_instance): """Cancel if same name job is active and submit. Args: toplogy: streams application topology streams_cfg : connection information - from get_instance() streams_instance : from get_instance() Notes: Create local copy of the streams config so this can be thread-safe """ local_streams_cfg = dict(streams_cfg) # Cancel the job from the instance if it is already running... for job in streams_instance.get_jobs(): if == print("Cancelling old job:", job.cancel() # Set the job config job_config = context.JobConfig(, tracing="debug") job_config.add(local_streams_cfg) # Actually submit the job print("Building and submitting new job:", submission_result = context.submit('DISTRIBUTED', topology, local_streams_cfg) return submission_result
def cloudSubmit(instance, streams_cloud_service, topology, credential): """submit cloud streams instance Args: instance : when submitting from CP4D or Cloud streams_cloud_service : when submitting to cloud, the name of the service must appropriate mapping topology : topology to submit credential : streams instance cloud credential """ for job in instance.get_jobs(): if > 0: print("Cancelling old job:", job.cancel() cloud = { context.ConfigParams.VCAP_SERVICES: credential.vcap_conf, context.ConfigParams.SERVICE_NAME: streams_cloud_service, context.ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE: "STREAMING_ANALYTIC", context.ConfigParams.FORCE_REMOTE_BUILD: True, } submission_result = context.submit("STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE", topology, config=cloud) # The submission_result object contains information about the running application, or job if submission_result.job: report = "JobId:{} Name:{} ".format(submission_result['id'], submission_result['name']) else: report = "Somthing did work:{}".format(submission_result)
def test_KeepArtifacts(self): if ("TestBundleMethodsNew" in str(self)): if 'STREAMS_INSTALL' not in os.environ: self.skipTest('TestBundleMethodsNew requires STREAMS_INSTALL') self.test_config['topology.keepArtifacts'] = True self.result = submit(self.test_ctxtype, self.topo, self.test_config) verifyArtifacts(self)
def submitProcess(topology=None, streamsService=None, serviceType=None, buildType=None, jobName=None, cancel=False): # # With the composed topology, process it. Build a bundle, submit to build server or (eventually) # send to ICP. # - streamsService : where appication will execute # - serviceType : buildArchive | streams Application # - send to build server then onto streams Service # print("Submission parameters:") print(" - serviceType:%s" % serviceType) print(" - buildType:%s" % buildType) print(" - jobName:%s" % jobName) print(" - cancel:%s" % cancel) streams_conf = build_streams_config( streamsService, credential.StreamsServices[streamsService]) # if cancel: cancel_job(streamsService, streams_conf, name=jobName, namespace=jobName) # submit if (serviceType == "BUILD_ARCHIVE"): contextType = context.ContextTypes.BUILD_ARCHIVE else: contextType = context.ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE submitStatus = context.submit(contextType, topology, config=streams_conf) return submitStatus
def _standalone_test(self, config): """ Test using STANDALONE. Success is solely indicated by the process completing and returning zero. """ sr = stc.submit(stc.ContextTypes.STANDALONE, self.topology, config) self.submission_result = sr self.result = {'passed': sr['return_code'], 'submission_result': sr} return sr['return_code'] == 0
def _submit_build(cmd_args, topo): cfg = {} # Only supported for remote builds. cfg[ConfigParams.FORCE_REMOTE_BUILD] = True if cmd_args.disable_ssl_verify: cfg[ConfigParams.SSL_VERIFY] = False urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) _sc_options(cmd_args, cfg) return submit('BUNDLE', topo, cfg)
def _submit(cmd_args, app): cfg = app[1] if cmd_args.create_bundle: ctxtype = ctx.ContextTypes.BUNDLE elif cmd_args.service_name: cfg[ctx.ConfigParams.FORCE_REMOTE_BUILD] = True cfg[ctx.ConfigParams.SERVICE_NAME] = cmd_args.service_name ctxtype = ctx.ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE sr = ctx.submit(ctxtype, app[0], cfg) return sr
def _distributed_test(self, config, username, password): sjr = stc.submit(stc.ContextTypes.DISTRIBUTED, self.topology, config) self.submission_result = sjr if sjr['return_code'] != 0: _logger.error("Failed to submit job to distributed instance.") return False self.streams_connection = config.get(ConfigParams.STREAMS_CONNECTION) if self.streams_connection is None: self.streams_connection = self.submission_result.job.rest_client._sc return self._distributed_wait_for_result(stc.ContextTypes.DISTRIBUTED, config)
def _streaming_analytics_test(self, ctxtype, config): sjr = stc.submit(ctxtype, self.topology, config) self.submission_result = sjr self.streams_connection = config.get(ConfigParams.STREAMS_CONNECTION) if self.streams_connection is None: self.streams_connection = Tester._get_sas_conn(config) if sjr['return_code'] != 0: _logger.error("Failed to submit job to Streaming Analytics instance") return False return self._distributed_wait_for_result(ctxtype, config)
def _standalone_test(self, config): """ Test using STANDALONE. Success is solely indicated by the process completing and returning zero. """ if self._run_for: config = config.copy() config['topology.standaloneRunTime'] = self._run_for + 5.0 sr = stc.submit(stc.ContextTypes.STANDALONE, self.topology, config) self.submission_result = sr self.result = {'passed': sr['return_code'], 'submission_result': sr} return sr['return_code'] == 0
def _streaming_analytics_test(self, ctxtype, config): sjr = stc.submit(ctxtype, self.topology, config) self.submission_result = sjr self.streams_connection = config.get(ConfigParams.STREAMS_CONNECTION) if self.streams_connection is None: vcap_services = config.get(ConfigParams.VCAP_SERVICES) service_name = config.get(ConfigParams.SERVICE_NAME) self.streams_connection = StreamingAnalyticsConnection(vcap_services, service_name) if sjr['return_code'] != 0: _logger.error("Failed to submit job to Streaming Analytics instance") return False return self._distributed_wait_for_result(ctxtype, config)
def _launch_sample_job(self): # this job is monitored by application # PE crash is forced by this application in order to trigger a notification topo = Topology("SampleCrashApp") self._add_toolkits(topo) # Call the crash composite test_op = op.Source(topo, "", 'tuple<boolean dummy>') config = {} config[context.ConfigParams.SSL_VERIFY] = False return context.submit(context.ContextTypes.DISTRIBUTED, topo, config=config)
def _submit_topology(cmd_args, app): """Submit a Python topology to the service. This includes an SPL main composite wrapped in a Python topology. """ cfg = app.cfg if cmd_args.create_bundle: ctxtype = ctx.ContextTypes.BUNDLE elif cmd_args.service_name: cfg[ctx.ConfigParams.FORCE_REMOTE_BUILD] = True cfg[ctx.ConfigParams.SERVICE_NAME] = cmd_args.service_name ctxtype = ctx.ContextTypes.STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE sr = ctx.submit(ctxtype,, cfg) return sr
def _distributed_test(self, config, username, password): self.streams_connection = config.get(ConfigParams.STREAMS_CONNECTION) if self.streams_connection is None: # Supply a default StreamsConnection object with SSL verification disabled, because the default # streams server is not shipped with a valid SSL certificate self.streams_connection = StreamsConnection(username, password) self.streams_connection.session.verify = False config[ConfigParams.STREAMS_CONNECTION] = self.streams_connection sjr = stc.submit(stc.ContextTypes.DISTRIBUTED, self.topology, config) self.submission_result = sjr if sjr['return_code'] != 0: _logger.error("Failed to submit job to distributed instance.") return False return self._distributed_wait_for_result()
def _distributed_test(self, config, username, password): self.streams_connection = config.get(ConfigParams.STREAMS_CONNECTION) if self.streams_connection is None: # Supply a default StreamsConnection object with SSL verification disabled, because the default # streams server is not shipped with a valid SSL certificate self.streams_connection = StreamsConnection(username, password) self.streams_connection.session.verify = False config[ConfigParams.STREAMS_CONNECTION] = self.streams_connection sjr = stc.submit(stc.ContextTypes.DISTRIBUTED, self.topology, config) self.submission_result = sjr if sjr['return_code'] != 0: _logger.error("Failed to submit job to distributed instance.") return False return self._distributed_wait_for_result(stc.ContextTypes.DISTRIBUTED, config)
def test_spl_generation(self): name = 'test_spl_generation' topo = Topology(name) scriptname = os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3] service_documentation={ 'title': '__SERVICE__TITLE__', 'description': '__SERVICE__DESC__', } endpoint_documentation = dict() endpoint_documentation['summary'] = '__ENDPOINT__SUMMARY__' endpoint_documentation['tags'] = ['__ENDPOINT__TAG1__', '__ENDPOINT__TAG2__'] endpoint_documentation['description'] = '__ENDPOINT__DESC__' doc_attr = dict() descr = {'id': {'description': '__ENDPOINT__ATTR1__DESC__'}} doc_attr.update(descr) descr = {'num': {'description': '__ENDPOINT__ATTR2__DESC__'}} doc_attr.update(descr) endpoint_documentation['attributeDescriptions'] = doc_attr stream1 = topo.source(lambda : itertools.count()).as_string() stream1.for_each(EndpointSink( consuming_reads=True, service_documentation=service_documentation, endpoint_documentation=endpoint_documentation)) submission_result = submit(ContextTypes.TOOLKIT, topo) # check generated SPL file splfile = submission_result['toolkitRoot']+'/'+scriptname+'/'+name+'.spl' with open(splfile, "r") as fileHandle: ep_annotation = [line.strip() for line in fileHandle if "@endpoint" in line] print(str(ep_annotation)) self.assertTrue('__ENDPOINT__SUMMARY__' in str(ep_annotation), msg=ep_annotation) self.assertTrue('__ENDPOINT__TAG1__' in str(ep_annotation), msg=ep_annotation) self.assertTrue('__ENDPOINT__TAG2__' in str(ep_annotation), msg=ep_annotation) self.assertTrue('__ENDPOINT__DESC__' in str(ep_annotation), msg=ep_annotation) self.assertTrue('__ENDPOINT__ATTR1__DESC__' in str(ep_annotation), msg=ep_annotation) self.assertTrue('__ENDPOINT__ATTR2__DESC__' in str(ep_annotation), msg=ep_annotation) with open(splfile, "r") as fileHandle: service_annotation = [line.strip() for line in fileHandle if "@service" in line] print(str(service_annotation)) self.assertTrue('__SERVICE__TITLE__' in str(service_annotation), msg=service_annotation) self.assertTrue('__SERVICE__DESC__' in str(service_annotation), msg=service_annotation) # test consumingReads operator parameter in generated SPL code with open(splfile, "r") as fileHandle: sink_invocation = [line.strip() for line in fileHandle if "spl.endpoint::EndpointSink" in line or 'param' in line or 'consumingReads' in line] print(str(sink_invocation)) self.assertTrue('spl.endpoint::EndpointSink' in sink_invocation[-3] and 'param' in sink_invocation[-2] and 'consumingReads' in sink_invocation[-1] and 'true' in sink_invocation[-1], msg=sink_invocation)
def test_submit_edge(self): topo = Topology("test_submit_edge") heartbeat = topo.source(lambda: itertools.count()) heartbeat.print() cfg = {ConfigParams.SSL_VERIFY: False} try: submission_result = submit(ContextTypes.EDGE, topo.graph, cfg) print(str(submission_result)) self.assertTrue(submission_result is not None) self.assertTrue(self._is_not_blank(submission_result.image)) self.assertTrue(self._is_not_blank(submission_result.imageDigest)) except RuntimeError as e: print(str(e)) self.skipTest("Skip test, CPD does not support EDGE.")
def _submitjob(self, args, sab=None): args.insert(0, "--disable-ssl-verify") args.insert(1, "submitjob") if sab: args.insert(2, sab) else: topo = Topology() topo.source([1]) cfg = {} cfg[ConfigParams.SSL_VERIFY] = False src = submit("BUNDLE", topo, cfg) sab_path = src["bundlePath"] args.insert(2, sab_path) self.files_to_remove.append(sab_path) rc, val = streamtool.run_cmd(args=args) return rc, val
def setUpClass(cls): # Create the job topo = Topology() s = topo.source([1]) p = s.parallel(3, name='test1') p = p.filter(lambda x : x > 0) e = p.end_parallel() cfg = {} cfg[ConfigParams.SSL_VERIFY] = False src = submit("BUNDLE", topo, cfg) cls.sab_path = str(src['bundlePath']) if cpd_setup(): cls.initial_config = str(src['jobConfigPath']) cls.files_to_remove = [src['bundlePath'], src['jobConfigPath']] cls.new_parallelRegionWidth = 'test*=2'
def test_from_topology(self): topo = Topology('SabTest', namespace='mynamespace') s = topo.source([1, 2]) es = s.for_each(lambda x: None) cfg = {} jc = JobConfig(job_name='ABCD', job_group='XXG', preload=True) jc.add(cfg) bb = submit('BUNDLE', topo, cfg) self.assertIn('bundlePath', bb) self.assertIn('jobConfigPath', bb) with open(bb['jobConfigPath']) as json_data: jct = JobConfig.from_overlays(json.load(json_data)) self.assertEqual(jc.job_name, jct.job_name) self.assertEqual(jc.job_group, jct.job_group) self.assertEqual(jc.preload, jct.preload) os.remove(bb['bundlePath']) os.remove(bb['jobConfigPath'])
def test_submitjob_submission_parameters_complex(self): paramList1, paramList2 = self.generateRandom() operator1 = "test1" operator2 = "test2" topo = Topology() lower = topo.create_submission_parameter(paramList1[0][0]) upper = topo.create_submission_parameter(paramList1[1][0]) s = topo.source([1]) s.for_each(Test_metrics(lower), name=operator1) s.for_each(Test_metrics(upper), name=operator2) cfg = {} cfg[ConfigParams.SSL_VERIFY] = False src = submit("BUNDLE", topo, cfg) sab_path = src["bundlePath"] # Submit the job args = ["--jobname", str(] for prop in paramList2: args.extend(["-P", prop]) rc, my_job = self._submitjob(args, sab=sab_path) self.files_to_remove.append(sab_path) self.jobs_to_cancel.extend([my_job]) test1 = my_job.get_operators(operator1)[0] test2 = my_job.get_operators(operator2)[0] m1, m2 = None, None for _ in range(100): if m1 and m2: break time.sleep(1) m1 = test1.get_metrics(paramList1[0][1]) m2 = test2.get_metrics(paramList1[1][1]) self.assertEqual(rc, 0) if not (m1 and m2):"Submission parameters failed to be created")
def submit_to_service(self, topo, cfg): rc = submit("ANALYTICS_SERVICE", topo, cfg) self.assertEqual(0, rc['return_code']) rc.job.cancel() return rc
def _submit(self, topology): return context.submit(self._submission_context, topology, username = self.sws_username, password=self.sws_password)