def _init_sla(self): if self.skip_auto_subscribe(): return self._move_to_manual_install(_("You have opted to skip auto-subscribe.")) # sla autosubscribe time. load up the possible slas, to decide if # we need to display the selection screen, or go to the confirm # screen. # XXX this should really be done async. controller = autobind.init_controller(self.backend, self.consumer, Facts()) # XXX see autobind.AutobindWizard load() and _show_initial_screen # for matching error handling. try: controller.load() except autobind.ServiceLevelNotSupportedException: message = _("Unable to auto-subscribe, server does not support service levels. Please run 'Subscription Manager' to manually subscribe.") return self._move_to_manual_install(message) except autobind.NoProductsException: message = _("No installed products on system. No need to update certificates at this time.") return self._move_to_manual_install(message) except autobind.AllProductsCoveredException: message = _("All installed products are covered by valid entitlements. Please run 'Subscription Manager' to subscribe to additional products.") return self._move_to_manual_install(message) except socket.error, e: handle_gui_exception(e, None, self.registerWin) return
def _on_get_environment_list_cb(self, result_tuple, error=None): environments = result_tuple if error != None: handle_gui_exception(error, REGISTER_ERROR, self.registerWin) self._finish_registration(failed=True) return if not environments: self._run_register_step(self.owner_key, None) return envs = [(env['id'], env['name']) for env in environments] if len(envs) == 1: self._run_register_step(self.owner_key, envs[0][0]) else: environment_model = gtk.ListStore(str, str) for env in envs: environment_model.append(env) self.environment_treeview.set_model(environment_model) self.environment_treeview.get_selection().select_iter( environment_model.get_iter_first()) self.cancel_button.set_sensitive(True) self.register_button.set_sensitive(True) self.register_notebook.set_page(ENVIRONMENT_SELECT_PAGE)
def apply(self, interface, testing=False): """ 'Next' button has been clicked - try to register with the provided user credentials and return the appropriate result value. """ # on el5 we can't just move to another page, we have to set the next # page then do an apply. since we've already done our work async, skip # this time through if self._skip_apply_for_page_jump: self._skip_apply_for_page_jump = False # Reset back to first screen in our module in case the user hits back. # The firstboot register screen subclass will handle unregistering # if necessary when it runs again. return self._RESULT_SUCCESS self.interface = interface self._read_rhn_proxy_settings() # bad proxy settings can cause socket.error or friends here # see bz #810363 try: valid_registration = self.register() except socket.error, e: handle_gui_exception(e, e, self.window) return self._RESULT_FAILURE
def apply(self, interface, testing=False): """ 'Next' button has been clicked - try to register with the provided user credentials and return the appropriate result value. """ # on el5 we can't just move to another page, we have to set the next # page then do an apply. since we've already done our work async, skip # this time through if self._skip_apply_for_page_jump: self._skip_apply_for_page_jump = False return self._RESULT_SUCCESS self.interface = interface self._read_rhn_proxy_settings() credentials = self._get_credentials_hash() # bad proxy settings can cause socket.error or friends here # see bz #810363 try: valid_registration = self.register(testing=testing) except socket.error, e: handle_gui_exception(e, e, self.registerWin) return self._RESULT_FAILURE
def _on_refresh_cb(self, error=None): if error is not None: handle_gui_exception(error, _("Error subscribing: %s"), self._parent.parent) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return self._parent.pre_done(FINISH)
def search_button_clicked(self, widget=None): """ Reload the subscriptions from the server when the Search button is clicked. """ if not self.date_picker.date_entry_validate(): return try: pb_title = _("Searching") pb_label = _("Searching for subscriptions. Please wait.") if self.pb: self.pb.set_title(pb_title) self.pb.set_label(pb_label) else: # show pulsating progress bar while we wait for results self.pb = progress.Progress(pb_title, pb_label) self.timer = ga_GObject.timeout_add(100, self.pb.pulse) self.pb.set_transient_for(self.parent_win) # fire off async refresh async_stash = async_utils.AsyncPool(self.pool_stash) async_stash.refresh(, self._update_display) except Exception as e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Error fetching subscriptions from server: %s"), self.parent_win)
def _repos_item_clicked(self, widget): try: except Exception as e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Error in repos dialog. " "Please see /var/log/rhsm/rhsm.log for more information."), self._get_window())
def _on_get_owner_list_cb(self, owners, error=None): if error != None: handle_gui_exception(error, REGISTER_ERROR, self.registerWin) self._finish_registration(failed=True) return owners = [(owner['key'], owner['displayName']) for owner in owners] if len(owners) == 0: handle_gui_exception(None, _("<b>User %s is not able to register with any orgs.</b>") \ % (self.uname.get_text().strip()), self.registerWin) self._finish_registration(failed=True) return if len(owners) == 1: self.owner_key = owners[0][0] self.async.get_environment_list(self.owner_key, self._on_get_environment_list_cb) else: owner_model = gtk.ListStore(str, str) for owner in owners: owner_model.append(owner) self.owner_treeview.set_model(owner_model) self.owner_treeview.get_selection().select_iter( owner_model.get_iter_first()) self.cancel_button.set_sensitive(True) self.register_button.set_sensitive(True) self.register_notebook.set_page(OWNER_SELECT_PAGE)
def _on_registration_finished_cb(self, new_account, error=None): if error is not None: handle_gui_exception(error, registergui.REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return try: managerlib.persist_consumer_cert(new_account) self._parent.backend.cs.force_cert_check() # Ensure there isn't much wait time if self._parent.activation_keys: self._parent.pre_done(registergui.REFRESH_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PAGE) elif self._parent.skip_auto_bind: message = _("You have opted to skip auto-attach.") self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) else: self._parent.pre_done(registergui.SELECT_SLA_PAGE) # If we get errors related to consumer name on register, # go back to the credentials screen where we set the # consumer name. See bz#865954 except RestlibException, e: handle_gui_exception(e, registergui.REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.window) if e.code == 404 and self._parent.activation_keys: self._parent.pre_done(registergui.ACTIVATION_KEY_PAGE) if e.code == 400: self._parent.pre_done(registergui.CREDENTIALS_PAGE)
def _on_get_owner_list_cb(self, owners, error=None): if error is not None: handle_gui_exception(error, REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.window) self._parent.pre_done(CREDENTIALS_PAGE) return owners = [(owner['key'], owner['displayName']) for owner in owners] # Sort by display name so the list doesn't randomly change. owners = sorted(owners, key=lambda item: item[1]) if len(owners) == 0: handle_gui_exception(None, _("<b>User %s is not able to register with any orgs.</b>") % (self._parent.username), self._parent.parent) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return if len(owners) == 1: self._owner_key = owners[0][0] self._parent.pre_done(ENVIRONMENT_SELECT_PAGE) else: self.set_model(owners) self._parent.pre_done(DONT_CHANGE)
def _on_subscribing_finished_cb(self, unused, error=None): if error is not None: handle_gui_exception(error, _("Error subscribing: %s"), self._parent.parent) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return self._parent.pre_done(FINISH) self._parent.backend.cs.force_cert_check()
def update(self, widget_update, backend_method, args=[], kwargs={}, exception_msg=None, callback=None): try: result = backend_method(*args, **kwargs) if callback: callback(result) except Exception, e: message = exception_msg or str(e) handle_gui_exception(e, message, self.parent_window)
def _update_certificates_button_clicked(self, widget): # Catch exceptions in the autobind wizard initialization (only) try: autobind_wizard = AutobindWizard(self.backend, self.consumer, self.facts, self._get_window()) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Error in autobind wizard"), self._get_window())
def _update_display(self, data, error): self._clear_progress_bar() if error: handle_gui_exception(error, _("Unable to search for subscriptions: %s"), self.parent_win) else: self.display_pools()
def _preferences_item_clicked(self, widget): try: except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception( e, _("Error in preferences dialog." "Please see /var/log/rhsm/rhsm.log for more information."), self._get_window(), )
def _handle_unbind_exception(self, e, selection): self._clear_progress_bar() handle_gui_exception( e, _("There was an error removing %s with serial number %s") % (selection["subscription"], selection["serial"]), self.parent_win, format_msg=False, )
def update_facts(self): """Sends the current system facts to the UEP server.""" consumer_uuid = self.consumer.uuid try: self.facts.update_check(self.backend.uep, consumer_uuid, force=True) except Exception, e: log.error("Could not update system facts \nError: %s" % e) handle_gui_exception(e, linkify(str(e)), self.system_facts_dialog)
def _on_subscribing_finished_cb(self, unused, error=None): try: if error != None: raise error self._parent.pre_done(FINISH) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Error subscribing: %s"), self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True)
def update_facts(self): """Sends the current system facts to the UEP server.""" identity = inj.require(inj.IDENTITY) try: self.facts.update_check(self.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp(), identity.uuid, force=True) except Exception, e: log.error("Could not update system facts \nError: %s" % e) handle_gui_exception(e, linkify(str(e)), self.system_facts_dialog)
def _redeem(self, button): email = self.email_entry.get_text() # TODO: Validate email address? try: self.backend.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp().activateMachine(self.identity.uuid, email) self.hide() except Exception as e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Error redeeming subscription: %s"), self.redeem_dialog)
def _redeem(self, button): email = self.email_entry.get_text() # TODO: Validate email address? try: self.backend.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp().activateMachine( self.identity.uuid, email) self.hide() except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Error redeeming subscription: %s"), self.redeem_dialog)
def _perform_unregister(self): try: managerlib.unregister(self.backend.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp(), self.identity.uuid) except Exception, e: log.error("Error unregistering system with entitlement platform.") handle_gui_exception(e, _("<b>Errors were encountered during unregister.</b>") + "\n%s\n" + _("Please see /var/log/rhsm/rhsm.log for more information."), self.main_window, log_msg="Consumer may need to be manually cleaned up: %s" % self.identity.uuid)
def _redeem(self, button): email = self.email_entry.get_text() # TODO: Validate email address? try: self.backend.uep.activateMachine(self.consumer.uuid, email) self.hide() except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Error redeeming subscription: %s"), self.redeem_dialog)
def _on_registration_finished_cb(self, new_account, error=None): try: if error != None: raise error managerlib.persist_consumer_cert(new_account) self.consumer.reload() self._finish_registration() except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, REGISTER_ERROR, self.registerWin) self._finish_registration(failed=True)
def pre(self): # Because the RHN client tools check if certs exist and bypass our # firstboot module if so, we know that if we reach this point and # identity certs exist, someone must have hit the back button. # TODO: i'd like this call to be inside the async progress stuff, # since it does take some time if ConsumerIdentity.exists(): try: managerlib.unregister(self._parent.backend.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp(), self._parent.identity.uuid) except socket.error, e: handle_gui_exception(e, e, self._parent.window) self._parent._registration_finished = False
def _on_get_service_levels_cb(self, result, error=None): if error is not None: if isinstance(error[1], ServiceLevelNotSupportedException): message = _( "Unable to auto-attach, server does not support " "service levels. Please run 'Subscription Manager' " "to manually attach a subscription." ) self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) elif isinstance(error[1], NoProductsException): message = _("No installed products on system. No need to " "update subscriptions at this time.") self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) elif isinstance(error[1], AllProductsCoveredException): message = _("All installed products are fully subscribed.") self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) else: handle_gui_exception(error, _("Error subscribing"), self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return (current_sla, unentitled_products, sla_data_map) = result self._parent.current_sla = current_sla if len(sla_data_map) == 1: # If system already had a service level, we can hit this point # when we cannot fix any unentitled products: if current_sla is not None and not self._can_add_more_subs(current_sla, sla_data_map): message = ( _("Unable to attach any additional subscriptions at " "current service level: %s") % current_sla ) self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) return self._dry_run_result = sla_data_map.values()[0] self._parent.pre_done(registergui.CONFIRM_SUBS_PAGE) elif len(sla_data_map) > 1: self._sla_data_map = sla_data_map self.set_model(unentitled_products, sla_data_map) self._parent.pre_done(registergui.DONT_CHANGE) else: message = _( "No service levels will cover all installed products. " "Please run 'Subscription Manager' to manually " "attach subscriptions." ) self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE)
def _on_get_service_levels_cb(self, result, error=None): if error != None: if isinstance(error, ServiceLevelNotSupportedException): message = _( "Unable to auto-subscribe, server does not support " "service levels. Please run 'Subscription Manager' " "to manually subscribe.") self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) elif isinstance(error, NoProductsException): message = _("No installed products on system. No need to " "update subscriptions at this time.") self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) elif isinstance(error, AllProductsCoveredException): message = _("All installed products are fully subscribed.") self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) else: handle_gui_exception(error, _("Error subscribing"), self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return (current_sla, unentitled_products, sla_data_map) = result self._parent.current_sla = current_sla if len(sla_data_map) == 1: # If system already had a service level, we can hit this point # when we cannot fix any unentitled products: if current_sla is not None and \ not self._can_add_more_subs(current_sla, sla_data_map): message = _( "Unable to subscribe to any additional products at " "current service level: %s") % current_sla self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) return self._dry_run_result = sla_data_map.values()[0] self._parent.pre_done(registergui.CONFIRM_SUBS_PAGE) elif len(sla_data_map) > 1: self._sla_data_map = sla_data_map self.set_model(unentitled_products, sla_data_map) self._parent.pre_done(registergui.DONT_CHANGE) else: message = _("No service levels will cover all installed products. " "Please run 'Subscription Manager' to manually " "subscribe this system.") self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE)
def pre(self): # Because the RHN client tools check if certs exist and bypass our # firstboot module if so, we know that if we reach this point and # identity certs exist, someone must have hit the back button. # TODO: i'd like this call to be inside the async progress stuff, # since it does take some time if ConsumerIdentity.exists(): try: managerlib.unregister( self._parent.backend.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp(), self._parent.identity.uuid) except socket.error, e: handle_gui_exception(e, e, self._parent.window) self._parent._registration_finished = False
def initializeUI(self): # Need to make sure that each time the UI is initialized we reset back # to the main register screen. # if they've already registered during firstboot and have clicked # back to register again, we must first unregister. # XXX i'd like this call to be inside the async progress stuff, # since it does take some time if self._registration_finished and ConsumerIdentity.exists(): try: managerlib.unregister(self.backend.uep, self.consumer.uuid) except socket.error, e: handle_gui_exception(e, e, self.registerWin) self.consumer.reload() self._registration_finished = False
def _on_registration_finished_cb(self, new_account, error=None): try: if error != None: raise error managerlib.persist_consumer_cert(new_account) self._parent.consumer.reload() if self._parent.skip_auto_bind: self._parent.pre_done(FINISH) else: self._parent.pre_done(SELECT_SLA_PAGE) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True)
def _on_unsubscribe_prompt_response(self, dialog, response, selection): if not response: return serial = long(selection['serial']) if self.backend.is_registered(): try: self.backend.uep.unbindBySerial(self.consumer.uuid, serial) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("There was an error unsubscribing from %s with serial number %s") % (selection['subscription'], serial), self.parent_win, formatMsg=False) try: self.backend.certlib.update() except Disconnected, e: pass
def _on_reset_repo_response(self, dialog, response): if not response: return selection = SelectionWrapper(self.overrides_treeview.get_selection(), self.overrides_store) if not selection.is_valid(): return repo_id = selection['repo_id'] try: self._delete_all_overrides(repo_id) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Unable to reset repository overrides."), self._get_dialog_widget())
def _on_registration_finished_cb(self, new_account, error=None): try: if error != None: raise error managerlib.persist_consumer_cert(new_account) self._parent.consumer.reload() if self._parent.skip_auto_bind: message = _("You have opted to skip auto-subscribe.") self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) else: self._parent.pre_done(registergui.SELECT_SLA_PAGE) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, registergui.REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True)
def _on_remove_gpgcheck_confirmation(self, dialog, response): if not response: return override_selection = SelectionWrapper(self.overrides_treeview.get_selection(), self.overrides_store) if not override_selection.is_valid(): # TODO Should never happen, but we should update the UI somehow # to make sure that nothing bad can happen. return # Delete the override try: self._delete_override(override_selection['repo_id'], 'gpgcheck') except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Unable to delete the gpgcheck override."), self._get_dialog_widget()) return
def _on_gpgcheck_edit_button_clicked(self, button): override_selection = SelectionWrapper(self.overrides_treeview.get_selection(), self.overrides_store) if not override_selection.is_valid(): # TODO Should never happen, but we should update the UI somewho # to make sure that nothing bad can happen. return current_value = override_selection['gpgcheck'] self.gpgcheck_combo_box.set_active(not current_value) # Create an override despite the fact that the values are likely the same. try: self._add_override(override_selection['repo_id'], "gpgcheck", int(current_value)) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Unable to update the gpgcheck override."), self._get_dialog_widget()) return
def _on_registration_finished_cb(self, new_account, error=None): if error is not None: handle_gui_exception(error, REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.parent) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return try: managerlib.persist_consumer_cert(new_account) self._parent.backend.cs.force_cert_check() # Ensure there isn't much wait time if self._parent.activation_keys: self._parent.pre_done(REFRESH_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PAGE) elif self._parent.skip_auto_bind: self._parent.pre_done(FINISH) else: self._parent.pre_done(SELECT_SLA_PAGE) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.parent) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True)
def _on_get_environment_list_cb(self, result_tuple, error=None): environments = result_tuple if error is not None: handle_gui_exception(error, REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.parent) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return if not environments: self._environment = None self._parent.pre_done(PERFORM_REGISTER_PAGE) return envs = [(env['id'], env['name']) for env in environments] if len(envs) == 1: self._environment = envs[0][0] self._parent.pre_done(PERFORM_REGISTER_PAGE) else: self.set_model(envs) self._parent.pre_done(DONT_CHANGE)
def _on_unsubscribe_prompt_response(self, dialog, response, selection): if not response: return serial = long(selection['serial']) if self.backend.is_registered(): try: self.backend.uep.unbindBySerial(self.consumer.uuid, serial) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception( e, _("There was an error unsubscribing from %s with serial number %s" ) % (selection['subscription'], serial), self.parent_win, formatMsg=False) try: self.backend.certlib.update() except Disconnected, e: pass
def _on_unsubscribe_prompt_response(self, dialog, response, selection): if not response: return serial = long(selection['serial']) if self.identity.is_valid(): try: self.backend.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp().unbindBySerial( self.identity.uuid, serial) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception( e, _("There was an error removing %s with serial number %s") % (selection['subscription'], serial), self.parent_win, format_msg=False) try: self.backend.certlib.update() except Disconnected, e: pass
def _on_get_owner_list_cb(self, owners, error=None): if error != None: handle_gui_exception(error, REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.window) self._parent.pre_done(CREDENTIALS_PAGE) return owners = [(owner['key'], owner['displayName']) for owner in owners] if len(owners) == 0: handle_gui_exception(None, _("<b>User %s is not able to register with any orgs.</b>") \ % (self._parent.username), self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return if len(owners) == 1: self._owner_key = owners[0][0] self._parent.pre_done(ENVIRONMENT_SELECT_PAGE) else: self.set_model(owners) self._parent.pre_done(DONT_CHANGE)
def _init_sla(self): if self.skip_auto_subscribe(): return self._move_to_manual_install( _("You have opted to skip auto-subscribe.")) # sla autosubscribe time. load up the possible slas, to decide if # we need to display the selection screen, or go to the confirm # screen. # XXX this should really be done async. controller = autobind.init_controller(self.backend, self.consumer, Facts()) # XXX see autobind.AutobindWizard load() and _show_initial_screen # for matching error handling. try: controller.load() except autobind.ServiceLevelNotSupportedException: message = _( "Unable to auto-subscribe, server does not support service levels. Please run 'Subscription Manager' to manually subscribe." ) return self._move_to_manual_install(message) except autobind.NoProductsException: message = _( "No installed products on system. No need to update certificates at this time." ) return self._move_to_manual_install(message) except autobind.AllProductsCoveredException: message = _( "All installed products are covered by valid entitlements. Please run 'Subscription Manager' to subscribe to additional products." ) return self._move_to_manual_install(message) except socket.error, e: handle_gui_exception(e, None, self.registerWin) return
def _perform_unregister(self): try: reset_resolver() unregister.UnregisterService( self.backend.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp()).unregister() except Exception as e: log.error("Error unregistering system with entitlement platform.") handle_gui_exception( e, _("<b>Errors were encountered during unregister.</b>") + "\n%s\n" + _("Please see /var/log/rhsm/rhsm.log for more information."), self.main_window, log_msg="Consumer may need to be manually cleaned up: %s" % self.identity.uuid) # managerlib.unregister removes product and entitlement directories self.backend.product_dir.__init__() self.backend.entitlement_dir.__init__() # We have new credentials, restart virt-who restart_virt_who() self.backend.cs.force_cert_check()
def _on_toggle_changed(self, override_model_iter, enabled, key): repo = self.overrides_store.get_value(override_model_iter, self.overrides_store['repo_data']) overrides = self.overrides_store.get_value(override_model_iter, self.overrides_store['override_data']) value = repo[key] has_active_override = overrides and key in overrides try: if not has_active_override and enabled != int(value): # We get True/False from the model, convert to int so that # the override gets the correct value. self._add_override(, key, int(enabled)) elif has_active_override and overrides[key] != value: self._delete_override(, key) else: # Should only ever be one path here, else we have a UI logic error. self._add_override(, key, int(enabled)) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Unable to update %s override.") % key, self._get_dialog_widget())
def _on_enable_repo_toggle(self, override_model_iter, enabled): repo = self.overrides_store.get_value(override_model_iter, self.overrides_store['repo_data']) overrides = self.overrides_store.get_value(override_model_iter, self.overrides_store['override_data']) repo_enabled = repo['enabled'] has_enabled_override = overrides and 'enabled' in overrides try: if not has_enabled_override and enabled != int(repo_enabled): # We get True/False from the model, convert to int so that # the override gets the correct value. self._add_override(, "enabled", int(enabled)) elif has_enabled_override and overrides['enabled'] != repo_enabled: self._delete_override(, 'enabled') else: # Should only ever be one path here, else we have a UI logic error. self._add_override(, "enabled", int(enabled)) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, _("Unable to update enabled override."), self._get_dialog_widget())
def _on_get_service_levels_cb(self, result, error=None): if error != None: if isinstance(error, ServiceLevelNotSupportedException): OkDialog(_( "Unable to auto-subscribe, server does not support service levels." ), parent=self._parent.window) elif isinstance(error, NoProductsException): InfoDialog(_( "No installed products on system. No need to update subscriptions at this time." ), parent=self._parent.window) elif isinstance(error, AllProductsCoveredException): InfoDialog(_( "All installed products are covered by valid entitlements. No need to update subscriptions at this time." ), parent=self._parent.window) else: handle_gui_exception(error, _("Error subscribing"), self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return (current_sla, unentitled_products, sla_data_map) = result self._parent.current_sla = current_sla if len(sla_data_map) == 1: # If system already had a service level, we can hit this point # when we cannot fix any unentitled products: if current_sla is not None and \ not self._can_add_more_subs(current_sla, sla_data_map): handle_gui_exception( None, _("No available subscriptions at " "the current service level: %s. " "Please use the \"All Available " "Subscriptions\" tab to manually " "subscribe this system.") % current_sla, self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return self._dry_run_result = sla_data_map.values()[0] self._parent.pre_done(CONFIRM_SUBS_PAGE) elif len(sla_data_map) > 1: self._sla_data_map = sla_data_map self.set_model(unentitled_products, sla_data_map) self._parent.pre_done(DONT_CHANGE) else:"No suitable service levels found.") handle_gui_exception(None, _("No service level will cover all installed " "products. Please use the \"All Available " "Subscriptions\" tab to manually subscribe " "this system."), parent=self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True)
def _on_get_service_levels_cb(self, result, error=None): # The parent for the dialogs is set to the grandparent window # (which is MainWindow) because the parent window is closed # by finish_registration() after displaying the dialogs. See # BZ #855762. if error is not None: if isinstance(error[1], ServiceLevelNotSupportedException): OkDialog(_("Unable to auto-attach, server does not support service levels."), parent=self._parent.parent) elif isinstance(error[1], NoProductsException): InfoDialog(_("No installed products on system. No need to attach subscriptions at this time."), parent=self._parent.parent) elif isinstance(error[1], AllProductsCoveredException): InfoDialog(_("All installed products are covered by valid entitlements. No need to attach subscriptions at this time."), parent=self._parent.parent) else: handle_gui_exception(error, _("Error subscribing"), self._parent.parent) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return (current_sla, unentitled_products, sla_data_map) = result self._parent.current_sla = current_sla if len(sla_data_map) == 1: # If system already had a service level, we can hit this point # when we cannot fix any unentitled products: if current_sla is not None and \ not self._can_add_more_subs(current_sla, sla_data_map): handle_gui_exception(None, _("No available subscriptions at " "the current service level: %s. " "Please use the \"All Available " "Subscriptions\" tab to manually " "attach subscriptions.") % current_sla, self._parent.parent) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return self._dry_run_result = sla_data_map.values()[0] self._parent.pre_done(CONFIRM_SUBS_PAGE) elif len(sla_data_map) > 1: self._sla_data_map = sla_data_map self.set_model(unentitled_products, sla_data_map) self._parent.pre_done(DONT_CHANGE) else:"No suitable service levels found.") handle_gui_exception(None, _("No service level will cover all " "installed products. Please manually " "subscribe using multiple service levels " "via the \"All Available Susbscriptions\" " "tab or purchase additional subscriptions."), parent=self._parent.parent) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True)
class PerformRegisterScreen(registergui.PerformRegisterScreen): def _on_registration_finished_cb(self, new_account, error=None): if error is not None: handle_gui_exception(error, registergui.REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True) return try: managerlib.persist_consumer_cert(new_account) self._parent.backend.cs.force_cert_check() # Ensure there isn't much wait time if self._parent.activation_keys: self._parent.pre_done(registergui.REFRESH_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PAGE) elif self._parent.skip_auto_bind: message = _("You have opted to skip auto-attach.") self._parent.manual_message = message self._parent.pre_done(MANUALLY_SUBSCRIBE_PAGE) else: self._parent.pre_done(registergui.SELECT_SLA_PAGE) # If we get errors related to consumer name on register, # go back to the credentials screen where we set the # consumer name. See bz#865954 except RestlibException, e: handle_gui_exception(e, registergui.REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.window) if e.code == 404 and self._parent.activation_keys: self._parent.pre_done(registergui.ACTIVATION_KEY_PAGE) if e.code == 400: self._parent.pre_done(registergui.CREDENTIALS_PAGE) except Exception, e: handle_gui_exception(e, registergui.REGISTER_ERROR, self._parent.window) self._parent.finish_registration(failed=True)
def _on_update_failure(self, e): handle_gui_exception(e, _("Unable to update overrides."), self._get_dialog_widget()) self._clear_progress_bar()
def _on_async_delete_all_overrides_failure(self, e): self._clear_progress_bar() handle_gui_exception(e, _("Unable to reset repository overrides."), self._get_dialog_widget())
def _on_async_load_data_failure(self, e): self._clear_progress_bar() handle_gui_exception(e, _("Unable to load repository data."), self._get_dialog_widget())
def test_hge_restlib_exception_url_msg(self): utils.log.set_expected_msg(self.msg) utils.handle_gui_exception( connection.RestlibException(404, "page not found"), self.msg_with_url, None) self.assertEqual(utils.log.expected_msg, self.msg)