def summarize_device(device, part_filter=lambda p: True): """Return content for a table summarizing device. This (obj, cells) where obj is either device itself, a partition of device or None and cells is part of an argument to TableRow that will span 4 columns that describes device or a partition of device. This sounds a bit strange but hopefully you can figure it out by looking at the uses of this function. """ label = labels.label(device) anns = labels.annotations(device) if anns: label = "{} ({})".format(label, ", ".join(anns)) rows = [(device, [ (2, Text(label)), Text(labels.desc(device)), Text(humanize_size(device.size), align="right"), ])] partitions = device.partitions() if partitions: for part in device.partitions(): if not part_filter(part): continue details = ", ".join( labels.annotations(part) + labels.usage_labels(part)) rows.append((part, [ Text(labels.label(part, short=True)), (2, Text(details)), Text(humanize_size(part.size), align="right"), ])) else: rows.append((None, [ (4, Color.info_minor(Text(", ".join(labels.usage_labels(device))))) ])) return rows
def __init__(self, parent, obj): self.parent = parent self.obj = obj fs = obj.fs() if fs is not None: title = _("Remove filesystem from {device}").format( device=labels.desc(obj)) lines = [ _("Do you really want to remove the existing filesystem " "from {device}?").format(device=labels.label(obj)), "", ] m = fs.mount() if m is not None: lines.append( _("It is formatted as {fstype} and mounted at " "{path}").format(fstype=fs.fstype, path=m.path)) else: lines.append( _("It is formatted as {fstype} and not mounted.").format( fstype=fs.fstype)) else: if obj.type == "lvm_volgroup": things = _("logical volumes") else: things = _("partitions") # things is either "logical volumes" or "partitions" title = _("Remove all {things} from {obj}").format( things=things, obj=labels.desc(obj)) lines = [ _("Do you really want to remove all {things} from " "{obj}?").format(things=things, obj=labels.label(obj)), "", ] # XXX summarize partitions here? delete_btn = danger_btn(label=_("Reformat"), on_press=self.confirm) widgets = [ Text("\n".join(lines)), Text(""), button_pile([ delete_btn, other_btn(label=_("Cancel"), on_press=self.cancel), ]), ] super().__init__(title, widgets, 0, 2)
def for_client(self, min_size): from subiquity.common.filesystem import labels from subiquity.common.types import Disk return Disk(, label=labels.label(self), type=labels.desc(self), size=self.size, usage_labels=labels.usage_labels(self), partitions=[p.for_client() for p in self._partitions], ok_for_guided=self.size >= min_size)
def _summarize(self, prefix, device): if device.fs() is not None: fs = device.fs() text = prefix + _("formatted as {fstype}").format(fstype=fs.fstype) if fs.mount(): text += _(", mounted at {path}").format(path=fs.mount().path) else: text += _(", not mounted") else: text = prefix + _("unused {device}").format( device=labels.desc(device)) return TableRow([(2, Color.info_minor(Text(text)))])
def __init__(self, parent, obj): self.parent = parent self.obj = obj lines = [ Text( _("Do you really want to delete the {desc} {label}?").format( desc=labels.desc(obj), label=labels.label(obj))), Text(""), ] stretchy_index = 0 fs = obj.fs() if fs is not None: m = fs.mount() if m is not None: lines.append( Text( _("It is formatted as {fstype} and mounted at " "{path}").format(fstype=fs.fstype, path=m.path))) else: lines.append( Text( _("It is formatted as {fstype} and not mounted."). format(fstype=fs.fstype))) elif hasattr(obj, 'partitions') and len(obj.partitions()) > 0: n = len(obj.partitions()) if obj.type == "lvm_volgroup": line = ngettext("It contains 1 logical volume", "It contains {n} logical volumes", n) else: line = ngettext("It contains 1 partition", "It contains {n} partitions", n) lines.append(Text(line.format(n=n))) lines.append(Text("")) stretchy_index = len(lines) rows = [] for p, cells in summarize_device(obj): if p not in [None, obj]: rows.append(TableRow(cells)) lines.append(TablePile(rows)) else: lines.append(Text(_("It is not formatted or mounted."))) delete_btn = danger_btn(label=_("Delete"), on_press=self.confirm) widgets = lines + [ Text(""), button_pile([ delete_btn, other_btn(label=_("Cancel"), on_press=self.cancel), ]), ] super().__init__("", widgets, stretchy_index, len(lines) + 1)
def __init__(self, parent, obj, action, whynot): self.parent = parent self.obj = obj title = "Cannot {action} {type}".format(action=_(action.value).lower(), type=labels.desc(obj)) widgets = [ Text(whynot), Text(""), button_pile([ other_btn(label=_("Close"), on_press=self.close), ]), ] super().__init__(title, widgets, 0, 2)
def set_bound_form_field(self, bff): super().set_bound_form_field(bff) self.all_rows = [] for kind, device in bff.form.possible_components: if kind == LABEL: self.all_rows.append(TableRow([ Text(" " + labels.label(device)), Text(humanize_size(device.size), align='right') ])) self.no_selector_rows.append(self.all_rows[-1]) self.all_rows.append(TableRow([ (2, Color.info_minor(Text(" " + labels.desc(device)))) ])) self.no_selector_rows.append(self.all_rows[-1]) else: label = labels.label(device, short=True) if kind == DEVICE: prefix = " " elif kind == PART: label = " " + label prefix = " " else: raise Exception("unexpected kind {}".format(kind)) box = CheckBox( label, on_state_change=self._state_change_device, user_data=device) self.device_to_checkbox[device] = box size = Text(humanize_size(device.size), align='right') self.all_rows.append(Color.menu_button(TableRow([box, size]))) self.no_selector_rows.append(self.all_rows[-1]) selector = Selector(['active', 'spare']) connect_signal( selector, 'select', self._select_active_spare, device) selector = Toggleable( UrwidPadding( Color.menu_button(selector), left=len(prefix))) selector.enabled = False self.device_to_selector[device] = selector self.all_rows.append(TableRow([(2, selector)])) # Do not append that one to no_selector_rows! self.all_rows.append(self._summarize(prefix, device)) self.no_selector_rows.append(self.all_rows[-1]) self.table.set_contents(self.all_rows)
def _label_REMOVE(self, action, device): cd = device.constructed_device() if cd: return _("Remove from {device}").format(device=labels.desc(cd)) else: return action.str()
def desc(self): anns = labels.annotations(self.mount.device.volume) desc = labels.desc(self.mount.device.volume) if anns: desc = anns[0] + " " + desc return desc