def _print(str, *args, **kwargs):
	if NO_LOG:

	str = Formatter().vformat(str, args, kwargs)
	str = str.replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * 11)

	stack = inspect.stack()

	# Stack depth has to be atleast 3 normally, since _print() should
	# be normally only be called from info{_v}(), warn() or error().
	# But we still take care of edge cases where this may not be true.
	frame = stack[2][0] if len(stack) >= 3 else None
	class_ = frame.f_locals['self'].__class__.__name__ if frame and 'self' in frame.f_locals else '<unknown>'
	thread = threading.current_thread().name

	print(BEHEM0TH_COLOR + '[behem0th]',
		CLASS_COLOR + '[' + class_ + ']',
		THREAD_COLOR + thread + ':', str, CLEAR_FORMAT)