def make_mosaic_wcs(filenames, rot=None, scale=None):
    """Combine WCSs from all input files into a single meta-WCS

    filenames : list
        list of filenames to process

    rot : float
        desired rotation of meta-WCS. Default value is None.

    scale : float
        desired scale of meta-WCS. Default value is None.

    mosaic_wcs : HSTWCS object
        the merged composite WCS
    if not isinstance(filenames, list):
        filenames = [filenames]

    # Compile list of WCSs for all chips from all input filenames
    hstwcs_list = []
    for f in filenames:
        hstwcs_list.extend([get_hstwcs(f, extnum) for extnum in get_extns(f)])
    # Combine them into a single mosaic WCS
    output_wcs = utils.output_wcs(hstwcs_list, undistort=True)
    output_wcs.wcs.cd = make_perfect_cd(output_wcs)

    mosaic_wcs = mergeWCS(output_wcs, {'rot': rot, 'scale': scale})
    return mosaic_wcs
def create_output_wcs(input_images, make_coverage_map=False):
    Calculates a WCS for the final reference frame

    This function is used to calculate the WCS for the final reference
    frame for the photometric catalogs, peak map and coverage map. The
    WCS has the NAXIS keywords set large enough to encompass all input
    images completely.

    input_images : list
        List of image filenames (strings).

    output_wcs : HSTWCS
        WCS object for the final reference frame. Like an Astropy WCS.

    hst_wcs_list = []
    for f in input_images:
        hdu = fits.open(f)
        for i, ext in enumerate(hdu):
            if 'SCI' in ext.name:
                hst_wcs_list.append(HSTWCS(hdu, ext=i))

    output_wcs = utils.output_wcs(hst_wcs_list, undistort=True)
    output_wcs.wcs.cd = make_perfect_cd(output_wcs)

    print 'The output WCS is the following: '
    print output_wcs
    return output_wcs
def build_self_reference(filename, wcslist=None):
    """ This function creates a reference, undistorted WCS that can be used to
    apply a correction to the WCS of the input file.

    filename : str
        Filename of image which will be corrected, and which will form the basis
        of the undistorted WCS

    wcslist : list, optional
        List of HSTWCS objects for all SCI extensions in input file.
        If None, will create using `wcsutil.HSTWCS` on each identified SCI
        extension identified in `filename`

    This function can be used with the following syntax to apply a shift/rot/scale
    change to the same image:

    >>> import buildref
    >>> from drizzlepac import updatehdr
    >>> filename = "jce501erq_flc.fits"
    >>> wcslin = buildref.build_self_reference(filename)
    >>> updatehdr.updatewcs_with_shift(filename,wcslin,xsh=49.5694, ysh=19.2203, rot = 359.998, scale = 0.9999964)

    if 'sipwcs' in filename:
        sciname = 'sipwcs'
        sciname = 'sci'
    if wcslist is None:
        numSci = countExtn(filename, extname=sciname.upper())
        wcslist = []
        for extnum in range(numSci):
            wcslist.append(read_hlet_wcs(filename, ext=(sciname, extnum + 1)))
    wcslin = utils.output_wcs(wcslist)
    wcsbase = wcslin.wcs
    customwcs = build_hstwcs(wcsbase.crval[0], wcsbase.crval[1],
                             wcsbase.crpix[0], wcsbase.crpix[1],
                             wcslin._naxis1, wcslin._naxis2, wcslin.pscale,

    return customwcs
    def to_wcs(self):
        Combine `HSTWCS` objects from all `members` and return
        a new `HSTWCS` object. If no `members`, return `None`.

        .. warning:: This cannot return WCS of intersection.

        wcs_list = self._indv_mem_wcslist()

        n = len(wcs_list)
        if n > 1:
            wcs = output_wcs(wcs_list)
        elif n == 1:
            wcs = wcs_list[0]
            wcs = None

        return wcs
    def to_wcs(self):
        Combine `HSTWCS` objects from all `members` and return
        a new `HSTWCS` object. If no `members`, return `None`.

        .. warning:: This cannot return WCS of intersection.

        wcs_list = self._indv_mem_wcslist()

        n = len(wcs_list)
        if n > 1:
            wcs = output_wcs(wcs_list)
        elif n == 1:
            wcs = wcs_list[0]
            wcs = None

        return wcs
def make_mosaic_wcs(filenames, rot=None, scale=None):
    """Combine WCSs from all input files into a single meta-WCS

    filenames : list
        list of filenames to process

    rot : float
        desired rotation of meta-WCS. Default value is None.

    scale : float
        desired scale of meta-WCS. Default value is None.

    mosaic_wcs : HSTWCS object
        the merged composite WCS
    if not isinstance(filenames, list):
        filenames = [filenames]

    # Compile list of WCSs for all chips from all input filenames
    hstwcs_list = []
    for f in filenames:
        hstwcs_list.extend([get_hstwcs(f, extnum) for extnum in get_extns(f)])
    # Combine them into a single mosaic WCS
    output_wcs = utils.output_wcs(hstwcs_list, undistort=True)
    output_wcs.wcs.cd = make_perfect_cd(output_wcs)

    # Apply each parameter in order, as this is effectively what is
    # done by AstroDrizzle.  This insures that all rounding effects
    # are applied
    if rot is not None:
        mosaic_wcs = mergeWCS(output_wcs, {'rot': rot})
        mosaic_wcs = output_wcs
    if scale is not None:
        mosaic_wcs = mergeWCS(mosaic_wcs, {'rot':rot, 'scale': scale})

    return mosaic_wcs
def build_reference_wcs(inputs, sciname='sci'):
    """Create the reference WCS based on all the inputs for a field"""
    # start by creating a composite field-of-view for all inputs
    wcslist = []
    for img in inputs:
        nsci = countExtn(img)
        for num in range(nsci):
            extname = (sciname, num + 1)
            if sciname == 'sci':
                extwcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(img, ext=extname)
                # Working with HDRLET as input and do the best we can...
                extwcs = read_hlet_wcs(img, ext=extname)


    # This default output WCS will have the same plate-scale and orientation
    # as the first chip in the list, which for WFPC2 data means the PC.
    # Fortunately, for alignment, this doesn't matter since no resampling of
    # data will be performed
    outwcs = utils.output_wcs(wcslist)

    return outwcs
def build_reference_wcs(inputs, sciname='sci'):
    """Create the reference WCS based on all the inputs for a field"""
    # start by creating a composite field-of-view for all inputs
    wcslist = []
    for img in inputs:
        nsci = countExtn(img)
        for num in range(nsci):
            extname = (sciname, num+1)
            if sciname == 'sci':
                extwcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(img, ext=extname)
                # Working with HDRLET as input and do the best we can...
                extwcs = read_hlet_wcs(img, ext=extname)


    # This default output WCS will have the same plate-scale and orientation
    # as the first chip in the list, which for WFPC2 data means the PC.
    # Fortunately, for alignment, this doesn't matter since no resampling of
    # data will be performed
    outwcs = utils.output_wcs(wcslist)

    return outwcs
def make_outputwcs(imageObjectList, output, configObj=None, perfect=False):
    """ Computes the full output WCS based on the set of input imageObjects
        provided as input, along with the pre-determined output name from
        process_input.  The user specified output parameters are then used to
        modify the default WCS to produce the final desired output frame.
        The input imageObjectList has the outputValues dictionary
        updated with the information from the computed output WCS.
        It then returns this WCS as a WCSObject(imageObject)

    if not isinstance(imageObjectList, list):
        imageObjectList = [imageObjectList]

    # Compute default output WCS, replace later if user specifies a refimage
    hstwcs_list = []
    undistort = True
    for img in imageObjectList:
        chip_wcs = copy.deepcopy(img.getKeywordList('wcs'))
        # IF the user turned off use of coeffs (coeffs==False)
        if not configObj['coeffs']:
            for cw in chip_wcs:
                # Turn off distortion model for each input
                cw.sip = None
                cw.cpdis1 = None
                cw.cpdis2 = None
                cw.det2im = None
            undistort = False
        hstwcs_list += chip_wcs
    if not undistort and len(hstwcs_list) == 1:
        default_wcs = hstwcs_list[0].deepcopy()
        default_wcs = utils.output_wcs(hstwcs_list, undistort=undistort)

    if perfect:
        default_wcs.wcs.cd = make_perfect_cd(default_wcs)

    # Turn WCS instances into WCSObject instances
    outwcs = createWCSObject(output, default_wcs, imageObjectList)

    # Merge in user-specified attributes for the output WCS
    # as recorded in the input configObj object.
    final_pars = DEFAULT_WCS_PARS.copy()

    # More interpretation of the configObj needs to be done here to translate
    # the input parameter names to those understood by 'mergeWCS' as defined
    # by the DEFAULT_WCS_PARS dictionary.
    single_step = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj, 3)]
    singleParDict = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj, '3a')].copy()
    if single_step['driz_separate'] and singleParDict['driz_sep_wcs']:
        single_pars = DEFAULT_WCS_PARS.copy()
        del singleParDict['driz_sep_wcs']
        keyname = 'driz_sep_'
        for key in singleParDict:
            k = key[len(keyname):]
            if k != 'refimage':
                single_pars[k] = singleParDict[key]

        # Now, account for any user-specified reference image
        def_wcs = default_wcs.deepcopy()
        single_ref = singleParDict[keyname + 'refimage']
        if single_ref:
            if isinstance(single_ref, wcs.WCS):
                default_wcs = single_ref
                default_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(singleParDict[keyname + 'refimage'])

        # ## Create single_wcs instance based on user parameters
        outwcs.single_wcs = mergeWCS(default_wcs, single_pars)
        # restore global default WCS to original value so single_drizzle WCS does not
        # influence final_drizzle WCS
        default_wcs = def_wcs.deepcopy()

    final_step = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj, 7)]
    finalParDict = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj, '7a')].copy()
    if final_step['driz_combine'] and finalParDict['final_wcs']:
        del finalParDict['final_wcs']
        keyname = 'final_'
        for key in finalParDict:
            k = key[len(keyname):]
            if k != 'refimage':
                final_pars[k] = finalParDict[key]

        # Now, account for any user-specified reference image
        final_ref = finalParDict[keyname + 'refimage']
        if final_ref:
            if isinstance(final_ref, wcs.WCS):
                default_wcs = final_ref
                if hasattr(final_ref, 'filename'):
                    rootname = final_ref.filename
                    rootname = ""
                print('Creating OUTPUT WCS from WCS object based on {}'.format(rootname))
                rootname, extnum = fileutil.parseFilename(finalParDict[keyname + 'refimage'])
                extnum = util.findWCSExtn(finalParDict[keyname + 'refimage'])
                print('Creating OUTPUT WCS from {}[{}]'.format(rootname, extnum))
                default_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS('{}[{}]'.format(rootname, extnum))

        # ## Create single_wcs instance based on user parameters
        outwcs.final_wcs = mergeWCS(default_wcs, final_pars)
        outwcs.wcs = outwcs.final_wcs.copy()

    # Apply user settings to create custom output_wcs instances
    # for each drizzle step
    updateImageWCS(imageObjectList, outwcs)

    return outwcs
def make_final_table(input_images,
    Wrapper for final photometric matching and averaging.

    This function wraps around several utility functions to match,
    organize, and average the hst1pass photometric sources to create
    a final catalog.  It does so by:
    1. projecting all sources detected in the input images
    into a final reference frame creating a map of the detections
    2. Matching sources from the catalogs corresponding to the input
    3. Calculates the statistics of photometric quantities from the
    measurements in the catalogs for each source detected at least
    the number of times specified by the min_detections parameter.
    If saved, the peakmap shows how many times a source was detected
    at certain pixel of the final reference frame in the catalogs.

    input_images : list
        List of image filenames (strings).  Must be fits files.
    save_peakmap : bool, optional
        Flag to save the map of detections (peakmap).  Default True
    min_detections : int or float, optional
        If int: minimum number of images a source must be detected in
        to be included in the final catalog.
        If float: minimum fraction of images a source must be detected
        in to be included in the final catalog.
        Default is 3.
    drizzle : bool, optional
        Make a drizzled image on the same grid as the reference frame?
        Default False.  The image output from this is not optimized so
        it should only be treated as a simple preview.

    final_catalog : astropy.table.Table
        Final averaged photometric catalog.  See documentation of
        collate() for more information.
    # Restructure this to read in tables, get meta info, as well as
    # HSTWCS objects to flexibly create output WCS, cov map

    input_catalogs = []
    metas = {
        'filters': [],
        'exptimes': [],
        'detchips': [],
        'wcss': [],
        'apcorrs': [],
        'photflams': []
    for f in input_images:
        hdr = fits.getheader(f)
        if hdr['INSTRUME'] == 'ACS':
            filt = hdr['FILTER1']
            if filt == 'CLEAR1L' or filt == 'CLEAR1S':
                filt = hdr['FILTER2']
            filt = hdr['FILTER']
        cat_wildcard = f.replace('.fits', '_sci?_xyrd.cat')
        im_cats = sorted(glob.glob(cat_wildcard))
        exptime = hdr['EXPTIME']
        photflam = hdr['PHOTFLAM']

        input_catalogs += im_cats
        metas['filters'] += [filt] * len(im_cats)
        metas['exptimes'] += [exptime] * len(im_cats)
        metas['photflams'] += [photflam] * len(im_cats)
        for i, cat in enumerate(im_cats):
            im_data = fits.getdata(f, ('sci', i + 1))
            metas['apcorrs'].append(get_apcorr(im_data, cat))

        det = [hdr['DETECTOR']]
        det0 = det[0]
        if det0 != 'IR':
            # Determine which chip for UVIS or WFC (needed for subarray)
            det = [det0 + str(fits.getval(f, 'CCDCHIP', 1))]
            wcslist = [HSTWCS(f, ext=('sci', 1))]
            if len(im_cats) == 2:
                det += [det0 + str(fits.getval(f, 'CCDCHIP', ('sci', 2)))]
                wcslist += [HSTWCS(f, ext=('sci', 2))]
            wcslist = [HSTWCS(f, ext=('sci', 1))]
        metas['detchips'] += det
        metas['wcss'] += wcslist

    outwcs = utils.output_wcs(metas['wcss'], undistort=True)
    outwcs.wcs.cd = make_perfect_cd(outwcs)

    peakmap, all_int_coords = make_peakmap(input_images,

    cov_map = create_coverage_map(metas['wcss'], outwcs)

    pri_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
    im_hdu = fits.hdu.ImageHDU(data=cov_map, header=outwcs.to_header())
    hdul = fits.HDUList([pri_hdu, im_hdu])
    hdul.writeto('python_coverage_map.fits', overwrite=True)

    final_catalog = process_peaks(peakmap,


    if drizzle:
        simple_drizzle(input_images, cov_map, 'python_coverage_map.fits', filt)

    return final_catalog
def vmosaic(fnames, outwcs=None, ref_wcs=None, ext=None, extname=None, undistort=True, wkey='V', wname='VirtualMosaic', plot=False, clobber=False):
    Create a virtual mosaic using the WCS of the input images.

    fnames: a string or a list
              a string or a list of filenames, or a list of wcsutil.HSTWCS objects
    outwcs: an HSTWCS object
             if given, represents the output tangent plane
             if None, the output WCS is calculated from the input observations.
    ref_wcs: an HSTWCS object
             if output wcs is not given, this will be used as a reference for the
             calculation of the output WCS. If ref_wcs is None and outwcs is None,
             then the first observation in th einput list is used as reference.
    ext:    an int, a tuple or a list
              an int - represents a FITS extension, e.g. 0 is the primary HDU
              a tuple - uses the notation (extname, extver), e.g. ('sci',1)
              Can be a list of integers or tuples representing FITS extensions
    extname: string
              the value of the EXTNAME keyword for the extensions to be used in the mosaic
    undistort: boolean (default: True)
               undistort (or not) the output WCS
    wkey:   string
              default: 'V'
              one character A-Z to be used to record the virtual mosaic WCS as
              an alternate WCS in the headers of the input files.
    wname:  string
              default: 'VirtualMosaic
              a string to be used as a WCSNAME value for the alternate WCS representign
              the virtual mosaic
    plot:   boolean
              if True and matplotlib is installed will make a plot of the tangent plane
              and the location of the input observations.
    clobber: boolean
              This covers the case when an alternate WCS with the requested key
              already exists in the header of the input files.
              if clobber is True, it will be overwritten
              if False, it will compute the new one but will not write it to the headers.

    The algorithm is:
    1. If output WCS is not given it is calculated from the input WCSes.
       The first image is used as a reference, if no reference is given.
       This represents the virtual mosaic WCS.
    2. For each input observation/chip, an HSTWCS object is created
       and its footprint on the sky is calculated (using only the four corners).
    3. For each input observation the footprint is projected on the output
       tangent plane and the virtual WCS is recorded in the header.
    wcsobjects = readWCS(fnames, ext, extname)
    if outwcs != None:
        outwcs = outwcs.deepcopy()
        if ref_wcs != None:
            outwcs = utils.output_wcs(wcsobjects, ref_wcs=ref_wcs, undistort=undistort)
            outwcs = utils.output_wcs(wcsobjects, undistort=undistort)
    if plot:
        outc=np.array([[0.,0], [outwcs._naxis1, 0],
                             [outwcs._naxis1, outwcs._naxis2],
                             [0, outwcs._naxis2], [0, 0]])
        plt.plot(outc[:,0], outc[:,1])
    for wobj in wcsobjects:
        outcorners = outwcs.wcs_world2pix(wobj.calc_footprint(),1)
        if plot:
            plt.plot(outcorners[:,0], outcorners[:,1])
        objwcs = outwcs.deepcopy()
        objwcs.wcs.crpix = objwcs.wcs.crpix - (outcorners[0])
        updatehdr(wobj.filename, objwcs,wkey=wkey, wcsname=wname, ext=wobj.extname, clobber=clobber)
    return outwcs
def create_astrometric_catalog(inputs, **pars):
    """Create an astrometric catalog that covers the inputs' field-of-view.

    input : str
        Filenames of images to be aligned to astrometric catalog

    catalog : str, optional
        Name of catalog to extract astrometric positions for sources in the
        input images' field-of-view. Default: GSC241. Options available are
        documented on the catalog web page.

    output : str, optional
        Filename to give to the astrometric catalog read in from the master
        catalog web service.  If 'None', no file will be written out.
        Default: ref.cat

    gaia_only : bool, optional
        Specify whether or not to only use sources from GAIA in output catalog
        Default: False

    note ::
        This function will point to astrometric catalog web service defined
        through the use of the ASTROMETRIC_CATALOG_URL environment variable.

    ref_table : object
        Astropy Table object of the catalog

    # interpret input parameters
    catalog = pars.get("catalog", 'GSC241')
    output = pars.get("output", 'ref_cat.ecsv')
    gaia_only = pars.get("gaia_only", False)
    table_format = pars.get("table_format", 'ascii.ecsv')

    inputs, _ = parseinput.parseinput(inputs)
    # start by creating a composite field-of-view for all inputs
    wcslist = []
    for img in inputs:
        nsci = fu.countExtn(img)
        for num in range(nsci):
            extname = '{}[sci,{}]'.format(img, num+1)

    # This default output WCS will have the same plate-scale and orientation
    # as the first chip in the list, which for WFPC2 data means the PC.
    # Fortunately, for alignment, this doesn't matter since no resampling of
    # data will be performed
    outwcs = utils.output_wcs(wcslist)
    radius = compute_radius(outwcs)
    ra, dec = outwcs.wcs.crval

    # perform query for this field-of-view
    ref_dict = get_catalog(ra, dec, sr=radius, catalog=catalog)
    colnames = ('ra','dec', 'mag', 'objID', 'GaiaID')
    col_types = ('f8', 'f8', 'f4', 'U25', 'U25')
    ref_table = Table(names = colnames, dtype=col_types)

    # extract just the columns we want...
    num_sources = 0
    for source in ref_dict:
        if 'GAIAsourceID' in source:
            g = source['GAIAsourceID']
            if gaia_only and g.strip() is '':
            g = -1  # indicator for no source ID extracted
        r = float(source['ra'])
        d = float(source['dec'])
        m = float(source['mag'])
        o = source['objID']
        num_sources += 1

    # Write out table to a file, if specified
    if output:
        ref_table.write(output, format=table_format)
    print("Created catalog '{}' with {} sources".format(output, num_sources))

    return ref_table
def make_outputwcs(imageObjectList, output, configObj=None, perfect=False):
    """ Computes the full output WCS based on the set of input imageObjects
        provided as input, along with the pre-determined output name from
        process_input.  The user specified output parameters are then used to
        modify the default WCS to produce the final desired output frame.
        The input imageObjectList has the outputValues dictionary
        updated with the information from the computed output WCS.
        It then returns this WCS as a WCSObject(imageObject)

    if not isinstance(imageObjectList,list):
        imageObjectList = [imageObjectList]

    # Compute default output WCS, replace later if user specifies a refimage
    hstwcs_list = []
    for img in imageObjectList:
        chip_wcs = copy.deepcopy(img.getKeywordList('wcs'))
        # IF the user turned off use of coeffs (coeffs==False)
        if not configObj['coeffs']:
            for cw in chip_wcs:
                # Turn off distortion model for each input
                cw.sip = None
                cw.cpdis1 = None
                cw.cpdis2 = None
                cw.det2im = None
        hstwcs_list += chip_wcs
    if not undistort and len(hstwcs_list) == 1:
        default_wcs = hstwcs_list[0].deepcopy()
        default_wcs = utils.output_wcs(hstwcs_list, undistort=undistort)

    if perfect:
        default_wcs.wcs.cd = make_perfect_cd(default_wcs)

    # Turn WCS instances into WCSObject instances
    outwcs = createWCSObject(output, default_wcs, imageObjectList)

    # Merge in user-specified attributes for the output WCS
    # as recorded in the input configObj object.
    final_pars = DEFAULT_WCS_PARS.copy()

    # More interpretation of the configObj needs to be done here to translate
    # the input parameter names to those understood by 'mergeWCS' as defined
    # by the DEFAULT_WCS_PARS dictionary.
    single_step = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj, 3)]
    singleParDict = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj, '3a')].copy()
    if single_step['driz_separate'] and singleParDict['driz_sep_wcs']:
        single_pars = DEFAULT_WCS_PARS.copy()
        del singleParDict['driz_sep_wcs']
        keyname = 'driz_sep_'
        for key in singleParDict:
            k = key[len(keyname):]
            if k != 'refimage':
                single_pars[k] = singleParDict[key]

        # Now, account for any user-specified reference image
        def_wcs = default_wcs.deepcopy()
        if singleParDict[keyname + 'refimage']:
            default_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS(singleParDict[keyname + 'refimage'])

        ### Create single_wcs instance based on user parameters
        outwcs.single_wcs = mergeWCS(default_wcs, single_pars)
        # restore global default WCS to original value so single_drizzle WCS does not
        # influence final_drizzle WCS
        default_wcs = def_wcs.deepcopy()

    final_step = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj,7)]
    finalParDict = configObj[util.getSectionName(configObj,'7a')].copy()
    if final_step['driz_combine'] and finalParDict['final_wcs']:
        del finalParDict['final_wcs']
        keyname = 'final_'
        for key in finalParDict:
            k = key[len(keyname):]
            if k != 'refimage':
                final_pars[k] = finalParDict[key]

        # Now, account for any user-specified reference image
        if finalParDict[keyname + 'refimage']:
            rootname,extnum = fileutil.parseFilename(finalParDict[keyname+'refimage'])
            extnum = util.findWCSExtn(finalParDict[keyname+'refimage'])
            print('Creating OUTPUT WCS from {}[{}]'.format(rootname,extnum))
            default_wcs = wcsutil.HSTWCS('{}[{}]'.format(rootname,extnum))

        ### Create single_wcs instance based on user parameters
        outwcs.final_wcs = mergeWCS(default_wcs, final_pars)
        outwcs.wcs = outwcs.final_wcs.copy()

    # Apply user settings to create custom output_wcs instances
    # for each drizzle step
    updateImageWCS(imageObjectList, outwcs)

    return outwcs