        return _ParamAttr(self.name, '!=', other)

class _StringParamAttrWrapper(_ComparisonParamAttrWrapper):
    def like(self, other):
        return _ParamAttr(self.name, 'like', other)

class _NumberParamAttrWrapper(_ComparisonParamAttrWrapper):

# The walker is what traverses the attribute tree and converts it to a format
# that is understood by the server we are querying. The HEK walker builds up
# a dictionary of GET parameters to be sent to the server.
walker = attr.AttrWalker()

# pylint: disable=E0102,C0103,W0613
def _a(wlk, root, state, dct):
    dct['type'] = 'contains'
    if not Contains in state:
        state[Contains] = 1
    nid = state[Contains]
    n = 0
    for n, type_ in enumerate(root.types):
        dct['event_type%d' % (nid + n)] = type_
    state[Contains] += n
    return dct
            ret += '\n\n'

        return ret

Construct a simple AttrWalker to split up searches into blocks of attrs being
'anded' with AttrAnd.

This pipeline only understands AttrAnd and AttrOr, Fido.search passes in an
AttrAnd object of all the query parameters, if an AttrOr is encountered the
query is split into the component parts of the OR, which at somepoint will end
up being an AttrAnd object, at which point it is passed into
query_walker = attr.AttrWalker()

def _create_and(walker, query, factory):
    is_time = any([isinstance(x, a.Time) for x in query.attrs])
    if not is_time:
        error = "The following part of the query did not have a time specified:\n"
        for at in query.attrs:
            error += str(at) + ', '
        raise ValueError(error)

    # Return the response and the client
    return [factory._make_query_to_client(*query.attrs)]

        return isinstance(other, _ComparisonParamAttrWrapper)

class _StringParamAttrWrapper(_ComparisonParamAttrWrapper):
    def like(self, other):
        return _ParamAttr(self.name, 'like', other)

class _NumberParamAttrWrapper(_ComparisonParamAttrWrapper):

# The walker is what traverses the attribute tree and converts it to a format
# that is understood by the server we are querying. The HEK walker builds up
# a dictionary of GET parameters to be sent to the server.
walker = _attr.AttrWalker()

def _a(wlk, root, state, dct):
    dct['type'] = 'contains'
    if Contains not in state:
        state[Contains] = 1

    nid = state[Contains]
    n = 0
    for n, type_ in enumerate(root.types):
        dct[f'event_type{nid + n:d}'] = type_
    state[Contains] += n
    return dct
def walker():
    return attr.AttrWalker()