def _update(self, provider): self.provider = provider self.path = provider.get('config', {}).get('path', None) if not self.path:'No path') return [] for filename in get_sorted_files(self.path, sort_by=FileSortAttributes.created): try: filepath = os.path.join(self.path, filename) if os.path.isfile(filepath): stat = os.lstat(filepath) last_updated = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_mtime, tz=utc) if self.is_latest_content(last_updated, provider.get('last_updated')): item = self.parser.parse_file(filepath) self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=True) yield [item] else: self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=True) except ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError() as ex: logger.exception("Ingest Type: DPA - File: {0} could not be processed".format(filename)) self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=False) raise ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError(ex, provider) except ParserError as ex: self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=False) except Exception as ex: self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=False) raise ProviderError.ingestError(ex, provider)
def parse(self, file_path, provider=None): try: item = {ITEM_TYPE: CONTENT_TYPE.TEXT, 'guid': generate_guid(type=GUID_TAG), 'versioncreated': utcnow()} with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: lines = [line for line in f] # parse first header line m = re.match(b'\x01([a-zA-Z]*)([0-9]*) (.) (.) ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*)', lines[0], flags=re.I) if m: item['original_source'] ='latin-1', 'replace') item['ingest_provider_sequence'] = item['priority'] = self.map_priority( item['anpa_category'] = [{'qcode': self.map_category(}] item['word_count'] = int( inHeader = True inText = False inNote = False for line in lines[1:]: # STX starts the body of the story if line[0:1] == b'\x02': # pick the rest of the line off as the headline item['headline'] = line[1:].decode('latin-1', 'replace').rstrip('\r\n') item['body_html'] = '' inText = True inHeader = False continue # ETX denotes the end of the story if line[0:1] == b'\x03': break if inText: if line.decode('latin-1', 'replace')\ .find('The following information is not for publication') != -1 \ or line.decode('latin-1', 'replace').find( 'The following information is not intended for publication') != -1: inNote = True inText = False item['ednote'] = '' continue item['body_html'] += line.decode('latin-1', 'replace') if inNote: item['ednote'] += line.decode('latin-1', 'replace') continue if inHeader: if 'slugline' not in item: item['slugline'] = '' item['slugline'] += line.decode('latin-1', 'replace').rstrip('/\r\n') continue return item except Exception as ex: raise ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError(exception=ex, provider=provider)
class FileFeedingService(FeedingService): """ Feeding Service class which can read the configured local file system for article(s). """ NAME = 'file' ERRORS = [ ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError().get_error_description(), ParserError.nitfParserError().get_error_description(), ParserError.newsmlOneParserError().get_error_description(), ProviderError.ingestError().get_error_description(), ParserError.parseFileError().get_error_description() ] label = 'File feed' fields = [ { 'id': 'path', 'type': 'text', 'label': 'Server Folder', 'placeholder': 'path to folder', 'required': True, 'errors': {3003: 'Path not found on server.', 3004: 'Path should be directory.'} } ] def _test(self, provider): path = provider.get('config', {}).get('path', None) if not os.path.exists(path): raise IngestFileError.notExistsError() if not os.path.isdir(path): raise IngestFileError.isNotDirError() def _update(self, provider, update): # check if deprecated FILE_INGEST_OLD_CONTENT_MINUTES setting is still used if "FILE_INGEST_OLD_CONTENT_MINUTES" in app.config: deprecated_cont_min = app.config["FILE_INGEST_OLD_CONTENT_MINUTES"] cont_min = app.config[OLD_CONTENT_MINUTES] if deprecated_cont_min != cont_min: logger.warning( "'FILE_INGEST_OLD_CONTENT_MINUTES' is deprecated, please update to use {new_name!r}" .format(new_name=OLD_CONTENT_MINUTES)) app.config[OLD_CONTENT_MINUTES] = deprecated_cont_min self.provider = provider self.path = provider.get('config', {}).get('path', None) if not self.path: logger.warn('File Feeding Service {} is configured without path. Please check the configuration' .format(provider['name'])) return [] registered_parser = self.get_feed_parser(provider) for filename in get_sorted_files(self.path, sort_by=FileSortAttributes.created): try: last_updated = None file_path = os.path.join(self.path, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): last_updated = self.get_last_updated(file_path) if self.is_latest_content(last_updated, provider.get('last_updated')): if isinstance(registered_parser, XMLFeedParser): with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: xml = etree.parse(f) parser = self.get_feed_parser(provider, xml.getroot()) item = parser.parse(xml.getroot(), provider) else: parser = self.get_feed_parser(provider, file_path) item = parser.parse(file_path, provider) self.after_extracting(item, provider) if isinstance(item, list): failed = yield item else: failed = yield [item] self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=not failed) else: self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=False) except Exception as ex: if last_updated and self.is_old_content(last_updated): self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=False) raise ParserError.parseFileError('{}-{}'.format(provider['name'], self.NAME), filename, ex, provider) push_notification('ingest:update') def after_extracting(self, article, provider): """Sub-classes should override this method if something needs to be done to the given article. For example, if the article comes from DPA provider the system needs to derive dateline from the properties in the article. Invoked after parser parses the article received from the provider. :param article: dict having properties that can be saved into ingest collection :type article: dict :param provider: dict - Ingest provider details to which the current directory has been configured :type provider: dict :py:class: `` """ pass def move_file(self, file_path, filename, provider, success=True): """Move the files from the current directory to the _Processed if successful, else _Error if unsuccessful. Creates _Processed and _Error directories within current directory if they don't exist. :param file_path: str - current directory location :param filename: str - file name in the current directory to move :param provider: dict - Ingest provider details to which the current directory has been configured :param success: bool - default value is True. When True moves to _Processed directory else _Error directory. :raises IngestFileError.folderCreateError() if creation of _Processed or _Error directories fails :raises IngestFileError.fileMoveError() if failed to move the file pointed by filename """ try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(file_path, "_PROCESSED/")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(file_path, "_PROCESSED/")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(file_path, "_ERROR/")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(file_path, "_ERROR/")) except Exception as ex: raise IngestFileError.folderCreateError(ex, provider) try: if success: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(file_path, filename), os.path.join(file_path, "_PROCESSED/")) else: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(file_path, filename), os.path.join(file_path, "_ERROR/")) except Exception as ex: raise IngestFileError.fileMoveError(ex, provider) finally: os.remove(os.path.join(file_path, filename)) def get_last_updated(self, file_path): """Get last updated time for file. Using both mtime and ctime timestamps not to miss old files being copied around and recent files after changes done in place. """ stat = os.lstat(file_path) timestamp = max(stat.st_mtime, stat.st_ctime) return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=utc)
class EventFileFeedingService(FileFeedingService): """ Feeding Service class which can read the configured local file system for article(s). """ NAME = 'event_file' ERRORS = [ ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError().get_error_description(), ParserError.nitfParserError().get_error_description(), ParserError.newsmlOneParserError().get_error_description(), ProviderError.ingestError().get_error_description(), ParserError.parseFileError().get_error_description() ] label = 'Event file feed' """ Defines the collection service to be used with this ingest feeding service. """ service = 'events' fields = [{ 'id': 'path', 'type': 'text', 'label': 'Event File Server Folder', 'placeholder': 'path to folder', 'required': True, 'errors': { 3003: 'Path not found on server.', 3004: 'Path should be directory.' } }] def _update(self, provider, update): self.provider = provider self.path = provider.get('config', {}).get('path', None) if not self.path: logger.warn( 'File Feeding Service {} is configured without path. Please check the configuration' .format(provider['name'])) return [] for filename in get_sorted_files(self.path, sort_by=FileSortAttributes.created): try: last_updated = None file_path = os.path.join(self.path, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): stat = os.lstat(file_path) last_updated = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_mtime, tz=utc) if self.is_latest_content(last_updated, provider.get('last_updated')): parser = self.get_feed_parser(provider, file_path)'Ingesting events with {} parser'.format( parser.__class__.__name__)) if getattr(parser, 'parse_file'): with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: item = parser.parse_file(f, provider) else: item = parser.parse(file_path, provider) self.after_extracting(item, provider) self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=True) if isinstance(item, list): yield item else: yield [item] else: self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=True) except Exception as ex: if last_updated and self.is_old_content(last_updated): self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=False) raise ParserError.parseFileError( '{}-{}'.format(provider['name'], self.NAME), filename, ex, provider) push_notification('ingest:update')
class FileFeedingService(FeedingService): """ Feeding Service class which can read the configured local file system for article(s). """ NAME = 'file' ERRORS = [ ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError().get_error_description(), ParserError.nitfParserError().get_error_description(), ParserError.newsmlOneParserError().get_error_description(), ProviderError.ingestError().get_error_description(), ParserError.parseFileError().get_error_description() ] label = 'File Feed' fields = [{ 'id': 'path', 'type': 'text', 'label': 'Server Folder', 'placeholder': 'path to folder', 'required': True, 'errors': { 3003: 'Path not found on server.', 3004: 'Path should be directory.' } }] def _test(self, provider): path = provider.get('config', {}).get('path', None) if not os.path.exists(path): raise IngestFileError.notExistsError() if not os.path.isdir(path): raise IngestFileError.isNotDirError() def _update(self, provider, update): self.provider = provider self.path = provider.get('config', {}).get('path', None) if not self.path: logger.warn( 'File Feeding Service {} is configured without path. Please check the configuration' .format(provider['name'])) return [] registered_parser = self.get_feed_parser(provider) for filename in get_sorted_files(self.path, sort_by=FileSortAttributes.created): try: last_updated = None file_path = os.path.join(self.path, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): stat = os.lstat(file_path) last_updated = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_mtime, tz=utc) if self.is_latest_content(last_updated, provider.get('last_updated')): if isinstance(registered_parser, XMLFeedParser): with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: xml = etree.parse(f) parser = self.get_feed_parser( provider, xml.getroot()) item = parser.parse(xml.getroot(), provider) else: parser = self.get_feed_parser(provider, file_path) item = parser.parse(file_path, provider) self.after_extracting(item, provider) self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=True) if isinstance(item, list): yield item else: yield [item] else: self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=True) except Exception as ex: if last_updated and self.is_old_content(last_updated): self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=False) raise ParserError.parseFileError( '{}-{}'.format(provider['name'], self.NAME), filename, ex, provider) push_notification('ingest:update') def after_extracting(self, article, provider): """Sub-classes should override this method if something needs to be done to the given article. For example, if the article comes from DPA provider the system needs to derive dateline from the properties in the article. Invoked after parser parses the article received from the provider. :param article: dict having properties that can be saved into ingest collection :type article: dict :param provider: dict - Ingest provider details to which the current directory has been configured :type provider: dict :py:class: `` """ pass def move_file(self, file_path, filename, provider, success=True): """Move the files from the current directory to the _Processed if successful, else _Error if unsuccessful. Creates _Processed and _Error directories within current directory if they don't exist. :param file_path: str - current directory location :param filename: str - file name in the current directory to move :param provider: dict - Ingest provider details to which the current directory has been configured :param success: bool - default value is True. When True moves to _Processed directory else _Error directory. :raises IngestFileError.folderCreateError() if creation of _Processed or _Error directories fails :raises IngestFileError.fileMoveError() if failed to move the file pointed by filename """ try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(file_path, "_PROCESSED/")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(file_path, "_PROCESSED/")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(file_path, "_ERROR/")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(file_path, "_ERROR/")) except Exception as ex: raise IngestFileError.folderCreateError(ex, provider) try: if success: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(file_path, filename), os.path.join(file_path, "_PROCESSED/")) else: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(file_path, filename), os.path.join(file_path, "_ERROR/")) except Exception as ex: raise IngestFileError.fileMoveError(ex, provider) finally: os.remove(os.path.join(file_path, filename)) def is_latest_content(self, last_updated, provider_last_updated=None): """ Parse file only if it's not older than provider last update -10m """ if not provider_last_updated: provider_last_updated = utcnow() - timedelta(days=7) return provider_last_updated - timedelta(minutes=10) < last_updated def is_old_content(self, last_updated): """Test if file is old so it wouldn't probably work in is_latest_content next time. Such files can be moved to `_ERROR` folder, it wouldn't be ingested anymore. :param last_updated: file last updated datetime """ return last_updated < utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=10)
# at*. import os import logging from datetime import datetime from import FileIngestService from superdesk.utc import utc from import register_provider from superdesk.utils import get_sorted_files, FileSortAttributes from superdesk.errors import ParserError, ProviderError from import Iptc7901FileParser logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PROVIDER = 'dpa' errors = [ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError().get_error_description(), ProviderError.ingestError().get_error_description()] class DPAIngestService(FileIngestService): def __init__(self): self.parser = Iptc7901FileParser() def _update(self, provider): self.provider = provider self.path = provider.get('config', {}).get('path', None) if not self.path:'No path') return []
def parse_file(self, filename): """Parse 7901 file by given filename. :param filename """ try: item = {'type': 'preformatted'} item['guid'] = generate_guid(type=GUID_TAG) item['versioncreated'] = utcnow() with open(filename, 'rb') as f: lines = [line for line in f] # parse first header line m = re.match( b'\x01([a-zA-Z]*)([0-9]*) (.) (.) ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*)', lines[0], flags=re.I) if m: item['original_source'] = item['ingest_provider_sequence'] = item['priority'] = self.map_priority( item['anpa-category'] = { 'qcode': self.map_category( } item['word_count'] = int( inHeader = True inText = False inNote = False for line in lines[1:]: # STX starts the body of the story if line[0:1] == b'\x02': # pick the rest of the line off as the headline item['headline'] = line[1:].decode().rstrip('\r\n') item['body_html'] = '' inText = True inHeader = False continue # ETX denotes the end of the story if line[0:1] == b'\x03': break if inText: if line.decode().find( 'The following information is not for publication' ) != -1: inNote = True inText = False item['ednote'] = '' continue item['body_html'] += line.decode() if inNote: item['ednote'] += line.decode() continue if inHeader: if 'slugline' not in item: item['slugline'] = '' item['slugline'] += line.decode().rstrip('/\r\n') continue return item except Exception as ex: raise ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError(filename, ex)
def parse_content_ats(self, file_path, provider=None): try: item = { ITEM_TYPE: CONTENT_TYPE.TEXT, 'guid': generate_guid(type=GUID_TAG), 'versioncreated': utcnow() } with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: lines = [line for line in f] # parse first header line m = re.match( b'\x7f\x01([a-zA-Z]*)([0-9]*) (.) ([A-Z]{1,3}) ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*)', lines[1], flags=re.I) if m: item['original_source'] = 'latin-1', 'replace') item['ingest_provider_sequence'] = item['priority'] = self.map_priority( item['anpa_category'] = [{ 'qcode': self.map_category( }] item['word_count'] = int( inHeader = False inBody = False line_count = 0 item['headline'] = '' item['body_html'] = '' # start check each line for get information for bline in lines[1:]: line = bline.decode('latin-1', 'replace') line_count += 1 # dpa start header when line number is 3 if bline[0:1] == b'\x02': line = line[1:] inHeader = True # dpa end at especially characters if bline[0:1] == b'\x03': break if inHeader is True: # dpa end header when line end with especially characters (ex '=\r\n') end_string = self.check_mendwith( line, BelgaIPTC7901FeedParser.txt_type[2]) if end_string: if line.startswith('By '): item['byline'] = line.replace( 'By ', '').rstrip(end_string) else: item['headline'] += line.rstrip(end_string) inHeader = False # set flag inBody when header is end inBody = True else: item['headline'] += line inHeader = True continue # dpa start body when the header is end if inBody: item['body_html'] += line continue return item except Exception as ex: raise ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError(exception=ex, provider=provider)
def parse_content_dpa(self, file_path, provider=None): try: item = { ITEM_TYPE: CONTENT_TYPE.TEXT, 'guid': generate_guid(type=GUID_TAG), 'versioncreated': utcnow() } with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: lines = [line for line in f] # parse first header line m = re.match( b'([a-zA-Z]*)([0-9]*) (.) ([A-Z]{1,3}) ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*)', lines[0], flags=re.I) if m: item['original_source'] = 'latin-1', 'replace') item['ingest_provider_sequence'] = item['priority'] = self.map_priority( item['anpa_category'] = [{ 'qcode': self.map_category( }] item['word_count'] = int( inHeader = False inBody = False inNote = False line_count = 0 item['headline'] = '' item['body_html'] = '' # start check each line for get information for line in lines[1:]: line = line.decode('latin-1', 'replace') line_count += 1 # slugline is before the header if line_count < 3: if 'slugline' not in item: item['slugline'] = '' item['slugline'] += line.rstrip('/\r\n') continue # dpa start header when line number is 3 if line_count == 3: inHeader = True if inHeader is True: if str.isupper(line): if 'anpa_take_key' in item: item['anpa_take_key'] += " " + line.rstrip('\n') else: item['anpa_take_key'] = line.rstrip('\n') continue if line.startswith('(') or line.endswith(')'): if 'anpa_header' in item: item['anpa_header'] += " " + line else: item['anpa_header'] = line continue # dpa end header when line end with especially characters (ex '=\r\n') end_string = self.check_mendwith( line, BelgaIPTC7901FeedParser.txt_type[2]) if end_string: if line.startswith('By '): item['byline'] = line.replace( 'By ', '').rstrip(end_string) else: item['headline'] += line.rstrip(end_string) inHeader = False # set flag inBody when header is end inBody = True else: item['headline'] += line inHeader = True continue # dpa start body when the header is end if inBody: if line.find('The following information is not for publication') != -1 or \ line.find('The following information is not intended for publication') != -1: inNote = True inBody = False item['ednote'] = '' continue item['body_html'] += line if inNote: item['ednote'] += line continue return item except Exception as ex: raise ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError(exception=ex, provider=provider)
def parse_content_dpa(self, file_path, provider=None): try: item = { ITEM_TYPE: CONTENT_TYPE.TEXT, 'guid': generate_guid(type=GUID_TAG), 'versioncreated': utcnow() } with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: lines = list(f) # parse first header line m = re.match( b'([a-zA-Z]*)([0-9]*) (.) ([A-Z]{1,3}) ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*)', lines[0], flags=re.I) if m: qcode = item['original_source'] = 'latin-1', 'replace') item['ingest_provider_sequence'] = item['priority'] = self.map_priority( item['anpa_category'] = [{'qcode': self.map_category(qcode)}] # mapping product qcode = self.MAPPING_PRODUCTS['dpa'].get(qcode, 'NEWS/GENERAL') item.setdefault('subject', []).append({ 'name': qcode, 'qcode': qcode, 'parent': 'NEWS', 'scheme': 'services-products' }) # source is DPA credit = {"name": 'DPA', "qcode": 'DPA', "scheme": "sources"} item.setdefault('subject', []).append(credit) # Distribution is default dist = { "name": 'default', "qcode": 'default', "scheme": "distribution" } item.setdefault('subject', []).append(dist) item['word_count'] = int( inHeader = False inBody = False inNote = False line_count = 0 item['headline'] = '' item['body_html'] = '' # start check each line for get information for line in lines[1:]: line = line.decode('latin-1', 'replace') line_count += 1 # slugline is before the header if line_count < 3: if 'slugline' not in item: item['slugline'] = '' item['slugline'] += line.rstrip('/\r\n') continue # dpa start header when line number is 3 if line_count == 3: inHeader = True if inHeader is True: if str.isupper(line): if 'anpa_take_key' in item: item['anpa_take_key'] += " " + line.rstrip('\n') else: item['anpa_take_key'] = line.rstrip('\n') continue if line.startswith('(') or line.endswith(')'): if 'anpa_header' in item: item['anpa_header'] += " " + line else: item['anpa_header'] = line continue # dpa end header when line end with especially characters (ex '=\r\n') end_string = self.check_mendwith( line, self.types[BelgaIPTC7901FeedParser.txt_type][1]) if end_string: if line.startswith('By '): item['byline'] = line.replace( 'By ', '').rstrip(end_string) else: item['headline'] += line.rstrip(end_string) inHeader = False # set flag inBody when header is end inBody = True else: item['headline'] += line inHeader = True continue # dpa start body when the header is end if inBody: if line.find('The following information is not for publication') != -1 or \ line.find('The following information is not intended for publication') != -1: inNote = True inBody = False item['ednote'] = '' continue item['body_html'] += line if inNote: item['ednote'] += line continue return item except Exception as ex: raise ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError(exception=ex, provider=provider)
def parse_content_ats(self, file_path, provider=None): try: item = { ITEM_TYPE: CONTENT_TYPE.TEXT, 'guid': generate_guid(type=GUID_TAG), 'versioncreated': utcnow(), 'language': 'fr', } with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: lines = list(f) # parse first header line m = re.match( b'\x7f\x01([a-zA-Z]*)([0-9]*) (.) ([A-Z]{1,3}) ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*)', lines[1], flags=re.I) if m: qcode = item['original_source'] = 'latin-1', 'replace') item['ingest_provider_sequence'] = item['priority'] = self.map_priority( item['anpa_category'] = [{'qcode': self.map_category(qcode)}] qcode = self.MAPPING_PRODUCTS['ats'].get(qcode, 'NEWS/GENERAL') item.setdefault('subject', []).append({ 'name': qcode, 'qcode': qcode, 'parent': 'NEWS', 'scheme': 'services-products' }) item['subject'].extend([ { "name": 'ATS', "qcode": 'ATS', "scheme": "sources" }, { "name": 'default', "qcode": 'default', "scheme": "distribution" }, ]) item['word_count'] = int( content = b'\n'.join(lines[1:]).decode('latin-1', 'replace') header ='.*=', content) item['headline'] = if header else '' body ='(?s)=\s{2,}(.*)', content) if body: body = re.split(r'(?s)\s{3,}',, 1) if len(body) == 2: item['abstract'], item['body_html'] = body city ='^(\S*)', item['abstract']) if city: item.setdefault('extra', {})['city'] = else: item['body_html'] = body[0] return item except Exception as ex: raise ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError(exception=ex, provider=provider)
class EventFileFeedingService(FileFeedingService): """ Feeding Service class which can read the configured local file system for article(s). """ NAME = 'event_file' ERRORS = [ ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError().get_error_description(), ParserError.nitfParserError().get_error_description(), ParserError.newsmlOneParserError().get_error_description(), ProviderError.ingestError().get_error_description(), ParserError.parseFileError().get_error_description() ] label = 'Event File Feed' """ Defines the collection service to be used with this ingest feeding service. """ service = 'events' def _update(self, provider, update): self.provider = provider self.path = provider.get('config', {}).get('path', None) if not self.path: logger.warn( 'File Feeding Service {} is configured without path. Please check the configuration' .format(provider['name'])) return [] registered_parser = self.get_feed_parser(provider) for filename in get_sorted_files(self.path, sort_by=FileSortAttributes.created): try: last_updated = None file_path = os.path.join(self.path, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): stat = os.lstat(file_path) last_updated = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_mtime, tz=utc) if self.is_latest_content(last_updated, provider.get('last_updated')): if isinstance(registered_parser, NTBEventXMLFeedParser):'Ingesting xml events') with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: xml = ElementTree.parse(f) parser = self.get_feed_parser( provider, xml.getroot()) item = parser.parse(xml.getroot(), provider) elif isinstance(registered_parser, IcsTwoFeedParser):'Ingesting ics events') with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: cal = Calendar.from_ical( parser = self.get_feed_parser(provider, cal) item = parser.parse(cal, provider) else:'Ingesting events with unknown parser') parser = self.get_feed_parser(provider, file_path) item = parser.parse(file_path, provider) self.after_extracting(item, provider) self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=True) if isinstance(item, list): yield item else: yield [item] else: self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=True) except Exception as ex: if last_updated and self.is_old_content(last_updated): self.move_file(self.path, filename, provider=provider, success=False) raise ParserError.parseFileError( '{}-{}'.format(provider['name'], self.NAME), filename, ex, provider) push_notification('ingest:update')
def parse(self, file_path, provider=None): try: item = { ITEM_TYPE: CONTENT_TYPE.TEXT, "guid": generate_guid(type=GUID_TAG), "versioncreated": utcnow() } with open(file_path, "rb") as f: lines = [line for line in f] # parse first header line m = re.match( b"\x01([a-zA-Z]*)([0-9]*) (.) ([A-Z]{1,3}) ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*)", lines[0], flags=re.I) if m: item["original_source"] = "latin-1", "replace") item["ingest_provider_sequence"] = item["priority"] = self.map_priority( item["anpa_category"] = [{ "qcode": self.map_category( }] item["word_count"] = int( inHeader = True inText = False inNote = False for line in lines[1:]: # STX starts the body of the story if line[0:1] == b"\x02": # pick the rest of the line off as the headline item["headline"] = line[1:].decode( "latin-1", "replace").rstrip("\r\n") item["body_html"] = "" inText = True inHeader = False continue # ETX denotes the end of the story if line[0:1] == b"\x03": break if inText: if (line.decode("latin-1", "replace").find( "The following information is not for publication" ) != -1 or line.decode( "latin-1", "replace" ).find("The following information is not intended for publication" ) != -1): inNote = True inText = False item["ednote"] = "" continue item["body_html"] += line.decode("latin-1", "replace") if inNote: item["ednote"] += line.decode("latin-1", "replace") continue if inHeader: if "slugline" not in item: item["slugline"] = "" item["slugline"] += line.decode("latin-1", "replace").rstrip("/\r\n") continue return item except Exception as ex: raise ParserError.IPTC7901ParserError(exception=ex, provider=provider)