def next_wallpaper(self, event): """Calls the next wallpaper changer method of the running profile.""" with self.job_lock: if (self.repeating_timer is not None and self.repeating_timer.is_running): self.repeating_timer.stop() change_wallpaper_job(self.active_profile) self.repeating_timer.start() else: change_wallpaper_job(self.active_profile)
def onAlignTest(self, event): """Align test, takes alignment settings from open profile and sets a test image wp.""" # Use the settings currently written out in the fields! testimage = [os.path.join(PATH, "superpaper/resources/test.png")] if not os.path.isfile(testimage[0]): print(testimage) msg = "Test image not found in {}.".format(testimage) show_message_dialog(msg, "Error") ppi = None inches = self.tc_inches.GetLineText(0).split(";") if (inches == "") or (len(inches) < NUM_DISPLAYS): msg = "You must enter a diagonal inch value for every \ display, serparated by a semicolon ';'." show_message_dialog(msg, "Error") # print(inches) inches = [float(i) for i in inches] bezels = self.tc_bez.GetLineText(0).split(";") bezels = [float(b) for b in bezels] offsets = self.tc_offsets.GetLineText(0).split(";") offsets = [[int(i.split(",")[0]), int(i.split(",")[1])] for i in offsets] flat_offsets = [] for off in offsets: for pix in off: flat_offsets.append(pix) # print("flat_offsets= ", flat_offsets) # Use the simplified CLI profile class get_display_data() profile = CLIProfileData( testimage, ppi, inches, bezels, flat_offsets, ) change_wallpaper_job(profile)
def cli_logic(): """ CLI command parsing and enacting. Allows setting a wallpaper using Superpaper features without running the full application. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", "--setimages", nargs='*', help="""List of images to set as wallpaper, starting from the left most monitor. If a single image is given, it is spanned across all monitors.""") parser.add_argument( "-a", "--advanced", action="store_true", help="""Span an image across all displays using advanced settings. These must be configured in the graphical interface.""" ) parser.add_argument( "--perspective", help="""Select an existing perspective profile to be used with advanced spanning. Configure settings in application.""" ) parser.add_argument( "--spangroups", nargs='*', help="""Span groups to use with advanced spanning. With this you can span wallpapers on groups of displays. Syntax is: 0 12 35 4 6, i.e. separate groups by spaces. If display numbering is unclear, check in the application.""" ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--profile", help="""Start Superpaper by running an existing wallpaper profile. Name must match the one configured in the application.""" ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--offsets", nargs='*', help="""List of wallpaper offsets. Only supported by advanced span mode.""") parser.add_argument("-c", "--command", nargs='*', help="""Custom command to set the wallpaper. Substitute /path/to/image.jpg by '{image}'. Must be in quotes.""") parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Run the full application with debugging.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: sp_logging.DEBUG = True sp_logging.G_LOGGER.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Install exception handler # sys.excepthook = custom_exception_handler sp_logging.CONSOLE_HANDLER = logging.StreamHandler() sp_logging.G_LOGGER.addHandler(sp_logging.CONSOLE_HANDLER)"Input images: {}".format(args.setimages))"Input profile: {}".format(args.profile))"Input perspective: {}".format( args.perspective))"Input spangroups: {}".format( args.spangroups))"Input offsets: {}".format(args.offsets))"User defined command: {}".format( args.command))"Debugging: {}".format(args.debug)) if args.debug and len(sys.argv) == 2: tray_loop() else: if args.setimages and not args.profile: for filename in args.setimages: if filename and not os.path.isfile(filename): sp_logging.G_LOGGER.error( "Exception: One of the passed image names was not \ a file: (%s). Exiting.", filename) exit() elif args.profile and not args.setimages: if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(sp_paths.PROFILES_PATH, args.profile + ".profile")): tray_loop( profile=os.path.join(sp_paths.PROFILES_PATH, args.profile + ".profile")) else: sp_logging.G_LOGGER.error( "Exception: No profile was found by the given name: \ (%s). Exiting.", args.profile) sp_logging.G_LOGGER.error( "Valid profile names are: \ (%s)", sorted([ os.path.splitext(fname)[0] for fname in os.listdir(sp_paths.PROFILES_PATH) ])) exit() else: """Exception: You must pass either image(s) to set as \ wallpaper with '-s' or '--setimages', or a profile \ to start Superpaper with using '-p' or '--profile'. \ Exiting.""") exit() if args.perspective: refresh_display_data() if args.perspective not in wpproc.G_ACTIVE_DISPLAYSYSTEM.perspective_dict: sp_logging.G_LOGGER.error( "Exception: Valid perspective profile names are: \ %s." % list(wpproc.G_ACTIVE_DISPLAYSYSTEM.perspective_dict.keys())) exit() spangrp = None if args.spangroups: # Parse spangroups spangrp = [] for grp in args.spangroups: try: ids = [int(idx) for idx in grp] spangrp.append(sorted(list(set(ids)))) # drop duplicates except ValueError: sp_logging.G_LOGGER.error( "Exception: One of the display ids \ was not an integer: {}. Exiting.".format(grp)) exit() if args.offsets and len(args.offsets) % 2 != 0: sp_logging.G_LOGGER.error( "Exception: Number of offset pixels not even. \ If passing manual offsets, give width and height offset for each display, even if \ not actually offsetting every display. Exiting.") exit() if args.command: if len(args.command) > 1: sp_logging.G_LOGGER.error("Exception: Remember to put the \ custom command in quotes. Exiting.") exit() wpproc.G_SET_COMMAND_STRING = args.command[0] get_display_data() refresh_display_data() profile = CLIProfileData(args.setimages, args.advanced, args.perspective, spangrp, args.offsets) job_thread = change_wallpaper_job(profile, force=True) job_thread.join() return 0
def cli_logic(): """ CLI command parsing and acting. Allows setting a wallpaper using Superpaper features without running the full application. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", "--setimages", nargs='*', help="List of images to set as wallpaper, \ starting from the left most monitor. \ If a single image is given, it is spanned \ across all monitors.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--ppi", nargs='*', type=float, help="List of monitor PPIs. \ Only relevant for a spanned wallpaper.") parser.add_argument("-i", "--inches", nargs='*', type=float, help="List of monitor diagonals in inches for PPIs. \ Only relevant for a spanned wallpaper.") parser.add_argument("-b", "--bezels", nargs='*', type=float, help="List of monitor bezels in millimeters for \ bezel correction to spanned wallpapers. \ N.B. Needs either --ppi or --inches!") parser.add_argument("-o", "--offsets", nargs='*', help="List of wallpaper offsets. \ Should only be necessary with single spanned image.") parser.add_argument("-c", "--command", nargs='*', help="Custom command to set the wallpaper. \ Substitute /path/to/image.jpg by '{image}'. \ Must be in quotes.") parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Run the full application with debugging.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: sp_logging.DEBUG = True sp_logging.G_LOGGER.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Install exception handler # sys.excepthook = custom_exception_handler sp_logging.CONSOLE_HANDLER = logging.StreamHandler() sp_logging.G_LOGGER.addHandler(sp_logging.CONSOLE_HANDLER) if args.debug and len(sys.argv) == 2: tray_loop() else: if not args.setimages:"Exception: You must pass image(s) to set as \ wallpaper with '-s' or '--setimages'. Exiting.") exit() else: for filename in args.setimages: if not os.path.isfile(filename): sp_logging.G_LOGGER.error("Exception: One of the passed images was not \ a file: (%s). Exiting.", filename) exit() if args.bezels and not (args.ppi or args.inches):"The bezel correction feature needs display PPIs, \ provide these with --inches or --ppi.") if args.offsets and len(args.offsets) % 2 != 0: sp_logging.G_LOGGER.error("Exception: Number of offset pixels not even. \ If passing manual offsets, give width and height offset for each display, even if \ not actually offsetting every display. Exiting.") exit() if args.command: if len(args.command) > 1: sp_logging.G_LOGGER.error("Exception: Remember to put the \ custom command in quotes. Exiting.") exit() wpproc.G_SET_COMMAND_STRING = args.command[0] get_display_data() profile = CLIProfileData(args.setimages, args.ppi, args.inches, args.bezels, args.offsets, ) job_thread = change_wallpaper_job(profile) job_thread.join()