    def __init__(self, plugin_options, user_info, **kwargs):
        # For loading multiple times, an optional "Id" can be specified
        # as argument to identify the log lines
        plugin_id = sudo.options_as_dict(plugin_options).get("Id", "")
        self._log_line_prefix = "(AUDIT{}) ".format(plugin_id)

        user_info_dict = sudo.options_as_dict(user_info)
        user = user_info_dict.get("user", "???")
        uid = user_info_dict.get("uid", "???")
        self._log("-- Started by user {} ({}) -- ".format(user, uid))
    def __init__(self, plugin_options, **kwargs):
        # Specify: "py_calls@info" debug option to show the call to this
        # constructor and the arguments passed in

        # Specifying "plugin@err" debug option will show this message
        # (or any more verbose level)
        sudo.debug(sudo.DEBUG.ERROR, "My demo purpose plugin shows "
                   "this ERROR level debug message")

        # Specifying "plugin@info" debug option will show this message
        # (or any more verbose level)
        sudo.debug(sudo.DEBUG.INFO, "My demo purpose plugin shows "
                   "this INFO level debug message")

        # If you raise the level to info or below, the call of the debug
        # will also be logged.
        # An example output you will see in the debug log file:
        #   Dec  5 15:19:19 sudo[123040] __init__ @ /.../example_debugging.py:54 debugs:
        #   Dec  5 15:19:19 sudo[123040] My demo purpose plugin shows this ERROR level debug message

        # Specify: "c_calls@diag" debug option to show this call and its
        # arguments. If you specify info debug level instead ("c_calls@info"),
        # you will also see the python function and line from which you called
        # the 'options_as_dict' function.
        self.plugin_options = sudo.options_as_dict(plugin_options)
    def __init__(self, user_env: Tuple[str, ...], settings: Tuple[str, ...],
                 version: str, **kwargs):
        """The constructor matches the C sudo plugin API open() call

        Other variables you can currently use as arguments are:
            user_info: Tuple[str, ...]
            plugin_options: Tuple[str, ...]

        For their detailed description, see the open() call of the C plugin API
        in the sudo manual ("man sudo").
        if not version.startswith("1."):
            raise sudo.SudoException(
                "This plugin plugin is not compatible with python plugin"
                "API version {}".format(version))

        self.user_env = sudo.options_as_dict(user_env)
        self.settings = sudo.options_as_dict(settings)
    def accept(self, plugin_name, plugin_type, command_info, run_argv,
               run_envp) -> int:
        info = sudo.options_as_dict(command_info)
        cmd = list(run_argv)
        cmd[0] = info.get("command")
        self._log("Accepted command: {}".format(" ".join(cmd)))
        self._log("  By the plugin: {} (type={})".format(
            plugin_name, self.__plugin_type_str(plugin_type)))

        self._log("  Environment: " + " ".join(run_envp))
    def __init__(self, version: str, plugin_options: tuple, **kwargs):
        """The constructor of the IO plugin.

        Other variables you can currently use as arguments are:
            user_env: tuple
            settings: tuple
            user_info: tuple

        For their detailed description, see the open() call of the C plugin API
        in the sudo manual ("man sudo").
        if not version.startswith("1."):
            raise sudo.SudoException(
                "This plugin plugin is not compatible with python plugin"
                "API version {}".format(version))

        # convert tuple of "key=value"s to dict
        plugin_options = sudo.options_as_dict(plugin_options)

        log_path = plugin_options.get("LogPath", "/tmp")
        self._open_log_file(path.join(log_path, "sudo.log"))
        self._log("", "-- Plugin STARTED --")
    def __init__(self, plugin_options, **kwargs):
        # Specify: "py_calls@info" debug option to show the call to this
        # constructor and the arguments passed in

        # Specifying "plugin@err" debug option will show this message
        # (or any more verbose level)
            sudo.DEBUG.ERROR, "My demo purpose plugin shows "
            "this ERROR level debug message")

        # Specifying "plugin@info" debug option will show this message
        # (or any more verbose level)
            sudo.DEBUG.INFO, "My demo purpose plugin shows "
            "this INFO level debug message")

        # You can also use python log system, because sudo sets its log handler
        # on the root logger.
        # Note that the level of python logging is separate than the one set in
        # sudo.conf. If using the python logger, each will have effect.
        logger = logging.getLogger()
        logger.error("Python log system shows this ERROR level debug message")
        logger.info("Python log system shows this INFO level debug message")

        # If you raise the level to info or below, the call of the debug
        # will also be logged.
        # An example output you will see in the debug log file:
        #   Dec  5 15:19:19 sudo[123040] __init__ @ /.../example_debugging.py:54 debugs:
        #   Dec  5 15:19:19 sudo[123040] My demo purpose plugin shows this ERROR level debug message

        # Specify: "c_calls@diag" debug option to show this call and its
        # arguments. If you specify info debug level instead ("c_calls@info"),
        # you will also see the python function and line from which you called
        # the 'options_as_dict' function.
        self.plugin_options = sudo.options_as_dict(plugin_options)
 def __init__(self, plugin_options, **kwargs):
     sudo.log_info("PATH before: {} (should be empty)".format(sys.path))
     sys.path = [sudo.options_as_dict(plugin_options).get("Path")]
     sudo.log_info("PATH set: {}".format(sys.path))
 def _log_file_path(self):
     options_dict = sudo.options_as_dict(self.plugin_options)
     log_path = options_dict.get("LogPath", "/tmp")
     return path.join(log_path, "sudo_reasons.txt")
 def __init__(self, plugin_options, **kwargs):
     id = sudo.options_as_dict(plugin_options).get("Id", "")
     super().__init__(plugin_options=plugin_options, **kwargs)
     self._id = "(APPROVAL {})".format(id)
     sudo.log_info("{} Constructed:".format(self._id))
     sudo.log_info(json.dumps(self.__dict__, indent=4))