def loadTradeSummaries(loc, trades):
    Load up each trade summary in the excel doc into a 1 row DataFrame, return a list
    of these DataFrames. The addresses are supplied by srf plus the loc object that has the
    :params:loc: A list of the rows within the excel doc on which to find the trade summaries
    :return: A list of 1-row DataFrames Each trade is on one row from each of the trade summay forms

    ldf = list()
    ts = dict()
    srf = SumReqFields()
    reqCol = srf.rc
    newdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=reqCol.values())
    colFormat = srf.tfcolumns

    for i, rowNum in enumerate(loc):
        newdf = DataFrameUtil.createDf(newdf, 1)
        for key in reqCol.keys():
            if key in ['date', 'clean', 'id']:
            cell = colFormat[reqCol[key]][0]
            if isinstance(cell, list):
                cell = cell[0]
            cell = tcell(cell, anchor=(1, rowNum))
            newdf.iloc[-1][reqCol[key]] = trades[cell].value

        tradekey = str(i + 1) + ' ' + newdf.iloc[0].Name
        ts[tradekey] = newdf
    return ldf, ts
    def combinePartialsFlexCSV(self, t):
        In flex Statements, the TRNT (Trades) table input might be in transacations instead of
        tickets identified by LevelOfDetail=EXECUTION without the summary rows identified by
        LevelOfDetail=ORDERS. This is fixable (in both Activity statements and Trade statements)
        by changing Options to inclue Orders. If we have Executions only, we need to recombine
        the partials as identified by IBOrderID. If we also lack that column, blitz the sucker.
        Its not that hard to get a new statment.
        New wrinkle. There are some orders that have the same datetime making any sort by time void
        and leaving the balance up to chance which is first. While these might be different orders
        by IB, the trader ordered them as a single ticket- and we will combine them.
        :t: Is a TRNT DataFrame. That is a Trades table from a CSV multi table doc in which TRNT
                 is the tableid.
        :assert: Tickets written at the exact same time are partials, identified by
                 Notes/Codes == P (change name to Codes) and by having a single Symbol
        :prerequisite: Must have the columns
                        ['Price', 'Commission', 'Quantity', 'LevelOfDetail', 'Codes']
        lod = t['LevelOfDetail'].unique()
        if len(lod) > 1:
            assert ValueError('I need to see this')
        if lod[0].lower() != 'execution':
            assert ValueError('I need to see this')

        t = t[t['LevelOfDetail'].str.lower() == 'execution']
        newdf = pd.DataFrame()
        for tickerKey in t['Symbol'].unique():
            ticker = t[t['Symbol'] == tickerKey]
            # #### New Code
            codes = ticker['Codes'].unique()
            for code in codes:
                if isinstance(code, float):
                parts = ticker[ticker['Codes'] == code]
                ticketKeys = parts['IBOrderID'].unique()
                for ticketKey in ticketKeys:
                    ticket = parts[parts['IBOrderID'] == ticketKey]
                    if len(ticket) > 1:
                        thisticket = DataFrameUtil.createDf(ticket.columns, 1)
                        net = 0.0
                        # Need to figure the average price of the transactions and sum of
                        # quantity and commission
                        for i, row in ticket.iterrows():
                            net = net + (float(row['Price']) *
                        for col in list(thisticket.columns):
                            if col not in ['Quantity', 'Price', 'Commission']:
                                thisticket[col] = ticket[col].unique()[0]
                        thisticket['Quantity'] = ticket['Quantity'].map(
                        thisticket['Commission'] = ticket['Commission'].map(
                        thisticket['Price'] = net / ticket['Quantity'].map(
                        newdf = newdf.append(thisticket)

                        newdf = newdf.append(ticket)
        return newdf
    def test_dfUtil_createDf(self):
        '''Test method DataFrameUtil.createDf'''
        cols = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Its', 'the', 'end', 'of', 'the', 'world',
                                     'as', 'we', 'know', 'it'])
        cols2 = ['Its', 'the', 'end', 'of', 'the', 'world', 'as', 'we', 'know', 'it']
        numRow = 9
        fill = ''

        x = DataFrameUtil.createDf(cols, numRow, fill)
        y = DataFrameUtil.createDf(cols2, numRow, fill)

        self.assertEqual(list(x.columns), list(y.columns))
        self.assertEqual(len(x), len(y))

        for xc, yc in zip(x.iloc[1], y.iloc[1]):
            self.assertEqual(xc, yc)
            self.assertEqual(xc, fill)

        fill = None
        y = DataFrameUtil.createDf(cols2, numRow, fill)
        for xc, yc in zip(x.iloc[1], y.iloc[1]):
            self.assertTrue(xc != yc)

            self.assertEqual(yc, fill)
    def imageData(self, df, ldf, ft="png"):
        Gather the image names and determine the locations in the Excel doc to place them. Excel
        has a few things at top followed by trade summaries, charts and tables for each trade.
        Return with the image name/location data structure. The structure can be used for the Excel
        DataFrame-- to navigate summary form locations and just for the names
        :params df: The DataFrame representing the input file plus some stuff added in
        :params ldf: A list of dataFrames. Each encapsulates a trade.
        :parmas ft: Image filetype extension. (NOT USED)
        :return (Imagelocation, df): ImageLocation contains information about the excel document
                    locations of trade summaries and image locations. The dataFrame df is the
                    outline used to create the workbook, ImageLocation will be used to stye it
                    and fill in the stuff.
        # Add rows and append each trade, leaving space for an image. Create a list of
        # names and row numbers to place images within the excel file (imageLocation
        # data structure).

        # Number of rows between trade summaries
        frq = FinReqCol()
        newdf = DataFrameUtil.createDf(df, self.topMargin)

        df = newdf.append(df, ignore_index=True)

        imageLocation = list()
        count = 0
        for tdf in ldf:
            imageName = '{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}.{4}'.format(
                tdf[frq.tix].unique()[-1].replace(' ', ''),
                tdf[frq.name].unique()[-1].replace(' ', '-'),
                tdf[frq.start].unique()[-1], tdf[frq.dur].unique()[-1], ft)

            # Holds location, deprected name, image name, trade start time, trade duration as delta
                len(tdf) + len(df) + self.spacing,
                tdf.Tindex.unique()[0].replace(' ', '') + '.' + ft, imageName,
            count = count + 1

            # Append the mini trade table then add rows to fit the tradeSummary form
            df = df.append(tdf, ignore_index=True)
            df = DataFrameUtil.addRows(df, self.summarySize)
        return imageLocation, df
    def combinePartialsFlexTrade(self, t):
        The necessity of a new method to handle this is annoying...BUT gdmit, The Open/Close info
        is not in any of the available fields. Instead, a less rigorous system is used based on
        lod = t['LevelOfDetail'].unique()
        if len(lod) > 1:
            assert ValueError('I need to see this')
        if lod[0].lower() != 'execution':
            assert ValueError('I need to see this')

        t = t[t['LevelOfDetail'].str.lower() == 'execution']
        newdf = pd.DataFrame()
        for tickerKey in t['Symbol'].unique():
            ticker = t[t['Symbol'] == tickerKey]
            # ##### New Code
            ticketKeys = ticker['OrderID'].unique()
            for ticketKey in ticketKeys:
                ticket = ticker[ticker['OrderID'] == ticketKey]
                if len(ticket) > 1:
                    codes = ticket['Codes']
                    for code in codes:
                        assert code.find('P') > -1

                    thisticket = DataFrameUtil.createDf(ticket.columns, 1)
                    net = 0.0
                    # Need to figure the average price of the transactions and sum of quantity
                    # and commission
                    for i, row in ticket.iterrows():
                        net = net + (float(row['Price']) *
                    for col in list(thisticket.columns):
                        if col not in ['Quantity', 'Price', 'Commission']:
                            thisticket[col] = ticket[col].unique()[0]
                    thisticket['Quantity'] = ticket['Quantity'].map(int).sum()
                    thisticket['Commission'] = ticket['Commission'].map(
                    thisticket['Price'] = net / ticket['Quantity'].map(
                    newdf = newdf.append(thisticket)

                    newdf = newdf.append(ticket)
        return newdf
    def test_dfUtil_addRow(self):
        '''Test method DataFrameUtil.addRows
        cols2 = ['Its', 'the', 'end', 'of', 'the', 'world', 'as', 'we', 'know', 'it']
        numRow = 9
        fill = 'something silly'
        fill2 = 'sillier'

        y = DataFrameUtil.createDf(cols2, numRow, fill=fill)
        y = DataFrameUtil.addRows(y, numRow, fill=fill2)
        self.assertEqual(len(y), numRow * 2)

        for i in range(numRow):
            for ii in y.iloc[i]:
                self.assertEqual(ii, fill)

        for i in range(numRow, numRow * 2):
            for ii in y.iloc[i]:
                self.assertEqual(ii, fill2)
    def layoutExcelData(self, df, ldf, imageNames):
        1) Determine the locations in the Excel doc to place trade summaries, trade tables and
        2) Create the empty rows and place the trade tables in the df according to the locations.
        :params df: We requre the df as  a whole because we are adding rows to it.
        :params ldf: A list of dataframes, each a trade, each one is placed into our new skeletal
                     layout for excel
        :return (Imagelocation, df): ImageLocation contains
                                [ [list of image location],   # up to 3 per trade
                                  [list of image names],      # up to 3 per trade
                                  Start time,
                                  trade dur,

        imageLocation = list()
        srf = SumReqFields()
        sumSize = srf.maxrow() + 5
        summarySize = sumSize
        spacing = 3

        # Image column location
        c1col = 13
        c2col = 1
        c3col = 9
        frq = FinReqCol()
        newdf = DataFrameUtil.createDf(df, self.topMargin)

        df = newdf.append(df, ignore_index=True)
        deleteme = []
        for i, tdf in enumerate(ldf):
            theKey = tdf[frq.tix].unique()[-1]
            if len(theKey) == 0:
            imageName = imageNames[theKey]
            xtraimage = 0  # Add space for second/third image
            if len(imageName) > 1:
                xtraimage = 21
            ilocs = []
            # Need 1 entry even if there are no images
            ilocs.append((c1col, len(tdf) + len(df) + spacing))
            for i in range(0, len(imageName)):
                if i == 1:
                    ilocs.append((c2col, len(tdf) + len(df) + spacing + 20))
                elif i == 2:
                    ilocs.append((c3col, len(tdf) + len(df) + spacing + 20))

            # Holds image locations, image name, trade start time, trade duration as delta
                ilocs, imageName,

            # Append the mini trade table then add rows to fit the tradeSummary form
            df = df.append(tdf, ignore_index=True)
            df = DataFrameUtil.addRows(df, summarySize + xtraimage)
        for d in deleteme:
        return imageLocation, df