sohoeit195 = ct.eit_color_table(195 * u.angstrom)
sohoeit284 = ct.eit_color_table(284 * u.angstrom)
sohoeit304 = ct.eit_color_table(304 * u.angstrom)

# Solar Orbiter EUI
# These are deliberately the same as AIA
solohri_euv174 = deepcopy(ct.aia_color_table(171 * u.angstrom))
solohri_euv174.name = 'SolO EUI HRI 174 angstrom'
solofsi174 = deepcopy(ct.aia_color_table(171 * u.angstrom))
solofsi174.name = 'SolO EUI FSI 174 angstrom'
solofsi304 = deepcopy(ct.aia_color_table(304 * u.angstrom))
solofsi304.name = 'SolO EUI FSI 304 angstrom'
# Lyman alpha is a modified IDL red color table
solohri_lya1216 = ct.solohri_lya1216_color_table()

goesrsuvi94 = ct.suvi_color_table(94 * u.angstrom)
goesrsuvi131 = ct.suvi_color_table(131 * u.angstrom)
goesrsuvi171 = ct.suvi_color_table(171 * u.angstrom)
goesrsuvi195 = ct.suvi_color_table(195 * u.angstrom)
goesrsuvi284 = ct.suvi_color_table(284 * u.angstrom)
goesrsuvi304 = ct.suvi_color_table(304 * u.angstrom)

# The color tables below returns one of the fundamental color tables for SOHO
# LASCO images. These are not the same as those used in SSWIDL.  This is
# because the SSWIDL color scaling for LASCO level 0.5 and 1.0 is highly
# compressed and does not display the data well.
soholasco2 = deepcopy(mplcm.get_cmap("gist_heat"))
soholasco2.name = 'SOHO LASCO C2'
soholasco3 = deepcopy(mplcm.get_cmap("bone"))
soholasco3.name = 'SOHO LASCO C3'
sdoaia131 = ct.aia_color_table(131)
sdoaia171 = ct.aia_color_table(171)
sdoaia193 = ct.aia_color_table(193)
sdoaia211 = ct.aia_color_table(211)
sdoaia304 = ct.aia_color_table(304)
sdoaia335 = ct.aia_color_table(335)
sdoaia1600 = ct.aia_color_table(1600)
sdoaia1700 = ct.aia_color_table(1700)
sdoaia4500 = ct.aia_color_table(4500)

sohoeit171 = ct.eit_color_table(171)
sohoeit195 = ct.eit_color_table(195)
sohoeit284 = ct.eit_color_table(284)
sohoeit304 = ct.eit_color_table(304)

goesrsuvi94 = ct.suvi_color_table(94)
goesrsuvi131 = ct.suvi_color_table(131)
goesrsuvi171 = ct.suvi_color_table(171)
goesrsuvi195 = ct.suvi_color_table(195)
goesrsuvi284 = ct.suvi_color_table(284)
goesrsuvi304 = ct.suvi_color_table(304)

# The color tables below returns one of the fundamental color tables for SOHO
# LASCO images. These are not the same as those used in SSWIDL.  This is
# because the SSWIDL color scaling for LASCO level 0.5 and 1.0 is highly
# compressed and does not display the data well.
soholasco2 = deepcopy(mplcm.get_cmap("gist_heat"))
soholasco2.name = 'SOHO LASCO C2'
soholasco3 = deepcopy(mplcm.get_cmap("bone"))
soholasco3.name = 'SOHO LASCO C3'