def main(): '''Main method ''' rnd = SystemRandom() all_chars = printable.strip() key = ''.join([rnd.choice(all_chars) for _ in range(50)]) with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as fd_obj: fd_obj.write(key)
def main(stdscr): curses.curs_set(0) curses.init_pair(9, FG, BG) stdscr.bkgd(curses.color_pair(9)) curses.start_color() size = stdscr.getmaxyx() PMatrix = collections.namedtuple("PMatrix", ["foreground", "background", "dispense"]) matr = PMatrix([], rand_string(printable.strip(), size[0] * size[1]), []) delta = 0 lt = time.time() while 1: if CLEAR: stdscr.clear() else: stdscr.erase() now = time.time() delta += (now - lt) * UPDATES_PER_SECOND lt = now while delta >= 1: if stdscr.getmaxyx() != size: # In the event that the size of the screen has changed, # return from this function, effectively restarting # pmatrix. return for _ in xrange(LETTERS_PER_UPDATE): matr.dispense.append(random.randint(0, size[1] - 1)) for i, c in enumerate(matr.dispense): matr.foreground.append([0, c]) if not random.randint(0, PROBABILITY): del matr.dispense[i] for a, b in enumerate(matr.foreground): if b[0] < size[0] - 1: stdscr.addstr(b[0], b[1], matr.background[b[0] * size[0] + b[1]], curses.color_pair(9)) b[0] += 1 else: # We cannot simply use `del b`. This is because using del # on the local variable b will only remove its binding # from the local namespace. We have to remove it directly # from the list. del matr.foreground[a] delta -= 1 stdscr.refresh()
def mutateUtterance(utt, botDir, percentage=10, variability=0): counter = 0 keysAscii = list(printable.strip(whitespace)) for position, letter in enumerate(utt): if not (letter.isspace()): mutate = choices([True, False], [percentage / 100, 1 - percentage / 100])[0] if mutate: uttAux = list(utt) uttAux[position] = choice(keysAscii) utt = "".join(uttAux) if percentage > 1: percentage += variability counter += 1 statsDir = "/home/sergio/Desktop/proyecto/codigo/output/{}/".format(botDir) filename = "mutateUtteranceStats.txt" writeCounter(statsDir, filename, counter, len(utt)) return utt
def make_pass(pool='chars', min_entropy=20, min_length=8, max_length=30): if min_length > max_length: raise Exception('min_length must be <= max_length.') if pool == 'chars': pool = printable.strip() elif pool == 'lowercase': pool = lowercase elif pool == 'alphanumeric': pool = ascii_letters + digits ind_entropy = log(len(pool), 2) min_length = max( int(ceil(min_entropy/ind_entropy)), min_length ) # no reason to limit entropy by not allowing repeats (thus I use choice() instead of sample() ) element_lst = [choice(pool) for i in xrange(min_length)] return ''.join(element_lst)
FORES = [ Fore.BLACK, Fore.RED, Fore.GREEN, Fore.YELLOW, Fore.BLUE, Fore.MAGENTA, Fore.CYAN, Fore.WHITE ] BACKS = [ Back.BLACK, Back.RED, Back.GREEN, Back.YELLOW, Back.BLUE, Back.MAGENTA, Back.CYAN, Back.WHITE ] STYLES = [Style.DIM, Style.NORMAL, Style.BRIGHT] # This assumes your terminal is 80x24. Ansi minimum coordinate is (1,1). MINY, MAXY = 1, 24 MINX, MAXX = 1, 80 # set of printable ASCII characters, including a space. CHARS = ' ' + printable.strip() PASSES = 1000 def main(): colorama.init() pos = lambda y, x: Cursor.POS(x, y) # draw a white border. print(Back.WHITE, end='') print('%s%s' % (pos(MINY, MINX), ' ' * MAXX), end='') for y in range(MINY, 1 + MAXY): print('%s %s ' % (pos(y, MINX), pos(y, MAXX)), end='') print('%s%s' % (pos(MAXY, MINX), ' ' * MAXX), end='') # draw some blinky lights for a while. for i in range(PASSES):
from warnings import warn from string import (ascii_letters, printable, digits, whitespace) OPEN_GROUP = "[" END_GROUP = "]" CONCAT_GROUP = "+" GROUP_SUFFIX_AST = "*" GROUP_CATEGORIES = { "alpha": ascii_letters, "alphanum": ascii_letters + digits, "digits": digits, "underscore": "_", "whitespace": whitespace.replace("\n", ""), ".": printable.strip(), "string": printable.replace('"', ""), "nest": "|" } def parse_error(idx, string): raise SyntaxError(f"{idx+1}: {string}") def category_error(category): raise ValueError(f"category {category!r} doesn't exist") def internal_error(string): state_concatenating = False raise RuntimeError(string)
from pwn import * from string import printable from random import choice char = printable.strip() tmp = ''.join(choice(char) for i in range(1000)) string = tmp.encode('base64').replace('\n', '') def kirim(isi): r.recvuntil(': ') r.sendline('ENCODE' + isi) return r.recvline().strip('\n') cmpr = lambda x, y: dict(zip(x, y)) r = remote('', 6000) #r = process('python') flag = kirim('FLAG') enc = kirim(' ' + tmp) dic = cmpr(enc, string) print ''.join(dic[i] for i in flag).decode('base64')
def randomKey(number): numPrintable = len(printable.strip()) key = ':' for i in range(number - 1): key = key + printable[randint(0, numPrintable) - 1] return key
from string import printable import random digit = printable.strip() passw = [] lenght = input("Password Lenght ") def passwords(lenght): if lenght == '': print("no password is of 0 words") exit() elif lenght.replace(' ', '').isalpha() == True: print("type a number") exit() else: for _ in range(int(lenght)): passw.append(random.choice(digit)) word = ''.join(passw) print(word) passwords(lenght)
def main(stdscr): curses.curs_set(0) curses.init_pair(9, FG, BG) stdscr.bkgd(curses.color_pair(9)) curses.start_color() size = stdscr.getmaxyx() # background is a matrix of the actual letters (not lit up) -- the underlay. # foreground is a binary matrix representing the position of lit letters -- the overlay. # dispense is where new 'streams' of lit letters appear from. background = rand_string(printable.strip(), size[0] * size[1]) foreground = [] dispense = [] delta = 0 bg_refresh_counter = random.randint(3, 7) lt = time.time() while 1: if CLEAR: stdscr.clear() else: stdscr.erase() now = time.time() delta += (now - lt) * UPDATES_PER_SECOND lt = now while delta >= 1: if stdscr.getmaxyx() != size: # In the event that the size of the screen has changed, # return from this function, effectively restarting # pmatrix. return for _ in range(LETTERS_PER_UPDATE): dispense.append(random.randint(0, size[1] - 1)) for i, c in enumerate(dispense): foreground.append([0, c]) if not random.randint(0, PROBABILITY): del dispense[i] for a, b in enumerate(foreground): if b[0] < size[0] - 1: stdscr.addstr(b[0], b[1], background[b[0] * size[0] + b[1]], curses.color_pair(9)) b[0] += 1 else: # We cannot simply use `del b`. This is because using del # on the local variable b will only remove its binding # from the local namespace. We have to remove it directly # from the list. del foreground[a] bg_refresh_counter -= 1 if bg_refresh_counter <= 0: background = rand_string(printable.strip(), size[0] * size[1]) bg_refresh_counter = random.randint(3, 7) delta -= 1 stdscr.refresh()
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style from random import randint, choice from string import printable # Fore, Back and Style are convenience classes for the constant ANSI strings that set # the foreground, background and style. The don't have any magic of their own. FORES = [ Fore.BLACK, Fore.RED, Fore.GREEN, Fore.YELLOW, Fore.BLUE, Fore.MAGENTA, Fore.CYAN, Fore.WHITE ] BACKS = [ Back.BLACK, Back.RED, Back.GREEN, Back.YELLOW, Back.BLUE, Back.MAGENTA, Back.CYAN, Back.WHITE ] STYLES = [ Style.DIM, Style.NORMAL, Style.BRIGHT ] # This assumes your terminal is 80x24. Ansi minimum coordinate is (1,1). MINY, MAXY = 1, 24 MINX, MAXX = 1, 80 # set of printable ASCII characters, including a space. CHARS = ' ' + printable.strip() PASSES = 1000 def main(): colorama.init() # gratuitous use of lambda. pos = lambda y, x: '\x1b[%d;%dH' % (y, x) # draw a white border. print(Back.WHITE, end='') print('%s%s' % (pos(MINY, MINX), ' '*MAXX), end='') for y in range(MINY, 1+MAXY): print('%s %s ' % (pos(y, MINX), pos(y, MAXX)), end='') print('%s%s' % (pos(MAXY, MINX), ' '*MAXX), end='') # draw some blinky lights for a while. for i in range(PASSES):
from ast import literal_eval from base64 import b64encode from hashlib import sha1 from itertools import product from string import printable import pwn import schnorr3 printable = printable.strip() DEBUG = False if DEBUG: p = pwn.remote("localhost", 20014) else: p = pwn.remote("", 20014) pwn.context.log_level = "debug" def PoW(proof, length): assert len(proof) < length for work in product(printable, repeat=5): work = proof + "".join(work).encode() h = sha1(work).hexdigest() if h.endswith("0000"): break return work def menu(pubkey, choice): p.recvuntil("Please tell us your public key:")
'''Basic classes for creating a pygame application''' import pygame, math, sys from string import printable as _printable from typing import Type, TypeVar, Optional from glob import glob from pygame.locals import * from recordclass import RecordClass printable = _printable.strip() + ' ' T = TypeVar('T', bound='ManyOf') class ManyOf: ''' A class that can be used to group objects and call them at the same time reads methods from a given class and creates those methods in this class by looping over each provided object and calling that method on it ''' def __init__(self, cls: Type[T], *obj_list: tuple[T]): ''' initialize the ManyOf class :cls: the type or class of the objects in obj_list :obj_list: the list of objects that the methods will be called on ''' if len(obj_list) < 1: raise ValueError('Must pass at least one object in obj_list') self.obj_list = obj_list for method in filter(lambda x: x != '__class__', dir(cls)): if not callable(getattr(cls, method)): # if the method is not a function continue # move on to the next method
from string import printable from django.core import validators from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.utils.deconstruct import deconstructible from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ PRINTABLE_CHARS = set(printable.strip() + " ") def printable_name(value: str) -> None: """Ensure that team names are printable.""" if not set(value) <= PRINTABLE_CHARS: raise ValidationError( _('%(value)s contains non-printable characters.'), params={'value': value}, ) @deconstructible class NameValidator(validators.RegexValidator): regex = r"^[\w.+ -]+\Z" message = _("Enter a valid name. This value may contain only letters, " "numbers, spaces, and ./+/-/_ characters.") flags = 0 @deconstructible class LenientNameValidator(validators.RegexValidator): regex = r"^[]+\Z" message = _("Enter a valid name. This value may contain only letters, "
def make_pass(pool='chars', min_entropy=20, min_length=8, max_length=30, filter_fn=None, mod_fn=None, join_str='', verbose=False, **kwargs): option_names = ['word_file'] for arg_name in list(kwargs.keys()): if arg_name not in option_names: print('Warning: option', arg_name, 'not known.') if min_length > max_length: raise Exception('min_length must be <= max_length.') # error checking if pool != 'words' and 'word_file' in kwargs: print( 'Warning: word file supplied but pool not set to words. Ignoring file...', file=stderr) # figure out what pool we are using if pool == 'chars': pool = printable.strip() elif pool == 'lowercase': pool = ascii_lowercase elif pool == 'alphanumeric': pool = ascii_letters + digits elif pool == 'words': if 'word_file' not in kwargs: word_file = '/usr/share/dict/words' else: word_file = kwargs['word_file'] if not isfile(word_file): raise Exception('File \'' + word_file + '\' does not exist.') f = open(word_file) pool = [word.strip() for word in f.readlines()] # set the modification to capitalize first letter of each if mod_fn is None: mod_fn = lambda x: x[0].upper() + x[1:].lower() elif type(pool) != list: raise Exception("Pool must be a list, 'chars', or 'words'.") # get rid of the empty string, obviously pool = [x for x in pool if x != ''] # use a set to remove duplicates. also it's a more appropriate data structure pool = set(pool) if len(pool) == 0: raise Exception("Pool is the empty set!") # filter by the given function if filter_fn: pool = {x for x in pool if filter_fn(x)} if len(pool) == 0: raise Exception("Filter returned False for every element of pool.") # modify pool using the given function if mod_fn: pool = set(map(mod_fn, pool)) entropy_per_element = log(len(pool), 2) # figure out the smallest number of elements needed to achieve the minimum requested entropy min_elements = int(ceil(min_entropy / entropy_per_element)) # we want a length distribution that stays under max_length but still achieves the entropy needed. # so we drop really long words from the pool, so that the average word length is correct. # this only matters if the strings in pool are multiple characters if any([len(x) > 1 for x in pool]): # figure out distribution of lengths len_dist = [0] * (max([len(x) for x in pool])) for x in pool: len_dist[len(x) - 1] += 1 for n, freq in enumerate(len_dist): element_length = n + 1 # zero indexed... average_length = sum( ((np + 1) * freqp for np, freqp in enumerate(len_dist[:n + 1]))) / sum( (x + 1 for x in len_dist[:n + 1])) entropy_per_element = log(sum((x + 1 for x in len_dist[:n + 1])), 2) if float(max_length ) / average_length * entropy_per_element < min_entropy: if sum((x + 1 for x in len_dist[:n] )) == 0: # started below the min_entropy :( raise max_len_exception(max_length, min_length, min_entropy) break max_element_size = n # now generate the final pool we want. # it is everything with length less than or equal to element_size (which is now the max value we would want) # could also add some from the last group with length equal to element_size? need to calculate n_last pool = { x for x in pool if len(x) < max_element_size + 1 } # | set( sample([x for x in pool if len(x) == max_element_size+1], n_last)) # recalculate these values entropy_per_element = log(sum((x + 1 for x in len_dist[:n])), 2) min_elements = int(ceil(min_entropy / entropy_per_element)) # make sure it is at least possible to achieve the entropy we want, while keeping it under max_length if min_elements * min([len(x) for x in pool]) > max_length: raise max_len_exception(max_length, min_length, min_entropy) # need to switch back to a list for the random module pool = list(pool) # no reason to limit entropy by not allowing repeats, so use choice instead of sample element_lst = [choice(pool) for i in range(min_elements)] # we might get unlucky and have it too long. keep trying until we don't # this reduces the entropy a small bit, since we are rejecting some possibilities. # but calculating the true entropy is annoying so... sorry while len(join_str.join(element_lst)) > max_length: print( 'Redoing... too long. Entropy slightly less than advertised.\nMaybe try increasing max_length, or using a word list with shorter words.' ) element_lst = [choice(pool) for i in range(min_elements)] # if we are below min_length still, add elements until we get there while len(join_str.join(element_lst)) < min_length: element_lst += [choice(pool)] if verbose: print('Password: '******'\n') if any([len(x) > 1 for x in pool]): print( 'Average word length: ', '{:.2f}'.format( float(sum([len(x) for x in pool])) / len(pool))) print('Bits entropy: ', '{:.2f}'.format(entropy_per_element * len(element_lst))) print('Length: ', len(join_str.join(element_lst))) print('N. elements: ', len(element_lst)) return join_str.join(element_lst)