def orient(array, wcs, *extra_arrs): # This is mostly lifted from astropy's spectral cube. """ Given a 3 or 4D cube and a WCS, swap around the axes so that the axes are in the correct order: the first in Numpy notation, and the last in WCS notation. Parameters ---------- array : `~numpy.ndarray` The input 3- or 4-d array with two position dimensions and one spectral dimension. wcs : `~sunpy.wcs.WCS` The input 3- or 4-d WCS with two position dimensions and one spectral dimension. extra_arrs: one or more ndarrays, optional Extra arrays to orient, corresponding to uncertainties and errors in the data. """ if wcs.oriented: # If this wcs has already been oriented. return (array, wcs) + extra_arrs if array.ndim != 3 and array.ndim != 4: raise ValueError("Input array must be 3- or 4-dimensional") if not ((wcs.wcs.naxis == 3 and array.ndim == 3) or (wcs.wcs.naxis == 4 and array.ndim == 4 and not wcs.was_augmented) or (wcs.wcs.naxis == 4 and array.ndim == 3 and wcs.was_augmented)): raise ValueError("WCS must have the same dimensions as the array") axtypes = list(wcs.wcs.ctype) if wcs.was_augmented: array_order = select_order(axtypes[2::-1]) else: array_order = select_order(axtypes) result_array = array.transpose(array_order) wcs_order = np.array(select_order(axtypes))[::-1] result_wcs = wcs_util.reindex_wcs(wcs, wcs_order) result_wcs.was_augmented = wcs.was_augmented result_wcs.oriented = True result_extras = [arr.transpose(array_order) for arr in extra_arrs] return (result_array, result_wcs) + tuple(result_extras)
def orient(array, wcs, *extra_arrs): # This is mostly lifted from astropy's spectral cube. """ Given a 3 or 4D cube and a WCS, swap around the axes so that the axes are in the correct order: the first in Numpy notation, and the last in WCS notation. Parameters ---------- array : `~numpy.ndarray` The input 3- or 4-d array with two position dimensions and one spectral dimension. wcs : `~sunpy.wcs.WCS` The input 3- or 4-d WCS with two position dimensions and one spectral dimension. extra_arrs: one or more ndarrays, optional Extra arrays to orient, corresponding to uncertainties and errors in the data. """ if wcs.oriented: # If this wcs has already been oriented. return (array, wcs) + extra_arrs if array.ndim != 3 and array.ndim != 4: raise ValueError("Input array must be 3- or 4-dimensional") if not ((wcs.wcs.naxis == 3 and array.ndim == 3) or (wcs.wcs.naxis == 4 and array.ndim == 4 and not wcs.was_augmented) or (wcs.wcs.naxis == 4 and array.ndim == 3 and wcs.was_augmented)): raise ValueError("WCS must have the same dimensions as the array") axtypes = list(wcs.wcs.ctype) if wcs.was_augmented: array_order = select_order(axtypes[2::-1]) else: array_order = select_order(axtypes) result_array = array.transpose(array_order) wcs_order = np.array(select_order(axtypes)) result_wcs = wcs_util.reindex_wcs(wcs, wcs_order) result_wcs.was_augmented = wcs.was_augmented result_wcs.oriented = True result_extras = [arr.transpose(array_order) for arr in extra_arrs] return (result_array, result_wcs) + tuple(result_extras)
def convert_to_spectral_cube(self): """ Converts this cube into a SpectralCube. It will only work if the cube has exactly three dimensions and one of those is a spectral axis. """ if == 4: raise cu.CubeError(4, "Too many dimensions: Can only convert a " + "3D cube. Slice the cube before converting") if 'WAVE' not in self.axes_wcs.wcs.ctype: raise cu.CubeError(2, 'Spectral axis needed to create a spectrum') axis = 0 if self.axes_wcs.wcs.ctype[-1] == 'WAVE' else 1 coordaxes = [1, 2] if axis == 0 else [0, 2] # Non-spectral axes newwcs = wu.reindex_wcs(self.axes_wcs, np.arary(coordaxes)) time_or_x_size =[coordaxes[1]] y_size =[coordaxes[0]] spectra = np.empty((time_or_x_size, y_size), dtype=Spectrum) for i in range(time_or_x_size): for j in range(y_size): spectra[i][j] = self.slice_to_spectrum(i, j) return SpectralCube(spectra, newwcs, self.meta)
def slice_to_cube(self, axis, chunk, **kwargs): """ For a hypercube, return a 3-D cube that has been cut along the given axis and with data corresponding to the given chunk. Parameters ---------- axis: int The axis to cut from the hypercube chunk: int, astropy Quantity or tuple: The data to take from the axis """ if == 3: raise cu.CubeError(4, 'Can only slice a hypercube into a cube') item = [slice(None, None, None) for _ in range(4)] if isinstance(chunk, tuple): if cu.iter_isinstance(chunk, (u.Quantity, u.Quantity)): pixel0 = cu.convert_point(chunk[0].value, chunk[0].unit, self.axes_wcs, axis) pixel1 = cu.convert_point(chunk[1].value, chunk[1].unit, self.axes_wcs, axis) item[axis] = slice(pixel0, pixel1, None) elif cu.iter_isinstance((chunk, int, int)): item[axis] = slice(chunk[0], chunk[1], None) else: raise cu.CubeError(5, "Parameters must be of the same type") newdata =[item].sum(axis) else: unit = chunk.unit if isinstance(chunk, u.Quantity) else None pixel = cu.convert_point(chunk, unit, self.axes_wcs, axis) item[axis] = pixel newdata =[item] wcs_indices = [0, 1, 2, 3] wcs_indices.remove(3 - axis) newwcs = wu.reindex_wcs(self.axes_wcs, np.array(wcs_indices)) if axis == 2 or axis == 3: newwcs = wu.add_celestial_axis(newwcs) newwcs.was_augmented = True cube = Cube(newdata, newwcs, meta=self.meta, **kwargs) return cube
def convert_to_spectral_cube(self): """ Converts this cube into an EISSpectralCube. It will only work if the cube has exactly three dimensions and one of those is a spectral axis. """ if == 4: raise cu.CubeError( 4, "Too many dimensions: Can only convert a " + "3D cube. Slice the cube before converting") if 'WAVE' not in self.axes_wcs.wcs.ctype: raise cu.CubeError(2, 'Spectral axis needed to create a spectrum') axis = 0 if self.axes_wcs.wcs.ctype[-1] == 'WAVE' else 1 coordaxes = [1, 2] if axis == 0 else [0, 2] # Non-spectral axes newwcs = wu.reindex_wcs(self.axes_wcs, np.array(coordaxes)) time_or_x_size =[coordaxes[1]] y_size =[coordaxes[0]] spectra = np.empty((time_or_x_size, y_size), dtype=Spectrum) for i in range(time_or_x_size): for j in range(y_size): spectra[i][j] = self.slice_to_spectrum(j, i) return EISSpectralCube(spectra, newwcs, self.meta)