def attendance_workbook(class_name): sl = StudentsList(class_name) tupl = sl.load_pkl_file() global NAMES, ROLLS, NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS NAMES = tupl[0] ROLLS = tupl[1] NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS = len(NAMES) # Current length of NAMES is len(NAMES) filename = make_file_name(class_name) try: wb = load_workbook(filename) except: wb = Workbook() wb.guess_types = True if not current_month_exists(wb): createWorksheet(wb) return wb
def capture_and_mark(self): sl = StudentsList(self.class_name) students, roll_numbers = sl.load_pkl_file() FaceDetectObj = FaceDetect(self.class_name) Yes = True No = False Cancel = None i = 0 while i <= 2: captured_image = None frame = None students_present = [] while len(students_present) == 0: captured_image, frame = capture() students_present = FaceDetectObj.recognize(captured_image, roll_numbers) if students_present == "No Training Data": return try: name_student_present = students[roll_numbers.index(students_present[0])] except: messagebox.showerror( "Error", "Recognized student not in database\nUnable to mark attendance", ) return response = messagebox.askyesnocancel( "Confirm your identity", students_present[0] + "\n" + name_student_present, ) if response is Yes: wb = excel.attendance_workbook(self.class_name) excel.mark_present(wb, students_present, self.class_name) img_path = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "images", self.class_name, "s" + students_present[0][-2:], os.path.basename(captured_image), ) cv2.imwrite(img_path, frame) os.remove(captured_image) messagebox.showinfo( "Attendance Confirmation", "Your attendance is marked!" ) break elif response is Cancel: break elif response is No: if i == 2: img_path = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "images", self.class_name, "unrecognized students", os.path.basename(captured_image), ) cv2.imwrite(img_path, frame) messagebox.showinfo( "Unrecognized Student", "You were not recognized as any student of this class.\nYour attendance will be marked later if you really are", ) cv2.imwrite(img_path, frame) os.remove(captured_image) i += 1