class PublishService(BaseService):
    """A service for publishing to the content api.

    Serves mainly as a proxy to the data layer.

    formatter = NINJSFormatter()
    subscriber = {'config': {}}

    def publish(self, item, subscribers=[]):
        """Publish an item to content api.

        This must be enabled via ``PUBLISH_TO_CONTENT_API`` setting.

        :param item: item to publish

        if not self._filter_item(item):
            doc = self.formatter._transform_to_ninjs(item, self.subscriber)
            now = utcnow()
            doc.setdefault('firstcreated', now)
            doc.setdefault('versioncreated', now)
            doc.setdefault(config.VERSION, item.get(config.VERSION, 1))
            doc['subscribers'] = [str(sub['_id']) for sub in subscribers]
            if 'evolvedfrom' in doc:
                parent_item = self.find_one(req=None, _id=doc['evolvedfrom'])
                if parent_item:
                    doc['ancestors'] = copy(parent_item.get('ancestors', []))
                        "Failed to find evolvedfrom item '{}' for '{}'".format(
                            doc['evolvedfrom'], doc['guid']))

            self._assign_associations(item, doc)
            logger.info('publishing %s to %s' % (doc['guid'], subscribers))
            return self._create_doc(doc)
            return None

    def create(self, docs, **kwargs):
        ids = []
        for doc in docs:
            ids.extend(self._create_doc(doc, **kwargs))
        return ids

    def _create_doc(self, doc, **kwargs):
        """Create a new item or update existing."""
        item = copy(doc)
        item.setdefault('_id', item.get('guid'))
        _id = item[config.ID_FIELD] = item.pop('guid')

        # merging the existing and new subscribers
        original = self.find_one(req=None, _id=_id)
        if original:
            item['subscribers'] = list(
                set(original.get('subscribers', []))
                | set(item.get('subscribers', [])))

        self._process_associations(item, original)
        if original:
            self.update(_id, item, original)
            return _id
            return super().create([item], **kwargs)[0]

    def _create_version_doc(self, item):
        Store the item in the item version collection
        :param item:
        version_item = copy(item)
        version_item['_id_document'] = version_item.pop('_id')
        # if the update is a cancel we need to cancel all versions
        if item.get('pubstatus', '') == 'canceled':

    def _cancel_versions(self, doc_id):
        Given an id of a document set the pubstatus to canceled for all versions
        :param doc_id:
        query = {'_id_document': doc_id}
        update = {'pubstatus': 'canceled'}
        for item in get_resource_service('items_versions').get_from_mongo(
                req=None, lookup=query):
            if item.get('pubstatus') != 'canceled':
                    item['_id'], update, item)

    def _filter_item(self, item):
        Filter the item out if it matches any API Block filter conditions
        :param item:
        :return: True of the item is blocked, False if it is OK to publish it on the API.
        # Get the API blocking Filters
        req = ParsedRequest()
        filter_conditions = list(
                req=req, lookup={'api_block': True}))

        # No API blocking filters
        if not filter_conditions:
            return False

        filter_service = get_resource_service('content_filters')
        for fc in filter_conditions:
            if filter_service.does_match(fc, item):
                logger.info('API Filter block {} matched for item {}.'.format(
                    fc, item.get(config.ID_FIELD)))
                return True

        return False

    def _assign_associations(self, item, doc):
        """Assign Associations to published item

        :param dict item: item being published
        :param dit doc: ninjs documents
        if item[ITEM_TYPE] != CONTENT_TYPE.TEXT:

        for assoc, assoc_item in (item.get('associations') or {}).items():
            if not assoc_item:

            doc.get('associations', {}).get(assoc)['subscribers'] = list(
                    assoc_item.get('subscribers') or []))

    def _process_associations(self, updates, original):
        """Update associations using existing published item and ensure that associated item subscribers
        are equal or subset of the parent subscribers.
        :param updates:
        :param original:
        if updates[ITEM_TYPE] != CONTENT_TYPE.TEXT:

        subscribers = updates.get('subscribers') or []
        for assoc, update_assoc in (updates.get('associations') or {}).items():
            if not update_assoc:

            if original:
                original_assoc = (original.get('associations')
                                  or {}).get(assoc)

                if original_assoc and original_assoc.get(
                        config.ID_FIELD) == update_assoc.get(config.ID_FIELD):
                    update_assoc['subscribers'] = list(
                        set(original_assoc.get('subscribers') or [])
                        | set(update_assoc.get('subscribers') or []))

            update_assoc['subscribers'] = list(
                set(update_assoc['subscribers']) & set(subscribers))
class NinjsFormatterTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.formatter = NINJSFormatter()
        self.maxDiff = None

    def test_text_formatter(self):
        embargo_ts = (utcnow() + timedelta(days=2))
        article = {
            'guid': 'tag:aap.com.au:20150613:12345',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'anpa_category': [{'qcode': 'a'}],
            'source': 'AAP',
            'headline': 'This is a test headline',
            'byline': 'joe',
            'slugline': 'slugline',
            'subject': [{'qcode': '02011001', 'name': 'international court or tribunal', 'parent': None},
                        {'qcode': '02011002', 'name': 'extradition'}],
            'anpa_take_key': 'take_key',
            'unique_id': '1',
            'body_html': 'The story body',
            'type': 'text',
            'word_count': '1',
            'priority': 1,
            'profile': 'snap',
            '_id': 'urn:localhost.abc',
            'state': 'published',
            'urgency': 2,
            'pubstatus': 'usable',
            'creditline': 'sample creditline',
            'keywords': ['traffic'],
            'abstract': 'sample abstract',
            'place': 'Australia',
            'embargo': embargo_ts,
            'body_footer': 'call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking',
            'company_codes': [{'name': 'YANCOAL AUSTRALIA LIMITED', 'qcode': 'YAL', 'security_exchange': 'ASX'}]
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {
            "version": "1",
            "place": "Australia",
            "pubstatus": "usable",
            "body_html": "The story body<br>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking",
            "type": "text",
            "subject": [{"code": "02011001", "name": "international court or tribunal"},
                        {"code": "02011002", "name": "extradition"}],
            "service": [{"code": "a"}],
            "headline": "This is a test headline",
            "byline": "joe",
            "_id": "urn:localhost.abc",
            "urgency": 2,
            "priority": 1,
            "embargoed": embargo_ts.isoformat(),
            "profile": "snap",
            "slugline": "slugline",
            "description_text": "sample abstract",
            'keywords': ['traffic'],
            'organisation': [{'name': 'YANCOAL AUSTRALIA LIMITED', 'rel': 'Securities Identifier',
                              'symbols': [{'ticker': 'YAL', 'exchange': 'ASX'}]}]
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(doc), expected)

    def test_picture_formatter(self):
        article = {
            '_id': '20150723001158606583',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'slugline': "AMAZING PICTURE",
            'original_source': 'AAP',
            'renditions': {
                'viewImage': {
                    'width': 640,
                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000/api/upload/55b032041d41c8d278d21b6f/raw?_schema=http',
                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                    "height": 401
                'original_source': {
                    'href': 'https://one-api.aap.com.au/api/v3/Assets/20150723001158606583/Original/download',
                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg'
            'byline': 'MICKEY MOUSE',
            'headline': 'AMAZING PICTURE',
            'versioncreated': '2015-07-23T00:15:00.000Z',
            'ednote': 'TEST ONLY',
            'type': 'picture',
            'pubstatus': 'usable',
            'source': 'AAP',
            'description': 'The most amazing picture you will ever see',
            'guid': '20150723001158606583',
            'body_footer': 'call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking'
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {
            "byline": "MICKEY MOUSE",
            "renditions": {
                "viewImage": {
                    "href": "http://localhost:5000/api/upload/55b032041d41c8d278d21b6f/raw?_schema=http",
                    "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
                    "width": 640,
                    "height": 401
                "original_source": {
                    "href": "https://one-api.aap.com.au/api/v3/Assets/20150723001158606583/Original/download",
                    "mimetype": "image/jpeg"
            "headline": "AMAZING PICTURE",
            "pubstatus": "usable",
            "version": "1",
            "versioncreated": "2015-07-23T00:15:00.000Z",
            "_id": "20150723001158606583",
                "The most amazing picture you will ever see<br>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking",
            "type": "picture",
            "priority": 5,
            "slugline": "AMAZING PICTURE",
        self.assertEqual(expected, json.loads(doc))

    def test_composite_formatter(self):
        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:05:00.116047:435c93c2-492c-4668-ab47-ae6e2b9b1c2c',
            'groups': [
                    'id': 'root',
                    'refs': [
                            'idRef': 'main'
                            'idRef': 'sidebars'
                    'role': 'grpRole:NEP'
                    'id': 'main',
                    'refs': [
                            'renditions': {},
                            'slugline': 'Boat',
                            'guid': 'tag:localhost:2015:515b895a-b336-48b2-a506-5ffaf561b916',
                            'headline': 'WA:Navy steps in with WA asylum-seeker boat',
                            'location': 'archive',
                            'type': 'text',
                            'itemClass': 'icls:text',
                            'residRef': 'tag:localhost:2015:515b895a-b336-48b2-a506-5ffaf561b916'
                    'role': 'grpRole:main'
                    'id': 'sidebars',
                    'refs': [
                            'renditions': {
                                'original_source': {
                                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg'
                                'original': {
                                    'width': 2784,
                                    'height': 4176,
                                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000\
                                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                                    'media': '55b078b21d41c8e974d17ec5'
                                'thumbnail': {
                                    'width': 80,
                                    'height': 120,
                                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000\
                                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                                    'media': '55b078b41d41c8e974d17ed3'
                                'viewImage': {
                                    'width': 426,
                                    'height': 640,
                                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000\
                                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                                    'media': '55b078b31d41c8e974d17ed1'
                                'baseImage': {
                                    'width': 933,
                                    'height': 1400,
                                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000\
                                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                                    'media': '55b078b31d41c8e974d17ecf'
                            'slugline': 'ABC SHOP CLOSURES',
                            'type': 'picture',
                            'headline': 'ABC SHOP CLOSURES',
                            'location': 'archive',
                            'itemClass': 'icls:picture',
                    'role': 'grpRole:sidebars'
            'description': '',
            'operation': 'update',
            'sign_off': 'mar',
            'type': 'composite',
            'pubstatus': 'usable',
            'version_creator': '558379451d41c83ff598a3af',
            'language': 'en',
            'guid': 'urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:05:00.116047:435c93c2-492c-4668-ab47-ae6e2b9b1c2c',
            'unique_name': '#145',
            'headline': 'WA:Navy steps in with WA asylum-seeker boat',
            'original_creator': '558379451d41c83ff598a3af',
            'source': 'AAP',
            '_etag': 'b41df79084304219524a092abf07ecba9e1bb2c5',
            'slugline': 'Boat',
            'firstcreated': '2015-07-24T05:05:00.000Z',
            'unique_id': 145,
            'versioncreated': '2015-07-24T05:05:14.000Z',
            '_updated': '2015-07-24T05:05:25.000Z',
            'family_id': 'urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:05:00.116047:435c93c2-492c-4668-ab47-ae6e2b9b1c2c',
            '_current_version': 2,
            '_created': '2015-07-24T05:05:00.000Z',
            'version': 2,

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {
            "headline": "WA:Navy steps in with WA asylum-seeker boat",
            "version": "2",
            "_id": "urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:05:00.116047:435c93c2-492c-4668-ab47-ae6e2b9b1c2c",
            "associations": {
                "main": [
                    {"_id": "tag:localhost:2015:515b895a-b336-48b2-a506-5ffaf561b916", "type": "text"}
                "sidebars": [
                        "_id": "urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:04:29.589984:af3bef9a-5002-492b-a15a-8b460e69b164",
                        "type": "picture"
            "versioncreated": "2015-07-24T05:05:14.000Z",
            "type": "composite",
            "pubstatus": "usable",
            "language": "en",
            "priority": 5,
            "slugline": "Boat",
        self.assertEqual(expected, json.loads(doc))

    def test_item_with_usable_associations(self):
        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'type': 'text',
            'associations': {
                'image': {
                    '_id': 'foo',
                    'guid': 'urn:foo',
                    'pubstatus': 'usable',
                    'headline': 'Foo',
                    'type': 'picture',
                    'task': {},
                    'copyrightholder': 'Foo ltd.',
                    'description_text': 'Foo picture',
                    'renditions': {
                        'thumbnail': {
                            'href': 'http://example.com',
                            'width': 100,
                            'height': 80,
                            'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                            'CropLeft': 0,

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        formatted = json.loads(doc)
        self.assertIn('associations', formatted)
        self.assertIn('image', formatted['associations'])
        image = formatted['associations']['image']
        self.assertEqual('foo', image['_id'])
        self.assertEqual('Foo', image['headline'])
        self.assertEqual('usable', image['pubstatus'])
        self.assertNotIn('task', image)
        self.assertEqual('Foo ltd.', image['copyrightholder'])
        self.assertEqual('Foo picture', image['description_text'])
        rendition = image['renditions']['thumbnail']
        self.assertEqual(100, rendition['width'])
        self.assertEqual(80, rendition['height'])
        self.assertEqual('image/jpeg', rendition['mimetype'])
        self.assertNotIn('CropLeft', rendition)
 def setUp(self):
     self.formatter = NINJSFormatter()
     self.maxDiff = None
class NinjsFormatterTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.formatter = NINJSFormatter()
        self.maxDiff = None

    def test_text_formatter(self):
        self.app.data.insert('vocabularies', [
                "_id": "locators",
                "display_name": "Locators",
                "type": "unmanageable",
                "unique_field": "qcode",
                "items": [
                    {"is_active": True, "name": "NSW", "qcode": "NSW", "state": "New South Wales",
                     "country": "Australia", "world_region": "Oceania", "group": "Australia"},
        embargo_ts = (utcnow() + timedelta(days=2))
        article = {
            '_id': 'tag:aap.com.au:20150613:12345',
            'guid': 'tag:aap.com.au:20150613:12345',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'anpa_category': [{'qcode': 'a'}],
            'source': 'AAP',
            'headline': 'This is a test headline',
            'byline': 'joe',
            'slugline': 'slugline',
            'subject': [{'qcode': '02011001', 'name': 'international court or tribunal', 'parent': None},
                        {'qcode': '02011002', 'name': 'extradition'}],
            'anpa_take_key': 'take_key',
            'unique_id': '1',
            'body_html': 'The story body',
            'type': 'text',
            'word_count': '1',
            'priority': 1,
            'profile': 'snap',
            'state': 'published',
            'urgency': 2,
            'pubstatus': 'usable',
            'creditline': 'sample creditline',
            'keywords': ['traffic'],
            'abstract': '<p>sample <b>abstract</b></p>',
            'place': [{'name': 'NSW', 'qcode': 'NSW'}],
            'embargo': embargo_ts,
            'body_footer': '<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>',
            'company_codes': [{'name': 'YANCOAL AUSTRALIA LIMITED', 'qcode': 'YAL', 'security_exchange': 'ASX'}],
            'genre': [{'name': 'Article', 'qcode': 'article'}],
            'flags': {'marked_for_legal': True},
            'extra': {'foo': 'test'},
            'annotations': [
                {'msg': 'test'},
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {
            "guid": "tag:aap.com.au:20150613:12345",
            "version": "1",
            "place": [{"code": "NSW", "name": "New South Wales"}],
            "pubstatus": "usable",
            "body_html": "The story body<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>",
            "type": "text",
            "subject": [{"code": "02011001", "name": "international court or tribunal"},
                        {"code": "02011002", "name": "extradition"}],
            "service": [{"code": "a"}],
            "source": "AAP",
            "headline": "This is a test headline",
            "byline": "joe",
            "urgency": 2,
            "priority": 1,
            "embargoed": embargo_ts.isoformat(),
            "profile": "snap",
            "slugline": "slugline",
            "description_text": "sample abstract",
            "description_html": "<p>sample <b>abstract</b></p>",
            'keywords': ['traffic'],
            'organisation': [{'name': 'YANCOAL AUSTRALIA LIMITED', 'rel': 'Securities Identifier',
                              'symbols': [{'ticker': 'YAL', 'exchange': 'ASX'}]}],
            'genre': [{'name': 'Article', 'code': 'article'}],
            'signal': [{'name': 'Content Warning', 'code': 'cwarn', 'scheme': 'http://cv.iptc.org/newscodes/signal/'}],
            'extra': {'foo': 'test'},
            'charcount': 67,
            'wordcount': 13,
            'readtime': 0,
            'annotations': article['annotations'],
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(doc), expected)

    def test_picture_formatter(self):
        article = {
            'guid': '20150723001158606583',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'slugline': "AMAZING PICTURE",
            'original_source': 'AAP',
            'renditions': {
                'viewImage': {
                    'width': 640,
                    'href': 'http://*****:*****@smith_john",
                "instagram": "john_s",
                "picture_url": "http://example.com",
                "_id": "test_id_2",
                "username": "******",
                "display_name": "author 2",
                "is_author": True,
                "job_title": "reporter_code",
                "biography": "bio 2",

        self.app.data.insert('vocabularies', [
                "_id": "job_titles",
                "display_name": "Job Titles",
                "type": "manageable",
                "unique_field": "qcode",
                "items": [
                        "is_active": True,
                        "name": "Writer",
                        "qcode": "writer_code"
                        "is_active": True,
                        "name": "Reporter",
                        "qcode": "reporter_code"
                "schema": {
                    "name": {
                    "qcode": {

        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'guid': 'urn:bar',
            'type': 'text',
            'authors': [
                    '_id': [
                    'role': 'writer',
                    'name': 'Writer',
                    'parent': 'test_id',
                    'sub_label': 'author 1',
                    '_id': [
                    'role': 'photographer',
                    'name': 'photographer',
                    'parent': 'test_id_2',
                    'sub_label': 'author 2',


        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        expected = [
                'name': 'author 1',
                'role': 'writer',
                'jobtitle': {
                    'qcode': 'writer_code',
                    'name': 'Writer'
                'biography': 'bio 1',
                'facebook': 'johnsmith',
                'twitter': '@smith_john',
                'instagram': 'john_s',
                'avatar_url': 'http://example.com'
                'name': 'author 2',
                'role': 'photographer',
                'jobtitle': {
                    'qcode': 'reporter_code',
                    'name': 'Reporter'
                'biography': 'bio 2',
        self.assertEqual(data['authors'], expected)

    def test_author_missing_parent(self):
        """Test that older items with missing parent don't make the formatter crashing"""
        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'guid': 'urn:bar',
            'type': 'text',
            'authors': [
                    '_id': [
                    'role': 'writer',
                    'name': 'Writer',
                    'sub_label': 'author 1',
                    '_id': [
                    'role': 'photographer',
                    'name': 'photographer',
                    'sub_label': 'author 2',


        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        expected = {'guid': 'urn:bar',
                    'version': '1',
                    'type': 'text',
                    'priority': 5,
                    'authors': [
                            'name': 'Writer',
                            'role': 'writer',
                            'biography': '',
                            'name': 'photographer',
                            'role': 'photographer',
                            'biography': '',

        self.assertEqual(data, expected)

    def test_place(self):
        self.app.data.insert('vocabularies', [
                "_id": "locators",
                "display_name": "Locators",
                "type": "unmanageable",
                "unique_field": "qcode",
                "items": [
                    {"is_active": True, "name": "JPN", "qcode": "JPN", "state": "", "country": "Japan",
                     "world_region": "Asia", "group": "Rest Of World"},
                    {"is_active": True, "name": "SAM", "qcode": "SAM", "group": "Rest Of World"},
                    {"is_active": True, "name": "UK", "qcode": "UK", "state": "", "country": "",
                     "world_region": "Europe", "group": "Rest Of World"},
        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'guid': 'urn:bar',
            'type': 'text',
            'place': [{'name': 'JPN', 'qcode': 'JPN'}]

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data['place'], [{"code": "JPN", "name": "Japan"}])

        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'guid': 'urn:bar',
            'type': 'text',
            'place': [{'name': 'SAM', 'qcode': 'SAM'}]

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data['place'], [{"code": "SAM", "name": "Rest Of World"}])

        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'guid': 'urn:bar',
            'type': 'text',
            'place': [{'name': 'UK', 'qcode': 'UK'}]

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data['place'], [{"code": "UK", "name": "Europe"}])

    def test_translations(self):
        """Check that fields are correctly translated"""
        article = {
            "_id": "5a68a134cc3a2d4bd6399177",
            "type": "text",
            "guid": "test",
            "genre": [
                    "name": "Education",
                    "qcode": "genre_custom:Education",
                    "translations": {
                        "name": {
                            "de": "Weiterbildung",
                            "it": "Educazione finanziaria",
                            "ja": "トレーニング用教材"
                    "scheme": "genre_custom"
            "language": "ja",
            "headline": "test",
            "body_html": "<p>test ter</p>",
            "subject": [
                    "name": "Outcome orientated solutions",
                    "parent": "subject:01000000",
                    "qcode": "subject:01000002",
                    "translations": {
                        "name": {
                            "de": "Ergebnisorientiert",
                            "it": "Orientato ai risultati ",
                            "ja": "アウトカム・オリエンティッド"
                    "scheme": "subject_custom"
                    "name": "Austria",
                    "qcode": "country_custom:1001002",
                    "translations": {
                        "name": {
                            "de": "\u00d6sterreich",
                            "it": "Austria",
                            "ja": "オーストリア"
                    "scheme": "country_custom"
                    "name": "Asia ex Japan",
                    "qcode": "region_custom:Asia ex Japan",
                    "translations": {
                        "name": {
                            "de": "Asien exkl. Japan",
                            "it": "Asia escl. Giappone",
                            "ja": "日本除くアジア"
                    "scheme": "region_custom"
                    "name": "no translations",
                    "qcode": "test",
                    "translations": None,
                    "scheme": "test"
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        ninjs = json.loads(doc)
        expected_genre = [{'code': 'genre_custom:Education',
                           'name': 'トレーニング用教材',
                           'scheme': 'genre_custom'}]
        self.assertEqual(ninjs['genre'], expected_genre)
        expected_subject = [{'code': 'subject:01000002',
                             'name': 'アウトカム・オリエンティッド',
                             'scheme': 'subject_custom'},
                            {'code': 'country_custom:1001002',
                             'name': 'オーストリア',
                             'scheme': 'country_custom'},
                            {'code': 'region_custom:Asia ex Japan',
                             'name': '日本除くアジア',
                             'scheme': 'region_custom'},
                            {'code': 'test',
                             'name': 'no translations',
                             'scheme': 'test',
        self.assertEqual(ninjs['subject'], expected_subject)

    def test_place_geonames(self):
        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'guid': 'urn:bar',
            'type': 'text',
            'place': [{
                "name": "Kobeřice",
                "code": "3073493",
                "scheme": "geonames",
                "state": "Moravskoslezský kraj",
                "country": "Česko",
                "state_code": "80",
                "country_code": "CZ",
                "location": {
                    "lat": 49.98548,
                    "lon": 18.05212,

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        ninjs = json.loads(doc)

            "name": "Kobeřice",
            "code": "3073493",
            "scheme": "geonames",
        }, ninjs['place'][0])
 def setUp(self):
     self.formatter = NINJSFormatter()
     self.maxDiff = None
class NinjsFormatterTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.formatter = NINJSFormatter()
        self.maxDiff = None

    def test_text_formatter(self):
        embargo_ts = (utcnow() + timedelta(days=2))
        article = {
            '_id': 'tag:aap.com.au:20150613:12345',
            'guid': 'tag:aap.com.au:20150613:12345',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'anpa_category': [{'qcode': 'a'}],
            'source': 'AAP',
            'headline': 'This is a test headline',
            'byline': 'joe',
            'slugline': 'slugline',
            'subject': [{'qcode': '02011001', 'name': 'international court or tribunal', 'parent': None},
                        {'qcode': '02011002', 'name': 'extradition'}],
            'anpa_take_key': 'take_key',
            'unique_id': '1',
            'body_html': 'The story body',
            'type': 'text',
            'word_count': '1',
            'priority': 1,
            'profile': 'snap',
            'state': 'published',
            'urgency': 2,
            'pubstatus': 'usable',
            'creditline': 'sample creditline',
            'keywords': ['traffic'],
            'abstract': '<p>sample <b>abstract</b></p>',
            'place': 'Australia',
            'embargo': embargo_ts,
            'body_footer': '<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>',
            'company_codes': [{'name': 'YANCOAL AUSTRALIA LIMITED', 'qcode': 'YAL', 'security_exchange': 'ASX'}]
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {
            "guid": "tag:aap.com.au:20150613:12345",
            "version": "1",
            "place": "Australia",
            "pubstatus": "usable",
            "body_html": "The story body<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>",
            "type": "text",
            "subject": [{"code": "02011001", "name": "international court or tribunal"},
                        {"code": "02011002", "name": "extradition"}],
            "service": [{"code": "a"}],
            "headline": "This is a test headline",
            "byline": "joe",
            "urgency": 2,
            "priority": 1,
            "embargoed": embargo_ts.isoformat(),
            "profile": "snap",
            "slugline": "slugline",
            "description_text": "sample abstract",
            "description_html": "<p>sample <b>abstract</b></p>",
            'keywords': ['traffic'],
            'organisation': [{'name': 'YANCOAL AUSTRALIA LIMITED', 'rel': 'Securities Identifier',
                              'symbols': [{'ticker': 'YAL', 'exchange': 'ASX'}]}]
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(doc), expected)

    def test_picture_formatter(self):
        article = {
            'guid': '20150723001158606583',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'slugline': "AMAZING PICTURE",
            'original_source': 'AAP',
            'renditions': {
                'viewImage': {
                    'width': 640,
                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000/api/upload/55b032041d41c8d278d21b6f/raw?_schema=http',
                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                    "height": 401
                'original_source': {
                    'href': 'https://one-api.aap.com.au/api/v3/Assets/20150723001158606583/Original/download',
                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg'
            'byline': 'MICKEY MOUSE',
            'headline': 'AMAZING PICTURE',
            'versioncreated': '2015-07-23T00:15:00.000Z',
            'ednote': 'TEST ONLY',
            'type': 'picture',
            'pubstatus': 'usable',
            'source': 'AAP',
            'description': 'The most amazing picture you will ever see',
            'guid': '20150723001158606583',
            'body_footer': '<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>'
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {
            "byline": "MICKEY MOUSE",
            "renditions": {
                "viewImage": {
                    "href": "http://localhost:5000/api/upload/55b032041d41c8d278d21b6f/raw?_schema=http",
                    "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
                    "width": 640,
                    "height": 401
                "original_source": {
                    "href": "https://one-api.aap.com.au/api/v3/Assets/20150723001158606583/Original/download",
                    "mimetype": "image/jpeg"
            "headline": "AMAZING PICTURE",
            "pubstatus": "usable",
            "version": "1",
            "versioncreated": "2015-07-23T00:15:00.000Z",
            "guid": "20150723001158606583",
            "The most amazing picture you will ever see<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>",
            "type": "picture",
            "priority": 5,
            "slugline": "AMAZING PICTURE",
        self.assertEqual(expected, json.loads(doc))

    def test_composite_formatter(self):
        article = {
            'guid': 'urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:05:00.116047:435c93c2-492c-4668-ab47-ae6e2b9b1c2c',
            'groups': [
                    'id': 'root',
                    'refs': [
                            'idRef': 'main'
                            'idRef': 'sidebars'
                    'role': 'grpRole:NEP'
                    'id': 'main',
                    'refs': [
                            'renditions': {},
                            'slugline': 'Boat',
                            'guid': 'tag:localhost:2015:515b895a-b336-48b2-a506-5ffaf561b916',
                            'headline': 'WA:Navy steps in with WA asylum-seeker boat',
                            'location': 'archive',
                            'type': 'text',
                            'itemClass': 'icls:text',
                            'residRef': 'tag:localhost:2015:515b895a-b336-48b2-a506-5ffaf561b916'
                    'role': 'grpRole:main'
                    'id': 'sidebars',
                    'refs': [
                            'renditions': {
                                'original_source': {
                                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg'
                                'original': {
                                    'width': 2784,
                                    'height': 4176,
                                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000\
                                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                                    'media': '55b078b21d41c8e974d17ec5'
                                'thumbnail': {
                                    'width': 80,
                                    'height': 120,
                                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000\
                                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                                    'media': '55b078b41d41c8e974d17ed3'
                                'viewImage': {
                                    'width': 426,
                                    'height': 640,
                                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000\
                                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                                    'media': '55b078b31d41c8e974d17ed1'
                                'baseImage': {
                                    'width': 933,
                                    'height': 1400,
                                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000\
                                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                                    'media': '55b078b31d41c8e974d17ecf'
                            'slugline': 'ABC SHOP CLOSURES',
                            'type': 'picture',
                            'headline': 'ABC SHOP CLOSURES',
                            'location': 'archive',
                            'itemClass': 'icls:picture',
                    'role': 'grpRole:sidebars'
            'description': '',
            'operation': 'update',
            'sign_off': 'mar',
            'type': 'composite',
            'pubstatus': 'usable',
            'version_creator': '558379451d41c83ff598a3af',
            'language': 'en',
            'guid': 'urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:05:00.116047:435c93c2-492c-4668-ab47-ae6e2b9b1c2c',
            'unique_name': '#145',
            'headline': 'WA:Navy steps in with WA asylum-seeker boat',
            'original_creator': '558379451d41c83ff598a3af',
            'source': 'AAP',
            '_etag': 'b41df79084304219524a092abf07ecba9e1bb2c5',
            'slugline': 'Boat',
            'firstcreated': '2015-07-24T05:05:00.000Z',
            'unique_id': 145,
            'versioncreated': '2015-07-24T05:05:14.000Z',
            '_updated': '2015-07-24T05:05:25.000Z',
            'family_id': 'urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:05:00.116047:435c93c2-492c-4668-ab47-ae6e2b9b1c2c',
            '_current_version': 2,
            '_created': '2015-07-24T05:05:00.000Z',
            'version': 2,

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {
            "headline": "WA:Navy steps in with WA asylum-seeker boat",
            "version": "2",
            "guid": "urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:05:00.116047:435c93c2-492c-4668-ab47-ae6e2b9b1c2c",
            "associations": {
                "main": [
                    {"guid": "tag:localhost:2015:515b895a-b336-48b2-a506-5ffaf561b916", "type": "text"}
                "sidebars": [
                        "guid": "urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:04:29.589984:af3bef9a-5002-492b-a15a-8b460e69b164",
                        "type": "picture"
            "versioncreated": "2015-07-24T05:05:14.000Z",
            "type": "composite",
            "pubstatus": "usable",
            "language": "en",
            "priority": 5,
            "slugline": "Boat",
        self.assertEqual(expected, json.loads(doc))

    def test_item_with_usable_associations(self):
        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            'guid': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'type': 'text',
            'associations': {
                'image': {
                    '_id': 'urn:foo',
                    'guid': 'urn:foo',
                    'pubstatus': 'usable',
                    'headline': 'Foo',
                    'type': 'picture',
                    'task': {},
                    'copyrightholder': 'Foo ltd.',
                    'description_text': 'Foo picture',
                    'renditions': {
                        'thumbnail': {
                            'href': 'http://example.com',
                            'width': 100,
                            'height': 80,
                            'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                            'CropLeft': 0,

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        formatted = json.loads(doc)
        self.assertIn('associations', formatted)
        self.assertIn('image', formatted['associations'])
        image = formatted['associations']['image']
        self.assertEqual('urn:foo', image['guid'])
        self.assertEqual('Foo', image['headline'])
        self.assertEqual('usable', image['pubstatus'])
        self.assertNotIn('task', image)
        self.assertEqual('Foo ltd.', image['copyrightholder'])
        self.assertEqual('Foo picture', image['description_text'])
        rendition = image['renditions']['thumbnail']
        self.assertEqual(100, rendition['width'])
        self.assertEqual(80, rendition['height'])
        self.assertEqual('image/jpeg', rendition['mimetype'])
        self.assertNotIn('CropLeft', rendition)
class PublishService(BaseService):
    """A service for publishing to the content api.

    Serves mainly as a proxy to the data layer.

    formatter = NINJSFormatter()
    subscriber = {'config': {}}

    def publish(self, item, subscribers=[]):
        """Publish an item to content api.

        This must be enabled via ``PUBLISH_TO_CONTENT_API`` setting.

        :param item: item to publish

        if not self._filter_item(item):
            doc = self.formatter._transform_to_ninjs(item, self.subscriber)
            now = utcnow()
            doc.setdefault('firstcreated', now)
            doc.setdefault('versioncreated', now)
            doc.setdefault(config.VERSION, item.get(config.VERSION, 1))
            doc['subscribers'] = [str(sub['_id']) for sub in subscribers]
            logger.info('publishing %s to %s' % (doc['guid'], subscribers))
            return self._create_doc(doc)
            return None

    def create(self, docs, **kwargs):
        ids = []
        for doc in docs:
            ids.extend(self._create_doc(doc, **kwargs))
        return ids

    def _create_doc(self, doc, **kwargs):
        """Create a new item or update existing."""
        item = copy(doc)
        item.setdefault('_id', item.get('guid'))
        _id = item[config.ID_FIELD] = item.pop('guid')

        # merging the existing and new subscribers
        original = self.find_one(req=None, _id=_id)
        if original:
            item['subscribers'] = list(set(original.get('subscribers', [])) | set(item.get('subscribers', [])))

        if original:
            self.update(_id, item, original)
            return _id
            return super().create([item], **kwargs)[0]

    def _create_version_doc(self, item):
        Store the item in the item version collection
        :param item:
        version_item = copy(item)
        version_item['_id_document'] = version_item.pop('_id')

    def _filter_item(self, item):
        Filter the item out if it matches any API Block filter conditions
        :param item:
        :return: True of the item is blocked, False if it is OK to publish it on the API.
        # Get the API blocking Filters
        req = ParsedRequest()
        filter_conditions = list(get_resource_service('content_filters').get(req=req, lookup={'api_block': True}))

        # No API blocking filters
        if not filter_conditions:
            return False

        filter_service = get_resource_service('content_filters')
        for fc in filter_conditions:
            if filter_service.does_match(fc, item):
                logger.info('API Filter block {} matched for item {}.'.format(fc, item.get(config.ID_FIELD)))
                return True

        return False
class NinjsFormatterTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.formatter = NINJSFormatter()
        self.maxDiff = None

    def test_text_formatter(self):
        self.app.data.insert('vocabularies', [
                "_id": "locators",
                "display_name": "Locators",
                "type": "unmanageable",
                "unique_field": "qcode",
                "items": [
                    {"is_active": True, "name": "NSW", "qcode": "NSW", "state": "New South Wales",
                     "country": "Australia", "world_region": "Oceania", "group": "Australia"},
        embargo_ts = (utcnow() + timedelta(days=2))
        article = {
            '_id': 'tag:aap.com.au:20150613:12345',
            'guid': 'tag:aap.com.au:20150613:12345',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'anpa_category': [{'qcode': 'a'}],
            'source': 'AAP',
            'headline': 'This is a test headline',
            'byline': 'joe',
            'slugline': 'slugline',
            'subject': [{'qcode': '02011001', 'name': 'international court or tribunal', 'parent': None},
                        {'qcode': '02011002', 'name': 'extradition'}],
            'anpa_take_key': 'take_key',
            'unique_id': '1',
            'body_html': 'The story body',
            'type': 'text',
            'word_count': '1',
            'priority': 1,
            'profile': 'snap',
            'state': 'published',
            'urgency': 2,
            'pubstatus': 'usable',
            'creditline': 'sample creditline',
            'keywords': ['traffic'],
            'abstract': '<p>sample <b>abstract</b></p>',
            'place': [{'name': 'NSW', 'qcode': 'NSW'}],
            'embargo': embargo_ts,
            'body_footer': '<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>',
            'company_codes': [{'name': 'YANCOAL AUSTRALIA LIMITED', 'qcode': 'YAL', 'security_exchange': 'ASX'}],
            'genre': [{'name': 'Article', 'qcode': 'article'}],
            'flags': {'marked_for_legal': True},
            'extra': {'foo': 'test'},
            'annotations': [
                {'msg': 'test'},
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {
            "guid": "tag:aap.com.au:20150613:12345",
            "version": "1",
            "place": [{"code": "NSW", "name": "New South Wales"}],
            "pubstatus": "usable",
            "body_html": "The story body<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>",
            "type": "text",
            "subject": [{"code": "02011001", "name": "international court or tribunal"},
                        {"code": "02011002", "name": "extradition"}],
            "service": [{"code": "a"}],
            "source": "AAP",
            "headline": "This is a test headline",
            "byline": "joe",
            "urgency": 2,
            "priority": 1,
            "embargoed": embargo_ts.isoformat(),
            "profile": "snap",
            "slugline": "slugline",
            "description_text": "sample abstract",
            "description_html": "<p>sample <b>abstract</b></p>",
            'keywords': ['traffic'],
            'organisation': [{'name': 'YANCOAL AUSTRALIA LIMITED', 'rel': 'Securities Identifier',
                              'symbols': [{'ticker': 'YAL', 'exchange': 'ASX'}]}],
            'genre': [{'name': 'Article', 'code': 'article'}],
            'signal': [{'name': 'Content Warning', 'code': 'cwarn', 'scheme': 'http://cv.iptc.org/newscodes/signal/'}],
            'extra': {'foo': 'test'},
            'charcount': 67,
            'wordcount': 13,
            'readtime': 0,
            'annotations': article['annotations'],
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(doc), expected)

    def test_picture_formatter(self):
        article = {
            'guid': '20150723001158606583',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'slugline': "AMAZING PICTURE",
            'original_source': 'AAP',
            'renditions': {
                'viewImage': {
                    'width': 640,
                    'href': 'http://localhost:5000/api/upload/55b032041d41c8d278d21b6f/raw?_schema=http',
                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg',
                    "height": 401
                'original': {
                    'href': 'https://one-api.aap.com.au/api/v3/Assets/20150723001158606583/Original/download',
                    'mimetype': 'image/jpeg'
            'byline': 'MICKEY MOUSE',
            'headline': 'AMAZING PICTURE',
            'versioncreated': '2015-07-23T00:15:00.000Z',
            'ednote': 'TEST ONLY',
            'type': 'picture',
            'pubstatus': 'usable',
            'source': 'AAP',
            'description': 'The most amazing picture you will ever see',
            'guid': '20150723001158606583',
            'body_footer': '<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>'
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {
            "byline": "MICKEY MOUSE",
            "renditions": {
                "original": {
                    "href": "https://one-api.aap.com.au/api/v3/Assets/20150723001158606583/Original/download",
                    "mimetype": "image/jpeg"
            "headline": "AMAZING PICTURE",
            "pubstatus": "usable",
            "version": "1",
            "versioncreated": "2015-07-23T00:15:00.000Z",
            "guid": "20150723001158606583",
            "The most amazing picture you will ever see<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>",
            "type": "picture",
            "priority": 5,
            "slugline": "AMAZING PICTURE",
            'ednote': 'TEST ONLY',
            'source': 'AAP',
        self.assertEqual(expected, json.loads(doc))

    def test_composite_formatter(self):
        article = {
            'guid': 'urn:newsml:localhost:2015-07-24T15:05:00.116047:435c93c2-492c-4668-ab47-ae6e2b9b1c2c',
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                            'slugline': 'Boat',
                            'guid': 'tag:localhost:2015:515b895a-b336-48b2-a506-5ffaf561b916',
                            'headline': 'WA:Navy steps in with WA asylum-seeker boat',
                            'location': 'archive',
                            'type': 'text',
                            'itemClass': 'icls:text',
                            'residRef': 'tag:localhost:2015:515b895a-b336-48b2-a506-5ffaf561b916'
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        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {
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            "priority": 5,
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        self.assertEqual(expected, json.loads(doc))

    def test_item_with_usable_associations(self):
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                    'copyrightholder': 'Foo ltd.',
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        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        formatted = json.loads(doc)
        self.assertIn('associations', formatted)
        self.assertIn('image', formatted['associations'])
        image = formatted['associations']['image']
        self.assertEqual('urn:foo', image['guid'])
        self.assertEqual('Foo', image['headline'])
        self.assertEqual('usable', image['pubstatus'])
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        self.assertEqual('Foo ltd.', image['copyrightholder'])
        self.assertEqual('Foo picture', image['description_text'])
        rendition = image['renditions']['original']
        self.assertEqual(100, rendition['width'])
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        self.assertEqual('image/jpeg', rendition['mimetype'])
        self.assertNotIn('CropLeft', rendition)

    def test_item_with_empty_associations(self):
        article = {
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            'type': 'text',
            'associations': {
                'image': None

        _, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        formatted = json.loads(doc)
        self.assertIn('associations', formatted)
        self.assertNotIn('image', formatted['associations'])

    def test_vidible_formatting(self):
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            'headline': 'This is a test headline',
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        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
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                            "href": "https://cdn-ssl.vidible.tv/2016-02/09/56ba777ce4b0b6448ed478f5_60x60.jpg"
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(doc), expected)

    def test_copyright_holder_notice(self):
        self.app.data.insert('vocabularies', [{'_id': 'rightsinfo', 'items': [
                "is_active": True,
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                "copyrightHolder": "copyright holder",
                "copyrightNotice": "copyright notice",
                "usageTerms": ""

        article = {
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        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual('copyright holder', data['copyrightholder'])
        self.assertEqual('copyright notice', data['copyrightnotice'])
        self.assertEqual('', data['usageterms'])

    def test_body_html(self):
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            'type': 'text',
            'body_html': (250 * 6 - 40) * "word "

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data['charcount'], 7300)
        self.assertEqual(data['wordcount'], 1460)
        self.assertEqual(data['readtime'], 6)

    def test_body_text(self):
        article = {
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            'type': 'text',
            'body_text': (250 * 7 - 40) * "word "

        data = self._format(article)

        self.assertEqual(data['charcount'], 8550)
        self.assertEqual(data['wordcount'], 1710)
        self.assertEqual(data['readtime'], 7)

        # check japanese
        article['language'] = 'ja'
        article['body_text'] = 5000 * 'x'
        data = self._format(article)
        self.assertEqual(data['readtime'], 8)

        article['body_text'] = 5000 * ' '
        data = self._format(article)
        self.assertEqual(data['readtime'], 0)

    def _format(self, article):
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        return json.loads(doc)

    def test_empty_amstract(self):
        article = {
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            'type': 'text',
            'abstract': ''

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data['description_html'], '')
        self.assertEqual(data['description_text'], '')

    def test_authors(self):
        self.app.data.insert('users', [
                "_id": "test_id",
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                "is_author": True,
                "job_title": "reporter_code",
                "biography": "bio 2",

        self.app.data.insert('vocabularies', [
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        article = {
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                    'parent': 'test_id',
                    'sub_label': 'author 1',
                    '_id': [
                    'role': 'photographer',
                    'name': 'photographer',
                    'parent': 'test_id_2',
                    'sub_label': 'author 2',


        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        expected = [
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            {'name': 'author 2',
             'role': 'photographer',
             'jobtitle': {'qcode': 'reporter_code',
                          'name': 'Reporter'},
             'biography': 'bio 2'}]
        self.assertEqual(data['authors'], expected)

    def test_author_missing_parent(self):
        """Test that older items with missing parent don't make the formatter crashing"""
        article = {
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            'authors': [
                    '_id': [
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                    'role': 'photographer',
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                    'sub_label': 'author 2',


        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        expected = {'guid': 'urn:bar',
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                                 'role': 'writer',
                                 'biography': ''},
                                {'name': 'photographer',
                                 'role': 'photographer',
                                 'biography': ''}]}

        self.assertEqual(data, expected)

    def test_place(self):
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                     "world_region": "Asia", "group": "Rest Of World"},
                    {"is_active": True, "name": "SAM", "qcode": "SAM", "group": "Rest Of World"},
                    {"is_active": True, "name": "UK", "qcode": "UK", "state": "", "country": "",
                     "world_region": "Europe", "group": "Rest Of World"},
        article = {
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            'guid': 'urn:bar',
            'type': 'text',
            'place': [{'name': 'JPN', 'qcode': 'JPN'}]

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data['place'], [{"code": "JPN", "name": "Japan"}])

        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
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            'type': 'text',
            'place': [{'name': 'SAM', 'qcode': 'SAM'}]

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data['place'], [{"code": "SAM", "name": "Rest Of World"}])

        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'guid': 'urn:bar',
            'type': 'text',
            'place': [{'name': 'UK', 'qcode': 'UK'}]

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data['place'], [{"code": "UK", "name": "Europe"}])

    def test_translations(self):
        """Check that fields are correctly translated"""
        article = {
            "_id": "5a68a134cc3a2d4bd6399177",
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            "genre": [
                    "name": "Education",
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                        "name": {
                            "de": "Weiterbildung",
                            "it": "Educazione finanziaria",
                            "ja": "トレーニング用教材"
                    "scheme": "genre_custom"
            "language": "ja",
            "headline": "test",
            "body_html": "<p>test ter</p>",
            "subject": [
                    "name": "Outcome orientated solutions",
                    "parent": "subject:01000000",
                    "qcode": "subject:01000002",
                    "translations": {
                        "name": {
                            "de": "Ergebnisorientiert",
                            "it": "Orientato ai risultati ",
                            "ja": "アウトカム・オリエンティッド"
                    "scheme": "subject_custom"
                    "name": "Austria",
                    "qcode": "country_custom:1001002",
                    "translations": {
                        "name": {
                            "de": "\u00d6sterreich",
                            "it": "Austria",
                            "ja": "オーストリア"
                    "scheme": "country_custom"
                    "name": "Asia ex Japan",
                    "qcode": "region_custom:Asia ex Japan",
                    "translations": {
                        "name": {
                            "de": "Asien exkl. Japan",
                            "it": "Asia escl. Giappone",
                            "ja": "日本除くアジア"
                    "scheme": "region_custom"
                    "name": "no translations",
                    "qcode": "test",
                    "translations": None,
                    "scheme": "test"
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        ninjs = json.loads(doc)
        expected_genre = [{'code': 'genre_custom:Education',
                           'name': 'トレーニング用教材',
                           'scheme': 'genre_custom'}]
        self.assertEqual(ninjs['genre'], expected_genre)
        expected_subject = [{'code': 'subject:01000002',
                             'name': 'アウトカム・オリエンティッド',
                             'scheme': 'subject_custom'},
                            {'code': 'country_custom:1001002',
                             'name': 'オーストリア',
                             'scheme': 'country_custom'},
                            {'code': 'region_custom:Asia ex Japan',
                             'name': '日本除くアジア',
                             'scheme': 'region_custom'},
                            {'code': 'test',
                             'name': 'no translations',
                             'scheme': 'test',
        self.assertEqual(ninjs['subject'], expected_subject)

    def test_place_geonames(self):
        article = {
            '_id': 'urn:bar',
            '_current_version': 1,
            'guid': 'urn:bar',
            'type': 'text',
            'place': [{
                "name": "Kobeřice",
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                "scheme": "geonames",
                "state": "Moravskoslezský kraj",
                "country": "Česko",
                "state_code": "80",
                "country_code": "CZ",
                "location": {
                    "lat": 49.98548,
                    "lon": 18.05212,

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        ninjs = json.loads(doc)

            "name": "Kobeřice",
            "code": "3073493",
            "scheme": "geonames",
        }, ninjs['place'][0])
class NinjsFormatterTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.formatter = NINJSFormatter()
        self.maxDiff = None

    def test_text_formatter(self):
                    "_id": "locators",
                    "display_name": "Locators",
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                    "items": [
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                            "name": "NSW",
                            "qcode": "NSW",
                            "state": "New South Wales",
                            "country": "Australia",
                            "world_region": "Oceania",
                            "group": "Australia",
        embargo_ts = utcnow() + timedelta(days=2)
        article = {
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            "source": "AAP",
            "headline": "This is a test headline",
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            "slugline": "slugline",
            "subject": [
                {"qcode": "02011001", "name": "international court or tribunal", "parent": None},
                {"qcode": "02011002", "name": "extradition"},
            "anpa_take_key": "take_key",
            "unique_id": "1",
            "body_html": "The story body",
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            "word_count": "1",
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            "profile": "snap",
            "state": "published",
            "urgency": 2,
            "pubstatus": "usable",
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            "keywords": ["traffic"],
            "abstract": "<p>sample <b>abstract</b></p>",
            "place": [{"name": "NSW", "qcode": "NSW"}],
            "embargo": embargo_ts,
            "body_footer": "<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>",
            "company_codes": [{"name": "YANCOAL AUSTRALIA LIMITED", "qcode": "YAL", "security_exchange": "ASX"}],
            "genre": [{"name": "Article", "qcode": "article"}],
            "flags": {"marked_for_legal": True},
            "extra": {"foo": "test"},
            "annotations": [{"msg": "test"}],
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {"name": "Test Subscriber"})[0]
        expected = {
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            "version": "1",
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            "pubstatus": "usable",
            "body_html": "The story body<p>call helpline 999 if you are planning to quit smoking</p>",
            "type": "text",
            "subject": [
                {"code": "02011001", "name": "international court or tribunal"},
                {"code": "02011002", "name": "extradition"},
            "service": [{"code": "a"}],
            "source": "AAP",
            "headline": "This is a test headline",
            "byline": "joe",
            "urgency": 2,
            "priority": 1,
            "embargoed": embargo_ts.isoformat(),
            "profile": "snap",
            "slugline": "slugline",
            "description_text": "sample abstract",
            "description_html": "<p>sample <b>abstract</b></p>",
            "keywords": ["traffic"],
            "organisation": [
                    "name": "YANCOAL AUSTRALIA LIMITED",
                    "rel": "Securities Identifier",
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            "extra": {"foo": "test"},
            "charcount": 67,
            "wordcount": 13,
            "readtime": 0,
            "annotations": article["annotations"],
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(doc), expected)

    def test_picture_formatter(self):
        article = {
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                    "_id": "test_id_2",
                    "username": "******",
                    "display_name": "author 2",
                    "is_author": True,
                    "job_title": "reporter_code",
                    "biography": "bio 2",

                    "_id": "job_titles",
                    "display_name": "Job Titles",
                    "type": "manageable",
                    "unique_field": "qcode",
                    "items": [
                        {"is_active": True, "name": "Writer", "qcode": "writer_code"},
                        {"is_active": True, "name": "Reporter", "qcode": "reporter_code"},
                    "schema": {"name": {}, "qcode": {}},

        article = {
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            "type": "text",
            "authors": [
                    "_id": ["test_id", "writer"],
                    "role": "writer",
                    "name": "Writer",
                    "parent": "test_id",
                    "sub_label": "author 1",
                    "_id": ["test_id_2", "writer"],
                    "role": "photographer",
                    "name": "photographer",
                    "parent": "test_id_2",
                    "sub_label": "author 2",

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {"name": "Test Subscriber"})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        expected = [
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                "biography": "bio 1",
                "facebook": "johnsmith",
                "twitter": "@smith_john",
                "instagram": "john_s",
                "avatar_url": "http://example.com",
                "name": "author 2",
                "role": "photographer",
                "jobtitle": {"qcode": "reporter_code", "name": "Reporter"},
                "biography": "bio 2",
        self.assertEqual(data["authors"], expected)

    def test_author_missing_parent(self):
        """Test that older items with missing parent don't make the formatter crashing"""
        article = {
            "_id": "urn:bar",
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            "guid": "urn:bar",
            "type": "text",
            "authors": [
                {"_id": ["test_id", "writer"], "role": "writer", "name": "Writer", "sub_label": "author 1"},
                    "_id": ["test_id_2", "writer"],
                    "role": "photographer",
                    "name": "photographer",
                    "sub_label": "author 2",

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {"name": "Test Subscriber"})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        expected = {
            "guid": "urn:bar",
            "version": "1",
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            "priority": 5,
            "authors": [
                {"name": "Writer", "role": "writer", "biography": ""},
                {"name": "photographer", "role": "photographer", "biography": ""},

        self.assertEqual(data, expected)

    def test_place(self):
                    "_id": "locators",
                    "display_name": "Locators",
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                    "items": [
                            "is_active": True,
                            "name": "JPN",
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                            "state": "",
                            "country": "Japan",
                            "world_region": "Asia",
                            "group": "Rest Of World",
                        {"is_active": True, "name": "SAM", "qcode": "SAM", "group": "Rest Of World"},
                            "is_active": True,
                            "name": "UK",
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                            "state": "",
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                            "world_region": "Europe",
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        article = {
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            "place": [{"name": "JPN", "qcode": "JPN"}],

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {"name": "Test Subscriber"})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data["place"], [{"code": "JPN", "name": "Japan"}])

        article = {
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            "_current_version": 1,
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            "type": "text",
            "place": [{"name": "SAM", "qcode": "SAM"}],

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {"name": "Test Subscriber"})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data["place"], [{"code": "SAM", "name": "Rest Of World"}])

        article = {
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            "_current_version": 1,
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            "type": "text",
            "place": [{"name": "UK", "qcode": "UK"}],

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {"name": "Test Subscriber"})[0]
        data = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual(data["place"], [{"code": "UK", "name": "Europe"}])

    def test_translations(self):
        """Check that fields are correctly translated"""
        article = {
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                        "name": {"de": "Weiterbildung", "it": "Educazione finanziaria", "ja": "トレーニング用教材"}
                    "scheme": "genre_custom",
            "language": "ja",
            "headline": "test",
            "body_html": "<p>test ter</p>",
            "subject": [
                    "name": "Outcome orientated solutions",
                    "parent": "subject:01000000",
                    "qcode": "subject:01000002",
                    "translations": {
                        "name": {"de": "Ergebnisorientiert", "it": "Orientato ai risultati ", "ja": "アウトカム・オリエンティッド"}
                    "scheme": "subject_custom",
                    "name": "Austria",
                    "qcode": "country_custom:1001002",
                    "translations": {"name": {"de": "\u00d6sterreich", "it": "Austria", "ja": "オーストリア"}},
                    "scheme": "country_custom",
                    "name": "Asia ex Japan",
                    "qcode": "region_custom:Asia ex Japan",
                    "translations": {"name": {"de": "Asien exkl. Japan", "it": "Asia escl. Giappone", "ja": "日本除くアジア"}},
                    "scheme": "region_custom",
                {"name": "no translations", "qcode": "test", "translations": None, "scheme": "test"},
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {"name": "Test Subscriber"})[0]
        ninjs = json.loads(doc)
        expected_genre = [{"code": "genre_custom:Education", "name": "トレーニング用教材", "scheme": "genre_custom"}]
        self.assertEqual(ninjs["genre"], expected_genre)
        expected_subject = [
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            {"code": "region_custom:Asia ex Japan", "name": "日本除くアジア", "scheme": "region_custom"},
            {"code": "test", "name": "no translations", "scheme": "test"},
        self.assertEqual(ninjs["subject"], expected_subject)

    def test_place_geonames(self):
        article = {
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                    "name": "Kobeřice",
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                    "country": "Česko",
                    "state_code": "80",
                    "country_code": "CZ",
                    "location": {"lat": 49.98548, "lon": 18.05212},

        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {"name": "Test Subscriber"})[0]
        ninjs = json.loads(doc)

        self.assertEqual({"name": "Kobeřice", "code": "3073493", "scheme": "geonames"}, ninjs["place"][0])

    def test_custom_media(self):
        """Test that custom media are put in "groups" field and not associations (SDESK-2955)"""
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        article = {
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        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {"name": "Test Subscriber"})[0]
        ninjs = json.loads(doc)
        self.assertEqual(ninjs, expected)

    def test_custom_related_items(self):
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        article = {
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                    "media": "abc",
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                    "media": "cde",
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        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {"name": "Test Subscriber"})[0]
        ninjs = json.loads(doc)
        self.assertEqual(ninjs, expected)
class NinjsFormatterTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.formatter = NINJSFormatter()

    def testTextFomatter(self):
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            'byline': 'joe',
            'slugline': 'slugline',
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                        {'qcode': '02011002', 'name': 'extradition'}],
            'anpa_take_key': 'take_key',
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            'body_html': 'The story body',
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            'urgency': 2,
            'pubstatus': 'usable',
            'creditline': 'sample creditline',
            'keywords': ['traffic'],
            'abstract': 'sample abstract',
            'place': 'Australia',
            'embargo': embargo_ts
        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = {"version": "1", "place": "Australia", "pubstatus": "usable", "body_html": "The story body",
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                    "headline": "This is a test headline", "byline": "joe", "_id": "urn:localhost.abc", "urgency": 2,
                    "priority": 1, "embargoed": embargo_ts.isoformat()}
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(doc), expected)

    def testPictureFomatter(self):
        article = {
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        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = json.loads('{"byline": "MICKEY MOUSE", \
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                "description_text": "The most amazing picture you will ever see", \
                "type": "picture", "priority": 5}')
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(doc), expected)

    def testCompositeFomatter(self):
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        seq, doc = self.formatter.format(article, {'name': 'Test Subscriber'})[0]
        expected = json.loads('{"headline": "WA:Navy steps in with WA asylum-seeker boat", \
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        "composite", "pubstatus": "usable", "language": "en", "priority": 5}')
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(doc), expected)