    def from_url(cls, url):
        """ Return object read from URL.

        url : str
            URL to retrieve the data from
        path = download_file(url, get_and_create_download_dir())
        return cls.read(path)
文件: create.py 项目: yudhik11/sunpy
    def from_url(cls, url):
        """ Return object read from URL.

        url : str
            URL to retrieve the data from
        path = download_file(url, get_and_create_download_dir())
        return cls.read(path)
 def from_url(cls, url):
     """ Return object read from URL.
     url : str
         URL to retrieve the data from
     default_dir = sunpy.config.get("downloads", "download_dir")
     path = download_file(url, default_dir)
     return cls.read(path)
def download(urls, directory):
    """ Download files from urls into directory.

    urls : list of str
        urls of the files to retrieve
    directory : str
        directory to save them in
    return [download_file(url, directory) for url in urls]
文件: callisto.py 项目: rhewett/sunpy
def download(urls, directory):
    """ Download files from urls into directory.
    urls : list of str
        urls of the files to retrieve
    directory : str
        directory to save them in
    return [download_file(url, directory) for url in urls]
    def from_url(cls, url):
        """ Return object read from URL.

        url : str
            URL to retrieve the data from
        default_dir = config.get("downloads", "download_dir")
        path = download_file(url, default_dir)
        return cls.read(path)
    def _parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Parses an args list for data-header pairs.  args can contain any
        mixture of the following entries:
        * tuples of data,header
        * data, header not in a tuple
        * data, wcs object in a tuple
        * data, wcs object not in a tuple
        * filename, which will be read
        * directory, from which all files will be read
        * glob, from which all files will be read
        * url, which will be downloaded and read
        * lists containing any of the above.

        self._parse_args(data, header,
                         (data, header),
                         ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],


        data_header_pairs = list()
        already_maps = list()

        # Account for nested lists of items
        args = expand_list(args)

        # For each of the arguments, handle each of the cases
        i = 0
        while i < len(args):

            arg = args[i]

            # Data-header or data-WCS pair
            if isinstance(arg, SUPPORTED_ARRAY_TYPES):
                arg_header = args[i+1]
                if isinstance(arg_header, WCS):
                    arg_header = args[i+1].to_header()

                if self._validate_meta(arg_header):
                    pair = (args[i], OrderedDict(arg_header))
                    i += 1    # an extra increment to account for the data-header pairing

            # File name
            elif (isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and
                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs += pairs

            # Directory
            elif (isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and
                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                files = [os.path.join(path, elem) for elem in os.listdir(path)]
                for afile in files:
                    data_header_pairs += self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)

            # Glob
            elif (isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and '*' in arg):
                files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(arg))
                for afile in files:
                    data_header_pairs += self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)

            # Already a Map
            elif isinstance(arg, GenericMap):

            # A URL
            elif (isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and
                url = arg
                path = download_file(url, get_and_create_download_dir())
                pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs += pairs

            # A database Entry
            elif isinstance(arg, DatabaseEntry):
                data_header_pairs += self._read_file(arg.path, **kwargs)

                raise ValueError("File not found or invalid input")

            i += 1

        # TODO:
        # In the end, if there are already maps it should be put in the same
        # order as the input, currently they are not.
        return data_header_pairs, already_maps
    def _parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Parses an args list for data-header pairs.  args can contain any mixture
        of the following entries:
        * tuples of data,header
        * data, header not in a tuple
        * filename, which will be read
        * directory, from which all files will be read
        * glob, from which all files will be read
        * url, which will be downloaded and read
        * lists containing any of the above.

        self._parse_args(data, header,
                         (data, header),
                         ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],


        data_header_pairs = list()
        already_maps = list()

        # Account for nested lists of items
        args = expand_list(args)

        # For each of the arguments, handle each of the cases
        i = 0
        while i < len(args):

            arg = args[i]

            # Data-header pair in a tuple
            if ((type(arg) in [tuple, list]) and
                 len(arg) == 2 and
                 isinstance(arg[0],np.ndarray) and

            # Data-header pair not in a tuple
            elif (isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) and
                pair = (args[i], args[i+1])
                i += 1 # an extra increment to account for the data-header pairing

            # File name
            elif (isinstance(arg,basestring) and
                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs += pairs

            # Directory
            elif (isinstance(arg,basestring) and
                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                files = [os.path.join(path, elem) for elem in os.listdir(path)]
                for afile in files:
                    data_header_pairs += self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)

            # Glob
            elif (isinstance(arg,basestring) and '*' in arg):
                files = glob.glob( os.path.expanduser(arg) )
                for afile in files:
                    data_header_pairs += self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)

            # Already a Map
            elif isinstance(arg, GenericMap):

            # A URL
            elif (isinstance(arg,basestring) and
                default_dir = sunpy.config.get("downloads", "download_dir")
                url = arg
                path = download_file(url, default_dir)
                pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs += pairs

            # A database Entry
            elif isinstance(arg, DatabaseEntry):
                data_header_pairs += self._read_file(arg.path, **kwargs)

                raise ValueError("File not found or invalid input")

            i += 1
        # In the end, if there are aleady maps it should be put in the same
        # order as the input, currently they are not.
        return data_header_pairs, already_maps
    def _parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Parses an `args` list for data-header pairs. `args` can contain any mixture of the following

        * tuples of (data, header, unit) (1)
        * data, header not in a tuple (1)
        * filename, which will be read
        * directory, from which all files will be read
        * glob, from which all files will be read
        * url, which will be downloaded and read
        * lists containing any of the above.

        (1) header/unit are optional and in either order, but data should be the first entry in each group.

        self._parse_args(data, header,
                         (data, header),
                         ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],
        data_header_unit_tuples = list()
        data_header_pairs = list()
        already_timeseries = list()
        filepaths = list()

        # Account for nested lists of items. Simply outputs a single list of
        # items, nested lists are expanded to element level.
        args = expand_list(args)

        # For each of the arguments, handle each of the cases
        i = 0
        while i < len(args):
            arg = args[i]

            # Data-header pair in a tuple
            if (isinstance(arg, (np.ndarray, Table, pd.DataFrame))):
                # and self._validate_meta(args[i+1])):
                # Assume a Pandas Dataframe is given
                data = arg
                units = OrderedDict()
                meta = MetaDict()

                # Convert the data argument into a Pandas DataFrame if needed.
                if isinstance(data, Table):
                    # We have an Astropy Table:
                    data, meta, units = self._from_table(data)
                elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                    # We have a numpy ndarray. We assume the first column is a dt index
                    data = pd.DataFrame(data=data[:, 1:], index=Time(data[:, 0]))

                # If there are 1 or 2 more arguments:
                for _ in range(2):
                    if (len(args) > i+1):
                        # If that next argument isn't data but is metaddata or units:
                        if not isinstance(args[i+1], (np.ndarray, Table, pd.DataFrame)):
                            if self._validate_units(args[i+1]):
                                i += 1  # an extra increment to account for the units
                            elif self._validate_meta(args[i+1]):
                                # if we have an astropy.io FITS header then convert
                                # to preserve multi-line comments
                                if isinstance(args[i+1], astropy.io.fits.header.Header):
                                    args[i+1] = MetaDict(sunpy.io.header.FileHeader(args[i+1]))
                                i += 1  # an extra increment to account for the meta

                # Add a 3-tuple for this TimeSeries.
                data_header_unit_tuples.append((data, meta, units))

            # Filepath
            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and

                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                result = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs, filepaths = _apply_result(data_header_pairs, filepaths, result)

            # Directory
            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and

                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                files = [os.path.join(path, elem) for elem in os.listdir(path)]
                for afile in files:
                    # returns a boolean telling us if it were read and either a
                    # tuple or the original filepath for reading by a source
                    result = self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)
                    data_header_pairs, filepaths = _apply_result(data_header_pairs, filepaths,

            # Glob
            elif isinstance(arg, str) and '*' in arg:

                files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(arg))
                for afile in files:
                    # returns a boolean telling us if it were read and either a
                    # tuple or the original filepath for reading by a source
                    result = self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)
                    data_header_pairs, filepaths = _apply_result(data_header_pairs, filepaths,

            # Already a TimeSeries
            elif isinstance(arg, GenericTimeSeries):

            # A URL
            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and
                url = arg
                path = download_file(url, get_and_create_download_dir())
                result = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs, filepaths = _apply_result(data_header_pairs, filepaths, result)
                raise NoMatchError("File not found or invalid input")
            i += 1

        # TODO:
        # In the end, if there are already TimeSeries it should be put in the
        # same order as the input, currently they are not.
        return data_header_unit_tuples, data_header_pairs, already_timeseries, filepaths
    def _parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Parses an args list for data-header pairs.  args can contain any
        mixture of the following entries:
        * tuples of (data, header, unit) (1)
        * data, header not in a tuple (1)
        * filename, which will be read
        * directory, from which all files will be read
        * glob, from which all files will be read
        * url, which will be downloaded and read
        * lists containing any of the above.

        (1) Note that header/unit are optional and in either order, but data
        but be the first entry in each group.

        self._parse_args(data, header,
                         (data, header),
                         ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],


        data_header_unit_tuples = list()
        data_header_pairs = list()
        already_timeseries = list()
        filepaths = list()

        # Take source kwarg if defined
        source = kwargs.get('source', None)

        # Account for nested lists of items. Simply outputs a single list of
        # items, nested lists are expanded to element level.
        args = expand_list(args)

        # For each of the arguments, handle each of the cases
        i = 0
        while i < len(args):
            arg = args[i]

            # Data-header pair in a tuple
            if (isinstance(arg, (np.ndarray, Table, pd.DataFrame))):# and self._validate_meta(args[i+1])):
                # Assume a Pandas Dataframe is given
                data = arg
                units = OrderedDict()
                meta = MetaDict()

                # Convert the data argument into a Pandas DataFrame if needed.
                if isinstance(data, Table):
                    # We have an AstroPy Table:
                    data, meta, units = self._from_table(data)
                elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                    # We have a numpy ndarray. We assume the first column is a dt index
                    data = pd.DataFrame(data=data[:,1:], index=Time(data[:,0]))

                # If there are 1 or 2 more arguments:
                for _ in range(2):
                    if (len(args) > i+1):
                        # If that next argument isn't data but is metaddata or units:
                        if not isinstance(args[i+1], (np.ndarray, Table, pd.DataFrame)):
                            if self._validate_units(args[i+1]):
                                i += 1  # an extra increment to account for the units
                            elif self._validate_meta(args[i+1]):
                                # if we have an astropy.io FITS header then convert
                                # to preserve multi-line comments
                                if isinstance(args[i+1], astropy.io.fits.header.Header):
                                    args[i+1] = MetaDict(sunpy.io.header.FileHeader(args[i+1]))
                                i += 1  # an extra increment to account for the meta

                # Add a 3-tuple for this TimeSeries.
                data_header_unit_tuples.append((data, meta, units))

            # Filepath
            elif (isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and

                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)

                read, result = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)

                if read:

            # Directory
            elif (isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and

                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                files = [os.path.join(path, elem) for elem in os.listdir(path)]
                for afile in files:
                    # returns a boolean telling us if it were read and either a
                    # tuple or the original filepath for reading by a source
                    read, result = self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)
                    if read:

            # Glob
            elif (isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and '*' in arg):

                files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(arg))

                for afile in files:
                    # data_header_unit_tuples += self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)
                    # returns a boolean telling us if it were read and either a
                    # tuple or the original filepath for reading by a source
                    read, result = self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)
                    if read:

            # Already a TimeSeries
            elif isinstance(arg, GenericTimeSeries):

            # A URL
            elif (isinstance(arg,six.string_types) and
                default_dir = sunpy.config.get("downloads", "download_dir")
                url = arg
                path = download_file(url, default_dir)
                pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                #data_header_pairs += pairs

                #raise ValueError("File not found or invalid input")
                raise NoMatchError("File not found or invalid input")
            i += 1

        # TODO:
        # In the end, if there are already TimeSeries it should be put in the
        # same order as the input, currently they are not.
        return data_header_unit_tuples, data_header_pairs, already_timeseries, filepaths
    def _parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Parses an args list for data-header pairs.  args can contain any mixture
        of the following entries:
        * tuples of data,header
        * data, header not in a tuple
        * filename, which will be read
        * directory, from which all files will be read
        * glob, from which all files will be read
        * url, which will be downloaded and read
        * lists containing any of the above.

        self._parse_args(data, header,
                         (data, header),
                         ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],


        data_header_pairs = list()
        already_maps = list()

        # Account for nested lists of items
        args = expand_list(args)

        # For each of the arguments, handle each of the cases
        i = 0
        while i < len(args):

            arg = args[i]

            # Data-header pair in a tuple
            if ((type(arg) in [tuple, list]) and len(arg) == 2
                    and isinstance(arg[0], np.ndarray)
                    and isinstance(arg[1], dict)):

            # Data-header pair not in a tuple
            elif (isinstance(arg, np.ndarray)
                  and isinstance(args[i + 1], dict)):
                pair = (args[i], args[i + 1])
                i += 1  # an extra increment to account for the data-header pairing

            # File name
            elif (isinstance(arg, basestring)
                  and os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(arg))):
                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs += pairs

            # Directory
            elif (isinstance(arg, basestring)
                  and os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser(arg))):
                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                files = [os.path.join(path, elem) for elem in os.listdir(path)]
                for afile in files:
                    data_header_pairs += self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)

            # Glob
            elif (isinstance(arg, basestring) and '*' in arg):
                files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(arg))
                for afile in files:
                    data_header_pairs += self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)

            # Already a Map
            elif isinstance(arg, GenericMap):

            # A URL
            elif (isinstance(arg, basestring) and _is_url(arg)):
                default_dir = sunpy.config.get("downloads", "download_dir")
                url = arg
                path = download_file(url, default_dir)
                pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs += pairs

            # A database Entry
            elif isinstance(arg, DatabaseEntry):
                data_header_pairs += self._read_file(arg.path, **kwargs)

                raise ValueError("File not found or invalid input")

            i += 1
        # In the end, if there are aleady maps it should be put in the same
        # order as the input, currently they are not.
        return data_header_pairs, already_maps
 def _parse_url(self, request, **kwargs):
     path = download_file(request.full_url, get_and_create_download_dir())
     return self._parse_path(pathlib.Path(path), **kwargs)
    def _parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Parses an args list for data-header pairs.  args can contain any
        mixture of the following entries:
        * tuples of data,header
        * data, header not in a tuple
        * data, wcs object in a tuple
        * data, wcs object not in a tuple
        * filename, which will be read
        * directory, from which all files will be read
        * glob, from which all files will be read
        * url, which will be downloaded and read
        * lists containing any of the above.

        self._parse_args(data, header,
                         (data, header),
                         ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],


        data_header_pairs = list()
        already_maps = list()

        # Account for nested lists of items
        args = expand_list(args)

        # For each of the arguments, handle each of the cases
        i = 0
        while i < len(args):

            arg = args[i]

            # Data-header or data-WCS pair
            if isinstance(arg, SUPPORTED_ARRAY_TYPES):
                arg_header = args[i+1]
                if isinstance(arg_header, WCS):
                    arg_header = args[i+1].to_header()

                if self._validate_meta(arg_header):
                    pair = (args[i], OrderedDict(arg_header))
                    i += 1    # an extra increment to account for the data-header pairing

            # File name
            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and
                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs += pairs

            # Directory
            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and
                path = os.path.expanduser(arg)
                files = [os.path.join(path, elem) for elem in os.listdir(path)]
                for afile in files:
                    data_header_pairs += self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)

            # Glob
            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and '*' in arg):
                files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(arg))
                for afile in files:
                    data_header_pairs += self._read_file(afile, **kwargs)

            # Already a Map
            elif isinstance(arg, GenericMap):

            # A URL
            elif (isinstance(arg, str) and
                url = arg
                path = download_file(url, get_and_create_download_dir())
                pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs)
                data_header_pairs += pairs

            # A database Entry
            elif isinstance(arg, DatabaseEntry):
                data_header_pairs += self._read_file(arg.path, **kwargs)

                raise ValueError("File not found or invalid input")

            i += 1

        # TODO:
        # In the end, if there are already maps it should be put in the same
        # order as the input, currently they are not.
        return data_header_pairs, already_maps