class LustreFSKernelMaster(Script): def __init__(self): self.sbtls = SubTools() def install(self, env): print 'Installation complete.' def stop(self, env): print 'Stop LustreFSKernelMaster' # Stop your service self.sbtls.sp_open( 'python /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/HDP/2.6/services/LUSTREFSKERNEL/package/scripts/ stop' ) def start(self, env): print 'Start LustreFSKernelMaster' # Reconfigure all files # Start your service self.sbtls.sp_open( 'python /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/HDP/2.6/services/LUSTREFSKERNEL/package/scripts/ start' ) def reboot(self, env): self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('kernelinstall', 5700) print("LustreFS kernel installed!!") def status(self, env): check = self.sbtls.sp_open( 'python /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/HDP/2.6/services/LUSTREFSKERNEL/package/scripts/ status' ) print check if 'not' in str(check): raise ComponentIsNotRunning pass
class LustreMDSMgmtService(Script): def __init__(self): self.sbtls = SubTools() def install(self, env): import mdt_params mds_wget = mdt_params.mds_wget # File( # os.path.join("/var/lib/ambari-agent","LustreMDSMgmtService_status.conf"), # owner='root', # group='root', # mode=0644, # content="status=0", # ) print 'Install LustreMDSMgmtService.' # Load the all configuration files config = Script.get_config() # Bind to a local variable #LustreMDSMgmtService_user = config['configurations']['my-config-env']['lustremdsmgmtservice_user'] # Install packages self.install_packages(env) Execute( format( "yum install -y wget, libesmtp libyaml net-snmp-agent-libs opensm opensm-libs sg3_utils tcl tk" )) for pkg in mds_wget: download_file = 'wget ' + pkg['url'] Execute(format(download_file)) pkg_file = 'yum install -y' for pkg in mds_wget: pkg_file = pkg_file + ' ' + pkg['name'] + ' ' try: Execute(format(pkg_file)) except ExecutionFailed as e: print(e) pass print 'Installation complete.' self.configure(env) # file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # self.sbtls.sp_open('python '+file_path+'/ start') def stop(self, env): print 'Stop LustreMDSMgmtService' # Stop your service #Since we have not installed a real service, there is no PID file created by it. #Therefore we are going to artificially remove the PID. # Execute( "rm -f /tmp/" ) file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.sbtls.sp_open('python ' + file_path + '/ stop') def start(self, env): print 'Start LustreMDSMgmtService' # Reconfigure all files # Start your service #Since we have not installed a real service, there is no PID file created by it. #Therefore we are going to artificially create the PID. # Execute( "touch /tmp/" ) file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.sbtls.sp_open('python ' + file_path + '/ start') def status(self, env): # print 'Status of LustreMDSMgmtService' # LustreMDSMgmtService_pid_file = "/tmp/" # #check_process_status(dummy_master_pid_file) # Execute( format("cat {LustreMDSMgmtService_pid_file}") ) file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) check = self.sbtls.sp_open('python ' + file_path + '/ status') print check if 'not' in str(check): raise ComponentIsNotRunning pass def mountmdts(self, env): # self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('sample02',5680) print("mountmdts!!") def unmountmdts(self, env): # self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('sample02',5680) print("unmountmdts!!") def mkfsmdts(self, env): # self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('sample02',5680) print("mkfsmdts!!") def configure(self, env): print 'LustreMDSMgmtService Configure start....' import mdt_params config = Script.get_config() mdt_server_device = mdt_params.mdt_server_device local_hostname = mdt_params.local_hostname mdt_fsname = mdt_params.mdt_fsname mdt_index = mdt_params.mdt_index mdt_mount = mdt_params.mdt_mount modprobe_networks = mdt_server_device['network_mds'] Lustrecontent = format('options lnet networks="' + modprobe_networks + '"') File( os.path.join("/etc/modprobe.d", "lustre.conf"), owner='root', group='root', mode=0644, content=Lustrecontent, ) Execute(format('modprobe lustre')) Execute(format('lsmod | egrep "lustre|lnet"')) Execute( format('mkfs.lustre --fsname=' + mdt_fsname + ' --mdt --mgs --index=' + mdt_index + ' ' + mdt_server_device['device_mds'])) Directory(mdt_mount, create_parents=True, owner='root', group='root') Execute( format('mount -t lustre ' + mdt_server_device['device_mds'] + ' ' + mdt_mount)) # File( # os.path.join("/var/lib/ambari-agent","LustreMDSMgmtService_status.conf"), # owner='root', # group='root', # mode=0644, # content="status=1", # ) print 'Configure complete.'
class LustreOSSMgmtService(Script): def __init__(self): self.sbtls = SubTools() def install(self, env): import oss_params; print 'Install LustreOSSMgmtService.' mds_wget = oss_params.mds_wget # Install packages self.install_packages(env) Execute(format("yum install -y wget, libesmtp libyaml net-snmp-agent-libs opensm opensm-libs sg3_utils tcl tk")) for pkg in mds_wget: download_file = 'wget '+pkg['url'] Execute(format(download_file)) pkg_file = 'yum install -y' for pkg in mds_wget: pkg_file = pkg_file +' '+ pkg['name'] + ' ' try: Execute(format(pkg_file)) except ExecutionFailed as e: print(e) pass print 'Installation complete.' self.configure(env) # file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # self.sbtls.sp_open('python '+file_path+'/ start') def stop(self, env): print 'Stop LustreOSSMgmtService' # Stop your service #Since we have not installed a real service, there is no PID file created by it. #Therefore we are going to artificially remove the PID. # Execute( "rm -f /tmp/" ) file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.sbtls.sp_open('python '+file_path+'/ stop') def start(self, env): print 'Start LustreOSSMgmtService' # Reconfigure all files # Start your service #Since we have not installed a real service, there is no PID file created by it. #Therefore we are going to artificially create the PID. #Execute( "touch /tmp/" ) file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.sbtls.sp_open('python '+file_path+'/ start') def status(self, env): print 'Status of LustreOSSMgmtService' # LustreOSSMgmtService_pid_file = "/tmp/" # #check_process_status(dummy_slave_pid_file) # # Execute( format("cat {LustreOSSMgmtService_pid_file}") ) # # pass file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) check = self.sbtls.sp_open('python '+file_path+'/ status') print check if 'not' in str(check): raise ComponentIsNotRunning pass def mountosts(self, env): self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('sample02',5681) print("mountosts!!") def unmountosts(self, env): self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('sample02',5681) print("unmountosts!!") def mkfsmdts(self, env): self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('sample02',5681) print("mkfsosts!!") def configure(self, env): print 'LustreOSSMgmtService Configure start....' import oss_params; local_hostname = oss_params.local_hostname; oss_server_device = oss_params.oss_server_device[local_hostname]; modprobe_networks = oss_server_device['network_oss'] mds_host = oss_params.mds_host; mdt_fsname = oss_params.mdt_fsname; network_device_mds = oss_params.network_device_mds; oss_mount = oss_params.oss_mount; Lustrecontent = format('options lnet networks="'+modprobe_networks+'"') File( os.path.join("/etc/modprobe.d","lustre.conf"), owner='root', group='root', mode=0644, content=Lustrecontent, ) Execute(format('modprobe lustre')) Execute(format('modprobe ost')) for i in range(0, oss_server_device['device_num']): Execute(format('mkfs.lustre --fsname='+mdt_fsname+' --ost --mgsnode='+mds_host+'@'+network_device_mds+' --index='+str(oss_server_device['server_device_index'][i])+' --reformat '+oss_server_device['server_device'][i])) Directory( oss_mount + str(oss_server_device['server_device_index'][i]), create_parents=True, owner='root', group='root') Execute(format('mount -t lustre '+oss_server_device['server_device'][i]+' '+oss_mount+str(oss_server_device['server_device_index'][i]))); print 'Configure complete.'
class HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService(Script): def __init__(self): self.sbtls = SubTools() def install(self, env): import params print 'Install HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService.' # Load the all configuration files # config = Script.get_config() # Bind to a local variable # HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_user = config['configurations']['my-config-env']['HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_user'] mds_host = params.mds_host # Install packages self.install_packages(env) ## init process Execute( format("yum install wget libselinux-devel nfs-utils-lib-devel -y")) Execute(format("yum groupinstall development tools -y")) # Execute(format("wget -P /tmp")) # Execute(format("ssh root@localhost -T \"nohup rpmbuild --rebuild --define 'lustre_name lustre-client' --define 'configure_args --disable-server --enable-client' --without servers /tmp/lustre-client-2.7.0-2.6.32_504.8.1.el6.x86_64.src.rpm > /tmp/buildhistory\"")) # Execute(format("yum localinstall /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/lustre-iokit-* -y")) # Execute(format("yum localinstall /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/lustre-client-* -y")) Execute( format( "wget -P /tmp" )) Execute( format( "wget -P /tmp" )) Execute( format( "wget -P /tmp" )) Execute(format("yum localinstall /tmp/kmod-lustre-iokit-* -y")) Execute(format("yum localinstall /tmp/lustre-iokit-* -y")) Execute(format("yum localinstall /tmp/lustre-client-* -y")) # Execute(format("wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo")) # Execute(format("sed -i s/\$releasever/6/g /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo")) # Execute(format("yum install -y apache-maven git")) # Execute(format("git clone")) # Execute(format("mvn -f lustrefs/ package")) # os.makedirs("/mnt/lustre/hadoop") # os.system("ssh root@localhost -t \"mkdir -p /mnt/lustre/hadoop\"") # Execute(format("/bin/mount -t lustre /mnt/lustre")) # Execute(format("mkdir /lustre")) os.makedirs("/mnt/lustre/hadoop") os.system("ssh root@localhost -t \"mkdir -p /mnt/lustre/hadoop\"") # Execute(format("yes | cp lustrefs/target/lustrefs-hadoop-0.9.1.jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-namenode/lib/")) # Execute(format("yes | cp lustrefs/target/lustrefs-hadoop-0.9.1.jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-yarn-nodemanager/lib/")) # Execute(format("yes | cp lustrefs/target/lustrefs-hadoop-0.9.1.jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/lib/")) # Execute(format("yes | cp lustrefs/target/lustrefs-hadoop-0.9.1.jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver/lib/")) hosts = self.getHostsInfo() file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) for hostname in hosts: #self.subprocess_open('echo "'+hostname+'" >> /home/daemon/') self.sbtls.sp_open("scp " + file_path + "/modules/lustrefs-hadoop-0.9.1.jar root@" + hostname + ":/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-namenode/lib/") self.sbtls.sp_open( "scp " + file_path + "/modules/lustrefs-hadoop-0.9.1.jar root@" + hostname + ":/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-yarn-nodemanager/lib/") self.sbtls.sp_open( "scp " + file_path + "/modules/lustrefs-hadoop-0.9.1.jar root@" + hostname + ":/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/lib/") self.sbtls.sp_open( "scp " + file_path + "/modules/lustrefs-hadoop-0.9.1.jar root@" + hostname + ":/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver/lib/") print 'Installation complete.' def stop(self, env): print 'Stop HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService' # Stop your service #Since we have not installed a real service, there is no PID file created by it. #Therefore we are going to artificially remove the PID. # Execute( "rm -f /tmp/" ) file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.sbtls.sp_open('python ' + file_path + '/ stop') def start(self, env): print 'Start HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService' # Reconfigure all files # Start your service #Since we have not installed a real service, there is no PID file created by it. #Therefore we are going to artificially create the PID. # Execute( "touch /tmp/" ) file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.sbtls.sp_open('python ' + file_path + '/ start') # def status(self, env): # print 'Status of HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService' # HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_pid_file = "/tmp/" # #check_process_status(dummy_master_pid_file) # Execute( format("cat {HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_pid_file}") ) # pass def switchtohdfs(self, env): self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('tohdfs', 5679) print("switchtohdfs!!") def switchtolustrefs(self, env): print 'init' self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('tolustrefs', 5679) print 'init-done' print("switchtolustrefs!!") def getHostsInfo(self): global local_hostname local_hostname = socket.gethostname() print "Local Hostname : " + local_hostname # ambari server hostname config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini") global ambari_url ambari_url = config.get('server', 'hostname') print "Ambari server Hostname : " + ambari_url # cluster_name headers = { 'X-Requested-By': 'ambari', } r = requests.get('http://' + ambari_url + ':8080/api/v1/clusters', headers=headers, auth=('admin', 'admin')) j = json.loads(r.text) items = j["items"][0]["Clusters"] print "Cluster Name : " + items["cluster_name"] # LustreClient HostNames # curl -u admin:admin r = requests.get( 'http://' + ambari_url + ':8080/api/v1/clusters/' + items["cluster_name"] + '/services/LUSTREMGMTSERVICES/components/LustreClient', headers=headers, auth=('admin', 'admin')) j = json.loads(r.text) result = [] for component in j["host_components"]: result.append(component["HostRoles"]["host_name"]) return result def mount(self, env): self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('mount', 5679) print("mount!!") def unmount(self, env): self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('umount', 5679) print("umount!!") def createtomapreducefoder(self, env): self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('createToMapreduceFoder', 5679) print("create!!") def status(self, env): file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) check = self.sbtls.sp_open('python ' + file_path + '/ status') print check if 'not' in str(check): raise ComponentIsNotRunning pass
class SwitchConfig: def __init__(self): # set ambari_url self.sbtls = SubTools() config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini") self.ambari_url = config.get('server', 'hostname') # set cluster_name headers = { 'X-Requested-By': 'ambari', } r = requests.get('http://' + self.ambari_url + ':8080/api/v1/clusters', headers=headers, auth=('admin', 'admin')) j = json.loads(r.text) items = j["items"][0]["Clusters"] print "2 - Cluster Name : " + items["cluster_name"] self.cluster_name = items["cluster_name"] # change version file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) json_data = open(file_path + "/config-version.json").read() data = json.loads(json_data) data["version"] = data["version"] + 1 with open(file_path + '/config-version.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) self.checkVersion = str(data["version"]) def toHdfs(self): confInfo = self.sbtls.sp_open("curl -u admin:admin -X GET http://" + self.ambari_url + ":8080/api/v1/clusters/" + self.cluster_name + "?fields=Clusters/desired_configs") j = json.loads(confInfo[0]) desiredConf = j['Clusters']['desired_configs'] targetSites = ('mapred-site', 'yarn-site', 'core-site') # targetSites = ('mapred-site') for targetSite in targetSites: print "\n\n\n" print "target site : " + targetSite print "target version" + desiredConf[targetSite]['tag'] print "----- target conf -----" print desiredConf print "----- target conf end -----" print "\n" try: versionNum = desiredConf[targetSite]['tag'].split('version')[1] except Exception, e: versionNum = desiredConf[targetSite]['tag'] # nextVersionNum = str(int(versionNum)+1) nextVersionNum = self.checkVersion targetConf = self.sbtls.sp_open( 'curl -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X GET "http://' + self.ambari_url + ':8080/api/v1/clusters/' + self.cluster_name + '/configurations?type=' + targetSite + '&tag=' + desiredConf[targetSite]['tag'] + '"') targetJson = json.loads(targetConf[0]) prop = targetJson['items'][0]['properties'] print targetJson #print prop if targetSite == 'core-site': prop['fs.defaultFS'] = u"hdfs://node01:8020" #modify prop.pop('fs.lustrefs.impl') #remove prop.pop('fs.AbstractFileSystem.lustrefs.impl') #remove prop.pop('fs.lustrefs.mount') #remove prop.pop('hadoop.tmp.dir') #remove elif targetSite == 'yarn-site': prop[ 'yarn.nodemanager.container-executor.class'] = u"org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.DefaultContainerExecutor" #modify prop[ 'yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs'] = u"/hadoop/yarn/local" #modify prop[ 'yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs'] = u"/hadoop/yarn/log" #modify # prop['yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-state-store.path'] = u"/hadoop/yarn/timeline"#modify # prop['yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-timeline-store.path'] = u"/hadoop/yarn/timeline"#modify prop.pop( 'yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.nonsecure-mode.local-user' ) #remove prop.pop( 'yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.nonsecure-mode.limit-users' ) #remove elif targetSite == 'mapred-site': prop[''] = u"/user" #modify # print json.dumps(prop) reqHead = 'curl -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X PUT -d ' reqBody = '[{"Clusters":{"desired_config":[{"type":"' + targetSite + '","tag":"version' + nextVersionNum + '","service_config_version_note":"New config version"}]}}]' reqTail = ' "http://' + self.ambari_url + ':8080/api/v1/clusters/' + self.cluster_name + '"' body = json.loads(reqBody) body[0]['Clusters']['desired_config'][0][u'properties'] = prop reqBody = json.dumps(body) print "======= Req Api =======" print reqHead + reqBody + reqTail print "======= Req Api End =======" #TEST #getData = reqHead + reqBody+ reqTail #f = open("/home/lustre-daemon/test_20170510_2.txt", 'w') #f.write(getData) #f.close() reqResult = self.sbtls.sp_open(reqHead + "'" + reqBody + "'" + reqTail) print str(reqResult)
class YARNJobMonitorMaster(Script): def __init__(self): self.sbtls = SubTools() def install(self, env): print 'Install YARNJobMonitorMaster.' # Load the all configuration files config = Script.get_config() # Bind to a local variable # HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_user = config['configurations']['lustrefs-config-env']['HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_user'] # Install packages self.install_packages(env) # Create a new user and group # Execute( format("groupadd -f {HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_user}") ) # Execute( format("id -u {HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_user} &>/dev/null || useradd -s /bin/bash {HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_user} -g {HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_user}") ) ### Continue installing and configuring your service print 'Installation complete.' def stop(self, env): print 'Stop YARNJobMonitorMaster' # Stop your service #Since we have not installed a real service, there is no PID file created by it. #Therefore we are going to artificially remove the PID. # Execute( "rm -f /tmp/" ) file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # self.sbtls.sp_open('python /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/HDP/2.4/services/YARNJOBMONITORSERVICE/package/scripts/ stop') self.sbtls.sp_open('python ' + file_path + '/ stop') def start(self, env): print 'Start YARNJobMonitorMaster' file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Reconfigure all files # Start your service #Since we have not installed a real service, there is no PID file created by it. #Therefore we are going to artificially create the PID. # Execute( "touch /tmp/" ) # self.sbtls.sp_open('python /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/HDP/2.4/services/YARNJOBMONITORSERVICE/package/scripts/ start') self.sbtls.sp_open('python ' + file_path + '/ start') # def status(self, env): # print 'Status of HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService' # HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_pid_file = "/tmp/" # #check_process_status(dummy_master_pid_file) # Execute( format("cat {HadoopLustreAdapterMgmtService_pid_file}") ) # pass # def switchtohdfs(self, env): # self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('sample02',5679) # print("switchtohdfs!!") # def switchtolustrefs(self, env): # print 'init' # self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('sample-time',5679) # print 'init-done' # print("switchtolustrefs!!") # def getHostsInfo(self): # global local_hostname # local_hostname = socket.gethostname() # print "Local Hostname : " + local_hostname # # ambari server hostname # config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() #"/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini") # global ambari_url # ambari_url = config.get('server','hostname') # print "Ambari server Hostname : " + ambari_url # # cluster_name # headers = { # 'X-Requested-By': 'ambari', # } # r = requests.get('http://'+ambari_url+':8080/api/v1/clusters', headers=headers, auth=('admin', 'admin')) # j = json.loads(r.text) # items = j["items"][0]["Clusters"] # print "Cluster Name : " + items["cluster_name"] # # LustreClient HostNames # # curl -u admin:admin # r = requests.get('http://'+ambari_url+':8080/api/v1/clusters/'+items["cluster_name"]+'/services/YARNJOBMONITORSERVICE/components/YARNJobMonitorMaster', headers=headers, auth=('admin', 'admin')) # j = json.loads(r.text) # result =[] # for component in j["host_components"]: # result.append(component["HostRoles"]["host_name"]) # return result # def mount(self, env): # self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('mount',5679) # print("mount!!") # def unmount(self, env): # self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('umount',5679) # print("umount!!") def status(self, env): file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) check = self.sbtls.sp_open('python ' + file_path + '/ status') # check = self.sbtls.sp_open('python /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/YARNJOBMONITORSERVICE/0.1.0/package/scripts/ status') print check if 'not' in str(check): raise ComponentIsNotRunning pass
class UserSyncMaster(Script): def __init__(self): self.sbtls = SubTools() def install(self, env): Execute(format("yum -y install expect sshpass")) Execute(format("yum -y install openldap-servers openldap-clients")) Execute( format( "cp /usr/share/openldap-servers/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG" )) Execute(format("chown ldap. /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG")) self.configure(env) print 'Installation complete.' def stop(self, env): print 'Stop UserSyncServiceMaster' check = os.path.exists('/var/run/openldap/') if check: Execute(format("systemctl stop slapd")) Execute(format("systemctl disable slapd")) else: print "Open LDAP is Not Running" # self.sbtls.sp_open('python /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/HDP/2.6/services/USERSYNC/package/scripts/ stop') # Stop your service def start(self, env): print 'Start UserSyncServiceMaster' check = os.path.exists('/var/run/openldap/') if check: print "Open LDAP is Running" else: Execute(format("systemctl start slapd")) Execute(format("systemctl enable slapd")) # self.sbtls.sp_open('python /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/HDP/2.6/services/USERSYNC/package/scripts/ start') # Reconfigure all files # Start your service # def clientsync(self, env): # self.sbtls.excuteDaemon('clientsync',5800) # print("clientsync!!"); def status(self, env): # check = self.sbtls.sp_open('python /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stacks/HDP/2.6/services/USERSYNC/package/scripts/ status') check = os.path.exists('/var/run/openldap/') print check if check: pass else: raise ComponentIsNotRunning def configure(self, env): import params ldap_manager_pass = params.ldap_manager_pass ldap_manager_name = params.ldap_manager_name ldap_domain = params.ldap_domain Execute(format("systemctl start slapd")) Execute(format("systemctl enable slapd")) file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) check = self.sbtls.sp_open('sh ' + file_path + '/modules/shellscripts/ ' + ldap_manager_pass) ssha_pass = check[0].split('\r\n')[3] self.sbtls.sp_open('rm -rf /tmp/openldap') Execute(format("mkdir /tmp/openldap")) f = open("/tmp/openldap/chrootpw.ldif", 'w') data = """ # specify the password generated above for "olcRootPW" section dn: olcDatabase={0}config,cn=config changetype: modify add: olcRootPW olcRootPW: """ + ssha_pass f.write(data) f.close() Execute( format( "ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/openldap/chrootpw.ldif " )) Execute( format( "ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.ldif" )) Execute( format( "ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/nis.ldif" )) Execute( format( "ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.ldif" )) check = self.sbtls.sp_open('sh ' + file_path + '/modules/shellscripts/ ' + ldap_manager_pass) ssha_pass = check[0].split('\r\n')[3] f = open("/tmp/openldap/chdomain.ldif", 'w') data = """# replace to your own domain name for "dc=***,dc=***" section # specify the password generated above for "olcRootPW" section dn: olcDatabase={1}monitor,cn=config changetype: modify replace: olcAccess olcAccess: {0}to * by dn.base="gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" read by dn.base="cn=""" + ldap_manager_name + """,""" + ldap_domain + """\" read by * none dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config changetype: modify replace: olcSuffix olcSuffix: """ + ldap_domain + """ dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config changetype: modify replace: olcRootDN olcRootDN: cn=""" + ldap_manager_name + """,""" + ldap_domain + """ dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config changetype: modify add: olcRootPW olcRootPW: """ + ssha_pass + """ dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config changetype: modify add: olcAccess olcAccess: {0}to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange by dn=\"cn=""" + ldap_manager_name + """,""" + ldap_domain + """" write by anonymous auth by self write by * none olcAccess: {1}to dn.base="" by * read olcAccess: {2}to * by dn=\"cn=""" + ldap_manager_name + """,""" + ldap_domain + """" write by * read """ f.write(data) f.close() Execute( format( "ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/openldap/chdomain.ldif " )) #ldap_name = ldap_domain.split("=")[1]; ldap_name = ldap_domain.split('=')[1].split(',')[0] f = open("/tmp/openldap/basedomain.ldif", 'w') data = """dn: """ + ldap_domain + """ objectClass: top objectClass: dcObject objectclass: organization o: LDAP server dc: """ + ldap_name + """ dn: cn=""" + ldap_manager_name + """,""" + ldap_domain + """ objectClass: organizationalRole cn: Manager description: Directory Manager dn: ou=People,""" + ldap_domain + """ objectClass: organizationalUnit ou: People dn: ou=Group,""" + ldap_domain + """ objectClass: organizationalUnit ou: Group""" f.write(data) f.close() Execute( format("ldapadd -x -D cn=" + ldap_manager_name + "," + ldap_domain + " -w " + ldap_manager_pass + " -f /tmp/openldap/basedomain.ldif")) # self.sbtls.sp_open('sh '+file_path+'/modules/shellscripts/ '+ ldap_manager_name+','+ldap_domain +' '+ldap_manager_pass); self.sbtls.sp_open('sh ' + file_path + '/modules/shellscripts/ ' + ldap_domain) Execute( format("ldapadd -x -D cn=" + ldap_manager_name + "," + ldap_domain + " -w " + ldap_manager_pass + " -f /tmp/openldap/ldapuser.ldif"))